Steam Power @plant
Steam Power @plant
Steam Power @plant
Power Plant
➢ Thermal energy is the major source of power generation in India.
More than 60% of electric power is produced by steam plants in India. India has large
deposit of coal (about 170 billion tonnes), 5th largest in world. Indian coals are
classified as A-G grade coals.
➢ In Steam power plants, the heat of combustion of fossil fuels is utilized by the
to raise steam at high pressure and temperature. The steam so produced is used in
driving the steam turbines or sometimes steam engines couples to generators and thus
in generating electrical energy.
➢ Steam turbines or steam engines used in steam power plants not only act as prime
movers but also as drives for auxiliary equipment, such as pumps, stokers fans etc.
➢ Steam power plants may be installed either to generate electrical energy only or
generate electrical energy along with generation of steam for industrial purposes such
as in paper mills, textile mills, sugar mills and refineries, chemical works, plastic
manufacture, food manufacture etc.
➢ The steam for process purposes is extracted from a certain section of turbine and
the remaining steam is allowed to expand in the turbine. Alternatively the exhaust
steam may be used for process purposes.
➢ Thermal stations can be private industrial plants and central station.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Thermal
Power Plant
Advantages: ▪ It pollutes the atmosphere due to
▪ Less initial cost as compared to other the production of large amount of
generating stations. smoke. This is one of
▪ It requires less land as compared to hydro the causes of global warming.
power plant. ▪ The overall efficiency of a thermal
▪ The fuel (i.e. coal) is cheaper. power station is low (less than 30%).
▪ The cost of generation is lesser than that ▪ Requires long time for errection
of diesel power plants. and put into action.
▪ Costlier in operating in comparison
with that of Hydro and Nuclear
power plants.
▪ Requirement of water in huge
1. Operation (4-1). 1 kg of boiling water at
temperature T1 is heated to form wet
steam of dryness fraction x1. Thus heat is
absorbed at constant temperature T1 and
pressure p1 during this operation.
2. It is difficult to control the quality of the condensate coming out of the condenser so that
the state ‘3’ is exactly obtained.
3. The efficiency of the Carnot cycle is greatly affected by the temperature T1 at which heat
is transferred to the working fluid. Since the critical temperature for steam is only 374°C, therefore,
if the cycle is to be operated in the wet region, the maximum possible temperature is severely
4. The cycle is still more difficult to operate in practice with superheated steam due to the
necessity of supplying the superheat at constant temperature instead of constant pressure (as it is
Process 1-2 : Reversible adiabatic
expansion in the turbine
Process 2-3 : Constant-pressure transfer
of heat in the condenser.
Process 3-4 : Reversible adiabatic
pumping process in the feed pump.
Process 4-1 : Constant-pressure transfer
of heat in the boiler.
Working of Rankine cycle
Steam power plant basically works on the Rankine cycle in which steam and
water is working fluid.
In the boiler steam is generated from water by burning of coal. The Steam
which is expanded in a turbine, which produces mechanical power. The output
power of turbine is utilized to run the generator. The steam after expansion in
turbine is usually condensed in a condenser. The condensed steam (Water) is
again feed to the boiler and cycle is repeated.
Considering 1 kg of fluid :
Applying steady flow energy equation (S.F.E.E.) to boiler, turbine, condenser and pump :
(i) For boiler (as control volume)
Q1 = ℎ1 - ℎ4
(ii) For turbine (as control volume)
W𝑇 = ℎ1 - ℎ2
Increasing the Boiler Pressure: The mean temperature during the heat addition process is to
increase the operating pressure of the boiler, which automatically raises the temperature at
which boiling take place. Increase the thermal efficiency of the cycle .
Increase in turbine work
Increase in mean temperature of heat addition
Decrease in heat rejection
Increase in efficiency
Decrease in dryness fraction at exit of turbine
Superheating the steam: The average temperature at which heat is
added to the steam can be increased without increasing the boiler pressure by superheating the
steam to high temperatures. Superheating the steam to higher temperatures has very desirable
effect : It decreases the moisture content of the steam at the turbine exit . The temperature to
which steam can be superheated is limited by metallurgical consideration .
Disadvantages :
1. The plant becomes more complicated.
2. Because of addition of heaters greater maintenance is required.
3. For given power a large capacity boiler is required.
4. The heaters are costly and the gain in thermal efficiency is not much in comparison to
the heavier costs.
Layout of Steam Power Plant
Layout of Steam Power Plant
Essentials of Steam Power Plant Equipment
Availability of Coal: Huge amount of coal is required for raising the steam.
The steam power plants should be located near the coal mines to avoid the transport
of coal & ash.
Land Requirement:
The land is required not only for setting up the plant but for other purposes also such as
staff colony, coal storage, ash disposal etc.
