PCIM Europe 2024 Preliminary Conference Program

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Tuesday, 11 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Conference Program PCIM Europe 2024

Tuesday,11 June 2024

08:30 Community Coffee

Stage: Brüssel 1
09:00 Opening / Award Ceremony

Stage: Brüssel 1
09:45 Keynote
AI between Hype and Industrial-Grade - The Impact of AI on the Entire Power
Electronics Lifecycle
Rolf Hellinger, Siemens, DE
Chairperson: Leo Lorenz, ECPE, DE

10:30 Coffee break

Stage: Brüssel 1
GaN Ruggedness
Chairperson: Andreas Lindemann, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, DE

11:00 An Improved Ultrafast Desaturation-Based Protection Scheme for GaN

Juncheng Lu, Infineon Technologies, CA

11:20 The Performance of a GaN eMode HEMT in Surge Current Scenarios such as
the Active Short Circuit
Dominik Nehmer, University of Bayreuth, DE

11:40 Gate Resistance Effect on Short-Circuit Robustness of p-GaN HEMTs

Mohamed Lemine Dedew, IRT Saint-Exupéry, FR
Tuesday, 11 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Brüssel 2
Advanced Packaging Technologies
Chairperson: Peter Kanschat, Infineon Technologies, DE

11:00 Neural Network Assisted Numerical Simulation Benchmarking for Electric

Vehicle Thermal Management System
Ekin Alp Bicer, BMW, DE

11:20 Relationship Between Porosity in Cu Sintered Bonding and Bonding

Hideo Nakako, Resonac, JP

11:40 High Thermal Durability of Thin Copper Die-attach Layers and Finite
Element Model Simulation
Takaaki Eyama, Kao, JP

Stage: München 1
Thermal Cycling Reliability
Chairperson: Uwe Scheuermann, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE

11:00 Thermal Shock Test Lifetime Improvement with Optimized Adhesion

Strength between Epoxy Resin and Copper
He Kangjia, Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device, JP

11:20 Power Cycling Reliability and Failure Mode Analysis of POL

Kenichi Koi, Shinko Electric Industries, JP

11:40 Accelerated Power Cycling of GaN HEMTs using Switching Loss and Fast
Temperature Measurement
Wing Tai Leung, University of Bristol, UK

Stage: München 2
High Power Converters
Chairperson: Marc Hiller, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE

11:00 Control of an MMC-Based Hybrid Transformer with Star-Point Voltage

Rui Wang, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

11:20 Protection and Control of a Dual MMC Medium Voltage Supply

Max Dupont, EPFL, CH

11:40 A Novel LVDC Distribution Grid Substation Converter with High Thermal
Endurance to Pole-to-Pole Short Circuits
Frédéric Reymond-Laruina, EDF, FR
Tuesday, 11 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Mailand
Gate Drivers
Chairperson: Mark M. Bakran, University of Bayreuth, DE

11:00 Suppression of Oscillations in a SiC Bridge-Leg using a Custom Single-Chip

Digital Active Gate Driver with 2×255 Strength Levels
Qilei Wang, University of Bristol, UK

11:20 SiC MOSFET Short-Circuit Protection: A Faster Soft Shut Down Method for
Gate Drivers
Julien Weckbrodt, Safran, FR

11:40 Parameter Identification: Gate Sensor for Power Transistor Tolerance

Compensation in Advanced Gate Driver Ics
Christopher Wille, Robert Bosch, DE

Stage: Athen
Advanced Control Techniques on Electrical Drives I
Chairperson: Eric Favre, Consultant, CH

11:00 An Innovative High-Speed Track Range Restart Strategy for Permanent

Magnet Synchronous Motor
Anna Corbitt, University of Arkansas, US

11:20 Steady-State Error Reduction of Reinforcement Learning Based Indirect

Current Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
Tobias Schindler, Nuremberg Institute of Technology, DE

11:40 Performance Comparison of Using Shunt-based and Integrated Current

Sensing for Sensorless Field-Oriented Control
John Emmanuel Tan, Power Integrations, RP

12:00 Lunch Break

13:00 Poster/Dialogue Session & Coffee Time (Hall 10.1)

Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

High Voltage Switches

Chairperson: Nando Kaminski, University of Bremen, DE

PP001 A 4.5 kV Fast Recovery Diode Platform for High-Current IGBTs

Jan Vobecky, Hitachi Energy, CZ

PP002 6.5 kV Innovative Silicon Power Device (i-Si) Module with High Power
Density and Low Loss by Stored Carrier Control
Takashi Hirao, Hitachi, J

PP003 High Current Density 4.5kV PressPack IGBTs Push SOA Limits
Hossein Davoodi, Littelfuse, D

PP004 2.5kV IGBT Module with High Reliability for Renewable Applications
Akiyoshi Masuda, Mitsubishi Electric, J

PP005 New Generation 4.5kV IGCT and Fast Recovery Diode for Railway Power
Supply Applications
Umamaheswara Reddy Vemulapati, Hitachi Energy, CH

PP006 Next Generation 4.5 kV IGBT-Only StakPak Module with Reduced Losses
and High Temperature Capability
Jeremy Jones, Hitachi Energy, CH

Thermal Modelling and Simulations

Chairperson: Peter Wallmeier, AEG Power Solutions, D

PP007 Finite Element Analysis of the upscaling of Warpage and Bifurcation

Hysteresis Loops: from Cu/Si Die to Large Wafers
Vincenzo Vinciguerra, STMicroelectronics, IT

PP008 Maximum Junction Temperature Simulation and Validation for the Hot Spot
in Multi-Chip SiC Power Module
Wonjin Dylan Cho, onsemi, RK

PP010 Integration of CFD-Simulation Results in PLECS Using Lookup Tables

Simon Cepin, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ostwestfalen-Lippe, DE

PP011 PCB Only Thermal Management Techniques for eGAN FETs in a Half-Bridge
Adolfo Herrera, Efficient Power Conversion, US

High Power Density Designs

Chairperson: Daniel Chatroux, CEA-LITEN, FR

PP013 From 4x to 3x STPAK – What to be optimized for a more Compact EV

Traction Inverter Solution
Vittorio Giuffrida, STMicroelectronics, IT
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP014 A Multi-objective Structural Optimization Method Based on Multi-Physics

Simulations for Power Module
Baihan Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP015 Holistic Approach to Maximize Lifetime and Power Density in High Power
Semiconductor Modules
Martin Schulz, Littelfuse, DE

PP016 Regulated High Density Switch Capacitor Topology

Pierrick Ausseresse, Infineon Technologies, DE

PP017 Silicon Interposer as a Substrate for Power Modules with High Power
Density and Superior Thermal Performance
Ahmed Ammar, Lotus Microsystems, DK

Special Converter Applications

Chairperson: Klaus Marahrens, SEW-EURODRIVE, DE

PP018 Analytical Modeling and Stability Characterization of a Damped VSCC CM

Active EMI Filter for Single- and Three-Phase AC-DC Applications
Timothy Hegarty, Texas Instruments, US

PP020 A Repetitive High Voltage Nanosecond Pulse Generator: First Prototype

Design and Test Results
Serge Gavin, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, CH

PP021 Frequency Shift Keyed Dual Side Control of Inductive Power Transfer: An
Application of Talkative Power Conversion
Hamzeh Beiranvand, Kiel University, DE

PP022 Study of a Multi-Active Bridge Converter for a Domestic Electrical Grid

Abdennour Merrouche, University of Perpignan, FR

Integration Technologies and Reliability Design

Chairperson: Jens Schmenger, Siemens, DE

PP023 Fabrication Development for Gate Driver Embedded Double-Sided Cooling

SiC Power Module for Electric Vehicle Application
Anna Corbitt, University of Arkansas, US

PP024 Printed Circuit Embedding of Prepackaged 150V Power MOSFETs in a

Portable Welding Application
Thomas Gebhard, Infineon Technologies, AT

PP025 Process Challenges and Progress Towards Direct Connection of Automotive

Power Modules (TMM) to Heatsink
Indrajit Paul, STMicroelectronics, DE
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP026 Optimizing PCB Stackups for Enhanced GaN Transistor Performance in

High-Power Applications
Philipp Czerwenka, Reutlingen University, DE

PP027 New Generation Ceramic Substrates – Key Components for Power

Electronic Applications: Processing and Characterization
Stefanie Schindler, CeramTec, DE

PP028 AI-Enhanced Vacuum Reflow Oven: Precision Control for Reliable Large-
Area Soldering
Chih Hui Lee, Mustec, TW

PP030 Corrosion-Compatible Drive Electronics for Electric Vehicles and Industrial

Power Modules
Tom Petzold, University of Applied Sciences Kiel, DE

PP031 Evaluating the Package Safety Isolation of Integrated Power Devices

Thomas Anthony Capobianco, Power Integrations, US

Control Methods I
Chairperson: Ulrich Kirchenberger, STMicroelectronics, DE

PP032 Flexible Control System for Modular One-Phase Interleaved GaN-based

Totem Pole PFC Using Real-Time Hardware
Oleksandr Solomakha, University of Stuttgart, DE

PP033 A Peak Current Mode Control Method for PFC

Sean Yu, Texas Instruments, US

PP034 Adaptive Control of a Three-Phase PFC Converter in the On-Board Charge

Rami Troudi, Valeo Eautomotive, FR

PP035 Synthesis of a Field Oriented Control Algorithm by Using two Different Pole-
Zero Compensation Approaches
Marco Denk, University of Applied Sciences Coburg, DE

PP037 Average Current Mode Control and Its Loop Design

Niklas Schwarz, Texas Instruments, DE; Feng Ji, Texas Instruments, CN

PP038 Novel Power Feed-Forward Regulation for Dual Stage PFC+DCDC

Alfredo Medina-Garcia, Infineon Technologies, DE
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

High Power AC-DC and DC-AC Converter

Chairperson: Silvio Colombi, ABB, CH

PP039 22 kW Bi-directional Wall-box Charger With 1200 V SiC MOSFET

Sanbao Shi, Infineon Semiconductors, CN

PP040 Dynamic Switching Frequency Selection for Efficiency Optimization in On-

Board Charger PFC Stage Based on Novel SiC MOSFET Power Module
Giuseppe Aiello, STMicroelectronics, IT

PP041 Design and Optimization of SiC-Based 11kW Motor Drive with High
Iris Liu, Wolfspeed, CN

