Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
typically face?
Certainly! Here's a survey question to gather information about specific reading comprehension
challenges that Spanish learners typically face, using a scale from 0 to 5:
Survey Question:
On a scale from 0 to 5, please rate the following specific reading comprehension challenges that you,
as a Spanish learner, typically face:
1: Slight challenge
2: Moderate challenge
3: Considerable challenge
4: Significant challenge
5: Very challenging
1: Slight challenge
2: Moderate challenge
3: Considerable challenge
4: Significant challenge
5: Very challenging
1: Slight challenge
2: Moderate challenge
3: Considerable challenge
4: Significant challenge
5: Very challenging
1: Slight challenge
2: Moderate challenge
3: Considerable challenge
4: Significant challenge
5: Very challenging
1: Slight challenge
2: Moderate challenge
3: Considerable challenge
4: Significant challenge
5: Very challenging
1: Slight challenge
2: Moderate challenge
3: Considerable challenge
4: Significant challenge
5: Very challenging
1: Slight challenge
2: Moderate challenge
3: Considerable challenge
4: Significant challenge
5: Very challenging
Overall, the observed lesson lacked effective implementation of reading strategies to improve
reading comprehension in the Spanish classroom. The teacher did not provide explicit guidance or
support during the reading activity, and there was a lack of student engagement and participation
during the discussion. Moving forward, the teacher needs to incorporate research-based reading
strategies and foster a supportive learning environment that encourages active student participation
and critical thinking in reading comprehension tasks.
Multimedia resources such as videos, podcasts, or interactive presentations related to Spanish texts
Comprehensive Instruction: It is vital to incorporate unambiguous and
precise instructions on the utilisation of digital activities, alongside guidance
on the use of proficient reading comprehension strategies, including
Skimming and Scanning, SQ3R Technique, Active reading, Detailed reading,
and the KWL reading method. The provision of clear instructions within digital
activities is crucial in facilitating students' ability to apply good reading
comprehension strategies (Muijs & Reynolds, 2018). This criterion facilitates
the cultivation of a more profound comprehension of how to handle and
interact with texts to improve understanding.
Interface Design: Develop interfaces for digital activities that prioritise user-
friendliness, ensuring straightforward navigation for both students and
teachers (Geerts & Kralingen, 2018). These interfaces should include clear
instructions and prompts to facilitate ease of use. Creating an intuitive
interface for digital activities is crucial for enhancing usability and enabling
navigation for both students and teachers. To optimise engagement and
effectiveness, this criterion aims to minimise the learning curve associated
with the utilisation of the activities. Consequently, Lesson Up has been
chosen because of its user-friendly interface and the convenience of
accessing it from home for students who wish to engage in additional
practice after school.
Feedback and assessment: Integrate functionalities that offer prompt
feedback on student replies and progress during digital activities, along with
chances for formative assessment to track the growth of comprehension
abilities (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). The use of Lesson Up, online
resources, and interactive material can enhance the overall efficacy of
language instruction by providing immediate feedback.
Firstly, I defined the research question: "How can Spanish teachers at Vissert Hooft Lyceum
Leiderdorp integrate digital activities to improve the reading comprehension skills of 3
HAVO/VWO students?”
The objectives of this research question were the following: