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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

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Maintenance policies and models: A bibliometric and literature review of

strategies for reuse and remanufacturing
Augusto César de Jesus Santos a, Cristiano Alexandre Virgínio Cavalcante a, Shaomin Wu b, *
Department of Production Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife CEP, 50740-550, Brazil
University of Kent, Kent Business School, UK


Keywords: Reuse and remanufacturing have been widely studied in the maintenance related literature due to the imperative
Maintenance policy of preserving resources and protecting the environment. To provide researchers with a holistic view of the
Maintenance model existing research, there is a need to check how relevant methods have been developed. This paper undertakesa
bibliometric analysis and a comprehensive literature review of maintenance policies and models that deal with
reuse or remanufacturing as sustainable strategies. A total of 581 papers collected from Web of Science, Scopus,
and IEEE Xplore databases were analysed. 53 of them were chosen for further investigation after four selection
criteria were applied. The bibliometric analysis provided a general understanding of the publication trends while
the literature review built a taxonomy that organises the related literature under the dimensions of models,
businesses, and sustainable strategies, which creates novelty in the maintenance-sustainability related literature.
The main contribution is the classification of related papers and identification of the main knowledge gaps,
including the neglect of the environmental and social aspects of sustainability vis-à-vis the prioritisation of an
economic perspective.

1. Introduction provide a Preventive Maintenance (PM) policy that minimises conven­

tional, environmental, and social costs generated by maintenance in­
This paper presents a bibliometric analysis and a comprehensive terventions. The environmental cost is associated with the greenhouse
literature review of maintenance policies and models applied to the gas emissions attributable to maintenance activities and the social cost is
context of reuse and remanufacturing. Currently, maintenance models linked to accidents due to failures. However, maintenance models are
are widely applied in industries to promote better and cheaper main­ not generally considered and designed to deal with issues from envi­
tenance, reliability, quality, and safety in the operating process. More ronmental and social perspectives. Third, comprehensively investigating
recently, due to the advent of environmental concerns and the demand reuse-related strategies in the context of maintenance policies and
for sustainable operations, sustainable issues such as reusing or rema­ models is lacking: as described in the two following paragraphs, reuse
nufacturing products or industrial items have been considered in and remanufacturing have not been widely addressed in the mainte­
maintenance modelling. In the literature, however, recent sustainable nance model related literature, which presents a significant gap since
maintenance models focus their investigation on end-user products such these strategies are two of the most important ways to link maintenance
as automobiles, rather than on the equipment used in industrial plants. with sustainability.
As such, this paper aims to gain a clear understanding of how mainte­ Before delving deeply into the topic of reuse and remanufacturing,
nance models and policies have been developed in the context of reuse we need to recall that maintenance and sustainability have been
and remanufacturing and to identify the trends and gaps in knowledge investigated in a wider manufacturing context. Holgado et al. [4], for
development in relevant literature. instance, conducted exploratory research on the impacts and contribu­
The importance of this paper arises from three distinct facts. First, tions of maintenance models for sustainable manufacturing. The authors
sustainability is a thematic topic, on which more studies are needed [1]. analysed the strategic importance of maintenance in manufacturing and
Second, maintenance models can be used to generate economic, envi­ discussed the economic and environmental dimensions of maintenance
ronmental, and social benefits [2,3]. Franciosi et al. [3], for instance, in a case study. Franciosi et al. [5] studied the impacts of maintenance

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: s.m.wu@kent.ac.uk (S. Wu).

Received 25 May 2022; Received in revised form 4 November 2022; Accepted 14 November 2022
Available online 15 November 2022
0951-8320/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

