Diplomatic Corps

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Diplomatic Corps

of the

Duchy of Urnst

Written by the Duchy of Urnst Triad

Version 1.3, June 20th, 2002

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Ranks & Branches of the Corps 3
Ranks and their Costs 3
Echelon Structure of the Orders 3
Advancement 4
Leaving the Orders 4
How to Join the Diplomatic Corps 4
Order of the Bear 5
Order of the White Bear 6
Order of the Shadow Bear 9
Order of the Crimson Bear 11
Appendix One: New Knowledge Skills 13

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Order of Crimson Bear
The Ducal Diplomatic Corps Rank Echelon Annual Testing Influence
TU Fee
The Ducal Diplomatic Corps was established near the Saboteur 5 22 650gp 2
end of the Greyhawk wars in an attempt to help find Elite 6 26 900gp 4
peaceful solution to the many disputes that were left at Saboteur
the end of the wars.
Unknown 7/8 ** ** **
Over the years their role has been expanded to fill ** As determined by the Duchy of Urnst Triad upon
many differing roles. They now act as diplomats to granting this rank. These ranks are also only available
foreign nations, spies for the Duke and at times they through appointment and cannot be attained by rank
even act as saboteurs. These combined together make advancement.
the Diplomatic Corps one of the most varied
organizations in the Duchy. Note: The Order of Crimson Bear is not currently
available for Player Characters to join.
Ranks & Branches of the Corps
Echelon Structure of the Orders
The corps is divided into three branches. One is
responsible for diplomatic affairs, one is for infiltration
and the third is for covert operations. Each branch has
a specific rank structure.
Order of the Bear
Entry into one of the elite orders requires entrance
from a lower order.
Echelon 1
Ranks and their Costs
Echelon 2
Order of the Bear
Rank Echelon Annual Testing Influence
TU Fee Order of the White Order of the
Bear Shadow Bear
Messenger 1 10 100gp 0
Clerk 2 10 200gp 0
Echelon 3 Echelon 3
Order of the White Bear
Rank Echelon Annual Testing Influence Echelon 4 Echelon 4
TU Fee
Acolyte 3 14 300gp 1 Echelon 5
Sponsor 4 18 450gp 1
Echelon 5
Speaker 5 22 650gp 2 Echelon 6 Order of the
Aide 6 26 900gp 4 Crimson Bear
Echelon 6
Ambassador 7 ** ** **
Echelon 7
Consul 8 ** ** **
Echelon 7
Echelon 5
Echelon 8
Order of the Shadow Bear
Echelon 8
Rank Echelon Annual Testing Influence Echelon 6
TU Fee
Operative 3 14 300gp 1 Echelon 7
Master 4 18 450gp 1
Operative Echelon 8
Spy 5 22 650gp 2
Master Spy 6 26 900gp 4
Unknown 7/8 ** ** **

