Discharge Nozzle Design Topology 26092023
Discharge Nozzle Design Topology 26092023
Discharge Nozzle Design Topology 26092023
The electrical room 2, room 3 and room 6 of Infineon FAB 3 are protected by Sinorix 1230 gas extinguishing
system. Due to various room height in respective room which including the under raised floor layer thus
the specific nozzle placement is crucial to perform dynamic and even distribution in the protected room.
Each room consists of multiple cylinders and located at the designated storage area. Electrical Room 2
and 3 designed to have 3 protection layers whereas the Electrical Room 6 without the under raised floor
layer has 2 protection layers only.
The gas distribution for each protection layer as per Table 1 below:
The 180° discharge nozzle is designed for installation along the end of zones of the hazard, with discharge
directed away from the end of zone on which it is installed. The maximum-area coverage per nozzle is:
32 −x− 32 = 1,024 ft2. (95.1 m2). Refer to Figure 1.
The 360° discharge nozzle is designed to be installed in the center of the area being protected. The
maximum-area coverage per nozzle is: 40 −x− 40 = 1,600 ft2. (148.6 m2). Refer to Figure 2.
The maximum-coverage height, per Sinorix nozzle, is 16 feet (4.9 meters). Hazards with ceilings above 16
feet can be protected with multiple nozzles − up to a maximum height of 30 feet (9.2 meters).
Detail A System
c 1: 2nos of
c Detail B
180˚ nozzle
Refer to Figure 1,
½ Y ≤ 4.87m
X ≤ 9.8m
Refer to Figure 2,
½ Y ≤ 6.1m
X ≤ 12.2m