on the sustainability of the manufacturing industry, provided a sys­ remanufacturing in the reliability and maintenance literature is imper­
tematic literature review to analyse the relationship between mainte­ ative for the development of further studies.
nance and sustainability, and proposed a conceptual framework for This paper therefore presents a bibliometric and network analysis,
measuring maintenance impacts on sustainability. Other interesting and a literature review. The former shows publication trends, the most
papers on measuring such impacts include [6,7]. Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek influential sources of publication, the most cited authors, etc. The latter
et al. [6] proposed a multiple criteria approach to helping emphasises the classification of the existing work in terms of the focus on
decision-makers (DMs) in improving economic, social, and environ­ product items, in terms of the model strategy, business strategy and
mental results of a system under maintenance and provided a case study sustainability strategy. From this discussion, further investigations are
to show the benefit of analysing sustainability in maintenance model­ suggested based on the identified knowledge gaps.
ling. Their proposed method allows for assessing the level of mainte­ The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 in­
nance sustainability by considering a maintenance indicator. Sari et al. troduces the methodology used in the paper. Section 3 presents biblio­
[7] suggested an integrated and hierarchical framework to assist DMs to metric and network analyses. Section 4 provides the literature review.
capture important perspectives when assessing the contributions of Section 5 answers the research questions and discusses the main gap in
“sustainable cleaner maintenance” and aligning them with the objec­ the literature. Finally, Section 6 draws conclusions and proposes future
tives of a company. Maintenance management in terms of the economic, research topics.
environmental, and social challenges of sustainable development is
approached by Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek et al. [8]. The authors indicated 2. Research methodologies
the latest trends in this area and described potential opportunities of
data-driven maintenance technology. The research methodologies used in this paper consist of developing
More specifically, some papers have reviewed topics relating either the bibliometric analysis and the literature review. The former is a useful
to maintenance models and policies or to reuse and remanufacturing but instrument to analyse current trends in the literature in a particular area
none have considered both areas jointly. Maintenance models and pol­ [16]. The latter provides a search and screening of publications and their
icies in warranty management were reviewed by [9,10] provided a subject [13]. The steps for developing this paper can be divided into four
systematic literature review on how maintenance tasks and maintenance important points: search strategy, document selection, relevant topics
management strategies are changing in the context of Industry 4.0. Kerin for bibliometric analysis, and research questions for the literature re­
and Pham [11] presented a literature review of the emerging digital view, as set out in the following sections.
technologies of Industry 4.0 in the context of remanufacturing, on which
little research can be reported in maintenance models or policies. Diallo 2.1. Search strategy
et al. [12] provided a review of quality, reliability, and maintenance
issues in closed-loop supply chains relating to remanufacturing and The brief umbrella review presented in the introduction section
focused on how these topics have been studied in the context of rema­ identified the topics to be reviewed in this paper. In the search strategy,
nufactured or second-hand products, but they did not investigate the keywords “maintenance model”, “maintenance policy”, “reuse”,
maintenance models or policies. Additionally, other important papers “remanufacturing” and “second-hand” were selected for investigation
that in some way relate maintenance to sustainability are as follows. based on the following considerations.
Saihi et al. [13] proposed a systematic review of modelling-based Regarding maintenance-related terms, a “maintenance model” is the
literature regarding maintenance and sustainability, organised rele­ use of quantitative methods to analyse and evaluate the performance of
vant literature based on application areas and modelling assumptions maintenance and refers to the mathematical formulae that can be used
and considered the combination of maintenance models with “sustain­ to optimise maintenance policies [17]. A “maintenance policy” is a type
ability”, “energy”, “Triple Bottom Line”, “environment”, “ecological”, of approach adopted based on the model, such as, the type and fre­
“green”, “carbon”, “emission” or “social”. Karuppiah et al. [14] pre­ quency of actions to be considered in maintenance [18]. Similarly, the
sented a literature review regarding the exploration of key barriers to term “maintenance strategy” is generally considered as a synonym of
sustainable predictive maintenance and analyse environmental, finan­ “maintenance policy”. The terms “maintenance policy” and “mainte­
cial, organisational, and social barriers. Vrignat et al. [15] presented a nance strategy” are used interchangeably in the literature. As such, we
literature review focused on sustainable manufacturing, maintenance only consider the terms “maintenance model” and “maintenance policy”
policies, and prognostics and health management from a perspective of in both the bibliometric analysis and in the literature review.
maintenance management policies. The main difference between the terms “reuse” and “remanufactur­
The above brief umbrella review (i.e., a review of reviews) surveys ing” is that the latter guarantees the remanufactured item/product being
prior related literature. It is found that there is no paper specifically restored as-good-as-new [19,20], whereas the former is commonly used
reviewing maintenance policies and models for the reuse and remanu­ for second-hand products [21]. Both terms are reuse-related terms and
facturing of product items, which provides the motivation of us to are more susceptibly associated with actions guided by maintenance
writing this current paper and filling this gap also creates its novelty. models, which is the reason why they were considered in both the
Reuse and remanufacturing are two of the topical themes that will have bibliometric analysis and in the literature review. On the other hand,
to be focused on by researchers from the reliability and maintenance “recycle” and “recover”, from their definitions, are more related to
community in future, mainly due to the increasing need to protect the processes not necessarily guided by maintenance models [22–24]. The
environment and to address global warming. They can also improve term “repair” is not necessarily associated with a reuse action but is used
resource efficiency and reduce manufacturing emissions, which are the in maintenance in a general approach [19].
greenhouse gas emissions generated during the period that a product is The Boolean operators “AND” and “OR” were used to establish the
being manufactured. As the European Commission stated1: maintenance link between keywords, which forms the search string: [ (("maintenance
extends product’s lifetime and has a higher potential to reduce the model" OR "maintenance policy") AND ("reuse" OR "remanufacturing"
environmental impact of manufacturing. As such, providing researchers OR "second-hand"))]. This search string was adapted according to the
and practitioners in the reliability and maintenance community with a search mechanism of the three databases used: Scopus, Web of Science,
holistic and comprehensive review of existing research on reuse and and IEEE Xplore. These three databases were selected to increase the
possibilities of finding more related papers. For the same reason, the
search field was defined as “all”, considering all available content of the
https://www.sciencedirect. documents from these databases. Finally, articles are included in the
com/science/article/pii/S0959652621006405#bib21 analysis while review papers are used for double-checking whether

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

other similar reviews have been previously documented. No time in­ inventory, energy consumption, non-conforming products, production
terval was defined to vary all possible data independently of the years of remanufacturing strategy, quality assessment of used-products, etc. As a
publications. Conference papers were not included in the analysis result of the selection process, 53 papers were investigated in detail.
because many of them were extended and published in journals, which Fig. 1 illustrates the process for selecting documents.
generally show more attractive results. For example, journal papers
[25–30] had prior developments in conference papers. Some consider­ 2.3. Relevant topics for the bibliometric analysis
ations on these prior developments are addressed in Section 4.3.
The topics chosen for examination in the bibliometric analysis were
2.2. Document selection as follows:

The mentioned search string resulted in 581 initial articles distrib­ i Publication trends: to verify the number of papers published per year
uted in Scopus (567 articles) and Web of Science (14 articles) databases. over the years.
IEEE Xplore did not return any result, given the search strategy that was ii Occurrence and co-occurrence of keywords: to quantify the most
adopted and described in the last section. After acquiring the data from common keywords and check the relationships amongst them.
the two databases, we removed duplicated papers: 14 articles found in iii Main and most influential sources of publication: to classify the
the Web of Science database were also presented in the Scopus database. popularity of the sources.
As a result, the articles from the Scopus database were considered for the iv Most influential papers: to emphasise the main papers.
analysis as they represent the entire dataset of articles from the search v Author influence and co-authorship: to present the influence of the
strategy adopted. The information about the articles listed in the .csv file main authors.
contains authors, title, year, source title, abstract, author keywords, etc.
The first filter of the data removed 13 review papers that were The examination of topics i, iii and iv was executed using Microsoft
collected for a re-analysis of the studies that focused on literature re­ Excel due to its simplicity of organising and filtering the information
views. Thereafter, the 554 original papers, 485 non-related articles were from the data on the spreadsheet obtained in the Scopus database.
discarded based on the title and the abstract, which left 69 articles to be Topics ii and v were investigated using VOSviewer, which is a software
reviewed. Amongst the 69 remaining articles, 4 were not available for tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks, due to the
access and 12 were classified as not related articles. The articles dis­ convenience in the process to obtain and analyse the required infor­
carded were on themes that are not within the scope of this literature mation from the Scopus file output with extension csv and due to the
review. Some examples are: sustainable operation, friendly production, excellent visualisation features of this software.
carbon emissions, smart manufacturing, renewable energy, perishable

Fig. 1. Document selection process.

