NGT TTP Nagapatinam Tender Closing Date 17062024
NGT TTP Nagapatinam Tender Closing Date 17062024
NGT TTP Nagapatinam Tender Closing Date 17062024
Dy.CSTE/CN/TBM acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT
Closing Date/Time 17/06/2024 14:30 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only.
Manual offers are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule A1-ANNEXURE A1 - SOR ITEMS 13303194.07
011010 3000.00 Metre 34.65 103950.00 74.75 181652.63
Description:- Excavation of cable trench in all kinds of soil except hard rocky areas including clearing of roots of
trees, rocks, bushes etc. to a depth of 1.0 Mtrs and to a width of 0.3 Mtrs. Laying of cables is not included in this
011020 1000.00 Metre 42.98 42980.00 74.75 75107.55
Description:- Excavation of cable trench in all kinds of soil except hard rocky areas including clearing of roots of
trees, rocks, bushes etc. to a depth of 1.0 Mtrs and to a width of 0.5 Mtrs. Laying of cables is not included in this
011060 1000.00 Metre 208.35 208350.00 74.75 364091.63
Description:- Excavation of trench to a depth of 1 Mtr. for track crossing of cables, laying of DWC/ RCC pipes
with collar/coupling, refilling of trench by ramming and consolidating it as per the instructions of Railway
3 representative at site. During excavation of trench it has to be ensured that the excavated soil does not mix with
the ballast available. The depth of 1m trench shall be from the bottom of sleepers for track crossings. Laying of
cables is not included in this schedule.(Supply of DWC/RCC pipes with couplers/ collars is not included in this
011070 500.00 Metre 270.83 135415.00 74.75 236637.71
Description:- Excavation of trench to a depth of 1 Mtr. for road crossing of cables, laying of DWC/ RCC pipes with
4 collar/ coupling, refilling of trench by ramming and consolidating it and resurfacing it to the original position. Laying
of cables is not included in this schedule.(Supply of DWC/RCC pipes with couplers/ collars is not included in this
011080 250.00 Metre 181.95 45487.50 74.75 79489.41
Description:- Provision of GI pipes (50/100mm dia) for cable laying with offset at both ends and with couplings
over RCC Bridges/ Drainage/ Culverts with concrete masonry supports of size 300mm x 300 mm x 300 mm at an
5 interval of 2m. The ends of the pipes shall be closed with brick masonry work so that no cable is exposed, The
work shall be carried out as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. (Supply of GI pipes with
couplings and laying of cables is not included in this schedule.)[Stone jelly of size 20/25mm, bricks, sand, cement
and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011090 200.00 Metre 215.25 43050.00 74.75 75229.88
Pa g e 1 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Provision of GI pipes-(50/100mm dia) for cable laying with offset at both ends and with couplings
6 over girder bridges by fixing on suitable MS Clamps at an interval of 2 Mtrs. The ends of the pipes shall be closed
with brick masonry work so that no cable is exposed, The work shall be carried out as per the instructions of
Railway representative at site. Supply of GI pipes with couplings and laying of cables is not included in this
schedule.[MS angles, flats, bolts and nuts for manufacturing fixing clamps, bricks, river sand , cement and all
other miscellaneous required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011110 100000.00 Metre 9.83 983000.00 74.75 1717792.50
7 Description:- Laying of signaling/power/telecommunication cables as per cable plan in cable trenches, masonry
ducts, RCC Pipes, DWC pipes, GI Pipes etc.(Supply of cables is not included in this schedule).
011120 5000.00 Metre 23.92 119600.00 74.75 209001.00
8 Description:- Placing of one layer of country bricks of size approximately 220mm x 100mm x 60mm lengthwise
vertically in the trench.[Country bricks of size 220mm x 100mm x 60mm (approximately) shall be supplied by the
011130 5000.00 Metre 48.76 243800.00 74.75 426040.50
9 Description:- Placing of one row of country bricks of size approximately 220mm x 100mm x 60mm breadth wise
horizontally above the cables in 0.3m width trench.[Country bricks of size 220mm x 100mm x 60 mm
(approximately) shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011150 4000.00 Metre 8.33 33320.00 74.75 58226.70
10 Description:- Refilling of cable trench 1m depth by 0.3m width throughout, with earth after laying of cables, and
consolidating the trench by ramming and leveling.
011160 1000.00 Metre 10.43 10430.00 74.75 18226.42
11 Description:- Refilling of cable trench 1m depth by 0.5m width throughout, with earth after laying of cables, and
consolidating the trench by ramming and leveling.
011180 200.00 Numbers 166.29 33258.00 74.75 58118.36
12 Description:- Supply of RCC cable markers as per drawing No.CSTE/CN/OFC/1. The lettering on the cable
marker shall be "SIG" / "TELE" / "OFC" as per the instructions of Railway representative at site.
011190 200.00 Numbers 121.43 24286.00 74.75 42439.79
Description:- Digging of pit to a depth of 800mm of size 300mmX300mm, casting of concrete foundation of size
13 300mmX300mmX300mm and Placing of RCC cable markers on top of the foundation and refilling the pit and
consolidating it by ramming. The cable markers shall be provided at an interval of 20 Mtrs. within station limits and
50 Mtrs. outside station limits throughout the cable route, diversions and also at every track/road/crossing.
011210 1000.00 Metre 263.20 263200.00 74.75 459942.00
Description:- Supply of Double walled corrugated pipe - 103.5mm inner dia & 120mm outer dia conforming to
specification No. IS 14930(Part 2): 2001 with one coupler for every 6m of pipe as specified in Vol.II of the Tender
011220 250.00 Metre 343.20 85800.00 74.75 149935.50
Description:- Supply of GI pipes - 50mm dia -3.65mm thick as specified in Vol.II of the Tender document.
011230 500.00 Metre 838.80 419400.00 74.75 732901.50
Description:- Supply of GI pipes - 100mm dia-4.5mm thick as specified in Vol.II of the Tender document
011250 40.00 Numbers 9875.30 395012.00 74.75 690283.47
Description:- Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation and erection of apparatus case full size as per Drg.
No.SG/CN/02/6 and fixing of 2 Nos. of 'E' type locks, one for the front door and another for the back door, fixing of
17 one hard wood shelf plank 37mm thick and painting the apparatus case inside and outside with one coat of red-
oxide and two coats of aluminium paints.(Supply of apparatus case is not included in this schedule).[Foundation
bolts & nuts, 'E' type locks, cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25 mm, hardwood plank of 37mm thick,
paints, varnish, fixing bolts & nuts and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by
the Contractor.]
011260 20.00 Numbers 6966.60 139332.00 74.75 243482.67
Description:- Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation and erection of apparatus case half size as per Drg,
No.SG/CN/02/7, fixing one 'E' type lock for the front door and latching arrangement for the back door, and fixing of
18 one hardwood shelf plank 37mm thick and painting the apparatus case inside and outside with one coat of red-
oxide and two coats of aluminium paints.(Supply of apparatus case is not included in this schedule).[Foundation
bolts and nuts, cement, 'E' type locks, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm, 37mm hard wood planks, latching
arrangements, paints, varnish, fixing bolts & nuts and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall
be supplied by the Contractor]
011280 5.00 Numbers 3394.50 16972.50 74.75 29659.44
Pa g e 2 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Excavation of pit, erection of cable termination boxes on rails and concreting as per Drg.
19 No.SG/CN/02/8, drilling of suitable holes in the box, fixing of 2 Nos. of GI pipes 32mm dia and 300mm long at the
bottom with clamp nuts - 12 mm thick, one at the inner side and another at the outer side for each pipe for cable
throughing, fixing of hardwood plank 37mm thick on the bottom, provision of one EWS lock, and painting the
boxes inside and outside with one coat of red-oxide and two coats of aluminium paints.(Supply of CT boxes is not
covered in this schedule. Rails of different length shall be supplied by Railways. The contractor shall cut lengthy
rails wherever required.)[Cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm, paint, varnish , GI Pipes 32mm dia with
clamp nuts - 12mm thick - 2 Nos. for each pipe, fixing bolts and nuts with washers, EWS locks, paints and all other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
01129 15.00 Numbers 3411.00 51165.00 74.75 89410.84
Description:- Excavation of pit, erection of cable termination boxes on rails and concreting as per Drg.
No.SG/CN/02/8, drilling of suitable holes in the box, fixing of 2 Nos. of GI pipes 32mm dia and 300mm long at the
bottom with clamp nuts - 12 mm thick, one at the inner side and another at the outer side for each pipe for cable
entry and one GI pipe 150mm long 32mm dia for drawal of jumper wires for Point machines etc., fixing of
20 hardwood plank 37mm thick on the bottom, provision of one EWS lock, and painting the boxes inside and outside
with one coat of red-oxide and two coats of aluminium paints.(Supply of CT boxes is not covered in this schedule.
Rails of different length shall be supplied by Railways. The contractor shall cut lengthy rails wherever required.)
[Cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm, paint, varnish , GI Pipes 32mm dia - 300mm long - 2 No's and
150mm long - 1 No., clamp nuts - 12mm thick - 2 Nos. for each pipe, fixing bolts and nuts with washers, EWS
locks, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011320 4.00 Numbers 2895.00 11580.00 74.75 20236.05
Description:- Excavation of pit in and around the existing location boxes very carefully without damaging the
working cables and shifting and turning the location boxes to clear of the infringement as instructed by the Railway
21 representative at site. The work includes ensuring the safety of the signaling system, releasing the cable coils to
give access for shifting/turning the location boxes. Necessary masonry work and earth work in and around the
location boxes to the required level shall be done as instructed by the Railway representative at site. If the existing
earth connections to the location boxes are disturbed, the earth wires shall be properly re-connected.[All materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor]. a. Shifting of apparatus case (full)
011330 4.00 Numbers 1916.25 7665.00 74.75 13394.59
Description:- Excavation of pit in and around the existing location boxes very carefully without damaging the
working cables and shifting and turning the location boxes to clear of the infringement as instructed by the Railway
22 representative at site. The work includes ensuring the safety of the signaling system, releasing the cable coils to
give access for shifting/turning the location boxes. Necessary masonry work and earth work in and around the
location boxes to the required level shall be done as instructed by the Railway representative at site. If the existing
earth connections to the location boxes are disturbed, the earth wires shall be properly re-connected.[All materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor]. b. Shifting of apparatus case (half)
011360 5000.00 Numbers 93.16 465800.00 74.75 813985.50
Description:- Termination of main, tail, Signaling and power cables and internal wiring on terminal/ fuse blocks in
new apparatus cases, cable termination boxes and in gate Lodges excluding cable termination rack at relay room.
The work includes fixing of all new cables by teakwood clamp on teakwood base plank, fixing of Phynolic synthetic
industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre board 6mm thick for terminal board to suit each apparatus case,
varnishing all teakwood items, fixing of terminals/ fuse blocks on the terminal board, drilling of necessary holes,
termination of cables, wiring, identification of cables using aluminium tags with letters punched neatly, as per
approved circuit diagram and cable plan, painting of particulars on sleeves and also on the inner side of the doors
23 of apparatus cases. After terminations are over, the side openings of apparatus case foundation shall be closed
with brick work, cement plastered, the inter-space filled with river sand up to base level and the bottom surface
shall be sealed with sealing compound. (Supply of PBT terminals and Fuse blocks is not covered in this schedule).
[Cement, teakwood cable clamp 50mm x 50mm, base planks 100mm x 25mm, Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre
base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5, PVC/Nylon sleeves,
varnish, paints, bolts, nuts and washers, Non-deteriorating type of fuses of various capacities, Aluminium cable
tags, sealing compound, country bricks 220mm x 100mm x 60mm, copper bus bars, brass screw, river sand, wire
PVC3/0.75mm copper and other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor]. a. Termination on
25/60mm PBT terminals (new location)(Phynolic sheet)
011370 100.00 Numbers 113.56 11356.00 74.75 19844.61
Pa g e 3 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Termination of main, tail, Signaling and power cables and internal wiring on terminal/ fuse blocks in
new apparatus cases, cable termination boxes and in gate Lodges excluding cable termination rack at relay room.
24 The work includes fixing of all new cables by teakwood clamp on teakwood base plank, fixing of Phynolic synthetic
industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre board 6mm thick for terminal board to suit each apparatus case,
varnishing all teakwood items, fixing of terminals/ fuse blocks on the terminal board, drilling of necessary holes,
termination of cables, wiring, identification of cables using aluminium tags with letters punched neatly, as per
approved circuit diagram and cable plan, painting of particulars on sleeves and also on the inner side of the doors
of apparatus cases. After terminations are over, the side openings of apparatus case foundation shall be closed
with brick work, cement plastered, the inter-space filled with river sand up to base level and the bottom surface
shall be sealed with sealing compound. (Supply of PBT terminals and Fuse blocks is not covered in this schedule).
