School Cafeteria 3

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Results processing is the process of converting scores, grade points, credit units
etc. into a clear and meaningful information such as a statement of result,
transcripts etc. These results are used to validate each student’s performance in
various courses. The current method of students’ academic results processing in
several departments has been found to be tedious and time consuming,
especially when carried out for a large number of students. This makes the
whole process cumbersome and error prone. In this project work, a computer
software application was designed to facilitate the automated processing of the
results. The software was developed using HTML, CSS, Java Script for client
side, PHP as server side programming language and MySql for the database
management. This language was chosen because of its flexibility and features
for developing online based applications. The designed application software
was tested and found to perform well and produced expected results on
completion. With this, it was possible to compute Grade Point Average (GPA)
and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for each student based on
examination scores computed or uploaded. The new system offers some
qualities such as reduction in the cost of processing of information, reduction in
time spent in computing GPA and generating transcripts, increase in accuracy
and efficiency, and elimination of redundancies.



Results processing can be seen as the process of converting scores, grade points,

credit units into a clear and meaningful information such as statement of result,

transcripts etc. (Ezenma et al, 2014). These results are used to check the

performance of each student in various courses. A result is an official school

report on the academic record of student, listing courses offered and grades

received. Student's result is a critical component of admission, transfer credit

unit processing, and graduation processing (Beka & Beka, 2015). A student’s

result is the criteria for the measurement of the student’s capability in terms of

academic work in school. It is also used to measure a student’s capability in

various courses offered by the student (Ezenma et al, 2014). Without an

adequate results processing system, the aim for which results are produced may

not be achieved, a mistake made during the process might lead to a very big


Grey (2010) observed that when the results are processed manually, it may lead

to problems such as error during computation, insecurity of results, untidy

results after changes must have been effected and work load on the examination

officers etc. For these reasons an effective, efficient and error free results

processing system is required for proper result processing. Furthermore,

designing and implementing integrated software for result processing and

transcript generation system will minimize these problems. Password will be

used to grant access to only authorized user(s). Corrections or changes are

effected without making the work untidy. Also stress on examination officers

and computer operators will be greatly reduced.

The application of computer is very relevant in every aspect of human life and

there is need for everyone to be conversant with the new technology. The

computer is used to carry out tasks and assist human in organization, research,

education and many aspect of life. The development of computer to be used in

office industries, homes as a replacement of manual method of data processing

is the best technology that has ever happen to office management. In view of

this, it became necessary to develop a result processing system to aid the

processing of student results and transcript on time.

The software developed in this project work was designed using HTML, CSS,

PHP (Hypertext PreProcessor) as server side programming language and

MySql. This language was chosen because of its flexibility and features for

developing online based applications. WAMP (Window Apache MySql and

PHP) server was used for local testing. The software was tested and found to

perform well and produced expected results.

Finally, with this, it was possible to compute Grade Point Average (GPA) and

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for each student based on

examination scores entered or uploaded. The new system has some qualities

such as reduction in the cost of processing of information, reduction in time

spent in computing GPA and generating transcripts, increase in accuracy and

efficiency, and elimination of redundancies. The system presents a single

platform that can be used to manage the processing of all examination records

within the institution.

Errors associated with the existing method of processing of student's results in

most departments in institutions in Nigeria, make it not only desirable but

imperative that a networked-computerized approach be used in measuring

students’ progress. The existing methods being employed suffer a number of

setbacks; they make the process to be time consuming, cumbersome and prone

to error. They lead to examination results being published late, sometimes with

wrong grades being entered and students’ grade point averages being wrongly

computed as a result, and ultimately leading to wrong conclusions being arrived

at the class of degree awarded. Some students could end up with undeserved

good class of degree, while others could be unfairly victimized, bringing about

frustration and bad blood. Thus an effective, efficient, stress free, speedy access

and error free is required


It has been discovered that the manual method adopted in departmental results

processing pose a lot of problems, these include the following:

1. Poor Security of Documents: Printed documents often get lost at each point

in time some of these documents get eaten by termite and other insects, some

are taken away by intruders while other are easily misplace by those in
charge of it. Students or unauthorized persons may have access to the result

sheet and increase their scores.

