Nfpa 8504-1996
Nfpa 8504-1996
Nfpa 8504-1996
Standard on
Boiler Operation
1996 Edition
National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, PO Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101
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National Fire Protection Association, Inc.
One Batterymarch Park
Quincy, Massachusetts 02269
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Courtney D. Alvey, Lutherville, MD Masaaki Kinoshita, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Japan
William H. Axtman, Gray Gull Assoc., Inc., VA James K. Lafontaine, Pennsylvania Electric, PA
Johnny W. (Bill) Bass, Forney Int’l Inc., TX Donald J. L. Lin, Quilin Inc., TX
James R. Bostick, Bailey Controls Co., OH Francis X. Maskol, Honeywell, Inc., PA
Thaddeus Bukowski, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL Peter B. Matthews, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Ins.
Paul L. Cioffi, Babcock & Wilcox Co., OH Co., CT
William E. Cunningham, Jr., Raytheon Engr & Constructors, Russell N. Mosher, American Boiler Mfrs. Assn., VA
MA Jerry J. Moskal, ABB Combustion Engr, Inc., CT
John C. deRuyter, The DuPont Co., DE Michael C. Polagye, Factory Mutual Research Corp., MA
Robert S. Elek, Kemper Nat’l Insurance Cos., OH James L. Sherman, Baltimore Gas & Electric Co., MD
Ronald E. Fringeli, M & M Protection Consultants, OH Robert F. Tomczak, Tampa Electric Co., FL
Steven K. Funk, The DuPont Co., TX Rep. Edison Electric Inst.
Rep. American Petroleum Inst. Peter J. Gore Willse, Industrial Risk Insurers, CT
Gordon G. Gaetke, Rep. Industrial Risk Insurers
Union Carbide Corp., WV Henry K. Wong, Foster Wheeler Energy Corp., NJ
Tetsuya Fujino, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, Inc., CA S. Sam Pagadala, M & M Protection Consultants, IL
(Alt. to M. Kinoshita) (Alt. to R. E. Fringeli)
Dennis P. Jenkins, Kemper Nat’l Insurance Cos., NC
(Alt. to R. S. Elek) Richard J. Wachter, Industrial Risk Insurers, CT
Kenneth N. Lawrence, Honeywell, Inc., PA (Alt. to P. J. G. Willse)
(Alt. to F. X. Maskol) J. C. Waung, Babcock & Wilcox Co., OH
W. Scott Matz, Forney Int’l Inc., TX (Alt. to P. L. Cioffi)
(Alt. to J. W. Bass)
John P. O'Rourke, ABB Combustion Engr, Inc., CT William G. Yeich, Exxon Research and Engr Co., NJ
(Alt. to J. J. Moskal) (Alt. to S. K. Funk)
Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents on the reduction of combus-
tion system hazards in single- and multiple-burner boilers with a heat input rate of 12,500,000 Btu/hr and above.
This includes all fuels. This Committee is also responsible for documents on the reduction of hazards in pulverized
fuel systems, fluidized-bed boilers, heat recovery steam generators, and stoker-fired boilers, at any heat input rate.
Technical Committee on Fluidized-Bed Boilers
William H. Axtman, Gray Gull Assoc., Inc., VA Robert H. Melvin, AC Power ACE Operation, CA
David D. Cole, Texas-New Mexico Power Co., TX Thomas Modrak, Raytheon Engr & Constructors, PA
Arnold (Red) Conrod, Nova Scotia Power Corp., Canada Brian W. Moore, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Ins. Co.,
Joseph N. Darguzas, Sargent & Lundy, IL CT
Robert F. Eng, Foster Wheeler Energy Corp., NJ Russell N. Mosher, American Boiler Mfrs. Assn., VA
Robert Fleck, Montana-Dakota Utilities, ND John A. Ness, IBEW, MN
Richard J. Gendreau, Stone & Webster Engr Corp., MA Rep. Int’l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Gerhardt O. Goldbach, Combustion Power Co., CA
W. Ben O'Brien, Tennessee Valley Authority, AL
Robert M. Herdman, ABB Combustion Engr, Inc., CT
Donald J. Knotts, Black & Veatch, MO Michael C. Polagye, Factory Mutual Research Corp., MA
David L. Kraft, Babcock & Wilcox Co., OH Robert S. Rand, Bailey Controls, OH
James K. Lafontaine, Pennsylvania Electric, PA Donald L. Wietzke, Ahlstrom Pyropower Corp., CA
Leonard E. Little, Riley Stoker Corp., MA Peter J. Gore Willse, Industrial Risk Insurers, CT
Donald L. Lueckenotte, Burns & McDonnell, MO Rep. Industrial Risk Insurers
Thomas M. McKee, U.S. Generating Co., MD James M. Witt, Jr., Southern Co. Services Inc., AL
1996 Edition
Thomas J. Boyd, Electric Power Research Inst., NC Blair E. Kerstetter, Riley Stoker Corp., MA
(Alt. to S. Ehrlich) (Alt. to L. E. Little)
Douglas J. Campbell, Nova Scotia Power Corp., Canada
(Alt. to A. Conrod) Gary E. Norman, ABB Combustion Engr, Inc., CT
Joe Combs, Tennessee Valley Authority, KY (Alt. to R. M. Herdman)
(Alt. to W. B. O’Brien)
Steven L. Edwards, Black & Veatch, MO James J. Utt, Ahlstrom Pyropower Corp., CA
(Alt. to D. J. Knotts) (Alt. to D. L. Wietzke)
These lists represent the membership at the time each Committee was balloted on the text of this edition. Since that time, changes in
the membership may have occurred.
