• Explain important anatomical and physiological characteristics of musculoskeletal system
• Explain essential pathological concepts of diseases involving
Ø Joints
Ø Bones
Ø Muscles
Ø Cartilages
Ø Soft tissues
Ø Skin
• Describe the clinical applications of NSAIDs in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders
• Describe the basic and clinical pharmacology of drugs affecting bone and Mineral
• Describe the basic and clinical pharmacology of drugs used to treat Gout and Rheumatoid
• Describe the basic and clinical pharmacology of skeletal muscles relaxants
• Describe the drugs used for dermatological disorders.
Community medicine
• Classify accidents and injuries, burden of RTAs, prevention and control strategies of RTAs
• Define poliomyelitis and discuss the epidemiology, prevention, and control of poliomyelitis
• Define Ergonomics, Principles of Ergonomics, Epidemiology of MSK disorders and their
• Discuss burden and prevention of Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia and Rickets
Forensic medicine
• Define and classify wounds
• Describe types of hurt according to Qisas and Diyat Act
• Describe firearm and explosives injuries
• Describe RTAs, Railway and Aircraft injuries
• Describe the Medico legal aspects of wounds
• Describe Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia and develop its management plan
• Discuss Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis
• Discuss Myopathies
KMU (IHPER)- Central Curriculum Committee 7
• Describe types of fracture and explain the open fractures
• Explain the emergency treatment of an injured limb.
• Identify and describe common benign and malignant bone tumours.
• Describe common ligamentous, tendon injuries and common spinal fractures
• Describe the pathological lesions of skin and their clinical presentation with differential
• Interpret normal X-Rays and X-Rays showing structural deformities
• Explain bone pains and aches in children
• Discuss Congenital/Hereditary Myopathies
• Describe the basic Anatomy of Eye
• Discuss anatomy of Ear, Nose, Para nasal Sinuses and Oral Cavity
Communication Skills
• Dealing with patients
Behavioral Sciences / Professionalism
• Attributes of Professionalism
• Study Designs
• Research question
Special Pathology
• Identify morphological features of Basal cell carcinoma and Squamous cell carcinoma
• Identify morphological features of Tuberculous osteomyelitis
• Writing a prescription for a patient with Rheumatoid arthritis
• Writing a prescription for a patient with Gout
Forensic Medicine
• Identify types of mechanical wound
• Identify the causative weapon
• Identify the manner of wound causation
• Issue a medico legal certificate for the given wound
KMU (IHPER)- Central Curriculum Committee 8
• Acquire a thorough history in relevance to MSK and take focused general examination of
musculoskeletal system.
• Identify, evaluate and interpret the X-ray to diagnose fractures/musculoskeletal conditions
• Discuss the radiological characteristics of fractures and radiological characteristics of
While not necessarily taught explicitly, students are expected to develop following attitudes
throughout the course:
Describe PM findings
Explain Lightning
Community Rehabilitation of Define disabilities and its types, and 1
Medicine disabilities: concepts, and distinguish between
Poliomyelitis impairment, disability and
handicapped, and significance of
DALYs and QALYs.
Describe the Epidemiology,
determinants & distribution of
Describe the prevention and control
measures and rehabilitation of
Accidents and its Describe of types of accidents and
prevention their mechanisms and their
prevention (Haddon`s model)
Describe Road Traffic Accidents 1
Pathology Practicals
Week Topic Practical
Week 1 Tuberculous osteomyelitis Identify gross and microscopic
morphological features of
tuberculous osteomyelitis
Week 2 Osteogenic sarcoma, Identify gross and microscopic
Osteoclastoma and morphologic features of
chondrosarcoma osteogenic sarcoma,
osteoclastoma and
Week 3 ASO (Anti Streptolysin O) Perform ASO (Anti Streptolysin
test O) test by latex agglutination
Week 4 Tumors of Skin Identify gross and microscopic
features of
• Squamous cell carcinoma
• Basal cell carcinoma
Pharmacology Practicals
Week Topic Practical
Week 1 Gout Write prescription for Gout
Week 2 Rheumatoid Arthritis Write prescription for
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Week 4 Drugs used to treat Write down prescription for
Dermatological Disorders scabies.
Forensic Practicals
Week Topic Practical
Week 1 Examination of wound and • Abrasion
weapon • Bruise
• Laceration
• Incised wound
• Qisas and Diyat models/
• Dura prints of injuries
Week 2 Examination of wound and • Stab wound
weapon • Fracture
• Displacement
• Qisas and Diyat models of
injuries/ multimedia slides
Week 3 Examination of wound and Firearm injuries / Weapons
weapon Identification of bullets
Week 4 Writing a medico legal Medicolegal report writing in
certificate case of firearm Injuries
Text Books
1. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology by Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ, 14th Edition.
2. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, Clark MA, Finkel R, Rey JA, Whalen K, 7th
Reference Books:
1. Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Brunton LL 12th Edition.
Text Books
Reference Books:
1. Walter& Israel’s General Pathology"
2. Harsh Mohan's "Textbook of Pathology".
3. Pathology Illustrated
4. Stefan Silbernagl’s "Color Atlas of Pathophysiology"
5. Muir's Textbook of Pathology
Reference Books:
Reference Books:
1. Nasib R Awan
2. KrishanVij
3. Smart series (SSS) Forensic MCQs with explanation
4. Gazette Pakistan Penal Code (PPC)
5. VV Pillay and Rajesh Bardale
Community Medicine
1. Public Health & Community Medicine by Shah Ilyas Ansari; 8th Edition
2. Parks Textbook of Prevention & Social Medicine by K.Park; 24th Edition
Reference Books:
2. Short Kanski
3. Clinical Ophthalmology Shafi M Jatoi
Research and Biostatistics
1. A synopsis of epidemiology and basic statistics (Ali Muhammad Mir)
2. Statisstics at square one (TDVS winscow)
3. Essentials of research design and methodology. (GeoferryMarczyk)
4. The essentials of clinical epidemiology (Robert H)
Medicine & Allied
1. Kumar and Clark for Medicine 8th edition 2012
2. Davidson
Surgery & Allied
1. Bailey and Love. Short Practice of Surgery 25th edition 2008
2. Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment 13th edition 2009
1. PL Dhingra 7th edition
2. Cuming standards, ENT
KMU (IHPER)- Central Curriculum Committee 27
Paediatric Medicine
1. Text book of paediatrics, Pakistan paediatrics association
2. Essentials of paediatrics, Nelson, Eight edition
3. Basis of paediatrics, Pervez akbar khan, Ninth edition
*Research viva of 20 marks will be conducted in paper-L. However, the rest of 15 marks will be
decided by the concerned department internally for the contribution of the students in research
Table 3 OSCEs