[Cement, teakwood cable clamp 50mm x 50mm, base planks 100mm x 25mm, Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre
base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5, PVC/Nylon sleeves,
varnish, paints, bolts, nuts and washers, Non-deteriorating type of fuses of various capacities, Aluminium cable
tags, sealing compound, country bricks 220mm x 100mm x 60mm, copper bus bars, brass screw, river sand, wire
PVC3/0.75mm copper and other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor]. a. Termination on
25/60mm PBT terminals (new location)(Phynolic sheet) b. Termination on PBT fuse block (new location) (Phynolic
011400 4.00 Set 2673.25 10693.00 74.75 18686.02
Description:- Manufacture and supply of M.S. relay frames of suitable size to hold up to 4/ 8/ 12/ 20 relays as
required by Railways and fixing them in apparatus cases for all types of signal control circuits, LC gate control
circuit and Point control circuits, fixing of plug boards, relays, resistors and electrolytic condensers on Phynolic
synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5,
25 wiring and termination as per approved circuit diagram and painting the particulars.(Supply of all types of relays,
plug boards, connectors and retaining clips is not covered in this schedule).[Wire PVC copper, 3/0.75mm and
16/0.2mm copper, Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS
specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5, for fixing resistors and condensers, MS flats 25mm x 6mm brass bolts and
nuts, paints, soldering materials, resistors, condensers and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the contractor]. a. Wiring of Signal/ point/ LC control circuit (up to 4 relays)
011410 2.00 Set 4739.60 9479.20 74.75 16564.90
Description:- Manufacture and supply of M.S. relay frames of suitable size to hold up to 4/ 8/ 12/ 20 relays as
required by Railways and fixing them in apparatus cases for all types of signal control circuits, LC gate control
circuit and Point control circuits, fixing of plug boards, relays, resistors and electrolytic condensers on Phynolic
synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5,
26 wiring and termination as per approved circuit diagram and painting the particulars.(Supply of all types of relays,
plug boards, connectors and retaining clips is not covered in this schedule).[Wire PVC copper, 3/0.75mm and
16/0.2mm copper, Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS
specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5, for fixing resistors and condensers, MS flats 25mm x 6mm brass bolts and
nuts, paints, soldering materials, resistors, condensers and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the contractor b. Wiring of Signal/ Point/ LC control circuit (up to 8 relays)
011430 10.00 Set 7349.95 73499.50 74.75 128440.38
Description:- Manufacture and supply of M.S. relay frames of suitable size to hold up to 4/ 8/ 12/ 20 relays as
required by Railways and fixing them in apparatus cases for all types of signal control circuits, LC gate control
circuit and Point control circuits, fixing of plug boards, relays, resistors and electrolytic condensers on Phynolic
synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5,
27 wiring and termination as per approved circuit diagram and painting the particulars.(Supply of all types of relays,
plug boards, connectors and retaining clips is not covered in this schedule).[Wire PVC copper, 3/0.75mm and
16/0.2mm copper, Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS
specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5, for fixing resistors and condensers, MS flats 25mm x 6mm brass bolts and
nuts, paints, soldering materials, resistors, condensers and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the contractor d. Wiring of Signal/ Point/ LC control circuit (up to 20 relays)
011460 2.00 Numbers 3687.30 7374.60 74.75 12887.11
Description:- Fixing and wiring of platform repeaters. The work involves fixing of platform repeater using suitable
fixing arrangements at places indicated, wiring the same and painting as per the instructions of Railway
28 representative at site. The signal shall be connected to the apparatus case using cables neatly clamped. The work
also includes provision of one EWS lock. (Laying of cable is not included in the scope of this work.)(Supply of
repeater signals and cables is not included in this schedule).[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, paint, EWS lock and all
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011520 12.00 Numbers 5008.20 60098.40 74.75 105021.95
29 Description:- Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation as per Drg.No.SG/CN/02/9 using metallic templates,
for erection of colour light signals up to 4 aspects.[Foundation bolts, cement, river sand, stone jelly of size
20/25mm dia and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011530 12.00 Numbers 5501.20 66014.40 74.75 115360.16
Pa g e 4 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Erection of surface base, signal pole, mounting of colour light signal up to 4 aspects complete on
Signal pole/ Off-set bracket, (for LED/ filament bulbs) with lenses, triple pole lamp holder, filament switching units,
CLS transformer, current regulators (whichever is applicable), fixing of ladder with platform complete and
concreting of ladder shoe, fixing of number plates, marker board, lens guard, termination of tail cables, wiring of
30 signal unit with PVC wire 3/0.75mm copper, provision of EWS locks, and painting of one coat of red oxide and two
coats of aluminium/ enamel paints. When the aspect is fixed on Offset bracket using 'U' bolts and nuts, a through
bolt shall be provided by drilling a hole in the signal pole to prevent the offset bracket from sliding down.(Supply of
surface base, Offset bracket, CLS pole, CLS aspects complete, ladder with shoes and platform, LED aspects,
current regulators, lamp holders, lamps, filament switching unit and CLS transformer is not covered in this
schedule).['U' bolts and nuts, through bolts and nuts, cement, stone jelly 20/25mm dia, river sand, Signal Collar
Rings, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, lens-guard, all fixing bolts and nuts, lead wool, paints PVC/Nylon sleeves,
enameled number plates. enameled marker boards, EWS locks, and all other miscellaneous materials for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011540 1.00 Numbers 2518.55 2518.55 74.75 4401.17
Description:- Excavation of pit and casting concrete foundation as per Drg, No.SG/CN/02/10 using metallic
templates, for erection of ground type colour light shunt signal.[Foundation bolts and nuts, cement, river sand,
stone jelly of size 20/25mm and all other miscellaneous materials for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011550 1.00 Numbers 2097.00 2097.00 74.75 3664.51
Description:- Erection of Ground type shunt signal complete including surface base, signal pole, LED aspects/
lenses, bulbs with holders (whichever is applicable), fixing of lens guards, number plate, termination of tail cables,
32 wiring of signal unit with PVC wire 3/0.75mm copper, provision of EWS locks and painting of one coat of red oxide
and two coats of Aluminium/ enamel paint.(Supply of Ground type shunt signal complete including surface base,
signal pole, LED aspects, holder, bulbs, and lenses is not covered in this schedule).[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper,
lens guards, EWS locks, Enameled number plates, bolts and nuts, lead wool, paints and all other miscellaneous
materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
011560 1.00 Numbers 1613.25 1613.25 74.75 2819.15
Description:- Fixing of Offset brackets using 'U' bolts and nuts, erection of Post type shunt Signals, termination of
tail cables and wiring using wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, provision of EWS lock and painting of one coat of red-
33 oxide and two coats of aluminium/ enameled paint. The work also includes drilling suitable holes on the CLS post
and provision of a through bolt with nut to prevent the Off-set bracket from slipping down.(Supply of Post type
Shunt Signals, LED aspects and Off set brackets is not covered in this schedule).['U' bolts and nuts, through bolts
with nut, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, EWS lock, Enameled number plates, wire mesh, PVC/Nylon sleeves, paints
and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor].
011590 3.00 Numbers 1539.75 4619.25 74.75 8072.14
Description:- Fixing of junction type route indicators - 1 way to 6 ways - complete/ fixing of additional limb to the
existing route indicators, termination of tail cables, wiring as per approved circuits diagram using wire PVC
34 3/0.75mm copper, provision of required No of EWS locks, wire mesh, and painting.(Supply of junction type Route
Indicators - complete and additional limb is not covered in this schedule).[3/0.75mm wire PVC, fixing bolts and
nuts, EWS locks, wire mesh, PVC/Nylon sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by
the Contractor]. a. Fixing and wiring of direction type route indicator - 1 way
011660 4.00 Numbers 1427.25 5709.00 74.75 9976.48
Description:- Fixing of Offset brackets using 'U' bolts and nuts, erection of Calling On Signals/ 'A' marker lights,
termination of tail cables and wiring using wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, provision of EWS lock, number plates/
35 marker boards and painting. The work also includes drilling suitable holes on the CLS post and provision of a
through bolt with nut to prevent the Off-set bracket from slipping down. (Supply of Calling On Signal/ 'A' marker
light, LED aspects/ holders & bulbs and Off set brackets is not covered in this schedule).['U' bolts and nuts,
through bolts with nut, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, EWS lock, Enameled number plates, wire mesh, PVC/Nylon
sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor].
011710 10.00 Numbers 1016.60 10166.00 74.75 17765.08
Description:- Supply and provision of Screening arrangement for Signals in RE area as per standard practice.
36 The work comprises of providing MS angle frame and wire mesh in order to avoid close proximity of OHE wires.
The work also includes provision of earthing wire using 4 SWG GI wires from the screening arrangement up to
surface base as per the instructions of Railway representative at site.[All materials required for this work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
011720 2.00 Numbers 4818.65 9637.30 74.75 16841.18
Pa g e 5 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Provision of DC Single/ Double rail track circuit to suit RE/ Non-RE areas as per approved signaling
plan using Plug-in type track relays. This work includes provision of double bonding, and parallel jumpers,
provision of bond wire clips, provision of track lead connections using 2c X 2.5 cable, provision of TLD
37 boxes 2 Nos. at Relay end, 2 Nos. at Feed end and 2 No's for parallel jumpers as necessary to suit layouts, for
each Track Circuit, and termination of jumpers and tail cables in track lead junction boxes, installation of relays,
track feed battery chargers to charge up to 4 cells, track feed resistance, 'B' type choke' and secondary cells - 80
AH capacity in apparatus cases and wiring with wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper. The work also includes painting of
track Circuit No. with Feed end/ Relay end details on the TLD boxes. The work also includes provision of
insulations for gauge tie plates and nose crossing plates wherever required. (Provision of rail joint insulation is not
covered in this schedule. (Uninsulated gauge type plate and nose crossing plate will be supplied by Railways.
Supply of track feed battery charger, 'B' type choke, track relays, un-charged secondary cells (2V - 80AH), TLD
boxes with stumps, 2cX2.5 cable, is not covered in this schedule).[track feed resistance, Gauge tie plate
and nose crossing plate insulations, PVC/Nylon bushes for TLD boxes, PVC sleeves, all types of fixing bolts and
nuts with spring and flat washers, teakwood stand for fixing track feed resistance, GI bond wire 8 SWG, Channel
bond pins, bond wire clips, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor.
Secondary cells-80 AH capacity shall be charged by the contractor through reputed charging agencies]. a.
Provision of track circuit in (point zone)
011730 9.00 Numbers 3862.40 34761.60 74.75 60745.90
Description:- Provision of DC Single/ Double rail track circuit to suit RE/ Non-RE areas as per approved signaling
plan using Plug-in type track relays. This work includes provision of double bonding, and parallel jumpers,
provision of bond wire clips, provision of track lead connections using 2c X 2.5 cable, provision of TLD
boxes 2 Nos. at Relay end, 2 Nos. at Feed end and 2 No's for parallel jumpers as necessary to suit layouts, for
each Track Circuit, and termination of jumpers and tail cables in track lead junction boxes, installation of relays,
track feed battery chargers to charge up to 4 cells, track feed resistance, 'B' type choke' and secondary cells - 80
AH capacity in apparatus cases and wiring with wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper. The work also includes painting of
38 track Circuit No. with Feed end/ Relay end details on the TLD boxes. The work also includes provision of
insulations for gauge tie plates and nose crossing plates wherever required. (Provision of rail joint insulation is not
covered in this schedule. (Uninsulated gauge type plate and nose crossing plate will be supplied by Railways.
Supply of track feed battery charger, 'B' type choke, track relays, un-charged secondary cells (2V - 80AH), TLD
boxes with stumps, 2cX2.5 cable, is not covered in this schedule).[track feed resistance, Gauge tie plate
and nose crossing plate insulations, PVC/Nylon bushes for TLD boxes, PVC sleeves, all types of fixing bolts and
nuts with spring and flat washers, teakwood stand for fixing track feed resistance, GI bond wire 8 SWG, Channel
bond pins, bond wire clips, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor.
Secondary cells-80 AH capacity shall be charged by the contractor through reputed charging agencies]. b.
Provision of track circuit in (other than point zone)
011770 50.00 Numbers 1799.00 89950.00 74.75 157187.63
Description:- Provision of earth electrodes as per drawing No.SG/SN/02/13 and earthing of metallic sheath and
armour of all cables in all apparatus cases, relay room, equipment room, SM's room for block and control, and
earthing of all equipments in apparatus cases, power room, relay rack, cable termination rack, control panel,
39 signals, lever frames with MS flat 35mm X 6mm/19c cable (MS flat for closure by areas and MS flat/19c cable
combination for farther areas) as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. The work includes painting
of earth resistance value on the earth pit. Supply of 19C cable is not covered in the scope of this schedule.[MS flat
for earthing 35mm X 6mm, cement, GI earth electrodes, common salt, charcoal, country bricks, river sand,
soldering materials and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
011790 2.00 Numbers 8856.15 17712.30 74.75 30952.24
Description:- Installation of combined type point machine - IRS type and connecting all ground connections
including wiring and termination in point machine and interconnections between point machine and CT box
through PVC hose pipe with 3/0.75mm and 7/1.40mm copper wire and painting. This work includes provision of
40 insulation to stretcher bars, throw bar lug and "D" bracket wherever required, cutting of notches on the point
machines covers to suit crank handle configuration.(Combined type point machine with ground connection,
uninsulated stretcher bar, throw bar lug and 'D' brackets will be supplied by Railways.[All types of insulations
connected to point work, coal bengal, all type of bolts and nuts, washers spring/flat wire PVC 7/1.4mm copper,
PVC hope pipe, paints, PVC/nylon sleeves and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
011810 5.00 Numbers 3318.00 16590.00 74.75 28991.03
41 Description:- Supply of Colour light Signal pole 140mm dia, 4.6m/ 3.6m tall with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. a. Supply of colour light Signal pole (4.6m)
011820 5.00 Numbers 2974.00 14870.00 74.75 25985.33
42 Description:- Supply of Colour light Signal pole 140mm dia, 4.6m/ 3.6m tall with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. b. Supply of colour light Signal pole (3.6m)
011830 10.00 Numbers 4118.00 41180.00 74.75 71962.05
43 Description:- Supply of surface base to suit CLS Signal pole 140mm dia with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
Pa g e 6 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
45 Description:- Supply of ladder with platform and shoes to suit CLS pole 4.6m/ 3.6m tall, with necessary
inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. b. Supply of ladder with platform
and shoes for 3.6m CLS pole
011860 1.00 Numbers 2860.00 2860.00 74.75 4997.85
46 Description:- Supply of post type shunt signal - complete with hood etc., with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
011870 1.00 Numbers 4118.00 4118.00 74.75 7196.20
47 Description:- Supply of Ground type shunt signal - complete with surface base, signal pole, hood etc., with
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
011880 1.00 Numbers 12584.00 12584.00 74.75 21990.54
48 Description:- Supply of Colour Light Signal Multi Unit type - complete for 4/ 3/ 2 aspect with mounting socket, with
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. a. Supply of colour light
Signal unit - 4 aspect
011890 5.00 Numbers 10296.00 51480.00 74.75 89961.30
Description:- Supply of Colour Light Signal Multi Unit type - complete for 4/ 3/ 2 aspect with mounting socket, with
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document b. Supply of colour light
Signal unit - 3 aspect
011900 5.00 Numbers 8580.00 42900.00 74.75 74967.75
50 Description:- Supply of Colour Light Signal Multi Unit type - complete for 4/ 3/ 2 aspect with mounting socket, with
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. c. Supply of colour light
Signal unit - 2 aspect
011910 2.00 Numbers 10868.00 21736.00 74.75 37983.66
51 Description:- Supply of Junction type route indicator - 5 unit arm - 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6 way with mounting sockets, with
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. a. Supply of Junction
type route indicator - 1 way
011970 4.00 Numbers 2059.00 8236.00 74.75 14392.41
52 Description:- Supply of Calling On Signal / 'A' marker light - complete with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. a. Supply of Calling On Signal
012010 3.00 Numbers 2059.00 6177.00 74.75 10794.31
53 Description:- Supply of Off-set brackets - large/ small made of cast iron with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. a. Supply of Off-set bracket (large)
012020 1.00 Numbers 1487.00 1487.00 74.75 2598.53
54 Description:- Supply of Off-set brackets - large/ small made of cast iron with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. b. Supply of Off-set bracket (small)
012030 15.00 Numbers 9266.00 138990.00 74.75 242885.02
55 Description:- Supply of cable termination box (FRP type) with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/
description enclosed in this document.
012040 44.00 Numbers 1030.00 45320.00 74.75 79196.70
56 Description:- Supply of track lead junction box - FRP type with 4 terminals and stumps with necessary inspection
as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
012050 5000.00 Numbers 44.00 220000.00 74.75 384450.00
57 Description:- Supply of PBT terminals 25mm/ 60mm centre and PBT Fuse blocks with necessary inspection as
per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. a. Supply of PBT terminal - 25mm centre
012060 500.00 Numbers 60.00 30000.00 74.75 52425.00
58 Description:- Supply of PBT terminals 25mm/ 60mm centre and PBT Fuse blocks with necessary inspection as
per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. b. Supply of PBT terminal - 60mm centre
012070 200.00 Numbers 82.00 16400.00 74.75 28659.00
59 Description:- Supply of PBT terminals 25mm/ 60mm centre and PBT Fuse blocks with necessary inspection as
per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. c. Supply of PBT fuse block (without ND fuse)
012090 33.00 Numbers 2077.00 68541.00 74.75 119775.40
60 Description:- Supply of Low maintenance secondary cells of the following capacities with necessary inspection as
per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document. b. Supply of secondary cells-2V-80AH capacity
Pa g e 7 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
61 Description:- Supply of apparatus cases (full/ half/ quarter size) to suit Southern Railway standard with necessary
inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document: a. Supply of apparatus case - Full
012140 20.00 Numbers 8580.00 171600.00 74.75 299871.00
Description:- Supply of apparatus cases (full/ half/ quarter size) to suit Southern Railway standard with necessary
inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document: a. Supply of apparatus case - Full
size b. Supply of apparatus case - Half size
012160 10.00 Numbers 2213.00 22130.00 74.75 38672.18
63 Description:- Supply of electronic time delay units (120/60 sec.s) with plug boards, connectors and retaining clips
with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
012170 100.00 Numbers 3591.00 359100.00 74.75 627527.25
64 Description:- Supply of lamp proving relays for LED aspects with plug boards, connectors and retaining clips with
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
012180 15.00 Numbers 4140.00 62100.00 74.75 108519.75
65 Description:- Supply of QBCA1 - heavy duty contact relays with necessary inspection as per specification/
drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
012190 20.00 Numbers 2524.00 50480.00 74.75 88213.80
66 Description:- Supply of QTA2 - track relays with plug boards, connectors and retaining clips with necessary
inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
012200 20.00 Numbers 3897.00 77940.00 74.75 136200.15
67 Description:- Supply of QSPA1 type relays with plug boards, connectors and retaining clips with necessary
inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
012210 10.00 Numbers 4279.00 42790.00 74.75 74775.52
68 Description:- Supply of Electric key transmitter - rotary type of required ward Nos. with keys, with necessary
inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
012230 20.00 Numbers 5491.00 109820.00 74.75 191910.45
69 Description:- Supply of 'A' type foundation made of cast iron as per Drg No.CWM.00902, and as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document, with necessary inspection.
012240 20.00 Numbers 2460.00 49200.00 74.75 85977.00
Description:- Supply of track feed battery charger as per specification/ description enclosed in this document.
012250 40.00 Numbers 2076.00 83040.00 74.75 145112.40
Description:- Supply of 'B type choke as per specification/ description enclosed in this document.