NOTE: Membership on a committee shall not in and of itself constitute an endorsement of the Association or any
document developed by the committee on which the member serves.
Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents on the operation and reduc-
tion of combustion system hazards and the prevention of boiler furnace explosions of fluidized-bed boilers. This
includes all fuels at any heat input rate.
1996 Edition
2-5 Coordination of Design, Construction, and Operation 7-6 Interlock System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–28
8504–7 7-7 Alarm System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–28
2-6 Maintenance Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504– 7 7-8 Boiler Front Control (Supervised
2-7 Basic Operating Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504– 7 Manual) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–28
2-8 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504– 7
2-9 Fluidized-Bed Combustion — Special Chapter 8 Sequence of Operations for Oil-Fired
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504– 8 Warm-up Burners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–31
8-1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–31
Chapter 3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504– 9 8-2 Oil Firing — Special Problems . . . . . . . . . . 8504–31
3-1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504– 9 8-3 Warm-up Burner Subsystem
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–31
Chapter 4 Equipment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–13 8-4 Flame Monitoring and Tripping
4-1 Structural Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–13 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–32
4-2 Fuel-Burning System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–13 8-5 Sequence of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–32
4-3 Burner Management System, Logic . . . . . 8504–14 8-6 Interlock System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–34
4-4 Combustion Monitoring and Tripping 8-7 Alarm System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–34
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–15 8-8 Boiler Front Control (Supervised
4-5 Combustion Control System . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–15 Manual) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–35
4-6 Warm-up Burners and Lances . . . . . . . . . . 8504–16
4-7 Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–18 Chapter 9 Interlock System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–37
4-8 Operating Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–18 9-1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–37
9-2 Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–37
Chapter 5 Furnace Pressure Excursion 9-3 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–38
Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–18
5-1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–18 Chapter 10 Alarm System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–43
5-2 Furnace Pressure Control Systems . . . . . . 8504–19
10-1 Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–43
5-3 Sequence of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–19
10-2 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–43
5-4 Interlock System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–20
5-5 Alarm System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–21 Chapter 11 Referenced Publications . . . . . . . . . . . 8504–44
1996 Edition
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GENERAL 8504–5
1-1.1 This standard shall apply to boilers with a fuel input rat- 1-2.4 The effect of gas cleanup systems located downstream of
ing of 12,500,000 Btu/hr (3663 kW) or greater. This standard the post-combustion gas passes of the boiler is known to be sig-
applies only to boilers using atmospheric fluidized-bed com- nificant. Coordination of the operating procedures and
bustion. design of the boiler and the air quality control systems shall be
required. Such coordination shall include requirements for
1-1.2 This standard covers firing of individual or blended ensuring a continuous flow path from the forced draft fan
fuels. Where multiple main fuels are fired, additional inter- inlet through the stack. This standard provides only the gen-
locks and other provisions shall be required but are not cov- eral requirements for these systems because of the multiplicity
ered by this standard. of their designs.
1-1.3 This standard covers burners and lances associated with
fluidized-bed boilers.
Chapter 2 General
1-1.4* This standard is not retroactive. This standard shall
apply to new installations and to major alterations or exten-
sions that are contracted subsequent to the effective date of 2-1 Furnace Explosions.
this standard.
2-1.1 The basic cause of furnace explosions is the ignition of
1-1.5 Furnaces such as those of process heaters used in metal- an accumulated combustible mixture within the confined
lurgical, chemical, and petroleum manufacture, wherein space of the furnace or the associated boiler passes, ducts, and
steam generation is incidental to the operation of a processing fans that convey the products of combustion to the stack.
system, are not covered by this standard.
2-1.2 A dangerous combustible mixture within the boiler
1-1.6 Since this standard is based upon the current state of the enclosure consists of the accumulation of an excessive quan-
art, its application to existing installations is not mandatory. tity of combustibles mixed with air in proportions that result
Nevertheless, operating companies are encouraged to adopt in rapid or uncontrolled combustion where an ignition source
those features of this standard that are considered applicable is supplied. A furnace explosion can result from ignition of
and reasonable for existing installations. this accumulation if the quantity of combustible mixture and
the proportion of air to fuel are such that an explosive force is
1-1.7 Revisions to this standard reflect the current level of
created within the boiler enclosure. The magnitude and inten-
knowledge and do not imply that previous editions were inad-
sity of the explosion depends on both the relative quantity of
combustibles that has accumulated and the proportion of air
1-1.8 The furnace pressure excursion prevention chapter of that is mixed with the combustibles at the moment of ignition.
this standard (Chapter 5) provides methods of minimizing the Explosions, including “furnace puffs,” are the result of
risk of furnace pressure excursions in excess of the furnace improper operating procedures by personnel, improper
structural capability. design of equipment or control systems, or malfunction of the
equipment or control system.
1-2 Purpose.
