Online Book Store For Students Design and Specification
Online Book Store For Students Design and Specification
Online Book Store For Students Design and Specification
Specification and Design
Document Acceptance and Release Notice
This document is authorised for release once all signatures have been obtained.
PREPARED: Date: / /
(for acceptance) <Name>
Project Manager, Student Group
ACCEPTED: Date: / /
(for release) Dr Paul Darbyshire
Project Sponsor, VIT
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................7
System Description...................................................................................................................9
Feasibility Analysis...................................................................................................................9
Technical Feasibility........................................................................................................9
Economic Feasibility........................................................................................................9
Organizational Feasibility..............................................................................................10
Requirements Specification....................................................................................................10
Use Cases..............................................................................................................................12
Use Case Diagrams......................................................................................................12
Use Case Descriptions..................................................................................................15
Context Model.........................................................................................................................15
Architectural Design................................................................................................................16
Database Structure.................................................................................................................17
Sequence Diagrams...............................................................................................................19
Interface Design......................................................................................................................18
State diagram.........................................................................................................................18
Database Relational Diagram.................................................................................................18
Executive Summary
The system resolves the issue of buying and searching books especially for students who
can buy their course books from the website. Also, they can sell their books after the
semester is ended. The website also offers books on charity basis so that the students who
can not afford the books for study can get books from the students who sell the books on
charity. There will be the online payment gateway to facilitate the students to pay by sitting at
their homes. There will also be the cash on delivery method for the students.
All these activities between seller and buyer will be monitored by the admin. An admin can
be an independent entity or part of an organization.
The system will follow agile development methodology, and will be completed in 6 weeks.
The activities that will take place are mentioned below:
Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6
Web Website design and Implementation Testing Bug fixes
Development prototype
The activities that will take place during development are demonstrated below:
This document is mainly concerned with the Design and Prototype Phase.
From the E-Commerce perspective, the business policies will be called C2C (Consumer-to-
Consumer). These policies may vary from organization to organization and are true business
drives that will be implemented by application.
The objectives behind the specifications are listed below.
System Description
The system is divided into three layers, following three tier architecture. The three layers are
user interface layer, business logic layer and database layer. In the objectives discussed
above, 1 to 5 are concerned with user interface layer, 6 to 8 with business logic layer and 9
to 13 with database layer.
The UI layer is concerned with implementing all the functionalities that will trigger events to
be handled in business logic layer. These controls (buttons, search bar, forms, etc) must be
properly validated because any improper action may cause huge business loss. The UI must
be easy enough so that naïve person can also use it properly. The UI must be rendered at
server to provide good SEO. For this reason, REST APIs will not be used. However, this
approach will increase server cost.
The business logic layer or server layer is responsible to implement all the C2C business
strategies and input/output processing to more data to/from database. To save time and cost
it will be implemented in DotNet using C# programming language and Visual Studio 2017.
By using this multi-threaded model users will get response time from servers. The multi-
threaded nature of DotNet will cause high CPU cost but in return will give high processing,
availability and usability.
The database layer is meant to store all logically related data. The design must be in
conformance with C2C business logic and support scalability to meet any change or new
requirement. For this reason, relational database (SQL database) will be used. Since
multiple users will be using application simultaneously, therefore database must have
concurrency, error checking and prioritization mechanism and great support for C# available.
This is the reason why SQL Server will be used.
Feasibility Analysis
The feasibility of project from different perspectives is proved below.
Technical Feasibility
One may argue that why multithreaded technology is used when its cost is high. The
reason is that, yes, in the initial state use of single threaded technology (like NodeJs)
will cause low cost. But once system grows, the organization may need to build entire
system again in multithreaded technology. This will make high consumption of
resources in terms of time and money. Therefore, its preferred to choose
multithreaded model at the first place.
The SQL server is preferred over no-SQL databases like MongoDB because SQL
can adopt future requirements and its deployment cost is much less than MongoDB.
Also, SQL Server is Secure than any other databases.
Economic Feasibility
The development cost is very low, that is, 1500$, as justified in project proposal. The
deployment cost can be controlled by using public cloud service, where organization
will pay on the factor of usage (pay as you use model of cloud).
Once the project starts generating revenue and number of users increases, the
project can be scaled up using same CSP (Cloud Service Provider).
The project will give economic benefits to the Admin of the website. The investment
is only in development cost and hosting cost.
Organizational Feasibility
The organization adopting this system will be completely feasible as initially it only
needs to hire admins who will monitor the selling and purchasing activities and rest of
the infrastructure needs will be fulfilled by CSP. Once the website grows then
technical person will be needed to manage activities related to cloud.
Requirements Specification
1. Students can Login and Register to the website.
2. Students can Upload their Books Picture, Title, Price, discount, Condition
etc to sell.
3. Students can give their books in charity to needy students or any
4. Seller Students can Add discount if they want.
5. Sellers Students can Check charity option if they want.
6. Students can recover password if forgot.
7. Students can contact admin before registration for any query. Reply will
be given through email.
8. Can change password and other profile information.
9. Buyer Students can search the Book with title.
10. Buyer Students can View All books.
11. Buyer Students can pay online by PayPal Account.
12. Buyer Students can buy charity books.
13. Buyer Students can get discount on some books.
14. Buyer Students can also avail feature of cash on delivery.
15. Buyer Students can search books by categories.
16. Admin can register another admin.
17. Admin can view and delete the Books.
18. Admin can delete and view the users.
19. The Payment will be given to the Admin’s Account then Admin will deduct
commission and return the rest price to the sellers.
20. Admin can email users.
21. Admin can manage sales and complete website.
• Reliability The system should be reliable and cannot crash during working.
• Availability The system should be available 24/7.
• Security The system should not allow unauthenticated users to enter into the
• Maintainability There will be no maintenance required for the software. The
database is provided by the end-user and therefore is maintained by this user.
• Portability The system should not be limited to some networks. It should be portable
we can access it anywhere anytime.
Use Cases
Admin can monitor users chats as well as sales of the website. The payment of sold books
will be transferred to Admin’s Account and then Admin will deduct some commission and
transfer rest of the money in sellers Account.
Sellers can upload their property. They can give discounts if they want and also, they can
give their books in charity.
Buyers can search the book by title as well as filter the books on the basis of books
categories. They can give online payment through PayPal or they can give cash on delivery.
Context Model
1- The assigned responsibilities to each layer should not mix.
2- No direct communication with database.
3- No unprocessed data pass to database.
4- UI must be server side rendered.
5- Each new request assigned to new thread in server.
6- User can only interact with UI layer.
7- Request-Response protocol will be used
8- User can generate 3 types of quires:
Type-1 that will be handled in UI layer like moving back, visiting pages from cache
memory etc
Type-2 that will be passed to and handled by business logic layer like visiting a static
Type-3 that will require database and will be processed in business logic before and
after passing them to database and UI layer.
Architectural Design
Sequence Diagram
Interface Design
State Diagram
Database Relational Diagram