013010 4.00 Numbers 5271.75 21087.00 74.75 36849.53
Description:- Concreting and erection of cable termination rack 500/210/140 Terminals capacity on teakwood
base frame of size 50mmx150mm of suitable length and width with rectangular slot in the centre for taking in the
72 cables, and painting as per standard practice.(Supply of cable termination racks is not included in this schedule).
[Foundation bolts and nuts with washers, cement, sand, stone jelly, teak wood base frame 50mmx150mm of
suitable length and breadth, paint, varnish and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the contractor]. a. Concreting and erection of cable termination rack - 210/140 terminal capacity.
013020 4.00 Numbers 7388.25 29553.00 74.75 51643.87
Description:- Concreting and erection of cable termination rack 500/210/140 Terminals capacity on teakwood
base frame of size 50mmx150mm of suitable length and width with rectangular slot in the centre for taking in the
73 cables, and painting as per standard practice.(Supply of cable termination racks is not included in this schedule).
[Foundation bolts and nuts with washers, cement, sand, stone jelly, teak wood base frame 50mmx150mm of
suitable length and breadth, paint, varnish and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the contractor]. . b. Concreting and erection of cable termination rack - 500 terminal capacity
013030 500.00 Numbers 90.82 45410.00 74.75 79353.98
Pa g e 8 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Fixing of PBT terminal block/ PBT fuse block, rubber grommets, clamping of cables using teakwood
cable clamps and base planks, termination of cables, provision of ND type fuses of required capacities, provision
of copper bus bar for supply terminals, wiring, provision of termination particulars diagram board using plywood of
thickness 12mm - teakwood finish of size 1800mm x 1200mm with Aluminium grooved channel frame in the relay
room. The blank spaces over the top of the cable termination rack shall be covered with phynolic sheet of
74 thickness 3mm wherever required. The termination and cable core particulars shall be painted on the PVC/ nylon
sleeves. The work also includes identification of cables using aluminium tags provided on each cable with letters
punched neatly. [Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, brass bolts and nuts and washers, for fixing PBT terminal/Fuse
Block, other fixing bolts and nuts, rubber grommets, PVC/ Nylon sleeves, copper bus bars, teakwood 50mm x 50m
for cable clamps, 25mmx 100mm for base planks, phynolic sheet 6mm thick of size 1200mm x 1800mm with
aluminium grooved channel frame, phynolic sheet 3mm thick, paint and all other miscellaneous materials shall be
supplied by the Co Fixing of PBT terminal block/ PBT fuse block, rubber grommets, clamping of cables using
teakwood cable clamps and base planks, termination of cables, provision of ND type fuses of required capacities,
provision of copper bus bar for supply terminals, wiring, provision of termination particulars diagram board using
plywood of thickness 12mm - teakwood finish of size 1800mm x 1200mm with Aluminium grooved channel frame
in the relay room. The blank spaces over the top of the cable termination rack shall be covered with phynolic
sheet of thickness 3mm wherever required. The termination and cable core particulars shall be painted on the
PVC/ nylon sleeves. The work also includes identification of cables using aluminium tags provided on each cable
with letters punched neatly. [Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, brass bolts and nuts and washers, for fixing PBT
terminal/Fuse Block, other fixing bolts and nuts, rubber grommets, PVC/ Nylon sleeves, copper bus bars,
teakwood 50mm x 50m for cable clamps, 25mmx 100mm for base planks, phynolic sheet 6mm thick of size
1200mm x 1800mm with aluminium grooved channel frame, phynolic sheet 3mm thick, paint and all other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor]. a. Fixing of PBT terminal blocks (25mm/60mm
centre) and termination ntractor].
013040 10.00 Numbers 108.82 1088.20 74.75 1901.63
Description:- Fixing of PBT terminal block/ PBT fuse block, rubber grommets, clamping of cables using teakwood
cable clamps and base planks, termination of cables, provision of ND type fuses of required capacities, provision
of copper bus bar for supply terminals, wiring, provision of termination particulars diagram board using plywood of
thickness 12mm - teakwood finish of size 1800mm x 1200mm with Aluminium grooved channel frame in the relay
room. The blank spaces over the top of the cable termination rack shall be covered with phynolic sheet of
thickness 3mm wherever required. The termination and cable core particulars shall be painted on the PVC/ nylon
sleeves. The work also includes identification of cables using aluminium tags provided on each cable with letters
punched neatly. [Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, brass bolts and nuts and washers, for fixing PBT terminal/Fuse
Block, other fixing bolts and nuts, rubber grommets, PVC/ Nylon sleeves, copper bus bars, teakwood 50mm x 50m
for cable clamps, 25mmx 100mm for base planks, phynolic sheet 6mm thick of size 1200mm x 1800mm with
aluminium grooved channel frame, phynolic sheet 3mm thick, paint and all other miscellaneous materials shall be
supplied by the Contractor]. a. Fixing of PBT terminal blocks (25mm/60mm centre) and termination b. Fixing of
75 PBT fuse block with ND fuses and termination b. Fixing of PBT fuse block with ND fuses and termination b. Fixing
of PBT fuse block Fixing of PBT terminal block/ PBT fuse block, rubber grommets, clamping of cables using
teakwood cable clamps and base planks, termination of cables, provision of ND type fuses of required capacities,
provision of copper bus bar for supply terminals, wiring, provision of termination particulars diagram board using
plywood of thickness 12mm - teakwood finish of size 1800mm x 1200mm with Aluminium grooved channel frame
in the relay room. The blank spaces over the top of the cable termination rack shall be covered with phynolic
sheet of thickness 3mm wherever required. The termination and cable core particulars shall be painted on the
PVC/ nylon sleeves. The work also includes identification of cables using aluminium tags provided on each cable
with letters punched neatly. [Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, brass bolts and nuts and washers, for fixing PBT
terminal/Fuse Block, other fixing bolts and nuts, rubber grommets, PVC/ Nylon sleeves, copper bus bars,
teakwood 50mm x 50m for cable clamps, 25mmx 100mm for base planks, phynolic sheet 6mm thick of size
1200mm x 1800mm with aluminium grooved channel frame, phynolic sheet 3mm thick, paint and all other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor]. b. Fixing of PBT fuse block with ND fuses and
termination with ND fuses and termination
013050 2.00 Numbers 3685.50 7371.00 74.75 12880.82
Description:- Concreting and erection of Relay racks- 168/56 relay capacity using 'J' type bolts and painting of
76 relay rack as per the instructions of Railway representative at site.(Supply of relay rack is not covered in this
schedule).['J' type bolts and nuts with washers, nylon bushes, concreting materials, paint and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor]. a. Concreting and erection of
Relay Rack - 168 relay capacity
013070 150.00 Per Relay 565.27 84790.50 74.75 148171.40
Pa g e 9 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Fixing of plug boards, 50 way terminal blocks with 2BA terminals, and wiring of relays as per the
approved circuit diagram using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper. Suitable wire supporting tray with cover made of PVC
shall be provided horizontally and vertically in the relay racks. While running the wires on the aluminium ladder
proper care shall be taken to provide smooth materials like rubber beading in the openings on Phynolic sheets, to
avoid damage to wires. The work also includes wiring of contacts for data logger and terminating them in tag
blocks, provision of relay index board(Supply of relay, plug board, connector and retaining clip is not covered in
this schedule).[Wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, tag blocks, 2BA terminals, hard wood plank of size 600mmx
900mmx25mm with decolum finish, MS angles of size 25mmX25mmX6mm, relay fixing bolts and nuts, teakwood
plank 25mm thick for fixing resistor and condenser, phynolic sheet 6mm thick of size 1200mmX1800mm with
aluminium grooved channel frame for relay index board, paints, soldering materials, bunching thread, wire wound
resistance, condenser, wire supporting tray with cover of suitable size made of PVC, paint, varnish and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
013080 20.00 Per Relay 392.70 7854.00 74.75 13724.86
Description:- Fixing of additional plug boards, 50 ways terminal blocks and wiring of additional relays as per the
approved circuit diagram using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper. Additional wire supporting tray with cover made of
PVC shall be provided wherever required. Alterations to Relay particulars shall be incorporated in the relay Index
78 board.(Supply of relays, plug boards, connectors and retaining clips and 50 way terminal boards is not covered in
this schedule).[Wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, 2 BA terminals, teakwood plank 25mm thick for fixing resistors and
condensers, soldering materials, bunching thread, wire wound resistance, condenser, wire supporting tray with
cover of suitable size made of PVC, paint, varnish and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall
be supplied by the Contractor
013090 20.00 Per Relay 376.04 7520.80 74.75 13142.60
Description:- Carrying out alterations to the existing relays in the relay racks/apparatus cases as per the
79 approved circuit diagram using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper. The work includes releasing the unwanted wires
carefully without disturbing the existing wiring.[Wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, soldering materials, bunching threads,
condensers, resistances and teakwood plank for fixing them and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
013120 1.00 Lumpsum 41768.15 41768.15 74.75 72989.84
Description:- Provision of Interconnections between relay racks, cable termination racks, SM's control panel,
battery room, power room, termination and wiring. The work involves laying of underground cables in the duct as
well as with clamping arrangements on the walls, supply and fixing of aluminium ladders and supports with 3mm
thick phynolic sheet for running the cables in the relay room. Interconnection shall be carried out with signaling
multi core cable (skinned/ unskinned) and power cables as per the instructions of Railway representative at site.
80 The work also include termination of the interconnection cables on 50 way terminals in the relay rack/ control
panel, cable termination rack etc. After the interconnection cables are laid, the ducts shall be filled with river sand
and closed. Wherever required the cables shall be taken to other floors in the building by clamping them on MS
angles and flats grouted on the walls.(Supply of interconnection cables is not included in this schedule).[2BA
terminals, Aluminium ladder arrangements using 37mmx37mmx5mm aluminium angles and 25mmx6mm
aluminium flats, aluminium supports, phynolic sheet - 3mm thick for bottom of aluminium ladders, MS angles and
flats, bolts and nuts, concreting materials, and all other materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
contractor]. a. Provision of interconnection at stations (up to 5 roads).
013150 5.00 Numbers 923.25 4616.25 74.75 8066.90
Description:- Installation of power equipments like battery chargers, transformers, transformer rectifiers,
invertors, DC-DC convertors etc., in the apparatus cases and wiring the same using wire PVC 7/1.4mm and
81 3/0.75mm copper as per the approved wiring diagram and painting of particulars in the inside of the doors of the
apparatus cases. The work also includes provision of protective arrangements in bare terminals carrying high
voltages.(Supply of power equipments is not included in this schedule). [Wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm
copper, protective arrangements, paint and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
013170 20.00 Numbers 32.80 656.00 74.75 1146.36
Description:- Supply and wiring of LEDs with resistance and fixing on the cable termination rack for indicating
82 "FUSE BLOWN OUT" for each circuit. The LEDs and resistances shall be fixed on a phynolic sheet 50mm width
and 3mm thick. The phynolic sheet shall be fixed by the side of the corresponding Fuse Blocks. Separate switch
shall be provided for each circuit.[LEDs 10mm, holders, resistance, switch, phynolic sheet, soldering materials and
all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
013190 165.00 Numbers 737.10 121621.50 74.75 212533.57
Pa g e 10 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Supply, fabrication and provision of suitable battery stand in the battery room using M.S.Angles
83 65mmx65mmx8mm and MS flats 50mmx6mm covered with 100mmx50mm hardwood reapers, and installation of
secondary cells. The work involves charging of secondary cells, fixing and connecting the batteries with strips,
manufacture and fixing of teakwood terminal box, termination of cables, wiring with suitable wire PVC 7/1.40mm
and 3/0.75mm copper through suitable PVC pipes/ casing properly clamped, provision of battery particulars board
made of phynolic sheet 6mm thick of size 900mm x 1200mm with Aluminium grooved channel frame in the relay
room. The particulars shall be digitally using good quality laminated gum sheet, provision of hydrometer -1 No. on
a stand and battery tester-1 No. Charging of secondary cells shall be done by the contractor through reputed
agencies. (Supply of secondary cells is not covered in this schedule).[MS angles 65mm x 65mm x 8mm, MS flats
50mm x 6mm, teakwood plank 25mm thick for manufacturing termination box with locking facility, hardwood
reapers 100mmx50mm of required lengths, wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, anti-corrosive paint,
varnish, PVC pipes/ casing, and all other miscellaneous materials required for this work shall be supplied by the
contractor]. b. Provision of battery stand and installation of 2V-200AH cell
013300 3.00 Numbers 5924.00 17772.00 74.75 31056.57
Description:- Supply, installation and wiring of Transformer rectifier 110VAC/24V DC - 2A capacity at Power
84 room/apparatus cases and connecting it to the relevant circuit as per approved circuit diagram using wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper and painting of particulars as per Railway practice. [Transformer rectifier 110V AC/24VDC - 2A
capacity, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
013480 1.00 Numbers 20281.00 20281.00 74.75 35441.05
Description:- Supply and Installation of Distilled Water Plant similar to "KILBURN "make
013490 4.00 Set 8215.00 32860.00 74.75 57422.85
Description:- Supply and installation of 4 wire DTMF based way station equipment complete as per RDSO
86 specification No.IRS.TC@ 45<47@ 93 and 4 wire control telephone with audio visual indication and reset button
fitted on telephone conforming to specification No.IRS-TC@ 45&47a46@ This work also includes supply and
wiring of power supply arrangements for way station equipment conforming to specification IRS.TC.72/97. [All the
materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
013500 500.00 Square Foot 78.30 39150.00 74.75 68414.63
87 Description:- Supply and provision of Rubber mat of not less than 6mm thick and with an insulation to withstand
650VAC, on the floor of relay room etc at places as indicated by railway representative at site.
013510 1.00 Station 18178.95 18178.95 74.75 31767.72
Description:- Provision of signaling arrangement during Non-Interlocked working of Signals and Points, such as
88 erection and wiring of temporary relay racks and wiring of relays, SM's slide instruments, wiring alterations in the
cable termination rack, apparatus cases, signals, Control panel etc, as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site. (Supply of relay rack, relays, and SM slide instrument is not included in this schedule). [All
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
014130 1.00 Numbers 4057.00 4057.00 74.75 7089.61
Description:- Supply and installation of teakwood glass fronted box of size 300mm x 600mm x 75mm with hooks
89 to keep various keys with description engraved on the tags. [TW Glass fronted box of size 300mmx600mmx
75mm with built in lock, hooks, engraved tags and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
014140 1.00 Set 16388.00 16388.00 74.75 28638.03
Description:- Manufacture and supply of teak wood tool box of size 1000X750X100mm made of 25mm thick teak
wood persplex sheet fronted 6mm (Colourless) fixed on the wall at a convenient location as instructed by Railway
representative at site. The board should have provision of pad lock and locking arrangements and shall be
equipped with the following tools[reputed make]: a. Digital Mulltimeter similar to Model No.Rish Multi 15S with
suitable carrying case and test probes. b. Multimeter similar to Model No.HM 102 BZ Hungchung with test probes
with suitable carrying case.- 1 No. c. Centre zero ammeter 30-0-30 Amps - 1 No. d.. Screw drivers of different
90 types and sizes with common handle - 1 set e. Spanner double ended 33mm - 1 No. f. Spanners double ended
3/8x1/2" - 1 No. g. Spanners double ended 5/8x3/4" - 1 No. h. Spanners double ended 7/8x1" - 1 No. i. Hammer 1
1/2 lbs ball pane - 1 No. j. Hacksaw frame - 1 No. k. Adjustable screw spanner 12" - 1 No. l. Insulated cutting
pliers- 1 No. m. Insulated nose plier- 1 No. n. Electric soldering iron 230V 60W Soldron/Philips make - 1 No. o.
Electric soldering iron 110V 35W Soldron/Philips make - 1 No. p. Megger 500V/ 500Mohms. with Probe - 1 No.
The above tools shall be purchased from Reputed manufacturers only in consultation with the Railway
representative at site. [Teak wood tool box made of 25mm t e a k wood plank, perspex sheet, a l l the tools
mentioned above, padlock and other miscellaneous items shall be supplied by the Contractor].
