An Analytical Model For The Static Behaviour of Honeycomb Sandwich Plates With Auxetic Cores Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theories
An Analytical Model For The Static Behaviour of Honeycomb Sandwich Plates With Auxetic Cores Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theories
An Analytical Model For The Static Behaviour of Honeycomb Sandwich Plates With Auxetic Cores Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theories
Received: 23 May 2023 / Accepted: 29 July 2023 / Published online: 19 August 2023
© The Author(s) 2023
Abstract This paper presents an analytical model regular and auxetic response. It was found that the
to investigate the static behaviour of sandwich plates auxeticity of the core strongly affects the mechanical
comprised of two isotropic face sheets and a honey- response, e.g., in controlling deflection, in-plane ani-
comb core. Through-thickness transverse shear stresses sotropy, and Poisson’s ratio. Cell wall angle was found
were considered using a unified displacement field to be most critical parameter that can be used to adjust
with which various plate theories were implemented, anisotropy, out-of-plane shear modulus, transverse
i.e., exponential, third-order, hyperbolic, sinusoidal, shear stress distribution, and deflection of the panel.
fifth-order, Mindlin, and the classic plate theory. The Also the cell aspect ratio controls the sensitivity of the
equilibrium equations of a simply-supported sandwich core response to other geometrical variations. In terms
panel were derived using the principle of virtual work of the higher-order theories, the deflection-dependent
and Navier solution was obtained under static trans- parameter of the unified formulation seems to have
verse loading. After validating of the model, various more control of maximum deflection compared to
mechanical and geometrical parameters were varied independent rotations. Auxeticity of the core showed
to characterise the behaviour of the structure under some benefits in controlling anisotropy, deflection and
M. J. Mirzaali
Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Faculty
of Mechanical, Maritime, and Materials Engineering, Delft
University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft,
The Netherlands
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952 M. Karimi et al.
providing additional out-of-plane shear rigidity. Over- have been studied a lot in the literature, characterising
all, since there is not one-to-one relationship between their effective behaviour can provide additional insight
specific values of Poisson’s ratio, anisotropy, and shear towards better designs; analytical solutions provide a
rigidity, careful design considerations must be invested robust and quick approach to this end.
to obtain a correct mechanical response. Modelling auxetic structures. Various analytical
and numerical methods have been used in simulat-
Keywords Honeycomb sandwich panels · Auxetic ing the response of auxetics. In Duc et al. (2017), the
structures · Higher-order shear deformation theories · dampened dynamic response of double-curved shal-
Navier solution low shells were investigated under blast forces. The
nonlinear behaviour was formulated based on the
Mindlin plate theory (Mindlin 1951) and solved using
1 Introduction the Airy stress functions and Galerkin approximation.
In Hou et al. (2013), the failure of polymorphic hon-
Overview. In the recent years, auxetic materials have eycomb were studied using finite element simulations.
received a great deal of attention due to their unique By gradually modifying the geometrical parameters,
performance under mechanical loading (Dhari et al. the local and global deformation mechanism of poly-
2020, 2021). Their exotic behaviour is attributed to morphic cores and thus their flexural response can be
the negative values of Poisson’s ratio where a longi- regulated. In Zhu et al. (2019), the eigen-frequencies
tudinal compression (or tension) is accompanied by a of auxetic/regular honeycomb sandwich plates were
transverse shrinkage (or expansion). In the classical obtained using the nonlinear von Kármán-type and
theory of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio ranges between −1 third-order shear deformation theories. It was found
and 0.5 for isotropic media (Mott and Roland 2013) that the auxetic core takes a lower total vibrational
whereas for the anisotropic continua, there are no lim- energy compared to the regular one. Overall, various
its for its values (Ting and Chen 2005). More interest- combinations of analytical plate theories, numerical
ingly and in contrast to full auxeticity, a partial auxetic simulations, and experimental methods are used to
behaviour is observed at certain directions for crystals model auxetic honeycombs.
