Effect of Placement Depth of Geocell Reinforcement in
Effect of Placement Depth of Geocell Reinforcement in
Effect of Placement Depth of Geocell Reinforcement in
Abstract: In general, the tensile strength of the soil is poor. For this reason, the soil will need to
be strengthened. The main objective of strengthening the soil mass is to improve stability,
increase bearing capacity and reduce settlements and lateral deformation. There are several
methods for improving the soil. One of the approaches is the use of geosynthetic materials.
Geosynthetic is a well known technique in soil reinforcement. The use of geosynthetic three
dimensions, can significantly improve the soil performance and reduce costs in comparison with
conventional designs. In this paper, a review of experimental test carried out by different
researchers for optimum depth of geocell in the sand had been made. The test results indicated
that the inclusion of reinforcement in optimum depth of sand, decreased settlements and leading
to an economic design of the footings.
1.0 Introduction
In recent decades, due to its economy, ease of construction and performance, reinforced
soil has been widely exploited in geotechnical engineering applications such as in the
construction of roads, railway embankments, retaining walls, stabilization of slopes and
improvement of soft ground (Moghaddas Tafreshi et al., 2012). Soil reinforcement is
determined as a process for improving the engineering characteristics of soil. The soil
can be considered as four basic type combinations: gravel, sand, clay and silt. The soil
usually has the characteristics of low shear and tensile strength and is highly dependent
on environmental conditions (Ling et al. 2003).
The main objective of the soil reinforcement is to improve stability, increase capacity
and reduce settlements and lateral deformation (Yarbasi et al. 2007, Hejazi et al. 2012).
Over the past 40 years, innovative approaches to improving soil have been extended to
solve soil problems. These approaches are generally regarded as the most economical
ways to improve the conditions of undesirable sites compared to traditional construction
All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
without the written permission of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 Special Issue (1): 224-234 (2015) 225
In the recent decades, several experimental investigations have been carried out to
determine the bearing capacity of shallow foundations on different soil types reinforced
by a number of methods. Also, the beneficial effects of using planar reinforcement to
increase the bearing capacity of sand have been clearly demonstrated by several
investigators. The most recent advancement of reinforced soil is to provide three-
dimensional confinement to the soil by using geocells (Dash et al., 2001).
Shallow foundations are widely used in transmitting loads from the superstructure to the
supporting soils. After the foundation is constructed, the soil is permanently loaded by
both the gravity loads and the live loads of the superstructure. (El Sawwaf and Nazir,
2010). In this paper, an overview with the experimental test on the effect of optimum
depth of geocell in sand on bearing capacity and settlement of soil is discussed.
226 Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 Special Issue (1): 224-234 (2015)
The types of soil improvement methods, including grouting, vertical drains, soil
replacement, complete, piling and geosynthetic reinforcement has developed to solve
the problems (Liu et al., 2008, Rowe and Taechakumthorn, 2008). Among these
methods, geosynthetic reinforcement has been used (Rowe and Li, 2005). Li et al.
(2012) reported the work in this field of research. Geosynthetic produced from polymers
is widely used to reinforce soils. The reinforced soil structures are under to stress or
creep. (Leshchinsky et al., 2010, Liu et al., 2009). Geogrid is used in layers with
aggregate fills or other suitable soils to create a strong layer. So the bearing capacity of
soil under the load of the foundation will be improved. Many experiments have shown
sand usually has been used as backfill material. (Rowe and Taechakumthorn, 2011,
Karimpour and Lade and Yeo and Hsuan, Kongkitkul et al., 2010, Lade et al., 2009,
Kim et al., Lade, Pham Van Bang et al., 2007) and geogrid reinforcement material
(Bathurst et al., 2009, Jones and Clarke, 2007, Shinoda and Bathurst, 2004, Kuwano
and Jardine, 2002, Li and Rowe, 2001, Perkins, 2000, Sawicki, 1998).
3.0 Geocell
New types geocell are made of a new polymer structure characterized by low
temperature flexibility similar to high density polyethylene (HDPE). (Pokharel, 2010,
Yang, 2010). The base layer reinforced geocell mattress In road construction, acts as a
rigid slab or a mattress for distribution the traffic load vertically on a broader subgrade.
Therefore, the vertical forces applied to the subgrade was decreased and the capacity
was increased. (Marto et al., 2013). Pokharel et al. (2010) stated that the concept of
lateral confinement cell structures dating back to 1970. Geocells come in different
shapes and sizes. Figure 2 shows the typical configurations of geocell reinforcing
elements: (1) Vertical perforated elements prepared as a cellular, honeycomb-like
structure. (2) Vertical geogrid elements prepared by cutting geogrids. This type of
geocell is hand made from geogrid chevron or diamond pattern.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 Special Issue (1): 224-234 (2015) 227
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2: The typical configurations of geocell reinforcement elements. (a) Perforated geocell
(Bathurst and Jarrett, 1998). (b) Handmade geocell (Dash et al., 2003). (c) Handmade geocell
diamond pattern (Dash et al., 2003). (d) Handmade geocell chevron pattern (Dash et al., 2003).
As compared with the unreinforced base, the geocell-reinforced base can provide lateral
and vertical confinement, tensioned membrane effect, and wider stress distribution.