PP042 Model Design Development for False Turn-on characterization in SiC-Based

Active T-Type Converter Considering All Parasitics
Amir Babaki, University of Southern Denmark, DK

PP043 Efficiency Investigations of an Auxiliary Resonant Commutated Pole Inverter

Markus Zocher, Nuremberg Institute of Technology, DE

PP044 A Novel Hybrid Two-Stage AC-DC Converter with Soft-Switched CCM PFC
Stage for EVs Charging Applications
Lei Wang, University of Sydney, AU

PP045 A Method for Tuning Leakage Inductance in Transformers

Rosemary O'Keeffe, Bourns Electronics, IE

PP046 Low Cost High Density 300W/20V AC-DC Converter Enabled by GaN Power
Tom Ribarich, Navitas Semiconductor, US

PP047 25kVA Grid-Tied Bi-Directional T-Type Inverter with High-Efficiency and

High-Power Density Using SiC MOSFETs
Tamanna Bhatia, Wolfspeed, US

PP048 Cost-Effective Efficiency Enhancement in AC-DC Converters: A Study

Across the Full Load Cycle
Sebastian Gick, University of Bayreuth, DE

E-Mobility Traction I
Chairperson: Robert Plikat, Volkswagen, DE

PP049 Next Generation Power Module with Parallel Connected SiC MOSFETs for
BEV Traction Inverters
Kohei Tanikawa, ROHM, JP

PP051 Investigation of Common Source Feedback in SiC Power Modules regarding

Performance and Short Circuit Robustness
Dominik Ruoff, Robert Bosch, DE
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP052 HybridPACK Drive Power Modules with SiC-MOSFET’s and Monolithic RC-
Snubber Chips for Optimized Power Density
Andre Uhlemann, Infineon Technologies, DE

PP053 Robust Auxiliary Power Supply for EVs Based on Innovative STi2GaN 650V
Federica Cammarata, STMicroelectronics, IT

PP054 Impact of Various Silicon Diodes on the Hybrid Switch Inverter

Michael Walter, University of Bayreuth, DE

PP055 Advanced Pulse Sequence for Saliency-Based High-Accurate Rotor Position

Estimation of Railway Traction Locomotive Motors
Markus Vogelsberger, ALSTOM, AT

Control Techniques
Chairperson: Michael Hartmann, Graz University of Technology, AT

PP056 Optimized Half-Bridge Gate-Drive with Low Time-Skew for RC-IGBTs and
SiC-MOSFET Dead-Time Control
Jan Fuhrmann, University of Rostock, DE

PP057 Design of a Traction Inverter Based on PCB-Embedded GaN Devices

Maurizio Tranchero, Ideas&Motion, IT

PP058 Optimizing Electric Vehicle Performance with GaN Design

Andrew Patterson, Silvaco, UK

PP059 Fast Analytical Calculation of the Magnetic Field in Permanent Magnet

Synchronous Machines with Flux Barriers Including Saturation
Martin Ackermann, Bundeswehr University Munich, DE

P060 Modeling and Control of LCL filtered 3L-VSCs in Interleaved Topology

Adeel Jamal, Technical University of Darmstadt, DE

PP062 Enhancing Safety and Efficiency for Isolated PLC I/O Designs with SPI Daisy
Travis Lenz, Skyworks Solutions, US

PP063 Cost-Effective Method to Discharge DC Link Capacitors with SiC Power

Paul Kanatzar, Wolfspeed, US
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

Power Quality
Chairperson: Jacques Laeuffer, Dtalents, F

PP064 A Study on Circulation Current in Parallel Operation of Transformer less

Koji Kato, GS Yuasa International, JP

PP065 Design Challenges and Considerations for Gate Drivers of SiC MOSFETS
and their Testing
Niranjan Hegde, Tektronix, IN

PP066 A Portable Efficiency Characterization Setup for Technology Demonstration

of Power Modules
Sebastian Tengvall, Lotus Microsystems, DK

PP067 Fast EME Characterization of Bare-Die SiC MOSFETs

Robert Kragl, Robert Bosch, DE

PP068 Theoretical Comparison of Component-Related Measurement Methods of

Photovoltaic Inverters for Long-Term Testing
Niclas Reitz, Fraunhofer IEE Institute, DE

PP069 Power Cycling Test Optimization Toward Reliability Assessment of Sintered

Power Modules
Robert Graham, Macdermid Alpha Electronic Solutions, US

PP070 Real-Time Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Parasitic Capacitances in

Electric Drive Systems
Mohammadreza Bagheribavaryani, Braunschweig University of Technology, DE

Modelling and Testing

Chairperson: Marco Liserre, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, DE

PP071 Parasitic Component and Gate Resistance Effects of Internal and External
Package Level on Switching Performance of SiC Power Module
Nguyen Nghia Do, PowerX Semiconductor, CN

PP072 A Multi-Physics Iterative Approach for Temperature Estimation in SiC Power

Module for Electric Vehicle
Stefano Orlando, STMicroelectronics, IT

PP073 Voltage Balancing Method for Series Connection of 50 SiC MOSFETs

Antoine Philippe, CEA, FR

PP074 A Laboratory-Scale MMC-Based DC System with RCP and PHiL Simulation

Marc René Lotz, Ostfalia University, DE

PP075 Film Capacitor Standard Series Digitalization: Electromagnetic & Thermal

Modelling implementation in CLARA Web Tool
Fernando Aunon, TDK Electronics, DE
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP76 Accuracy Evaluation and Proposed Dynamic Tuning Procedure of a

Compact SiC SPICE Model
Austin Curbow, Wolfspeed, USA

PP077 Investigation of Use-Case-Dependent Modeling Approach for Switched-

Mode Power Converter for LVDC Grid Evaluation
Melanie Lavery, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE

PP078 Averaged Model with Blocking Capability for Solid-State Transformers

Ahmed Meligy, Schneider Electric, FR

Advanced Components
Chairperson: Thomas Ebel, University of Southern Denmark, DK

PP080 Interface Engineering of Nanoparticles for Nanocomposite Film Capacitors

Bartosz Gackowski, University of Southern Denmark,DK

PP081 Increasing Energy Storage Capabilities of Powder Cores by Adapting the

Winding and the Use of Fringing Flux
Paul Winkler, Acal Bfi, DE

PP082 PEEC-Based Thermal Modeling of Passive Components

Sascha Langfermann, BLOCK Transformatoren-Elektronik, DE

PP083 Galvanically Isolated Power Supply for Gate Drivers in High Voltage
Priyanka Ghosh, Helmut-Schmidt-University, DE

PP084 Fabrication Technique for Novel Nanocrystalline Cores with High Saturation
Polarization and Low Losses
Merlin Thamm, Fraunhofer Institute IFAM, DE

PP085 Excitation-Dependent Temperature Behavior of the Quasi-Static Hysteresis

Loss Energy Density of N87 Ferrite Material
Jeremias Kaiser, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE

PP087 Passive Methods Limiting Leakage Current in Metal-Oxide Varistor Used as

Voltage Clamping Circuit in Low Voltage DC Semiconductor Circuit-Breakers
Kenan Askan, Eaton Industries, AT
Tuesday, 11 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Brüssel 1
GaN Converters
Chairperson: Eckart Hoene, Fraunhofer IZM, DE

14:30 Design of High-Power Inverter with 12 Parallel GaN Devices

Takashi Sawada, Nagoya University, JP

14:50 Over 99.7% Efficient GaN-Based 6-Level Capacitive-Load Power Converter

Stefan Mönch, Fraunhofer Institute IAF, DE

15:10 Cascaded Primary-Side-Only Control of a Compact 2 MHz 500 W Wireless

Power Transfer System
Tim Krigar, TU Dortmund University, DE

Stage:Brüssel 2
Advanced Materials and Technologies
Chairperson: Frank Osterwald, Gesellschaft für Energie und Klimaschutz Schleswig-Holstein, DE

14:30 Power Module Evaluation Using Ultra High Heat Dissipation and High Heat
Resistance Resin Sheet Containing Card House Type Boron Nitride Filler
Ayano Imai, Mitsubishi Chemical, JP

14:50 Investigating Temperature Dependent Warpage in Metal Ceramic Substrates

for Power Electronics Devices
Benjamin Fabian, Heraeus Electronics, DE

15:10 Degradation Mode Analysis of Different Bonding Technologies of SiC Power

Semiconductors Stressed by Active Power Cycling
Rasched Sankari, Robert Bosch, DE

Stage: München 1
Charging Station Technology
Chairperson: Pavol Bauer, Delft University of Technology, NL

14:30 Implementation and Verification of a 50kW Opportunity Wireless Charger

Carlos Costas Sos, Fundacion CIRCE, ES

14:50 Performance Evaluation of Silicon-Based 3-Level Vienna Rectifier in

Karsten Haehre, Littelfuse, DE

15:10 Performance Analysis of a 25-kW SiC-Based Dual Active Bridge Converter

Based on Parallel-Connected Devices
Francesco Porpora, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, IT
Tuesday, 11 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: München 2
Modelling and Monitoring
Chairperson: Christina DiMarino, Virginia Tech, USA

14:30 Semiconductor Chip Models are the Key for Enabling Virtual Design and
Optimization Workflows of Power Electronic Systems
Stefan Haensel, Siemens, DE

14:50 Improved Resonant Frequency-Based Parasitic Inductance Estimation

Method for SiC MOSFET Half-Bridge Circuit
Hongpeng Zhang, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE

15:10 Fast Simulator with Inverter Temperature Estimation for Traction eDrives in
Vehicles Subjected to Driving Cycles
Simone Giuffrida, Polytechnic University of Turin, IT

Stage: Mailand
Solid State Transformers
Chairperson: Peter Steimer, Hitachi Energy Switzerland, CH

14:30 Comparative Evaluation of Three-Phase-Unfolder-Based MVAC-LVDC Solid-

State Transformers
Jonas Huber, ETH Zurich, CH

14:50 Voltage Balancing of a Split-Capacitor IGCT 3L-NPC Leg for the Resonant
DC Transformer
Renan Pillon Barcelos, EPFL, CH

15:10 Comparative Analysis of Unidirectional High Step-Up Converters for

Medium Voltage Applications
Stefan Subotic, EPFL, CH

Stage: Athen
Advanced Control Techniques on Electrical Drives II
Chairperson: Manfred Schrödl, Vienna University of Technology, AT

14:30 Startup Behavior of Harmonic Suppression in Electrical Machines Using

Iterative Learning Control and Neural Networks
Annette Mai, Fraunhofer Institute IISB, DE

