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TheBridgeGlobal and


TheBridgeGlobal is an organization Our main focus is on building

that specializes in Social transformational leadership,

Transformation actions. It focuses empowering leaders and institutions,

on implementing Social driving innovation, and facilitating

Responsibility and Citizenship strategic partnerships to tackle

complex challenges, whether they
Projects, Strategic Consulting in
are social, economic, or
CSR, and acts as a facilitator
between organizations,
institutions, and leaders from Through CSR and Citizenship
various sectors. Our approach Programs, Strategic Consulting, and
aims to create positive impact by collaborative initiatives,

seeking innovative and TheBridgeGlobal seeks to promote

collaborative solutions for global constructive dialogue and concrete

actions that result in positive and
sustainable impact on communities

The company acts as a bridge and organizations.

connecting people, organizations,

For more information, visit our
and ideas to promote significant official website at
change. www.thebridge.global.

TheBridgeGlobal acts as a consultant and implementer in

the areas of Social Responsibility and Communica;on for
Development (C4D).

Since its crea+on in 2012, TheBridgeGlobal has focused on

educa;ng popula;ons for ci;zenship through civic

This involves iden+fying needs within the socie+es where

we operate, and developing tailor-made experiences to
meet those needs. We believe that societal development
is closely linked with the knowledge and ci;zens
educa;on, and in our work, we emphasize the importance
of educa+on for ci+zenship.

Our project implementa+on approach includes a variety of

ini+a+ves aimed at social transforma+on in different areas
within Civic Awareness Educa;on, such as:
Our Conferences on CSR and behaviours that contribute to
Citizenship, which are now in its sixth sustainable development. This
edition, are held annually by includes training competent
TheBridgeGlobal, and considered an professionals and streamlining and
authority in the field of Social opHmizing resources.
Responsibility in Angola (Forum of
TheBridgeGlobal also emphasizes the
Social Responsibility and Citizenship
importance of creaHve and
– TheBridgeGlobal). Visit our website
innovaHve thinking in the
for more information about our
implementaIon of social
projects www.thebridge.global.
responsibility acIons. We consider
In terms of methodology, knowledge and informaHon to be
TheBridgeGlobal supports strategic resources for development,
institutions in implementing social with people being the carriers of
transformation actions that are these resources.
beneficial both internally and
Overall, the implementaHon strategy
externally. We support organizations
of our projects demonstrates a
in understanding challenges to the
comprehensive and mulHfaceted
operational implementation of
approach to social transformaHon,
Corporate Social Responsibility
supported by a deep understanding
initiatives. Our experts provide
of the concept of Social
consultancy services, guiding
Responsibility and a commitment to
organizations process of acquiring
innovaHve and impacLul soluHons.
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and
BENEFITS of working with

Working with TBG will provide a unique combination of experience, cultural

understanding, innovative approaches, and a commitment to social
transformation, all of which can significantly contribute to the success of
Projects or Events.

Experience in "Turnkey" Projects

The ability of TheBridgeGlobal to manage projects comprehensively is a

significant asset. This includes organizing and coordinating all aspects of the
Project/Event in an integrated, efficient, and cohesive manner.

Expertise in Social Transformation and Social Responsibility

TheBridgeGlobal has strong experience with social transformation issues,

encompassing a Corporate Social Investment perspective.

Ability to Identify and Meet Social Needs

The company has demonstrated the ability to identify core needs in the
societies where it operates and develop customized experiences to meet
them. This is crucial in creating a Project/Event targeted at specific audiences.
BENEFITS of working with

Focus on EducaHon and Civic Awareness

TheBridgeGlobal emphasizes EducaIon and Civic Awareness in enrich our

proposals, promoIng greater understanding and engagement on various

InnovaHve and CreaHve Methodology

TheBridgeGlobal emphasizes EducaIon and Civic Awareness in enrich our

proposals, promoHng greater understanding and engagement on various

Experience in OperaHonal ImplementaHon

The ability of TheBridgeGlobal to assist in understanding challenges in the

operaIonal implementaIon of iniIaIves, which is crucial in the effecIve
organizaIon of the conference.
BENEFITS of working with

Technical Advantages

Specialized ImplementaHon ConsulHng

The experience of TheBridgeGlobal in specialized consulIng can be vital for

successful implementaIon. We offer valuable insights and strategies tailored
to the specific needs of the Project/Event, ensuring that objecIves are
achieved effecIvely.

ProducHon of Project/Event Reports/ConsulHng

TheBridgeGlobal produces technical reports of its projects, printed or in digital

format. Our experience in this area ensures the producIon of a quality event
report, a valuable documentaIon and disseminaIon tool. This report can
include summaries of lectures, parIcipant insights, results of working sessions,
and photographs, serving as a permanent record of the event and a reference
tool for parIcipants and interested parIes.
BENEFITS of working with

Impact Measurement of the Event

The ability to measure the impact of the event is crucial in evaluating its
success and planning future events. TheBridgeGlobal uses the Social Data
Lab methodology with its Social Impact Index® (SLI2) - a measure that
estimates the Social Impact (SI) of organizations - companies or entities

- on their stakeholders https://socialdatalab.pt/ .

Besides measuring the social performance of an organization, it can also

be used to predict the social impact of CSR projects before they are
initiated or funded. A dashboard is also provided, accessible via a link and
updated daily, containing all the data of your project.
BENEFITS of working with

Billing Model
According to TheBridgeGlobal's billing model, 85% of the project value is
considered a donation, billed on a DEBIT NOTE, not subject to VAT or
withholding tax, and can be deducted from the company's taxable
industrial income at the end of the year.

VAT and withholding tax are only applied to the INVOICE issued for the
remaining 15%.

(As clarified by the AGT issued to TheBridgeGlobal).

These addi)onal points, combined with TheBridgeGlobal's

experience and approach, make it a competent op)on for
implemen)ng your Project, Event, or Consultancy, ensuring very
posi)ve results.
Our Services





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