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• Year 1 – Thort pays 20 of 26 time unit’s –
Advancement is only available at least every six Benefits Dropped
months, usually more. For each influence point with a
• Year 2 – Thort pays 26 of 26 time unit’s –
Duchy noble house the time between advancements
Benefits Restored
may be reduced by one month. This represents that
house’s ability to politically maneuver a candidate into • Year 3 – Thort pays 20 of 26 time unit’s –
a better appointment. Benefits Dropped
• Year 4 – Thort pays 20 of 26 time unit’s –
Additionally, influence points must be spent in order for Expelled
an open position to be found for the candidate. The
amount of influence that must be used is determined If the character leaves the corps at any time for any
by the character’s current rank. reason, they may no longer gain levels in any prestige
classes that they do not have access to from any other
The testing fees must be paid at the time of source. The same applies to feats and equipment.
advancement. If they are not paid then the
advancement does not proceed; any influence points
spent on reducing the time are considered to have
How to Join the Diplomatic
been spent and cannot be reclaimed. Corps
A character may only be a member of one branch at a You must have:
time. If they wish to change branches then they must • Your character sheet.
qualify and join at the lowest echelon of that branch.
• Your most recent adventure certificate.
Ex. Thort is echelon 5 in the Order of the White Bear
• The certifications for regional influence points
and now wishes to join the Order of the Shadow Bear.
you are using to join. Uncerted influence points
He must qualify for and join echelon 3 of the Shadow
cannot be used.
Bear. This is true in all cases except when a member
• Your RPGA membership card, showing a valid
of the Crimson Bear wishes to return to the Shadow
Bear, a change that may be done without penalty. expiration date in the future.
If you are completing sign-up through mail, you should
submit photocopies of your character sheet, most
Leaving the Orders recent adventure certificate, and RPGA membership
card. Retain photocopies of the influence certificates
A member of the orders may leave the orders, for your own records. You must also have to send the
however, doing so disgraces them and also results in following items:
fines being imposed by the Ducal Exchequer for
“miscellaneous paperwork”. These fines amount to • A contact name, phone number and email
twice the testing fee for whatever echelon the address.
character had reached. The disgrace is represented by • A SASE 8½ by 11 envelope with enough room
a –1 circumstance penalty to Charisma related checks for a page and a stiffener.
while interacting with nobles, Ducal officers (any Ducal Use of registered mail is recommended, but normal
organization) or civic officials while in the Duchy of mail also works. If mailing international please check
Urnst. This penalty is applied for one year, or until the your postage for both ways (if sending a SASE). If no
PC has gained three new influence points in the Duchy SASE is provided then you will be emailed to arrange
of Urnst, whichever comes first. for you to get your certificate. Please mail applications
Any member who does not pay the complete yearly
time unit’s for their echelon (ex. Thort can only pay 20 James Zwiers
of the 26 time units he needs to pay to continue as a 4169 Palamos St.
Master Spy.) Because he cannot pay the full amount Victoria, British Columbia
his rank benefits are dropped to that of the next lowest Canada, V8N 5V8
rank. If next year he cannot pay the costs again then Advancement in the Diplomatic Corps is only available
he must leave the organization. If he can pay the costs through this mail-in process.
then he is reinstated at full rank and benefits.

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Order of the Bear Clerk (Echelon 2)
The Order of the Bear is a stepping-stone for many A simple step up from a Messenger, a clerk is given
young Suel nobles and others. It offers a less rigorous access to areas in the Diplomatic Repository that
regime than the Ducal Guard, but still garners the contains information of a sensitive nature. In addition to
same respect among social circles. Many eventually simple filing duties clerks are expected to transcribe
leave the Order to perform other duties, but those who copies of legal documents and prepare legal
remain aspire to one day be appointed as ambassador documents for ratification.
to some foreign and exotic land.
Messenger (Echelon 1) • Messenger for six months
• Gather Information, 2 ranks*
Before becoming a clerk in the order applicants are
required to relay messages for the Corps. They often • Diplomacy, 4 ranks
visit the far corners of the Duchy, usually to serve • Bluff or Innuendo, 2 ranks
notices from the Ducal Courts. When not fulfilling their
duties as messengers they are expect to care for their
mounts and those of the other officials in the Corps. • Have the “Page to the Diplomatic Corps”
Requirements • Diplomacy, 4 ranks.
• Speak two languages other than common.
• Speak two languages other than Common.
• Ride, 4 ranks.
• Diplomacy, 1 rank. You need not have served as a Messenger for any
• Must own a horse or purchase a horse period of time to achieve this rank.
immediately after attaining the echelon.
* Bards whose Bardic Lore bonus is equal to or greater
Benefits than the required ranks can substitute Bardic lore for
• A messenger receives a +1 circumstance the listed skill.
bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff, Perform and Sense
Motive when dealing with nobles in the Duchy Benefits
of Urnst. As Messenger plus:
• A 10% discount of the price of riding horses • Access to the Trustworthy feat from the Song
(not including war horses) and tack. and Silence class guidebook.
• A +1 competence bonus to Sense Motive skill • A 25% discount off the Adventurer’s Standard
checks within the Duchy of Urnst. lifestyle while in the Duchy of Urnst.
• A +1 competence bonus to Search in libraries
in the Duchy of Urnst.
• Access to the Obscure Lore feat from the Song
and Silence class guidebook.
• A 10% discount off the price of courtier’s or
noble’s outfits.

