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Contact Lens Laboratory

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Module 1:

Equipment used for contact lens verification

The contact lens once ordered should be verified before dispensing. Though the laboratories try to
maintain standards, yet there are possibilities and errors, which are due to the manufacturing. A
faulty lens will not conform to the design specially ordered. Simple equipment that can be a part of
the contact lens clinic can verify the parameters. Some parameters need sophisticated equipment,
which can be done in the laboratories. The following parameters, which need to be verified, are:

1. Base curve

2. Power

3. Diameter

4. Central thickness

5. Surface quality

6. Edge

7. Blend

8. Material

1. Base curve: This can be obtained using the radiuscope and keratometer

 Radiuscope
The Radiuscope is the most commonly used instrument in the laboratory to verify the base
curve. It is based on the Drysdale’s principle. If an object is placed at the radius of curvature
of the curved surface, the real image created by the instrument acts as an object and will
form an image at the second focal point. The real image is formed at the first focal plane and
the virtual image is formed at the second focal plane, both being the centre of curvature of
the lens. The lens RGP (in dry state- soaked 24 hrs before) and the soft lens (in wet cell with
0.9% saline) is kept with concave side up on the lens mount. The first focal plane mires are
focused, the reading is set at zero at this position. The dial is further moved

to focus the second set of mires, which is the second focal point. The distance between the
two focal points measures the radius of curvature, which is read from the dial. In case of a
toric lens the mires will have two set of lines perpendicular to each other, which will be
focused separately. A warped lens will show no definite base curve. The Keratometer can
also be used to verify the base curve, though not very accurate. The set up is modified with
the lens holder and a mirror attachment. The lens is held with the help of this holder and the
readings taken same ways the Keratometer is used.


A focimeter/lensometer can be used to verify contact lens power. This instrument is used
exactly as for the spectacle lens. The contact lens is cleaned first and then centered concave
side down on the focimeter stop. Read the values on the drum. The prism can also be
measured the same way as in spectacle lenses. The lens power should be within +/– 0.25 D
of the power ordered

Lens on lensometer

In case of toric lenses two line focuses will be obtained. The two principal meridians are
noted and then transposed to read the spherical and the cylindrical values.

3. Diameter
The V sought gauge (Fig. 23.7) or the measuring loupe can verify the diameter of the RGP
lens. The lens is made to slide across the V slought and allowed to fall into the proper
position by its own weight. Note the reading in millimeter corresponding on the scale. While
measuring ensure that the:
• Lens is dry
• Take care not to exercise any force while inserting the lens into the gauge
• Check in two meridians for roundness
• The tolerance limit is +/–0.05 mm.
V Sought gauge

The measuring magnifier—the lens is held across the magnifier and the scale reading of the
diameter are correspondingly read. This also serves the dual purpose of measuring the
diameter and the width of the peripheral and the optic zone. The soft lens analyzer or the
projection devices in wet state can also measure the soft lens diameter.

4. Central Thickness
The thickness gauge or the dial gauge is the most useful device for measuring central
thickness. The lens is placed convex side down on its base. A spring plunger tip is released
until it touches the lens. The thickness is read directly on the gauge. Ensure the zero error
before hand.

Thickness dial

5. Surface Quality
Various types of projection devices available can measure the surface quality and the edge
profile. The projection analyzer can also be used to measure the optic zone diameter and the
peripheral curves width. The surface can also be inspected by use of slit lamp. Use
monochromatic light and inspect the lens.
6. Blend and Edge Shape
The projection analyzer or the magnifying loupe is used to examine the transition zones of
the peripheral curves. Edge is most important for the comfort of the RGP lens. The faulty
lens can create problems, so it is essential to inspect the lens edge of an uncomfortable lens.
The lens can be held; with the help of a holder, and the image of the lens edge can be
created on the wall by holding the lens in the slit-lamp illumination. As discussed earlier the
round edge is the most comfortable one
Edge examination with magnifier

7. Material
All Rigid materials look same but have a fixed specific gravity. The material can be verified by
testing its specific gravity. Different solutions bottles with known specific gravity are needed.
The lens is dipped in the bottles one by one. The specific gravity can be calculated if it floats
or sinks in the known specific gravity.
Module 2

Contact lens terminology

Some Basic Definitions of terms used in contact lens are:
1. Blank or the button from which the rigid or a soft lens is fabricated by lathe


2. Semi finished blank—A blank where base curve is pre-generated

3. Semi finished lens—A lens that has the back and the front curve cut. The peripheral
curves and the edge is not yet fabricated.
4. Finished lens—A lens ready to be worn on the eye.