2. Untimely Processing Results: The period of time available for the

processing of results makes the job tedious for those in-charge. The short

period of time from the end of the exams to the day of vacation makes

teachers work round the clock to make sure the results are ready, but most

times, they find it impossible to accomplish within the short period of time,

as a result of this, the expected time for completion of results processing is

extended indefinitely.

3. Production of Inaccurate Results: Sometimes mistakes are being made

during the calculation of total scores of a student in a particular subject,

average scores and grades of students this lead to the production of

inaccurate results. There are also cases of students’ results being mixed up.


This work is intended to ginger the students and the lecturers in the application

of Information Technology (IT) to the academic system by also achieving the


1. Provide opportunity for students to access the results and confirm their

grade anywhere and at anytime.

2. Provide opportunity for effective time management by making result

processing and grading system absolutely computerized

3. To eliminate the re-occurrence of result related problems like missing

scripts or otherwise. Error is detected immediately and correction can be

done in seconds.


All efforts in this research are geared towards the gathering of sufficient

information’s that would help in making useful suggestions for the alleviation

of manual processing of results in departments. Considering the processing

speed, storage and retrieve of information facilities, the computer becomes

indispensable in results processing. Thus the aim of this project is to develop a

departmental results processing system. The objectives of this project work is


a. Present a single platform that will be used to manage the processing of all

examination records within the Department.

b. Design a package with simple and user friendly interface that will be easy to

use by ‘anybody’ with little computer knowledge.

c. Provide an effective, efficient and error free results processing system for the


d. Design an integrated result processing system.


There are so many benefit that could be derived from the proposed system when

it is fully accepted and implemented. The system will make the departmental

result processing system

 To be very effective and efficient

 Enable better result computation

 Less time constraint

 Eliminate the cost of paper usage

 Proper record keeping


Some of the problems that were encountered during the course of writing this

project are as follows:

i. Difficulty in gathering all necessary information.

ii. Financial problem was one of the major problems encountered. For every

material needed, money was required e.g. browsing the internet to source

for information.

iii. Erratic power supply both in school and at home also hindered this

project work in various ways.

iv. Also, the time allotted for the completion of the project wasn’t sufficient

as it requires time to learn the programming tool used for the project.


This research work is organized into five chapters. Chapter one is concerned

with the introduction of the research study and it presents the background to the

study, statement of the problem, aims and objectives of the study, significance

of the study, scope of the study, organization of the report and definition of


Chapter two focuses on the literature review, the contributions of other scholars

on the subject matter is discussed.

Chapter three is project methodology this deals with the research methodology,

choice of programming language, method of data collection, system analysis,

system design and the design architecture.

Chapter four deals with the system hardware and software requirements,

implementation procedure and system maintenance.

Chapter five focuses on the summary, constraints of the study, conclusion and

recommendations are provided in this chapter based on the study carried out.


i. Automated: Refers to the use of machines to perform a certain task that

is been done manually through human efforts.

ii. Computer: This is an electronic device that accept data as an input and

uses a set of instructions and logical series of arithmetic (Known as

programs) to process the data and produce an output information at a very

high and accurate speed.

iii. Computerization: This is the act of computing a manual work done into

an automated process via the use of computer.

iv. Database: This is an organized collection of data files or file that

contains data of a certain object.

v. Implementation: A way of executing or performing a certain task or

problem using automated process.

vi. Management: It is the act of managing or supervising a certain task. This

covers the planning, control, and administration of an operation of

concern. The top management handles planning, the middle management

concentrates on controlling, and the lower management is concern with

the actual administration. It also has the ability to control or supervise a

managerial skill.

vii. Processing: This is a subjection series of procedure used in treating or

analyzing a data to acquire information or record.

viii. Result: This is information, outcome obtained from an experiment or

calculation, research, in a certain field of study. It is also a final score or

mark in the context of an examination.

ix. Student: Refers to somebody who study a certain profession or carrier. In

education, student refers to somebody who study a certain course in an

institution. e.g. computer science, engineering, accounting, architecture.

x. System: This is the way of performing a routine or task that is usually

with interrelated element. It is also the combination of related things or

part that form a complex whole. Data is processed, analyzed, summarized

into an information with the use of a system, and these system is made up

of Input-Process-Output and feedback or control.