014300 1.00 Numbers 2943.75 2943.75 74.75 5144.20
Description:- Fixing of EKT instrument with (or) without crank handle or on suitable fixtures at station/apparatus
case, provision of economiser push switch with locking facility, wiring with wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, provision of
91 teakwood terminal box covered with decolum along with locking facility and painting. (Supply of electric key
transmitter and crank handles is not covered in this schedule). [wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, wire wound
resistance, decolum covered terminal box with locking facility by using 25mm thick teakwood, bolts and nuts,
paints, push switches, padlocks and other miscellaneous materials required for this work shall be supplied by the
Pa g e 11 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Pa g e 12 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
101 Description:- Engaging mechanical excavators like JCB or other machinaries for regrading and levelling the
formation, dismantling any infringing structures, clearing and removing debris etc., with all leads and lifts etc.,
complete and as per the instruction of Railway representative at site.
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule A2-ANNEXURE A2 (NON SOR ITEMS) 53324346.65
NS2001 1.00 Set 37458631.00 37458631.00 AT Par 37458631.00
Description:- Design and supply of Electronic Interlocking system as per RDSO Specification RDSO/
SPN/203/2011 or latest on the date of tender opening for NAGAPATTINAM Station as per the tentative plan
enclosed. This EI system shall be of Hot stand by with DISTRIBUTED system configuration. This system should
have either relay interface or object controllers to drive field gears. If object controllers are used, it shall be
1 installed at relay room of station and huts. This system shall be compatible for working with DUAL VDU
arrangements. Data logging facilities shall conform to clause 6.2 of RDSO/ SPN/203/2011 or latest. (a)The EI
Supply material (Both hardware and software) shall be suitable for yard with Central cabin and 2 huts at NGT
yard. The enclosed plan is only tentative and the exact details have to be made based on the Table of control and
approved signalling plan supplied by Railways. NOTE: PLEASE REFER TENDER DOCUMENT(VOL I) FOR
NS2002 1.00 Lumpsum 3793849.48 3793849.48 AT Par 3793849.48
Description:- Supply of Spares @ 10% on all kinds of EI for NAGAPATTINAM module/cards, relays and Dc-Dc
2 converters subject to a fractional quantity to be rounded off to next higher digit to be supplied for the Electronic
Interlocking against the schedule no1. The list of SPARE items with unit rate, number and total cost should be
detailed by the contractor.
NS2003 4.00 Numbers 805352.85 3221411.40 AT Par 3221411.40
3 Description:- Supply of 55" Operator VDU with industrial grade embedded fanless PC as per RDSO TAN No.
STS/E/TAN/3007. .The monitors should be of 4K resolution or better and suitable for 24 x7 operation.
NS2004 1.00 Numbers 156937.50 156937.50 AT Par 156937.50
4 Description:- Supply of 55" maintanence VDU with industrial grade embedded fan less PC as per RDSO TAN No.
STS/E/TAN/3007.The monitors should be of 4K resolution or better and suitable for 24 x7 operation.
NS2005 3.00 Numbers 494420.00 1483260.00 AT Par 1483260.00
5 Description:- a) Supply of Data logger with 96 analog inputs and 512 external digital inputs for external relays for
NS2006 3.00 Numbers 927061.33 2781183.99 AT Par 2781183.99
6 Description:- Supply of Perimeter Earthing and bonding, Surge protection and system integration as per RDSO
specification No. RDSO/SPN/197/ 2008, RDSO TAN No: STS/E/ TAN/3006 dt. 02.11.2012 and Railway Letter No.
2008/Sig/G/2/ RDSO dt. 21.06.2011.
NS2007 3.00 Set 462368.52 1387105.56 AT Par 1387105.56
Description:- Supply of Fanless Embedded Industrial grade PC with minimum 320 GB Memory storage capacity
as per RDSO TAN No. STS/E/TAN/3007 or latest with all accessories such as connectors, keyboard, mouse
antivirus etc. This includes supply of UPS with 2hrs back up and monochrome laser jet printer
NS2008 1.00 Numbers 156937.50 156937.50 AT Par 156937.50
Description:- Supply of industrial grade 55" maintanence VDU as per RDSO TAN No. STS/E/TAN/3007.
NS2009 1.00 Lumpsum 2885030.22 2885030.22 AT Par 2885030.22
Description:- Installation, testing and commissioning of Distributed version of EI equipment supplied vide sch
No.NS2001 of Annexure A2 and its associated items as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/ 203/2011 and as
per RDSO TAN. including installation of relay racks and fixing &wiring of all types of relays, termination of interface
wires on the CT rack (FTOT) and painting of sleeve particulars in all 3 locations (1 main cabin with 2 Huts). The
9 input and output cables/wires (RDSO approved) used for interface wiring of EI shall be made of twisted pair. This
work also includes the following:- 1. Synchronization of EI clock and Data logger clock through CMU. 2. Provision
of communication between Dual VDU and EI system and EI system and Huts using OFC through redundant paths.
3. Installation and testing of Operator VDU and Maintenance PC 4. Installation, Wiring, Testing and
Commissioning of Data loggers along with Protocol converter as per RDSO specification no IRS-S-99/2006 or
latest with power supply arrangements. NOTE: PLEASE REFER TENDER DOCUMENT(VOL I) FOR DETAILED
Pa g e 13 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule A3-ANNEXURE A3 (NON SOR ITEMS) 17994783.04
NS3001 27.00 Detection 367995.97 9935891.19 AT Par 9935891.19
Point (DP)
Description:- Design, Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of Dual Detection Multi Section Digital Axle
Counter (MSDAC) complete system as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/176/2013 (version 3) or latest on
the date of tender opening for NAGAPATTINAM Station as per the tentative plan enclosed. This work also
includes Designing of proposed DP arrangement Multi Section Digital Axle Counter (MSDAC) in the Nagapattinam
yard as per the signalling plan. i) Number of Detection Points (DP) - 27 Nos. ii) Number of Track sections (TS) - 24
Nos Note: For track section reset box shall be provided at the station SM room and LV box shall be provided at
1 the location for the proposed Track sections. "Design,Supply,installation,Testing and Commissioning of Dual
Detection Multi Section Digital Axle Counter (MSDAC) complete system as per RDSO Specification No.
RDSO/SPN/176/2013 (version 3) with latest amendments for NAGAPATTINAM . as per Tentative SIP enclosed
(Note: Tenderer shall Design a scheme for provision of required No. of Evaluators, Track side junction boxes,
detection points and track clearance relays etc. as per the tentative plan enclosed. Design should have the facility
to reset track section both Automatic and Manual resetting system with co-operative type resetting features.) This
includes supply of all the Track side junction boxes, required number of Evaluators detection points and track
clearance relays (preferably Q series relays), reset panels, LV boxes, communication equipments/ interface
equipments for connecting evaluators, reset Panels and LV boxes. All other accessories including Multiplexers,
Modems, Cards, Modules etc., and any other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by
NS3002 1.00 Lumpsum 1103987.91 1103987.91 AT Par 1103987.91
Description:- Supply of 10% essential Spares of all cards, modules and relays (minimum of 1 No.) to be supplied
for Indoor and outdoor equipment of MSDAC supplied in NS3001 (subject to a fractional quantity to be rounded off
to next higher digit). The supply of spares required should be certified as essential by OEM.
NS3003 1.00 Lumpsum 205635.98 205635.98 AT Par 205635.98
Description:- "Supply of Tool Kit for installation and Maintenance of MSDAC for Auto section as per OEM
requirement comprising of 1)Portable Data Analyser for downloading event logger data for analysis and report
3 generation - 1 No. 2)True RMS Digital Multimeter of reputed make as recommended by OEM - 1 No. 3)Dummy
wheel - 1 No. 4) Set of Spanners and Screw drivers including soldering iron - 1 Set 5)Adjustable Torque wrench -
1 No. 6) Marking jig for drilling-1 no Any other specialised tools and measuring equipments as per OEM
requirement/RDSO precommissioning cheklist as applicable.Inspection By Consignee."
NS3004 30.00 Man-Days 1355.40 40662.00 AT Par 40662.00
4 Description:- Training of Railways personnel in MSDAC for maintenance of MSDAC and configuration of MSDAC
at suitable location.
NS3005 1.00 Set 178314.45 178314.45 AT Par 178314.45
5 Description:- Supply, installation and commissioning of station master's block panel for Single line-SSBPAC (D)
as per RDSO /SPN/175/2005 or latest along with supply of block phone as per RDSO/SPN/191/2005 or latest.
Inspection by RDSO
NS3006 1.00 Set 1147288.00 1147288.00 AT Par 1147288.00
6 Description:- Supply, installation and commissioning of microprocessor based SSBPAC(D) for single line
including wiring relay rack without Relays as per RDSO /SPN/175/2005 or latest. Inspection by RDSO
NS3007 2.00 Set 29581.50 59163.00 AT Par 59163.00
7 Description:- Supply of Surge Protection Devices for 24 VDC, Class - D for SSBPAC INSPECTION BY
NS3008 2.00 Set 23138.06 46276.12 AT Par 46276.12
Description:- Supply of Surge Protection Devices for Data Lines for SSBPAC INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE
NS3009 1.00 Set 154291.20 154291.20 AT Par 154291.20
9 Description:- Supply of following relays 1) QNNI 4F/4B railway signalling relay-4 Nos, 2) QNA1 8F/8B Relay -
10Nos, 3) QLI 11F 4B Relay-4 Nos, 4) QN1 8F/8B relay-4 Nos
NS3010 1.00 Set 75264.00 75264.00 AT Par 75264.00
10 Description:- Supply of Auto changeover card which includes one voice modem circuit and one E1 converter
circuit (Inspection by consignee) (1 set =2 Nos)
NS3011 8.00 Numbers 6017.28 48138.24 AT Par 48138.24
Pa g e 14 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Supply of AC immunized plug in type "QNAIK" DC neutral line relay 24 V, 1000 ohms, 6F/6B
Contacts Front Contacts Metal to Carbon and back contacts Metal/ Carbon complete with plug board retaining
clips and connectors conforming to BRS 931 a IRS S@ 58<44@ IRS, IRS @ 58"44@ IRS S:23 & RDSO
Specification STS/E/ Relay/UEA (P-1) dt 30.05.97. The interlocking code for this shall be CDEKY inspection by
NS3012 375.00 Numbers 4865.56 1824585.00 AT Par 1824585.00
Description:- Supply of Field IOT Devices with Basic Functioning of capturing the parameters from the field gears
like DC track Circuit, AFTC, Signals, point Machines, LC Gate, with communication hardware to transmit the data
12 to the station gateway system in any varriant or combinations of channels in FTU 's/ Field IOT Devices with sum of
combinations of all channels of various FTU's / Field IOT Devices across the station yard (Field IOT device shall
support minimum 8 channels) confirming to FRS RDSO/RDPM/FRS/2021 dates 06.05.2021 or latest. Inspection
NS3013 151.00 Numbers 4699.23 709583.73 AT Par 709583.73
Description:- Supply of non intrusive type current sensors Variant: 0-1 Amp DC/0-10 Amp DC /0-1A AC as per
RDSO/RDPM/FRS/2021 dates 06.05.2021 or latest. Note: The sensors can be external or can be
mounted/integrated in the IOT Device. Inspection by RITES.
NS3014 189.00 Numbers 4686.31 885712.59 AT Par 885712.59
Description:- Supply of galvanically isolated voltage transducers or voltage sensor or voltage sensing channel
14 with high impedance and minimum circuit loading ( in no case shall be more than 5 mA Variant : 0-10 V DC/ 0-50
V DC/ 0-150 V DC, 0-150 V AC as per RDSO/RDPM/FRS/2021 dates 06.05.2021 or latest.Note: The sensors or
Voltage sensing channel can be external or can be mounted/integrated in the IOT Device.Inspection by RITES.
NS3015 18.00 Numbers 5202.95 93653.10 AT Par 93653.10
15 Description:- Supply of High Frequency Voltage transducer or voltage sensing channel for high frequency Gears
like Axle Counter as per RDSO/RDPM/FRS/2021 dates 06.05.2021 or latest.
NS3016 16.00 Numbers 5195.08 83121.28 AT Par 83121.28
16 Description:- Supply of vibration sensors for point machine as per RDSO/RDPM/FRS/2021 dates 06.05.2021 or
latest. Inspection by RITES.
NS3017 1.00 Numbers 269066.44 269066.44 AT Par 269066.44
Description:- Supply of station gateway equipment system with Edge Computing to receive data from various
IOT Devices in field and Relay Room/Equipment Room as per RDSO/RDPM/FRS/2021 dates 06.05.2021 or latest
Inspection by RITES.
NS3018 1.00 Numbers 190278.60 190278.60 AT Par 190278.60
18 Description:- Supply of IOT device for sensing 110V DC Battery bank parameters including current and voltage
transducers as per RDSO/RDPM/FRS/2021 dates 06.05.2021 or latest. Inspection by RITES.
NS3019 1.00 Numbers 432365.71 432365.71 AT Par 432365.71
Description:- Supply of A) Desktop Application for Local Console b) GPS based Maintenance Information system
19 c) Mobile application (IOS & Android) d) provision for cloud access, UI, configuration, database &report generation
along with integration of Remote Diagnostic & Predictive Maintenance System including tools for alerts analysis &
System generated Maintenance schedule. Inspection by RITES.
NS3020 1.00 Numbers 159470.76 159470.76 AT Par 159470.76
20 Description:- Provision of Cloud based WEB Portal for monitoring of preventive maintenance of signalling gears
of yard. Inspection by RITES.
NS3021 1.00 Station 106760.62 106760.62 AT Par 106760.62
21 Description:- Supply of Diagnostic Tool Kit :1* Leakage clamp meter of reputed make,1 * Multimeter of reputed
make,1* Android tablet of reputed make,1 * Label Printer,10* caste for label Printer. Inspection by RITES.
NS3022 1.00 Numbers 49964.94 49964.94 AT Par 49964.94
22 Description:- Supply of 4 Channel serial interface for Monitoring of Axle Counter Error codes through reset
boxes/Datalogger/EI. Inspection by RITES.
NS3023 1.00 Numbers 82804.86 82804.86 AT Par 82804.86
23 Description:- Supply and installation of LRS i5 /4GB/256GB SSD/Windows 10/Intel Integrated Graphics,32inch
Display of Reputated Make & UPS 600VA. Inspection by RITES.
NS3024 358.00 Numbers 156.84 56148.72 AT Par 56148.72
Description:- Installation, Testing and Commissioning of FTU's/ Filed IOT Devices across the station yard totaling
24 per channels of current/ Voltage/ Frequency. [Required wiring materials, sealing compound and all other required
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor. All underground cable will be supplied by the
NS3025 1.00 Numbers 13501.86 13501.86 AT Par 13501.86
Pa g e 15 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Installation, Testing and Commissioning of FTU's/ Filed IOT Devices across the station yard totaling
per channels of DAC. [Required wiring materials, sealing compound and all other required miscellaneous
materials shall be supplied by the contractor. All underground cable will be supplied by the Railways].
NS3026 16.00 Numbers 1014.21 16227.36 AT Par 16227.36
Description:- Installation, Testing and Commissioning of FTU's/ Filed IOT Devices across the station yard totaling
per channels of Vibration. [Required wiring materials, sealing compound and all other required miscellaneous
materials shall be supplied by the contractor. All underground cable will be supplied by the Railways].
NS3027 1.00 Numbers 26625.38 26625.38 AT Par 26625.38
Description:- Installation, Testing and Commissioning of IOT device for sensing 110V DC Battery bank
27 parameters including current and voltage transducers as per RDSO/RDPM/FRS/2021 dates 06.05.2021 or latest
[Required wiring materials, sealing compound and all other required miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by
the contractor. All underground cable will be supplied by the Railways].
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule A4-ANNEXURE A4 (NON SOR ITEMS) 59773014.19
NS4001 30.00 Man-Days 2509.48 75284.40 AT Par 75284.40
Description:- Training of Railway Personnel for installation, testing, commissioning, trouble shooting, alteration
1 and repair of EI. This includes Supply of compiler for doing trouble shooting/ modification in logic circuits, hard and
soft copies of Course modules and working instructions. Training shall be imparted preferably at worksite/Railway
depot of the Engineer in charge/ Manufacturer's factory premises. Training materials may be supplied by the
NS4002 1.00 Set 720915.84 720915.84 AT Par 720915.84
Description:- Supply and Installation of workspace suitable for control desk for Dual monitors of min 55"inch size
2 (Total four monitors) ,2 operators, one module to be provided for housing TWO nos of Embedded PCs, 2 nos of
FDMS and to accommodate power supply arrangements for the VDU with proper ventilation - This includes supply
of four chairs (Godrej PCH7002DX or superior as approved by the executive in charge).
