Flange Thickness Check

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As per document flange standard is mentioned as AWWA standard and class "D". And Flange is designed to ASME Sec VIII Div-1 2021 to
check the intergerity of the flange.
Reference Code:
AWWA - Steel pipe flange for waterwork service
ASME Sec VIII Div-1 2021
ASME B16.34


A Design Parameters
Minimum required thickness for SLIP ON FLAT FLANGE, without hub according to fig.2-4
sketch 3, can be calculated as per the Procedure given in Appendix-2 of
ASME Section VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2021

Symbol Description Unit Value

Flange SA-105 ( Std AWWA CLASS 'D' flange)
Bolt SA-193 Gr. B7 (Galvanized)
P Design Pressure KPag 800
Design Pressure MPag 0.8
T Design Temperature °C 57
CA Corrosion allowance mm 0
Sfo Allowable stress for flange at design temp. MPa 137.896
Sfa Allowable stress for flange at ambient temp. MPa 137.896
Sb Allowable stress at design temp. for bolt MPa 172.37
Sa Allowable stress at ambient temp for bolt MPa 172.37
Flange Details
B Inside Diameter mm 800
A Outside Diamenter mm 1060.45
C Diameter of bolt circle mm 977.9
t Flange thickness corroded mm 38.1
db Nominal Dia of bolt inch 1.5"
RA root area sq.mm 889.535
n No. of bolts 28
go Corroded Thickness of hub at back of flange (go-CA) mm 6
g1 corroded Thickness of hub at back of flange (g1-CA) mm 9
g1/go Ratio 1.50
ho factor = sqrt(B*go) mm 69.28
h Height of hub mm 10
h/ho Ratio mm 0.14
f Hub stress correction factor (Fig. 2-7.6 ) 1.40
F Factor for integral type flanges (Fig. 2-7.2 ) 0.79
e Factor = F / ho 0.01
V Factor for integral flange ( fig. 2-7.3 ) 0.16
Gasket Details
MOC CI-18 / CI-31
OD Gasket outside dia. mm 628
ID Gasket inside dia mm 600
tg Gasket thickness mm 3.2
y Gasket seating stress MPa 19.3
(Provided by gasket manufacturer)
m Gasket factor 2
(Provided by gasket manufacturer)
N Gasket contact width =(O.D.-I.D.)/(2)= mm 14
bo Basic Gasket seating width = N/2 mm 7.0 >6 mm
(Refer Appendix 2,Table2-5.2 )
b Effective Gasket Seating width = 2.5x Sq.rt (bo) mm 6.6
(Refer Appendix 2,Table2-5.2 )
G Dia. at Gasket load reaction=O.D.-2*b = mm 614.77

19.2 Load and Bolt Calculation

Hp = total Joint-Contact surface compression Load
Hp = 2 *b *3.14* G*m*P (Appendix 2,2-3)
Hp = 4164.983 kg

H = Total Hydrostatic end force

H = 0.785*G² *P (Appendix 2,2-3)
H = 24194.560 kg

Wm1 = Min. required Bolt Load for Operation

Wm1 = H + Hp (Appendix 2,2-5(c)(1))
Wm1 = 28359.542 kg
Wm1 = 278207.112 N

Wm2 = Min. required Bolt Load for Seating.

Wm2 = 3.14 *b *G *y (Appendix 2,2-5(c)(2))
Wm2 = 25120.051 kg

19.3 Flange Design Bolt Load (W)

W = 0.5 (Ab + Am) Sa (Appendix 2,2-5(e))
Am = Required bolt area
= Greater of (Wm1/Sb) and (Wm2/Sa) (Appendix 2,2-5(d))
Wm1/Sa = 1612.366 sq.mm
Wm2/Sb = 1428.186 sq.mm
Am = 1612.366 sq.mm
Ab = RA * n
Ab = 24906.980 sq.mm
W = 232983.673 kg
W = 2285569.829 N

Hence Bolting Area Is Sufficient

19.4 Flange Moment Calculation

Md = Moment due to Hydrosatic End force = Hd x hd (Appendix 2,2-3 )

Hd = Hydrostatic end force = 0.785 B² * P (Appendix 2,2-3)
= 40970.438 kg
hd = Lever Arm = R+0.5 g1 (Appendix 2,Table 2-6) R= (C-B)/2 - g1
= 84.45 mm = 79.95
Md = 3459953.517 kg-mm

Mg = Moment due to Gasket load = Hg x hg (Appendix 2,2-3)

Hg = Gasket Load = W-H (Appendix 2,2-3 )
= 208789.113 kg
hg = Lever Arm = 0.5 (C-G) (Appendix 2,2-3)
= 181.6 mm
Mg = 37908665.469 kg-mm