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Order of the White Bear Sponsor (Echelon 4)
The Order of the White Bear is dedicated to the A Sponsor, unlike an Acolyte, begins to make
preservation and creation of peace. Many forgo appearances in the Ducal courts as aides to the
weapons entirely. Speakers. This gives them more freedom and exposes
them to the difficult life that a diplomat and lawman
Acolyte (Echelon 3) must lead. They also are sent as minor aides on some
diplomatic missions.
Young diplomats carry the rank of acolyte and serve in
the more menial functions of diplomacy. They are often Requirements
charged with making sure that every detail of a • Acolyte for 10 months
scheduled meeting location is immaculately clean and
• Diplomacy, 8 ranks
well prepared. They transcribe notes of conversations
and serve as filing clerks, personal secretaries, and • Gather Information, 7 ranks*
translators. This prepares them for their role as future • Knowledge (Ducal Law), 6 ranks**
diplomats, although many acolytes never advance • 50% Suel
beyond this point. The life of an acolyte is comfortable.
* Bards whose Bardic Lore bonus is equal to or greater
Requirements than the required ranks can substitute Bardic lore for
• Messenger for eight months the listed skill.
• Speak and write four languages other than ** See Appendix One for information regarding
Common. Knowledge checks with this skill.
• Bluff or Innuendo, 6 ranks
• Knowledge (nobility and royalty), 4 ranks Benefits
• Knowledge (Ducal Law), 2 ranks As Acolyte plus:
• A +3 competence bonus to Sense Motive while
in the Duchy of Urnst.
As Messenger plus:
• A +3 circumstance bonus to Charisma-related
• Access to the Charlatan and Multicultural feats checks when interacting with nobles in the
from the Song and Silence class guidebook. Duchy of Urnst.
• A +2 competence to Search checks in libraries • A +3 competence bonus to Search checks in
in the Duchy of Urnst. libraries in the Duchy of Urnst.
• A +1 competence bonus to Knowledge (nobility • A +1 circumstance bonus to Bluff and
and royalty), Knowledge (Ducal Law) and Innuendo checks while in social situations in
Knowledge (Duchy of Urnst). the Duchy of Urnst.
• Access to the Dash feat from the Song and
Silence class guidebook.
• Access to weighted sleeves from the Song and
Silence class guidebook at a 5% discount.
• A 50% discount off the Rich Lifestyle while
adventuring in the Duchy of Urnst.

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Speaker (Echelon 5) Aide (Echelon 6)
A Speaker is an official representative of the Duke and An aide to an ambassador is a direct representative of
Honorable Chamber in the Ducal Courts and those of the Duchy of Urnst to a foreign nation. They are
foreign nations. They are usually involved in required to act as negotiators and lawyers for the
negotiations as advisors on Ducal Law. While still not Duchy. If required they can assume the full duties of an
directly involved with diplomatic mission they are closer ambassador without appointment. This only occurs
to being appointed to join a mission than any others in during times when the current ambassador is unable to
the Order. perform his/her duties.

Requirements Requirements
• Sponsor for 12 months • Speaker for 18 months
• Knowledge (nobility and royalty), 8 ranks • Skill Focus (Diplomacy) feat
• Knowledge (Ducal Law), 8 ranks • Perform: Oration, 8 ranks
• Additional Knowledge skill, 4 ranks* • Bluff, 8 ranks
• Perform: Oration, 4 ranks • Gather Information, 8 ranks*
• 100% Suel • Additional Knowledge skill, 8 ranks**
* Choose any foreign nation. This is the nation that you • Knowledge (Underworld), 2 ranks***
will specialize in and to which you will one day * Bards whose Bardic Lore bonus is equal to or greater
hopefully become an aide or ambassador. than the required ranks can substitute Bardic lore for
the listed skill.
** See above.
As Sponsor plus: *** See Appendix One for information regarding
• A +2 competence bonus to Bluff and Innuendo Knowledge checks with this skill.
skill checks Benefits
• A +3 competence bonus to Knowledge (nobility
As Speaker plus:
and royalty), Knowledge (Ducal Law), and
Knowledge (Duchy of Urnst). • A +4 competence bonus to Innuendo and Bluff
• A +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks skill checks
when interacting with Suloise people in the • A +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks
Duchy of Urnst. when dealing with non-Suloise individuals in
• Access to the Alluring and Persuasive feats the Duchy of Urnst.
from the Song and Silence class guidebook. • A +4 competence bonus to Sense Motive skill
• A 5% discount off spells cast by a cleric of a checks in the Duchy of Urnst.
Suel deity while in the Duchy of Urnst.
• A +4 circumstance bonus to Charisma-related
• A 10% discount off the price of the Luxury skill checks when dealing with nobles from the
lifestyle while in the Duchy of Urnst. Duchy of Urnst.
• A +4 competence bonus to Search checks in
libraries in the Duchy of Urnst.
• Access to the Spymaster Prestige Class from
the Song and Silence class guidebook, with
the following restriction: One additional skill
point at each level must be spent on
Knowledge (Ducal Law).
• A 50% discount off the price of the Luxury
lifestyle while in the Duchy of Urnst.
• A 10% discount on weighted sleeves, as
described in the Song and Silence class

