Azure AnalysisServiceOverview
Azure AnalysisServiceOverview
Azure AnalysisServiceOverview
Command- Line
REST API Reference
Power Query M
What is Azure Analysis Services?
4/24/2018 • 8 min to read • Edit Online
Azure Analysis Services provides enterprise-grade data modeling in the cloud. It is a fully managed platform as a
service (PaaS ), integrated with Azure data platform services.
With Analysis Services, you can mashup and combine data from multiple data sources, define metrics, and secure
your data in a single, trusted semantic data model. The data model provides an easier and faster way for your users
to browse massive amounts of data with client applications like Power BI, Excel, Reporting Services, third-party,
and custom apps.
Check out this video to learn how Azure Analysis Services fits in with Microsoft's overall BI capabilities, and how
you can benefit from getting your data models into the cloud.
New regions are being added all the time, so this list might be incomplete. You choose a location when you create
your server in Azure portal or by using Azure Resource Manager templates. To get the best performance, choose a
location nearest your largest user base. Assure high availability by deploying your models on redundant servers in
multiple regions.
User authentication for Azure Analysis services is handled by Azure Active Directory (AAD ). When attempting to
log in to an Azure Analysis Services database, users use an organization account identity with access to the
database they are trying to access. These user identities must be members of the default Azure Active Directory for
the subscription where the Azure Analysis Services server resides. To learn more, see Authentication and user
Data security
Azure Analysis Services utilizes Azure Blob storage to persist storage and metadata for Analysis Services
databases. Data files within Blob are encrypted using Azure Blob Server Side Encryption (SSE ). When using Direct
Query mode, only metadata is stored. The actual data is accessed from the data source at query time.
Azure Analysis Services Firewall blocks all client connections other than those specified in rules. Configure rules
specifying allowed IP addresses by individual client IPs or by range. Power BI (service) connections can also be
allowed or blocked.
On-premises data sources
Secure access to data residing on-premises in your organization is achieved by installing and configuring an On-
premises data gateway. Gateways provide access to data for both Direct Query and in-memory modes. When an
Azure Analysis Services model connects to an on-premises data source, a query is created along with the
encrypted credentials for the on-premises data source. The gateway cloud service analyzes the query and pushes
the request to an Azure Service Bus. The on-premises gateway polls the Azure Service Bus for pending requests.
The gateway then gets the query, decrypts the credentials, and connects to the data source for execution. The
results are then sent from the data source, back to the gateway and then on to the Azure Analysis Services
Azure Analysis Services is governed by the Microsoft Online Services Terms and the Microsoft Online Services
Privacy Statement. To learn more about Azure Security, see the Microsoft Trust Center.
Modern data exploration and visualization tools like Power BI, Excel, SQL Server 2017 Reporting Services, and
third-party tools are all supported, providing users with highly interactive and visually rich insights into your model
Clients use MSOL AP, AMO, or ADOMD client libraries to connect to Analysis Services servers. Microsoft client
applications like Power BI Desktop and Excel install all three client libraries. But keep in mind, depending on the
version or frequency of updates, client libraries may not be the latest versions required by Azure Analysis Services.
The same applies to custom applications or other interfaces such as AsCmd, TOM, ADOMD.NET. These
applications typically require manually installing the libraries as part of a package.
Get help
Azure Analysis Services is simple to set up and to manage. You can find all the info you need to create and manage
your server services here. When creating a data model to deploy to your server, it's much the same as it is for
creating a data model you deploy to an on-premises server. There's an extensive library of conceptual, procedural,
tutorials, and reference articles at SQL Server Analysis Services help.
Check out helpful videos at Azure Analysis Services on Channel 9.
Things are changing rapidly. You can always get the latest information on the Analysis Services team blog and
Azure blog.
Analysis Services has a vibrant community of users. Join the conversation on Azure Analysis Services forum.
Have suggestions or feature requests? Be sure to leave your comments on Azure Analysis Services Feedback.
Have suggestions about the documentation? You can add comments using Livefyre at the bottom of each article.
Next steps
Learn how to create a server in Azure.
Once you have a server created, add a sample model.
Create an Analysis Services server in Azure portal
4/24/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
This article walks you through creating an Analysis Services server resource in your Azure subscription.
Before you begin, you need:
Azure subscription: Visit Azure Free Trial to create an account.
Azure Active Directory: Your subscription must be associated with an Azure Active Directory tenant. And,
you need to be signed in to Azure with an account in that Azure Active Directory. To learn more, see
Authentication and user permissions.
Create a server
1. Click + Create a resource > Data + Analytics > Analysis Services.
2. In Analysis Services, fill in the required fields, and then press Create.
Server name: Type a unique name used to reference the server.
Subscription: Select the subscription this server will be associated with.
Resource group: Create a new resource group or select one you already have. Resource groups are
designed to help you manage a collection of Azure resources. To learn more, see resource groups.
Location: This Azure datacenter location hosts the server. Choose a location nearest your largest user
Pricing tier: Select a pricing tier. If you are testing and intend to install the sample model database,
select the free D1 tier. To learn more, see Azure Analysis Services pricing.
Administrator: By default, this will be the account you are logged in with. You can choose a
different account from your Azure Active Directory.
Backup Storage setting: Optional. If you already have a storage account, you can specify it as
the default for model database backup. You can also specify backup and restore settings later.
Storage key expiration: Optional. Specify a storage key expiration period.
3. Click Create.
Create usually takes under a minute. If you selected Add to Portal, navigate to your portal to see your new server.
Or, navigate to All services > Analysis Services to see if your server is ready.
Clean up resources
When no longer needed, delete your server. In your server's Overview, click Delete.
Next steps
Add a sample data model to your server.
Install an On-premises data gateway if your data model connects to on-premises data sources.
Deploy a tabular model project from Visual Studio.
Create an Azure Analysis Services server by using
4/18/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
This quickstart describes using PowerShell from the command line to create an Azure Analysis Services server in
an Azure resource group in your Azure subscription.
This task requires Azure PowerShell module version 4.0 or later. To find the version, run
Get-Module -ListAvailable AzureRM . To install or upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell module.
Creating a server might result in a new billable service. To learn more, see Analysis Services pricing.
Import-Module AzureRM.AnalysisServices
Sign in to Azure
Sign in to your Azure subscription by using the Connect-AzureRmAccount command. Follow the on-screen
Clean up resources
You can remove the server from your subscription by using the Remove-AzureRmAnalysisServicesServer
command. If you continue with other quickstarts and tutorials in this collection, do not remove your server. The
following example removes the server created in the previous step.
Next steps
Manage Azure Analysis Services with PowerShell Deploy a model from SSDT Create a model in Azure portal
Deploy a model from SSDT
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
Once you've created a server in your Azure subscription, you're ready to deploy a tabular model database to it. You
can use SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) to build and deploy a tabular model project you're working on.
To get started, you need:
Analysis Services server in Azure. To learn more, see Create an Azure Analysis Services server.
Tabular model project in SSDT or an existing tabular model at the 1200 or higher compatibility level. Never
created one? Try the Adventure Works Internet sales tabular modeling tutorial.
On-premises gateway - If one or more data sources are on-premises in your organization's network, you
need to install an On-premises data gateway. The gateway is necessary for your server in the cloud connect to
your on-premises data sources to process and refresh data in the model.
Before you deploy, make sure you can process the data in your tables. In SSDT, click Model > Process > Process All. If
processing fails, you cannot successfully deploy.
2. In SSDT > Solution Explorer, right-click the project > Properties. Then in Deployment > Server paste
the server name.
3. In Solution Explorer, right-click Properties, then click Deploy. You may be prompted to sign in to Azure.
If deployment fails when deploying metadata, it's likely because SSDT couldn't connect to your server. Make sure
you can connect to your server using SSMS. Then make sure the Deployment Server property for the project is
If deployment fails on a table, it's likely because your server couldn't connect to a data source. If your data source
is on-premises in your organization's network, be sure to install an On-premises data gateway.
Next steps
Now that you have your tabular model deployed to your server, you're ready to connect to it. You can connect to it
with SSMS to manage it. And, you can connect to it using a client tool like Power BI, Power BI Desktop, or Excel,
and start creating reports.
Create a model in Azure portal
4/24/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
The Azure Analysis Services web designer (preview ) feature in Azure portal provides a quick and easy way to
create and edit tabular models and query model data right in your browser.
Keep in mind, the web designer is preview. Functionality is limited. For more advanced model development and
testing, it's best to use Visual Studio (SSDT) and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS ).
3. In New model, type a model name, and then select a data source.
4. In Connect, enter the connection properties. Username and password must be a SQL Server account.
5. In Tables and views, select the tables to include in your model, and then click Create. Relationships are
created automatically between tables with a key pair.
Your new model appears in your browser. From here, you can:
Query model data by dragging fields to the query designer and adding filters.
Create new measures in tables.
Edit model metadata by using the json editor.
Open the model in Visual Studio (SSDT), Power BI Desktop, or Excel.
When you edit model metadata or create new measures in your browser, you're saving those changes to your model in
Azure. If you're also working on your model in SSDT, Power BI Desktop, or Excel, your model can get out of sync.
Next steps
Manage database roles and users
Connect with Excel
Data sources supported in Azure Analysis Services
4/13/2018 • 2 min to read • Edit Online
Data sources and connectors shown in Get Data or Import Wizard in Visual Studio are shown for both Azure
Analysis Services and SQL Server Analysis Services. However, not all data sources and connectors shown are
supported in Azure Analysis Services. The types of data sources you can connect to depend on many factors such
as model compatibility level, available data connectors, authentication type, providers, and On-premises data
gateway support.
SQL Server SQL Server Native Client 11.0, .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Server, .NET Framework Data Provider
for SQL Server
SQL Server Data Warehouse SQL Server Native Client 11.0, .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Server, .NET Framework Data Provider
for SQL Server
Oracle Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle, Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Teradata OLE DB Provider for Teradata, Teradata Teradata Data Provider for .NET
Data Provider for .NET
In-memory only
Access Database
Active Directory*
Analysis Services
Dynamics CRM*
Excel workbook
JSON document*
MySQL Database
OData Feed*
ODBC query
Sybase Database
XML table*
In some cases, it may be necessary to specify a different impersonation account. Impersonation account can be
specified in Visual Studio (SSDT) or SSMS.
For on-premises data sources:
If using SQL authentication, impersonation should be Service Account.
If using Windows authentication, set Windows user/password. For SQL Server, Windows authentication with a
specific impersonation account is supported only for in-memory data models.
For cloud data sources:
If using SQL authentication, impersonation should be Service Account.
Next steps
On-premises gateway
Manage your server
Connecting to on-premises data sources with Azure
On-premises Data Gateway
4/24/2018 • 9 min to read • Edit Online
The on-premises data gateway acts as a bridge, providing secure data transfer between on-premises data
sources and your Azure Analysis Services servers in the cloud. In addition to working with multiple Azure
Analysis Services servers in the same region, the latest version of the gateway also works with Azure Logic
Apps, Power BI, Power Apps, and Microsoft Flow. You can associate multiple services in the same region with a
single gateway.
Getting setup with the gateway the first time is a four-part process:
Download and run setup - This step installs a gateway service on a computer in your organization. You
also sign in to Azure using an account in your tenant's Azure AD. Azure B2B (guest) accounts are not
Register your gateway - In this step, you specify a name and recovery key for your gateway and select a
region, registering your gateway with the Gateway Cloud Service. Your gateway resource can be
registered in any region, but we recommend it be in the same region as your Analysis Services servers.