with cubic symmetry (Tretiakov et al. 2018; Tretiakov Classic plate theories. Shell-like structures and
and Wojciechowski 2020), which introduces additional plates, as their flat counterparts, are manifolds that
complexity. In the current work, the regular honeycomb often has a negligible thickness. Their analysis could
structure and its auxetic counterpart—the re-entrant take two general pathways; the direct approach
(inverse) honeycomb—is studied as the core of a com- (Javanbakht et al. 2019, Aßmus et al. 2023, Zhilin
posite sandwich panel (Hall and Javanbakht 2021). 1976, Pal’mov 1982) or the engineering approach
Honeycomb structures. As one of the oldest bio- (Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger 1959). In the
inspired patterns, regular honeycomb structures and former, the directed surfaces of generalised contin-
their re-entrant configuration have been used in a vari- uum mechanics (Altenbach and Eremeyev 2009) are
ety of applications such as sports (Duncan et al. 2018; used to set up the required mathematical objects for
Wang and Hong 2014), bioengineering (Kölbl et al. the definition of a manifold; in the latter, the govern-
2020; Mirzaali et al. 2018), acoustics (Melnikov et al. ing equations are reduced from three-dimensional
2020), and impact resistance (Sethi et al. 2023; Korup- elasticity onto a plane, see Carrera and Brischetto
olu et al. 2022; Tewari et al. 2022) among others. Pro- (2008); Khorshidi and Karimi (2020) for instance.
gramming and tuning the mechanical properties of The engineering approach, in its displacement-
auxetics allow for a tailored response of these high- based variant, takes the unknown displacements as
performance metamaterials (Yang et al. 2019; Khosh- the primary variable. The simplest plate theory in this
goftar et al. 2021; Khorshidi et al. 2022). The auxetic sense, is the classical plate theory (Kirchhoff-Love
property adds additional flavours to the regular mate- theory or shear-rigid theory) Kirchhoff (1850) which
rial properties such as extreme anisotropy (Dirren- is used for thin plates as it neglects the shear defor-
berger et al. 2013) and unboundedness of Poisson’s mations and considers an independent equilibrium
ratio (Ting and Chen 2005) which extends the design for shear stresses (Zienkiewicz and Holister 1965).
space of structures. Although honeycomb structures Consequently, the critical buckling loads and natural
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frequencies are overestimated by the theory whereas was studied under blast loads using a third-order shear
the stress components and deflections are underes- deformation theory in Pham et al. (2023). The formula-
timated. The first-order shear deformation theory or tion uses the rule of mixtures (Javanbakht et al. 2020)
Mindlin theory (Mindlin 1951) includes the shear to obtain the effective properties of layers (Javanbakht
deformations and assumes a constant transverse shear et al. 2016) and set up a new finite element for improved
stress through the thickness. Although it addresses the accuracy. Most of the literature discusses the results of
stiffness issue of the classic plate theory, the traction- the auxetic cores using a certain theoretical approach
free boundary conditions are violated at the bottom and combined with the finite element method. Synthesising
top free surfaces, see Rahimi et al. (2012); Khoshgof- these approaches reveal that most of the analytical for-
tar et al. (2015, 2022); Xiang (2002); Khorshidi et al. mulations for honeycombs are based on Gibson’s beam
(2019) for more recent developments. Such shortcom- model (Gibson and Ashby 1997) and a plate theory; the
ings are tackled by higher-order plate theories. results cover static, dynamic, and eigenvalue analysis of
Higher-order plate theories. Higher-order plate vibration. Nevertheless, they all lack a comprehensive
theories can mathematically capture various through- modelling that include various theories and a compari-
thickness distributions of transverse shear stress and son of their performance. Herein, this aspect will be
thus can represent cross-sectional warping without addressed within a theory—that synthesises various
using shear correction factors. In the recent years, the plate theories—in addition to a comprehensive analy-
development of these theories have attracted interest in sis of the regular and auxetic behaviour. The success of
the literature (Khorshidi and Karimi 2019; Khorshidi the approach is demonstrated through a static analysis
et al. 2020; Mashat et al. 2020; Furtmüller and Adam which can be extended to other types as well.
2020; Tran Vinh et al. 2016). For example, exponential Aim. Although various theories have been used to
shear deformation theory (Sayyad and Ghugal 2012) simulate the response of auxetics, a uniform formula-
was developed for moderately thick plates, including tion has not been provided for sandwich panels with
the impacts of rotary inertia and transverse deflections. auxetic honeycomb cores. Thus, it is aimed to provide
It was shown that the precision and reliability of this an analytical solution for sandwich panels with regu-
theory are higher than polynomial shear deformation lar and re-entrant honeycomb cores, which encompass
theories because exponential theories can reduce to various higher-order shear theories. The solutions will
polynomial theories by truncating the expanded power help to compare the response of the sandwich panel in
series. In some cases, higher order shear deforma- regular and auxetic modes and its affecting parameters
tion theories are not computationally suitable because such as vertical cell rib length, inclined cell rib length,
through-thickness modifications increase the number and cell wall angle. The provided formulation can be
of unknowns in the displacement field (Pradyumna used as a design roadmap for such structures. In the
and Bandyopadhyay 2008; Neves et al. 2012; Talha following sections, a unified higher-order plate formu-
and Singh 2010). In the context of auxetics, provid- lation is developed for a general honeycomb structure;
ing a formulation, which incorporates various theories, after validating the results with a finite element model
seems to be an interesting journey to embark. and benchmark values in the literature, parametric
Motivation. Many higher-order theories have been analyses on the core properties and the sandwich panel
used to model the mechanical response of regular or were conducted. After discussing the results, the study
auxetic honeycombs. For instance, the linear static concludes by highlighting the key findings.