14:50 Statistical Variations in the Parasitic Capacitance of a Coil

Kevin Talits, HELLA, DE

15:10 Analytical Approach of the Vector Current Control Flux-Weakening Strategy

for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
Oriol Subirats Rillo, CITCEA-UPC, ES

15:30 – 17:00 Poster/Dialogue Session & Coffee Time (Foyer)

Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 hrs / Poster Presentation

GaN Devices and Applications

Chairperson: Christina DiMarino, Virginia Tech, US

PP088 ESD solutions for 650V Normally-off AlGaN/GaN HEMTs

PHUNG Thanh Hai, Wise-Integration, FR

PP089 A Simulative Study of Measurement Errors During Double Pulse Testing of

GaN Devices
Severin Klever, RWTH Aachen University, DE

PP090 Parallel Connection of GaN FETs: an Experimental Investigation Approach

Marco Palma, Efficient Power Conversion, IT

PP091 Repetitive Short Circuits on 650 V GaN

Adrien Lambert, STMicroelectronics, FR

PP092 Comparison of Switching Losses and Dynamic on Resistance of 600 V-

Class GaN HEMTs
André Thönnessen, RWTH Aachen University, DE

PP093 Performance Evaluation of Deadtime and Gate Resistance for Parallel

Connected GaN HEMTs
Junhyeok Jegal, KERI, RK

PP094 Reaching Beyond 1200V: Lateral GaN HEMTs for High-Reliability EV and
Industrial Applications
Kamal Varadarajan, Power Integrations, US

SiC Devices and Technologies

Chairperson: Josef Lutz, Chemnitz University of Technology, DE

PP095 SmartSiC 150 & 200mm Engineered Substrate: Increasing SiC Power Device
Current Density up to 30%
Eric Guiot, SOITEC, FR

PP096 Dynamic Transients and Reliability of High-Voltage Silicon & 4H-SiC Bipolar
Junction Transistors Under Avalanche and Short-Circuits
Mana Hosseinzadehlish, University of Bristol, UK

PP097 An Advanced Multi-Aspect Performance Analysis of Planar-gate 1.2 kV SiC

Anja Katerina Brandl, ETH Zurich, CH

PP098 SiC MOSFET Die Sorting and Parallel for Optimal Module Design
Zhong Ye, Inventchip Technology, CH

PP099 Simulation Approach for Radiated Electro-Magnetic Fields Estimation on

Acepack Drive SiC Power Module
Andrea Cusumano, STMicroelectronics, IT
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 hrs / Poster Presentation

Control Methods II
Francisco Javier Azcondo, University of Cantabria, ES

PP100 Exact Analysis of Control-to-Output Transfer Functions of PWM-Converters

- A Comparison of Two Methods
Daniel Breidenstein, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE

PP101 3-Level Flying Capacitor Multilevel Topology with Delta-Sigma Modulation

Jannik Maier, Reutlingen University, DE

PP102 Model Based Controlled Power Converter Test Platform

Dawid Koczy, University of Bremen, DE

PP103 Educational Hardware Trainer for Teaching the Dual Active Bridge in a DC
Peter van Duijsen, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, NL

PP104 Study of the Operating Performance of a FCS-MPC-Controlled Matrix-

Converter for PMSM at Different Frequency Ratios
Robert Zipprich, University of Kassel, DE

PP105 Enhancing Reactive Power Capacity in Battery-fed Power Conditioning

Lucas Araujo, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO

PP106 Pulse Sharing: Achieving High Efficiency and Excellent Regula-tion in Multi-
Output Flyback Power Supplies
Xingda Yan, Power Integrations, UK

PP107 Reliability-Optimized Space Vector Modulation (RO-SVM) for

Semiconductors Lifetime Enhancement
Amin Rezaeizadeh, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
Switzerland, CH

Intelligent Power Modules

Chairperson: Marcelo Lobo Heldwein, Munich University of Technology, DE

PP108 Analysis and Optimization of Internal Coupling Interference in Integrated

SiC Power Module Based on DBC
Chenhang Zeng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP109 Multispectral Electroluminescence Sensing of SiC MOSFETs for Junction

Temperature and Current Extraction
Lukas Ruppert, RWTH Aachen University, DE

PP110 SiC-IPM for Compact and Energy Efficient Low-Power Motor Drives
JongMu Lee, Alpha and Omega Semiconductor, RK

PP111 Concept for a GaN-Based Intelligent Motor Controller with Integrated Failure
Prediction for the Inverter and the Drive
Christoph Blechinger, Fraunhofer Institute IISB, DE
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP112 Introducing the New 1200 V CIPOS Maxi IM817 Intelligent Power Module for
Motor Drive Applications
Kihyun Lee, Infineon Technologies, RK

PP113 Thermal Performance of Infineon’s New 600 V CIPOSTM Micro IM241 IPM for
Low Power Motor Drive Systems Without Heatsink
David Jo, Infineon Technologies, RK

Intelligent Gate Drive Units

Chairperson: Geraldo Nojima, Eaton Corporation, US

PP114 An Adaptive Dead Time Control Based on Switch Node Voltage Derivative
Lukas Knappstein, Technical University of Dortmund, DE

PP115 Coupling Coil Design and Positioning Optimization on New High Power
Semiconductor Module for Fast Short Circuit Detection
Yannick Dumollard, Alstom, FR

PP116 Enabling Active Thermal Control via an Adaptive Multi-Voltage Gate Driver
Tianlong Albert, RWTH Aachen, D

PP117 Innovative Gate Drive Method TriC3 for Motor

Hisashi Sugie, ROHM, JP

PP118 A New Class of Solid State Isolators Enhances the Reliability of Solid State
Wolfgang Frank, Infineon Technologies, DE

PP119 A Self-Driving 3-Level Active Gate Driver Network to Control the Switching
Slew Rate for SiC MOSFETs
Vin Loong Choo, Technical University of Dortmund, DE

E-Mobility Traction II
Chairperson: Klaus F. Hoffmann, Helmut-Schmidt-University, DE

PP121 Analysis of Long-Term Reliability of SiC in Traction Inverter Considering Vth

Chi Zhang, Volvo Cars, SW

PP122 Efficient Mapping of On-Demand Drive Load Profiles on Inverter Stress

Zlatko Bosnjic, Graz University of Technology, AT

PP123 EV Traction Inverter Optimal Design is Dominated by 3-Level ANPC

Timothé Delaforge, Bern University of Applied Sciences, CH

PP124 Introduction of Power Semiconductor Options for an Exciter of Electrically

Excited Synchronous Motor
Yeriel Bai, ON Semiconductor, RK
Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP125 A Novel High Power Density Three Phase Traction Inverter Architecture for
Electric Vehicle (EV) Applications
Yiyang Yan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP126 A Modular DC-Link Capacitor Solution for the Main Powertrain Inverter of
David Olalla, TDK Electronics, DE

PP127 Fault Identification Testing Methods for a Commercial Traction Inverter

Anna Corbitt, University of Arkansas, US

PP128 Short Circuit Robustness for Traction Inverters from an Application Point of
Karl Oberdieck, Robert Bosch, DE
Wednesday, 12 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Foyer Brüssel Community Coffee


Stage: Brüssel 1
08:45 Keynote
Infrastructure Requirements for Electrified Heavy Goods Transport in Germany
and the EU
Martin Wietschel, Fraunhofer Institute ISI, DE
Chairperson: Marc Hiller, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, D

09:30 Coffee break

Stage: Brüssel 1
Power Electronics for E-Mobility
Chairperson: Petar J. Grbovic, University of Innsbruck, AT

09:50 Investigation on Direct Liquid Cooling Design of Power Modules with Flat
Baseplate for Automotive Application
Nobuhide Arai, Fuji Electric, JP

10:10 A Novel Approach for Affordable Electric Vehicles Based on Dual 48V Battery
System with Multi-functional 3-Level Converter
Radovan Vuletic, Infineon Technologies, DE

10:30 An Innovative 3-level Solution for Automotive Applications: eMPack

Pranav Panchal, Semikron-Danfoss, DE

10:50 Coffee break

11:10 Gated Recurrent Units-Assisted State-Space Modeling for Electric Vehicle

Temperature Prediction
Xinyuan Liao, Northwestern Polytechnical University, CN

11:30 Novel Bidirectional Single-Stage Isolated 600-V GaN M-BDSBased Single/Three-

Phase-Operable EV On-Board Charger
Sven Weihe, ETH Zurich, CH
Wednesday, 12 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Brüssel 2
Encapsulation Materials
Chairperson: Aylin Bicakci, University of Applied Sciences Kiel, DE

09:50 Application-Specific Investigation of Inorganic Potting Material in Drive

Soenke Fleck, University of Applied Sciences Kiel, DE

10:10 The Influence of the Glass Transition Temperature of Epoxy Mold

Compounds on the Reliability of a Semiconductor Device
Stefan Schwab, Infineon Technologies, DE

10:30 Corrosion Resistant Packaging for Power Semiconductor Modules - Modified

Insulation Materials for Contaminated Environments
Michael Hanf, University of Bremen, DE

10:50 Coffee break

11:10 Investigation of Inorganic Encapsulation Materials in Power Electronic

Systems for High Power Density Applications
Stefan Behrendt, Semikron-Danfoss, DE

11:30 Characterization of Thermally Aged Silicone Gels for Power Semiconductor

Sonja Madloch, Littelfuse, DE

Stage: München 1
Power Quality
Chairperson: Martin März, Fraunhofer IISB, DE

09:50 A Coordinated Control of Hybrid Single-Phase AC/DC Microgrids Based on

the Natural Harmonic Injection Concept
Mehdi Baharizadeh, University of Southern Denmark, DK

10:10 A High-Power Density SiC Based TP PFC with High-Frequency Ripple

Cancellation Leg
Serkan Dusmez, Wat Motor Company, TR

10:30 High Frequency Active Filter for AC-DC High Power Converters
Sarah Sifoune, SATIE, FR

10:50 Coffee break

11:10 Laboratory Setup for Accuracy Investigation of Electricity Meters and

Monitors under Industry-Typical Operating Conditions
Matthias Schmidt, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, DE
Wednesday, 12 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: München 2
Grid Connected Converters
Chairperson: Hans-Günter Eckel, University of Rostock, D

09:50 Real-Time Evaluation of Weighting Factorless Predictive Control of LCL

Filter Equipped Grid-Side Converters using Sorting Networks
Kristof Bandy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU

10:10 Relaxed Robust Control with Pragmatic Shortage of Passivity for Wind,
Storage and PV Power Converters
Sergio de Lopez Diz, Gemesa Elelctric, ES

10:30 An Effective DC Voltage Regulation of Active Front-End Rectifier through

Model Predictive Control
Mobina Pouresmaeil, Aalto University, FI

10:50 Coffee break

11:10 Bi-directional 11kW Multi-Level Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped AC-DC

Converter Using 600V/750V Si Super-Junction and SiC MOSFETs for High-
Efficiency and High-Density Applications
Mengxing Chen, Infineon Technologies, AT

11:30 A Study of Grid-Forming Inverter Control Strategy for Fault-Ride-Through

Hirofumi Uemura, Fuji Electric, JP

Stage: Mailand
Passive Components
Chairperson: Thomas Ebel, University of Southern Denmark, DK

09:50 Film Capacitors for High Temperature AC-DC Inverter Applications

Adel Bastawros, Sabic, US

10:10 Loss Reduction in HF-Transformers using Laminated Ferrite E-Cores

Lukas Reißenweber, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, DE

10:30 Multigap Toroidal Transformer and Inductors for Overcoming Fringing

Losses in High Frequency Converters
Pau Colomer, Prax, ES

10:50 Coffee Break

11:10 Study on Sample Geometries for Ferrite Characterisation in the MHz Range
Till Piepenbrock, Paderborn University, DE

11:30 FEM-Supported and Non-Destructive Magnetic Characterization Method for

Non-Laminated Steel
Stefan Tobler, Eastern Switzerland University, CH
Wednesday, 12 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Athen
Drives for High Demanding Applications
Chairperson: Jose Mario Pacas, University of Siegen, D

09:50 Highly-Compact Bearingless Axial-Flux Motor for a Pediatric Implantable

Fontan Blood Pump
Andreas Horat, ETH Zurich, CH

10:10 A Novel Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive for Reaction Wheels in
Baris Colak, TUBITAK UZAY Space Technologies Research Institute, TR

10:30 Exploring High Frequency Operation of Motor Drives: Practical Insights on

Efficiency and Loss
Asantha Kempitiya, Infineon Technologies, US

10:50 Coffee Break

11:10 High Power Density System Design for GaN-based LV Motor Drives
Marco Cannone, Infineon Technologies, AT

11:30 Design of GaN Transistor based Variable Speed Drive Inverter with Output
Voltage Filtering
Kaspars Kroics, Riga Technical University, LV

11:50 Lunch Break

13:00 Poster/Dialogue Session & Coffee Time (Hall 10.1)

Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

Investigations of Particular SiC Device Phenomenon

Chairperson: Thomas Neyer, Infineon Technologies, DE

PP129 The Impact of The Deadtime on The Stability of 1.2kV SiC MOSFET Body
Diode Under Hard Switching with Synchronous Rectification
Mohammed Amer Karout, University of Warwick, UK

PP130 RC-DC Snubber Implementation for Suppression of Diode Voltage Peak and
Ringing in a Full SiC Half-Bridge Power Module
Emanuela Alfonzetti, STMicroelectronics, IT

PP131 Sub-5 Second Wide-Bandgap Power Device Calorimetric Measurements

Utilziing Optical Sensors and Peltier Elements
Ruben Schnitzler, University of Stuttgart, DE

PP132 SiC Trench MOSFETs in Avalanche Mode with RC Snubber Circuit

Sebnem Tuncay, Infineon Technologies, DE

PP133 High-Frequency Oscillations in SiC MOSFET Power Modules During Turn-on

Switching Transient – Analysis Based on Simulations and Mitigation
Rajani Kumar Thirukoluri, onsemi, DE

PP134 A Dynamic Current Balancing Method Using Full-Coupled Inductors in

Paralleled Gate Branches
Jianwei Lv, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP135 Quantitative Performance Comparison of Large-Format SiC MOSFET and Si

IGBT Modules
Arthur Boutry, University of Alabama, US

Thermal Management and Advanced Cooling

Chairperson: Katsuaki Saito, Nexperia, JP

PP136 Solder Preform Technology for Improved Thermomechanical Performance in

Molded Power Module Package-Attach
Joseph Hertline, Indium, US

PP138 Effect of Flip-Chip Die-Attach on the Thermal Behavior of Power GaAs

Felix Steiner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE

PP139 Influences of Solder Delamination on the Thermal Performance in

Automotive Traction Module
Hansol Seo, onsemi, RK

PP141 Development of a Passive Capillary-Pumped Cooling System for High-

Performance Electronics
Justin Fey, Frankfurt UAS, DE
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP143 Advanced cooling of power electronics with copper cold sprayed aluminium
heatsinks & busbars
Michael Dasch, Impact Innovations, DE

PP144 Cold Plate Design for Cooling LV100 Silicon Carbide Power Module
Wahid Cherief, Mersen, FR

PP145 An Improved Double-Layer Spacer in Double-Sided Cooling Power Module

Linhao Ren, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

Reliability Testing
Chairperson: Shiori Idaka, Mitsubishi Electric Europe, DE

PP146 Power Cycling of 1.7kV Multi-Chip Power Modules – SiC MOSFETs vs Silicon
Nick Baker, University of Alabama, US

PP147 Power Cycling Capability of Discrete SiC MOSFET Devices with Different
Luhong Xie, North China Electric Power University, CN

PP148 Model-Based Parameter Tuning of Semiconductor Devices in DC Power

Cycling Test
Yi Zhang, Aalborg University, DK

PP149 Influence of Transfer Molding on the Reliability of DCM SiC Pow-er Modules
Jacek Rudzki, Semikron Danfoss, DE

PP150 Damp Heat Behavior of High Heat Capacitors for Applications in Electric
Adel Bastawros, Sabic, US

PP151 Influence of the Gate Voltage During On-Time on the Power Cycling
Capability of SiC MOSFETs
Patrick Heimler, Chemnitz University of Technology, DE

PP152 Investigation of the Temperature Measurement via VSD(T)-Method applied to

Paralleled SiC MOSFET Chips during Power Cycling
Kevin Ladentin, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, DE

PP153 Approaches of Tsep Measurements for Power Semiconductors

Regine Mallwitz, Technical University of Braunschweig, DE

PP154 Realtime Junction Temperature Estimation in SiC Power Modules Based on

Multiple TSEP Acquisition
Kevin Muñoz Barón, University of Stuttgart, DE
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

High Voltage WBG Devices

Chairperson: Christof Sihler, GE Power Conversion, FR

PP155 Enhanced Current Measurement Approach for Non-Isolated 6.5 kV Silicon

Carbide MOSFETs
Yue Zhao, University of Arkansas, US

PP156 New 2kV SiC-MOS Technology for Application Fields in the Industrial
Igor Kasko, ROHM Semiconductor, DE

PP157 High Temperature Experimental Characterizations of COSS of 3.3 kV SiC

MOSFET for Medium Voltage PV Applications
Paul Schmidt, CEA, FR

PP158 Impact of Gate Control on the Switching Performance of 3.3kV SBD-

Embedded SiC-MOSFET
Junya Sakai, Mitsubishi Electric, DE

PP159 Comparative Assessment of Overloadability Potential of 3.3 kV Si-IGBTs and

SiC-MOSFET Power Modules
Muhammad Nawaz, Hitachi Energy Research, SW

PP160 Improved Reliability of a 2200 V SiC MOSFET Module with an Epoxy-

Encapsulated Insulated Metal Substrate
Hiroshi Kono, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage, JP

PP161 Paralleling 3.3-kV/800-A rated SiC-MOSFET Modules – An Optimization

Hiroyuki Irifune, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage, JP

PP162 Performance Assessment of 10 kV SiC MOSFET and PiN Diode in 3L-NPC

Converter Topology
Renato Minamisawa, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
Switzerland, CH

PP163 Performance Evaluation of CoolSiC 2 kV SiC MOSFET Discrete in 1500 V DC

Link Systems
Ajith Kumar Sekar, Infineon Technologies, AT

PP164 A New 2.3 kV Rated SiC MOSFET Module with Low-Inductance High-Power
Package HPnC for 1500 VDC Applications
Junya Kawabata, Fuji Electric, JP

Packaging and Interconnection Materials

Chairperson: Jacek Rudzki, Semikron Danfoss, DE

PP166 Mechanism for Improving the Heat-Resistance of Adhesive Interface in

Flexible Printed Circuits
Keita Suzuki, NOK Corporation, JP
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP167 A Systematic Comparison Study of Different Bonding Technologies for

Substrate Attachment of Power Electronics
Lisheng Wang, University of Twente, NL

PP168 Stability of Pressure Sintered Interconnects as a Function of Temperature

and Environmental Conditions
Kentaro Yoshioka, MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions, JP

PP169 The Effect of Nano-Cu Interconnection Materials on the Thermomechanical

Properties of SiC Double-Sided Power Modules
Suhang Wei, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP170 All-in-One-Sintering: Die-Attach and Substrate-Attach on Bare Copper in a

Pressure Assisted Sintering One-Step Process
Battist Rabay, Nano-Join, DE

PP171 Sequential Manufacturing of Highly Functionalized Three-Dimensional

Ceramic Components for Power Electronics
Lars Rebenklau, Fraunhofer IKTS, DE

PP173 Parametric Study of Damage Evolution in Silver Sintered Layers of Double

Sided Power Electronics Modules of Electrical Vehicles
Saeed Akbari, Rise Research Institutes of Sweden, SW

DC-DC Converter I
Chairperson: Bernhard Strzalkowski, Analog Devices, DE

PP174 Tristate Modified Boost Converter

Johannes Gragger, University of Applied Sciences Vienna, AT

PP175 Comparative Evaluation of the Center Tapped Boost Converter Topology

Bryan Radix, Texas Instruments, DE

PP176 Comparison of Multi-level Topologies to Reduce the Components Voltage

Stresses when Powered from Industrial DC Grids
Katharina Machtinger, Austrian Institute of Technology, AT

PP177 Hard-Switching High-Frequency GaN-based DC-DC Converters with

Concomitant Data Transmission Functionality
Abdelmoumin Allioua, Technical University of Darmstadt, DE

PP178 Efficient Design of High-Current, Low-Output Voltage DC-DC Converters

Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Topology Selection and Optimization
Thomas Harmand, 3D PLUS, FR
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