Create a gateway resource in Azure - In this step, you create a gateway resource in your Azure
Connect your servers to your gateway resource - Once you have a gateway resource in your
subscription, you can begin connecting your servers to it. You can connect multiple servers and other
resources to it.
To get started right away, see Install and configure on-premises data gateway.
How it works
The gateway you install on a computer in your organization runs as a Windows service, On-premises data
gateway. This local service is registered with the Gateway Cloud Service through Azure Service Bus. You then
create a gateway resource Gateway Cloud Service for your Azure subscription. Your Azure Analysis Services
servers are then connected to your gateway resource. When models on your server need to connect to your on-
premises data sources for queries or processing, a query and data flow traverses the gateway resource, Azure
Service Bus, the local on-premises data gateway service, and your data sources.
Queries and data flow:
1. A query is created by the cloud service with the encrypted credentials for the on-premises data source. It's
then sent to a queue for the gateway to process.
2. The gateway cloud service analyzes the query and pushes the request to the Azure Service Bus.
3. The on-premises data gateway polls the Azure Service Bus for pending requests.
4. The gateway gets the query, decrypts the credentials, and connects to the data sources with those credentials.
5. The gateway sends the query to the data source for execution.
6. The results are sent from the data source, back to the gateway, and then onto the cloud service and your
The gateway creates an outbound connection to Azure Service Bus. It communicates on outbound ports: TCP
443 (default), 5671, 5672, 9350 through 9354. The gateway does not require inbound ports.
We recommend you whitelist the IP addresses for your data region in your firewall. You can download the
Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP list. This list is updated weekly.
The IP Addresses listed in the Azure Datacenter IP list are in CIDR notation. To learn more, see Classless Inter-Domain
The following are the fully qualified domain names used by the gateway.
Q: Why don't I see my gateway in the list of gateway instances when trying to create the gateway resource in
A: There are two possible reasons. First is a resource is already created for the gateway in the current or some
other subscription. To eliminate that possibility, enumerate resources of the type On-premises Data Gateways
from the portal. Make sure to select all the subscriptions when enumerating all the resources. Once the resource
is created, the gateway does not appear in the list of gateway instances in the Create Gateway Resource portal
experience. The second possibility is that the Azure AD identity of the user who installed the gateway is different
from the user signed in to Azure portal. To resolve, sign in to the portal using the same account as the user who
installed the gateway.
Q: How can I see what queries are being sent to the on-premises data source?
A: You can enable query tracing, which includes the queries that are sent. Remember to change query tracing
back to the original value when done troubleshooting. Leaving query tracing turned on creates larger logs.
You can also look at tools that your data source has for tracing queries. For example, you can use Extended
Events or SQL Profiler for SQL Server and Analysis Services.
Q: Where are the gateway logs?
A: See Logs later in this article.
Update to the latest version
Many issues can surface when the gateway version becomes outdated. As good general practice, make sure that
you use the latest version. If you haven't updated the gateway for a month or longer, you might consider
installing the latest version of the gateway, and see if you can reproduce the issue.
Error: Failed to add user to group. (-2147463168 PBIEgwService Performance Log Users)
You might get this error if you try to install the gateway on a domain controller, which isn't supported. Make sure
that you deploy the gateway on a machine that isn't a domain controller.
Log files are an important resource when troubleshooting.
Enterprise gateway service logs
C:\Users\PBIEgwService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\On-premises data gateway\<yyyyymmdd>.<Number>.log
Configuration logs
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\On-premises data gateway\GatewayConfigurator.log
Event logs
You can find the Data Management Gateway and PowerBIGateway logs under Application and Services Logs.
Telemetry can be used for monitoring and troubleshooting. By default
To turn on telemetry
1. Check the On-premises data gateway client directory on the computer. Typically, it is
%systemdrive%\Program Files\On-premises data gateway. Or, you can open a Services console and
check the Path to executable: A property of the On-premises data gateway service.
2. In the Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.GatewayCore.dll.config file from client directory.
Change the SendTelemetry setting to true.
3. Save your changes and restart the Windows service: On-premises data gateway service.
Next steps
Install and configure on-premises data gateway.
Manage Analysis Services
Get data from Azure Analysis Services
Connecting to servers
4/24/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
This article describes connecting to a server by using data modeling and management applications like SQL
Server Management Studio (SSMS ) or SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). Or, with client reporting applications like
Microsoft Excel, Power BI Desktop, or custom applications. Connections to Azure Analysis Services use HTTPS.
Client libraries
Get the latest Client libraries
All connections to a server, regardless of type, require updated AMO, ADOMD.NET, and OLEDB client libraries to
connect to and interface with an Analysis Services server. For SSMS, SSDT, Excel 2016, and Power BI, the latest
client libraries are installed or updated with monthly releases. However, in some cases, it's possible an application
may not have the latest. For example, when policies delay updates, or Office 365 updates are on the Deferred
Server name
When you create an Analysis Services server in Azure, you specify a unique name and the region where the
server is to be created. When specifying the server name in a connection, the server naming scheme is:
Where protocol is string asazure, region is the Uri where the server was created (for example, and servername is the name of your unique server within the region.
Get the server name
In Azure portal > server > Overview > Server name, copy the entire server name. If other users in your
organization are connecting to this server too, you can share this server name with them. When specifying a
server name, the entire path must be used.
Connection string
When connecting to Azure Analysis Services using the Tabular Object Model, use the following connection string
I n t e g ra t e d A z u re A c t i v e Di re c t o ry a u t h e n t i c a t i o n
Integrated authentication picks up the Azure Active Directory credential cache if available. If not, the Azure login
window is shown.
A z u re A c t i v e Di re c t o ry a u t h e n t i c a t i o n w i t h u s e rn a me a n d p a s s w o rd
W i n d o w s a u t h e n t i c a t i o n ( I n t e g ra t e d s e c u ri t y )
Next steps
Connect with Excel
Connect with Power BI
Manage your server
Authentication and user permissions
4/13/2018 • 5 min to read • Edit Online
Azure Analysis Services uses Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) for identity management and user
authentication. Any user creating, managing, or connecting to an Azure Analysis Services server must have a valid
user identity in an Azure AD tenant in the same subscription.
Azure Analysis Services supports Azure AD B2B collaboration. With B2B, users from outside an organization can
be invited as guest users in an Azure AD directory. Guests can be from another Azure AD tenant directory or any
valid email address. Once invited and the user accepts the invitation sent by email from Azure, the user identity is
added to the tenant directory. Those identities can be added to security groups or as members of a server
administrator or database role.
All client applications and tools use one or more of the Analysis Services client libraries (AMO, MSOL AP,
ADOMD ) to connect to a server.
All three client libraries support both Azure AD interactive flow, and non-interactive authentication methods. The
two non-interactive methods, Active Directory Password and Active Directory Integrated Authentication methods
can be used in applications utilizing AMOMD and MSOL AP. These two methods never result in pop-up dialog
Client applications like Excel and Power BI Desktop, and tools like SSMS and SSDT install the latest versions of
the libraries when updated to the latest release. Power BI Desktop, SSMS, and SSDT are updated monthly. Excel is
updated with Office 365. Office 365 updates are less frequent, and some organizations use the deferred channel,
meaning updates are deferred up to three months.
Depending on the client application or tool you use, the type of authentication and how you sign in may be
different. Each application may support different features for connecting to cloud services like Azure Analysis
Power BI Desktop, SSDT, and SSMS support Active Directory Universal Authentication, an interactive method
that also supports Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Azure MFA helps safeguard access to data and
applications while providing a simple sign-in process. It delivers strong authentication with several verification
options (phone call, text message, smart cards with pin, or mobile app notification). Interactive MFA with Azure
AD can result in a pop-up dialog box for validation. Universal Authentication is recommended.
If signing in to Azure by using a Windows account, and Universal Authentication is not selected or available
(Excel), Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS ) is required. With Federation, Azure AD and Office 365 users
are authenticated using on-premises credentials and can access Azure resources.
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS )
Azure Analysis Services servers support connections from SSMS V17.1 and higher by using Windows
Authentication, Active Directory Password Authentication, and Active Directory Universal Authentication. In
general, it's recommended you use Active Directory Universal Authentication because:
Supports interactive and non-interactive authentication methods.
Supports Azure B2B guest users invited into the Azure AS tenant. When connecting to a server, guest users
must select Active Directory Universal Authentication when connecting to the server.
Supports Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Azure MFA helps safeguard access to data and applications
with a range of verification options: phone call, text message, smart cards with pin, or mobile app
notification. Interactive MFA with Azure AD can result in a pop-up dialog box for validation.
SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT )
SSDT connects to Azure Analysis Services by using Active Directory Universal Authentication with MFA support.
Users are prompted to sign in to Azure on the first deployment. Users must sign in to Azure with an account with
server administrator permissions on the server they are deploying to. When signing in to Azure the first time, a
token is assigned. SSDT caches the token in-memory for future reconnects.
Power BI Desktop
Power BI Desktop connects to Azure Analysis Services using Active Directory Universal Authentication with MFA
support. Users are prompted to sign in to Azure on the first connection. Users must sign in to Azure with an
account that is included in a server administrator or database role.
Excel users can connect to a server by using a Windows account, an organization ID (email address), or an
external email address. External email identities must exist in the Azure AD as a guest user.
User permissions
Server administrators are specific to an Azure Analysis Services server instance. They connect with tools like
Azure portal, SSMS, and SSDT to perform tasks like adding databases and managing user roles. By default, the
user that creates the server is automatically added as an Analysis Services server administrator. Other
administrators can be added by using Azure portal or SSMS. Server administrators must have an account in the
Azure AD tenant in the same subscription. To learn more, see Manage server administrators.
Database users connect to model databases by using client applications like Excel or Power BI. Users must be
added to database roles. Database roles define administrator, process, or read permissions for a database. It's
important to understand database users in a role with administrator permissions is different than server
administrators. However, by default, server administrators are also database administrators. To learn more, see
Manage database roles and users.
Azure resource owners. Resource owners manage resources for an Azure subscription. Resource owners can
add Azure AD user identities to Owner or Contributor Roles within a subscription by using Access control in
Azure portal, or with Azure Resource Manager templates.
Roles at this level apply to users or accounts that need to perform tasks that can be completed in the portal or by
using Azure Resource Manager templates. To learn more, see Role-Based Access Control.
Database roles
Roles defined for a tabular model are database roles. That is, the roles contain members consisting of Azure AD
users and security groups that have specific permissions that define the action those members can take on a
model database. A database role is created as a separate object in the database, and applies only to the database
in which that role is created.
By default, when you create a new tabular model project, the model project does not have any roles. Roles can be
defined by using the Role Manager dialog box in SSDT. When roles are defined during model project design, they
are applied only to the model workspace database. When the model is deployed, the same roles are applied to the
deployed model. After a model has been deployed, server and database administrators can manage roles and
members by using SSMS. To learn more, see Manage database roles and users.
Next steps
Manage access to resources with Azure Active Directory groups
Manage database roles and users
Manage server administrators
Role-Based Access Control
Compatibility level for Analysis Services tabular
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
Compatibility level refers to release-specific behaviors in the Analysis Services engine. Changes to the
compatibility level typically coincide with major releases of SQL Server. These changes are also implemented in
Azure Analysis Services to maintain parity between both platforms. Compatibility level changes also affect features
available in your tabular models. For example, DirectQuery and tabular object metadata have different
implementations depending on the compatibility level.
Azure Analysis Services supports tabular models at the 1200 and 1400 compatibility levels.
The latest compatibility level is 1400. This level coincides with SQL Server 2017 Analysis Services. Major features
in the 1400 compatibility level include:
New infrastructure for data connectivity and import into tabular models with support for TOM APIs and TMSL
scripting. This new feature enables support for additional data sources such as Azure Blob storage.