Mt = Moment due to difference between total Hydrostatic end force on the area
inside the flange = Ht x ht (Appendix 2,2-3)
Ht = (H - Hd) (Appendix 2,2-3 )
= -16775.878 kg
ht = Lever Arm = 0.5*(R+g1+hg) (Appendix 2,Table 2-6 )
= 135.26 mm
Mt = -2269058.168 kg-mm
For operating condition
Mo = Total Flange Moments = Md + Mg + Mt (Appendix 2,2-6)
Mo = 39099560.817 kg-mm
Mo = 383566691.619 N-mm
For gasket seating condition
Mo' = Moment due to Gasket seating = Hg x hg (Appendix 2,2-6)
Hg = W= 232983.673
hg = 181.6
Mo' = 42301535.686 kg-mm
Mo' = 414978065.079 N-mm
Mo' = 414978065.079 N-mm
19.5 Flange thickness required (t) (Appendix 2,2-7(b) )

K= A/B T= Factor involving K

= 1.326 T= 1.786
LOG10 K = 0.122
Y= Factor involving K U= Factor involving Z= Factor involving K
Y= 7.041 U= 7.738 Z= 3.642
d= (U*ho*go2)/V= ### and L=(t*e+1) / T + (t3/d)= 1.26

f x Max (Mo,Mo')
a) Longitudinal Hub Stress (SH) = = 7107.21 Mpa < ( 1.5*Sfo)
( L x g12 x B)

(1.33te+1) x Max (Mo,Mo')

b) Radial Flange Stress(SR) = = 446.951 Mpa < ( Sfo)
( L x t2 x B)

Yx Max(Mo,Mo')
c) Tangential flange Stress(ST) = Z x SR = 888.591 Mpa < ( Sfo)
( t2 x B)

d) Also (SH + SR )/2 and ( SH + ST )/2 are not greater than Sfo.Hence design is safe for this thickness.



symbol Description Unit Value

J Rigidity Index
Greater of moments required for gasket seating and 414978065.079
Mo N-mm
opearting conditions
E Modulus of elasticity for flange material Mpa 200000
t Flange thickness corroded mm 38.1
KI Rigidity Factor For Integral Flange 0.3
V Factor for integral flange ( fig. 2-7.3 ) 0.160
L Factor 1.26
go Corroded Thickness of hub at back of flange (go-CA) mm 6
ho factor = sqrt(B*go) mm 69.282


52.14 V Mo
J= ≤1
L Ego2 KI ho

J= 18.34 <1

which shows flange is sufficiently rigid to control the leakage



Nozzle N1(DN 600)-Sch-4VFR/'' 0UK,HNJK/00HNJNM/<L0JM ,S (INLET) Location- Shell

Sr. No. Description Symbol Unit Value
1 Design Pressure P KPag #REF!
MPag #REF!
2 Design Temperature °C 99
3 Material SA-312 TP316L
4 Max. Allowable stress at design temperature S MPa #REF!
5 Joint Efficiency of Nozzle pipe E 1
6 Out side diameter of nozzle D mm 60.3
7 Out side radius of nozzle Ro mm 30.15
8 Corrosion Allowance CA mm 0
9 Minimum Required thickness of nozzle as
per Appendix 1.1 t = P Ro/(SE+0.4P) + CA mm #REF!
t= (0.95x16.70) /(97.906x1+0.4x0.95) + 0

Calculated Min. thickness of Shell assuming

10 E = 1 plus Corrosion Allowance at nozzle location. mm #REF!
(From Chapter 10 Page2of 2)
11 Min. Thickness specified for shell as per mm 1.5
UG-16(b) = 1.5 mm + CA=1.5 mm+ 0 mm
12 Greater of (10) and (11) (Ref UG-45(b)(1)) mm #REF!
Nominal wall thickness of standard pipe
13 [ As Per ASME B36.10M Edition 2004] mm 3.91
14 Standard wall thk. x 0.875 + CA (Ref UG-45 (b)(4))
= 3.91 x 0.875 + 0 mm 3.42
15 Smaller of (12) & (14) mm #REF!
16 Required Nozzle Thickness :Larger of (9) & (15) mm #REF!
17 Nominal Nozzle thickness provided (Sch 40S) mm 3.91
18 Provided Minimum nozzle thickness with mm 3.42
allowable 12.5 % tolerance
= 3.91 x 0.875
Provided nozzle thickness as per Sr. No.18 (3.42 mm) above is more than required thickness given
by Sr. No.16 (1.5 mm) above and hence adequate.


N1 DN 600 SOFF 150# ASME B16.5-2020/ For a design temperature of 57°C as per

SA-105 Table-2-2.3, Group 2.3 of ASME

B16.5 (2003) the 150# flange can be used
upto 13.34 barg (interpolated value) pressure.

From Appendix - GG
1 psi = 0.0068948 Mpa -------(i)
and 1 psi =0.06894757 bar -------(ii)
from equation (i) & (ii)
1 Mpa = 10 bar
Hence, 13.34 barg = 1.334 Mpag

1) ASME B16.5 Flanges are acceptable for use as per UG-44 and no separate calculations are
required for using the same.
2) Flanges are not required to be hydro tested as per 8.1 of ASME B16.5 –2003 edition.

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