High Power DC-DC Converter I

Chairperson: Klaus F. Hoffmann, Helmut-Schmidt-University, DE

PP180 A SiC Based 60kW LLC Converter with Novel Transformer Design for
Improving Voltage Balance
Frank Wei, Wolfspeed, CN

PP181 Analysis of Inverter Operation Modes of an IGBT-Based ZCS LLC Converter

for a 2 kW Automotive On-Board DC-DC
Daniel Urbaneck, Paderborn University, DE

PP182 Dual Output Hybrid Converter for 48 V Data Centers: M-HSC

Simone Mazzer, Infineon Technology, AT

PP183 3.6kW High Efficiency SiC-based HV/LV DC-DC Converter for EVs
Veera Bharath Chandra Reddy Gandluru, Wolfspeed, US

PP184 Bidirectional DC-DC Topologies Comparison for 800 V Automotive

Applications Integrating 650 V GaN-on-Si Devices
Ilias Chorfi, STMicroelectronics, FR

PP185 Analysis of Phase Shielding Method Based on Δ-Cr-Y Three-Phase

Interleaved LLC Converter
Jin Wen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP186 22kW IMS-based Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Using Surface Mount SiC
Hamlin Wang, Wolfspeed, CN

PP187 Comparative Analysis of DC-DC Converters for Electrolyzers Using

Geometric Programming
Tim McRae, University of Southern Denmark, DK

PP188 Design Consideration of Bi-directional CLLLC Resonant Converter in Energy

Storage Systems
Sean Yu, Texas Instruments, US

Smart-Grid Technologies
Chairperson: Thomas Brückner, Universität der Bundeswehr München, DE

PP189 Adaptive Fast Charging System with Second Life Batteries - an Overview of a
Research Project
Lukas Böhning, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, DE

PP190 Parallel Operation and Synchronization of Microgrids by Using the Thevenin

Marius Block, University of Bremen, DE
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP192 21 kA Solid State DC Breaker for Supergrid Institute’s High Power Test
Christophe Conilh, GE Power Conversion, FR

PP193 Design and Analysis of a 50kW SiC-Based Active Front End with a Very Small
Line Choke for DC-Grids
Raphael Otte, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ostwestfalen-Lippe, DE

PP194 Investigation of Load Transitions Between Loaded and Load Free Conductor
Segments in Industrial Conductor Systems
Jan-Niklas Koch, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ostwestfalen-Lippe, DE

PP195 A Method to Control Voltage and Power Flow in a DC Grid

Peter van Duijsen, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, NL

Energy Storage Systems

Chairperson: Stefan Linder, Alpiq, CH

PP196 Considerations on a High-Cell-Count Converter-Based Battery Storage

System with Reduced Communication Effort
Paul Aspalter, Technical University of Vienna, AT

PP197 Studying Convertors for Voltage Equalization in Energy Storage System with
Active BMS
Dimitar Arnaudov, Technical University of Sofia, BG

PP198 Challenges of High Side Gate Driver and Disconnect MOSFET for Battery
Protection Unit during Start-up, Turn-off and Over Current Events
Niranjan Reddy Suravarapu, Infineon Technologies, AT

PP199 Electric Insulation Coordination to Prevent Electric Arcs in Lithiumion

Daniel Chatroux, CEA-LITEN, FR

PP201 Battery Charger with Impedance Spectroscopy Capability for Li-Ion Cells
Christian Branas, University of Cantabria, ES

Chairperson: Andreas Lindemann, Otto-Guericke-University Magdeburg, DE

PP202 Efficiency, Volume and CO2 Emissions Impact in a PFC Converter with an
Active Filter Solution for OBC Application
Kelly Ribeiro, Valeo, FR

PP203 Analytical and Experimental Validation Common Mode Feedback Loop for a
Three-Phase_Level Vienna Rectifier
Daniel San Laureano Igartuburu, Indra, ES
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP204 Robustness of Frequency-Domain Terminal Modeling of Electromagnetic

Interferences in Static Converters
Mehyeddine Singer, University of Lille, FR

PP205 Study of EMI Behavior of a 2-Level GaN-Inverter – Simulation and

Benedikt Kohlhepp, Technical University of Berlin, DE

PP206 Analysis of Common-Mode Noise Generated due to Fast-Switching GaN

Devices in Totem-Pole PFCs
Serkan Dusmez, Wat Motor, TR

PP207 Conducted EMI from GaN-based 48V to 12V DC-DC-Converters for

Automotive Applications
Erik Kampert, Helmut-Schmidt-University, DE

Advanced Design
Chairperson: Anton Z. Miric, Heraeus, DE

PP208 Applied Design Automation for Finding Feasible Designs for High-Frequency
Planar Transformers
Rando Raßmann, University of Applied Sciences of Kiel, DE

PP209 Frequency Dependent Area Product Method

Alfonso Martínez, Würth Elektronik, ES

PP210 Designing a Control Library for Grid-Following and Grid-Forming Power

Lars Lindner, Fraunhofer Institute IEE, DE

PP211 Intelligent Optimisation of a Wind Turbine Digital Twin Model

René Reimann, University of Bremen, DE

PP212 Thermal Transient Digital Twin Modelling for Power Converters

Xianghao Mo, Polytechnical University of Madrid, ES

PP213 A Digital Twin Approach Toward Lifetime Analysis and Predictive

Maintenance of Power Semiconductors for Railway Application
Emmanuel Batista, Alstom, FR

Chairperson: Wolfram Teppan, LEM INTERNATIONAL, CH

PP214 Saturable Ferrite Core Inductors in LCL Filters of Three-Phase Voltage

Source Inverters
Marius Kaufmann-Bühler, Technical University of Berlin, DE

PP215 2D Copper Loss Analytical Model for Planar Inductor Combining High and
Low Permeability Materials
Idriss Nachete, University of Lille, FR
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP216 CNC-Manufactured Power Inductors with Excellent Bandwidth for Multi-

Megawatt Converters
Thomas Kreppel, Universität der Bundeswehr, DE

PP217 Analytical Evaluation of Differential Model DC EMI Filter Inductors using

Material Saturation Coefficient
Lukas Mueller, Micrometals, US

PP1218 Design and Performance Evaluation of Air Core Inductors for Very High
Frequency Power Conversion
Florentin Salomez, G2Elab, FR

PP220 Improving Multi-Phase Ferrite Magnetics by Coupling for MV and UPS

Michael Schmidhuber, SUMIDA Components & Modules, DE
Wednesday, 12 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Brüssel 1
Chairperson: Thomas Basler, Chemnitz University of Technology, DE

14:30 The 8TH Generation LV100 IGBT Module with Higher Current Rating
Daichi Otori, Mitsubishi Electric, JP

14:50 New Planar 4.5 kV Split-gate (SG) Si-IGBT Device for Improved Switching
Characteristics and High Frequency Operation
Gaurav Gupta, Hitachi Energy, CH

15:10 4.5 kV Double-Gate Reverse-Conducting Press-Pack IEGT

Satoshi Yoshida, Toshiba, JP

Stage: Brüssel 2
Device Concepts
Chairperson: Katsuaki Saito, Nexperia, J

14:30 Evaluation of a 3 kV Polarization Superjunction GaN HEMT

Alireza Sheikhan, University of Sheffield, UK

14:50 More than 1200 V Breakdown and Low Area-Specific On State Resistances by
Progress in Lateral GaN-on-Si and GaN-on-Insulator Technologies
Richard Reiner, Fraunhofer Institute IAF, DE

15:10 Novel 200 V MOSFET Technology Pushes Motor Drive Inverter Efficiency to an
Unprecedented Level
Mark Thomas, Infineon Technologies, AT

Stage: München 1
Degradation Mechanisms
Chairperson: Jürgen Schuderer, Hitachi Energy Switzerland, CH

14:30 Moisture Robust Chip Design - Improved Edge-Terminations for High Lifetime
under High Humid Conditions
Michael Hanf, University of Bremen, DE

14:50 Method for Measuring the Initial State of a Solder Joint Delamination in a 3D PCB
Integration Assembly of SiC MOSFETs
Souhila Bouzerd, University Gustave Eiffel, FR

15:10 Generic Lifetime Model for Wire Bonds Degradation in IGBT Modules Based on a
Fracture Mechanics Parameter
Merouane Ouhab, Mitsubishi Electric, FR
Wednesday, 12 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: München 2
Advanced Conversion Concepts
Chairperson: Ilknur Colak, Schneider Electric, FR

14:30 Modular Coaxial Power Converter for High-Density Integration into Medium-
Voltage Cables
Mark Cairnie, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, US

14:50 Controlled Inductor Based BCM Buck Converters

Ziv Gellman, Ben-Gurion-University, IL

15:10 Influence of Varying Common Mode Choke Sizes on the Performance and
Stability of an Active EMI Filter
Patrick Körner, Vitesco Technologies, DE

Stage: Mailand
Photovoltaic Systems
Chairperson: Steffan Hansen, SMA, DE

14:30 A High Efficiency Battery Charger with Maximum Power Point Tracking for
Magnetic Energy Harvesters
Antonio Miguel Munoz Gomez, CIRCE Foundation, ES

14:50 Symmetric Flying-capacitor Boost Converter for Medium-voltage Photovoltaic

Luis Alves Rodrigues, CEA, FR

15:10 Comparison of Si IGBT, SiC MOSFET and Adjustable Hybrid Switch PV

Inverters for Different Geographical Locations
Tanya Thekemuriyil, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
Switzerland, CH

Stage: Athen
Model Based System Analysis
Chairperson: Jens Schmenger, Siemens, DE

14:30 Optimising a Power Module for Electrical and Thermal Performance and
Symmetry Using EDA Tools
Wilfried Wessel, Siemens EDA, DE

14:50 Conductor-Based Modeling of Voltage Distribution along a Single-Tooth

Winding of Electrical Machines
Hujun Peng, RWTH Aachen University, DE

15:10 Reduction of PWM Harmonics with Carrier Phase Shifting in a Dual-Stator

PMSM with Magnetic Coupled Windings
Bünyamin Tekir, University of Kassel, DE

15:30 – 17:00 Poster/Dialogue Session & Coffee Time (Foyer)

Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 hrs / Poster Presentation

E-Mobility Charging
Chairperson: Giuseppe Tomasso, University of Cassino and South Lazio, IT

PP221 22-kW Bidirectional Single-Stage Direct-Ac-Ac Power Conversion On-Board

Charger with High-Power-Density Implementation
Oscar Lucia, University of Zaragoza, ES