Data transformation and data mashup capabilities by using Get Data and M expressions.
Measures support a Detail Rows property with a DAX expression. This property enables client tools like
Microsoft Excel to drill down to detailed data from an aggregated report. For example, when users view total
sales for a region and month, they can view the associated order details.
Object-level security for table and column names, in addition to the data within them.
Enhanced support for ragged hierarchies.
Performance and monitoring improvements.
Next steps
Create a model in Azure portal
Manage Analysis Services
Analysis Services high availability
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
This article describes assuring high availability for Azure Analysis Services servers.
Related information
Backup and restore
Manage Azure Analysis Services
Alias server names
Install and configure an on-premises data gateway
4/13/2018 • 3 min to read • Edit Online
An on-premises data gateway is required when one or more Azure Analysis Services servers in the same region
connect to on-premises data sources. To learn more about the gateway, see On-premises data gateway.
Minimum Requirements:
.NET 4.5 Framework
64-bit version of Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 (or later)
8 Core CPU
8 GB Memory
64-bit version of Windows 2012 R2 (or later)
Important considerations:
During setup, when registering your gateway with Azure, the default region for your subscription is selected.
You can choose a different region. If you have servers in more than one region, you must install a gateway for
each region.
The gateway cannot be installed on a domain controller.
Only one gateway can be installed on a single computer.
Install the gateway on a computer that remains on and does not go to sleep.
Do not install the gateway on a computer wirelessly connected to your network. Performance can be
Sign in to Azure with an account in Azure AD for the same tenant as the subscription you are registering the
gateway in. Azure B2B (guest) accounts are not supported when installing and registering a gateway.
The (unified) gateway described here is not supported in Azure Government, Azure Germany, and Azure China
sovereign regions. Use Dedicated On-premises gateway for Azure Analysis Services, installed from your
server's Quick Start in the portal.
Download the gateway
1. Run setup.
2. Select a location, accept the terms, and then click Install.
3. Sign in to Azure. The account must be in your tenant's Azure Active Directory. This account is used for the
gateway administrator. Azure B2B (guest) accounts are not supported when installing and registering the
If you sign in with a domain account, it's mapped to your organizational account in Azure AD. Your organizational
account is used as the gateway administrator.
In order to create a gateway resource in Azure, you must register the local instance you installed with the Gateway
Cloud Service.
1. Select Register a new gateway on this computer.
2. Type a name and recovery key for your gateway. By default, the gateway uses your subscription's default
region. If you need to select a different region, select Change Region.
Save your recovery key in a safe place. The recovery key is required in-order to takeover, migrate, or restore a
Create an Azure gateway resource
After you've installed and registered your gateway, you need to create a gateway resource in your Azure
subscription. Sign in to Azure with the same account you used when registering the gateway.
1. In Azure portal, click Create a new service > Enterprise Integration > On-premises data gateway >
2. In Create connection gateway, enter these settings:
Name: Enter a name for your gateway resource.
Subscription: Select the Azure subscription to associate with your gateway resource.
The default subscription is based on the Azure account that you used to sign in.
Resource group: Create a resource group or select an existing resource group.
Location: Select the region you registered your gateway in.
Installation Name: If your gateway installation isn't already selected, select the gateway registered.
When you're done, click Create.
If your gateway does not appear in the list, your server is likely not in the same region as the region you specified
when registering the gateway.
That's it. If you need to open ports or do any troubleshooting, be sure to check out On-premises data gateway.
Next steps
Manage Analysis Services
Get data from Azure Analysis Services
Import a Power BI Desktop file
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
You can create a new model in Azure AS by importing a Power BI Desktop file (pbix) file. Model metadata, cached
data, and datasource connections are imported. Reports and visualizations are not imported.
The pbix model can connect to Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse data sources only.
The pbix model cannot have live or DirectQuery connections.
Import may fail if your pbix data model contains metadata not supported in Analysis Services.
3. In New model, type a model name, and then select Power BI Desktop file.
4. In Import, locate and select your file.
See also
Create a model in Azure portal
Connect to Azure Analysis Services
Backup and restore
4/13/2018 • 2 min to read • Edit Online
Backing up tabular model databases in Azure Analysis Services is much the same as for on-premises Analysis
Services. The primary difference is where you store your backup files. Backup files must be saved to a container in
an Azure storage account. You can use a storage account and container you already have, or they can be created
when configuring storage settings for your server.
Creating a storage account can result in a new billable service. To learn more, see Azure Storage Pricing.
Backups are saved with an abf extension. For in-memory tabular models, both model data and metadata are
stored. For DirectQuery tabular models, only model metadata is stored. Backups can be compressed and
encrypted, depending on the options you choose.
To backup by using SSMS
1. In SSMS, right-click a database > Back Up.
2. In Backup Database > Backup file, click Browse.
3. In the Save file as dialog, verify the folder path, and then type a name for the backup file.
4. In the Backup Database dialog, select options.
Allow file overwrite - Select this option to overwrite backup files of the same name. If this option is not
selected, the file you are saving cannot have the same name as a file that already exists in the same location.
Apply compression - Select this option to compress the backup file. Compressed backup files save disk
space, but require slightly higher CPU utilization.
Encrypt backup file - Select this option to encrypt the backup file. This option requires a user-supplied
password to secure the backup file. The password prevents reading of the backup data any other means
than a restore operation. If you choose to encrypt backups, store the password in a safe location.
5. Click OK to create and save the backup file.
Use Backup-ASDatabase cmdlet.
When restoring, your backup file must be in the storage account you've configured for your server. If you need to
move a backup file from an on-premises location to your storage account, use Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer
or the AzCopy command-line utility.
If you're restoring from an on-premises server, you must remove all the domain users from the model's roles and add them
back to the roles as Azure Active Directory users.
Related information
Azure storage accounts
High availability
Manage Azure Analysis Services
Asynchronous refresh with the REST API
4/24/2018 • 6 min to read • Edit Online
By using any programming language that supports REST calls, you can perform asynchronous data-refresh
operations on your Azure Analysis Services tabular models. This includes synchronization of read-only replicas for
query scale-out.
Data-refresh operations can take some time depending on a number of factors including data volume, level of
optimization using partitions, etc. These operations have traditionally been invoked with existing methods such as
using TOM (Tabular Object Model), PowerShell cmdlets, or TMSL (Tabular Model Scripting Language). However,
these methods can require often unreliable, long-running HTTP connections.
The REST API for Azure Analysis Services enables data-refresh operations to be carried out asynchronously. By
using the REST API, long-running HTTP connections from client applications aren't necessary. There are also other
built-in features for reliability, such as auto retries and batched commits.
Base URL
The base URL follows this format:
For example, consider a model named AdventureWorks on a server named myserver, located in the West US
Azure region. The server name is:
By using the base URL, resources and operations can be appended based on the following parameters:
All calls must be authenticated with a valid Azure Active Directory (OAuth 2) token in the Authorization header and
must meet the following requirements:
The token must be either a user token or an application service principal.
The token must have the correct audience set to https://* .
The user or application must have sufficient permissions on the server or model to make the requested call.
The permission level is determined by roles within the model or the admin group on the server.
Currently, server admin role permissions are necessary.
POST /refreshes
To perform a refresh operation, use the POST verb on the /refreshes collection to add a new refresh item to the
collection. The Location header in the response includes the refresh ID. The client application can disconnect and
check the status later if required because it is asynchronous.
Only one refresh operation is accepted at a time for a model. If there's a current running refresh operation and
another is submitted, the 409 Conflict HTTP status code is returned.
The body may resemble the following:
"Type": "Full",
"CommitMode": "transactional",
"MaxParallelism": 2,
"RetryCount": 2,
"Objects": [
"table": "DimCustomer",
"partition": "DimCustomer"
"table": "DimDate"
Specifying parameters is not required. The default is applied.
CommitMode is equal to partialBatch. It's used when doing an initial load of large datasets that could take hours. If
the refresh operation fails after successfully committing one or more batches, the successfully committed batches
will remain committed (it will not roll back successfully committed batches).
At time of writing, the batch size is the MaxParallelism value, but this value could change.
GET /refreshes/<refreshId>
To check the status of a refresh operation, use the GET verb on the refresh ID. Here's an example of the response
body. If the operation is in progress, inProgress is returned in status.
"startTime": "2017-12-07T02:06:57.1838734Z",
"endTime": "2017-12-07T02:07:00.4929675Z",
"type": "full",
"status": "succeeded",
"currentRefreshType": "full",
"objects": [
"table": "DimCustomer",
"partition": "DimCustomer",
"status": "succeeded"
"table": "DimDate",
"partition": "DimDate",
"status": "succeeded"
GET /refreshes
To get a list of historical refresh operations for a model, use the GET verb on the /refreshes collection. Here's an
example of the response body.
At time of writing, the last 30 days of refresh operations are stored and returned, but this number could change.
"refreshId": "1344a272-7893-4afa-a4b3-3fb87222fdac",
"startTime": "2017-12-09T01:58:04.76",
"endTime": "2017-12-09T01:58:12.607",
"status": "succeeded"
"refreshId": "474fc5a0-3d69-4c5d-adb4-8a846fa5580b",
"startTime": "2017-12-07T02:05:48.32",
"endTime": "2017-12-07T02:05:54.913",
"status": "succeeded"
DELETE /refreshes/<refreshId>
To cancel an in-progress refresh operation, use the DELETE verb on the refresh ID.
POST /sync
Having performed refresh operations, it may be necessary to synchronize the new data with replicas for query
scale-out. To perform a synchronize operation for a model, use the POST verb on the /sync function. The Location
header in the response includes the sync operation ID.
"operationId": "cd5e16c6-6d4e-4347-86a0-762bdf5b4875",
"database": "AdventureWorks2",
"UpdatedAt": "2017-12-09T02:44:26.18",
"StartedAt": "2017-12-09T02:44:20.743",
"syncstate": 2,
"details": null
Code sample
Here's a C# code sample to get you started, RestApiSample on GitHub.
To use the code sample
1. Clone or download the repo. Open the RestApiSample solution.
2. Find the line client.BaseAddress = … and provide your base URL.
The code sample can use interactive login, username/password, or service principal.
Interactive login or username/password
This form of authentication requires an Azure application be created with the necessary API permissions assigned.
1. In Azure portal, click Create a resource > Azure Active Directory > App registrations > New
application registration.
2. In Create, type a name, select Native application type. For Redirect URI, enter
urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob, and then click Create.
3. Select your app and then copy and save the Application ID.
5. In Select an API, type Azure Analysis Services into the search box, and then select it.
6. Select Read and Write all Models, and then click Select. When both are selected, click Done to add the
permissions. It may take a few minutes to propagate.
7. In the code sample, find the UpdateToken() method. Observe the contents of this method.
8. Find string clientID = …, and then enter the Application ID you copied from step 3.
9. Run the sample.
Service principal
See Create service principal - Azure portal and Add a service principal to the server administrator role for more
info on how to set up a service principal and assign the necessary permissions in Azure AS. Once you've
completed the steps, complete the following additional steps:
1. In the code sample, find string authority = …, replace common with your organization’s tenant ID.
2. Comment/uncomment so the ClientCredential class is used to instantiate the cred object. Ensure the <App ID>
and <App Key> values are accessed in a secure way or use certificate-based authentication for service
3. Run the sample.
See also
Azure Analysis Services scale-out
4/17/2018 • 3 min to read • Edit Online
With scale-out, client queries can be distributed among multiple query replicas in a query pool, reducing response
times during high query workloads. You can also separate processing from the query pool, ensuring client queries
are not adversely affected by processing operations. Scale-out can be configured in Azure portal or by using the
Analysis Services REST API.