NS4003 2000.00 Metre 3231.22 6462440.00 AT Par 6462440.00
Description:- Supply of Polyolefin cable channel of size width 240/340 mm, height 155/230 mm internal/external,
length 1 meter (+/- 10 mm ),Weight per meter 8kg produced of polyolefin with Fire Protection class K-1 in
3 accordance with DIN 53438 Part II for laying signalling/telecom cables as per RDSO Technical specification STS
/Cable - laying practices Vol -IV ,Dt 09.05.2018 & DIN 53438 parts =II , channel attachable to each other with male
female swallowtail connectors and having suitable detachable cover, with minimum weight = 08 KG & Load
bearing strength=12 KN. Inspection by RITES
NS4004 2000.00 Metre 563.32 1126640.00 AT Par 1126640.00
Description:- Laying of Polyolefin cable channels of all sizes by digging of trench of required size that top of
channel is not less than 0.3 Meter below earth/ground level and at concrete surface to be laid with suitable
fasteners with contractor supply.
NS4005 500.00 Metre 6953.37 3476685.00 AT Par 3476685.00
5 Description:- Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified proportion including the cost of
cement, centering and shuttering with 1:3:6 composition
NS4006 500.00 Metre 1074.23 537115.00 AT Par 537115.00
Description:- Supply and laying of DWC split pipe of 250/217 mm dia, 2 m long in already DUG cable trenches.
NS4007 100.00 Metre 3900.75 390075.00 AT Par 390075.00
7 Description:- Cutting and breaking of RCC platform or concrete to a width of 0.3 mtr for laying of cables, after
cable laying same to be covered with a concrete mix of 1:3:6 (cable laying covered under separate schedule).
NS4008 500.00 Cu.ft. 557.25 278625.00 AT Par 278625.00
8 Description:- Concreting of GI pipes of 100 mm and 150mm dia for protection of Signalling cables as per the
instructions of railway representative at site.
NS4009 1.00 Set 84345.89 84345.89 AT Par 84345.89
9 Description:- Ladder arrangements for cable entry from Ground floor to first floor for main cables entry up to
FTOT at Station.
NS4010 2.00 Pair 43336.69 86673.38 AT Par 86673.38
10 Description:- Supply of Dual RS232 to E1 converter suitable to insert in the Data logger Euro rack for interlinking
Dataloggers. Consignee Inspection
NS4011 4.00 Set 129397.09 517588.36 AT Par 517588.36
Pa g e 16 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Supply and installation of Eight channel Earth leakage detector Multi channel to specification No.
RDSO/ SPN/256/2002 or latest with 6 digital counter in 19" sub rack with insulated tester and test probes. All the
materials required for the work shall be supplied by contractor. (Inspection by RDSO).
NS4012 4000.00 Metre 86.62 346480.00 AT Par 346480.00
Description:- "Supply and Laying of permanently solid lubricated HDPE pipes (33mm inner dia, 40 mm outer
12 dia)as per specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/45/2013 with revision 2 or latest with accessories including adequate
No. of plastic couplers. Two nos each of end plug, cable sealing plug and end cap shall be supplied along with
each coil. One no. of DUCT Cutter, C-Spanner and Chamfering tool shall be supplied as per RDSO spec. HDPE
duct coil length shall be 1000 meter +5%, -2% (Standard length with tolerance as per RDSO spec.)
NS4013 4000.00 Metre 23.16 92640.00 AT Par 92640.00
13 Description:- Blowing /Drawing of OFC cable in Permanently solid lubricated HDPE telecom pipe (33 mm inner
NS4014 6.00 Numbers 31465.22 188791.32 AT Par 188791.32
Description:- Supply and fixing of wall mounting loaded with 24 port FC-PC or SC-PC connectors interface type
14 FMS suitable for 24F armoured OFC cable similar to RPG,3M, D link, Amphenol makes or better suitable for
splicing and front patching for 24F cable with all accessories and terminating the optical fiber cable and front
patching in FMS in the equipment room(Pigtails and all other materials required for splicing are to be supplied by
the contractor. Consignee Inspection
NS4015 4.00 Numbers 624519.96 2498079.84 AT Par 2498079.84
Description:- Supply and Installation of Tansy Hybrid multi service device 1.5U height & 19 inch rack mountable
15 supporting STM 1/4 interface, Two SFP ports included for 1GBPS optical fibre support; Four Gigabit Ethernet
ports (Railnet); Eight E1 circuits for Data; Dual power supply DC supported; Three empty slots to support
FXO/FXS & E&M for Auto-Phone and Control Phone (Conference); Make: ANSY/NOKIA/LANTANA/
CISCO/WAVES or similar - Consignee Inspection
NS4016 4.00 Numbers 31217.07 124868.28 AT Par 124868.28
Description:- Supply of External 4 wire leased line modem for networking. Consignee Inspection
NS4017 4.00 Numbers 27265.69 109062.76 AT Par 109062.76
Description:- Supply and Provision of Surge protection device type (I +II) for single phase with unique feature of
17 progressive indication of the arrester Imp (10/350us ) (l-N) -25KVA ,Imp (10/350us) (N-PE ) -52 KA ,in (8/20us)( L-
PE)=100KA,Voltage protection level (L-N ) with I (25 KA ) < 1.25KV ,Voltage protection level (N-PE),1.50 KV of
similar to make ZOTUP,PHOENIX CONTACT & FEEO (Consignee Inspection)
NS4018 10.00 Numbers 40542.15 405421.50 AT Par 405421.50
Descrip t io n : - "Supply and Provision of Earthing and Bonding System as per RDSO Spec
No:RDSO/SPN/197/2008 or Latest. (Miscellaneous materials required for commissioning shall be supplied by the
contractor). RDSO Inspection"
NS4019 4.00 Numbers 690494.50 2761978.00 AT Par 2761978.00
19 Description:- "Supply of aspiration type smoke detector. Highly sensitive smoke aspiration system for monitoring
of rooms and equipment's for earliest possible fire detection For Relay rooms as per RDSO spec. No.
RDSO/SPN/217/2018 Ver.2.0 or latest."
NS4020 80.00 Numbers 13407.46 1072596.80 AT Par 1072596.80
20 Description:- "Supply of Multi Sensor detector Dual Optical/ Thermal with rotatries and back boxes including base
as per RDSO Spec.No.RDSO/SPN/217/2018 Ver.2.0 or latest"
NS4021 4.00 Numbers 270661.57 1082646.28 AT Par 1082646.28
21 Description:- Supply of Single Loop Analog addressable Fire Alarm System with Loop capacity of connecting
maximum 50 devices. The Panel shall have a built in power supply and battery charger. RDSO Specification
No.RDSO/SPN/ 217/ 2018 Ver.2.0 or Latest with RDSO inspection.
NS4022 8.00 Numbers 9296.16 74369.28 AT Par 74369.28
22 Description:- Supply of Addressable Single action indoor manual call point with back box (RED) and also
including key as per RDSO Spec.No. RDSO/SPN/217/ 2018 Ver.2.0 or latest.
NS4023 8.00 Numbers 11165.66 89325.28 AT Par 89325.28
23 Description:- Supply of Sounder having range of 81 dbA to 92 dbA as per RDSO Spec. No.RDSO/SPN/ 217/
2018 Ver.2.0 or latest.
NS4024 8.00 Numbers 7783.55 62268.40 AT Par 62268.40
24 Description:- Supply of Addressable Double action Indoor Manual Call Point with back box (RED) and also
including Key. RDSO Specification No.RDSO/SPN/217/ 2018 Ver.2.0 or Latest WITH RDSO Inspection.
NS4025 8.00 Numbers 7745.43 61963.44 AT Par 61963.44
25 Description:- Supply of Intelligent addressable control module as per RDSO Spec. No.RDSO/SPN/217/2018
Ver.2.0 or latest.
NS4026 8.00 Numbers 42980.73 343845.84 AT Par 343845.84
Pa g e 17 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
26 Description:- Auto-dialer for SMS alarm generation & routing in case of Fire Alarm to concerned persons as per
RDSO Spec. No.RDSO/SPN/217/2018 Ver.2.0 or latest.
NS4027 400.00 Metre 253.95 101580.00 AT Par 101580.00
27 Description:- "Supply of 2core FRLS Cooper unarmored cable with necessary clamps and fittings
asper RDSO Spec. No.RDSO/SPN/217/2018 Ver.2.0 or latest."
NS4028 200.00 Metre 1979.72 395944.00 AT Par 395944.00
Description:- Supply of LHS Cable as per RDSO Spec. No. RDSO/SPN/217/2018 Ver.2.0 or latest.
NS4029 8.00 Numbers 146839.93 1174719.44 AT Par 1174719.44
Description:- Supply of LHS control module as per RDSO Spec. No. RDSO/SPN/ 217/2018 Ver.2.0 or latest.
NS4030 12.00 Numbers 29115.31 349383.72 AT Par 349383.72
30 Description:- Supply of Co2 fire extinguisher 4.5 Kg capacity conforming to ISI5683 with ISI mark provided with
all fitting and accessories. Make: Safex/Bharat or similar.
NS4031 4.00 Set 89308.26 357233.04 AT Par 357233.04
31 Description:- Installation, testing and commissioning charges of fire alarm system including programming of
devices and fire alarm panel etc.
NS4032 4.00 Set 68727.50 274910.00 AT Par 274910.00
32 Description:- Supply and Installation of Air sampling CPVC Pipes with all required accessories for Aspiration
NS4033 4.00 Set 78076.50 312306.00 AT Par 312306.00
Description:- Supervision, programming, Installation, testing & Commissioning of Aspiration smoke detection
NS4034 4.00 Numbers 4858.79 19435.16 AT Par 19435.16
34 Description:- Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Relay module with backbox and all other
accessories as per RDSO/SPN/217/2018 ver-2 or latest.
NS4035 4.00 Numbers 24000.14 96000.56 AT Par 96000.56
Description:- Supply of TCIP Module /Networking Card
NS4036 4.00 Numbers 428061.81 1712247.24 AT Par 1712247.24
Description:- Supply of 240KA, 4 Wire builtin grounding/earthing devices for Surge and Transient over voltage
protection with grounding/earthing system without buried earth pit for equipment. Tested, certified and approved
as per International Standards. (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4037 2.00 Numbers 24369.45 48738.90 AT Par 48738.90
37 Description:- Supply of Laser Printer for Fault Analysis Terminal of supplied vide NS-2005 of Annexure A2. Make:
HP M128fn Laser jet or similar (INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE)
NS4038 4.00 Numbers 24999.33 99997.32 AT Par 99997.32
Description:- Supply and Fabrication of Table having dimensions 2.5 Mtr x 1Mtr (or dimension as per site
38 requirement) for accommodation of Datalogger Terminal, Maintenance Terminal including Printer arrangements.
This includes supply of one chair (Godrej PCH7002DX or superior as approved by engineer in charge)
NS4039 4.00 Set 20569.38 82277.52 AT Par 82277.52
Description:- Fabrication and Supply of wall mounted maintainers Tool kit frame made out of MS sheet 10 Guage
39 with powder coated as desired colour at site of size 1.5 Mtrs Length x 0.8 Mtr Width x 0.15 Mtr Depth with all
fixtures for mounting individuals, tools inside the board and in front with Acrylic sheet 4mm thickness with locking
arrangements and all necessary fixtures to fix on wall.(INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE)
NS4040 1.00 Numbers 137998.25 137998.25 AT Par 137998.25
40 Description:- Supply & Provision of Data concentrator along with one Dual card Modem. (INSPECTION BY
NS4041 2.00 Numbers 647861.36 1295722.72 AT Par 1295722.72
41 Description:- Supply of Cable Route Tracer similar to model No.2273 M of Dynatel make or better / Komplex
make SML Model or similar with LCD Display (INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE)
NS4042 1.00 Numbers 224279.78 224279.78 AT Par 224279.78
Description:- Supply of Portable Cable Fault Locator similar to TELEMETRICS make model No. TFL5/ Supply of
Precision pipe and Cable Locator / Route tracer of make stanlay STLOC10GPS PATH FINDER or better
(INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE) Model ST25 Cable fault locator stanlay or better
NS4043 1.00 Set 56423.52 56423.52 AT Par 56423.52
43 Description:- Supply and Installation of Fuse Auto changeover system (FACS Main System) as per
RDSO/SPN/209/2012 Ver 1.0 or latest type capable of monitoring 32 Fuses from 0.6 to 4.0A (INSPECTION BY
NS4044 2.00 Numbers 49480.99 98961.98 AT Par 98961.98
Pa g e 18 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
44 Description:- Supply of Handheld Digital Insulation Resistance Tester of Model No 505A of Stanlay make or
NS4045 2.00 Set 14805.54 29611.08 AT Par 29611.08
45 Description:- Supply of 10way Annunciator with Push button switches and having conference facility. Model No
AM-10 similar to Epsilon, Tele links or better (INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE)
NS4046 4.00 Set 72416.63 289666.52 AT Par 289666.52
Description:- "Supply and installation of class A Franklin rod type lightning protection system 1) This work
46 includes supply and installation of air terminal Franklin rod of size 9.5 mm dia solid rod of 1 mtr length. 2) supply
and installation of 3 mtrs GI pipe 40 mm dia with anchoring wire and clamps. this work includes concreting
offoundation of size 300mm x 300mm x 1000mm with 1:3:6 ratio concrete for installation of GI pipe. (all the
materials required for the above work shall be supplied by the contractor (INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE)"
NS4047 200.00 Metre 739.63 147926.00 AT Par 147926.00
Description:- "Supply and Installation of Copper tape of size 25mm x 3mm for Down conductor from Franklin Rod
47 to Maintenance free earth. This work includes installation of insulated stand-offs at every 1 Mtr. interval for fixing
the Copper tape. This work also includes Exothermic welding of Copper tape to the Franklin rod and the
maintenance free earth for high conductivity. (All the materials required for the above work shall be supplied by
NS4048 4.00 Numbers 11230.23 44920.92 AT Par 44920.92
48 Description:- Supply, installation and wiring of 230/24V - 1A transformer rectifier conforming to RDSO spec. IRS
S 91/2014 with latest Amendment in power room for LVR (INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE)
NS4049 4.00 Set 27080.81 108323.24 AT Par 108323.24
49 Description:- "Supply, fabrication and provision of power equipment stand at stations/Hut/ power room at stations
as per drawing No. Proj/SG/MS/54/2008 (INSPECTION BY CONSIGNEE)"
