Brochure - The First NLUJ-NHRC Moot Competition, 2023
Brochure - The First NLUJ-NHRC Moot Competition, 2023
Brochure - The First NLUJ-NHRC Moot Competition, 2023
Knowledge Partners
We are pleased to announce that the first-ever edition of NLUJ-NHRC Moot
Court Competition, 2023 ["Competition"] will be held from October 6-8, 2023.
The Competition, being the inaugural edition, aims to nurture awareness and
interest in the field of Human Rights Law among students hailing from various law
schools across the country. The Competition, like NLUJ's flagship and prestigious
Antitrust Moot Court Competition, aims to grow by leaps and bounds, becoming
one of the nation’s premier moot court competitions in the field of Human Rights
Law. The association with the National Human Rights Commission will ensure
that the Competition has an exemplary proposition and commendable judging.
Associated Partners
Since the advent of the Protection of Human Rights Act in 1993, the Human Rights
Law has proven to be an important and constantly emerging branch of law.
Winning Team Rs. 45,000 along with 3 One Year
. Complimentary Subscription to EBC .
. Learning worth Rs. 14,500 each
One month access to the SCC Online Web Edition to all participants valued at Rs. 1099 each
Competition Schedule
Date. Event Description
September 29, 2023 Last Date of Submission of Electronic Copy of the Memorials
Contact Persons
Akshita Saxena +91 88265 88680
Convenor, Moot Court Committee