response of an auxetic core in a sandwich panel was
formulated using a third-order shear theory, which
included stress–strain response and a parametric study 2 Formulation
showing a range of values for Poisson’s ratio (Pham
et al. 2020). The classic plate theory was used to obtain 2.1 Physical geometry of the model
natural frequencies of vibration for a regular honey-
comb sandwich panel in a parametric study (Jweeg A sandwich structure subjected to static loading, con-
2016); the effect of changing the wall angle and layer sisting of an auxetic core and two isotropic facesheets
thickness were studied therein. The vibration response is assumed. The width, length, total thickness, and
of a regular honeycomb cores and composite skin layers effective density (Bergmann et al. 2020) of the
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structure are denoted by b, a, h, and 𝜌, respectively; the aspect ratio (𝜂1), thickness ratio (𝜂2), and the thick-
the thickness of the core and each facesheet, are ness-to-length ratio (𝜂3) of the cell are defined as
denoted by tc, tf , respectively. A right-handed frame of
reference is placed at the corner of the sandwich plate, 𝜂1 ∶= , (1a)
where x1–x2 axes span the structural plane, see Fig. 1. l1
The unit cell of the auxetic core is shown in Fig. 1b,
where the geometrical parameters l1, l2 and 𝜃 denote t2
𝜂2 ∶= , (1b)
the length of the inclined rib, horizontal length of the t1
cell, and cell wall angle, respectively. Note that a posi-
tive angle characterises a re-entrant/inverted honey- t1
comb whereas regular honeycombs are obtained from 𝜂3 ∶=
. (1c)
negative angles, e.g., l1 = l2, t1 = t2, and 𝜃 = −30
result in regular hexagonal honeycombs. Additionally,
Fig. 1 Schematic of the hexagonal honeycomb core embedded in a sandwich panel: a Geometry of a sandwich panel, b the unit cell
of hexagonal honeycomb core, and c three-dimensional layout of the honeycomb panel
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In contrast to the first-order shear deformation theory, Within the elastic regime, the infinitesimal strain field
higher-order shear deformation theories are needless of can be deduced from Eq. (2):
shear correction factor as their transverse shear stresses
automatically vanish at the top and bottom surfaces of
𝜀11 = u,1 + gw,11 + f 𝜁,1 , (3a)
the plate. Based on these theories, a general descrip-
tion of the displacement field is assumed to be 𝜀22 = v,2 + gw,22 + f 𝜓,2 , (3b)
u1 ∶= u + gw,1 + f 𝜁, (2a)
[ ( )]
𝜀12 = 1∕2 u,2 + v,1 + 2gw,12 + f 𝜓,1 + 𝜁,2 ,
u2 ∶= v + gw,2 + f 𝜓, (2b)
[ ]
𝜀13 = 1∕2 g,3 w,1 + 𝜁f,3 + w,1 ,
u3 ∶= w, (2c)
( u1 ≡ )u1 x1 , x2 , x3 , u2 ≡ u2 x1 , x2 , x3 and
[ ]
𝜀23 = 1∕2 g,3 w,2 + 𝜓f,3 + w,2 .