The Overall Contact Lens has Following Key Design Features:

1. Base curve
2. Lens diameter
3. Peripheral curves
4. Power
5. Optic zone
6. Central thickness
7. Edge design

Lens zones


1. Base curve
Base Curve (BC) Base curve or BC is also called as BOZR—Back optic zone radius,
BCOR—Back central optic radius or CPC—Central posterior curve. This is the back
curve of the contact lens, which contours the front surface of the eye. To achieve a
proper fit the base curve of the contact lens should be aligned with the curvature of
the cornea. Base curve is expressed in mm (millimeters) or diopters. Example—8.1
mm, 8.3 mm. 8.6 mm, etc. Also 8.1 mm is a steeper base curve than 8.3 mm, and 8.3
mm is steeper than 8.6 mm. So a longer base curve produces flatter base curves. In
diopters 44.0 D, is said to be steeper than 41.0 D radius

2. Overall Diameter
The length of the lens across its widest diameter is called the overall diameter or the
lens diameter. It is specified in millimeters. A soft lens is usually 12-15 mm and a
rigid lens is of 8 to 10 mm diameter. Diameter depends upon the corneal diameter
and the palpebral aperture. Larger the corneal diameter greater is the overall
diameter of the lens required.

3. Peripheral curve/ curves

• A lens with a single base curve is called a Monocurve Lens.
• A lens with two curves at the back is called a Bicurve lens.
• A lens with three curves is called as a Tricurve lens.
• A lens with more than three curves is called a Multicurve lens.
So a Monocurve lens will have one base curve and no peripheral curve. A Bicurve
lens will have 1 base curve and 1 peripheral curve. A tricurve lens will have 1 base
curve and 2 peripheral curves and so on.
The peripheral curve or PC is the curve surrounding the base curve on the posterior
surface of the lens. If there is more than one peripheral curve then the inner curves
are called secondary or intermediate curves. PC is also alternatively called as PPCR –
posterior peripheral curve radius. The peripheral curves are flatter than the base
curve, and the peripheral most curves will be the flattest one in a normal contact
lens design, which is done to match the corneal shape
4. Bevel /Blend
The junction between the base and the peripheral curves are blended properly to
give a smooth transition and junction. Blending is the smoothening of the junction of
the base curve and the peripheral curves. A well-blended junction is important for
the comfort of the lens. Blending is soft, medium or heavy.
5. Peripheral Curve Width
The peripheral and the intermediate curve have a fixed width or size. It is usually 0.3
to 0.5 mm wide. It depends upon the optic zone diameter and the overall diameter
6. Optic Zone (OZ)
The central optic portion, which carries the base curve of the lens, is called the optic
zone. It is the central circular portion of the lens where the power of the lens is
located. The optic zone should cover the pupil properly both in scotopic and
mezopic condition of light to avoid glare and flare problems. The average size of the
optic zone is 7 to 8.5 mm in case of rigid lenses and 7 to 12.0 mm in case of soft

7. Central Thickness
It is the center thickness of the contact lens or the distance between the anterior
and the posterior surface of the geometric center of the lens usually specified in
millimeters. Center thickness has its impact on fitting. The thickness of the lens also
affects the oxygen transmissibility. Each lens material has its critical thickness,
reducing beyond that leads to flexure problems
8. Sagittal Depth(SAG)
Sagittal depth or Sag is the perpendicular distance between the geometric center of
the back of the lens surface and the diameter of the lens. Sag values have their
importance in fitting soft contact lenses. The lens with a greater sag value will
behave steeper than the lens with the lesser Sag. Sag values are dependent on the
diameter and the curvature. If the diameter of the lens is kept constant increasing
the base curve radius decreases the sag or flattens the lens. Let us suppose there are
2 lenses of same 14 mm diameter, and if the radius of curvature is increased from
8.3 to 8.6 the lens with 8.6 mm radius will have lesser Sag or will behave flatter.
Similarly if the base curve is kept constant and the diameters are changed, the lens
with smaller diameter will have lesser Sag or will behave flatter (Fig. 2.7). Suppose
there are 2 lenses with 8.6 BC but one lens has a diameter of 13.0 mm and the
second lens has a diameter of 14 mm. The 13 mm lens will have lesser Sag.
Increasing the sagittal height tightens the lens, which can be done by either
decreasing the base curve or by increasing the diameter.
Different base curves give different Sag provided diameter is same

9. Edge Lift
The terms axial edge lift (AEL) and the radial edge lift(REL) are used to describe the
distance between the lens and the cornea for each of the lens zones. AEL is the
distance between the apex of the lens edge and the continuation of the base curve,
measured parallel to the lens axis. REL is the distance between the apex of the lens
edge and the continuation of the base curve. Edge clearance, is the distance
between the peripheral curves highest point (the lens apex edge) and the peripheral
Edge lift and edge clearance are measured in hundredths of a millimeter. For
example a normal peripheral system would have a radial edge lift of 0.08 to 0.10
mm. This would be equal to an axial edge lift of approximately 0.11 to 0.14 mm
(depends upon the diameter). The rule is that the axial edge lift or clearance will
always be more than radial edge lift or clearance

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