2-1.3 Numerous conditions can arise in connection with the
1-2.1 The purpose of this standard is to contribute to operat- operation of a fluidized-bed system that can produce explosive
ing safety and to prevent combustion hazards. It establishes conditions. The most common of these are as follows:
minimum standards for the design, installation, operation,
and maintenance of boilers and their fuel-burning, air supply, (a) An interruption of the fuel or air supply or ignition
and combustion products removal systems. The standard energy to burners, sufficient to result in momentary loss of
requires the coordination operating procedures, control sys- flames, followed by restoration and delayed reignition of
tems, and interlocks. accumulated combustibles;
1996 Edition
(b) Auxiliary fuel leakage into an idle furnace and the igni- 2-2.3 On the basis of reported incidents and field tests, the
tion of the accumulation by a spark or other source of igni- maximum negative furnace pressure is determined primarily
tion; by the maximum head characteristic of the induced draft fan;
(c) Repeated unsuccessful attempts to light off auxiliary a major objective of the final design shall be to limit the max-
fuel without appropriate purging, resulting in the accumula- imum head capacity of draft equipment to that necessary for
tion of an explosive mixture; satisfactory operation. Special consideration shall be given to
fan selection and arrangement of ductwork to limit the effect
(d) The accumulation of an explosive mixture of fuel and of negative head.
air as a result of the main fuel entering a bed whose tempera-
ture is below the ignition temperature for the main fuel and 2-2.4 With scrubbers or other high draft loss equipment for
the ignition of the accumulation by a spark or other source of removing flue gas contaminants, a booster fan might be nec-
ignition; essary. A bypass or other appropriate means shall be provided
(e) Purging with an airflow that is too high, which stirs up to counteract the potentially excessive negative pressure con-
combustibles smoldering in hoppers; ditions that result from combining the suction heads of both
the induced draft and booster fans.
(f) Insufficient air to all or some bed compartments, caus-
ing incomplete combustion and accumulation of combustible 2-3 Manufacture, Design, and Engineering.
2-3.1 The purchaser or the purchaser’s agent shall, in cooper-
(g) The possible accumulation of combustibles in the ation with the manufacturer, ensure that the unit is not defi-
windbox and ductwork under certain unusual operating, cient in apparatus that is necessary for proper operation, so far
start-up, or shutdown conditions. Bed material retains heat as practical, with respect to pressure parts, fuel-burning equip-
long after a boiler shutdown and can be an ignition source ment, air and fuel metering, and safe lighting and mainte-
even if its exposed surfaces have cooled. nance of stable fluidized-bed operation.
2-1.4 The conditions favorable to a boiler explosion 2-3.2 All fuel systems shall include provisions to prevent for-
described in 2-1.3 are typical examples, and an examination of eign substances from interfering with the fuel supply to the
numerous reports of boiler explosions suggests that the occur- bed.
rences of small explosions, furnace puffs, or near-misses have
been far more frequent than usually is recognized. 2-3.3 An evaluation shall be made to determine the optimum
integration of manual and automatic safety features, with con-
2-1.5 By virtue of the more consistent ignition source avail- sideration of the advantages and disadvantages of each trip
able from the mass of high temperature bed material during function.
normal operation, fluidized-bed combustion is less susceptible
to furnace puffs and flameouts than burner combustion. NOTE: The maximum number of automatic trip features
does not necessarily provide for maximum overall safety. Some
NOTE: During unit warm-up or operation using a slumped trip functions result in additional operations that increase
or semifluidized bed, the unit does not benefit from these mit- exposure to hazards.
igating factors.
2-3.4 This standard necessitates a minimum degree of auto-
2-1.6 Instrumentation, safety interlocks, protective devices, mation. The trend toward more complex plants or increased
proper operating sequences, and a clearer understanding of automation shall require additional provisions for:
the explosion problem by both designers and operators can
further reduce the risks and incidence of furnace explosions, (a) Information regarding significant operating events
especially during start-up and light-off. that allow the operator to make a rapid evaluation of the
operating situation. The operator shall be provided with con-
2-1.7 There can exist, in certain parts of the boiler enclosure tinuous and usable displays of variables that allow the opera-
or other parts of the unit, dead pockets that are susceptible to tor to avoid unsafe conditions. (Also see Section 4-8.)
the accumulation of combustibles. These accumulations can (b) In-service maintenance and checking of system func-
ignite with explosive force in the presence of an ignition tions without impairment of the reliability of the overall con-
source. trol and safety systems.
2-2* Furnace Pressure Excursions. (c) An environment conducive of proper decisions and
2-2.1 Furnace structural damage can result from the occur-
rence of excessively high or low gas side pressure. 2-3.5 Fuel feed piping and equipment shall be designed and
constructed to prevent the formation of hazardous concentra-
2-2.2 A condition that is likely to cause furnace pressure tions of combustible gases that exist under normal operating
excursions in a fluidized-bed boiler is maloperation of the conditions.
equipment regulating the boiler gas flow, including the air
supply and flue gas removal systems. This can result in expo- 2-4 Installation.
sure of the furnace to excessive fan head capability.
2-4.1 The boiler shall not be permitted to be operated before
NOTE: The rapid decrease in furnace gas temperatures and the installation and check of the required safeguards and
pressure resulting from either a rapid reduction in fuel input instrumentation system.
or a master fuel trip, which is a cause of implosions in nonflu-
idized-bed boilers, is not likely to occur in a fluidized-bed 2-4.2 The party responsible for the erection and installation
boiler because of the resistance to fast temperature changes of the equipment shall ensure that all apparatus is installed
provided by hot bed material and refractory. and connected properly.
1996 Edition
GENERAL 8504–7
2-4.3 The purchaser, the engineering consultant, the equip- 2-7 Basic Operating Objectives.
ment manufacturer, and the operating company shall avoid
2-7.1 Basic operating objectives shall include the following:
boiler operation until the safeguards have been tested to verify
their proper operation as a system. In some instances, it might (a) Establishment of operating procedures that result in
be necessary to install temporary interlocks and instrumenta- the minimum number of manual operations.
tion to meet these requirements. Any such temporary system (b) Standardization of all operating procedures. The use
shall be reviewed by the purchaser, the engineering consult- of interlocks is essential to minimize improper operating
ant, the equipment manufacturer, and the operating com- sequences and to interrupt sequences when conditions are
pany, and agreement shall be reached on its suitability in not proper for continuation. It is particularly important that
advance of start-up. purge and start-up procedures with necessary interlocks be
established and rigidly enforced. Chapters 5 and 6 describe
2-4.4 The safety interlock system and protective devices shall operating sequences that have proved to be effective in unit
be tested jointly and checked by the organization responsible operation.
for the system design and those who operate and maintain
such system and devices during the operating life of the plant. 2-7.2 Written operating procedures and detailed checklists
These tests shall be completed before initial operation. for operator guidance shall be provided for achieving basic
operating objectives. All manual and automatic functions shall
2-5 Coordination of Design, Construction, and Operation. be described.