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

2.4. Research questions for the literature review detect the most used terms that synthesise the articles published in a
specific area. The analysis in the VOSviewer shows that, within the scope
The following research questions (RQ) were formulated to guide the of this paper, the most recurrent keywords are: Preventive Maintenance
literature review by addressing some important topics for investigation. (PM), remanufacturing, second-hand product, reverse supply chain, sensor
RQ1: How have maintenance models and policies evolved histori­ embedded products, and warranty. These keywords can be organised in
cally in terms of consideration of reuse and remanufacturing? three different clusters based on their co-occurrences, as shown in Fig. 3.
RQ2: What type of model strategies have been considered over time The first cluster (green) mainly relates to PM, remanufacturing, and
to address reuse and remanufacturing? reverse supply chain. The second cluster (red) relates to second-hand
RQ3: Which business strategy has been predominantly adopted in products with upgrade actions. The third cluster (blue) specifically re­
maintenance models or policies: Second-Hand Market (SHM), in-house lates to “mission success probability”.
maintenance, or leasing?
RQ4: Which sustainable strategy has been predominantly adopted in 3.3. Main and most influential sources of publication
maintenance models or policies: reuse or remanufacturing?
RQ5: What has been proposed in terms of reuse? The main and most influential sources of publication can serve as
RQ6: What has been proposed in terms of remanufacturing? good indicators of journals that have been published on the theme. The
first is based on the number of papers published and the second is based
3. Bibliometric analysis on the number of citations those papers had received. Table 1 organises
the main and most influential sources of publication and orders them by
According to the research methodologies defined in Section 2, the the number of papers and then by the number of citations. From the
bibliometric analysis focuses on the 53 articles that deal with mainte­ table, the main and most influential source on the theme approached in
nance policies or models in the context of reuse or remanufacturing. this paper is journal Reliability Engineering and System Safety, which
Unlike the literature review presented in Section 4, the emphasis of the contains the largest number of papers and is the source of the most cited
bibliometric analysis is placed on the publication trends, sources of articles, compared to other sources. Other important sources of publi­
publication and influential authors. The objective is to show an over­ cations can also be checked in Table 1.
view of how many maintenance policies and models in the context of
reuse and remanufacturing have been published, and their publication 3.4. Most influential papers
sources and authors.
The most influential papers, classified in terms of citations, are
3.1. Publication trends described in Table 2. They use distinct approaches to dealing with the
theme considered in this paper. From Table 2, maintenance policies and
The number of articles that study maintenance policies or models warranty policies for second-hand products are seen to be a specific
with a focus on reuse or remanufacturing has been increasing consid­ topic that had been extensively studied. In addition, most citations
erably over the last ten years. Fig. 2 shows the bar chart of the numbers encompass papers in which the maintenance model or policy focuses on
of original articles published. Three different phases can be considered: products rather than industrial items. This seems to be a trend in this
low, moderate, and high development. The first phase is represented by area and will be further investigated in the literature review.
the period prior to 2010, during which a very small number of papers
were published, suggesting that the context of reuse was not generally 3.5. Author influence and co-authorship
investigated in maintenance policies. The second phase is represented
by the following 6 years, from 2011 to 2016, during which a moderate Fig. 4 shows the influence of authors considering the five most cited
scientific production on this theme is observed, compared to the entire on the theme analysed in this paper. The analysis of influence was based
period analysed. Finally, the third phase starts with the first peak of on the number of citations and the number of papers. This information
publications with this theme in 2017 and continues until the present was collected from the Scopus.csv file using the software VOSviewer. It is
moment. Possible causes for this relevant growth may be associated with important to mention that before collecting an author’s data from the
the advent of concerns about the impact of industries on the environ­ Scopus database, all authors’ names were manually checked to avoid
ment and the higher academic interest in developing strategies to inconsistencies due to the name of the same author being cited in a
improve the relationship between society and the environment. different way in distinct articles. In total, 6 inconsistencies were found
and corrected before the analysis.
3.2. Occurrence and co-occurrence of keywords Altogether, 32 authors with at least 2 papers published on this theme
were identified and considered in the analysis. The most cited authors in
The frequencies of the keywords in papers can be used to easily this area are Shafiee, M., Alqahtani, A. Y., and Gupta, S. M., with the two
last mentioned having the highest number of articles published: 9 arti­
cles. The set of authors with at least two published papers can be
organised in terms of co-authorship in 12 clusters described in Fig. 5.
From this figure, it is also possible to have an idea about authors that
have published on this topic more recently.

4. Literature review

This section presents the details about the relevant literature

regarding maintenance policies and models in the context of reuse and
remanufacturing. Two distinct assumptions are easily observed in this
context. The first one refers to models that deal with the reuse or
remanufacturing of product items (sold by companies in SHM or leased).
This set of papers represents 68% of the papers analysed in the literature
review. The other assumption, which represents 32% of the papers, re­
Fig. 2. Number of articles published over the years. fers to the product items that are used in the industrial process and can

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

Fig. 3. Occurrence and co-occurrence of keywords.

be reused or remanufactured to decrease maintenance costs.

Table 1
In both assumptions, the papers were analysed and organised ac­
main and most influential sources of publication.
cording to the following categories of analysis: “model strategy”,
Journal Number of Number of “business strategy”, “sustainability strategy” and “sustainability
papers citations
impact”. The categories “model strategy” and “business strategy” were
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 14 144 created based on the type of strategies commonly used in the selected
International Journal of Production Research 3 45 papers. In terms of “model strategy”, for instance, it was found that most
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical 3 40
Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and
papers consider one or a combination of the following strategies/ac­
Reliability tivities/contexts: Preventive Maintenance (PM), Condition-Based
Computers and Industrial Engineering 2 99 Maintenance (CBM), warranty, upgrade, reliability model, and sensor-
International Journal of Production Economics 2 72 embedded products. Therefore, to provide a good classification and
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 2 32
representation of the main strategies adopted in the models, all these
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and 2 24
Industry important terms were considered in the two proposed taxonomies.
Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal 2 2 Similarly, in terms of “business strategy”, three distinct actions were
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 74 identified in the review. The first one refers to the action of repairing
Journal of Cleaner Production 1 44 items “in-house” for reuse in the same facility. The second one refers to
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) 1 42
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing 1 41
the action of repairing items for sale in a “SHM” and the repair can be
Technology performed within or outside the company. The importance in this spe­
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 1 24 cific classification is the objective of the repairing action, which is to
Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the 1 11 prepare the item to be sold again. The third type of action relates to the
“leasing” of reused/remanufactured items. In this case, the interaction
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 1 10
Others 16 62 between the companies during the leasing contract is generally inves­
tigated in the studies. The categories “sustainability strategy” and
“sustainability impact” were defined according to the prior definition of
the scope of the paper (models for reuse and remanufacturing), and
Table 2
most cited papers.
according to the triple bottom line of sustainability (economic, envi­
ronmental, and social perspective) [40].
Paper Citations Year of publication
Two distinct taxonomies were created to classify the current existing
Warranty cost analysis for second-hand products 74 2000 literature on this theme. The first directly categorises the papers from
[31] their sustainability strategy of reuse or remanufacturing (Fig. 6). This is
A bivariate optimal imperfect preventive 53 2012
maintenance policy for a used system with two-
helpful for those readers who wish to consult the models and papers
type shocks [32] relating to reuse or remanufacturing.
Warranty and maintenance analysis of sensor 49 2019 The second taxonomy categorises the papers based on reuse or
embedded products using internet of things in remanufacturing of product items sold by companies or used in the in­
industry 4.0 [33]
dustrial process and, on the categories, “model strategy”, “business
On optimal upgrade level for used products under 48 2011
given cost structures [34] strategy” and “sustainability strategy”. The category “sustainability
A study of maintenance policies for second-hand 46 2011 impact” was not considered in the taxonomy since papers only focus on
products [30] the economic perspective of sustainability, except for papers [2,41].
Warranty as a marketing strategy for 44 2017 Fig. 7 shows the second taxonomy and the section in which each of its
remanufactured products [35]
On the investment in a reliability improvement 42 2011
parts is analysed in this paper.
program for warranted second-hand items [36]
Joint determination of price and upgrade level 41 2011 4.1. Maintenance models focused on products
for a warranted second-hand product [37]
Investigating reliability improvement of second- 28 2017
hand production equipment considering Most of the papers assume the systems under maintenance are end-
warranty and preventive maintenance products when dealing with the concept of reuse or remanufacturing
strategies [38] in maintenance models or policies. In total, 36 papers were studied. In
A study of quality management strategy for 28 2013 this section, the model strategy was sub-divided into PM, CBM, warranty
reused products [39]
policies, and upgrade actions. The business strategy was sub-divided into
SHM, lease, and in-house maintenance. The sustainability strategy was