NS4050 4.00 Numbers 29149.61 116598.44 AT Par 116598.44
50 Description:- "Supply, installation and wiring of 230V/110V -3KVA Transformer confirming to RDSO spec. No.
IRS:S.72/88 Amendment 2 or latest (INSPECTION BY RDSO)"
NS4051 1.00 Numbers 81181.68 81181.68 AT Par 81181.68
51 Description:- "Supply, installation and wiring of Voltage Stabilizer 230V/3KVA as per RDSO specification
IRS:S.74-89 Amendment 6 or latest Ferro Resonant type Automatic AC Voltage Regulator. (INSPECTION BY
NS4052 2.00 Numbers 85630.84 171261.68 AT Par 171261.68
52 Description:- Supply and Installation of HAWKE Cable Transit system to accommodate 18 nos of underground
armoured signalling cables of different coverage (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4053 2.00 Numbers 27984.98 55969.96 AT Par 55969.96
53 Description:- Supply of Digital AC/DC clamp meter capable of measuring low currents in mA range as well as
high current up to 60A in AC and DC similar to model No.211B of Stanlay make or better. (INSPECTION BY
NS4054 5.00 Numbers 26228.27 131141.35 AT Par 131141.35
54 Description:- "Supply of Digital Multimeter similar to Stanlay Make Model 195M or better with accessories
NS4055 25.00 Per Unit 2583.78 64594.50 AT Par 64594.50
Description:- Identification of signalling/power/telecom cables going to old FTOT and re-routing to Location
Box/Junction Box. The work includes excavation of trench and identify the cables and re-route to Location box by
cutting the cable without damaging. Termination is covered under SOR schedule (Per Unit = Per Cable)
NS4056 500.00 Metre 54.86 27430.00 AT Par 27430.00
56 Description:- Excavation of cable trenches in all kinds of soil except hard rocky areas, including cleaning of roots
of trees, rocks, bushes etc., to a depth of 0.5 Mtrs and to a width of 0.3 Mtrs
NS4057 500.00 Metre 7.84 3920.00 AT Par 3920.00
57 Description:- Refilling of cable trench throughout with earth and consolidating the trench of depth 0.5 Mtrs and to
a width of 0.3 Mtrs
NS4058 4.00 Numbers 30616.52 122466.08 AT Par 122466.08
Description:- "Supply and Installation of wall mountable 24 Fibre management system (FMS) conforming to
58 RDSO/SPN/TC-3712000(rev-3) amdt-1 or latest similar to RPG make or better, suitable for splicing and front
patching 24F cable with all accessories and terminating the optical fibre cable with splicing and front patching in
FMS in the equipment room . (OFC Pigtail patch chords of suitable length and all other materials required for
splicing are to be supplied by contractor) (Inspection by Consignee)"
NS4059 2.00 Numbers 63421.94 126843.88 AT Par 126843.88
Pa g e 19 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Supply of Protocol Converter to seamlessly interface with Datalogger and EI equipment supplied
(Inspection by Consignee)
NS4060 2.00 Numbers 73781.66 147563.32 AT Par 147563.32
Description:- Supply and Installation of Fault analysis Terminal for analysis of fault and generating reports for
Datalogger installed at stations with 19 inch display terminal with i5 processor, 4GBRAM, HDD 1TB, Windows 10
Licensed.(Inspection by Consignee)
NS4061 1000.00 Metre 203.94 203940.00 AT Par 203940.00
Description:- Supply of Ethernet LAN Cable - CAT 5e/6e (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4062 1.00 Numbers 137553.94 137553.94 AT Par 137553.94
Description:- Supply of SPD Life tester, designed for on-site testing of surge protective devices (SPD). It allows
checking and indicating the health status of GDT/MOV based SPD of voltage range upto 1000V. It shall indicate
the status of SPD by measuring its electrical parameters. (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4063 1.00 Numbers 55021.73 55021.73 AT Par 55021.73
Description:- Supply and Installation of Power & Surge analyzer which can offer real time monitoring of steady
63 state over voltage and surges for smooth functioning of complete power supply systems. It can offer real time
monitoring of steady state over voltage upto 1500V and can register surges from 1 kA to 100 kA with date and
time stamp, at the input of power supply system like IPS, SMPS etc. The data can be stored in its internal/external
memory with a feature to extract data through USB port. (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4064 300.00 Man-Days 1106.55 331965.00 AT Par 331965.00
Description:- Provision of One skilled staff round the clock to attend to teething trouble of the installation along
with SSE/JE(Sig/Tele). The work includes routine maintenance, failure restoration as per the direction of the
NS4065 1.00 Numbers 63326.42 63326.42 AT Par 63326.42
65 Description:- Supply of 5 KVA Ferro resonant Automatic AC Voltage Regulator as per latest RDSO specification
IRS:S-74/89 (Amd.6)
NS4066 2.00 Numbers 46454.61 92909.22 AT Par 92909.22
66 Description:- Supply of Battery charger 230V /24 V DC 30 Amps as per latest RDSO specificationIRS:S-86/2000
(Amd.4 or latest)
NS4067 2.00 Numbers 122678.57 245357.14 AT Par 245357.14
67 Description:- Supply of Battery Charger 230/110V -50Amps as per latest RDSO specification IRS:S-86/2000
(Amd. 4 or latest)
NS4068 4.00 Set 323136.00 1292544.00 AT Par 1292544.00
Description:- Supply and installation VRLA fully charged battery 110V DC/200 AH (55 nos of 2V-200AH) VRLA
68 battery with inter cell connectors housed in MS Tray as per Spec.No.IRS S 93/96(A) (amd-3 or latest and
necessary wiring materials shall be supplied by the contractor as directed by site Engineer in charge (Inspection
by RDSO)
NS4069 4.00 Numbers 46382.45 185529.80 AT Par 185529.80
Description:- Supply of FTOT board with 500 way terminals.
NS4070 4.00 Numbers 85444.32 341777.28 AT Par 341777.28
Description:- Installation, testing and commissioning of SMPS based IPS system with VRLA /LMLA Battery Bank
conforming to RDSO specification. This work includes a) Installation of IPS as per specification. b) Electric wiring
and bringing AC input supply up to IPS. c) All wiring/ducting from / to IPS and Relay room, Battery room & Station
70 master's room. d) Wiring of all modules and proper earthing of equipment to the Existing earth in the yard. e) The
provisions given in pre- commissioning checklist shall be jointly verified by the IPS manufacturers and Railway
representative at site. f) Training of maintenance staff on operation and maintenance of IPS at site. (The IPS
equipment will be supplied by Railways. All other materials required for the above work to be supplied by the
NS4071 50.00 Numbers 442.69 22134.50 AT Par 22134.50
Description:- Supply, Installation and Wiring of Bolt type 32A HRC fuse base and carrier with 4/6/10/16/32 A fuse
71 as per the load condition at location boxes, cable huts etc. as per approved circuit diagram. This work also
includes painting of particulars of wiring in the places as instructed by railway representative at site. (HRC fuse
block, fuses, wires, Cu. lugs and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
NS4072 2.00 Set 29709.17 59418.34 AT Par 59418.34
72 Description:- Design, fabrication and Supply of Fuse Changeover Cum Alarm systems for 32 Nos. of G type
fuses up to 4 amps capacity as per RDSO Spec No. RDSO/SPN/209/ 2012 rev 1.0 or latest
NS4073 2.00 Numbers 5324.23 10648.46 AT Par 10648.46
Pa g e 2 0 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Fabrication, Supply and erection of MS powder coated rack of size 19" (width) X 8" (Depth) with
suitable height (Approx. 48") and six shelves. Each module to be accommodated in each shelf. Including
foundation with 'J' type anchor bolts and insulators as per the instruction of site incharge.
NS4074 2.00 Numbers 1070.28 2140.56 AT Par 2140.56
83 Description:- Supply of High Density Polyethylene Pipes (HDPE) of 110 mm Outer Dia, 10 mm Wall Thickness,
along with one coupler for every 6 Meters as per specification No. IS 4984: 2016 with latest amendments and
Material Grade:PE 80.(Inspection by rites.)
NS4084 2000.00 Metre 22.19 44380.00 AT Par 44380.00
84 Description:- Drawal of Signaling/Power/Telecom cables inside the DWC/HDPE pipe. This work includes
conducting necessary duct integrity test
NS4085 500.00 Metre 998.21 499105.00 AT Par 499105.00
Description:- Road crossing/Track crossing through horizontal boring method using machineries and inserting
85 120mm outer dia 103.5mm inner dia DWC pipe and pushing cables/HDPE pipe through it. DWC pipe 120mm
outer dia and 103.5mm inner dia conforming to specification No.IS-14930(Part-2):2001 or latest with one coupler
for every 6 metrs of pipe shall be supplied by the contractor with Rites inspection.
NS4086 10.00 Numbers 10101.92 101019.20 AT Par 101019.20
86 Description:- Supply and Installation of Glass Signage Board -Lacqer .The specification of the board is signaze
size - 620mm (L) X 450mm (W), Signage Glass Board - 6mm Tempered Glass, Hardware -SS316 Flat Head Bold
Stud 25 mm Lentgh/25mm Dia (4 Nos Approx)
Pa g e 2 1 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Pa g e 2 2 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Supply and provision of EMC derivation joint complete for 6 Quad cable using thermo shrink jointing
kit for Emergency Control and Auto Telephone. This includes tapping nominated Quad as instructed by the
Railway representative using miniature tapping transformer of 470:1120 ohm impedance in Emergency Quad. The
transformer is to be housed in the joint. The other end of the transformer is connected to 10 Pair Jelly filled Under
98 Ground telecom cable laid in the trench for this purpose. The Jelly filled Cable is to be taken out of the joint using
branch-off clip. While jointing necessary precaution is to be taken against moisture etc, and the cable ends should
be cleaned before jointing. After jointing the cable through, test such as insulation and conduction test etc should
be carried out jointly with Railway representative at site. If any defects or damages are observed during the
jointing / test , the contractor should do the joint free of cost ( Thermo shrinkable jointing kit conforming to RDSO
Spec No. TC/77/2010 with amendment - 1 or latest , Miniature transformer assembly of 470 : 1120 as per RDSO
Spec. IRS- TC 76/2000 with Amendment no. 1 or latest and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the contractor )
NS4099 4.00 Numbers 5935.75 23743.00 AT Par 23743.00
Description:- Supply and Fabrication of Emergency Socket boxes with sockets 6 pin flat as per RDSO drawing
no. TCA 120060( adv and socket spec no. IRS/TC/42/97 with latest amendment and drawing no. 15220. Fixing of
emergency socket on Rail post and burying the post after entry of cable to a depth of 1M as per drawing No.
99 OFC/2002/14 Alt - 1 , and also wiring as per instructions of the Railway engineer. This also includes painting of
Emergency socket post with alternate yellow and black stripes of 6" width, painting of socket boxes with Grey
colour paint. The EMC post should be concreted ( a size of 450 mm x 450 mm x 300 mm ) as per drawing no.
OFC/2002/14 Alt - 1. ( Rail post of different lengths for fabrication and fixing the EMC sockets will be supplied by
Railways and has to be transported by the contractor from depot to the site. All fixing bolts and nuts , paint
,cement , sand and miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the contractor ).
NS4100 200.00 Metre 68.43 13686.00 AT Par 13686.00
100 Description:- Clamping of OFC/ Telecom cable in the station building using PVC spiral hose (green) of suitable
dia. (PVC pipe and clamps and other miscellaneous materials will be supplied by the contractor)
NS4101 2000.00 Metre 15.61 31220.00 AT Par 31220.00
101 Description:- Laying, fixing, clamping and drawing of UTP CAT6 & Telephone cable in PVC pipe in building area.
(all the accessories for the work shall be supplied by the contractor)
NS4102 3.00 Numbers 1197.96 3593.88 AT Par 3593.88
102 Description:- Supply of 100pair Krone type connectors with mounting base unit and with CT Box (non metallic) as
per RDSO/SPN/TC/97-2012, Rev.0. Necessary required materials shall be supplied by the contractor.
NS4103 3.00 Numbers 688.28 2064.84 AT Par 2064.84
103 Description:- Supply of 50pair Krone type connectors with mounting base unit and with CT Box, (non metallic)
Necessary required materials shall be supplied by the contractor.
NS4104 3.00 Numbers 901.29 2703.87 AT Par 2703.87
104 Description:- Termination of 100pair Krone type connectors and terminating of pair cable with Teak wood plank
as directed by engineer at site.
NS4105 3.00 Numbers 462.68 1388.04 AT Par 1388.04
105 Description:- Termination of 50p Krone type connectors and terminating of pair cable with Teak wood plank as
directed by engineer at site.
NS4106 600.00 Metre 30.88 18528.00 AT Par 18528.00
106 Description:- Supply and provision of 1/2""(or) 1'' PVC pipe/channel and fixing on the wall and wiring of CAT6
UTP Cable (all accessories for the work shall be supplied by the contractor)
NS4107 7.00 Numbers 4066.37 28464.59 AT Par 28464.59
Description:- Supply and fixing of 20 pair Krone module housed in MS Box Powder coated with Lock and Key and
107 termination of cable at Nagapattinam central cabin & two Huts (20 pair Krone MS Box, Kongu/ Teak wood planks,
and all other miscellaneous materials including GI pipe for cable entry, PVC pipe etc required for the work shall be
supplied by the contractor)
NS4108 2.00 Numbers 34748.92 69497.84 AT Par 69497.84
Description:- Supply and Installation of covered 19"" 42U rack of size 2200mm x 600mm x 600mm (similar to
108 Vero president/HCL/RITTAL make) complete with all fittings including DC Fan (48V) - 2 Nos and AC Power
distribution panel( horizontal fitting) with power sockets and fuse protection ( minimum 6 nos of 230V - 15A/5A
combined ) and other accessories. The body should be of high quality cold rolled steel, with wheel and caster
arrangement, vented front door borders and rear doors for ventilation and reliable operation.
NS4109 4.00 Pair 40562.17 162248.68 AT Par 162248.68
Description:- Supply and Installation of E-1 to Ethernet Convertors.
NS4110 6.00 Numbers 3882.60 23295.60 AT Par 23295.60
110 Description:- Supply of Digital Distribution Frame (120 ohms)for terminating 16 E1s of wrapping type &
Mountable on 19" rack similar to TVS make or better.
NS4111 1.00 Numbers 89913.30 89913.30 AT Par 89913.30
Pa g e 2 3 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Supply and Installation of 5KVA UPS APC/ NUMERIC/ TATALIBERT with one hour backup.
NS4112 2.00 Pair 8631.62 17263.24 AT Par 17263.24
112 Description:- Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Media Convertor fibre to Ethernet to support
distance range of 20 Km over single mode Fibre of D- Link / MROTEK make.
NS4113 2.00 Numbers 14133.53 28267.06 AT Par 28267.06
113 Description:- Supply and Installation of Giga Bit Ethernet Unmanageable Switch with 24 port RJ45, 2 x GbE SFP
slot suitable to mount on 19 inch rack similar to Zyxel model No. GS-1100-24 or better.
NS4114 10.00 Numbers 496.08 4960.80 AT Par 4960.80
114 Description:- Supply, fixing of shutter and lable type dual port face plate fitted with female keystone jacks of RJ45
along with surface mount PVC back box and termination of telecom cables for data and voice. D link or DAX or
Krone or Panduit makes (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4115 4.00 Numbers 8507.62 34030.48 AT Par 34030.48
Description:- Supply and fixing of 32 way U-Link panels (Wrapping type) with U links and mountable on 19"rack.
NS4116 1.00 Set 32911.38 32911.38 AT Par 32911.38
116 Description:- Supply and installation of Wi Fi extender (Pack of 2) AC3000 triband WSQ50 ZYXEL or RBK50 Net
gear or similar models (Consignee inspection)
NS4117 1.00 Numbers 16625.07 16625.07 AT Par 16625.07
117 Description:- Supply of Power Distribution (with audible and visible indications) alarm panel to cater the DC
power requirements of Multiplexers/EOW/to be fixed in19" rack.
NS4118 2.00 Numbers 4999.63 9999.26 AT Par 9999.26
Description:- Supply and fixing of 20 pair CT box indoor with finished wooden plank (as per RDSO spec .No
118 TC/18/75) for termination of cables at station, LC Gates & Pump house etc.This includes entry of cable through
50mm GI pipe, fixing of 6 Quad/ PIJF cables/ switch board cables through suitable hard PVC pipe on the wall 20
pair CT box, finished wood plank and all other miscellaneous materials including 50mm GI pipe and 50mm PVC
pipe for cable entry shall be supplied by the contractor.cables will be supplied by railways.
NS4119 2.00 Numbers 4458.55 8917.10 AT Par 8917.10
Description:- Supply and fixing of 10 pair CT box indoor with finished wooden plank (as per RDSO spec. No
119 TC/18/75) for termination of cables at station, Lc Gates & Pump house etc. This includes entry of cable through
50mm GI pipe, fixing of 6 Quad/ PIJF cables/ switch board cables through suitable hard PVC pipe on the wall. 10
pair CT box, finished wood plank and all other miscellaneous materials including 50mm GI pipe and 50mm PVC
pipe for cable entry shall be supplied by the contractor. Cables will be supplied by railways.
NS4120 4.00 Numbers 8983.41 35933.64 AT Par 35933.64
120 Description:- Supply and Installation of 19", 6U rack of size 600mm x 600mm with complete accessories similar
to Net rack make model WM -single series.