( ) ( )
u3 ≡ x1 , x2 , x3 express the displacement of an arbi- The constitutive equations for the considered sand-
trary point in the x1, x2 and x3 directions, respec- wich plate are expressed using the generalised
tively. The mid-plane displacement components Hooke’s law:
of the sandwich panel are expressed in terms of the
planar coordinates, i.e., u ≡ u(x1 , x2 ), v ≡ v(x1 , x2 )
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E2[i] 𝜂3 cos 𝜃
G[2] =G , (7d)
= [i] [i]
, (5b) 23 𝜂1 − sin 𝜃
1− 𝜈12 𝜈21
( )
1 𝜂1 + 2 sin 𝜃 𝜂1 − sin 𝜃
E2[i] 𝜈12
= G𝜂3 sec 𝜃 ( )+ ,
= Q[i]
= [i] [i]
, (5c) 2 2 𝜂1 − sin 𝜃 2𝜂1 + 1
1 − 𝜈12 𝜈21 (7e)
( ) ( )
1 − 𝜂32 tan 𝜃 sec 𝜃 𝜂1 − sin 𝜃
= G[i]
, (5d) 𝜈12 =− ( ) , (7f)
𝜂32 𝜂1 sec2 𝜃 + tan2 𝜃 + 1
= G[i]
, (5e) ( )
1 − 𝜂32 sin 𝜃
𝜈21 = −( )( ), (7g)
Q[i] = G[i] , (5f) 𝜂1 − sin 𝜃 𝜂32 + tan2 𝜃
66 12
where G[i]13
, G[i]
, G[i]
, E1[i] , E2[i] , 𝜈12
and 𝜈21
are shear ( )
𝜂1 𝜂2 + 2 𝜂3 sec 𝜃
elastic modulus, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s 𝜌[2] =𝜌 ) , (7h)
ratios, respectively. For the isotropic face sheets
2 𝜂1 − sin 𝜃
(i = 1, 3), the stiffness coefficients in Eq. (5) reduce to
where the dimensionless geometrical parameters of
⎧ Q[i] = Q[i] = E
, the cell, i.e., 𝜂1, 𝜂2, and 𝜂3, are involved. Note that 𝜂2
11 22 1−𝜈 2
⎪ [i]
Q[i] E𝜈 is included in (7f) and (7h) and thus for simplicity, a
� �
∀i ∈ 1, 3 ∶ ⎨ Q12 = = ,
⎪ Q[i]
21 1−𝜈 2 unit value is assumed for this ratio.
⎩ 44 = Q[i]
= Q[i]
= G= E
modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the symmetric iso- To derive the governing equations and related bound-
tropic face sheets, respectively. For the auxetic core ary conditions of the system, virtual work principle is
with the assumed honeycomb cells, the extended Gib- applied as follows
son’s formulation is readily obtained (Zhu et al. 2019): t
( ) (𝛿V + 𝛿U) dt = 0, (8)
𝜂33 sec3 𝜃 𝜂1 − sin 𝜃
E1 = E 2 ( , (7a)
where the strain energy of the sandwich plate U and
𝜂3 𝜂1 sec2 𝜃 + tan2 𝜃 + 1
work done by applied forces V are calculated as
2 i=1 ∫
( )
[i] [i] [i] [i] [i]
𝛿𝜀23 dV[i] (9)
{ }
𝛿U = 𝜎11 𝛿𝜀11 + 𝜎22 𝛿𝜀22 + 2𝜎12 𝛿𝜀12 + 2𝜎13 𝛿𝜀13 + 2𝜎23 ∀i ∈ 1, 2, 3 ,
𝜂33 sec 𝜃 𝛿V = − q 𝛿w dA,
E2[2] = E ( )( ), (7b) (10)
𝜂1 − sin 𝜃 𝜂32 + tan2 𝜃 A
Five coupled governing equations can be derived the transverse load q(x, y) can be also expanded as
in terms of displacement field by incorporating follows
Eqs. (2)–(7a) and Eqs. (9)–(10) into Eq. (8) as follows ∞ ∞
m𝜋 n𝜋
( ) ∑ ∑ ( ) ( )
q x1 ,x2 = Qm,n sin x1 sin x2 ,
L1 u + L2 v + L3 w + L4 𝜁 + L5 𝜓 = 0, (11a) a b
n=1 m=1
L2 u + L6 v + L7 w + L8 𝜁 + L9 𝜓 = 0, (11b) where Qm,n can be calculated as follows
a b (
a b ∫0 ∫0
4 ) ( m𝜋 ) n𝜋
( )
L3 u + L7 v + L10 w + L11 𝜁 + L12 𝜓 = 0, (11c) Qm,n = q x1 ,x2 sin x1 sin x2 dx2 dx1 .
a b
L4 u + L8 v + L11 w + L13 𝜁 + L14 𝜓 = 0, (11d)
Substituting Eqs. (12a)–(14) into Eqs. (11a)–(11e)
leads to a system of algebraic equations in terms of
L5 u + L9 v + L12 w + L14 𝜁 + L15 𝜓 = 0, (11e) the introduced unknown coefficients. These coupled
algebraic equations are given in the appendix A.
where Li , ∀i ∈ 1, … , 15 denote various differen-
{ }
Finally, the following dimensionless parameters
tial operators, see appendix A.