2-5.1 Statistics indicate that human error is a contributing fac- 2-8 Training.
tor in the majority of furnace explosions. It is important to 2-8.1 Operator Training.
consider whether an error is the result of:
2-8.1.1 The owner or the owner’s agent shall be responsible
(a) Lack of proper understanding of, or failure to use, safe
for establishing a formal and ongoing program for training
operating procedures;
operating personnel. This program shall prepare personnel to
(b) Lack of adequate operator training; operate the equipment safely and effectively. The program
(c) Unfavorable operating characteristics of the equip- shall consist of study or review of operating manuals, video-
ment or its control; tapes, programmed instruction, examinations, computer sim-
ulation (if available), and supervised hands-on field training.
(d) Lack of functional coordination of the various compo- The training program shall be consistent with the type of
nents of the steam-generating system and its controls. equipment and the hazard involved.
2-5.2 Furnace explosions have occurred as a result of unfavor- 2-8.1.2 The owner or the owner’s agent shall certify that oper-
able functional design. Frequently, an investigation has ators are trained and competent to operate the equipment
revealed human error and has completely overlooked the under all conditions prior to their operation of such equip-
chain of causes that triggered the operating error. Therefore, ment.
the design, installation, and functional objectives of the over-
all system of components and their controls shall be inte- 2-8.1.3 The owner or the owner’s agent shall be responsible
grated. Consideration shall be given to the ergonomics that for periodic retraining of operators, including review of their
can affect operation of the system. competence.
2-5.3 During the planning and engineering phases of plant 2-8.1.4 The training program and manuals shall be reviewed
construction, the design shall be coordinated with the operat- periodically and kept current with changes in equipment or
ing personnel where possible. operating procedures. The training program and manuals
covering operating and maintenance procedures shall be
2-5.4 The proper integration of the various components con- readily available for reference and use at all times.
sisting of the boiler, fuel and air supply equipment, combus- 2-8.1.5 Operating procedures that cover both normal and
tion products handling equipment, combustion controls, emergency conditions shall be established. Start-up and shut-
interlocks and safety devices, operator functions, and operator down procedures, normal operating conditions, and lockout
communication and training shall be the responsibility of the procedures shall be covered in detail in operating manuals
operating company and shall be accomplished by the follow- and the associated training program.
(a) Design and operating personnel who possess a high 2-8.1.6 Operating procedures shall be directly applicable to
degree of competence in this field and who are mandated to the equipment involved and shall be consistent with safety
achieve these objectives; requirements and the manufacturers’ recommendations.
(b) Periodic analysis of the plant’s status with respect to 2-8.1.7 Operators shall be trained in the proper procedures
evolving technology so that improvements for greater safety for reducing load or tripping the system wherever there is a
and reliability can be implemented; potential for an unsafe condition that could lead to personnel
danger or property damage. Operators shall be authorized to
(c) Documentation of plant equipment, systems, and call for outside assistance in case of emergency.
2-8.2 Maintenance Training.
2-6 Maintenance Organization.
2-8.2.1 The owner or the owner’s agent shall be responsible
2-6.1* A program shall be provided for maintenance of equip- for establishing a formal and ongoing program for training
ment at intervals appropriate for the type of equipment, the maintenance personnel. This program shall prepare person-
service requirements, and the manufacturers’ recommenda- nel to perform any required maintenance tasks safely and
tions. effectively. The program shall consist of study or review of
1996 Edition
maintenance manuals, videotapes, programmed instruction, (d) Explosions or fires can result from the back flow of hot
examinations, field training, training by the equipment man- flue gas or bed material into the fuel-feeding equipment. Pro-
ufacturers, and other modes of instruction. The training pro- visions shall be made in the design to prevent back flow.
gram shall be appropriate to the equipment and potential (e) Caution shall be exercised where interpreting the
hazards involved. meter indication for combustibles. Most meters and associ-
ated sampling systems measure only gaseous combustibles.
2-8.2.2 Maintenance procedures and their associated training Therefore, the lack of a meter indication of combustibles
programs shall be established to cover routine and special does not prove that unburned coal particles or other combus-
techniques. Any possible environmental factors such as tem- tibles are not present.
perature, dust, contaminated or oxygen-deficient atmo-
sphere, internal pressures, and limited access or confined (f) Coal is subject to wide variations in analysis and charac-
space requirements shall be included. teristics. Changes in the percent of volatile matter and mois-
ture affect the ignition characteristics of the coal and can
2-8.2.3 Maintenance procedures shall be consistent with affect the minimum required bed temperature prior to
safety requirements and the manufacturers’ recommenda- admission of coal into the bed. The amount of fines in the
tions. The procedures contained in the training programs coal also can affect its ignition and burning characteristics.
shall be reviewed periodically and kept current with changes The minimum bed temperature that allows the admission of
in equipment. They shall be used in the indoctrination and coal into the bed shall account for the range of ignition char-
training of new maintenance personnel. acteristics.