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

Fig. 4. top five numbers of citations per author (orange) and number of articles per author (blue).

Fig. 5. co-authorship representation.

sub-divided into reuse and remanufacturing (reman). Finally, the sus­ sustainability strategy in [57], while the following papers [49–51]
tainability impact was observed in terms of economic (eco), environ­ considered leasing as a business strategy and adopted remanufacturing
mental (env) and social (soc) perspectives. Table 3 shows the as a sustainability strategy. [50] assumed that PMs improved the reli­
classification of each paper in each category analysed. ability of the remanufactured products in the form of reducing the
As can be seen in Table 3, 83% of the papers analyse warranty pol­ failure rate and that the improved reliability was still less than the
icies as a model strategy for dealing with reuse or remanufacturing. 89% reliability of a new one. In the proposed multi-period lease contract for
of them are focused on a business strategy related to the SHM. 86% remanufactured products, the lessor can decide the maintenance policy
consider the concept of reuse, but none of them deals with an analysis and the price for the lease contract; and the rate of its usage and the
regarding the environmental or social perspectives of sustainability. A periods suitable to its business are available for the lessee. In [51], the
discussion on each paper is presented according to the taxonomy pre­ case of returned-used product items in the lease contract with or without
sented in Fig. 7. a PM monitoring option was investigated. The influence of the degra­
dation on the failure and emission rates was used to determine the
4.1.1. Preventive maintenance (PM) and condition-based maintenance optimal PM strategy that minimised the total cost of production, main­
(CBM) tenance, and carbon emission. A CBM policy was considered in [49] for
In this subsection, those papers that use PM or CBM in the context of leased remanufactured products that operate in various environmental
reuse or remanufacturing are addressed. conditions.
Sibide et al. [28] considered a replacement policy for second-hand As can be seen, regarding the business strategy, most of the papers
products that started their second life cycle in a more severe environ­ that used only PM or CBM policies in the context of second-hand
ment. Their objective was to determine the optimal replacement age by products dealt with the leasing strategy, followed by the SHM. In
minimising the expected total maintenance cost rate in the second terms of the sustainability strategy, reuse and remanufacturing are being
operating environment. Similarly, Yeh et al. [30] proposed two peri­ undertaken with a similar frequency. Finally, sustainability impact is
odical PM policies aiming at decreasing the high failure rate of approached only by means of an economic perspective. This is an
second-hand product items. Their expected maintenance cost was assumption made by all maintenance related papers on second-hand
minimised by determining the optimal number of PM actions and the products.
corresponding maintenance effectiveness to be achieved.
In [50,51,57], PMs were applied in the context of using the leasing 4.1.2. PM, warranty policies and upgrade actions
strategy. In [57], PM on used equipment for lease was investigated and The above-mentioned papers considered PM actions as the main
its associated policy was optimised by using an enumeration algorithm. maintenance strategy (CBM in [49]) in the context of reuse or rema­
The authors considered a maintenance policy based on the method for nufacturing of products. However, various papers considered PM actions
reducing the fixed failure rate. As in [28, 30], reuse was adopted as a in warranty policies and upgrade actions [25,26,35,38,42,43,46–48].

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

Fig. 6. Taxonomy 1 of maintenance policies and models for reuse or remanufacturing (reman).

Dai et al. [42] investigated PM strategies for second-hand products period of post-warranty self-maintenance. In [48] an optimization
covered by a 2D warranty (which considers both the age and the usage of model for second-hand products sold with the non-renewing free repair
the product) from the perspectives of dealers and customers. Three types warranty policy was proposed. The optimal upgrade level and PM policy
of PM options were considered: PM under warranty, PM during the were jointly derived to maximise the dealer’s expected profit. The up­
post-warranty period, and PM over the lifespan of the product. It was grade action occurs at the end of the product’s past life and during the
also considered that free upgrade actions can be performed by the dealer warranty period whereas the PM actions occurred when the age of the
before the re-sale of the product. A 2-dimensional (2D) warranty policy product reaches a pre-specified threshold value. In [35], warranty was
was also used in [47], in a product that could have a distinct degradation considered as a marketing strategy for remanufactured products. All
process due to the variation in the intensity of customer usage. Addi­ these papers considered the SHM as the business strategy and reuse as
tionally, different PM strategies were considered in [38], periodic PM the sustainability strategy. Additionally, the sustainability impact was
actions having the same efficiency level of maintenance and periodic considered only in economic terms.
multi-phase PM actions having a varied maintenance efficiency level. In
[25], an optimal non-renewing warranty policy for second-hand prod­ 4.1.3. PM and warranty policies in sensor-embedded products
ucts incorporated a periodic PM strategy to reduce the deterioration of Another classification well described in the taxonomy refers to the
the product. The optimal length of the warranty period was based on the papers that jointly consider PM and warranty policies in the context of
optimizing the expected cost rate during the maintenance cycle. In [25], sensor embedded products [33,44,45,52–56].
the concept of a full refund was considered instead of the replacement of One-dimensional warranty policies with an upgrade level were
the failed second-hand product. In [43], an optimal post-warranty considered in [44,45] and without an upgrade level, in [33,53,54].
maintenance policy for a second-hand product with a fixed-length Two-dimensional warranty policies were considered in [52,55,56]. In
warranty period was considered. During the warranty period, the [33], warranty and maintenance analysis of sensor embedded products
product is assumed to be preventively maintained by the user. After the were performed considering the concept of the internet of things. In
warranty expires, the product items are maintained by the users them­ [44], a simulation model for sensor-embedded remanufactured products
selves for a fixed-length maintenance period. In [46], the sales volume was proposed considering the remanufacturer’s perspective. The prod­
was incorporated into a decision model for second-hand products sub­ uct is subjected to upgrade actions at the end of its life. [45] presented a
ject to upgrade level, warranty, and PM policies. In [26], a similar proposal, focuses on the remanufacturer’s perspective on
post-warranty strategy with a variable self-maintenance period for the sensor-embedded remanufactured products with an upgrade action at
second-hand product was proposed. It was assumed that the product was the end of product’s past life, and adopted a combined money-back
replaced by another one on the first failure following a fixed length guarantee warranty policy with the PM strategy. In [53], a