are defined for quantifying the numerical results:
( 3)
2.5 Navier solution w ∶= wc 4 , (15a)
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Fig. 2 Finite element model: a fixed boundary conditions of the circumference (in orange) and surface loading of the top skin (in
pink), b mesh sensitivity analysis
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Table 2 Maximum deflection of the honeycomb sandwich i.e., the normalised elastic moduli
) along the principal
panel against the finite element results
directions E1[2] ∕E and E2[2] ∕E and normalised core
( )
Deformed structure Model w(a∕2, b∕2) Percent- transverse shear modulus were used in pre-
age relative
error (%) senting the results. The sensitivity of various material
properties to geometrical variation is presented in this
FEM 0.05701 n/a
subsection, see Fig. 3. Note that all the results are
TSDT 0.04931 13.51
presented for a constant thickness-to-length ratio of
ESDT 0.05101 10.53
𝜂3 = 0.1; increasing this ratio only magnifies the val-
SSDT 0.05015 10.52
ues, see the numerators in Eq. (7a).
HSDT 0.04923 13.65
Core auxeticity. Cell wall angle triggers the auxetic
FSDT 0.05139 9.87
behaviour of honeycomb cells, see Fig. 3a. Positive
Honeycomb parameters:
cell wall angles (𝜃 > 0◦) induce negative Poisson’s
a = 0.89946 m , b = 0.93229 m , h = 7 cm , tc = 5 cm ,
𝜂3 = 0.0625, 𝜂1 = 1.26875, 𝜃 = 15◦
ratio whereas the negative angles represent the regu-
lar honeycomb structures in the current formulation.
In the vicinity of 𝜃 = 0◦, a sharp transition between
auxetic and regular behaviour occurs, which is a result
3.2 Parametric analysis of the core mechanical of changing the internal geometry of the core layer
properties from inverted honeycomb to the regular hexagonal
arrangement. Note that at larger angles a zero Pois-
To better comprehend the behaviour of the developed son’s ratio is asymptotically obtained, irrespective of
analytical models, a parametric analysis was con- the auxetic or regular behaviour. Finally, in larger cell
ducted for the isolated regular and re-entrant honey- aspect ratios (𝜂1), the jump between two behaviours
comb cores, i.e., negative and positive inclination become milder but vanishes asymptotically faster.
angles, respectively. To provide dimensionless results, Core anisotropy. The geometry of the cell adjusts
the effective elastic moduli
( were normalised relative
those of the face sheets E ≡ E[1] ≡ E[3] = 69 GPa ,
) the anisotropy of the core, see Fig. 3b. By taking
the elastic moduli ratios of two principal directions
Table 3 Validation of the maximum deflection and stress components for a three-layer (0/90/0) square laminate plate modelled in
Reddy (2003)
𝛼 Method w(a∕2, b∕2) ⋅ 100 𝜎 11 𝜎 22 𝜎 12 (a, b, h∕2) 𝜎 23 (a∕2, 0, 0)
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960 M. Karimi et al.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 3 Variation of the core properties due to its geometrical versus normalised elastic moduli of core, and d core Poisson’s
variation: a core Poisson’s ratio versus cell wall angle, b core ratio versus normalised shear modulus
anisotropy ratio versus cell wall angle, c core Poisson’s ratio
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(a) (b)
Fig. 4 Estimations of various plate theories for the sandwich panel: a maximum dimensionless deflection, and b dimensionless
transverse shear stress of the panel at mid-edge (a/2, 0)
case. Decreasing the value of Poisson’s ratio 3.3 Mechanical response of the sandwich panel
increases the elastic modulus along 1-axis in both
regular and auxetic cores. In either case, elastic In this subsection, a parametric study is conducted
modulus along 2-axis may increase or decrease to reveal the behaviour of the sandwich panel with
depending on other principal value of elastic mod- an auxetic core under linear static loading. Vari-
ulus. Zero Poisson’s ratio corresponds to increased ous plate theories are used to calculate the deflec-
elastic modulus along 1-axis whereas along 2-axis, tion under sinusoidal distributed load (amplitude of
either a more restricted increase occurs or its value q, and wavelengths 2a and 2b in the x1 and x2 direc-
vanishes. The elastic modulus value along 2-axis is tions, respectively) and the transverse shear stress of
more sensitive to the cell aspect ratio, i.e., higher the panel, see Fig. 4. In these structures, isotropic
aspect ratios results in smaller Poisson’s ratio and a face sheet are assumed to have an elastic modulus of
smaller maximum value for the same range of Pois- (( E ≡ E [1] ≡ E [3] = 69 GPa and
) a shear modulus of
[1] [3]
son’s ratios. On the other hand, E1 seems to be less G ≡ G ≡ G = 26.5 GPa . The core-to-face-sheet
sensitive to the aspect ratio change as l2 was kept thickness ratio is assumed to be hc ∕hf = 4 for a total
constant during this variation. thickness of h = 0.1.