2-8.2.4 Maintenance personnel shall be trained to notify 2-9.4 Waste Fuel Firing. Common hazards involved in the
operating personnel in writing of any changes in safety and combustion of waste fuels should be recognized as follows:
control devices. (a) The considerations described in 2-9.3 also apply to
waste fuels.
2-8.2.5 Maintenance personnel shall be trained to be knowl- (b) Waste fuels can contain volatile solvents or liquids;
edgeable of and to adhere to all Occupational Safety and therefore, special consideration shall be taken in the design
Health Act (OSHA) safety procedures. of the fuel handling and storage system.
2-9 Fluidized-Bed Combustion — Special Problems. (c) Waste fuels are potentially more variable in analysis
and burning characteristics than conventional fuels, and,
2-9.1 Heating the Bed. The bed material shall be heated to a therefore, an evaluation of special fuel handling and burning
temperature above the autoignition temperature of the main safeguards could be necessary.
fuel prior to admitting the main fuel to the bed. This normally 2-9.5 Warm-up and Auxiliary Load-Carrying Burners. The
is accomplished using warm-up burners. operating systems and requirements for warm-up and load-
2-9.2 Char Carryover. Elutriation of char from the bed is a carrying burners are covered in Section 4-6.
characteristic of fluidized-bed combustion. Although most 2-9.6 Hot Bed Material. Hot bed material can be removed
boiler designs provide for reinjection of elutriated char into from the bed to maintain the desired inventory of bed mate-
the bed, a certain amount of unburned carbon is carried in rial. The temperature of the material is at or near the bed
the flue gas through the boiler’s heat transfer surfaces and operating temperature [typically 1400°F to 1600°F (760°C to
ductwork to the baghouse or other dust collection equipment. 870°C)] and shall be cooled prior to disposal.
The system design shall include provisions to minimize accu-
mulations in the flue gas ductwork and dust collection equip- 2-9.7* Personnel Hazards. A number of personnel hazards
ment. are peculiar to fluidized-bed combustion. Safety precautions
for dealing with such hazards shall be required for personnel
2-9.3 Coal Firing. Common hazards are involved in the com- safety. These hazards include:
bustion of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels. Each of these fuels (a) Hot solids;
has special hazards related to its physical characteristics. The (b) Lime;
following shall be considered in the design of the coal firing
systems: (c) Hydrogen sulfide; and
(d) Calcium sulfide.
(a) Coal requires considerable processing in several inde-
pendent subsystems that need to operate in harmony. Failure 2-9.8 Additional Problems Requiring Consideration. The
to process the fuel properly in each subsystem increases the following additional problems shall be given consideration:
potential explosion hazard. (a) Thermal inertia of the bed, causing steam generation
(b) Methane gas released from freshly crushed or pulver- to continue after fuel trip;
ized coal can accumulate in enclosed spaces. (b) Requirements for continuity of the feed water supply
for extended periods following a fuel trip or the loss of all
(c) The raw coal delivered to the plant can contain foreign power supply to the plant;
substances (e.g., scrap iron, wood shoring, rags, excelsior,
(c) Potential for unintended accumulations of significant
rock). This foreign material can interrupt coal feed, damage
quantities of unburned fuel in the bed;
or jam equipment, or become a source of ignition within the
fuel-feeding equipment. The presence of foreign material (d) Potential for generation of explosive gases if the air
can constitute a hazard by interrupting coal flow. Wet coal supply to a bed is terminated before the fuel in the bed is
can cause a coal hang-up in the raw coal supply system. Wide burned out;
variations in the size of raw coal can cause erratic or uncon- (e) Potential risk of explosion when reestablishing the air
trolled coal feeding or combustion. supply to a hot bed;
1996 Edition
(f) Bed solidification as a result of a tube leak; and As-Fired. Refers to fuel properties entering a boiler furnace
(g) Structural load requirements for abnormal accumula-
tions of ash/bed material within the boiler furnace enclosure Ash. As a constituent of fuel, noncombustible mineral mat-
and the solids return path. ter that remains after the complete burning of a fuel sample.
(See also Char, Spent Bed Material.)
Ash, Fly. The fine particles of material that are carried out-
Chapter 3 Definitions side the boiler enclosure by the gaseous products of combus-
3-1 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply for the Ash, Fusion Temperature. The temperature at which a
purposes of this standard. cone of coal or coke ash exhibits certain melting characteris-
Air, Infiltration. The leakage of air into a setting, furnace, tics. (See ASTM D 1857, Standard Test Method for Fusibility of Coal
boiler, or duct. and Coke Ash.)
Air, Primary. In a bubbling bed, that portion of total air Atmospheric Fluidized-Bed Combustion. A fuel-firing tech-
used to transport or inject fuel or sorbent and to recycle mate- nique using a fluidized bed operating at near-atmospheric
rial to the bed. In a circulating bed, that portion of total air pressure on the fire side.
introduced at the base of the combustor through the air dis-
tributor. Atomizer. A device in a burner that emits liquid fuel in a
finely divided state.
Air, Secondary. Air for combustion supplied to the boiler
to supplement the primary air. Typically, in a bubbling bed, Atomizer, Mechanical. A device in an oil burner that emits
that portion of the air introduced through the air distributor; liquid fuel in a finely divided state without using an atomizing
and, in a circulating bed, that air that enters the combustor at medium.
levels above the air distributor. Atomizing Medium. A supplementary fluid, such as steam
Air/Fuel Ratio. A ratio of air to fuel supplied to a furnace. or air, that assists in breaking down liquid fuel into a finely
divided state.