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

Fig. 7. Taxonomy 2 of maintenance policies and models for reuse or remanufacturing (reman).

Table 3
Papers with focus on the reuse or remanufacturing of products.
Paper Model strategy Business strategy Sustainability strategy
PM CBM Warranty Upgrade SHM Lease In-house Reuse Reman

[25,26,38,42–48] X X X X X
[49] X X X
[50,51] X X X
[33] X X X X
[35,52–56] X X X X
[57] X X X
[28] X X X
[27,34,36,37,39,58–61] X X X X
[62,63,31] X X X
[30] X X X X
[64] X X X
Total 20 1 30 19 32 4 1 31 5
Perc 56% 3% 83% 53% 89% 11% 3% 86% 14%

combination of various warranty policies was investigated. In [54], a similar methodology in the context of two-dimensional warranty pol­
methodology was suggested to simultaneously minimise the cost icies in [56] and investigated the impact of offering renewing warranties
incurred by the remanufacturers and maximise consumer confidence on remanufactured products in [52,55]. All these papers considered the
toward buying remanufactured products. The same authors proposed a SHM as the business strategy and reuse as the sustainability strategy,

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

except [33] that considered remanufacturing as the sustainability 4.2. Maintenance models focused on industrial items
A small number of papers deal with the concept of reuse or rema­
4.1.4. Warranty policies and upgrade actions nufacturing in maintenance models or policies. In total, 17 papers were
A set of different papers dealt with warranty and upgrade without found and examined. In this section, the model strategy is sub-divided
necessarily considering or emphasising PM actions [27,34,36,37,39, into PM, CBM, reliability model, missions, and shocks. The business
58–61]. strategy was sub-divided into SHM and in-house maintenance. The
An optimal warranty policy for second-hand products was consid­ sustainability strategy was sub-divided into reuse, remanufacturing
ered to determine an optimal length of warranty period from the (reman) and reusable elements. Finally, the sustainability impact was
dealer’s point of view in [27]. The policy was based on a two-stage observed in terms of economic (eco), environmental (env) and social
repair-or-full-refund maintenance strategy. In this strategy, if the fail­ (soc) perspectives. Table 4 shows the classification of each paper in each
ures of a product cannot be repaired during the warranty period, the category analysed.
user receives a full refund, and the maintenance cycle ends. In [58], an As can be seen in Table 4, 82% of the papers optimise PM policies as a
upgrade model was developed for complex second-hand systems that model strategy for dealing with reuse or remanufacturing. 88% of them
were sold with a non-renewing free repair/replacement warranty. The are focused on a strategy associated with in-house maintenance. 41%
authors considered two types of components: repairable (may be consider the concept of remanufacturing, 29% reusable elements, and
imperfectly upgraded with various degrees) and non-repairable (can be 29% reuse. Only 12% discuss the environmental perspective of sus­
upgraded only by replacement, if necessary). In [59], a pre-sale upgrade tainability. A discussion on each paper is presented as follows. First,
model was proposed for used repairable products sold with models that consider PMs [2,32,41,65–71,73–76] are discussed in Sec­
two-dimensional warranty policies. In [37], the authors also dealt with tion 4.2.1. Then, CBM model [29] and reliability models [72, 77] are
the dealer’s point of view and proposed a decision model to determine reviewed in Section 4.2.2.
the optimal price and upgrade strategy of a warranted second-hand
product to maximise the dealer’s expected profit. Similarly, the 4.2.1. Preventive maintenance (PM)
optimal expected upgrade level to maximise the dealer’s expected profit PM is the main model strategy used in the context of reuse or
per product was investigated in [34], in which the authors considered remanufacturing of industrial items. Papers [65,2,76,32] considered
the concept of reliability improvement, also used in [60,36]. In [60], a reuse as a sustainability strategy. Papers [41,68,73–75] considered
two-dimensional free repair warranty policy was proposed to minimise remanufacturing, and papers [66,67,69–71] considered reusable
the total expected servicing cost per unit sale from the dealer’s elements.
perspective. In [36], the authors presented reliability improvement Regarding the papers that considered reuse, in [65], a maintenance
programs for second-hand products sold with a failure-free warranty. policy for k-out-of-n: F systems was proposed. It included both age
Both stochastic analysis and reliability improvement and an investment replacement and minor repairs as PM activities. The paper considered
cost–benefit model were integrated to deal with the optimal improve­ that some components were still usable after the replacement of the
ment decision problem. In [39], a profit model that takes into consid­ multi-component system so that they could be sold as second-hand
eration upgrade actions and minimal repair costs during the warranty items. In [2], a structured model to assess the viability of considering
period was proposed. The expected profit per used product item for the different percentages of reused items in an inventory was considered.
manufacturer is maximised by determining the optimal upgrade level The authors analysed the effects of the different reliability of a new item
and the length of warranty. In [61], a model to determine the optimal and that of a reused item in the system and discussed up to which level of
upgrade action that considers the trade-off between the cost of an up­ reliability the reused item might differ from a new one and still be
grade action and the reduction of the expected warranty cost was pre­ economically and environmentally viable. In [76], a model for the joint
sented. All these papers considered the SHM as the business strategy and determination of the optimal acquisition age, upgrade level, and
reuse as the sustainability strategy and the sustainability impact was imperfect PM strategy was developed. The system could be upgraded
considered only in economic terms. before being put into operation. Also, it is preventively maintained at
each point when its reliability reaches a minimum required reliability
4.1.5. Warranty policies threshold. In [32], the authors proposed an optimal imperfect PM policy
Some papers considered warranty, without necessarily considering based on a cumulative damage model for a used system with initial
PMs or upgrade actions [31,62–64]. variable damage. The used system is subject to shocks that can yield a
In [62], a warranty policy for second-hand products from the user’s random damage to the system or cause the system’s failure. The PM
perspective was proposed. The authors introduced two types of war­ policy is then based on both planned time and the number of shocks.
ranties, which were the non-renewing, free replacement-repair warranty In terms of remanufacturing, the authors in [68] developed an in­
and the non-renewing, pro rata replacement-repair warranty and tegrated methodology to optimise maintenance, remanufacturing, and
compared them via numerical examples. In [63], the authors proposed a multiple spare part strategies (new and remanufactured exchange) in a
warranty policy that considered a mixture of new and reconditioned multi-component system with dependencies. [41] modelled the possi­
components in the replacements upon failure of products under war­ bility of reuse of an item, considering its defective condition, based on
ranty. In [64], the warranty and sustainable improvement of used the delay time concept. The model may be applied to any item that
products through remanufacturing was analysed for used products sold wears out over time and that may be replaced by a new one or by a
with a failure free warranty. The model can be used by the dealers for refurbished item. As in [2], the environmental perspective of sustain­
deciding whether and how much to invest in remanufacturing projects. ability was also taken into consideration in [41] as the authors rein­
In [31], probabilistic models were developed to compute the expected forced the importance of reusing items to the environment, instead of
cost of the warranty to the manufacturer when the items are sold with just demonstrating their economic benefits. In [73], a simulation-based
free replacement or pro rata warranties. All these papers considered the experimental methodology was used to determine the optimal PM fre­
SHM as the business strategy and reuse as the sustainability strategy, quency and buffer allocation in a remanufacturing line. In [74], the
except [64] which considered remanufacturing as the sustainability authors dealt with the control of a hybrid manufacturing/­
strategy. remanufacturing system subject to failures. The model considered the
heterogeneity of returned products in the deterioration of the remanu­
facturing machine. Imperfect repair and replacements were also
considered in the policy. Similarly, the variation of type and quality of