Transverse shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Maximum deflection dependence on the cell
Fig. 3d illustrates the variation of Poisson’s ratio geometry. As illustrated in Fig. 4a, all plate theories
versus the shear modulus ratio. Similar to normal- asymptotically result in the same deflection at higher
ised elastic moduli, higher aspect ratios produce values of 𝛼 (reciprocal of thickness ratio), i.e., for thin
more controlled stiffness values in the same range sandwich panels, all theories correspond to CPT. In
of Poisson’s ratios. For the regular core, normal- contrast at lower values of 𝛼 , higher-order theories
ised shear modulus decreases by increasing the deviate from the solution of CPT while MPT stand-
cell wall angle; this reduction is more severe for outs with an underestimation of the values. This
larger aspect ratios. In contrast, the auxetic core could be attributed to dropping the shear contribu-
experiences a slight increase before starting the tion of deflection in MPT ( g = 0). The most com-
decreasing regime; similarly, this increase is more pliant response is that of FSDT whereas TSDT and
severe for smaller aspect ratios. It is noted that HSDT identically show the stiffest behaviour (exclud-
smaller aspect ratios can potentially provide larger ing MPT). Finally, the insensitivity of CPT to thick-
transverse shear moduli for a specific Poisson’s ness changes is clearly depicted. It is understood that
ratio. in terms of deflection values, the shear contribution
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962 M. Karimi et al.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 Effect of core material properties on maximum deflec- length ratios (𝜂3), and b variation of core elastic modulus ratio
tion of the honeycomb core based on the results of FSDT: a for different cell aspect ratios (𝜂1)
variation of core Poisson’s ratio for different thickness-to-
of deflection-dependent component (g) is more det- unreliable results are provided CPT and MPT—espe-
rimental compared to the independent rotations (via cially in the core layer.
f). In addition, the deflections can become up to 2.5 Effect of core material properties. In Fig. 5, FSDT
times of the shear-rigid theories for thick sandwich was used to illustrate the variation of the maximum
panels. deflections ( w ) of both regular and re-entrant honey-
Transverse shear stress dependence on the cell comb structures against the variation of their core
geometry. Transverse shear distribution of the panel material properties—which is a direct cause of vary-
is depicted in Fig. 4b. From top to bottom, the jumps ing cell wall angle (−70◦ ≤ 𝜃 ≤ +70◦), see ( Figs. 3a)
in the shear stress values mark the regions for top and 3b. Namely, the anisotropy of the core E1[2] ∕E2[2]
face sheet, core, and bottom face sheet. In all lay- and core Poisson’s ratio can be adjusted by fine-tun-
ers, CPT cannot capture any shear stress distribution. ing the cell wall angle. In consequence, the maximum
MPT fails at satisfying the traction-free boundary deflection of the sandwich panel can be controlled,
conditions in the face sheet layers while estimating too. In either auxetic or regular behaviour, increasing
a small shear value through the core. The advantage the wall thickness-to-length ratio (𝜂3) reduces the
of higher-order theories is highlighted by providing deflection since stiffness of the structure increases.
much better estimates in all layers and satisfying the On the contrary, increasing the core anisotropy causes
traction-free conditions. Most higher-order theories a reduction in deflection for auxetic behaviour while
seem to be in agreement with each other except at slightly increases the deflection in the regular one, see
the middle of the core and in the skin layer around Fig. 5b. In the auxetic core, increasing the positive
the skin-core interface. In the skin layers and in the cell wall angle results in higher anisotropy, and sud-
core layer at the vicinity of the skin-core interface, den drop in the negative Poisson’s ratio which is fol-
stress estimates follow the same trend, i.e., HSDT lowed by an asymptotic increase towards zero. Con-
and FSDT give the highest and lowest stress values, sequently, the deflection of the plate decreases for the
respectively. In contrast, this trend reverses about the auxetic core when the negative Poisson’s ratio is nul-
middle of the core. Similar to maximum deflection, lified. It should be noted that deflection experiences
the estimations of TSDT and HSDT are very similar more sensitivity to the values of Poisson’s ratio in
denoting the lowest stress on the mid-plane (except smaller cell aspect ratios, see Fig. 5a. On the other
the CLT and MPT); on the other hand, the highest hand, deflection seems to be less sensitive to the
stress on the mid-plane is generated by FSDT. Most
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(a) (b)
An analytical model for the static behaviour of honeycomb sandwich plates with auxetic cores…
Fig. 6 Variation of maximum deflection of the sandwich panel versus the core-to-skin thickness ratio (hr ) for different values of a cell aspect ratio (𝜂1), and b auxetic thickness-to-
length ratio (𝜂3)
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964 M. Karimi et al.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 7 Through-thickness distribution of dimensionless transverse shear stress versus a cell aspect ratio, b thickness-to-length ratio,
c cell wall angle (contour), and d) cell wall angle (graph) for a re-entrant honeycomb under SDL
changes of the positive values of Poisson’s ratio Transverse shear stress dependence on the cell
except producing a slight increase. In summary to geometry. The variation of dimensionless transverse
control deflection, it is suggested to use the auxetic shear stress versus various geometrical parameters
core and increase the cell wall angle. of an auxetic core (𝜃 = 30◦) is depicted in Fig. 7.