How it works
In a typical server deployment, one server serves as both processing server and query server. If the number of
client queries against models on your server exceeds the Query Processing Units (QPU ) for your server's plan, or
model processing occurs at the same time as high query workloads, performance can decrease.
With scale-out, you can create a query pool with up to seven additional query replicas (eight total, including your
server). You can scale the number of query replicas to meet QPU demands at critical times and you can separate a
processing server from the query pool at any time. All query replicas are created in the same region as your server.
Regardless of the number of query replicas you have in a query pool, processing workloads are not distributed
among query replicas. A single server serves as the processing server. Query replicas serve only queries against
the models synchronized between each replica in the query pool.
When processing operations are completed, a synchronization must be performed between the processing server
and the query replica servers. When automating processing operations, it's important to configure a
synchronization operation upon successful completion of processing operations. Synchronization can be
performed manually in the portal, or by using PowerShell or REST API.
Scale-out is available for servers in the Standard pricing tier. Each query replica is billed at the same rate as your server.
Scale-out does not increase the amount of available memory for your server. To increase memory, you need to upgrade your
Configure scale-out
In Azure portal
1. In the portal, click Scale-out. Use the slider to select the number of query replica servers. The number of
replicas you choose is in addition to your existing server.
2. In Separate the processing server from the querying pool, select yes to exclude your processing server
from query servers.
When you provision new query replicas, Azure Analysis Services automatically replicates your models across all
replicas. You can also perform a manual synchronization by using the portal or REST API. When you process your
models, you should perform a synchronization so updates are synchronized among your query replicas.
In Azure portal
In Overview > model > Synchronize model.
Use the sync operation.
Synchronize a model
POST https://<region><servername>:rw/models/<modelname>/sync
Before using PowerShell, install or update the latest AzureRM module.
To set the number of query replicas, use Set-AzureRmAnalysisServicesServer. Specify the optional
-ReadonlyReplicaCount parameter.
On your server's Overview page, there are two server names. If you haven't yet configured scale-out for a server,
both server names work the same. Once you configure scale-out for a server, you need to specify the appropriate
server name depending on the connection type.
For end-user client connections like Power BI Desktop, Excel, and custom apps, use Server name.
For SSMS, SSDT, and connection strings in PowerShell, Azure Function apps, and AMO, use Management
server name. The management server name includes a special :rw (read-write) qualifier. All processing
operations occur on the management server.
Related information
Monitor server metrics
Manage Azure Analysis Services
Use portal to create an Azure Active Directory
application and service principal that can access
4/12/2018 • 5 min to read • Edit Online
When you have code that needs to access or modify resources, you must set up an Azure Active Directory (AD )
application. You assign the required permissions to AD application. This approach is preferable to running the app
under your own credentials because you can assign permissions to the app identity that are different than your
own permissions. Typically, these permissions are restricted to exactly what the app needs to do.
This article shows you how to perform those steps through the portal. It focuses on a single-tenant application
where the application is intended to run within only one organization. You typically use single-tenant applications
for line-of-business applications that run within your organization.
Instead of creating a service principal, consider using Azure AD Managed Service Identity for your application identity. Azure
AD MSI is a public preview feature of Azure Active Directory that simplifies creating an identity for code. If your code runs on
a service that supports Azure AD MSI and accesses resources that support Azure Active Directory authentication, Azure AD
MSI is a better option for you. To learn more about Azure AD MSI, including which services currently support it, see
Managed Service Identity for Azure resources.
Required permissions
To complete this article, you must have sufficient permissions to register an application with your Azure AD tenant,
and assign the application to a role in your Azure subscription. Let's make sure you have the right permissions to
perform those steps.
Check Azure Active Directory permissions
1. Select Azure Active Directory.
2. In Azure Active Directory, select User settings.
3. Check the App registrations setting. If set to Yes, non-admin users can register AD apps. This setting
means any user in the Azure AD tenant can register an app. You can proceed to Check Azure subscription
4. If the app registrations setting is set to No, only global administrators can register apps. Check whether
your account is an admin for the Azure AD tenant. Select Overview and look at your user information. If
your account is assigned to the User role, but the app registration setting (from the preceding step) is
limited to admin users, ask your administrator to either assign you to the global administrator role, or to
enable users to register apps.
3. View your assigned roles, and determine if you have adequate permissions to assign an AD app to a role. If
not, ask your subscription administrator to add you to User Access Administrator role. In the following
image, the user is assigned to the Owner role, which means that user has adequate permissions.
5. Provide a name and URL for the application. Select Web app / API for the type of application you want to
create. You cannot create credentials for a Native application; therefore, that type does not work for an
automated application. After setting the values, select Create.
You have created your application.
2. Copy the Application ID and store it in your application code. Some sample applications refer to this value
as the client ID.
5. Provide a description of the key, and a duration for the key. When done, select Save.
After saving the key, the value of the key is displayed. Copy this value because you are not able to retrieve
the key later. You provide the key value with the application ID to log in as the application. Store the key
value where your application can retrieve it.
Get tenant ID
When programmatically logging in, you need to pass the tenant ID with your authentication request.
1. Select Azure Active Directory.
2. To get the tenant ID, select Properties for your Azure AD tenant.
4. Select Add.
5. Select the role you wish to assign to the application. The following image shows the Reader role.
6. By default, Azure Active Directory applications aren't displayed in the available options. To find your
application, you must provide the name of it in the search field. Select it.
7. Select Save to finish assigning the role. You see your application in the list of users assigned to a role for
that scope.
Next steps
To set up a multi-tenant application, see Developer's guide to authorization with the Azure Resource Manager
To learn about specifying security policies, see Azure Role-based Access Control.
For a list of available actions that can be granted or denied to users, see Azure Resource Manager Resource
Provider operations.
Use Azure PowerShell to create a service principal
with a certificate
5/7/2018 • 5 min to read • Edit Online
When you have an app or script that needs to access resources, you can set up an identity for the app and
authenticate the app with its own credentials. This identity is known as a service principal. This approach enables
you to:
Assign permissions to the app identity that are different than your own permissions. Typically, these
permissions are restricted to exactly what the app needs to do.
Use a certificate for authentication when executing an unattended script.
Instead of creating a service principal, consider using Azure AD Managed Service Identity for your application identity. Azure
AD MSI is a public preview feature of Azure Active Directory that simplifies creating an identity for code. If your code runs on
a service that supports Azure AD MSI and accesses resources that support Azure Active Directory authentication, Azure AD
MSI is a better option for you. To learn more about Azure AD MSI, including which services currently support it, see Managed
Service Identity for Azure resources.
This article shows you how to create a service principal that authenticates with a certificate. To set up a service
principal with password, see Create an Azure service principal with Azure PowerShell.
You must have the latest version of PowerShell for this article.
Required permissions
To complete this article, you must have sufficient permissions in both your Azure Active Directory and Azure
subscription. Specifically, you must be able to create an app in the Azure Active Directory, and assign the service
principal to a role.
The easiest way to check whether your account has adequate permissions is through the portal. See Check
required permission.
The example sleeps for 20 seconds to allow some time for the new service principal to propagate throughout
Azure Active Directory. If your script doesn't wait long enough, you'll see an error stating: "Principal {ID } does not
exist in the directory {DIR -ID }." To resolve this error, wait a moment then run the New-
AzureRmRoleAssignment command again.
You can scope the role assignment to a specific resource group by using the ResourceGroupName parameter.
You can scope to a specific resource by also using the ResourceType and ResourceName parameters.
If you do not have Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016, you need to download the Self-signed certificate
generator from Microsoft Script Center. Extract its contents and import the cmdlet you need.
In the script, substitute the following two lines to generate the certificate.
[String] $SubscriptionId,
[String] $CertPath,
[String] $CertPlainPassword
Import-Module AzureRM.Resources
Set-AzureRmContext -Subscription $SubscriptionId
$NewRole = $null
$Retries = 0;
While ($NewRole -eq $null -and $Retries -le 6)
# Sleep here for a few seconds to allow the service principal application to become active (should only
take a couple of seconds normally)
Sleep 15
New-AzureRMRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionName Contributor -ServicePrincipalName
$ServicePrincipal.ApplicationId | Write-Verbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$NewRole = Get-AzureRMRoleAssignment -ObjectId $ServicePrincipal.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
[String] $CertPath,
[String] $CertPlainPassword,
[String] $ApplicationId,
[String] $TenantId
Connect-AzureRmAccount -ServicePrincipal `
-CertificateThumbprint $Thumbprint `
-ApplicationId $ApplicationId `
-TenantId $TenantId
The application ID and tenant ID aren't sensitive, so you can embed them directly in your script. If you need to
retrieve the tenant ID, use:
Change credentials
To change the credentials for an AD app, either because of a security compromise or a credential expiration, use the
Remove-AzureRmADAppCredential and New -AzureRmADAppCredential cmdlets.
To remove all the credentials for an application, use:
To add a certificate value, create a self-signed certificate as shown in this article. Then, use:
You may get the following errors when creating a service principal:
"Authentication_Unauthorized" or "No subscription found in the context." - You see this error when
your account does not have the required permissions on the Azure Active Directory to register an app.
Typically, you see this error when only admin users in your Azure Active Directory can register apps, and
your account is not an admin. Ask your administrator to either assign you to an administrator role, or to
enable users to register apps.
Your account "does not have authorization to perform action
'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write' over scope '/subscriptions/{guid}'." - You see this
error when your account does not have sufficient permissions to assign a role to an identity. Ask your
subscription administrator to add you to User Access Administrator role.
Next steps
To set up a service principal with password, see Create an Azure service principal with Azure PowerShell.
For detailed steps on integrating an application into Azure for managing resources, see Developer's guide to
authorization with the Azure Resource Manager API.
For a more detailed explanation of applications and service principals, see Application Objects and Service
Principal Objects.
For more information about Azure Active Directory authentication, see Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD.
Add a service principal to the server administrator
4/24/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
To automate unattended PowerShell tasks, a service principal must have server administrator privileges on the
Analysis Services server being managed. This article describes how to add a service principal to the server
administrators role on an Azure AS server.
Required permissions
To complete this task, you must have server administrator permissions on the Azure AS server.
4. Verify the service principal account ID, and then click OK.
For server operations using AzureRm cmdlets, service principal running scheduler must also belong to the Owner role for
the resource in Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
Related information
Download SQL Server PowerShell Module
Download SSMS
Alias server names
4/18/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
By using a server name alias, users can connect to your Azure Analysis Services server with a shorter alias instead
of the server name. When connecting from a client application, the alias is specified as an endpoint using the
link:// protocol format. The endpoint then returns the real server name in order to connect.
Alias server names are good for:
Migrating models between servers without affecting users.
Friendly server names are easier for users to remember.
Direct users to different servers at different times of the day.
Direct users in different regions to instances that are geographically closer, like when using Azure Traffic
Any HTTPS endpoint that returns a valid Azure Analysis Services server name can serve as an alias. The endpoint
must support HTTPS over port 443 and the port must not be specified in the URI.
When connecting from a client, the alias server name is entered using link:// protocol format. For example, in
Power BI Desktop:
Create an alias
To create an alias endpoint, you can use any method that returns a valid Azure Analysis Services server name. For
example, a reference to a file in Azure Blob Storage containing the real server name, or create and publish an
ASP.NET Web Forms application.
In this example, an ASP.NET Web Forms Application is created in Visual Studio. The master page reference and
user control are removed from the Default.aspx page. The contents of Default.aspx are simply the following Page
The Page_Load event in Default.aspx.cs uses the Response.Write() method to return the Azure Analysis Services
server name.