PP222 Benchmarking DC Fast Chargers: A Comparative Analysis of Power Converter

Structures for Wide Voltage Range
Sadik Cinik, Aalborg University, DK

PP223 Performance Optimization of Single-Phase On-Board Chargers with Ripple

Davide Gottardo, Hexagon MI, UK

PP224 A Reduced-Sensor Modular Dual Active Bridge-Based Battery Charging

System for Electric Vehicles Using an Improved Linear Extended State
Armel Asongu Nkembi, University of Parma, IT

PP225 Bidirectional Non-Isolated Three-Phase Onboard Charger with a Low-Voltage

Lower-Phase Operation Mode
Steffen Frei, Technical University of Darmstadt, DE

PP226 Control of a Three-Phase Inductive Power Transfer System Based on DD²Q

Coil Topology
Nikola Mirkovic, Polytechnic University of Madrid, ES

PP227 Comparison of Two Bidirectional 11KW 400V CLLC and CLLLC Resonant
Converters for EV Applications
Hasan Mousavi Somarin, Valeo, FR

PP228 Dynamic Wireless Charging System Design for Extra-Urban Areas based on
Resonant Inductive Power Transfer
Irene Maria Torres Alfonso, CIRCE, FR

PP229 Bidirectional Isolated 400-12V DC-DC Converter with Improved Power Density
and Full-Range Operaion for EV Applications
Hector Sarnago, University of Zaragoza, ES

High Power DC-DC Converter II

Chairperson: Christopher Kocon, iDEAL Semiconductor Devices, US

PP230 Gain Optimization Control Method for CLLLC Resonant Converters under
Phase Shift Mode
Sean Yu, Texas Instruments, US

PP231 Analysis of Common and Split DC-Bus Interleaved H-Bridge Converters for
High-Current Low-Ripple Applications
Bhavana Gudala, University of Bologna, IT
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP232 Optimal Frequency Operating Points for Hybrid Switched Capacitor Converters
and Lossless Current Sense Method
Simone Mazzer, Infineon Technology, AT

PP233 Design and Testing of a 250 kW 50 kHz SiC-based Half-Bridge-Series-Resonant-

Daniel Haake, Fraunhofer IEE, DE

PP234 30kW - 97% Efficiency Isolated DC-DC Converter with Large Input Voltage
Range Based on a Boost DAB Association
Jean-Jacques Huselstein, University of Montpellier, FR

PP235 Analysis of a Full-Bridge Push-Pull Forward Dual Active Bridge DC-DC

Sandip Guha Thakurta, Technical University of Munich, DE

DC-DC Converter II
Chairperson: Philip C. Kjaer, Vestas Wind Systems, DK

PP236 Symmetrical Operation of Four Channel Resonant Boost DC-DC Converters in

Continuous Conduction Mode
Kristóf Bándy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU

PP237 Impact of Magnetics Tolerance on the Power Sharing of Parallel Dual-Output

Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Converters
Riccardo Mandrioli, University of Bologna, IT

PP238 A Balancing Converter with Series Connected MOSFETs for +/-700V Bipolar DC
Sachin Yadav, Delft University of Technology, NL

PP239 Optimization and Design of Low-Voltage and High-Current Point-of-Load

Converter under 48V Bus Architecture
Jiajia Guan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP240 Interleaved Boost Converter Efficiency and Power Density Model for Active and
Passive Component Design
Damien Lemaitre, CEA, FR

Novel and Advanced Semiconductor Devices

Chairperson: Josef Lutz, Chemnitz University of Technology, DE

PP241 Evaluation of a Hybrid Power Switch Based on Trench Clustered IGBT and SiC
Alireza Sheikhan, University of Sheffield, UK

PP242 Contributions for Building Blocks for Normally-off 650V GaN-on-Si Power
Integrated Circuits
Thanh Hai Phung, Wise-Integration, FR
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP243 New Bidirectional Asymmetric High Voltage TVS (Transient Voltage

Suppressor) diode
Boris Rosensaft, Littelfuse, DE

PP244 ISO247: High Performance Ceramic based Advanced Isolated Discrete Package
to Fully Exploit the Advantages of SiC MOSFET
Sachin Shridhar Paradkar, Littelfuse, DE

PP245 Impact of Current Ripple Reduction Using High Switching Frequencies on

PMSM Efficiency
Jannik Fuchs-Gade, Infineon Technologies, AT

PP246 Maximizing Cost-Efficiency in Electric Drivetrains: A SiC/Si Fusion Switch

Matthias Ippisch, Infineon Technologies, DE

Advanced Control
Chairperson: Gianmario Pellegrino, Polytechnic University of Turin, IT

PP247 Concise and Reliable SiC MOSFET Driver Circuits

Zhong Ye, Inventchip Technology, CN

PP248 Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Resolver System for Automotive Traction

Inverter Applications Based on AURIX TC4x
David Zipperstein, Infineon Technologies, DE

PP250 Multifunctional Grid Manager Topology with Configurable Output

Peter van Duijsen, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, NL

PP252 CO2 Footprint of Medium Voltage DC Solid State Transformer

Adriana Campos, SuperGrid Institute, FR

Chairperson: Marija Jankovic, ROHM Semiconductor GmbH, DE

PP253 Thermo-Electrical Analysis and Performance: A Comparative Study between

Modular and Discrete Approaches
Stefano Orlando, STMicroelectronics, IT

PP254 Impact of Parameter Spread in Parallel-Operated SiC MOSFETs for Hard-

Switching Conversion
Andrea Piccioni, Infineon Technologies, AT

PP255 Assessment of the Rds,on of SiC MOSFET Dies Through Kelvin Wire
Philipp Rehlaender, onsemi, DE

PP256 Challenges in Scaling SiC Single-Chip Measurements to Corresponding Power

Hao Wang, University of Rostock, DE
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 15:30 – 17:00 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP257 Switching Performance Evaluation of High-Power 1.7 kV SiC MOSFET Modules

using a Common Busbar Design
Sebastian Neira, University of Edinburgh, UK

PP258 Characterizing the Switching Behavior of a 1.2 kV mixed SiC JFET and MOSFET
Half Bridge
Tim Ringelmann, University of Bayreuth, DE

WBG High Frequency Application

Chairperson: Drazen Dujic, Power Electronics Laboratory, EPFL, CH

PP259 Performance Evaluation of the Packaging of SiC Diodes in a 6.78 MHz Wireless
Power Transfer System
Ioannis Nikiforidis, Imperial College London, UK

PP260 Voltage Waveform Generation for Sawyer-Tower Coss Loss Measurements

Using a Hybrid Power Converter
Malachi Hornbuckle, Stanford University, US

PP261 Evaluation of SiC Devices for Over 500khz Application Based on Buck Circuit
Minli Jia, Navitas Semiconductor, CN

PP262 Linearization of Drain-Source Capacitances for Antiserial Configurated SiC

MOSFETs in High Frequency Solid State Switches
Lars Dresel, Technical University of Darmstadt, DE
Thursday, 13 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Thursday, 13 June 2024

08:30 Community Coffee

Stage: Brüssel 1
08:45 Keynote
Challenges and Solutions to Power Latest Processor Generations for Hyper
Scale Datacenters
Gerald Deboy, Infineon Technologies, AT
Chairperson: Johann Walter Kolar, ETH Zurich, CH

09:30 Coffee break

Stage: Brüssel 1
SiC Devices
Chairperson: Ulrich Kirchenberger, STMicroelectronics, DE

09:50 The New CoolSiC MOSFET 1200 V G2: Electrical Performance and Compact
Andreas Huerner, Infineon Technologies, DE

10:10 Paralleling SiC-Power-MOSFET Body Diodes under Harsh Switching Conditions

Michael Rauh, University of Bayreuth, DE

10:30 3.3kV SBD-Embedded SiC-MOSFET Module for Traction Use

Yoichi Hironaka, Mitsubishi Electric, JP

10:50 Dead Time Optimization for High Power SiC MOSFET Module in Consideration of
Parasitic Components
Pham Ha Trieu To, University of Rostock, DE
Thursday, 13 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: München 1
WBG Reliability
Chairperson: Nando Kaminski, University of Bremen, DE

09:50 Performance Instability of 650 V p-GaN Gate HEMT Device under Temperature-
related Positive Gate Bias Stresses
Renze Yu, University of Bristol, UK

10:10 Gate Oxide Reliability of Current Generation 1.2 kV SiC MOSFETs under Step-
Wise Increased Gate Voltage
Roman Boldyrjew-Mast, Chemnitz University of Technology, DE

10:30 An Accelerated Dynamic Gate Switching Stress Test Concept of SiC MOSFETs at
High Drain-Source Voltage (HV-GSS)
Clemens Herrmann, Chemnitz University of Technology, DE

10:50 Silicon Carbide Power Device Use in Spacecraft and Aircraft

Akin Akturk, CoolCAD Electronics, US

Stage: München 2
Power Electronics for E-Mobility/ Control
Chairperson: Bernd Eckardt, Fraunhofer IISB, DE

09:50 Current Ripple Reduction by Combination of Si IGBT and SiC MOSFETs in

Heavy Duty Fuel Cell Trucks
Yavuz Gürlek, Daimler Truck, DE

10:10 Evaluation of Active Gate Drivers with Switchable Gate Resistors and
Intermediate Voltage Levels for SiC MOSFETs in WLTC
Michael Frank, University of Bayreuth, DE

10:30 Performance Evaluation of TCM-based, Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) Three-

Phase Inverter for Electric Vehicle Drive Systems
Khizra Abbas, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SW

10:50 A Partial Load Three-Phase Triangular Current Mode Modulation Concept with
an Optimized Filter Inductor for High Efficiency Traction Drives
Bhaskar Chatterjee, Robert Bosch, DE
Thursday, 13 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Mailand
DC-DC Converters I
Chairperson: Drazen Dujic, Power Electronics Laboratory, EPFL, CH

09:50 GaN vs Si Synchronous Rectifier for LLC Converter

Gokhan Sen, Infineon Technologies, DE

10:10 Co-Simulation Design of a GaN-Based Three-Phase LLC Converter with

Integrated Three-Phase Magnetics
Jhih-Cheng Hu, National Taipei University of Technology, TW