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

returned products was considered in [75]. In this paper, a combined

optimisation of manufacturing, remanufacturing and maintenance pol­
icies was considered, and PM was used to recover the machine avail­

Sustainability impact

ability of the remanufacturing system.


Regarding the papers that consider reusable elements, [66] modelled
the probability of mission success of a standby system with reusable
elements and an imperfect storage unit. Similarly, [67] modelled a

dual-unit standby system with non-identical, reusable units that per­

formed the mission task alternatively according to a schedule of re­
placements and maintenance. In this system, when one unit is operating
online, the other unit undergoes maintenance. [70] and [69] considered,
respectively, homogeneous, and heterogeneous warm-standby systems
Reusable elements

that perform missions of a fixed duration. In both papers, the system

operated in a random environment subject to shocks while preventive
replacement was used to reduce the probability of an operation failure.

After replacement, elements can be reused as standby elements. In [71],

the same idea was considered for a homogeneous cold standby system.
As can be seen, most papers that used PM as the main model strategy
also considered in-house as the business strategy, which means that

reuse or remanufacturing is seen as an activity that can be developed

Sustainability strategy


within the process without the need to sell or acquire reused items.


Additionally, the main sustainability strategy was remanufacturing,

followed by reuse and reusable elements. Finally, it is important to
mention that from all papers analysed in this literature review, only [2,

41] reinforced the importance of reuse in terms of the environmental



4.2.2. CBM or reliability model

Only a few papers used CBM or reliability models as the model

strategy for reuse or remanufacturing. Hence, those different model

Business strategy



categories were examined together in this section.

Regarding the CBM model, a condition-based replacement policy
was considered in [29] to maintain a system subject to stochastic
degradation. In the model, spare parts can be either new or used. In


terms of reliability models, [72] proposed a model considering the


failure probability of a used component in a new piece of equipment.

The model was analysed using historical data and the authors showed
that the reuse of components could make an improvement to the reli­


ability of the equipment. [77] suggested a reliability model that facili­


tates design for reuse of items. This model can be used to estimate
life-cycle replacement requirements for remanufactured systems, thus
facilitating decisions during the stage of system design and use. All these

papers considered in-house maintenance as the business strategy and


just focused on the economic perspective of the sustainability impact.


Papers with focus on the reuse or remanufacturing of industrial items.

4.3. Research in conference papers

Reliability model

It is important to notice that some conference papers represent an

early stage of development towards more robust journal papers. For
instance, [30] was previously presented in [78,25,27] were previously
developed in [79,80] while [28] arose from [81,29] from [82–84] and

[26] from [85]. The developments related to these conference papers are

briefly mentioned in this section, as are two other important papers due
to their direct consideration of environmental and/or social aspects in
maintenance models [3,86].


Concisely, warranty policies were investigated in [79,80,85] and


Model strategy

upgrade levels were investigated in [81]. The problem of spare parts

returns was addressed in [82–84]. Regarding the consideration of
environmental and social aspects in maintenance models, Santos et al.


[86] proposed a delay time model that comprises two defective states in


which the item can be reused if the minor defective state is detected, and
the item cannot be reused if the major defective state is detected.
Furthermore, Franciosi et al. [3] provided a periodic PM model that

minimised conventional, environmental and social costs generated by

Table 4



maintenance interventions. These papers emphasised that maintenance






policies and models have also been discussed in relevant conferences

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

and events, which suggested important directions for future in­

To provide two alternatives of maintenance

exceeds a threshold value, a PM action is

Second-hand products to be used for a pre-

vestigations. Some of the discussions presented have already been

• Model 1: Degree of PM is assumed to be

age of the product is evaluated and, if it

• Model 2: at each considered epoch, the

To determine the optimal number of PM

actions and the corresponding degree of
upgraded and converted into published papers, which have already

maintenance to minimise the expected

policies to be applied to second-hand
been considered in the literature review of the present paper.