See also
Client libraries
Connect from Power BI Desktop
Manage Analysis Services
4/13/2018 • 2 min to read • Edit Online
Once you've created an Analysis Services server in Azure, there may be some administration and management
tasks you need to perform right away or sometime down the road. For example, run processing to the refresh
data, control who can access the models on your server, or monitor your server's health. Some management
tasks can only be performed in Azure portal, others in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS ), and some tasks
can be done in either.
Azure portal
Azure portal is where you can create and delete servers, monitor server resources, change size, and manage who
has access to your servers. If you're having some problems, you can also submit a support request.
Authentication type, Active Directory - Universal with MFA support, is recommended.
If you sign in with a Microsoft Account, Live ID, Yanoo, Gmail, etc., leave the password field blank. You are
prompted for a password after clicking Connect.
Next steps
If you haven't already deployed a tabular model to your new server, now is a good time. To learn more, see
Deploy to Azure Analysis Services.
If you've deployed a model to your server, you're ready to connect to it using a client or browser. To learn more,
see Get data from Azure Analysis Services server.
Manage database roles and users
4/13/2018 • 5 min to read • Edit Online
At the model database level, all users must belong to a role. Roles define users with particular permissions for the
model database. Any user or security group added to a role must have an account in an Azure AD tenant in the
same subscription as the server.
How you define roles is different depending on the tool you use, but the effect is the same.
Role permissions include:
Administrator - Users have full permissions for the database. Database roles with Administrator permissions
are different from server administrators.
Process - Users can connect to and perform process operations on the database, and analyze model database
Read - Users can use a client application to connect to and analyze model database data.
When creating a tabular model project, you create roles and add users or groups to those roles by using Role
Manager in SSDT. When deployed to a server, you use SSMS, Analysis Services PowerShell cmdlets, or Tabular
Model Scripting Language (TMSL ) to add or remove roles and user members.
Read and Process Members can query data (based on row-level filters) and
run Process and Process All operations, but cannot
modify the model schema.
Administrator Members can modify the model schema and query all
5. If the role you are creating has Read or Read and Process permission, you can add row filters by using a
DAX formula. Click the Row Filters tab, then select a table, then click the DAX Filter field, and then type a
DAX formula.
6. Click Members > Add External.
7. In Add External Member, enter users or groups in your tenant Azure AD by email address. After you
click OK and close Role Manager, roles and role members appear in Tabular Model Explorer.
Full control (Administrator) Members can modify the model schema, process, and can
query all data.
Process database Members can run Process and Process All operations.
Cannot modify the model schema and cannot query data.
4. Click Membership, then enter a user or group in your tenant Azure AD by email address.
5. If the role you are creating has Read permission, you can add row filters by using a DAX formula. Click
Row Filters, select a table, and then type a DAX formula in the DAX Filter field.
"createOrReplace": {
"object": {
"database": "SalesBI",
"role": "Analyst"
"role": {
"name": "Users",
"description": "All allowed users to query the model",
"modelPermission": "read",
"members": [
"memberName": "",
"identityProvider": "AzureAD"
"memberName": "",
"identityProvider": "AzureAD"
Region =Region[Country]=”USA”
ProductCategory =ProductCategory[Name]=”Bicycles”
Transactions =Transactions[Year]=2016
The net effect is members can query rows of data where the customer is in the USA, the product category is
bicycles, and the year is 2016. Users cannot query transactions outside of the USA, transactions that are not
bicycles, or transactions not in 2016 unless they are a member of another role that grants these permissions.
You can use the filter, =FALSE (), to deny access to all rows for an entire table.
Next steps
Manage server administrators
Manage Azure Analysis Services with PowerShell
Tabular Model Scripting Language (TMSL ) Reference
Manage server administrators
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
Server administrators must be a valid user or group in the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD ) for the tenant in
which the server resides. You can use Analysis Services Admins for your server in Azure portal, or Server
Properties in SSMS to manage server administrators.
Analysis Services provides metrics to help you monitor the performance and health of your servers. For example,
monitor memory and CPU usage, number of client connections, and query resource consumption. Analysis
Services uses the same monitoring framework as most other Azure services. To learn more, see Metrics in
Microsoft Azure.
To perform more in-depth diagnostics, track performance, and identify trends across multiple service resources in
a resource group or subscription, use Azure Monitor. Azure Monitor (service) may result in a billable service.
An important part of any Analysis Services solution is monitoring how your servers are performing. With Azure
resource diagnostic logs, you can monitor and send logs to Azure Storage, stream them to Azure Event Hubs, and
export them to Log Analytics, a service of Azure.
What's logged?
You can select Engine, Service, and Metrics categories.
Selecting Engine logs all xEvents. You cannot select individual events.
Notification Notification
Locks Deadlock
All metrics
The Metrics category logs the same Server metrics displayed in Metrics.
Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId [your resource id] -StorageAccountId [your storage account id]
-Enabled $true
The storage account ID is the resource ID for the storage account where you want to send the logs.
To enable streaming of diagnostics logs to an event hub, use this command:
Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId [your resource id] -ServiceBusRuleId [your service bus rule id]
-Enabled $true
To enable sending diagnostics logs to a Log Analytics workspace, use this command:
You can obtain the resource ID of your Log Analytics workspace by using the following command:
When using scale-out, you can identify read-only replicas because the ServerName_s field values have the
replica instance number appended to the name. The resource field contains the Azure resource name, which
matches the server name that the users see. The IsQueryScaleoutReadonlyInstance_s field equals true for
Have a great Log Analytics query you want to share? If you have a GitHub account, you can add it to this article. Just click
Edit at the top-right of this page.
In the pop-up browser window, enter your Azure account user name and password. Azure PowerShell gets all the
subscriptions that are associated with this account and by default, uses the first one.
If you have multiple subscriptions, you might have to specify a specific one that was used to create your Azure Key
Vault. Type the following to see the subscriptions for your account:
Then, to specify the subscription that's associated with the Azure Analysis Services account you are logging, type:
If you have multiple subscriptions associated with your account, it is important to specify the subscription.
Enable logging
To enable logging, use the Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting cmdlet together with the variables for the new storage
account, server account, and the category. Run the following command, setting the -Enabled flag to $true:
StorageAccountId :
ServiceBusRuleId :
EventHubAuthorizationRuleId :
TimeGrain : PT1M
Enabled : False
Enabled : False
Days : 0
Category : Engine
Enabled : True
Enabled : False
Days : 0
Category : Service
Enabled : False
Enabled : False
Days : 0
WorkspaceId :
Id : /subscriptions/a23279b5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-
Name : service
Type :
Location :
Tags :
This confirms that logging is now enabled for the server, saving information to the storage account.
You can also set retention policy for your logs so older logs are automatically deleted. For example, set retention
policy using -RetentionEnabled flag to $true, and set -RetentionInDays parameter to 90. Logs older than 90
days are automatically deleted.
This article describes the AlwaysUseGateway server property for use when data sources are on an Azure Virtual
Network (VNet).
This property is effective only when an On-premises data gateway is installed and configured. The gateway can be on the
Client libraries are necessary for client applications and tools to connect to Analysis Services servers.
AMO 15.0.2
ADOMD 15.0.2
Next steps
Connect with Excel
Connect with Power BI
Connect with Excel
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
Once you've created a server in Azure, and deployed a tabular model to it, you're ready to connect and begin
exploring data.
Connect in Excel
Connecting to a server in Excel is supported by using Get Data in Excel 2016. Connecting by using the Import
Table Wizard in Power Pivot is not supported.
To connect in Excel 2016
1. In Excel 2016, on the Data ribbon, click Get External Data > From Other Sources > From Analysis
2. In the Data Connection Wizard, in Server name, enter the server name including protocol and URI. Then,
in Logon credentials, select Use the following User Name and Password, and then type the
organizational user name, for example, and password.
If you sign in with a Microsoft Account, Live ID, Yahoo, Gmail, etc., or you are required to sign in with multi-factor
authentication, leave the password field blank. You are prompted for a password after clicking Next.
3. In Select Database and Table, select the database and model or perspective, and then click Finish.
See also
Client libraries
Manage your server
Connect with Power BI
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
Once you've created a server in Azure, and deployed a tabular model to it, users in your organization are ready to
connect and begin exploring data.
Be sure to use the latest version of Power BI Desktop.
See also
Connect to Azure Analysis Services
Client libraries
Create an Office Data Connection file
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
Information in this article describes how you can create an Office Data Connection file to connect to an Azure
Analysis Services server from Excel 2016 version number 16.0.7369.2117 or earlier, or Excel 2013. An updated
MSOL AP.7 provider is also required.
1. Copy the sample connection file below and paste into a text editor.
2. In odc:ConnectionString , change the following properties:
In Data Source=asazure://<region><servername>; change <region> to the region
of your Analysis Services server and <servername> to the name of your server.
In Initial Catalog=<database>; change <database> to the name of your database.
3. In <odc:CommandText>Model</odc:CommandText> change Model to the name of your model or perspective.
4. Save the file with an .odc extension to the C:\Users\username\Documents\My Data Sources folder.
5. Right-click the file, and then click Open in Excel. Or in Excel, on the Data ribbon, click Existing
Connections, select your file, and then click Open.
Sample connection file
<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/x-ms-odc; charset=utf-8">
<meta name=ProgId content=ODC.Cube>
<meta name=SourceType content=OLEDB>
<meta name=Catalog content="Database">
<meta name=Table content=Model>
<xml id=docprops><o:DocumentProperties
</xml><xml id=msodc><odc:OfficeDataConnection
<odc:Connection odc:Type="OLEDB">
Source=asazure://<region><servername>;Initial Catalog=<database>;</odc:ConnectionString>
behavior: url(;
<td id=tdDesc colspan='2' style='border-bottom: 1px threedshadow solid; font-family: Arial; font-size:
1pt; padding: 2px; background-color: threedface'>
<td colspan='2' style='height: 100%; padding-bottom: 4px; border-top: 1px threedhighlight solid;'>
<div id='pt' style='height: 100%' class='ODCDataSource'></div>
<script language='javascript'>
function init() {
var sName, sDescription;
var i, j;
try {
sName = unescape(location.href)
i = sName.lastIndexOf(".")
if (i>=0) { sName = sName.substring(1, i); }
i = sName.lastIndexOf("/")
if (i>=0) { sName = sName.substring(i+1, sName.length); }
document.title = sName;
document.getElementById("tdName").innerText = sName;
sDescription = document.getElementById("docprops").innerHTML;
i = sDescription.indexOf("escription>")
if (i>=0) { j = sDescription.indexOf("escription>", i + 11); }
if (j>=0) {
sDescription = sDescription.substring(i+11, j);
if (sDescription != "") {
document.getElementById("tdDesc").innerHTML = sDescription;
catch(e) {
Tutorial: Add a sample model
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
In this tutorial, you add a sample Adventure Works model to your server. The sample model is a completed
version of the Adventure Works Internet Sales (1200) data modeling tutorial. A sample model is useful for testing
model management, connecting with tools and client applications, and querying model data.
2. In New model > Choose a datasource, verify Sample data is selected, and then click Add.
3. In Overview, verify the adventureworks sample is created.
Clean up resources
Your sample model is using cache memory resources. If you are not using your sample model for testing, you
should remove it from your server.
These steps describe how to delete a model from a server by using SSMS. You can also delete a model by using the preview
Web designer feature.
3. In Object Explorer, right-click the adventureworks sample database, and then click Delete.
Next steps
Connect in Power BI Desktop
Manage database roles and users
Azure Analysis Services - Adventure Works tutorial
4/13/2018 • 3 min to read • Edit Online
This tutorial provides lessons on how to create and deploy a tabular model at the 1400 compatibility level by using
Visual Studio with SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).