Eg: For 2000MW plant, the land requirement may be of the order of 200-250 acres. As the
cost of the land adds up to the final cost of the plant, it should be available at a reasonable
price. Land should be available for future extension.
Transportation Facilities:
The facilities must be available for transportation of heavy equipment and fuels e.g
near railway station.
Labour supplies: Skilled and unskilled laborers should be available at reasonable
rates near the site of the plant.
Ash Disposal: Ash is the main waste product of the steam power plant and with low
grade coal, it may be 3.5 tones per day , some suitable means for disposal of ash
should be though of. It may be purchased by building contractors, or it can be used
for brick making near the plant site. If the site is near the coal mine it can be
dumped into the disused mines. In case of site located near a river,sea or lake ash
can be dumped into it.
Distance from populated area: The continuous burning of coal at the power station
Produces smoke, fumes and ash which pollute the surrounding area. Such a
pollution due to smoke is dangerous for the people living around the area. Hence,
the site of a plant should be at a considerable distance from the populated area.
The layout of a modern steam power plant comprises of the following four
circuits :
1. Coal and ash circuit.
2. Air and gas circuit.
3. Feed water and steam flow circuit.
4. Cooling water circuit.
Coal and Ash Circuit. Coal arrives at the storage yard and after necessary handling,
passes on to the furnaces.
Ash resulting from combustion of coal collects at the back of the boiler and is
removed to the ash storage yard through ash handling equipment.
Air and Gas Circuit. Air is taken in from atmosphere through the action of a forced .
Passes on to the furnace through the air preheater, where it has been
heated by the heat of flue gases which pass to the chimney via the preheater. The
flue gases after passing around boiler tubes and superheater ,economiser, and
finally through the air preheater before being exhausted to the atmosphere.
Feed Water and Steam Flow Circuit. Condensate is first heated in a closed feed water
heater through extracted steam from the lowest pressure extraction point of the turbine. It
then passes through the deaerator and a few
more water heaters before going into the boiler through economiser.
In the boiler drum and tubes, water circulates due to the difference between the density
of water in the lower temperature and the higher temperature sections of the boiler. Wet
steam from the drum is further heated up in the superheater for being supplied to the
prime mover.
A boiler (or steam generator) is a closed vessel in which water, under pressure , is
converted into steam. The heat is transferred to the boiler by all three modes of heat
transfer i.e. conduction ,convection and radiation.
Types of boilers
(i) fire tube boiler and (ii) water tube boiler
(iii)Horizontal, vertical or inclined
(iv) Externally fired and internally fired
Boiler Terms
Shell The shell of a boiler consists of one or more steel plates bent into a cylindrical form and riveted or welded together. The
shell ends are closed with the end plates.
Setting The primary function of setting is to confine heat to the boiler and form a passage for gases. It is made of brickwork
and may form the wall of the furnace and the combustion chamber.
Grate It is the platform in the furnace upon which fuel is burnt and it is made of cast iron bars. The bars are so arranged that
air may pass on to the fuel for combustion. The area of the grate on which the fire rests in a coal or wood fired boiler is called
grate surface
Mountings The items such as stop valve, safety valves, water level gauges, fusible plug, blow-off cock, pressure gauges,
water level indicator etc. are termed as mountings and a boiler cannot work safely without them.
Accessories The items such as super heaters, economisers, feed pumps etc. are termed as accessories and they form
integral part of the boiler. They increase the efficiency of the boiler.
Scale A deposit of medium to extreme hardness occurring on water heating surfaces of a boiler because of an undesirable
condition in the boiler water.
Blowing off The removal of the mud and other impurities of water from the lowest part of the boiler (where they usually
settle) is termed as blowing off .
Fire Tube Boiler Water tube boiler
Cochran boiler
1 Shell diameter 2.75 m
2 Height 5.79 m
3 Working pressure 6.5 bar (max. pressure = 15 bar)
4 Steam capacity 3500 kg/h (max. capacity = 4000 kg/h)
5 Efficiency 70 to 75% (depending on the fuel used)
Cornish boiler
1 No. of flue tubes 1
2 Diameter of the shell 1.25 to 1.75 m
3 Length of the shell 4 to 7 m
4 Pressure of the steam 10.5 bar
5 Steam capacity 6500 kg/h
Lancashire boiler
1 Diameter of the shell 2 to 3 m
2 Length of the shell 7 to 9 m
3 Maximum working 16 bar
4 Steam capacity 9000 kg/h
5 Efficiency 50 to 70%
Babcock and wilcox water tube boiler
1 Diameter of the drum 2 to 1.83 m
2 Length 6.096 to 9.144 m
3 Size of the water 7.62 to 10.16 cm
4 Size of superheater 3.84 to 5.71 cm
5 Efficiency 50 to 70%
6 Working pressure 40 bar (max.)
7 Steaming capacity 40000 kg/h (max.)
8 Efficiency 60 to 80%