Effect of the core-to-face thickness ratio. Fig. 6 shows Increasing the cell aspect ratio reduces the trans-
the influence of auxetic core-to-skin thickness ratio (hr) verse shear stress in the core; this effect is more pro-
on the maximum dimensionless deflection of the plate. nounced in the middle of the core and slightly reduces
Increasing the hr ratio magnifies the maximum deflection towards the skins, see Fig. 7a. In contrast, higher cell
because thicker auxetic cores are softer. The aspect ratio aspect ratios has the opposite effect in the skins and
and the thickness-to-length ratios of the cell have neg- increases the transverse shear stress therein. Never-
ligible effect for hr < 2; in contrast, at higher values of theless, towards the outer boundaries of the skins, the
hr, the difference is more noticeable. This can be attrib- stress distribution diminishes to comply with the trac-
uted to the emerging dominance of core properties as its tion-free boundary conditions. Increasing the thick-
thickness increases. ness-to-length ratio has the effect opposite to the cell
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An analytical model for the static behaviour of honeycomb sandwich plates with auxetic cores… 965
aspect ratio, see Fig. 7b. Namely, higher thickness-to- – Cell wall angles ranging about −10◦ < 𝜃 < +10◦
length ratios increase the transverse shear in the core results in the least anisotropic response of the aux-
while reducing it in the skins. However, the increase etic and regular core.
of transverse shear stress becomes less sensitive to – Increasing the cell wall angle can result in highly
the thickness-to-length ratio towards the skins. anisotropic behaviour of the auxetic core, i.e., the
Increasing the cell wall angle decreases the trans- contrast of elastic moduli increases from below
verse shear stress both in the auxetic core and in the 0.2 to 20 at higher aspect ratios.
skins, see Fig. 7d; this effect is slightly more pro- – In estimating the deflection using higher-order the-
nounced in the middle of the core. Nevertheless, the ories, the deflection-dependent component of the
shear modulus can increase or decrease as a func- unified solution (g) in Eq. (2) is more critical than
tion of cell wall angle, see Fig. 3d. For instance, independent rotations (f). Considering the shear
take 𝜂1 = 1.8 and 𝜂3 = 0.1, shear modulus peaks at deformations results in maximum deflections 2.5
about 𝜃=30°after which the stiffness starts to decline times those of the CPT predictions.
and asymptotically approach zero. Thus, comparing – The main advantage of higher-order theories is pro-
angles more than 40°, the stiffness is diminished and viding better estimates of transverse shear stress and
the shear stress will increase. Therefore, increasing deflection while satisfying the traction-free bound-
cell wall angle can have an opposite effect depending ary conditions.
on its value; this highlights the importance of select- – Cell aspect ratio controls the sensitivity of the core
ing a correct cell wall angle for minimising shear response to geometrical variations. For instance,
stress. normalised shear modulus experiences higher vari-
ations in both auxetic and regular cores.
– For core-to-skin thickness ratios smaller than two
4 Conclusion (hr < 2), the cell aspect ratio and thickness-to-
length ratio have negligible effect of the maximum
In the current study, Navier solution has been deflection of the sandwich panel.
employed to investigate the static bending response – By increasing the cell wall angle within a cer-
of simply supported sandwich panel with regu- tain range can reduce the transverse shear stress
lar and re-entrant honeycomb core. Various clas- in both auxetic core and skin layers, e.g., within
sic and higher order theories were employed under 0◦ < 𝜃 < + 40◦ in the current study.
