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We would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of several people who have helped us to complete the assignment. We would like to convey our grateful thanks to our groups member for their valuable contribution in the preparation of this assignment. Second, we would like to thank to all our colleagues in Information System Management courses for their encouragement, support and valuable inputs. We would like to express our grateful thanks to Mohd Jailani Paiman Lecturer of Management Of Information Systems Department for giving us the freedom to complete the task, give good explanation, encourage and support that we need. Her dynamic leadership is very much appreciated. Last but not least, we would like to thank the one who is above all for giving us the strength, motivation and guidance to successfully complete this assignment.



Purpose The purpose of this paper is to know The Training Management System (TMS) is productivity software which helps organization meet its employee competency needs. TMS facilitates Training Management System of organizations, with its convenient, easy-to-use, and online features allowing organizations to allocate more resources in planning and decision making than administrative work. Design/methology/approach The information of this project is based on the organization of InstitutLatihanJabatanTenagaManusia (ILJTM). Finding The project shows the Training Management System is effectively and efficiently coordinates and communicates training activities to managers and employees. Originality/ValueThe project provides the information of Training Management System activities of IS, Type of IS and hardware and software configuration that using on this project. KeywordsTraining Management System (TMS)


Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 1 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. 2 1. INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT .................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND ........................................................................................ 5 CORPORATE VISION, MISSION, OBJECTIVE, GOAL .................................................... 7 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE CHART ............................................................................. 8 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF DEPARTMENTS/DIVISIONS/UNITS ...................... 9 ROLE AND FUNCTION OF DEPARTMENTS/DIVISIONS/UNITS .................................. 9

DATA USED IN THE ORGANIZATION...................................................................................... 10 2.1 MODULE OFFERED IN IJLTM TPS SYSTEM .................................................................. 10

2.1.1 Material Module......................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.2 Inventory Module....................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.3 Resource Module ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.4 Accommodation Module............................................................................................................ 12 2.1.5 Maintenance Module.................................................................................................................. 13 2.1.6 Staff Module .............................................................................................................................. 14 2.1.7 Training Module ........................................................................................................................ 16 2.1.8. Facility module ......................................................................................................................... 17 2.1.9 Student Module .......................................................................................................................... 18 2.2 2.3 2.4 LIST OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS................................................................................... 19 TYPES OF IS ............................................................................................................................ 19 DETAILS OF SELECTED IS ................................................................................................. 21

2.4.1Transaction Processing Systems ................................................................................................. 21 2.5 2.6 2.7 INFORMATION SYSTEM BACKGROUND ....................................................................... 21 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF IS .................................................................................. 21 IS COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................... 22

2.7.1 Components of IS people, hardware, software, data, network ................................................ 22 2.8 IS ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................ 23

2.8.1 Input of Data Resources ............................................................................................................. 23 2.8.2 Processing data into Information ............................................................................................... 25 2.8.3 Output of Information Products ................................................................................................. 25


2.8.4 Storage of Data Resources ......................................................................................................... 25 2.8.5 Control of System Performance ................................................................................................. 25 2.8.6 Security and Disaster Recovery ................................................................................................. 25 3 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION ............................................................... 26 3.1 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION FOR TMS............................................................................ 26 3.2 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION FOR TMS ................................................................................. 27 4 5 INFORMATION SYSTEM PROBLEM PERFORMANCE OF IS............................................. 27 STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSES OF IS ..................................................................................... 28 5.1 STRENGTH OF INFORMATION SYSTEM .............................................................................. 28 5.2 WEAKNESSES OF INFORMATION SYSTEM ........................................................................ 29 6 OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF IS................................................................................... 30 6.1 OPPORTUNITIES OF INFORMATION SYSTEM ................................................................... 30 6.2.THREATS OF INFORMATION SYSTEM ................................................................................. 31 7 8 9 RECOMMENDATION AND ACTION PLAN.............................................................................. 31 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 33 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 34



Advanced Technology Training Centre, ADTEC) Shah Alam, was established by the Manpower Department (JTM), Ministry of Human Resources in 2000, to cater to the needs of training skilled workers. One of the 26 training institutes managed by JTM, ADTEC Shah Alam specialises in providing technical and formal training for semi-skilled and skilled workers for the nations industries.