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• A 10% discount off the price of spells cast by
Ambassador (Echelon 7)
clerics of Suel deities within the Duchy of
Urnst. Position is by appointment from the Duke and
• Access to the Jack of All Trades feat from Honorable Chamber only. Any character that is
Song and Silence class guidebook; however, appointed as an Ambassador will be out of play for a
the benefit only applies to Charisma-related period of time as determined by the triad.
and Knowledge skills.
• A reputation of Great prestige (+2 modifier) for
purposes of attracting cohorts who respect the Consul (Echelon 8)
laws and government of the Duchy of Urnst. Position is by appointment from the Duke and
• A reputation of Aloofness (-1 modifier) for Honorable Chamber only. Any character that is
purposes of attracting cohorts who are appointed Consul will be out of play for a period of
outlaws, chaotically aligned, or otherwise do time as determined by the triad.
not respect the laws and government of the
Duchy of Urnst.

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Order of the Shadow Bear Master Operative (Echelon 4)
The Order of the Shadow Bear is dedicated to the Master Operatives are usually assigned to follow
collection of sensitive information, most of which the suspects and report on their doings. Occasionally they
original owners would rather not have publicly known. are sent on diplomatic missions as discreet observers.
Many members of the Corps elect to remain as Master
Operative (Echelon 3) Operatives because the pay is good and the danger is
relatively small compared to that faced by the spies.
Operatives enter the field at times to perform data
collection, however, they usually serve as field Requirements
contacts for Master Operatives and occasionally Spies. • Operative for 10 months
They are trained to be masters of hiding in shadows
• 7 ranks in Move Silently
and assuming alternate personas.
• 7 ranks in Gather Information*
Requirements • 7 ranks in Disguise
• Clerk for eight months • 4 ranks in Knowledge: Underworld
• Hide, 7 ranks
* Bards whose Bardic Lore bonus is equal to or greater
• Bluff or Tumble, 7 ranks than the required ranks can substitute Bardic lore for
• Disguise, 5 ranks the listed skill.
• Expertise feat
Benefits As Operative plus:
As Clerk plus:
• Access to the Chink in the Armor, Expert
• Access to the Fleet of Foot and Shadow feats Tactician, and Quicker that the Eye feats from
from the Song and Silence class guidebook. the Song and Silence class guidebook. (Note
• A -1 circumstance penalty to all Charisma- that the version of the Expert Tactician feat in
related skill checks if it is publicly known or Song and Silence supersedes the version in
rumored that this character is a member of the Sword and Fist and must be used instead.)
Order of the Shadow Bear. This penalty only • Access to Dirty Fighting feat from the Sword
applies in the Duchy of Urnst. and Fist class guidebook.
• A +1 competence bonus to Disguise, Hide, • Access to double-sided clothes, as described
Move Silently and Search skill checks in urban in the Song and Silence class guidebook, at a
areas of the Duchy of Urnst. 5% discount.
• A 50% discount off the Rich Lifestyle while in
the Duchy of Urnst.
• A +3 competence bonus to Sense Motive skill
checks in the Duchy of Urnst.