a unified scheme to formulate the behaviour of the
structure under a sinusoidal loading. The analytical By combining the generalised Gibson’s formulation
model was validated using a finite element model with a family of higher-order plate theories, this study
and some benchmark values available in the lit- provides an analytical estimation of the linear static
erature. Extensive parametric studies were carried response of a sandwich panel. The approach can be
out to shed light on the intricate behaviour of this used for any unit cells that can be modelled by a beam
particular structure. It was found that the behaviour theories. In addition to static response, it can be used
of the core can be adjusted by fine-tuning the cell in dynamic and vibration analyses. More importantly,
wall angle ( 𝜃 ), the aspect ratio ( 𝜂1), the thickness- it was shown that no one-to-one relationship exists
to-length ratio ( 𝜂3), and core-to-skin thickness ( hr ). between auxeticity, anisotropy, and shear rigidity in
These parameters affect the auxetic/regular behav- re-entrant honeycomb auxetics; thus, geometrical
iour, the value of Poisson’s ratio, anisotropy of the parameters must be selected carefully during design to
cell, out-of-plane shear modulus, transverse shear fine-tune the desired mechanical response. Future stud-
stress distribution, and deflection of the panel. Par- ies might include the viscoelastic behaviour of such
ticularly, the cell wall angle has an overarching structures.
effect on other parameters.
The following key findings can be highlighted
about the mechanical response of the core:
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966 M. Karimi et al.
Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by − A3 u,122 − A3 v,112 − 2A5 w,1122 − A4 𝜓,112
CAUL and its Member Institutions. This research did not
receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, − A4 𝜁,122 − 2C3 u,122 − 2C3 v,112 − 4C5 w,1122
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. − 2C4 𝜓,112 − 2C4 𝜁,122 − B3 u,111 − B5 w,1111 − B4 𝜁,111
Data availibility The raw/processed data required to repro- − E3 v,222 − E5 w,2222 − E4 𝜓,222 + E1 Ks w,22 (A.2c)
duce these findings can-not be shared at this time as the data
+ 2D2 Ks w,22 + D5 Ks w,22 + D3 Ks 𝜓,2 + D4 Ks 𝜓,2
also forms part of an ongoing study.
+ G1 Ks w,11 + 2G2 Ks w,11 + G5 Ks w,11
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Com-
+ G3 Ks 𝜁,1 + G4 Ks 𝜁,1 + q = 0,
mons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits
use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any
medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the
A2 v,12 + A4 w,122 + A6 𝜓,12 + C2 v,12 + 2C4 w,122
original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Crea-
tive Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The + C6 𝜓,12 + B2 u,11 + B4 w,111 + B6 𝜁,11
images or other third party material in this article are included (A.2d)
in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
+ C2 u,22 + C6 𝜁,22 − G3 Ks w,1
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not − G4 Ks w,1 − G6 Ks 𝜁 = 0,
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your
intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds
the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly A2 u,12 + A4 w,112 + A6 𝜁,12 + C2 u,12 + 2C4 w,112 + C6 𝜁,12
from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit
+ E2 v,22 + E4 w,222 + E6 𝜓,22 + C2 v,11
+ C6 𝜓,11 − D3 Ks w,2 − D4 Ks w,2 − D6 Ks 𝜓 = 0.
Appendix The shear correction factor Ks is 5/6 for FSDT and
1 for other theories given in Table 1. Material coef-
Dependency of various functions are summarised as ficients of Eqs. (A.2a)–(A.2e) are given as follows:
u ≡ u(x1 , x2 ),
⎡A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 ⎤ hi−1
3 �T
⎢ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ⎥ i=1 ∫h
⎢B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 ⎥ � �
⎢C C C C C C ⎥ = Q[i]
, Q[i]
, Q[i]
, Q[i]
2 2
� �
1, f , g, fg, g , f dx3
w ≡ w(x1 , x2 ), (A.1c) (A.3a)
𝜓 ≡ 𝜓(x1 , x2 ),
[ ] 3 }T
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 ∑ {
(A.1d) = Q[i]
, Q[i]
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 i=1
𝜁 ≡ 𝜁(x1 , x2 ).
{ }
1, g,3 , f,3 , f,3 g,3 , g2,3 , f,32 dx3 .
The expanded form of Eqs. (11a)–(11e) can be writ- (A.3b)
ten as follows: Linear algebraic system of equations obtained by
A1 v,12 + A2 𝜓,12 + A3 w,122 + B1 u,11 + B2 𝜁,11 inserting trial functions into governing equations are
( ) given as follows:
+ B3 w,111 + C1 v,12 + C2 𝜓,12 + u,22 (A.2a)
+ C2 𝜁,22 + 2C3 w,122 = 0,
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