4.4. Characterising and comparing the most cited policies

equal in each PM action;

This section provides an important characterisation of the five most

maintenance cost.
cited maintenance policies/models in the reuse/remanufacturing field.

specified period.
carried out.
2 PM policies
A general view on each policy is succinctly presented along with their
main assumptions and objectives. Finally, some considerations in terms

of applicability are provided. The reader is referred to the original pa­

pers for more details.
Table 5 provides succinct yet very informative information on the

• End-of-life product is subjected to • The upgrade action improves the

policy are rectified by the dealer

structures of the profit and failure

life reaches a pre-determined value. • The cost of the upgrade action
carry out overhaul and upgrade

• Internet of Things is a facilitator of • Two types of upgrade action:

minimal repair and complete
To analyse how the dealers can

To obtain the optimal expected

actions in used products before
following important aspects of the models/policies: general idea, main

depends on the age and the

• All failures in the warranty

Used systems to be upgraded

assumptions, main objective, and applicability.

upgrade level under given

at no cost to the buyer.
reliability of the item;
From Table 5, it is noted that the most cited papers have proposed
PM and/or warranty policies for second-hand items that are to be sold


upgrade level;
again in the market. In terms of applicability, the policies can be applied

rate functions.

before resale.
their release.
to systems that companies consider it is important to reuse. Depending

on the context, a specific policy may be more appropriated. For
instance, in the case of a system subject to variable damages, one

alternative is to apply the method adopted in [32]; and in the case of a
system that needs upgrading before resale, an alternative is to consider

products using the internet of things.

PM when the product’s remaining

To maximise the expected profit for

Remanufactured products sold with

planning for both warranty and
the method suggested in [34]. A similar analysis can be easily per­

maintenance of sensor embedded

formed for the other papers that were reviewed. The reader can take

To investigate warranty and

one-dimensional warranty.
advantage of Figs. 6 and 7 or Tables 3 and 4, to select the set of papers

maintenance products;
that are more relevant for each individual’s particular case.

the remanufacturer.
PM and Warranty

5. Research questions and gaps to be investigated

In this section, the research questions set out in Section 2.4 are

answered based on the insights obtained from the bibliometric analysis

and from the literature review. The main gaps also identified which
based on a cumulative damage model for

• The system is subject to shocks (minor

• The system undergoes PM at a planned

To obtain the optimal PM schedule that

To investigate an optimal imperfect PM

future research should investigate.

a used system with initial variable

minimises the expected cost rate.

Used systems subject to variable

5.1. Response to the research questions

In Section 2.4, six research questions were formulated to guide the

literature review and address important topics to be investigated. The
or catastrophic);

answers to all of them can be concisely and directly observed as follows

based on the prior analysis presented in Sections 3 and 4.
PM policy

RQ1: How have maintenance models and policies evolved histori­

time T.


cally in terms of consideration of reuse and remanufacturing?


This question aims to give a more general view in terms of all aspects
analysed in this paper. This ranges from the assumption used by authors
when the items are sold with free replacement or

• The time needed to carry out the rectification is

the expected warranty cost to the manufacturer
Probabilistic models are developed to compute

to the model strategy, business strategy and sustainability strategy.

• Every failure results in a warranty claim;

associated with a specific type of warranty.

• Dealer sells each item as is (without any

Analysing the papers according to the date of publication in Fig. 8, we

Manufacturers that sell second-hand items
To determine the optimal warranty cost.

can easily see that both assumptions focused on product items sold by
companies and on product items that are used in the industrial process
Characterising and comparing the most cited policies.

• All warranty claims are valid;

and were traditionally used over the years. Similarly, the model strategy
of adopting warranty and upgrade action was generally adopted over
the years. PM policies were beginning to be focused on their application
in 2012 in the context of reuse and remanufacturing. Regarding the
pro rata warranties

upgrade action).

sustainability strategy, both reuse and remanufacturing were widely

Warranty policy


undertaken over the years. This demonstrates that the different strate­
gies adopted by the authors are more related to the context of the
problem analysed than to a tendency of applying one or other strategy.

Traditional strategies, such as PM, warranty policies and upgrade ac­

tions, which have been studied for a long time are still being applied in
the most varied applications. An analysis on the model strategy, busi­
Main assumptions

Main objectives

ness strategy and sustainability strategy over the years is presented in a


more detailed way in the next three research questions.

Main idea

RQ2: What types of model strategies have been considered over time
Table 5


to address reuse and remanufacturing?

Most of the model strategies considered in the analysis of the papers

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

Fig. 8. Timeline of reviewed papers and their most common strategies.

have been extensively used over time. However, three of them have a SHM. Alternatively, they can also be considered separately, for example,
considerable importance due to their recurrence in many different pa­ applying PM policies in the maintenance of second-hand industrial
pers. Fig. 9 shows the number of papers that consider each model items.
strategy over the years. The most common model strategies are PM, RQ3: Which business strategy has been predominantly adopted in
warranty and upgrade. As shown in the last section, they can be used maintenance models or policies: SHM, in-house maintenance, or
together or separately according to the context analysed. Generally, they leasing?
are used together in the context of second-hand products to be sold in Regarding the business strategies considered, the SHM and in-house

Fig. 9. Application of model strategies since 1999.

Fig. 10. Application of business strategies since 1999.

Fig. 11. Application of sustainability strategies since 1999.

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

maintenance are the ones predominantly adopted over the years 5.2. Main gaps to be investigated
(Fig. 10). It was also verified that adopting the business strategy is
related to the type of assumptions considered in the model. For models The main knowledge gap identified in the literature is the neglect of
that consider the assumption focused on products sold by companies, the environmental and social perspectives of sustainability, regardless of the
SHM strategy has been extensively applied (89% of the papers). On the sustainability strategy adopted (reuse or remanufacturing). As observed
other hand, models that consider the assumption focused on the reuse of in Tables 3 and 4, only two journal papers consider the environmental
industrial items generally adopt the in-house maintenance strategy to aspect of sustainability [2,41] and none of them considers the social
gain economic advantages. aspect. Environmental and social aspects were mentioned in [3], which
RQ4: Which sustainable strategy has been predominantly adopted in is an important source that illustrates how environmental and social
maintenance models or policies: reuse or remanufacturing? costs can be linked to maintenance models. This result points to an
Both strategies, reuse, and remanufacturing, have been considerably interesting finding: although sustainable strategies have been consid­
used over the years (Fig. 11). However, the reuse strategy has been ered in maintenance models (the mathematical formulation that aids in
studied in more papers. In total, 86% of the papers considered the reuse the definition of the optimal action to be performed) and policies (the
as the sustainable strategy when the assumption focused on products type and frequency of action adopted based on models), especially more
sold by companies is considered. Considering the papers focused on recently, the motivation for using these strategies has purely had an
industrial items, almost 60% of them adopt the reuse strategy (reuse or economic view. Even those papers that support environmental questions
reusable elements in Table 4). [2,41] develop them based on a conjecture from an economic analysis.
RQ5: What has been proposed in terms of reuse? Therefore, the consideration of the triple bottom line of sustainability
As can be seen in Table 3, the concept of reuse has been predomi­ [40] that encompasses not only economic but also environmental and
nantly applied as a sustainability strategy in PM, warranty and upgrade social perspectives is the main theme to be investigated in future studies.
models for products sold in SHMs. Also, it has been applied in PM models The impact of dedicating more attention to the currently neglected
developed to consider the possibility of in-house maintenance of in­ social and environmental dimensions of sustainability has the following
dustrial items that can be repaired so as to be reused again (Table 4). relevant implications that are worth emphasising:
Both types of applications were described in Section 4. For reference,
papers that deal with reuse can be easily identified in Tables 3 and 4. • Possibility of complying with new environmental legislations (this
RQ6: What has been proposed in terms of remanufacturing? topic has been increasingly investigated by governments to reduce
In terms of remanufacturing, the concept has been predominantly the negative environmental impact on the soil, air, etc.);
applied as a sustainability strategy in PM models for used products sold • Incorporate recent environmental themes that can trigger de­
in SHMs or for industrial items. Those papers that consider remanu­ velopments and new contributions to the environmental policy of the
facturing as the sustainability strategy are also identified in Tables 3 and companies. For instance, Wu, Wu and Peng [87] consider greenhouse
4. Each of them was described in Section 4, according to the taxonomy emission in maintenance optimisation and suggest that further de­
previously proposed. velopments are needed in this area.