ADTEC Shah Alams ground-breaking ceremony was officiated on October 15, 1998. The campus, which is located on a sprawling 40-acre area, was first constructed on February 22 1999. When it first opened its door in January 2001, 107 students enrolled for the Electrical/Electronics and Mechanical/Production courses. The launching ceremony was officiated by the-then Deputy Prime Minister, Y.A.B. Dato Seri Abdullah b. Ahmad Badawi on January 11, 2003.

It is currently home to 1,000 students pursuing courses in Electrical Power, Electronics, Mechatronics, Computer, Machineries, Quality Assurance, Welding, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, and Aviation Maintenance Technology. The campus has fully-equipped training facilities, administration offices, hostel, and sports facilities to meet the needs of its students. Plans are afoot to increase the intake of students to 2,000 by the 10th Malaysian Plan.


1.2 CORPORATE VISION, MISSION, OBJECTIVE, GOAL Goal i. To produce skilled manpower for the technology sector. ii. To improve the quality of skilled manpower in the industrial sector to enable them to contribute effectively to the countrys growth. iii.To create opportunities for school leavers in acquiring skills training systematically. Vision To enhance and provide industrial training by optimizing the utilization of available resources that include the latest technology and sophisticated facilities Mision To become a leading organization in developing competitive workforce, to generate information on labour market,and to provide employment services.





Improving the effectiveness and efficiency. Capabilities of the information system and characteristics . Its used system, people and its develop and also implement methodologies together determine the goal . Capture: Compiling detailed records of activities. Converting, computing and synthesizing all forms of data and information. Organizing information of the organization into useful form or report Retaining information for future reference and l Retrieval Locating and copying stored data or information for further processing or for transmission to another user.

1.5 ROLE AND FUNCTION OF DEPARTMENTS/DIVISIONS/UNITS To collect, store , organize and to distribute the information of an ILJTM Its is also responsible for designing, building and maintain an organizations information system To reduce manual manpower in office The system utilizes computer hardware and software, manual procedures, models for analysis, planning, control and decision making and a data base.


2. DATA USED IN THE ORGANIZATION 2.1 MODULE OFFERED IN IJLTM TPS SYSTEM 2.1.1 Material Module Material Module is a Stock Control equivalent business process that keeping track the movement and stock level of the consumable stock items. This module can perform the followings: Ensure no excessive stock is kept and critical stock level can be tracked, such as minimum level and reorder level. Allows to generate barcodes to verified items which can be used to update stock balance Request of consumable materials by user and approval of request by superior is done via the system. Allows adjustment of stock if there are variances between the book quantity and physical quantity. The required data must be created before using the Material module. There are eight types of table need to be created and this can be done using the Administration sub-module. The setups are UOM, Adjustment Reason, Location, Stock Item Details, Stock Balance, Category, Stock Level and Stock Year. The figure below shows the process flow of Material Module table setup.



UOM Setup

Adjustm ent Reason Setup

Location Setup

Stock Item Details

Stock Balance Setup

Category Setup

Stock Level Setup

Stock Year

Figure 1.1: Process Flow of table setup for Material Module


2.1.2 Inventory Module The purpose of Inventory Module is to request, update and manage the assets of individual Institutions. Individual departments are to keep track of their own asset information and a master copy of all assets is kept in the store. There are two types of assets categories knows as Fixed Asset (Harta Modal) and Current Asset (Inventori). Asset which is equal or above RM500 is considered as Fixed Asset and this is excluding furniture, carper, curtains, dishes and etc. Asset which is below RM500 is considered as Current Asset and this is including furniture, carpet, curtain and dishes. All staffs are allowed to access the assets but only the authorized personal is allowed to update the data into the system. Each asset has its own categories and each of the categories have their own asset types which need to be setup before using this module. The required data must be created before using Inventory module. There are two types of setup need to be created and this can be done using the Administration sub-module. The setups are Category Setup and Asset Type Setup. relationship of Inventory module. The figure below shows the setup



Category Setup

Asset Type Setup

Figure1.1: Inventory Module Table Setup


2.1.3 Resource Module The purpose of Resource Module is to enable the student, staff and public to facilitate the library facilities in the institution. Modules that can be found under the Resource are Administration, Business Rule, Circulation Maintenance, Accession, Circulation Enquiry, Journal, Merit Point, Reader Advisor, Database Statistics, Print Utility, Web Opac and Patron Maintenance. The required table structure needs to create for Resource module. The table setups are Administration and Business Rule. Resource Module. Administration Table Setup: Accession Category, Accession Status, Accession Condition, SMD, Class Range, Patron Category, Patron Status, Vendor, Location and Reservation Priority. Business Rule Table Setup: Patron Eligibility, Patron Setting, Operation Hours, Holiday and Block Student From Borrow Books. The figure below shows the setup relationship of



Business Rule

Figure 1a: Resource Module Table Setup 2.1.4 Accommodation Module

The purpose of Accommodation Module is to enable the student, staff and public to facilitate the accommodation facilities in the institution.