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Spy (Echelon 5) Master Spy (Echelon 6)
Spies serve the Order in many varied and dangerous Master spies are sent as infiltrators into politically
ways. Some spies are contacts in the criminal unstable areas, into war zones and into magically
underworld of the Duchy. Others serve as spies dangerous areas. A master spy must be able to survive
operating out of the embassies of the Duchy in foreign without support and must be prepared to accept the
capitals. Some others serve as observers inside the possibility of death in hostile hands. Because of the
noble houses of the Duchy. danger of the position they are given luxury treatment
while at home. They are also able to resist many types
Requirements of mind control due to extensive training.
• Master Operative for one year
• Hide, 8 ranks Requirements
• Spy for 18 months
• Knowledge (Underworld), 6 ranks*
• Bluff or Tumble, 8 ranks
• Move Silently, 8 ranks
• Gather Information, 8 ranks
• Disguise, 8 ranks
• Knowledge (underworld), 8 ranks
* See Appendix One for information regarding
• Knowledge (Ducal Law), 2 ranks*
Knowledge checks with this skill
• Evasion as class feature
Benefits • Iron Will feat
As Master Operative plus: * See Appendix One for information regarding
• Access to the Arterial Strike feat from the Song Knowledge checks with this skill
and Silence class guidebook.
• Access to the Dual Strike feat from the Sword Benefits
and Fist class guidebook. As Spy plus:
• Access to mechanical burglars of type I or type
• Access to the Spymaster prestige class, as
II, as described in the Song and Silence class described in the Song and Silence class
guidebook, at a 5% discount off list price.
guidebook, with the following additional
• Access to the spool of endless rope, as requirement: One skill point at each
described in the Song and Silence class subsequent level must be spent on Knowledge
guidebook. (Underworld).
• A +3 competence bonus to Disguise, Hide,
• Access to the Jack of All Trades feat, as
Move Silently, and Search skill checks in urban
described in the Song and Silence class
areas of the Duchy of Urnst.
• A -3 circumstance penalty to all Charisma-
related skill checks if it is publicly known or • Access to Death Blow and Remain Conscious
rumored that the character is a member of the feats, as described in the Sword and Fist class
Order of the Shadow Bear. This penalty guidebook.
applies only within the Duchy of Urnst. • A 50% discount off the price of the Luxury
• A 10% discount off the price of the Luxury lifestyle in the Duchy of Urnst.
lifestyle while in the Duchy of Urnst. • Access to double-sided clothes, as described
in the Song and Silence class guidebook, at a
10% discount.
• A +4 competence bonus to Sense Motive skill
checks when dealing with residents of the
Duchy of Urnst.
• A +4 competence bonus to Disguise, Hide,
Move Silently, and Search skill checks in urban
areas of the Duchy of Urnst.

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• A +2 competence bonus to Disguise, Hide,
Move Silently and Search skill checks in non-
urban areas of the Duchy of Urnst.
• A reputation of Aloofness (-1 modifier) for
purposes of attracting cohorts who respect the
laws and government of the Duchy of Urnst.
• A reputation of Great prestige (+2 modifier) for
purposes of attracting cohorts who are
outlaws, chaotically aligned, or otherwise do
not respect the laws and government of the
Duchy of Urnst. These bonuses only apply to
attracting cohorts who are members of the
Order of the Shadow Bear. In addition, any
cohort gained using this modifier must be
obtained from the Duchy of Urnst Triad
Metagaming Director. Contact the coordinator
of this organization for more information.
Knowledge of these two levels is severely limited; their
existence cannot even be confirmed by anyone outside
of the Order of the Shadow Bear, and those in the
Order of the Shadow Bear refuse to speak on the

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• Access to scentbreaker, as described in the
Order of the Crimson Bear Song and Silence class guidebook, at a 10%
The Order of the Crimson Bear is dedicated to the discount.
disruption of enemy forces, communications and • Access to alchemist’s arrows, as described in
political stability. the Sword and Fist class guidebook, at a 10%
Note: The Order of the Crimson Bear is not available
• A 10% discount off the price of the Luxury
to characters at this time. It may become available at
lifestyle while in the Duchy of Urnst.
some point in the future.

Saboteur (Echelon 5)
Saboteurs lead lives of excitement and danger. They
travel to exotic locations and perform daring feats of
terror. A saboteur may be called to serve as a member
of an elite strike force for the Ducal Guard during times
of war.

• Master Operative for one year
• Hide, 8 ranks
• Alchemy, 3 ranks
• Move Silently, 8 ranks
• Disguise, 8 ranks
As Master Operative plus:
• Access to the Arterial Strike and Jack of All
Trades feats, as described in the Song and
Silence class guidebook.
• Access to the Improved Swimming and Resist
Poison feats, as described in the Masters of
the Wild class guidebook.
• Access to waterproofing, as described in the
Song and Silence class guidebook, at 110% of
list price.
• A +3 circumstance competence bonus to
Disguise, Hide, Move Silently, and Search skill
checks in urban areas of the Duchy of Urnst.
• A -3 circumstance penalty to all Charisma-
related skill checks if it is publicly known or
rumored that the character is a member of the
Order of the Crimson Bear or the Order of the
Shadow Bear. This penalty applies only within
the Duchy of Urnst.
• A +2 competence bonus to Alchem, Disable
Device, and Search checks when creating,
defusing, searching for, and identifying
• A 10% discount off the price of acid and
alchemist’s fire.