If you're new to Analysis Services and tabular modeling, completing this tutorial is the quickest way to learn how to
create and deploy a basic tabular model by using Visual Studio. Once you have the prerequisites in-place, it should
take between two to three hours to complete.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
An Azure Analysis Services server. Sign up for a free Azure Analysis Services trial and create a server.
An Azure SQL Data Warehouse with the sample AdventureWorksDW database, or a SQL Server Data
Warehouse with the Adventure Works sample database.
Important: If you install the sample database to an on-premises SQL Server Data Warehouse, and deploy
your model to an Azure Analysis Services server, an On-premises data gateway is required.
The latest version of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for Visual Studio.
The latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS ).
A client application such as Power BI Desktop or Excel.
This tutorial is based on Adventure Works Cycles, a fictitious company. Adventure Works is a large, multinational
manufacturing company that produces and distributes bicycles, parts, and accessories to commercial markets in
North America, Europe, and Asia. The company employs 500 workers. Additionally, Adventure Works employs
several regional sales teams throughout its market base. Your project is to create a tabular model for sales and
marketing users to analyze Internet sales data in the AdventureWorksDW database.
To complete the tutorial, you must complete various lessons. In each lesson, there are tasks. Completing each task
in order is necessary for completing the lesson. While in a particular lesson there may be several tasks that
accomplish a similar outcome, but how you complete each task is slightly different. This method shows there is
often more than one way to complete a task, and to challenge you by using skills you've learned in previous
lessons and tasks.
The purpose of the lessons is to guide you through authoring a basic tabular model by using many of the features
included in SSDT. Because each lesson builds upon the previous lesson, you should complete the lessons in order.
This tutorial does not provide lessons about managing a server in Azure portal, managing a server or database by
using SSMS, or using a client application to browse model data.
This tutorial includes the following lessons:
13 - Deploy 5 minutes
Supplemental lessons
These lessons are not required to complete the tutorial, but can be helpful in better understanding advanced
tabular model authoring features.
Next steps
To get started, see Lesson 1: Create a New Tabular Model Project.
Create a tabular model project
4/13/2018 • 3 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you use Visual Studio with SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) to create a new tabular model project at
the 1400 compatibility level. Once your new project is created, you can begin adding data and authoring your
model. This lesson also gives you a brief introduction to the tabular model authoring environment in Visual Studio.
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 10 minutes
This topic is the first lesson in a tabular model authoring tutorial. To complete this lesson, there are several
prerequisites you need to have in-place. To learn more, see Azure Analysis Services - Adventure Works tutorial.
Click the Solution Explorer tab. Here, you see your Model.bim file. If you don’t see the designer window to the
left (the empty window with the Model.bim tab), in Solution Explorer, under AW Internet Sales Project,
double-click the Model.bim file. The Model.bim file contains the metadata for your model project.
Click Model.bim. In the Properties window, you see the model properties, most important of which is the
DirectQuery Mode property. This property specifies if the model is deployed in In-Memory mode (Off ) or
DirectQuery mode (On). For this tutorial, you author and deploy your model in In-Memory mode.
When you create a model project, certain model properties are set automatically according to the Data Modeling
settings that can be specified in the Tools menu > Options dialog box. Data Backup, Workspace Retention, and
Workspace Server properties specify how and where the workspace database (your model authoring database) is
backed up, retained in-memory, and built. You can change these settings later if necessary, but for now, leave these
properties as they are.
In Solution Explorer, right-click AW Internet Sales (project), and then click Properties. The AW Internet Sales
Property Pages dialog box appears. You set some of these properties later when you deploy your model.
When you installed SSDT, several new menu items were added to the Visual Studio environment. Click the Model
menu. From here, you can import data, refresh workspace data, browse your model in Excel, create perspectives
and roles, select the model view, and set calculation options. Click the Table menu. From here, you can create and
manage relationships, specify date table settings, create partitions, and edit table properties. If you click the
Column menu, you can add and delete columns in a table, freeze columns, and specify sort order. SSDT also adds
some buttons to the bar. Most useful is the AutoSum feature to create a standard aggregation measure for a
selected column. Other toolbar buttons provide quick access to frequently used features and commands.
Explore some of the dialogs and locations for various features specific to authoring tabular models. While some
items are not yet active, you can get a good idea of the tabular model authoring environment.
What's next?
Lesson 2: Get data.
Get data
4/13/2018 • 3 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you use Get Data in SSDT to connect to the Adventure Works sample database, select data, preview
and filter, and then import into your model workspace.
By using Get Data, you can import data from a wide variety of sources: Azure SQL Database, Oracle, Sybase,
OData Feed, Teradata, files and more. Data can also be queried using a Power Query M formula expression.
Tasks and images in this tutorial show connecting to an AdventureWorksDW2014 database on an on-premises server. In
some cases, an Adventure Works database on Azure may be different.
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks in
this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 1: Create a new tabular model project.
Create a connection
To create a connection to the AdventureWorksDW2014 database
1. In Tabular Model Explorer, right-click Data Sources > Import from Data Source.
This launches Get Data, which guides you through connecting to a data source. If you don't see Tabular
Model Explorer, in Solution Explorer, double-click Model.bim to open the model in the designer.
2. In Get Data, click Database > SQL Server Database > Connect.
3. In the SQL Server Database dialog, in Server, type the name of the server where you installed the
AdventureWorksDW2014 database, and then click Connect.
4. When prompted to enter credentials, you need to specify the credentials Analysis Services uses to connect
to the data source when importing and processing data. In Impersonation Mode, select Impersonate
Account, then enter credentials, and then click Connect. It's recommended you use an account where the
password doesn't expire.
Using a Windows user account and password provides the most secure method of connecting to a data source.
5. In Navigator, select the AdventureWorksDW2014 database, and then click OK.This creates the connection
to the database.
6. In Navigator, select the check box for the following tables: DimCustomer, DimDate, DimGeography,
DimProduct, DimProductCategory, DimProductSubcategory, and FactInternetSales.
After you click OK, Query Editor opens. In the next section, you select only the data you want to import.
If you make a mistake, you can backup by deleting a step in APPLIED STEPS.
3. Filter the remaining tables by removing the following columns in each table:
No columns removed.
2. Click Close.
What's next?
Lesson 3: Mark as Date Table.
Mark as Date Table
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
In Lesson 2: Get data, you imported a dimension table named DimDate. While in your model this table is named
DimDate, it can also be known as a Date table, in that it contains date and time data.
Whenever you use DAX time-intelligence functions, like when you create measures later, you must specify
properties which include a Date table and a unique identifier Date column in that table.
In this lesson, you mark the DimDate table as the Date table and the Date column (in the Date table) as the Date
column (unique identifier).
Before you mark the date table and date column, it's a good time to do a little housekeeping to make your model
easier to understand. Notice in the DimDate table a column named FullDateAlternateKey. This column contains
one row for every day in each calendar year included in the table. You use this column a lot in measure formulas
and in reports. But, FullDateAlternateKey isn't really a good identifier for this column. You rename it to Date,
making it easier to identify and include in formulas. Whenever possible, it's a good idea to rename objects like
tables and columns to make them easier to identify in SSDT and client reporting applications like Power BI and
Estimated time to complete this lesson: Three minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks in
this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 2: Get data.
To rename the FullDateAlternateKey column
1. In the model designer, click the DimDate table.
2. Double-click the header for the FullDateAlternateKey column, and then rename it to Date.
To set Mark as Date Table
1. Select the Date column, and then in the Properties window, under Data Type, make sure Date is selected.
2. Click the Table menu, then click Date, and then click Mark as Date Table.
3. In the Mark as Date Table dialog box, in the Date listbox, select the Date column as the unique identifier.
It's usually selected by default. Click OK.
What's next?
Lesson 4: Create relationships.
Create relationships
4/13/2018 • 4 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you verify the relationships that were created automatically when you imported data and add new
relationships between different tables. A relationship is a connection between two tables that establishes how the
data in those tables should be correlated. For example, the DimProduct table and the DimProductSubcategory
table have a relationship based on the fact that each product belongs to a subcategory. To learn more, see
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 10 minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks
in this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 3: Mark as Date Table.
Include as many of the tables as possible by using minimap controls in the lower-right corner of the model
designer. You can also click and drag tables to different locations, bringing tables closer together, or putting
them in a particular order. Moving tables does not affect the relationships between the tables. To view all the
columns in a particular table, click and drag on a table edge to expand or make it smaller.
2. Click the solid line between the DimCustomer table and the DimGeography table. The solid line between
these two tables shows this relationship is active, that is, it is used by default when calculating DAX
Notice the GeographyKey column in the DimCustomer table and the GeographyKey column in the
DimGeography table now both each appear within a box. These columns are used in the relationship. The
relationship’s properties now also appear in the Properties window.
In addition to using the model designer in diagram view, you can also use the Manage Relationships dialog box to
show the relationships between all tables in a table format. In Tabular Model Explorer, right-click Relationships >
Manage Relationships.
3. Verify the following relationships were created when each of the tables were imported from the
AdventureWorksDW database:
If any of the relationships are missing, verify your model includes the following tables: DimCustomer,
DimDate, DimGeography, DimProduct, DimProductCategory, DimProductSubcategory, and
FactInternetSales. If tables from the same datasource connection are imported at separate times, any
relationships between those tables are not be created and must be created manually. If no relationships
appear, it means there are no relationships at the datasource. You can create them manually in the data
Take a closer look
In Diagram View, notice an arrow, an asterisk, and a number on the lines that show the relationship between
The arrow shows the filter direction. The asterisk shows this table is the many side in the relationship's cardinality,
and the one shows this table is the one side of the relationship. If you need to edit a relationship; for example,
change the relationship's filter direction or cardinality, double-click the relationship line to open the Edit
Relationship dialog.
These features are meant for advanced data modeling and are outside the scope of this tutorial. To learn more, see
Bi-directional cross filters for tabular models in Analysis Services.
In some cases, you may need to create additional relationships between tables in your model to support certain
business logic. For this tutorial, you need to create three additional relationships between the FactInternetSales
table and the DimDate table.
To add new relationships between tables
1. In the model designer, in the FactInternetSales table, click, and hold on the OrderDate column, then drag
the cursor to the Date column in the DimDate table, and then release.
A solid line appears showing you have created an active relationship between the OrderDate column in the
Internet Sales table, and the Date column in the Date table.
When creating relationships, the cardinality and filter direction between the primary table and the related lookup
table is automatically selected.
2. In the FactInternetSales table, click and hold on the DueDate column, then drag the cursor to the Date
column in the DimDate table, and then release.
A dotted line appears showing you have created an inactive relationship between the DueDate column in
the FactInternetSales table, and the Date column in the DimDate table. You can have multiple
relationships between tables, but only one relationship can be active at a time. Inactive relationships can be
made active to perform special aggregations in custom DAX expressions.
3. Finally, create one more relationship. In the FactInternetSales table, click and hold on the ShipDate
column, then drag the cursor to the Date column in the DimDate table, and then release.
What's next?
Lesson 5: Create calculated columns.
Create calculated columns
4/13/2018 • 3 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you create data in your model by adding calculated columns. You can create calculated columns (as
custom columns) when using Get Data, by using the Query Editor, or later in the model designer like you do here.
To learn more, see Calculated columns.
You create five new calculated columns in three different tables. The steps are slightly different for each task
showing there are several ways to create columns, rename them, and place them in various locations in a table.