The main modules for Accommodation are Administration, Charges, Tenant, On-hold and Services.

The required setup modules for Accommodation are located under Administration module. The required table structure must be created using Accommodation module. The table setup shall be created under sub-modules Administration, Charges and On-Hold. The figure below shows the setup relationship of Accommodation module.

Charges Table Setup: Tenant Deposit, Room Rate, Room Monthly Rate, Late Charges and Utility Rate

On-Hold Table Setup: On-Hold Reason, On-Hold Block, On-Hold Floor and On-Hold Room





Figure1.1: Accommodation Module Table Setup 2.1.5 Maintenance Module

Maintenance module allows the users to ensure and keep track of all the assets maintenance information, such as computers hardware or software, tools, training facilities and infrastructure. These assets can be tracked and analyzed so that preventive steps can be taken in reducing downtime and maintenance costs.


Maintenance Module allow users to ensure any malfunction or faulty of all the assets can be reported , acquired necessary service , obtained approval and perform necessary services.

Beside, this Maintenance Module also allows users to record all the maintenance tasks, including maintenance cost for future review and for Preventive Maintenance Planning Purposes. Users have to setup the data required before using this Maintenance Module. There are three tables setup under this Maintenance Module:

1) Service Type Setup 2) Policy Setup 3) Category Setup

Administration Category Setup ServiceTypeSetup Policy Setup

Figure 1.1: Process Flow of Maintenance Module Table Setup

2.1.6 Staff Module

Staff module allows users to keep track of all staff related information, such as: Staff Particulars information which covers Staff Personal Information, Contact Information, Academic Information, Service Information, Working Experience, Skills, Spouse Information and Family Information.

Staff Mobility information which consists of Staff Attendance, Staff working hour, Staff working days, Ad hoc activities, Staff Transfer.


Registered Assessors and External Trainers information which covers Assessor or External Trainers Personal Information, Training Experience Information and their Academic Records Information.

Staff Development information covers activities related to staff training process which includes the Training Program Application, Rejection, Replacement as well as training eligibility criteria.

Staff External Activities which includes information about staff external activities that have carried out. Committee Profile covers the External Committee particular and their Profile information. Staff Leave covers the leave application, verification and approval process. Is also includes the leave categories, leave type and entitlement. Staff Competency Profile generates staff performance history reports which consist of Staff skill, Staff qualification and Staff training history.

Staff module requires the following data to be setup before using the module. There are sixteen types of table need to be created and this can be done using the Administration sub-module. The setups are:



Expertise Setup

Skill Category Setup

Ad Hoc Activities Reason Setup

Designation Setup

Working Hour Setup

Division Setup

Training Organiser Setup

Training Category Setup

Skill Level Setup

Transfer Reason Setup

Term Setup

Grade Type Setup

Department Setup

Unit Setup

Training Centre Setup

Holiday Setup

Figure1.1: Staff Module Table Setup Process Flow


2.1.7 Training Module

The purpose of Training Module is to enable the users to facilitate the training facilities in the institution. Modules that can be found under the Training are Administration, Assessment Registration, Certification, Course Assessment, Course Profile, Finance, Institute Profile, Learning Guide, Promotion Activities, Enrolment, Evaluation, Training Research, Scheduling, Syllabus, WIM, Company Profile, Lesson Delivery and Training Information Kiosk. The required setup modules for Training are located under Administration, Finance, Syllabus and Company modules. Application module enables the users to apply for desired (short & long term) courses offered by the ILJTM through manual and online process. It allows the user to manage the applicant application, create quotations for short-term courses for company application and generate offer letters for successful applicants. The required table structure shall be created for Training module. The required table setups are Administration (General), Administration (Academic), Finance, Syllabus and Company. The figure below shows the setup relationship of Training Module. Administration (General) Table Setup: Title, Ethnic, Religion, Marital Status, Occupation, Industry Type, Education Level, Pre-College Subject, School/Dept, Level, Country Nationality & Currency Maintenance, State, Institution Information Maintenance, Campus Maintenance, Session Enrolled Maintenance, Setup Withdrawal Reason and Seat Maintenance.

