Zigbee WIFI Radiator Actuator User Manual: Installation and Initial Commissioning
Zigbee WIFI Radiator Actuator User Manual: Installation and Initial Commissioning
Zigbee WIFI Radiator Actuator User Manual: Installation and Initial Commissioning
days, 6 means 6+1 days, 7 means 7 days), after press to access to hours setting, Short press
Automatic lock if no 0:close
access to temperature setting. press or to adjust value.
operation more than 10 1:open 0
Automatic mode parameter setting sequence: After finish Auto modem setting(ex:5+2), press minutes
access to first period hours setting, press or to adjust value. The minimum limit of the
press to access to first periof minute setting, press or to adjust value, press access to A4 setting temperature 1-15°C 5°C
working days first period temperature setting, press or to adjust value, press to set second The maximum limit of
A5 the setting temperature 16-70°C 35°C
time period,third time period...... from working day to holiday, After setting, do not operate the button
BOOST mode
for 10 seconds, the setting parameters will be automatically saved and the normal working interface
A6 operating time 100s-900s , Steps of 100 seconds 300Seconds
will be returned.
period Default period Default temperature 0-99
1 6:00-8:00 20℃ 99 mean valve open 100%
2 8:00-11:30 15℃ A7 Check valve opening
3 11:30—12:30 15℃ 5 mean valve open 5%
4 12:30—17:30 15℃ Heating start/stop
5 17:30—22:00 20℃
A8 Temperature hysteresis 0.5-1.5 1
6 22:00—6:00 15℃
0:vertical display 0
A9 Display mode
Advanced options 1:horizontal display
Press about 3-5s to access to setting interface, Short press until flashing, press to access to
advanced options,press or to adjust value, after finish setting every time, short press to set Control type of valve 0: PID 1:ON/OFF 0
next option, after finishing all ,don’t operate, after 10s it will automatically save and exit.
Display 88, using or to change
to 00, press to reset, The
AB Reset screen will be fully displayed for 2