In the beginning of the 21st century, it was difficult to imagine the development

of the modern world without extensive use of the information technology that is

rapidly transforming the global, knowledge-based economy as well as the entire

societies (Moses & Ekpenyong, 2008). Information technology (IT), stands to

address how business operations can be abstracted into a useful IT knowledge,

and how such knowledge can be applied to ongoing operations. The

disintegration of record management program in organizations has led to the

inefficiency in administration and loss of vital information needed for decision

making. Therefore to ensure reliability, efficiency and transparency in the

computation of results and development of ad hoc reports, the design and

implementation of a Computer-based Result Information Management System

must be integrated into the system (Moses & Ekpenyong, 2008).

Nearly every section of the educational system requires information processing.

With the use of computers for information processing, instant access to the

academic and administrative information will be possible (Emmanuel & Choji,


According to Emmanuel & Choji (2012), one of the largest investments in many

organizations is the creation, maintenance, and retrieval of information. It has

been estimated that in an organization such as a tertiary educational community,

information is highly essential for correct students’ record and examination

data. Student information, if not properly created and stored, will cause many

errors in usage and may be lacking in integrity.

Result processing is a process by which students will be examined on the

courses they registered for and the result will be produced by the examiner.

Worldwide, it is known that the imbalance between man power availability and

the magnitude of work to be done in processing examination results, leads to the

delay in the declaration of examination results. An effective measure, which can

improve the efficiency of the examination result processing is therefore the

introduction of computerization (Akinmosin, 2014). It was observed that a

number of problems associated with student academic record management

include improper course registration, late release of students’ results, inaccuracy

due to manual and tedious calculation and retrieval difficulties/inefficiency,

According to him, the development of database concept is the answer to these

problems where the amount of redundant data is reduced and the possibility that

data contained on a file might be inaccurate because they were never updated

(Akinmosin, 2014).

According to Ukem & Ofoegbu (2012), the increase in students’ population

over the years has made the work of administrative officer in charge of

processing students’ result a very tiresome exercise to deal with. The rise in the
number of students in schools today made it imperative that we continue to seek

out the best and most efficient ways to handle schools and school

administration. Similarly Ezemma (2014), observed that the computerization of

school results processing system has the following importance;

a. Efficiency: A computerized system will make the job of result

computation a lot more efficient and students will obtain their results

soon after the marking of the scripts is completed.

b. Accuracy: Interactive processing identifies and correct error due to


c. Retrieve ability: Retrieval of information is a lot more easier.

d. Safety and security: information stored in the computer is safe from

animals, insects and intruders. Also a password can be used to make

program assessable to only authorized persons.

Furthermore, Anigbogu (2000) stated that a college portal is a personalized

software that captures the entire education business process and makes all

operations accessible via the web, thus allowing schools to effectively serve all

stakeholders, students, lecturers, administrators and parents. Also Emmanuel &

Choji (2012) stated that Publication of student’s results in the manual system

takes a very long time thus students remain idle for months waiting for their

result. Sometimes the delay in declaration of result cause heavy losses to the
students as generally they cannot join further studies or appear in competitive

exams or join jobs because of the non‐availability of examination result in time.

The process becomes a lot easier and much more accurate when

automated, because the computer is capable of accepting and storing raw data, p

rocessing it, and storing the results until when needed (Ukem & Onoyom,



There has been several studies on computerized result processing as well as

transcript generation some of which are reviewed. Beka & Beka (2015)

designed an automated result processing system that will increase through put

and reduce the response time involved in processing students result immediately

after they graduate from the institution. The system enables students register

courses and in turn, enable lecturers upload students results every semester.

Emmanuel & Choji (2012) examined the inadequacies involved in the manual

method of calculating Students CGPA (cumulative grade point average) and

proposed a solution by developed a software Application to facilitate the

automated processing of the results. The software was developed using PHP

(Hypertext processor) scripting language and employing MYSQL Relational

Database Management System in designing the database. The developed

software was tested and work as expected. With the use of computers for

information processing, the following are possible: instant access to students’

personal and course information, instant student information updating,

automatic computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA), generation of the

graduating students list, monitoring of failed courses, keeping an up-to-date

record of the entire student body in the University, storing course information

such as course code, course description, course unit, and scores for the purpose

of GPA computation, and producing user friendly data entry screens for ease of

use (Okonigene et al, 2015).