Administration (Academic) Table Setup: Special Subject Group Maintenance, Program Maintenance, Subject Assessment Maintenance and Course Year of Study Maintenance. Finance Table Setup: Bank Maintenance.

Syllabus (Administration Syllabus) Table Setup: Subject by Intake and Course, Subject by Course, Duty, Subject and Task. Company Profile (Administration) Table Setup: Head, Grade, Domain, Class, Category, Product Type, Registration Category.



Administration (General)

Administration (Academic)



Company Profile

Figure 1: Training Module Table Setup 2.1.8. Facility module

Facility module is applicable for those facilities inside the institutes, for example, laboratories, vehicles, general purpose hall, sport facilities, classroom, and etc. Facilities inside Hostel are not included in this system. There are 2 main types of facility, which are equipments and venue/infrastructure. All the facility will be setup accordingly based on the types. Not all the facility can be booked. This table setup allows users to setup the details information of the facilities within the institutes. For example: the type, code and name of the facility, the department, division and unit in charge, capacity of the facility, the facility booked by staff , student or public, the deposit have to pay for booking the facility, the room type of the facility.
Type Room Type Deposit

Code Facility

Booked By

Name Division/ Unit

Capacity Unit


Figure 1.2: Table setup for facility module.


2.1.9 Student Module

Student module allows users to ensure and keep track of the entire student related information. The required data must be created before using the Student module. There are fourteen types of table need to be created and can be performed by using the Administration sub-module. The setups are: Questionnaire Setup Manage Insurance Agent Setup Manage Insurance Package Setup Penalty Setup Discipline Setup Activity Type Setup Committee Title Setup Evaluation Type Setup Activity Fund Setup Activity Event Setup Salary Range Setup Job Level Setup Manage OJT Setup Interview Comment Setup The figure below shows the process flow of Student Module table setup.



Questionn aire Setup

Manage Insurance Package Setup

Discipline Setup

Committee Title Setup

Activity Fund Setup

Salary Range Setup

Manage OJT Company Setup

Manage Insurance Agent Setup

Penalty Setup

Activity Type Setup

Evaluation Type Setup

Activity Event Setup

Job Level Setup

Interview Comment Setup

Figure 1.1: Process Flow of Student Module Table Setup


2.2 LIST OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2.2.1 Management Information System (MIS) A combination of hardware and software used to process information automatically. MIS are used within organizations to allow many individuals to access and modify information. MIS always integrated collection of people, procedures, databases, and devices. It also can provides managers and decision makers with information to help achieve organizational goals. MIS can give the organization a competitive advantage. Providing the right information to the right people in the right format and at the right time

2.3 TYPES OF IS Information systems differ in their business needs. Also depending upon different levels in organization information systems differ. Three major information systems are 1. 2. 3. Transaction processing systems Management information systems Decision support systems

Figure 1.2 shows relation of information system to the levels of organization. The information needs are different at different organizational levels. Accordingly the information can be categorized as: strategic information, managerial information and operational information. Strategic information is the information needed by top most management for decision making. For example the trends in revenues earned by the organization are required by the top management for setting the policies of the organization. This information is not required by the lower levels in the organization. The information systems that provide these kinds of information are known as Decision Support Systems.


Figure 1.2 - Relation of information systems to levels of organization The second category of information required by the middle management is known as managerial information. The information required at this level is used for making short term decisions and plans for the organization. Information like sales analysis for the past quarter or yearly production details etc. fall under this category. Management information system (MIS) caters to such information needs of the organization. Due to its capabilities to full fill the managerial information needs of the organization, Management Information Systems have become a necessity for all big organizations. And due to its vastness, most of the big organizations have separate MIS departments to look into the related issues and proper functioning of the system. The third category of information is relating to the daily or short term information needs of the organization such as attendance records of the employees. This kind of information is required at the operational level for carrying out the day-to-day operational activities. Due to its capabilities to provide information for processing transaction of the organization, the information system is known as Transaction Processing System or Data Processing System. Some examples of information provided by such systems are processing of orders, posting of entries in bank, evaluating overdue purchaser orders etc.