NS4121 1.00 Numbers 19050.41 19050.41 AT Par 19050.41
Description:- Supply and installation of 19" 36 U size floor mountable covered network racks with complete fixing
121 accessories. Front door of transparent type with lock and key arrangement. Rack to be fitted with (1) trays - 1Nos
(2)6x15A/5A SURGE protected vertical power socket (minimum2 nos), (3) cable manager / organiser strip- 2Nos
(4) cooling exhaust fans (2Nos)in one tray of 230V AC working. NETRACK/ RITTAL/ SCHNEIDER/ VERO
PRESIDENT/ APW makes ( Inspection by Consignee)
NS4122 1.00 Numbers 33021.30 33021.30 AT Par 33021.30
Description:- Supply of 500W amplifier as per specification.
NS4123 300.00 Metre 70.47 21141.00 AT Par 21141.00
123 Description:- Supply of Duplex shielded cable for Public address wiring with 2 conductor, 30 strands/ conductor
with double jacketing and shielded.
NS4124 6.00 Numbers 3004.14 18024.84 AT Par 18024.84
124 Description:- Supply of Horn Speaker similar to Ahuja MAKE specifications. Input Power 25W RMS/38W Max.
Power Taps 25/20/15/10/5W Impedance 400/500/670/1k/2k Frequency Response 250-10,000Hz SPL at 1kHz
108dB/1W/1m 122dB/25W/1m
NS4125 6.00 Numbers 9516.91 57101.46 AT Par 57101.46
Description:- Supply and Provision 25W Horn Speaker in open areas for public address system of ABS plastic
125 with 100 v line matching transformer with mutiple taps/impedances easily selectable by rotating switch .It should
meet EN-60065 standard. This works includes supply, fabrication and erecting of pole, angles, fastenings and rain
hood as per the instruction of railway repersentative at site.
NS4126 8.00 Numbers 2614.17 20913.36 AT Par 20913.36
Description:- Provision of Horn Speaker in closed area
NS4127 2.00 Numbers 4232.39 8464.78 AT Par 8464.78
Description:- Supply of Microphone with Stand, make AHUJA, Model AUD - 99MS or similar or higher version.
Pa g e 2 4 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
129 Description:- Supply of OTDR (mini)with standard accessories for 1310/1550nm with all standard accessories as
per TEC spec GR/OTD-02/02 january 2005 / APL-2PLUS AOR502A Stanlay or superior for 1310/1550nm or latest
(This item should have valid TEC approval certificate at the day of opening of tender)
NS4130 500.00 Metre 25.15 12575.00 AT Par 12575.00
130 Description:- Supply of switch board cable, Finolex/Deltron make or better 0.5mm/4 pairs, conforming to
NS4131 8.00 Metre 35.93 287.44 AT Par 287.44
131 Description:- Supply of switch board cable, Finolex/ Deltron make or better 0.5mm/ 6 pairs, conforming to
NS4132 480.00 Metre 49.73 23870.40 AT Par 23870.40
132 Description:- Supply of switch board cable, Finolex/Deltron make or better 0.5mm/10 pairs, conforming to
NS4133 400.00 Metre 104.02 41608.00 AT Par 41608.00
133 Description:- Supply of switch board cable, Finolex/ Deltron make or better0.5mm/20 pairs, conforming to
NS4134 480.00 Metre 199.33 95678.40 AT Par 95678.40
134 Description:- Supply of switch board cable, Finolex/ Deltron make or better 0.5mm/50 pairs, conforming to
NS4135 2500.00 Metre 31.53 78825.00 AT Par 78825.00
135 Description:- Supply of UTP cat 6 cable 500Mhz of molex or DAX or D link or systimax make (Inspection by
NS4136 10.00 Numbers 277.56 2775.60 AT Par 2775.60
136 Description:- Supply of 7 feet length of factory crimped moulded booted type UTP CAT-6/6A Patch cords.
Panduit or systimax or R&M or AMP or MOLEX or Krone makes (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4137 500.00 Metre 15.23 7615.00 AT Par 7615.00
137 Description:- Supply of 12F unarmoured single mode Optic fibre cable of molex or D link or finolex or amp or
systimax makes (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4138 5.00 Numbers 2351.53 11757.65 AT Par 11757.65
138 Description:- Supply, installation and termination of UTP CAT 6, 19 inch 1U, 24 port Patch panel/RJ45 jack panel.
D link or Panduit or Systimax or R&M or AMP or Molex or Krone makes. (Inspection by consignee)
NS4139 1.00 Numbers 43161.87 43161.87 AT Par 43161.87
139 Description:- Supply and installation of 8 x 10/100/1000 Gigabit ethernet port L2 managed POE switch + 2
combo SFP ports (without fiber interface loaded) Cisco or HP or Extreme or make (consignee inspection)
NS4140 2.00 Numbers 10382.89 20765.78 AT Par 20765.78
140 Description:- Supply of GLC-LH-SMD SFP transceivers should be compatible for 8 Ports and 24Ports switches
supplied in this schedule (consignee inspection)
NS4141 2.00 Numbers 3552.28 7104.56 AT Par 7104.56
141 Description:- Supply and Installation of wireless router similar to link sys E2500 with suitable clamps and all
accessories to be supplied by the contractor (Consignee inspection)
NS4142 2.00 Numbers 11805.45 23610.90 AT Par 23610.90
Description:- Supply & installation of 1KVA online UPS (Single phase) (APC/ Numeric/TATA libert/Emerson libert
142 make) with 1 hr backup time along with suitable AH capacity batteries, necessary Stand for UPS and Batteries
(Exide or amaron or amararaja makes) to be supplied and fixed as per railway requirement. (Inspection by
NS4143 2.00 Numbers 820.57 1641.14 AT Par 1641.14
Description:- Supply of IDC punching tool of Krone make or similar.
NS4144 500.00 Metre 77.19 38595.00 AT Par 38595.00
Description:- Supply and laying of data communication cable screened 3/0.7 annealed tinned copper conductor
144 for providing public address system. The cable shall be laid in PVC pipe/ flexible hose and clamped as per the
instruction of engineer in charge at site. Data cable, PVC pipe, flexible hose, clamps, ties and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the contractor.
NS4145 8.00 Numbers 2628.29 21026.32 AT Par 21026.32
Pa g e 2 5 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Description:- Supply of coloumn speaker 15 watts similar to Model No. SCM 15 of Ahuja make for public address
system with 100 Volt line matching transformer with multiple taps/ impedances easily selectable by rotating switch.
It should meet EN-60065 standard.
NS4146 2.00 Numbers 2783.73 5567.46 AT Par 5567.46
146 Description:- Supply of light weight 2W/4W portable Emergency control Telephone made of ABS plastic as RDSO
spec. IRS: TC 78-2000 with amendment No.2 or latest
NS4147 2.00 Numbers 5041.42 10082.84 AT Par 10082.84
147 Description:- Supply of 12Volt 7AH power supply unit for telecom installations at way side stations RE/Non -RE
areas as per RDSO IRS -TC 72-97 amendment - 1 or latest
NS4148 2.00 Numbers 8980.26 17960.52 AT Par 17960.52
Description:- Supply of sealed maintenance free battery of 12V 75AH as per specification
NS4149 5.00 Numbers 12093.02 60465.10 AT Par 60465.10
149 Description:- Supply and installation of Joint enclosure for armoured optical fibre cable conforming to RDSO
spec. RDSO/SPN/TC/68/2014 rev2.0 with latest amendment and splicing of optic fibre cable (24F) .Testing of
fibres for 1310 &1550nm shall be carried out at every joint location
NS4150 15.00 Numbers 9168.76 137531.40 AT Par 137531.40
Description:- Excavation of OFC cable joint pit and provision of RCC joint/loop chambers of 1.2m dia ,60cm
150 height and 50mm thickness with 2 pieces top and bottom cover with holes for drainages (reinforcement as per
DRG No.OFC/2009/17).This includes filling up of sand complete in the joint chamber after cable laying ,back filling
and consolidation of soil around the chamber ,disposal of excess soil as per plan or as advised by railway
engineer at site as well as transportation of joint chamber to site at every KM in the section.
NS4151 6.00 Numbers 6570.65 39423.90 AT Par 39423.90
NS4152 4.00 Numbers 57926.89 231707.56 AT Par 231707.56
Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of GPS double face clock with GPS
152 synchronization as per RDSO Spec. No. RDSO/SPN/TC@47>47@2008 Rev3.0 or latest (The rate is inclusive of
GPS receiver with connecting RF cable) standalone mode. Clocks should be provided with separate earth.
(Necessary earthing materials should be supplied by the contractor) (Inspection by RDSO)
NS4153 1.00 Numbers 73550.77 73550.77 AT Par 73550.77
Description:- Supply of visual fault locator for fiber optic tester along with complete accessories as specification
153 enclosed in tender document similar to fluke make model visifault with carrying case, battery loaded, 2.5mm
universal adapter with cap, 1.25mm universal adapter OR Green Lee Model 180XL (Contractor has to arrange
field demonstration/field trail test at railway nominated site) (Inspection by Consignee).
NS4154 2.00 Numbers 25246.56 50493.12 AT Par 50493.12
Description:- Supply and installation VHF maintenance free omni directional weatherproof antenna of 3dbi gain
antenna on GI pipes 40mm dia.,6Mtrs. length, 4mm thick with blue mark along with suitable wall mounts brackets,
154 Stay wires, masonary concrete support at bottom G.I pipe to fix the antenna and Cables over the roof top of
station building along with 30 mtr RG 217 RF co-axial cable with male /female connectors, 12V/15A DC power
supply unit having Float cum boost charger with indicators for battery as per the instructions of railway
representative at site. (Inspection by Consignee).
NS4155 2.00 Numbers 4866.77 9733.54 AT Par 9733.54
155 Description:- Supply of suitable size VHF Set Enclosure provision with internal wiring arrangement for AC mains
inlet/outlet as per site requirement. (Inspection by Consignee).
NS4156 1.00 Numbers 26366.96 26366.96 AT Par 26366.96
Description:- Supply and programming of synthesized trans receiver base station of programmable 25 W VHF
set Motorola model XiR M 3688 with SFS lite - five year Motorola OEM warranty, superior audio in class, crisp and
156 clearer voice with greater coverage in the band of 136 - 174 Mhzwith : as per RDSO MIL standards 810 C, D, E, F
& G. Analog / Digital Feature. Voice Communications, Voice Announcement. Alpha Numeric display. DMR
standard compliant. IP 54 rating on Water & Dust intrusion Receiver sensitivity of 0.3 mV. Audio of 4 Watts
(License for 25 W base station and handsets shall be processed by Railways)
NS4157 1.00 Numbers 9145.45 9145.45 AT Par 9145.45
157 Description:- Installation, testing and commissioning of VHF sets entire network which works including internal
AC wiring, RF cable routing through PVC conduit inside SM room, releasing of existing vhf set etc.
NS4158 1.00 Numbers 20027.34 20027.34 AT Par 20027.34
Description:- Liaising charges to facilitate obtaining license from WPC department, fill-up the correct forms, the
158 exact parameters on coverage, wattage, location, submission of forms in Online, seek appointment with WPC
officer at Delhi. The cost is only for liaising, actual charges for Royalty and License fees shall be paid by the end
User to WPC directly as mentioned in the Acceptance in Principle letter.
Pa g e 2 6 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
163 Description:- Excavation & refilling of cable coil pit for 6 quad/telecom cable cable at normal, derivation joints
approach to culverts/bridges etc in a depth of 1.0 m length of 1.5 m and width of 1.5m as per the instruction of
engineers at site
NS4164 2.00 Numbers 2822.81 5645.62 AT Par 5645.62
164 Description:- Supply and provision of Thermo shrink jointing kit model type TSF-1 for suitable for jointing of
Telecom U/G PIJF cable of 20 pairs conductor having dia 0.63 mm as per RDSO specn. No RDSO/SPN/ TC/57/
2015 Rev.1Amendent1 or latest similar to make western cablex / raychem etc.
NS4165 1.00 Numbers 112365.86 112365.86 AT Par 112365.86
165 Description:- Supply of local craft terminal as per the technical spec given in tender document complete with all
accessories compatible with SDH stm-16 & PD MUX NMS, covered in Annexure (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4166 1.00 Job 37507.94 37507.94 AT Par 37507.94
Description:- Testing & commissioning of OFC cable system & 6 quads cable system in cable huts & stations as
per instruction advised by Railway engineer at site. This work includes testing of OFC cable 1310/1550 nm and
submission of hard & soft copies of OTDR Traces in 6 copies duly spiralbound booklet, plus technical maintenance
166 installation manuals for SDH( STM-16& STM-1),Primary Mux ,Charger and power supply arrangement in diagram
& submission 6 copies of 6quad cables test report between stations in standard format particulars which consists
of 1)insulation test , continuity test , for every kilo metre before & after laying of cable drum no wise, 2) particulars
of normal joint, derivation joint -(at EMC , LC Gate& BPAC )with exact location of joints from nearest railway track
centre as per hectometer chainage & OHE mast 3)block section wise 6 quad cable test parameters containing
insulation test, continuity test& level test
NS4167 100.00 Metre 45.47 4547.00 AT Par 4547.00
167 Description:- Laying of cables in PF roofing subways with GI Sheet clamping. Necessary materials required for
the work shall be supplied by the contractor.
NS4168 2.00 Numbers 5016.31 10032.62 AT Par 10032.62
168 Description:- Supply and Installation of surface Wall mountable type 19 inch 12U network Rack with front glass
door with lock and rack fixing multipoint AC Power trip & all accessories (Power extension board with one set of
MCB, exhaust fan, cable manager) similar to make HCL, DLINK, IBALL or better (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4169 2.00 Pair 35105.47 70210.94 AT Par 70210.94
Description:- Supply of fiber to E1 Converter
NS4170 1.00 Numbers 51349.90 51349.90 AT Par 51349.90
Description:- Supply and installation of Workstation complete (including 21" LED monitor, keyboard, mouse with
pad) intel core 7500 series i5 processor (7th generation), 8GB RAM loaded, 1TB HDD capacity with windows 10 or
latest. HP or DELL or lenovo makes (Inspection by Consignee) For NMS and client PC
NS4171 1.00 Numbers 31200.00 31200.00 AT Par 31200.00
171 Description:- Supply and Installation of computer table and Revolving chair of Godrej/Feather lite make
(Inspection by Consignee)
NS4172 2.00 Numbers 57615.00 115230.00 AT Par 115230.00
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Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
172 Description:- Supply and installation of maple Mux (E1 to 64 Kps )DAC E1 :E1 Interface Axle counter (SSDAC
&HASSDAC)Telecom TDM Excise duty-Multiplexer for conversion to E1 (MROTEK'S MAPLE 4C /FABIO 4C rack
mountable device consisting of four E1 ports and three slots and one slot populated with 2W/4W E&M supporting
up to eight interfaces including 50 pin cable one number for supporting both 2W/4W E & M ,AC etc / .Make
:MROTEK or TEAM equivalent Model: Model /4C/4E1/AC and Maple /4/M/8 OR FABIO 4CEM or Similar. Make
/Brand -MRO- TEK Realty Limited (Supply and Installation of Maple MUX (E1 to 64 kbps) DAC -E1:E1 interface
Axle counter (SSADC & HASSDAC) Telecom TDM Excise Duty - Multiplexer for conversion to E1 (MROTEK's
MAPLE 4C/FABIO 4C rack mountable device consisting of four E1 ports and three slots. And one slot populated
with 2W/4W E&M supporting up to eight interfaces balance two slots empty unit support both AC/DC power supply
and installation up to eight interfaces balance two slots empty unit support both AC/DC power supply and
installation including RJ-11 cable one number for supporting both 2W/4W E&M ,AC etc Make MROTEK or
Equivalent model :Maple /4C/4E1/AC and Maple /4/M/8 EM)
NS4173 1.00 Numbers 34146.67 34146.67 AT Par 34146.67
173 Description:- Supply of MS sheet steel almirah 1800mm with 4 shelves and 2 doors and lock having made of
steel with zinc plated finish having brass levers with MAZAK/ ZAMAK bolts, handle and keys having nickle plated
finish for storing of Asmade and manuals make Fonzel or similar
NS4174 3.00 Numbers 8362.96 25088.88 AT Par 25088.88
174 Description:- Supply of goods warning board of retro reflective type as per Drawing and Specification. (Inspection
by Consignee)
NS4175 12.00 Numbers 8500.00 102000.00 AT Par 102000.00
Description:- Testing of Electric lifting barrier from panel and commissioning.
NS4176 12.00 Lumpsum 26000.00 312000.00 AT Par 312000.00
176 Description:- Excavation of pit of minimum 600mm X 600mm X 600mm and concreting foundations of the ratio 1
cement:2 sand: 4 jelly of size approximately 20 mm forresting stand/meeting stand (approx 10 Nos) for sliding
booms. (Cement, sand, jelly and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor)
NS4177 6.00 Lumpsum 36999.00 221994.00 AT Par 221994.00
177 Description:- Fixing of sliding type mechanical type boom, make assembly movement drive mechanism, resting
stand meeting posts and fixing of E type locking plate to meeting post and in gate lodge.
NS4178 12.00 Lumpsum 8500.00 102000.00 AT Par 102000.00
178 Description:- Supply of paint approved quality and painting of sliding type boom, boom movement frame, resting
stand meeting post etc.
NS4179 300.00 Litre 3959.92 1187976.00 AT Par 1187976.00
Description:- Supply of CORRKIL-E (RDSO SPECFICATION NO.M&C/PCN/121/2011) Anti- corrosive chemical
179 coating compound Top coat of Co-polymeric base, in single pack Twenty litre TIN drum containing polyethylene,
caprolactum against corrosion resulting from a wide range of industrial chemical, gases and adverse weather
condition. (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4180 300.00 Litre 8.24 2472.00 AT Par 2472.00
180 Description:- Application of CORRKIL-E (RDSO SPECFICATION NO.M&C/PCN/121/2011) Anti- corrosive
chemical coating compound
NS4181 2.00 Numbers 55000.00 110000.00 AT Par 110000.00
181 Description:- Supply & installation of online sine wave ferro resonant inverter 24V/230V -500VA as per RDSO
spec. No.IRS-S-82/92 with Amdt.2 or latest
NS4182 1.00 Numbers 271400.00 271400.00 AT Par 271400.00
Description:- Supply of embedded PC for yard display (Inspection: Consignee)
NS4183 1.00 Numbers 29500.00 29500.00 AT Par 29500.00
Description:- Supply of Software for PC based display
NS4184 2.00 Numbers 41300.00 82600.00 AT Par 82600.00
Description:- Supply of Highspeed Dual card E1 converter for Data concentrator
NS4185 2.00 Numbers 4720.00 9440.00 AT Par 9440.00
Description:- Supply of USB to 485 Convertor for DC to PC Connectivity
NS4186 2.00 Numbers 44840.00 89680.00 AT Par 89680.00
Description:- Supply of Dual Media converter in Goomty dataloggers to send data to station data concentrator
NS4187 2.00 Numbers 137998.25 275996.50 AT Par 275996.50
187 Description:- Supply & Provision of Data concentrator along with one Dual card Modem. (INSPECTION BY
NS4188 1.00 Numbers 25960.00 25960.00 AT Par 25960.00
188 Description:- Supply of Dual voice modem
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Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
202 Description:- Supply of DC Power distribution panel to cater DC power requirements of IPMPLS/STM
Multiplexers/PD Muxes / EOW /FANS to be fixed in 19" rack (Minimum 8 Nos of DC distribution arrangement with
MCB's of suitable rating) for -ve. Connecting copper strip for +ve. (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4203 3.00 Numbers 5000.00 15000.00 AT Par 15000.00
203 Description:- Supply of DDF (120 Ohms) for terminating 16 E1s of wrapping type and mountable on 19" rack
(Maximum width 2U size) (Inspection by Consignee).
NS4204 3.00 Metre 18500.00 55500.00 AT Par 55500.00
Description:- Installation of IP MPLS Router and switches, with power distribution panel and all accessories in the
Rack (19" 42U), DDF, Aluminum runway ladder, patch cord etc and their testing and commissioning. This includes
204 termination of all E1'son DDF, connection of pigtails, optical patch cords and 48 Vbus to the IPMPLS equipment
including supply of wires and connectors. It also includes proper mounting of rack, provision of Aluminum runway
ladder, casing and capping and conduit pipe as per requirement at each station, other materials from stores
supplied by Railways for installation. (Conduit pipe/ casing and capping, aluminum runway ladder and all other
miscellaneous materials should be supplied by the contractor).
NS4205 3.00 Metre 18500.00 55500.00 AT Par 55500.00
Description:- Installation, wiring and testing of battery sets and battery chargers for optic fibre circuits. This
includes installation of AC and DC power supply distribution board with MCB's of suitable rating, wiring of external
alarm contacts, Fixing arrangements for battery and charger in the equipment room with 25 Multistrand
single core Copper cable PVC insulated from Battery charger to Battery with suitable copper lugs
crimped/soldered to it , Multistrand single core Copper cable PVC insulated from battery charger to
205 power distribution panel in the rack with suitable copper lugs crimped/soldered to it .Connection from Battery
Charger body and battery +ve terminal to Earth terminal by Multistrand single core Copper cable PVC
insulated separately with suitable copper lugs crimped/soldered to it and Extension of AC 230V power supply
wiring through PVC pipe with 6 sqmm cu.wire for phase & neutral and 1 sqmm cu.wire for earth to the 19" rack
(Copper cables, 20A metal clad with MCB for AC supply to fix in the wall, conduits and other miscellaneous
materials required for the work should be supplied by the contractor.(Inspection by Consignee). This work also
includes transportation of materials from stores/supplied by Railways for installation.
NS4206 300.00 Numbers 55.00 16500.00 AT Par 16500.00
Description:- Laying of STP/OFC/Power Cable/Switch board (10 pair/ 20pair/50 pair) Cables in 1" PVC
206 conduit/case caping and clamping on the wall/ Wall/Rooftops/ Shelters with suitable clamping and hose to be
provided wherever bends/curves (PVC conduit/ Case capping and other accessories to be supplied by the
NS4207 1.00 Numbers 185000.00 185000.00 AT Par 185000.00
Description:- Integration, Testing and Final commissioning of equipment at each station for all the equipment
207 confirming with the approved system design including end to end testing for realization of optical fibre system. This
also includes supply of all asmade documents for the entire section (six copies) plus technical, maintenance and
installation manuals for IPMPLS, NMS, Charger and Power Supply unit.
NS4208 1.00 Numbers 21500.00 21500.00 AT Par 21500.00
208 Description:- Training of Railway staff at the factory premises of manufacturer of IP-MPLS equipment (or) at a
reputed training institution as approved by railway executive In Charge. This includes boarding and lodging
charges. (Travel expenses will be borne by the railways).
NS4209 300.00 Numbers 850.00 255000.00 AT Par 255000.00
Description:- Semiskilled/ Unskilled supervisory labour assistance to in charge SSE at work site in day to day
works i.e giving marking of proposed cabling work, cable laying, installation of equipment, taking of measurements
209 of work done, noting of daily work status, carrying the tools & equipment etc., watch & ward during the course of
execution of work asper the instructions of SSE in charge concerned (As per Chief Labour Commissioner (C)vide
letter No. F.No. I /8(2)/2019-LS-ll Dated.27.3.2019) Note: This schedule will be operated on need basis as per
Railway Requirement.
NS4210 2.00 CORE 1250.00 2500.00 AT Par 2500.00
Description:- Supply of Krone Tool (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4211 6.00 Man-Week 6500.00 39000.00 AT Par 39000.00
211 Description:- Supply and Installation of 6Uheight 19'' size covered rack with (1) front side transparent door with
lock arrangement (2) cable organizers (3) provision of one number power supply (AC or DC sockets as per site
requirement with ON/OFF switch and fuse arrangement strip) (Inspection by Consignee)
NS4212 3.00 Numbers 35250.00 105750.00 AT Par 105750.00
212 Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 24 port (fully loaded with 12 optical and
12electrical SFP's) manageable Layer 2 switch as per spec.No: RDSO/SPN/TC/65/2021Ver 6.0 or latest.
(Inspection by RDSO / RITES)
NS4213 1.00 Numbers 165000.00 165000.00 AT Par 165000.00
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Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
213 Description:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 24 port manageable Layer 3 switch with4 Nos of
10G SFP port (fully loaded) and 24 Nos of GE port (fully loaded with 16 optical and 8 electrical SFP's) with all
accessories as per Spec.No: RDSO/SPN/TC/83/2020 Ver 2.0 or latest. (Inspection by RDSO / RITES)
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule A5-ANNEXURE A5 (NON SOR ITEMS) 30787216.45
NS5001 2.00 Numbers 1607575.36 3215150.72 AT Par 3215150.72
1 Description:- Supply and Commissioning of SMPS-based IPS system up to 6 lines without AFTC for EI station in
RE area with 200 AH VRLA battery bank confirming to RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/165/2023 ver.4.0 or
NS5002 2.00 Numbers 993203.64 1986407.28 AT Par 1986407.28
2 Description:- Supply and commissioning of SMPS based integrated power supply system Up to 4lines for EI
station in RE area without AFTC as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/165/2012 ver.3.0 or latest and as per
RDSO Drawing No. SDO/IPS/PI-4L/RE/002. Installation and Earthing shall be done by Railway. Inspection by
NS5003 14000.00 Metre 481.31 6738340.00 AT Par 6738340.00
3 Description:- Supply of PVC insulated underground unscreened armoured railway signaling cable copper
conductor size 24 core x 1.5 sq mm as per RDSO spec. No. IRS-S- 63/2014 rev. 4.0 or latest (Inspection by
NS5004 9000.00 Metre 293.74 2643660.00 AT Par 2643660.00
4 Description:- Supply of Railway Signalling Cable, PVC insulated and sheathed 1.1 KV grade unscreened copper
conductor high conductivity underground armoured annealed Size: 12 Core x 1.5 sq mm. conforming to RDSO
Spec. No. IRS:S:63/2014(Rev. 4.0) or latest. (Inspection by RDSO)
NS5005 5000.00 Metre 126.32 631600.00 AT Par 631600.00
Description:- Supply of OFC cable 48 Fibre armoured as per RDSO Specification No. IRS:TC-55/ 2006 Rev-1
amendment.3 or latest
NS5006 20000.00 Metre 359.43 7188600.00 AT Par 7188600.00
6 Description:- Supply of TELECOM Cable 6 Quad Underground, railway Jelly filled for Signal and
Telecommunication installation as per Specification No IRS: TC/ 30/2005(VER1) AMENDMENT NO.5 or latest.
The size of the conductor is 0.9mm Dia (Inspection by RDSO)
NS5007 50.00 Numbers 5687.01 284350.50 AT Par 284350.50
Description:- Supply of Route LED signal unit 110V AC as per RDSO Specification RDSO/ SPN/ 153/2011
(rev.4.1) retrofittable in existing CLS housing (SA: 23401 23407) and compatible with AC LED ECRs
NS5008 22.00 Numbers 8653.60 190379.20 AT Par 190379.20
8 Description:- Supply of integrated RED aspect Main LED signal, 110 V AC Retrofitable in existing CLS Housing
and compatible with AC LED ECR as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/SPN/199/2010(REV-1.0 )or latest
(inspection by RDSO)
NS5009 15.00 Numbers 10042.60 150639.00 AT Par 150639.00
9 Description:- Supply of integrated GREEN aspect Main LED signal, 110 V AC Retrofittable in existing CLS
Housing and compatible with AC LED ECR as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO /SPN/ 199/ 2010 (REV-1.0) or
latest. (inspection by RDSO)
NS5010 30.00 Numbers 8759.19 262775.70 AT Par 262775.70
10 Description:- Supply of integrated YELLOW aspect Main LED signal, 110 V AC Retrofittable in existing CLS
Housing and compatible with AC LED ECR as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/ SPN/ 199/2010(REV-1.0) or
latest. (inspection by RDSO)
NS5011 15.00 Numbers 7118.55 106778.25 AT Par 106778.25
Description:- Supply of LED signal for Calling- on Signal 110V AC with built in current regulator as per RDSO
Spec RDSO/SPN/ 153/ 2011 Rev.4.1 (Draft) or latest
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Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
NS5012 30.00 Numbers 5856.34 175690.20 AT Par 175690.20
Description:- Supply of LED Signal for Shunt signal 110V AC with built in current regulator as per RDSO Spec
RDSO/SPN/ 153/ 2011 Rev.4.1 (Draft)
NS5013 50.00 Numbers 9912.08 495604.00 AT Par 495604.00
13 Description:- Supply of plug-in type, Style QL1, Magnetically Latched Neutral Line 24V DC, 11F/4B contacts
Relay complete with plugboard (base plate), connectors, and retaining clips conforming to BRS 935A and RDSO
Spn. No IRS S-34 and S-23 or latest. The interlocking code for this unit shall be "ABDEG."(Inspection by RDSO)
NS5014 6.00 Numbers 356324.60 2137947.60 AT Par 2137947.60
14 Below/Par
Description:- Supply of sliding boom type LC gate
NS5015 6.00 Numbers 364549.00 2187294.00 AT Par 2187294.00
15 Below/Par
Description:- Electrical Lifting Barrier set with Control Panel
NS5016 200.00 Numbers 6760.00 1352000.00 AT Par 1352000.00
16 Below/Par
Description:- Supply of QN1 8F/8B relay as per RDSO specification
NS5017 200.00 Numbers 5200.00 1040000.00 AT Par 1040000.00
17 Below/Par
Description:- supply of QNA1 8F/8B relay as per RDSO specification
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule A6-ANNEXURE A6 - AMC 9317558.00
NS6001 1.00 station 1516667.00 1516667.00 AT Par 1516667.00
1 per year
Description:- AMC for First year
NS6002 1.00 station 1683967.00 1683967.00 AT Par 1683967.00
2 per year
Description:- AMC for Second year
NS6003 1.00 station 1857144.00 1857144.00 AT Par 1857144.00
3 per year
Description:- AMC for Third year
NS6004 1.00 station 2036681.00 2036681.00 AT Par 2036681.00
4 per year
Description:- AMC for Fourth year
NS6005 1.00 station 2223099.00 2223099.00 AT Par 2223099.00
5 per year
Description:- AMC for Fifth year
Important : All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any eligibility condition
shall be opened as part of technical bid only
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Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
Bidders shall confirm and certify on the behalf of the tenderer including its constituents as under:
S.No. Description
1 I/we the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the contents.
2 I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the pages in confirmation thereof.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have downloaded the tender documents from Indian Railway website . I/we have
verified the content of the document from the website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the
tender document. In case of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenders, execution of work or final payment
of the contract, the master copy available with the railway Administration shall be final and binding upon me/us.
I/we declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and
attachments in proof of the qualification requirements.
Pa g e 33 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and
same shall be binding upon me/us.
I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the tender by me/us are correct and I/we are fully
responsible for the correctness of the information and documents, submitted by us.
I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other Ministry / Department of Govt.
7 of India from participation in tender on the date of submission of bids, either in individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the
partnership firm/LLP/JV/Society/Trust.
I/we understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be forged/false at any time during process for
evaluation of tenders, it shall lead to forfeiture of the Bid Security and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract
including banning of business for a period of upto two year. Further, I/we and all my/our constituents understand that my/our
offer shall be summarily rejected.
I/we also understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be false/forged at any time after the
award of the contract, it will lead to termination of the contract, along with forfeiture of Bid Security/Security Deposit and
Performance guarantee and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract including banning of business for a
period of upto two year.
I/We have read the clause regarding restriction on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India
and certify that I am/We are not from such a country or, if from such a country, have been registered with the competent
Authority. I/We hereby certify that I/we fulfil all the requirements in this regard and am/are eligible to be considered (evidence of
valid registration by the competent authority is enclosed)
Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc.
S.No. Description
Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc. Please
submit a certificate in the prescribed format (please download the format from the link given below). Non submission of the
1 certificate, or submission of certificate either not properly filled in, or in a format other than the prescribed format shall lead to
summary rejection of your offer.
( Click here to download the Format of Self Certification)
Important : All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any compliance
condition shall be opened as part of technical bid only.
Check Lst
Pa g e 34 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6
Tender No: TBM-SG-CN-2024-25-03-OT Closing Date/Time: 17/06/2024 14:30
This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Induswww Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.
As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.
Designation : XSTE/CN/TBM
Pa g e 35 o f 35 Ru n Da te/Time: 2 5 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 2 2 :43:2 6