Air-Rich. Indicates a ratio of air to fuel supplied to a fur-
nace that provides more air than that needed for an optimum Authority Having Jurisdiction. The organization, office, or
air/fuel ratio. individual responsible for approving equipment, an installa-
Excess Air. Air supplied for combustion in excess of theo- tion, or a procedure.
retical air.
NOTE: The phrase “authority having jurisdiction” is used in
NOTE: This is not “air-rich” as previously defined. NFPA documents in a broad manner, since jurisdictions and
approval agencies vary, as do their responsibilities. Where pub-
lic safety is primary, the authority having jurisdiction may be a
Fuel-Rich. Indicates a ratio of air to fuel supplied to a fur- federal, state, local, or other regional department or individual
nace that provides less air than that needed for an optimum such as a fire chief; fire marshal; chief of a fire prevention
air/fuel ratio. bureau, labor department, or health department; building offi-
Theoretical Air (Stoichiometric Air). The chemically correct cial; electrical inspector; or others having statutory authority.
For insurance purposes, an insurance inspection department,
quantity of air needed for complete combustion of a given rating bureau, or other insurance company representative may
quantity of a specific fuel. be the authority having jurisdiction. In many circumstances,
Alarm. An audible or visible signal indicating an off-stan- the property owner or his or her designated agent assumes the
dard or abnormal condition. role of the authority having jurisdiction; at government instal-
lations, the commanding officer or departmental official may
Alteration. A change or modification in a boiler system or be the authority having jurisdiction.
subsystem that results in a deviation from the original design
specifications or criteria.
Bed Compartment. Segments of a fluidized bed, which
Alternate Fuel. A fuel, other than the main fuel, also used might be individually controlled with respect to combustion
to carry load. airflow and fuel feed.
Annunciator. A device that indicates an off-standard or
Bed Drain. An opening provided in the enclosure of a flu-
abnormal condition by both visual and audible signals. idized bed for the removal of spent bed material and any
Approved. Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. tramp material.
Bed Material. Granular particles that compose the fluid-
NOTE: The National Fire Protection Association does not
ized bed.
approve, inspect, or certify any installations, procedures,
equipment, or materials; nor does it approve or evaluate test- Bed Temperature. The average temperature of the fluid-
ing laboratories. In determining the acceptability of installa- ized bed.
tions, procedures, equipment, or materials, the authority
having jurisdiction may base acceptance on compliance with Boiler. A closed vessel in which water is heated, steam is
NFPA or other appropriate standards. In the absence of such generated, or steam is superheated, or in which any combina-
standards, said authority may require evidence of proper instal- tion thereof takes place by the application of heat from com-
lation, procedure, or use. The authority having jurisdiction bustible fuels, in a self-contained or attached furnace.
may also refer to the listings or labeling practices of an organi-
zation concerned with product evaluations that is in a position Boiler Control System. The group of control systems that
to determine compliance with appropriate standards for the regulates the boiler process, including the combustion con-
current production of listed items. trol but not the burner management.
1996 Edition
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Boiler Enclosure. The physical boundary for all boiler pres- Combustion Chamber. The portion of the boiler enclosure
sure parts and the combustion process. into which the fuel is fed, ignited, and burned.
Bubbling Fluidized Bed (BFB). A fluidized bed in which Combustion Control System. The control system that regu-
the fluidizing velocity is less than the terminal velocity of indi- lates the furnace fuel input, furnace air input, bed inventory,
vidual bed particles and in which part of the fluidizing gas and other bed heater transfer mechanisms to maintain the
passes through the bed as bubbles. bed temperature and the air/fuel ratio within the limits nec-
Burner. A device, or group of devices, for the introduction essary for continuous combustion and stable bed operation
of fuel and air into a furnace at the velocities, turbulence, and throughout the operating range of the boiler in accordance
concentration necessary to maintain ignition and combustion with demand. This control system includes the furnace draft
of the fuel in a defined flame envelope within the furnace. control where applicable.
Auxiliary Load-Carrying Burner. A burner whose primary Continuous Trend Display. A dedicated visual display of an
purpose is load carrying, located over the bed and having its operating trend(s) by any instrument such as a cathode ray
own air supply. tube (CRT), chart recorder, or other device to quantify
changes in the measured variable(s).
Duct Burner. A warm-up burner mounted in a duct used
to heat air introduced directly into or through the bed. Crusher. A device for reducing the size of solid fuels.
Over Bed Burner. A warm-up burner located above the bed Directional Blocking. An interlock that, upon detection of
and firing over or into the bed. significant error, acts to inhibit the movement of all appropri-
ate final control elements in the direction that increases the
Warm-up Burner. A burner having its own air supply used error.
to warm up the bed to the ignition temperature of the main
fuel. The warm-up burner also can be used for limited load Drip Leg. A chamber of ample volume, with suitable clean-
carrying. out and drain connections, into which gas is discharged so
that liquids and solids are trapped.
Burner Management System. The control system dedicated
to boiler furnace safety, operator assistance in the starting and Elutriation. The selective removal of fine solids from a flu-
stopping of fuel preparation and burning equipment, and for idized bed by entrainment in the upward flowing products of
preventing misoperation of and damage to fuel preparation combustion.
and burning equipment. The burner management system Extension. An addition to the boiler system or additional
includes the following functions specified in this standard: subsystems.
interlock system, fuel trip system, master fuel trip system, mas-
ter fuel trip relay, flame monitoring and main fuel monitor- Fans.
ing, main fuel combustion monitoring, bed temperature
monitoring, and warm-up burner subsystems. Forced Draft (FD) Fan. A device used to pressurize and sup-
ply ambient air to the boiler mechanically to support combus-
Calcination. The endothermic chemical reaction that takes tion. In a fluidized-bed boiler, FD fans generally include both
place when converting calcium carbonate or calcium hydrox- primary air and secondary air fans.
ide to calcium oxide.