Fig. 12. Mind map with directions for future studies.

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

• Take advantage of all positive marketing related to the development the economic perspective drives the studies and analysis. As a result, the
of environmental and social friendly actions. investigated maintenance models and policies have proposed and
implemented useful and insightful ideas but have not used the full po­
More specifically, some relevant gaps inferred from the literature tential of reuse and remanufacturing approaches.
review are now numbered as follows. Consequently, the main gap in the related literature was identified as
Gap 1: One of the main purposes of reuse and remanufacturing is to the neglect of environmental and social aspects of sustainability due to
reduce the disposal of industrial items or products. To this end, more the emphasis on the economic perspective. This result does not mean
incisive development of mathematical models to deal with the end-of- that the neglected aspects cannot be improved by the application of the
life processes must be undertaken to. models. In contrast, it does suggest that the current advance in these
Gap 2: Despite the increase in investigating maintenance policy aspects comes marginally from improvements in the economic
optimisation for second-hand products in recent years, there is a need for perspective, the one that has been driving the path of the development of
more development of optimisation maintenance policies. maintenance models in this specific context.
This important gap can be considered as an opportunity for future
• Since many systems such as bridges and water networks were built studies to investigate the economic, environmental, and social di­
many decades ago and they are approaching the end of their design mensions of sustainability in maintenance models and policies. From the
lives, there is a need to develop approaches that assess their condi­ academic perspective, a series of interesting new ideas can be generated
tions with a view to reuse and repair. and implemented, consequently enlarging the current scope of mainte­
• New investigations may be considered on how new and reused nance. Some possible extensions for this purpose were indicated
components with distinct reliability affect the lifecycle cost and considering different types of maintenance models and policies. From
system availability. Also, new investigations may be considered on the industrial perspective, companies can make use of environmental
maintenance models for redundant systems: measures like “compo­ benefits to attend new markets and new legislation and to provide a
nent maintenance priority” [88] can help to establish which com­ better image of themselves to their clients. Finally, from the social
ponents may have redundant second-hand components. perspective, the entire society can benefit from both economic and
• Selective maintenance models: new investigations may usefully environmental improvements promoted by fully incorporating reuse or
consider the effect of replacement action between missions with remanufacturing into maintenance models and policies.
new, remanufactured, and reused components. A limitation of the paper is the focus on the types of strategies
adopted by maintenance models and policies to incorporate reuse and
Gap 3: More case studies on reuse and remanufacturing should be remanufacturing approaches rather than to study how to apply each one
conducted. of them. This focus was defined because this paper is the first one in this
Gap 4: There is a need to establish frameworks for characterising field. Future investigations can select more models and precisely
general environmental and social costs associated with maintenance for investigate their possible applications. Finally, this paper did not cover
the purpose of reuse and remanufacturing. the topic of corrective maintenance, for which the reader is referred to
Gap 6: Multicriteria decision-making methods may be useful for [89] for an example. The authors have endeavoured to ensure that this
defining the best alternative of business strategy considered in the paper is reasonably complete. However, those papers that are not
context of reuse and remanufacturing. included were either considered not to bear directly on the topic of the
The mind map in Fig. 12 summarizes and illustrates the future di­ review or were inadvertently overlooked.
rections based on these numbered gaps.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
6. Conclusions
Augusto César de Jesus Santos: Writing – original draft, Formal
This paper presented a bibliometric analysis and a literature review analysis, Conceptualization. Cristiano Alexandre Virgínio Cav­
of maintenance policies and models applied to the context of reuse and alcante: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition.
remanufacturing. These topics have not been previously investigated Shaomin Wu: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Funding
holistically with the approach adopted in this work. First, the impor­ acquisition.
tance of the paper was commented on in the introduction. Then, the
search method was developed and justified to obtain a suitable selection Declaration of Competing Interest
of documents. In total, 581 articles were initially obtained from different
databases and 53 were selected for further investigation. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
The bibliometric analysis showed that the journal Reliability Engi­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
neering and System Safety is the main and most influential source of pa­ the work reported in this paper.
pers. Although the number of studies is still limited, there have been an
increasing number of published papers in the last five years, which Data availability
suggests the importance of the integration of reuse and remanufacturing
in maintenance models and policies. No data was used for the research described in the article.
The literature review indicated that these concepts can be investi­
gated by considering a combination of different strategies, depending on
the context analysed. In general, two broader perspectives are: to apply Acknowledgement
reuse or remanufacture to products sold by companies (to SHM) or to
industrial items (used within the company’s operation). In addition, it is This work was completed while the first author was a visiting PhD
interesting to note that distinct types of maintenance models and pol­ student at Kent Business School. We appreciate the support of Kent
icies have successfully incorporated the reuse or remanufacturing con­ Business School during this research period.
cepts to reduce maintenance-related costs. This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoa­
The main finding of this paper is as follows. Although reuse and mento de Pessoal de Niv́ el Superior (CAPES) – Finance code 001. The
remanufacturing are sustainable approaches that can address environ­ work of Augusto Santos has been supported by FACEPE (Foundation for
mental concerns and improve this dimension of sustainability, they are Science and Technology of the State of Pernambuco). The work of
rarely used to directly promote positive environmental impacts. In fact, Cristiano Cavalcante has been supported by CNPq (Brazilian Research

A.C.J. Santos et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 231 (2023) 108983

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