This lesson is also where you first use Data Analysis Expressions (DAX). DAX is a special language for creating
highly customizable formula expressions for tabular models. In this tutorial, you use DAX to create calculated
columns, measures, and role filters. To learn more, see DAX in tabular models.
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 15 minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks
in this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 4: Create relationships.
Values are then populated for all the rows in the calculated column. If you scroll down through the table,
you see rows can have different values for this column, based on the data in each row.
5. Rename this column to MonthCalendar.
When you've finished building the formula, press ENTER. The new column is added to the far right of the
3. Rename the column to DayOfWeek.
4. Click the column heading, and then drag the column between the EnglishDayNameOfWeek column and
the DayNumberOfMonth column.
Moving columns in your table makes it easier to navigate.
The DayOfWeek calculated column provides a sortable name for the day of week.
Create a ProductSubcategoryName calculated column in the DimProduct table
1. In the DimProduct table, scroll to the far right of the table. Notice the right-most column is named Add
Column (italicized), click the column heading.
2. In the formula bar, type the following formula:
The Margin calculated column is used to analyze profit margins for each sale.
What's next?
Lesson 6: Create measures.
Create measures
4/13/2018 • 3 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you create measures to be included in your model. Similar to the calculated columns you created, a
measure is a calculation created by using a DAX formula. However, unlike calculated columns, measures are
evaluated based on a user selected filter. For example, a particular column or slicer added to the Row Labels field
in a PivotTable. A value for each cell in the filter is then calculated by the applied measure. Measures are powerful,
flexible calculations that you want to include in almost all tabular models to perform dynamic calculations on
numerical data. To learn more, see Measures.
To create measures, you use the Measure Grid. By default, each table has an empty measure grid; however, you
typically do not create measures for every table. The measure grid appears below a table in the model designer
when in Data View. To hide or show the measure grid for a table, click the Table menu, and then click Show
Measure Grid.
You can create a measure by clicking an empty cell in the measure grid, and then typing a DAX formula in the
formula bar. When you click ENTER to complete the formula, the measure then appears in the cell. You can also
create measures using a standard aggregation function by clicking a column, and then clicking the AutoSum
button (∑) on the toolbar. Measures created using the AutoSum feature appear in the measure grid cell directly
beneath the column, but can be moved.
In this lesson, you create measures by both entering a DAX formula in the formula bar, and by using the AutoSum
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 30 minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks
in this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 5: Create calculated columns.
Create measures
To create a DaysCurrentQuarterToDate measure in the DimDate table
1. In the model designer, click the DimDate table.
2. In the measure grid, click the top-left empty cell.
3. In the formula bar, type the following formula:
Notice the top-left cell now contains a measure name, DaysCurrentQuarterToDate, followed by the result,
92. The result is not relevant at this point because no user filter has been applied.
Unlike calculated columns, with measure formulas you can type the measure name, followed by a colon,
followed by the formula expression.
To create a DaysInCurrentQuarter measure in the DimDate table
1. With the DimDate table still active in the model designer, in the measure grid, click the empty cell below
the measure you created.
2. In the formula bar, type the following formula:
When creating a comparison ratio between one incomplete period and the previous period. The formula
must calculate the proportion of the period that has elapsed and compare it to the same proportion in the
previous period. In this case, [DaysCurrentQuarterToDate]/[DaysInCurrentQuarter] gives the proportion
elapsed in the current period.
To create an InternetDistinctCountSalesOrder measure in the FactInternetSales table
1. Click the FactInternetSales table.
2. Click the SalesOrderNumber column heading.
3. On the toolbar, click the down-arrow next to the AutoSum (∑) button, and then select DistinctCount.
The AutoSum feature automatically creates a measure for the selected column using the DistinctCount
standard aggregation formula.
4. In the measure grid, click the new measure, and then in the Properties window, in Measure Name,
rename the measure to InternetDistinctCountSalesOrder.
To create additional measures in the FactInternetSales table
1. By using the AutoSum feature, create and name the following measures:
2. By clicking an empty cell in the measure grid, and by using the formula bar, create, the following custom
measures in order:
Measures created for the FactInternetSales table can be used to analyze critical financial data such as sales, costs,
and profit margin for items defined by the user selected filter.
What's next?
Lesson 7: Create Key Performance Indicators.
Create Key Performance Indicators
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs are used to gauge performance of a value
defined by a Base measure, against a Target value also defined by a measure, or by an absolute value. In reporting
client applications, KPIs can provide business professionals a quick and easy way to understand a summary of
business success or to identify trends. To learn more, see KPIs
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 15 minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks in
this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 6: Create measures.
InternetCurrentQuarterMarginPerformance :=IF([InternetPreviousQuarterMarginProportionToQTD]<>0,
What's next?
Lesson 8: Create perspectives.
Create perspectives
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you create an Internet Sales perspective. A perspective defines a viewable subset of a model that
provides focused, business-specific, or application-specific viewpoints. When a user connects to a model by using a
perspective, they see only those model objects (tables, columns, measures, hierarchies, and KPIs) as fields defined
in that perspective. To learn more, see Perspectives.
The Internet Sales perspective you create in this lesson excludes the DimCustomer table object. When you create a
perspective that excludes certain objects from view, that object still exists in the model. However, it is not visible in
a reporting client field list. Calculated columns and measures either included in a perspective or not can still
calculate from object data that is excluded.
The purpose of this lesson is to describe how to create perspectives and become familiar with the tabular model
authoring tools. If you later expand this model to include additional tables, you can create additional perspectives
to define different viewpoints of the model, for example, Inventory and Sales.
Estimated time to complete this lesson: Five minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks in
this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 7: Create Key Performance Indicators.
Create perspectives
To create an Internet Sales perspective
1. Click the Model menu > Perspectives > Create and Manage.
2. In the Perspectives dialog box, click New Perspective.
3. Double-click the New Perspective column heading, and then rename Internet Sales.
4. Select the all the tables except DimCustomer.
In a later lesson, you use the Analyze in Excel feature to test this perspective. The Excel PivotTable Fields List
includes each table except the DimCustomer table.
What's next?
Lesson 9: Create hierarchies.
Create hierarchies
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you create hierarchies. Hierarchies are groups of columns arranged in levels. For example, a
Geography hierarchy might have sublevels for Country, State, County, and City. Hierarchies can appear separate
from other columns in a reporting client application field list, making them easier for client users to navigate and
include in a report. To learn more, see Hierarchies
To create hierarchies, use the model designer in Diagram View. Creating and managing hierarchies is not
supported in Data View.
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 20 minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks
in this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 8: Create perspectives.
Create hierarchies
To create a Category hierarchy in the DimProduct table
1. In the model designer (diagram view ), right-click the DimProduct table > Create Hierarchy. A new
hierarchy appears at the bottom of the table window. Rename the hierarchy Category.
2. Click and drag the ProductCategoryName column to the new Category hierarchy.
3. In the Category hierarchy, right-click ProductCategoryName > Rename, and then type Category.
Renaming a column in a hierarchy does not rename that column in the table. A column in a hierarchy is just a
representation of the column in the table.
4. Click and drag the ProductSubcategoryName column to the Category hierarchy. Rename it
5. Right-click the ModelName column > Add to hierarchy, and then select Category. Rename it Model.
6. Finally, add EnglishProductName to the Category hierarchy. Rename it Product.
What's next?
Lesson 10: Create partitions.
Create partitions
4/13/2018 • 3 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you create partitions to divide the FactInternetSales table into smaller logical parts that can be
processed (refreshed) independent of other partitions. By default, every table you include in your model has one
partition, which includes all the table’s columns and rows. For the FactInternetSales table, we want to divide the
data by year; one partition for each of the table’s five years. Each partition can then be processed independently. To
learn more, see Partitions.
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 15 minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks in
this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 9: Create Hierarchies.
Create partitions
To create partitions in the FactInternetSales table
1. In Tabular Model Explorer, expand Tables, and then right-click FactInternetSales > Partitions.
2. In Partition Manager, click Copy, and then change the name to FactInternetSales2010.
Because you want the partition to include only those rows within a certain period, for the year 2010, you
must modify the query expression.
3. Click Design to open Query Editor, and then click the FactInternetSales2010 query.
4. In preview, click the down arrow in the OrderDate column heading, and then click Date/Time Filters >
5. In the Filter Rows dialog box, in Show rows where: OrderDate, leave is after or equal to, and then in the
date field, enter 1/1/2010. Leave the And operator selected, then select is before, then in the date field,
enter 1/1/2011, and then click OK.
Notice in Query Editor, in APPLIED STEPS, you see another step named Filtered Rows. This filter is to
select only order dates from 2010.
6. Click Import.
In Partition Manager, notice the query expression now has an additional Filtered Rows clause.
This statement specifies this partition should include only the data in those rows where the OrderDate is in
the 2010 calendar year as specified in the filtered rows clause.
To create a partition for the 2011 year
1. In the partitions list, click the FactInternetSales2010 partition you created, and then click Copy. Change
the partition name to FactInternetSales2011.
You do not need to use Query Editor to create a new filtered rows clause. Because you created a copy of the
query for 2010, all you need to do is make a slight change in the query for 2011.
2. In Query Expression, in-order for this partition to include only those rows for the 2011 year, replace the
years in the Filtered Rows clause with 2011 and 2012, respectively, like:
Source = #"SQL/localhost;AdventureWorksDW2014",
dbo_FactInternetSales = Source{[Schema="dbo",Item="FactInternetSales"]}[Data],
#"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(dbo_FactInternetSales,{"OrderDateKey", "DueDateKey",
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Removed Columns", each [OrderDate] >= #datetime(2011, 1, 1, 0,
0, 0) and [OrderDate] < #datetime(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
#"Filtered Rows"
Process partitions
In Partition Manager, notice the Last Processed column for each of the new partitions you created shows these
partitions have never been processed. When you create partitions, you should run a Process Partitions or Process
Table operation to refresh the data in those partitions.
To process the FactInternetSales partitions
1. Click OK to close Partition Manager.
2. Click the FactInternetSales table, then click the Model menu > Process > Process Partitions.
3. In the Process Partitions dialog box, verify Mode is set to Process Default.
4. Select the checkbox in the Process column for each of the five partitions you created, and then click OK.
If you're prompted for Impersonation credentials, enter the Windows user name and password you
specified in Lesson 2.
The Data Processing dialog box appears and displays process details for each partition. Notice that a
different number of rows for each partition are transferred. Each partition includes only those rows for the
year specified in the WHERE clause in the SQL Statement. When processing is finished, go ahead and close
the Data Processing dialog box.
What's next?
Go to the next lesson: Lesson 11: Create Roles.
Create roles
4/13/2018 • 2 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you create roles. Roles provide model database object and data security by limiting access to only
those users that are role members. Each role is defined with a single permission: None, Read, Read and Process,
Process, or Administrator. Roles can be defined during model authoring by using Role Manager. After a model has
been deployed, you can manage roles by using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS ). To learn more, see
Creating roles is not necessary to complete this tutorial. By default, the account you are currently logged in with has
Administrator privileges on the model. However, for other users in your organization to browse by using a reporting client,
you must create at least one role with Read permissions and add those users as members.
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks
in this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 10: Create partitions.
Create roles
To create a Sales Manager user role
1. In Tabular Model Explorer, right-click Roles > Roles.
2. In Role Manager, click New.
3. Click the new role, and then in the Name column, rename the role to Sales Manager.
4. In the Permissions column, click the dropdown list, and then select the Read permission.
5. Optional: Click the Members tab, and then click Add. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, enter the
Windows users or groups from your organization you want to include in the role.