10:30 Switching Assisting Circuit Improving the Efficiency of DC-DC Converters

Based on Piezoelectric Resonators
Ghislain Despesse, CEA Leti FR

10:50 Transformer-based Fixed-ratio Resonant DC-DC Converters for 48V Data

Xufu Ren, University of Cambridge, UK

Stage: Athen
PFC Converters
Chairperson: Marija Jankovic, ROHM Semiconductor, DE

09:50 High-Density 3 kW GaN Rectifier for Server Applications Comprising a 130 kHz
Totem-Pole PFC and a 500 kHz LLC
Manuel Escudero Rodriguez, Infineon Technologies, AT

10:10 Addressing Power Switch Technology Selection Si/SiC/GaN in High Efficiency

ZVS-PFC Resonant Converters
Marco Torrisi, STMicroelectronics, IT

10:30 Buck-Type Current Unfolding Converter with Discontinuous Conduction Mode

in Ultra-Low Power-Factor Operation
Tomoyuki Mannen, University of Tsukuba, JP

10:50 GaN Based Bi-Directional 6.6kW Interleaved Totem-Pole PFC with 13kW/L
Power Density and High Efficiency
Juncheng Lu, Infineon Technologies, CA

11:15 – 12:45 Poster/Dialogue Session & Coffee Time Foyer

Thursday, 13 June 2024, 11:15 – 12:45 hrs / Poster Presentation

SiC Ruggedness
Chairperson: Ole Gerkensmeyer, Wolfspeed, DE

PP263 Effects of Non-killer Defects on SiC MOSFET Short-circuit Ruggedness and

Sara Kuzmanoska, onsemi, DE

PP264 Dynamic Reverse Bias Test: Electro-Thermal Characterization of

Giuseppe Mauromicale, STMicroelectronics, IT

PP266 Radiation Hardness of SiC Based Inverters Based on an EV Mission Profile

Hadiuzzaman Syed, Robert Bosch, DE

PP267 Rapid Short Circuit Protection Using didt Detection for SiC Power Modules
Koki Samura, Mitsubishi Electric, JP

PP268 Comparison of Dynamic Gate Stress Test Results of SiC MOSFETs

Mathias Gebhardt, SET, DE

PP279 Extending SiC MOSFET Short-Circuit Withstanding Time by Two-Level Turn-Off

Gate Driving
Kwokwai Ma, Infineon Technologies, SG

PP270 Experimental Investigations on Parasitic Turn-on of 1.2kV SiC MOSFET

Discrete Devices
Thanh-Toan Pham, onsemi, SW

PP271 Behavior Modelling the Short Circuit Characteristics of SiC MOSFETs Using
Compact Models
Qing Sun, Infineon, DE

Thermal Characterization
Chairperson: Stéphane Lefebvre, CNAM - SATIE, FR

PP273 Thermal Analysis and Modelling of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles
Ruben Kopischke, University of Kassel, DE

PP274 Junction Temperature Measurement of a 3.3 kV Silicon Carbide MOSFET

Power Module
Michael Gleissner, University of Bayreuth, DE

PP275 Innovative 3D Power Module Defaults Detection via Thermal Impedance

Analysis and Simulations
Louis Alauzet, Icam, FR

PP276 Thermal Characterization of an Air-Cooled PEBB Based on SiC MOSFET Power

Alexandre Marie, Icam, FR
Thursday, 13 June 2024, 11:15 – 12:45 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP277 Thermal Behaviour of SiC MOSFET with Planar Packaging Technology

Yijun Ye, Siemens, DE

Reliability and Availablity

Chairperson: Mark M. Bakran, University of Bayreuth, DE

PP279 Implementing Module Health Monitoring in EV Traction Inverters

Karol Rendek, ON Semiconductor, SK

PP280 Reliability Tests of Copper Thick-Film Substrates for Power Electronic

Henry Barth, Fraunhofer IKTS, DE

PP281 Power Module Solutions with Improved Reliability for Elevator Drive
Tiago Jappe, Vincotech, DE

PP282 Fail-Operational LLC Topologies with Fault-Tolerance Integrated Redundant

Aswathy M. Prince, Vitesco Technologies, DE

PP283 Thermal and Reliability Optimization of Clips in SiC MOSFET Power Modules
Zexiang Zheng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP284 Condition Monitoring of a GaN Full-Bridge by Means of Forward Voltage in

Continuous Operation
Michael Vogt, University of Bremen, DE

PP285 A Simple and Low Cost Overcurrent Protection System Based on Commercial
Shunt for Wide-Bandgap Devices
Emanuele Martano, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, IT

PP286 SVM-Based Fault-Tolerant Control for a Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel

Converter under Multiple Open-Circuit Switch Faults
Dong Xie, Chemnitz University of Technology, DE

PP287 Revolutionizing Mobility: The Second Life of Onboard Charging Systems in

Commercial Vehicles
Ajay Krishna Voppu Muralikrishna, SiNIX Group, SW
Thursday, 13 June 2024, 11:15 – 12:45 hrs / Poster Presentation

Low Voltage Switches

Chairperson: Aylin Bicakci, University of Applied Sciences Kiel, DE

PP288 A Behavioral Transient Model for IGBT Device with Anti Parallel Freewheeling
Shiwu Zhu, Nexperia, UK

PP289 Parameter Extraction for an ANN-assisted IGBT Model in Transient Simulations

Huaiyuan Zhang, Keysight Technologies, US

PP290 Fabrication of 600V RC-IGBT Using 300mm Wafer

Masaki Ueno, Mitsubishi Electric, JP

PP291 Next Level of Power Module Solution for PV C&I String Inverter with 1200V H7
Technology in Easy3B Package
Tilo Poller, Infineon Technologies, DE

PP291 Analysis of MOSFET Switching Losses in Resonant Converters Using

Electrical and Thermal Measurements and Loss Trends with MOSFET Size
Alfio Scuto, STMicroelectronics, IT

PP293 OptiMOS 6 135V for High Power Motor Drives

Kunal Jha, Infineon Technologies, US

PP294 Auto Power-SOI: Shaping the Future of Battery Monitoring Technology

Alex Lim, Soitec, SP

Lifetime Modelling and Condition Monitoring

Chairperson: Thomas Basler, Chemnitz University of Technology, DE

PP295 Understanding the Impact of IEC60747-17 on Capacitive and Magnetic

Shu Ee Ong, Skyworks Solutions, US

PP296 Paris Law Applied to Wire Bonds Degradation Using Crack Growth
Merouane Ouhab, Mitsubishi Electric, FR

PP297 Condition Monitoring Technique of Power Electronic Modules via Square-Wave

Gate Signal Excitation
Isabel Austrup, RWTH Aachen University, DE

PP298 Statistics-based Lifetime Simulation Environment for Power Modules

incorporating Degradation Models
Karthik Debbadi, Fraunhofer Institute ISIT, DE

PP299 Power Cycling Results for Reliability Studies of SiC-Inverters

Robert Keilmann, Technical University of Braunschweig, DE
Thursday, 13 June 2024, 11:15 – 12:45 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP300 GaN Cascode in High Speed Driven Air Compressors for Automotive Fuel Cells
Florian Lippold, Technical University of Braunschweig, DE

PP301 Prognostic Analysis of IGBT Health: Real-Time On-State Voltage Prediction

through Machine Learning
Tanya Thekemuriyil, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
Switzerland, CH

PP302 Robustness Analysis of Temperature-Sensitive Electrical Parameters of IGBTs

Laurids Schmitz, RWTH Aachen University, DE

PP303 Observation of Thermal-Resistance Increase of Degraded IGBT Modules by

VCE (sat) Measurement in a Chopper Circuit
Kazunori Hasegawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology, JP

Pulse with Modulation Methods

Chairperson: Steffan Hansen, SMA, DE

PP304 Modulation Technique for Reduced AC Content of the DC Link Current in

Three-Phase Two-Level Inverters
Steffen Frei, Technical University of Darmstadt, DE

PP305 Common Mode Currents in Resonant Circuits Generated with a Delta-Sigma

Modulated Voltage Source Inverter
Tobias Haas, Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, DE

PP306 Evaluation of New Modulation Scheme for 3L-ANPC Using Both Current Paths
in Zero State
Felix Eichler, Technical University of Dresden, DE

PP307 An Innovated Synchronous Rectification Method for 11kW CLLC Converter

Sanbao Shi, Infineon Semiconductors, CN

PP308 Interleaved Asynchronous Delta-Sigma Modulation Concept for Dynamic

Power Converters
Philipp Czerwenka, University of Reultingen, DE

PP309 High Resolution Mixed-Signal Pulse Width Modulator for High-Frequency DC-
DC Converters
Tim McRae, University of Southern Denmark, DK

PP310 Implementation and Control of Optimized Pulse Patterns for Salient Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Machines in Electric Vehicles
Maximilian Hepp, Mercedes-Benz, DE

PP311 A 3-Leg Interleaved TP PFC with a 90˚ Phase-Shifted Asymmetric Leg for
Reduced Magnetics
Serkan Dusmez, Wat Motor, TR
Thursday, 13 June 2024, 11:15 – 12:45 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP312 Fault-Tolerant Operation Analysis of a Five-Phase Three-Level TNPC Inverter

for Electric Aircraft Propulsion Systems
Chanuch Chaisakdanugull, Helmut-Schmidt-University, DE

AC-DC and DC-AC Converter

Chairperson: Serge Bontemps, Microchip Technology, FR

PP313 CCM Totem-pole PFC for Ultra-High Power Density USB-PD Chargers
Manuel Rodriguez Escudero, Infineon Technologies, AUT

PP314 Comparison of Hybrid Si/SiC and SiC Two-Level and Three-Level Converters
for Low-Voltage Low-Power Applications
Tim Augustin, Hitachi Energy Research, SW

PP315 Analysis of Analogue Current and Flux Balancing for the Dual-Active-Bridge
Christophe Basso, Future Electronics, FR

PP316 Design and Optimization of a Single-Stage Photovoltaic Microinverter with

Integrated Magnetics
Jin Wen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP317 Experimental Investigation of Class Φ Inverter Under Various Load

Baptiste Daire, Laboratoire Ampère, FR

PP318 Analysis, Modeling, Design, and Limitations of Current Injection based UPF
Rectifier with Small DC-Link Capacitor
Ramkrishan Maheshwari, University of Southern Denmark, DK

PP319 High-Efficient Isolated AC-DC Converter with Circulating Current Reduction for
AC Adapters
Hiroki Watanabe, Nagaoka University of Technology, JP

PP320 A Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) based Strategy for Accurate Blanking Times in
Bridgeless Totem-Pole PFCs
Sandu Tigira Tigira, University of Cantabria, ES