According to Giroud and Noiray (1981) lateral confinement, increased bearing capacity,
and tensioned membrane effect was identified as the major reinforcement mechanisms
for geotextile reinforcement. Boushehrian et al. (2011) studied experimentally and
numerically the effect of the depth of the first reinforcement layer (u), spacing between
reinforcements (h), and reinforcement stiffness on the bearing capacity of circular and
ring foundations of sand. Using footing width, B, Chung and Cascante (2006) have
shown that a zone between 0.3B and 0.5B is identified to maximize the benefits of soil
reinforcement. They noticed that the accommodation of reinforcements within one
footing width below the foundation can lead to an increase in bearing capacity ratio
(BCR) and the low strain stiffness of the reinforced system. This increase is due to the
transferring of the foundation loading to deeper soil layers, as well as a reduction in the
stresses and strains underneath the foundation. Mosallanezhad et al. (2008) dealt with
the influence of a new generation of reinforcement (named as Grid-Anchor) on the
increase of the square foundation bearing capacity. It was found that the critical value of
u/B was equal to 0.25. They also showed that BCR for this system was greater than
ordinary geogrid. Shin et al. (2008) showed that within the soil-reinforcement system
the shear modulus of soil increases with the number of layers in depth under cyclic
228 Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 Special Issue (1): 224-234 (2015)
loading. The geometry of the test configurations for the geocell considered in the
investigation is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Geometry of the Geocell- reinforced foundation bed (Moghaddas & Dawson, 2012).
Researchers (Moghaddas and Dawson, 2012, Sitharam and Sireesh, 2012, Ling Zhang
et al., 2010, Madhavi et.al,. 2009, Dash et al., 2001) mentioned the load spreading
action of the reinforced layer and a subsequent reduction in the vertical stress in the
layer underlying the geocell layer. They showed that there is an increased performance
on the footing over a buried geocell layer even with the geocell mattress width equal to
the width of the footing. The geocell mattress transfers the footing load to a deeper
depth through the geocell layer. An increase in the bearing capacity of the geocell
mattress with an increase in the ratio of cell height to cell width was observed by Rea
and Mitchell (1978) and Mhaiskar and Mandal (1992). Dash et al. (2001) found that the
load carrying capacity of the foundation bed increased with a rise in the cell height to
diameter ratio, up to a ratio of 1.67, beyond which further improvements were marginal.
The optimum ratio, reported by Rea and Mitchell (1978) was around 2.25.
Krishnaswamy et al. (2000) reported an optimum ratio of about 1 for geocell supported
embankments constructed over soft clays. Table 1 summarizes several previous
researches on the effect of geocell optimum parameters of soil reinforcement.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 Special Issue (1): 224-234 (2015) 229
Several researchers have found an improvement in the load bearing capacity of the
foundation with an increase in the mattress thickness, up to a geocell height of twice the
width of the footing. Figure 4 shows the corresponding improvement in bearing pressure
factor (IF) with u/B at different values of settlement. Figure 5 shows the variation of
improvement factors with settlement for various depths of placement of geocell
(Moghaddas and Dawson, 2012, Dash et.al, 2001). In Figure 5 shown the influence of
the depth of placement of geocell layer (defined by u/B ratio) on the bearing capacity
improvement factor (If). This is reflected in the reduction of If for higher u/B ratios.
These results suggest that to get maximum benefit, the top of the geocell mattress
should be at a depth of 0.1B from the bottom of the footing. Up to u/B ratio of 0.25, the
footings have not shown evidence of failure even at large settlements. When u/B is 0.50,
the footing had an initial failure at a settlement of about 0.2B and later starts taking
higher loads and finally reachs its ultimate load at settlement of about 0.4B. When the
u/B ratio is increased beyond 0.5, the footings have reached ultimate pressures at much
smaller settlements of about 0.15B.
Figure 4: Variation of bearing pressure with settlement for static loading of unreinforced and
reinforced foundation beds (Moghaddas & Dawson 2012).
230 Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 Special Issue (1): 224-234 (2015)
Hataf, Boushehrian 1- The amount of dimensions settlement needed to reach its constant
and Ghahramani value decreases up to 17% relative to ordinary reinforcements and
(2011) up to 50% relative to an unreinforced condition.
Moghaddas 1- The optimum depth of the topmost layer of planar reinforcement
(2010) is u/B=0. 35 while the depth to the top of the geocell should be
approximately u/B=0. 1.
3- For bearing capacity greater than 200% and reductions in
settlement by 75% can be achieved with the application of geocell
reinforcement, whereas planar reinforcement arrangements can only
deliver 150% and 64% for these two quantities, respectively.
Moghaddas and 1- The optimum depth of planar reinforcement is u/B=0.35 and the
Dawson 3D geotextile should be u/B= 0.1.
Dash et al. 1- To obtain maximum benefit, the top of geocell mattress should be
(2001) u/B=0.1 from the bottom of the footing.
2- The optimum aspect ratio of geocell pockets for supporting strip
footings was found to be around 1.67.
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 Special Issue (1): 224-234 (2015) 231
Figure 5: Variation of improvement factors with settlement for different depths of placement of
geocell (Dash et.al, 2001).
6.0 Conclusions
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