To create a Sales Analyst US user role
1. In Role Manager, click New.
2. Rename the role to Sales Analyst US.
3. Give this role Read permission.
4. Click the Row Filters tab, and then for the DimGeography table only, in the DAX Filter column, type the
following formula:
=DimGeography[CountryRegionCode] = "US"
A Row Filter formula must resolve to a Boolean (TRUE/FALSE ) value. With this formula, you are specifying
that only rows with the Country Region Code value of “US” are visible to the user.
5. Optional: Click the Members tab, and then click Add. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, enter the
Windows users or groups from your organization you want to include in the role.
To create an Administrator user role
1. Click New.
2. Rename the role to Administrator.
3. Give this role Administrator permission.
4. Optional: Click the Members tab, and then click Add. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, enter the
Windows users or groups from your organization you want to include in the role.
What's next?
Lesson 12: Analyze in Excel.
Analyze in Excel
4/13/2018 • 2 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you use the Analyze in Excel feature to open Microsoft Excel, automatically create a connection to
the model workspace, and automatically add a PivotTable to the worksheet. The Analyze in Excel feature is meant
to provide a quick and easy way to test the efficacy of your model design prior to deploying your model. You do
not perform any data analysis in this lesson. The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize you, the model author, with
the tools you can use to test your model design.
To complete this lesson, Excel must be installed on the same computer as Visual Studio.
Estimated time to complete this lesson: Five minutes
This topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks
in this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 11: Create roles.
What's next?
Go to the next lesson: Lesson 13: Deploy.
4/13/2018 • 2 min to read • Edit Online
In this lesson, you configure deployment properties; specifying an Azure Analysis Services server to deploy to and
a name for the model. You then deploy the model to that instance. After your model is deployed, users can connect
to it by using a reporting client application. To learn more, see Deploy to Azure Analysis Services.
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 5 minutes
This article is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks
in this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 12: Analyze in Excel.
You must have Administrator permissions on the remote Analysis Services server in-order to deploy to it.
If you installed the AdventureWorksDW2014 sample database on an on-premises SQL Server, and you're deploying your
model to an Azure Analysis Services server, an On-premises data gateway is required.
Congratulations! You're finished authoring and deploying your first Analysis Services Tabular model. This tutorial
has helped guide you through completing the most common tasks in creating a tabular model. Now that your
Adventure Works Internet Sales model is deployed, you can use SQL Server Management Studio to manage the
model; create process scripts and a backup plan. Users can also now connect to the model using a reporting client
application such as Microsoft Excel or Power BI.
What's next?
Connect with Power BI Desktop
Supplemental Lesson - Dynamic security
Supplemental Lesson - Detail rows
Supplemental Lesson - Ragged hierarchies
Supplemental lesson - Detail Rows
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
In this supplemental lesson, you use the DAX Editor to define a custom Detail Rows Expression. A Detail Rows
Expression is a property on a measure, providing end-users more information about the aggregated results of a
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 10 minutes
This supplemental lesson is part of a tabular modeling tutorial. Before performing the tasks in this supplemental
lesson, you should have completed all previous lessons or have a completed Adventure Works Internet Sales
sample model project.
3. In the PivotTable, double-click an aggregated value for a year and a region name. The value for Australia
and the year 2014. A new sheet opens containing data, but not useful data.
The goal here is a table containing columns and rows of data that contribute to the aggregated result of the
InternetTotalSales measure. To do that, add a Detail Rows Expression as a property of the measure.
"Sales Order Number", FactInternetSales[SalesOrderNumber],
"Customer First Name", RELATED(DimCustomer[FirstName]),
"Customer Last Name", RELATED(DimCustomer[LastName]),
"City", RELATED(DimGeography[City]),
"Order Date", FactInternetSales[OrderDate],
"Internet Total Sales", [InternetTotalSales]
This expression specifies names, columns, and measure results from the FactInternetSales table and related
tables are returned when a user double-clicks an aggregated result in a PivotTable or report.
4. Back in Excel, delete the sheet created in Step 3, then double-click an aggregated value. This time, with a
Detail Rows Expression property defined for the measure, a new sheet opens containing a lot more useful
5. Redeploy your model.
See also
Supplemental lesson - Dynamic security
Supplemental lesson - Ragged hierarchies
Supplemental lesson - Dynamic security
4/13/2018 • 9 min to read • Edit Online
In this supplemental lesson, you create an additional role that implements dynamic security. Dynamic security
provides row -level security based on the user name or login id of the user currently logged on.
To implement dynamic security, you add a table to your model containing the user names of those users that can
connect to the model and browse model objects and data. The model you create using this tutorial is in the context
of Adventure Works; however, to complete this lesson, you must add a table containing users from your own
domain. You do not need the passwords for the user names that are added. To create an EmployeeSecurity table,
with a small sample of users from your own domain, you use the Paste feature, pasting employee data from an
Excel spreadsheet. In a real-world scenario, the table containing user names would typically be a table from an
actual database as a data source; for example, a real DimEmployee table.
To implement dynamic security, you use two DAX functions: USERNAME Function (DAX) and LOOKUPVALUE
Function (DAX). These functions, applied in a row filter formula, are defined in a new role. By using the
LOOKUPVALUE function, the formula specifies a value from the EmployeeSecurity table. The formula then passes
that value to the USERNAME function, which specifies the user name of the user logged on belongs to this role.
The user can then browse only data specified by the role’s row filters. In this scenario, you specify that sales
employees can only browse Internet sales data for the sales territories in which they are a member.
Those tasks that are unique to this Adventure Works tabular model scenario, but would not necessarily apply to a
real-world scenario are identified as such. Each task includes additional information describing the purpose of the
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 30 minutes
This supplemental lesson topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before
performing the tasks in this supplemental lesson, you should have completed all previous lessons.
|1|2|<user first name>|<user last name>|\<domain\username>|
|1|3|<user first name>|<user last name>|\<domain\username>|
|2|4|<user first name>|<user last name>|\<domain\username>|
|3|5|<user first name>|<user last name>|\<domain\username>|
3. Replace the first name, last name, and domain\username with the names and login ids of three users in
your organization. Put the same user on the first two rows, for EmployeeId 1, showing this user belongs to
more than one sales territory. Leave the EmployeeId and SalesTerritoryId fields as they are.
4. Save the worksheet as SampleEmployee.
5. In the worksheet, select all the cells with employee data, including the headers, then right-click the selected
data, and then click Copy.
6. In SSDT, click the Edit menu, and then click Paste.
If Paste is grayed out, click any column in any table in the model designer window, and try again.
7. In the Paste Preview dialog box, in Table Name, type EmployeeSecurity.
8. In Data to be pasted, verify the data includes all the user data and headers from the SampleEmployee
9. Verify Use first row as column headers is checked, and then click Ok.
A new table named EmployeeSecurity with employee data copied from the SampleEmployee worksheet is
The Sales Employees by Territory role you create in this lesson restricts members to browse (or query) only sales data for the
sales territory to which they belong. If you add a user as a member to the Sales Employees by Territory role that also exists
as a member in a role created in Lesson 11: Create Roles, you get a combination of permissions. When a user is a member of
multiple roles, the permissions, and row filters defined for each role are cumulative. That is, the user has the greater
permissions determined by the combination of roles.
This formula specifies that all columns resolve to the false Boolean condition. No columns for the
EmployeeSecurity table can be queried by a member of the Sales Employees by Territory user role.
9. For the DimSalesTerritory table, type the following formula:
In this formula, the LOOKUPVALUE function returns all values for the
DimEmployeeSecurity[SalesTerritoryId] column, where the EmployeeSecurity[LoginId] is the same as the
current logged on Windows user name, and EmployeeSecurity[SalesTerritoryId] is the same as the
The set of sales territory IDs returned by LOOKUPVALUE is then used to restrict the rows shown in the
DimSalesTerritory table. Only rows where the SalesTerritoryID for the row is in the set of IDs returned by
the LOOKUPVALUE function are displayed.
10. In Role Manager, click Ok.
See Also
Supplemental lesson - Ragged hierarchies
4/13/2018 • 2 min to read • Edit Online
In this supplemental lesson, you resolve a common problem when pivoting on hierarchies that contain blank
values (members) at different levels. For example, an organization where a high-level manager has both
departmental managers and non-managers as direct reports. Or, geographic hierarchies composed of Country-
Region-City, where some cities lack a parent State or Province, such as Washington D.C., Vatican City. When a
hierarchy has blank members, it often descends to different, or ragged, levels.
Tabular models at the 1400 compatibility level have an additional Hide Members property for hierarchies. The
Default setting assumes there are no blank members at any level. The Hide blank members setting excludes
blank members from the hierarchy when added to a PivotTable or report.
Estimated time to complete this lesson: 20 minutes
This supplemental lesson topic is part of a tabular modeling tutorial. Before performing the tasks in this
supplemental lesson, you should have completed all previous lessons or have a completed Adventure Works
Internet Sales sample model project.
If you've created the AW Internet Sales project as part of the tutorial, your model does not yet contain any data or
hierarchies that are ragged. To complete this supplemental lesson, you first have to create the problem by adding
some additional tables, create relationships, calculated columns, a measure, and a new Organization hierarchy.
That part takes about 15 minutes. Then, you get to solve it in just a few minutes.
=[FirstName] & " " & [MiddleName] & " " & [LastName]
6. In the DimEmployee table, create a hierarchy named Organization. Add the following columns in-order:
Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4, Level5.
7. In the FactResellerSales table, create the following measure:
8. Use Analyze in Excel to open Excel and automatically create a PivotTable.
9. In PivotTable Fields, add the Organization hierarchy from the DimEmployee table to Rows, and the
ResellerTotalSales measure from the FactResellerSales table to Values.
As you can see in the PivotTable, the hierarchy displays rows that are ragged. There are many rows where
blank members are shown.
See Also
Lesson 9: Create hierarchies
Supplemental Lesson - Dynamic security
Supplemental Lesson - Detail rows
Manage Azure Analysis Services with PowerShell
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
This article describes PowerShell cmdlets used to perform Azure Analysis Services server and database
management tasks.
Server management tasks such as creating or deleting a server, suspending or resuming server operations, or
changing the service level (tier) use Azure Resource Manager (AzureRM ) cmdlets. Other tasks for managing
databases such as adding or removing role members, processing, or partitioning use cmdlets included in the same
SqlServer module as SQL Server Analysis Services.
Most PowerShell tasks require you have Admin privileges on the Analysis Services server you are managing.
Scheduled PowerShell tasks are unattended operations. The account running the scheduler must have Admin
privileges on the Analysis Services server.
For server operations using AzureRm cmdlets, your account or the account running scheduler must also belong to
the Owner role for the resource in Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC ).
Server operations
Azure Analysis Services cmdlets are included in the AzureRM.AnalysisServices component module. To install
AzureRM cmdlet modules, see Azure Resource Manager cmdlets in the PowerShell Gallery.
Database operations
Azure Analysis Services database operations use the same SqlServer module as SQL Server Analysis Services.
However, not all cmdlets are supported for Azure Analysis Services.
The SqlServer module provides task-specific database management cmdlets as well as the general-purpose
Invoke-ASCmd cmdlet that accepts a Tabular Model Scripting Language (TMSL ) query or script. The following
cmdlets in the SqlServer module are supported for Azure Analysis Services.
Related information
Download SQL Server PowerShell Module
Download SSMS
SqlServer module in PowerShell Gallery
Tabular Model Programming for Compatibility Level 1200 and higher
Azure Analysis Services samples
4/13/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online
Use the following sample resources to help you learn about and test Analysis Services for your environment.
Code samples
The Analysis Services repository on GitHub includes open source code samples and community projects.
Next steps
Adventure Works tutorial
Azure On-premises Data Gateway