PP321 Circulating Currents in Coupled Multi-Terminal Hybrid AC-DC Grids

Fabian Herzog, RWTH Aachen University, DE

Advanced Converter Topologies

Chairperson: Manfred Schrödl, Vienna University of Technology, AT

PP322 Comparison of 4500V State-of-the-Art XHP3 IGBT and Conventional IHV IGBT
for 3300V 3-Level ANPC Medium Voltage Drives
Martin Knecht, Infineon Integrated Circuit, CN
Thursday, 13 June 2024, 11:15 – 12:45 hrs / Poster Presentation

PP323 Generalized Switching Sequence for Voltage Balancing in a Flying Capacitor

DC-DC Converter with Quasi-2-Level Modulation
Jose Andres Aguilar Croston, SuperGrid Institute, FR

PP324 Optimization-Based Sizing of a Modular Multilevel Converter Based on 650 V

GaN Modules for New LVDC/MVDC Grids
Gregoire Le Goff, University of Toulouse, FR

PP325 A Novel Three-Phase Low-Switch-Count AC-DC Grid Converter Topology with

Galvanic Isolation
Liska Steenbock, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Bielefeld, DE

PP326 Single-Stage LED Driver Based on Coupled Inductor Power Factor Correction
and LLC Converter
Alireza Ramezan Ghanbari, V-Research, AT

PP327 A Inverse Coupled DC-DC Boost Inductor with 2-kV SiC MOSFET Module for
1500V Solar Inverter MPPT
Yusi Liu, onsemi, US

PP328 Environmental Impact of Modular Power Electronics Systems Considering

Diagnostic-Driven Unit Replacement
Briac Baudais, Mitsubishi Electric, FR

Power Electronics for Railway Applications

Chairperson: Philippe Ladoux, University of Toulouse, FR

PP329 Switching Performance Comparison of 3.3 kV SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT Power
Modules for Railway Traction Systems
Yue Zhao, University of Arkansas, US

PP330 Comparison of Three-Level Inverter Topologies for MVDC Reversible Railway

Luc Bimmel, University of Toulouse, FR

PP331 Control of Bidirectional Power Flow in Railway Catenary Overhead Lines

Peter van Duijsen, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, NL

PP332 A Rail Traction Converter Platform Based on Power Module Implementations

with 450 A, 600 A and 800 A 3.3 kV IGBT Modules
Ekrem R. Gunes, TUBITAK RUTE, TR

PP333 Comparison of Selected Megawatt-Level Traction Converter Power Module

Implementations in Terms of Commutation Inductance and Practicality
Abdulkerim Ugur, TUBİTAK RUTE, TR
Thursday, 13 June 2024, 11:15 – 12:45 hrs / Poster Presentation

Current Related Testing

Chairperson: Uwe Schilling, Semikron Danfoss, DE

PP334 Pitfalls and their Avoidability in the Double-Pulse Test

Nikolas Förster, Paderborn University, DE

PP335 Modeling and Simulation of Fluxgate Based Current Sensor

Yunus Çay, Middle East Technical University, TR

PP336 Sigma-Delta Based Current Acquisition with Reduced Settling Time

Joschka Randerath, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, DE

PP337 Characterisation of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors in Double Pulse Testing

Using Optically Isolated Probes
Lennart Hoffmann, University of Kassel, DE

PP338 NON-INVASIVE Battery Condition Testing Using Electrical Signals and

Srikrishna N.H, Tektronix, IN

PP339 Instrumentation Requirements for Fast 130 V/ns Switching of 1700 V, 35 mΩ

Matthew Appleby, University of Bristol, UK

Power Electronics for Aerospace Applications

Chairperson: Jacques Laeuffer, Dtalents, FR

PP340 Conceptualization and Experimental Assessment of Design Aspects for 3-

Level ANPC Inverters
Lukas Radomsky, Technical University of Braunschweig, DE

PP341 Design of a High Power Density Inverter and FOC Implementation for UAVs
Matthias Neuner, MCI Internationale Bildung & Wissenschaft, AT

PP342 Highly-Integrated, Flexible Power Solution for Aerospace 5kVA – 20 kVA Motor
Drive Applications
Alain Calmels, Microchip Technology, IR

PP343 Database-Supported Preliminary Design, Simulation and Evaluation of Power

Converters in Electric Aircraft Propulsion System
Jeff Kugener, DLR, DE

PP344 Design and Analysis of Gate-Driver for SiC-based Inverter for Megawatt Scale
All Electric Aircraft
Ankit Pal, DLR, DE
Thursday, 13 June 2024, 11:15 – 12:45 hrs / Poster Presentation

Measurement Techniques and Methods

Chairperson: Ilknur Colak, Schneider Electric, FR

PP345 Addressing Testing Challenges for Power Modules and Three-Level Inverters
Oleg Fotteler, SPEA, IT

PP346 Characterization of the Bonding Quality of Silver Sintered Compounds by

Means of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Yannick Bockholt, University of Applied Sciences Kiel, DE

PP347 Inverter-Integrated Measurement of the Frequency-Dependent Winding

Impedance of Electric Machines
Christian Mühlfeld, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, DE

PP348 Compensation Techniques for Bandwidth-Distorted Measurements of Fast

Transients in Double Pulse Tests
Christian Lottis, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, DE

PP349 An Aerodynamic Load Measurement Technique for Autonomous Aerial

Mehmet Oguz Girgin, Roketsan, TR

PP350 A High-Bandwidth Multilevel Counter Circuit for Bearing Current Evaluation

Felix Schulte, Technical University of Dortmund, DE

Chairperson: Bernhard Strzalkowski, Analog Devices, DE

PP351 Core Loss Model for considering Anisotropy and Temperature Effects on
Electrical Steel under Power Electronic Conditions
Michael Owzareck, Block Transformatoren-Elektronik, DE

PP353 Circular Economy Oriented and Reconfigurable Planar Transformer Design for
Isolated DC-DC Converters
Fabian Groon, University of Kiel, DE

PP354 Controllable Magnetics: Variable Transformers and Variable Inductors, Theory

– Production – Application
Florian Fenske, mdexx Magnetronic Devices, DE
PP355 A Three-Phase Interleaved LLC Integrated Transformer Using PCB Windings
for Fuel Cell DCDC Converters
Jiajia Guan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CN

PP356 Testing the Primary-Secondary Coil Coupling of High-Frequency Transformer

Implemented on ETD and Toroidal Cores
Daniel Chatroux, CEA-LITEN, FR

11:30 Lunch Break

Thursday, 13 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Brüssel 1
SiC Modules
Chairperson: Philippe Ladoux, University of Toulouse, FR

14:00 The Design of a 2kV 1700A SiC MOSFET Dual Module

Jorge Mari, Semikron Danfoss, DE

14:20 Technological approaches to high-power density SiC power module for

Takeshi Tokorozuki, Mitsubishi Electric, JP

14:40 Extremely Compact SiC Power Module for EV Traction Inverters in the 250 kW
Raffael Schnell, SwissEM Technologies, CH

15:00 Benefits of .XT Interconnection Technology for 3.3 kV XHP 2 Module with 3.3
Matthias Bürger, Infineon Technologies, DE

Stage: München 1
Advanced Cooling
Chairperson: Uwe Schilling, Semikron Danfoss, DE

14:00 Large-Area Bonding with LMEE: Suppression of the Degradation of the

Junction-to-Water Thermal Resistance in Power Modules
Yo Mochizuki, ROHM Semiconductor, JP

14:20 Active Thermal Control of SiC MOSFETs Utilizing Transient Thermal

Varaha Satya Bharath Kurukuru, Silicon Austria Labs, AT

14:40 Thermal Management Solutions by Additive Manufacturing – Powder Bed Fusion

and Diffusion Bonding
Simon Jahn, Günter Köhler Institute for Joining Technology and Materials Testing, DE

15:00 Advanced Pumped Two-Phase Cold Plate for Cooling Power Electronics
Elisabeth Seber, Advanced Cooling Technologies, US
Thursday, 13 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: München 2
DC-DC Converters II
Chairperson: Thiago Batista Soeiro, University of Twente, NL

14:00 Feasibility Study of High-Power Density Isolated CLLC DC-DC Interface with
Wide Range of Voltage/Current Regulation
Oleksandr Husev, Tallinn University of Technology, EE

14:20 DC-Bias Reduction in High-Frequency Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converters

through Slow DC Measurements
Patrick Lenzen, TU Dortmund University, DE

14:40 Optimized Current Sharing Technique for Interleaved CLLC Converters for
Minimal Output Current Distortion
Martin Gendrin, Fraunhofer Istitute ISE, DE

15:00 Primary-side Output Regulation Principles in Dynamic Multi-MHz Inductive

Power Transfer Systems and Isolated DC/DC Converters
Ioannis Nikiforidis, Imperial College London, UK

Stage: Mailand
Smart Grid
Chairperson: Klaus Rigbers, SMA Solar Technology, DE

14:00 Low Voltage DC-Grids with Galvanic Isolation: System Discussion, Efficiency
and Performance Comparison to AC-Feeding
Lukas Fräger, BLOCK Transformatoren-Elektronik, DE

14:20 Implementation and Experimental Evaluation of an Adaptive DC Grid Controller

for Decentralised Grid Control
Steffen Menzel, University of Bremen, DE

14:40 Demonstrating the Effectiveness of a DC Solid-State Circuit Breaker's Fast

Response Time
Ehab Tarmoom, Microchip Technology, US

15:00 Modelling and Sizing Sensitivity Analysis of a Fully Renewable Energy-based

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Microgrid
David A. Stone, University of Sheffield, UK
Thursday, 13 June 2024 / Oral Presentation

Stage: Athen
Measurement Techniques and Methods
Chairperson: Wolfram Teppan, LEM INTERNATIONAL, CH

14:00 LED Powered Rotor Telemetry System

Raphael Beyerle, Technical University of Vienna, AT

14:20 ‘Infinity Gate Sensor’: a Differential Magnetic Field Sensor for Measuring Gate
Current of SiC Power Transistors
Yushi Wang, University of Bristol, UK

14:40 Characterising Wide Bandgap Power Modules: Validating the M-Shunt Concept
for High-Power Applications in the Kiloampere Range
Hauke Lutzen, University of Bremen, DE

15:00 Characterization of Power-Module Parasitics: Sub-Nanosecond Large Signal

Pulsing vs. Double-Pulse Testing
Gerhard Groos, Universität der Bundeswehr München, DE

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