2.4 DETAILS OF SELECTED IS 2.4.1Transaction Processing Systems TPS processes business transaction of the organization. Transaction can be any activity of the organization. Transactions differ from organization to organization. For example, take a railway reservation system. Booking, cancelling, etc are all transactions. Any query made to it is a transaction. However, there are some transactions, which are common to almost all organizations. Like employee new employee, maintaining their leave status, maintaining employees accounts, etc. This provides high speed and accurate processing of record keeping of basic operational processes. These include calculation, storage and retrieval. Transaction processing systems provide speed and accuracy, and can be programmed to follow routines functions of the organization. 2.5 INFORMATION SYSTEM BACKGROUND

Training Management System (TMS) is a one integrated training management system to improve efficiency human resource development on the whole organization. TMS will provide facilities to support industrial training management function and administration at all JTM Training Institution. Among TMS function was training resource management, training curriculum

planning, selection trainees, registration, assessment and akriditasi. JTM and KSM can gain operational data by real time of ILJTM by provide facilities to increase JTM-KSM strategic planning and provide facilities access progress of initiative k employee in Malaysia.


Training Management System (TMS) is develop to improve efficiency human resource development and facilitate work process in Institut Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM) and also to streamline work process at all Institut Latihan JTM; and provide information and Key Performance Indexes statistics (KPI). The Training Management System (TMS) is a productivity


system which helps organization meet its employee competency needs. TMS facilitates Training Management System of organizations, with its convenient, easy-to-use, and online features allowing organizations to allocate more resources in planning and decision making than administrative work. This is a system that helps this organization to track and manage training activities. Among other things, it is used to create training schedules, enable paperless request for training and track your training budgets, revenues and costs 2.7 IS COMPONENTS 2.7.1 Components of IS people, hardware, software, data, network 1. Training 2. Student 3. Staff 4. Material 5. Inventory 6. Maintenance 7. Resource Centre 8. Accommodation 9. Facility

People 1. End users: Student and Staff 2. IS specialists: Information System Department Systems Analyst, Database administrators, Other managerial-level positions Network specialists


Hardware Resources 1. All physical devices used in information processing 2. Machines, data media, peripherals Software Resources 1. All information processing instructions including programs and procedures 2. System software, application software and procedures


2.8.1 Input of Data Resources Data entry activities Processing of data into information Staff Category Staff Particulars Registered Assessors and External Trainers Staff Mobility Staff Development System Staff Competency Profile Staff Leave Staff External Activities Committee Profile

Hospitality Category Accommodation Management System Inventory Management System Maintenance Management System Material Management System Resource Centre Management

Facilities Management System


Training Category Application and Admission System Assessment Registration Certification System Course Assessment Courses Profile Fee Management System Institute Profile Learning Guides Promotion Activities Registration and Enrolment System Training Evaluation System Training Research Training Scheduling System Training Syllabus Written Instructional Materials Training Information Kiosk Company Profile Lesson Delivery

Student Category Extra Curricular Activities Student Activities On the Job Training Student Discipline Student Allowance Student Alumni Student Attendance Insurance Student Particulars Training Agreements Student Mobility Student Representative Council Online Voting Career Opportunity Training Credit Transfer


2.8.2 Processing data into Information calculate, compare, sort, classify, summarize Processing involves transformation process that convert input into output

2.8.3 Output of Information Products Messages, reports, forms and graphic images Output involves transferring elements that have been produced by the transformation process to their ultimate destination 2.8.4 Storage of Data Resources Data elements and databases

2.8.5 Control of System Performance Monitoring and evaluating feedback The TMS system are control by database administrator.

2.8.6 Security and Disaster Recovery Recovery requirements. The Training Management System provide Recovery policy, and strategy. Recovery technical team. Execution of recovery plans will be doing Documentation


operation and backup all the system. This team also will make loss appraisal in case any disaster happen.




Web/Application and Database Server

Quad Core Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz 2 CPU (64-bit)

Red Hack Linux Enterprise Server 10 X86

Integrated Dual Broadcom Gigabit Network Card(TOE)

Integrated ATI ES1000 with 16MB Video Memory

PERC 6/I Integrated Controller Card 8 GB DDR 2 667 Fully Buffered Memory

Network Hardware

2 x 250 G SATA Hard disk 8 x IDE Slim DVD Rom

Personal Computer

LAN Network Cable Access Point Modem Router Pentium 90MHz or higher microprocessor. VGA 640x480 or higher-resolution screen supported by Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or later, or Microsoft Windows 95 or later. 24 MB RAM for Windows 95/98, 32 MB for Windows NT.


Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later (version 4.01 Service Pack 1 or later for DHTML application developers, and 4.x for end-users of these applications). Disk space requirements: Standard Edition: typical installation 48 MB, full installation 80 MB. Professional Edition: typical installation 48 MB, full installation 80 MB. Enterprise Edition: typical installation 128 MB, full installation 147 MB. Additional components (if required): MSDN (for documentation): 67 MB, Internet Explorer 4.x: approximately 66 MB. CD-ROM (no MS-DOS support assumed).





The software that used to create Training Management System.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008

The Software that used for database storage management system.


Though information has become one of the most valuable assets of modern corporations, development of Training Management System (TMS) faces many problems. Among the most important are low productivity, a large number of failures, and an inadequate alignment of Training Management System (TMS) with business needs. The first problem, low productivity, has been recognized in the term software crisis, as indicated by the development backlog and


maintenance problems. Simply, demands for building new or improved Training Management System (TMS) have increased faster than our ability to develop them. Some reasons are, the increasing cost of software development (especially when compared to the decreasing cost of hardware), the limited supply of personnel and funding, and only moderate productivity improvements. Second, Training Management System (TMS) efforts have resulted in a large number of outright. These failures are sometimes due to economical mismatches, such as budget and schedule overruns, but surprisingly often due to poor product quality and insufficient user satisfaction. Third, from the business point of view, there has been growing criticism of the poor alignment of ISs and business .While an increasing part of organizations resources are spent on recording, searching, refining and analyzing information, the link between ISs and organizational performance and strategies has been shown to be dubious. For example, most managers and users are still facing situations where they cannot get information they need to run their units. Fourth, Training Management System (TMS) has been limitation to user to access through the system. They can only access the system within the InstitutLatihanJabatanTenagaManusia (ILJTM) and InstitutLatihan JTM area. They cannot access and get the information if they not in this place. The system should be not within the intranet access and should be in online system that can give a user accessibility to the system everywhere and anywhere. Five, For the performances, Training Management System will become slow if a lot of user login in the same time. Suddenly, the system will be hang and IS person should restart the system and reboot the system to get the system running to the normal.


5.1 STRENGTH OF INFORMATION SYSTEM Management information systems have changed the dynamics of running businesses efficiently. Decentralization is one of the biggest advantages; it allows monitoring of operations at low levels and frees up resources for departmental managers to devote time to strategic activities. Coordination of specialized projects and activities is much better and decision makers in the organization are aware of issues and problems in all


departments. Another advantage of MIS is that it minimizes information overload, which can be quite common with conventional businesses in the modern era. Information systems easily to manage, order, organize and manipulate the gigabytes and masses of information generated for various purposes. IS helps businesses optimize business processes, address information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take informed strategic decisions. However, budget allocation and monitoring issues can affect the efficacy of MIS. IS has been designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information, monitors the company's activities and operations and enhances communication and collaboration among employees. This ensures better planning for all activities and better ways to measure performance, manage resources and facilitate compliance with industry and government regulations. Control helps in forecasting, preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and vital information to employees, top management and business partners. The purpose of IS is able to generate synthesized and processed information from computerized/automated and certain manual systems. Information distribution to all levels of corporate managers, professionals and key executives becomes quite seamless with streamlined MIS. Managers are able to make quick, timely and informed decisions. Top management and board members can take strategic decisions, plan future growth and business expansion activities based on the data and information generated by MIS. 5.2 WEAKNESSES OF INFORMATION SYSTEM Depending on organization deployment, usage and extraneous factors, some weaknesses related to Management Information Systems can come to the fore. Allocation of budgets for MIS upgrades, modifications and other revisions can be quite tricky at times. If budgets are not allocated uniformly or as per immediate requirements, key functionalities might get affected and benefits might not be realized consistently. Integration issues with legacy systems can affect the quality of output and vital business intelligence reports. Lack of constant monitoring is necessary thing that effected of effectiveness. Quality of inputs into MIS needs to be monitored; otherwise consistency in the quality of data and information generated gets effected. Managers are not able to direct business, operational and decision-making activities with the requisite flexibility. The limitation to user to access through the system. They can only access the system within the network area. They cannot access and get the information within the place that has network . The system should be not within the intranet access and should be in online system that can give a user accessibility to the system everywhere and anywhere.