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• A +4 competence bonus to Disguise, Hide,
Elite Saboteur (Echelon 6)
Move Silently, and Search skill checks in urban
Elite saboteurs serve as indivi dual strike forces. They areas of the Duchy of Urnst.
may be sent to such dangerous areas as the Bright • A +4 competence bonus to Alchemy, Disable
Desert or the Plague Hold of Iuz to sow destruction. Device, and Search skill checks when creating,
They may also be assigned to look into and remove defusing, searching for, and identifying
potential threats to the security of the Duchy as a explosives.
whole. Such involvement is usually covert although • A +2 competence bonus to Disguise, Hide,
some are well known. Move Silently, and Search skill checks in non-
urban areas of the Duchy of Urnst.
• A reputation of Aloofness (-1 modifier) for
• Saboteur for 18 months
purposes of attracting cohorts who respect the
• Bluff or Tumble, 8 ranks laws and government of the Duchy of Urnst.
• Gather Information, 8 ranks • A reputation of Great prestige (+2 modifier) for
• Alchemy, 6 ranks purposes of attracting cohorts who are
• Evasion as class feature outlaws, chaotically aligned, or otherwise do
not respect the laws and government of the
Benefits Duchy of Urnst. These bonuses only apply to
As Saboteur plus: attracting cohorts who are either members of
the Order of the Shadow Bear and no higher
• Access to the Outlaw of the Crimson Road than echelon 4 or are members of the Order of
prestige class, as described in the Song and the Crimson Bear. In addition, any cohort
Silence class guidebook, with the following gained using this modifier must be obtained
restrictions and additions: from the Duchy of Urnst Triad Metagaming
1. A Writ of Outlawry is considered to Director. Contact the coordinator of this
have been pronounced upon you for organization for more information.
the purposes of gaining levels in the
prestige class. Unknown
2. You must select the Urnst states (the Knowledge of these two levels is severely limited and
Duchy of Urnst and County of Urnst) their existence cannot even be confirmed by anyone
as the group that is immune to your outside of the Order, and those in the Order refuse to
depredations for the Outlaw’s Code. speak on the matter.
This means that you may not use your
class features on any non-evil citizen
of the Duchy of Urnst or County of
Urnst or use them on any
governmental official of the Duchy of
Urnst or County of Urnst.
3. The Legend class ability only applies
to those who know of your
membership in the Order of the
Crimson Bear.
• Access to the Death Blow and Feign
Weakness feats, as described in the Sword
and Fist class guidebook.
• Access to the Pyro feat, as described in the
Song and Silence class guidebook.
• A 50% discount off the price of the Luxury
lifestyle in the Duchy of Urnst.
• Access to double-side clothes and
waterproofing, as described in the Song and
Silence class guidebook, at a 10% discount.
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Appendix One: New Knowledge Skills
Two new knowledge skills are introduced in this
document; they are Ducal Law and Underworld. These
skills may be used at the judgment of the DM, or as
explicitly outlined in a published adventure.
Knowledge (Ducal Law)
This represents a character’s understanding and ability
to recall the current and past laws that have been
enacted by the current and past Dukes.
Example DC’s:
• DC 10 – What is the law when someone
murders a commoner?
• DC 15 – What is the law when a noble kills
another noble of a lower class house?
• DC 20 – What is the law when a noble
indirectly challenges the authority of the Duke?
• DC 25 – What was the law 50 years ago for
when a noble raided a neighbors land?
Knowledge (Underworld)
This represents a character’s knowledge of the
workings of the criminal underworld in the Duchy of
Urnst. It also represents their knowledge of the current
leaders of the criminal underworld.

Example DC’s:
• DC 5 – Is there a criminal organization in
• DC 10 – Is there a criminal organization in
• DC 15 – Does the criminal organization in
Seltaren have a standard meeting location?
• DC 20 – Who is the current leader of the
organization in Seltaren?
• DC 25 – Who was the leader of the Seltaren
organization 50 years ago?

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