Induced Draft (ID) Fan. A device used to remove the prod-
Calcium to Sulfur Molar Ratio (Ca/S). The ratio of the ucts of combustion from the boiler mechanically by introduc-
total moles of calcium in the sorbent fed to the boiler to the ing a negative pressure differential.
total moles of sulfur in the fuel fed to the boiler.
Fan Test Block Capability. The point on the curve of the
Capacity. The manufacturer’s stated output rate over a head versus the flow characteristics at which the fan is
period of time for which the boiler is designed to operate. selected. This is the calculated operating point associated with
Capacity, Maximum. The highest rated capacity of a steam the maximum continuous rating of the boiler furnace plus the
generator. head, flow, and temperature margins.
Char. The unburned combustibles in solid form combined Flame Detector. A device that senses the presence or
with a portion of the fuel ash. absence of flame and provides a usable signal.
Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB). A fluidized bed in which Flame Detector, Self-Checking. A flame detector that auto-
the fluidizing velocities exceed the terminal velocity of individ- matically, and at regular intervals, tests the entire sensing and
ual bed particles. signal processing system of the flame detector. This ensures
that the failure of any single component cannot result in a
Coal. The general name for the natural, rock-like, brown- false indication of flame.
to-black derivative of forest-type plant material. By subsequent
underground geological processes, this organic material is Flame Envelope. The confines (not necessarily visible) of
progressively compressed and indurated over time, ultimately an independent process that converts fuel and air into prod-
becoming graphite and graphite-like material. Coal contains ucts of combustion.
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur, as well as Fluidize. To blow air or gas through a bed of finely divided
inorganic constituents that form ash after burning. There is solid particles at such a velocity that the particles separate and
no fixed standard for coal, but there is an almost endless vari- behave much like a fluid.
ety with respect to character and composition. The basic clas-
sifications for coal are lignite, subbituminous, bituminous, Fluidized Bed. A bed of granular particles maintained in a
and anthracite. (See ASTM D 388, Standard Classification of Coals mobile suspension by the velocity of an upward flow of air or
by Rank.) gas.
1996 Edition
Freeboard. The space or volume above the upper surface ers to support ignition or to extend the burner control range
of the bubbling bed and below the entrance to the convective is prohibited.
pass. Igniter, Class 3 Special (Direct Electric Igniter). A special Class
Fuel, Auxiliary. Fuel, generally gaseous or liquid, used to 3 high-energy electrical igniter capable of directly igniting the
warm the bed material sufficiently to allow ignition of the burner fuel. This type of igniter shall not be used unless super-
main fuel upon injection into the heated bed material; also vision of the individual burner flame is provided.
can be used to carry partial or full load as an alternate to the
Exception: The igniter, Class 3 special, shall be permitted to be used
main fuel. Auxiliary fuels are fired in burners.
without supervision of the individual burner flame while scavenging
Fuel, Main. Gaseous, liquid, or solid fuel introduced into (clearing) the burner.
the bed after the bed temperature has reached a value suffi-
Interlock. A device or group of devices arranged to sense a
cient to support its combustion and that is used during the
limit or off-limit condition or improper sequence of events
normal operation of the boiler. Main fuels necessitate the use
and to shut down the offending or related piece of equipment,
of the fluidized hot bed as their ignition source.
or to prevent proceeding in an improper sequence in order to
Fuel Cutback. An action of the combustion control system avoid a hazardous condition.
that reduces fuel flow when the air/fuel ratio is less than that Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has been
of a prescribed value. attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an orga-
Fuel Gas. See LP-Gas and Natural Gas. nization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
Fuel Oil. Grades 2, 4, 5, and 6 fuel oils as defined in ASTM and concerned with product evaluation that maintains peri-
D 396, Standard Specification for Fuel Oils. odic inspection of production of labeled equipment or mate-
rials and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates
Fuel Trip. The automatic shutoff of a specific fuel as the compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a
result of an interlock or operator action. specified manner.
Furnace. The combustion chamber of a boiler. Lance. A device, without its own air supply, that provides
High Gas Pressure Switch. A pressure-actuated device fuel input directly into the bed.
arranged to effect a safety shutdown or prevent starting when Listed. Equipment, materials, or services included in a list
the gas pressure exceeds the preset value. published by an organization acceptable to the authority hav-
High Oil Temperature Switch. A temperature-actuated ing jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or
device that initiates a signal when oil temperature rises above services that maintains periodic inspection of production of
the limits necessary to maintain the viscosity range recom- listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of ser-
mended by the burner manufacturer. vices and whose listing states either that the equipment, mate-
rial, or service meets identified standards or has been tested
Igniter. A device that provides proven ignition energy to and found suitable for a specified purpose.
light off its associated burner immediately.