Lastly, the inadequacies involved in the manual method of compiling students’

result in secondary schools in Nigeria. To achieve that, preliminary

investigations about the current manual record keeping were carried out at some

selected secondary schools of Nasarawa State. The problems with the manual

result processing were identified and a new system was proposed, designed, and

implemented. In this work, a computer software application was developed to

automate the processing of the results. The software was developed using PHP

(Hypertext processor) programming language and MYSQL (My Structural

Query Language), a relational database management system in designing the

database; tested and found to have produced the expected results (Ezemma et al,

2014). Different Programming Languages, Programming packages and

Database management systems can be used to develop result processing

software for computing students GPA (Grade Point Average) and CGPA

(Cumulative Grade Point Average). Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program can

be used to build an Intelligent Knowledge-Based System (IKBS), making use of

various programming facilities provided by that application (Excel). The

programming is hard coded into the cells, and cell referencing which could be

applied to monitor and track students’ performances such as cumulative points

(Ekpenyong, 2008). Personal Home Page PreProcessor (PHP) is used to

communicate with and manipulate the database. Adobe Dreamweaver, an

Integrated Development Environment, is used to create the Graphic User

Interface and to write the codes. MYSQL Server, a Relational Database

Management System, is used to create the database tables and data. This

application, though tested and found to be working as expected, has however

not been put to use widely (Ukem & Onoyom, 2011). Java is a programming

language used to build programs that can work on stand-alone computers and on

the internet, its primary features are object-oriented and a cross platform

language. By cross platform, it means that the programs can run across several

platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, and Linux. MYSQL, a

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is used to create database

tables and data. MySQL is very fast, reliable, and easy to use, and its

connectivity, speed, and security make it highly suited for accessing databases

(Ukem & Ofoegbu, 2012). Moreover, there are undoubtedly several other

similar Programming Languages and Database management systems in

existence. Some previous work has actually been carried out using several of

such programming languages and packages which prove to be working fine in

this area. There is, however, always room for improvement. This new

application is intended to have reduced complexity and greater ease of use, in

order to enhance maintainability while still retaining good speed and accuracy.



A methodology is a system of methods and principles used in a particular

“school” of design. A methodology can be regarded as a system converting an

input into an output.

Different people will achieve different results. The unit of execution of a

methodology (soft or hard) is called a project.

The Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) will be

deployed in this research.

The steps taken in SSADM to achieve this model are as follows:

a) PROBLEM DEFINITION: Before the design of the proposed system, the

basic problems and weaknesses confronting the present system were

identified and defined in other to get the needed requirements of the

proposed input/output specifications in line with what the automated

proposed system would achieve, which would be enumerated as the

weaknesses in the subsequent subheading.

b) FEASIBILITY STUDY: At this phase, investigations were thoroughly

made in order to develop the new system in sufficient depth. This is done to

enable the proposed system to provide information that can satisfy its

implementation. Thus, deciding if the new system is feasible within the

present budget.
c) INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS: The user’s requirement was

analysed with the description on a document which stated the functions,

procedures and capabilities of the present system and that of the proposed


To design this system, two specifications were made. The specifications

involve an architectural design and a detailed design process.

During the architectural design process, the proposed system was broken

down into different modules. Then each of these modules in turn is designed

which resulted in the detailed design. The two design documents describe

the basic processes on the proposed system performs its operation. In

addition to the architecture, it was built to be platform independent to enable

it to run in any operating system.


Before the design of the proposed system, the basic problems and weaknesses

confronting the present system were identified and defined in other to get the

needed requirements of the proposed input/output specifications in line with

what the automated proposed system would achieve.

The method used in data collection during the course of finding the feasibility

of the new system includes;

Oral Interview: This was done when we visited the federal Inland Revenue

service, which gave us an insight of how they carry out their operation with the
system they already had, which led to the identification of problems listed

above, and the zeal in finding lasting solutions to the identified problems.

Review of Document: We tried as much as we could to lay our hands-on

documents and journals that relates to our work at large and seeing the ideas of

other people.

Website Research: This provides us with a wide range of information relating

to network monitoring system and network activity monitoring system.