Development of platform independent coding languages If a Java Virtual Machine is installed in any system then many other high-end coding languages can be used parallely along with Java. Additionally, upgradations are easily made in Java or any other present-day platform-independent coding languages.

Efficiently networked servers as an alternative to mainframes Servers provide easy and speedy real-time access to data and are easily maintained. Software upgradation is also easily accomplished. Hence, there is a need for having a properly connected multiple server infrastructure, which will aid in storing bulky data (similar to the bulk of data handled by mainframes) while rendering easy access to that data end users.

More efficient and more user-friendly interfaces Developing the front end and adding more and more features to the front end of any information system is critical for any industry, and healthcare is no exception.

Development of better and more effective security protocols Security is both a need and a threat to any modern society or industry, which largely rely on digital or electronic modes of operation. Security concerns need to be addressed to prevent the invasion of privacy and malpractices using an individual's personal data.



Security concerns As already mentioned, malpractices using any other person's data is the biggest threat to the educational information systems industry. Hence, the threat to digital security due to hacking needs to be tackled. 7 RECOMMENDATION AND ACTION PLAN

Recommendation 1: In general, the Institut Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (ILJTM) should encourage telecommunications providers to deploy new infrastructure and capabilities to serve to all ILJTM needs and its users to be wide accessing , while protecting the security . its would be greater access into the system since now are limit from LAN (local Area Network) to alternative and advanced capabilities will best be served by cultivating an open, effective, and cooperative environment with telecommunications providers. Accomplishment/Outcome Conduct study and make recommendations for incentives for development of multi-user infrastructure for networking and system supported. Complete a study of future needs of user and business based on growth projections and existing capabilities. Encourage providers to deliver quality and competitively priced service through partnerships or other mechanisms. Provide periodic status reports. Provide forums for public input. Encourage user participation to develop a plan that identifies future needs. Develop an action plan that incorporates: 1. Study of business and user future needs. 2. Incentives for infrastructure development. 3. Encouragement of telecom providers to provide quality and competitively priced service. Date Responsible ISP Provide & & Is Department

ISP Provider & Is Department ISP Provider& Is Department

Admin.& Is Department ISP Provider, Is Department & Admin.


Recommendation 2: IS staff should formulate a specific strategy for outsourcing the database to ensure the database are safety and extra backup if anything matter that premature happened to our store warehouse Accomplishment/Outcome Review other company were is available service for outsourcing and good reputation.. Legal review of ordinances. Date Responsible Is Department

Administrators department

Present selected company are available for outsourcing

Recommendation 3: ILJTM Local Area Network (LAN) bandwidth capacity should be actively managed to anticipate and meet future need. Interconnect between ILJTM facilities should be considered in negotiations for cable license renewal and with other potential providers for in-kind service. Accomplishment/Outcome Monitor deep fiber deployment. Provide periodic status reports. Agreement with ISP provider to monitor frame relay use and project future network capacity needs. Monitor wireless opportunities for institutions interconnect. Date Responsible IS Department

ISP Provider& Is Department IS Department



The existing of Information systems department is important to the organization. Nowadays, technology has rapidly growth up. With all the advantages of high technology, the company is equipped with several of intelligent features, systems and activity such as Strategic ICT Planning, Architecture office, Programs management office, and governance structure.

The performance of ICT communication activity as backbones to the company and it can make the process of getting information very easy and effective. Without this system it can reduce and give biggest problem to the company because all the activities in the company depend to system.

The key to creating a successful IT strategy is maintaining customer focus, whilst supporting business goals, and realizing that IT strategy is a process, not a document. When companies follow these principals, they incorporate IT into their organizational framework much more successfully than those operating with no clear IT strategy.



Portal Rasmi HRMIS Sistem Maklumat Pengurusan Sumber Manusia ,8 October 2009<http://www.eghrmis.gov.my/docs/pdf/dialog_penang/DIALOG%20HRMIS%20PENANG %20%20%20PERANAN%20HELPDESK%20AGENSI%20HRMIS.pdf > Pusat Latihan Teknologi Tinggi (ADTEC) Shah Alam, retrieve on 12 October l 2009< http://www.adtecsa.gov.my/> Unit Sains Teknologi dan ICT Teknologi Negeri Johor ,10 October 2009<http://www.johordt.gov.my/USTJ/index.php?scr=ustict&sec=bahagian&isi=tmdk>


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