Library Research: It was quite helpful though little information was gotten

from there.


The new result processing system automates all operations and administrative

activities related to examination result processing in a department of a

university or polytechnic. Thus the basic activities carried out in a manual

system are performed by a computer. The system has two actors, the student

and the administrator. The primary source of student’s list comes from the

admission list.

The admission list is typed in an excel spreadsheet and submitted to the

administrator. He uploads the file into the MYSQL database for storage. When

a student comes to register for courses, he logs into the portal with a username

and a password. The password “computer ” is general for everybody. This is to

enable the student log on to the portal. After logging in, the portal opens a
window with his surname scrolling across the window. This is to show that this

student has logged into the software. At this level, he cannot access the

registration form or view result if he is a first time user. A first time registration

requires the student to change the password to any name of his/her choice.

When this is done, he will be given access to register courses, edit courses or

print registered courses. Student registration is stored into the MYSQL database

in a registration table.

Lecturers prepare students’ results in an excel spreadsheet with their own

systems. The result is saved in an excel format and transferred into a CD. The

CDs are submitted to the administrator who uploads the softcopy result into the

MYSQL database. The system provides a component that is capable of tracking

each student’s result from the result sheet and automatically calculates the GPA

for each semester. With this, the student is able to view all his results together

with the GPA for the semester. The software was designed by articulating the

manual processes and automating the processes. The automation is carried out

by presenting each manual data process as data objects.

The data objects represent real-world entities e.g. courseregistration. It has a set

of attributes or properties and operations that can be carried out on it. The

object-oriented software captures the various data objects of the system and

establishes relationships and interaction among the objects. In the result

processing system, data objects are represented as a class object. The classes
are: student class; course class; registration class; result class and administration

class. Each class is an entity of its own with a known set of characteristics and

operations that can be performed on it. The student class contains the student

admission list. The administrator can add or delete a student’s record. He can

also print the list of registered students. The “course-class” contains all the

courses that are offered in the department. The administrator can equally add or

delete courses according to the current national universities commission (NUC)

and departmental specifications. The “registration-class” contains the name and

registration number of student together with the courses registered for a

semester. If a student registered for a module that he will not take, he will be

required to meet the administrator to drop the module. Only the administrator is

authorized to access the registration table. The result class contain the student’s

result uploaded from excel file. The administrator’s class contains the

administrator’s ID and his profile.

He performs the following functions. Add or delete a student’s record, Add or

delete courses, Upload result, Calculate GPA and CGPA.



The diagram of incremental model is shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 2

which is the architecture of the system, architecture of any system describes

its component and how they are connected together. The application in view is
of three-tier client/server application. In the three-tier architecture, a middle tier

is between the clients or users (teachers or parents/students), and or

administrator environment and the server environment. For example, if you

were trying to access a website with a three-tier architecture type, your

computer (first tier) would connect to the website’s database application

(second tier). The database application would then send a request, on your

behalf, to the main server (third tier). The main server would process your

request and forward it back to the database application, which would then

present the information to you.

For this application, the tools used to develop the first tier are JavaScript,

CSS, Html, JavaScript; tool for the second tier is PHP and the tool for the third

tier is MySQL.

Fig. 3.1: Incremental Life Cycle Model

Fig. 3.1: System Architecture


The input interface is the interface that allowed the user to input his/her other

password and username in other to have access to main menu and other sub-

menu and other functional operations. Below is the graphical view of the input







The output interface is the interface which brings out the analysis of the data

inputted into an automated system as processed information. The graphical view

of the output interface is shown below.





Student Registration


File No Integer 10
Name student Char 25
Sex Char 15
Occupation Char 20
State origin Char 15
Matric Number String 15
Date Date 15
Room No Integer 3



id Integer 10
Admin Name Char 25
Username Char 10
Password Char 20



File No Integer 10
Name student Char 25
Reg No. Char 15
Subject1 Integer 3
Subject2 Integer 3
Subject3 Integer 3
Subject4 Integer 3
Subject5 Integer 3
Subject6 Integer 3
Subject7 Integer 3
Subject8 Integer 3
Subject9 Integer 3
Subject10 Integer 3
Subject11 Integer 3
GP Double 3

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