Igniter, Class 1 (Continuous Igniter). An igniter applied to NOTE: The means for identifying listed equipment may vary
ignite the fuel input through the burner and to support igni- for each organization concerned with product evaluation,
tion under any burner light-off or operating conditions. Its some of which do not recognize equipment as listed unless it is
location and capacity are such that it provides sufficient igni- also labeled. The authority having jurisdiction should utilize
tion energy (generally in excess of 10 percent of full-load the system employed by the listing organization to identify a
burner input) at its associated burner to raise any credible listed product.
combination of burner inputs of both fuel and air above the
minimum ignition temperature. Lock Hopper. A feeding device that incorporates a double
Igniter, Class 2 (Intermittent Igniter). An igniter applied to pressure seal, thus enabling solids to be fed into a system with
ignite the fuel input through the burner under prescribed a higher pressure than that existing in the solids’ storage area.
light-off conditions. It also is used to support ignition under Also, a letdown device that incorporates a double pressure seal
low load or certain adverse operating conditions. The range of that enables solids to be withdrawn from a system with a
capacity of such igniters generally is 4 percent to 10 percent of higher pressure than that existing downstream of the lock
the full-load burner fuel input. It shall not be used to ignite hopper.
the main fuel under uncontrolled or abnormal conditions. Logic System. The decision-making and translation ele-
The burner shall be operated under controlled conditions to ments of the burner management system.
limit the potential for abnormal operation, as well as to limit (a) Hardwired System. A logic system comprised of individ-
the charge of fuel to the furnace in the event that ignition ual devices and interconnecting wiring.
does not occur during light-off. Class 2 igniters shall be per-
mitted to be operated as Class 3 igniters. (b) Microprocessor-Based System. A logic system comprised of
Igniter, Class 3 (Interrupted Igniter). A small igniter applied the following:
particularly to gas and oil burners to ignite the fuel input to 1. Computer hardware, power supplies, input/output
the burner under prescribed light-off conditions. The capacity (I/O) devices, and interconnections between these systems;
of such igniters generally does not exceed 4 percent of the full- or
load burner fuel input. As part of the burner light-off proce-
dure, the igniter is turned off when the timed trial for ignition 2. An operating system and logic software.
of its associated burner has expired. This is to ensure that the Low Gas Pressure Switch. A pressure-actuated device
main flame is self-supporting, is stable, and is not dependent arranged to effect a safety shutdown or prevent starting when
upon ignition support from the igniter. The use of such ignit- the gas pressure is below the preset value.
1996 Edition
Low Oil Pressure Switch. A pressure-actuated device Recycle Ratio. The mass of material being reinjected into
arranged to effect a safety shutdown or prevent starting when the fluidized bed divided by the mass of fuel being fed into the
the oil pressure is below the preset value. bed.
Low Oil Temperature Switch. A temperature-actuated Reinjection. Refers to the return or recycling of material
device that initiates a signal when the oil temperature falls removed or carried from the furnace back to the furnace. Also
below the limits necessary to maintain the viscosity range rec- refers to fly ash collected and returned to the furnace or com-
ommended by the burner manufacturer. bustion chamber; sometimes expressed as a percent of the
total collected.
Low Water Cutout. A device arranged to effect a master
fuel trip when the water level in the steam drum falls to a pre- Repair. A process that returns the boiler system or sub-
determined low level. system to its original design specifications or criteria.
LP-Gas. A material composed predominantly of any of the Scavenging. The procedure by which liquid fuel left in a
following hydrocarbons or their mixtures: propane, propy- burner or igniter after a shutdown is cleared by admitting
lene, normal butane, isobutane, and butylenes. steam or air through the burner passages, typically through a
Main Fuel Temperature Permit. The minimum bed tem- dedicated scavenging medium valve.
perature at which the main fuel can be introduced with result- Semifluidized. A state in which a uniform flow of air that is
ing stable combustion. less than that necessary to fluidize the bed is admitted and is
Master Fuel Trip. An event resulting in the rapid shutoff of found to be sufficient to adequately remove gaseous combus-
all fuel, including igniters. tibles as agreed between the manufacturer and the authority
having jurisdiction.
Master Fuel Trip Relay. An electromechanical relay(s) uti-
lized to trip all required equipment simultaneously when a Set Point. A predetermined value to which an instrument is
master fuel trip is initiated. adjusted and at which it shall perform its intended function.
Minimum Fluidization Velocity. The lowest velocity suffi- Shall. Indicates a mandatory requirement.
cient to cause fluidization (incipient fluidization). Should. Indicates a recommendation or that which is
Monitor. To sense and indicate a condition without initiat- advised but not required.
ing automatic corrective action. Sorbent. A constituent in a fluidized bed that reacts with
Natural Gas. A gaseous fuel occurring in nature consisting and captures a pollutant or, more generally, a constituent that
mostly of a mixture of organic compounds (normally meth- reacts with and captures another constituent.
ane, ethane, propane, and butane). The heating value of nat- Spent Bed Material. Material removed from a fluidized bed
ural gases varies from 700 Btu/ft3 to 1500 Btu/ft3 (26.1 MJ/m3 generally comprised of reacted sorbent, calcined limestone,
to 55.9 MJ/m3), with the majority averaging 1000 Btu/ft3 (37.3 ash, and solid, unburned combustibles. For some applications,
MJ/m3). the spent bed material might also contain some inert material,
Open Flow Path. A continuous path for movement of an such as sand.
airstream from the forced draft fan inlet to the stack. Stable Bed. A fluidized bed of granular material that main-
Override Action, Fan. A control that, upon detection of sig- tains sustained combustion at a desired temperature.
nificant error in furnace pressure, acts to reposition the Stable Flame. A flame envelope that retains its continuity
induced draft fan control device(s) in a direction to reduce throughout the maximum rate of change within the operating
the error. (See Directional Blocking.) range of the burner.
Positive Means. The physical methods of satisfying a Standard. A document, the main text of which contains
requirement. only mandatory provisions using the word “shall” to indicate
Prove. To establish by measurement or test the existence of requirements, which is in a form generally suitable for manda-
a specified condition, such as flame, level, flow, pressure, or tory reference by another standard or code or for adoption
position. into law. Nonmandatory provisions shall be located in an
Appendix, footnote, or fine-print note and are not to be con-
Purge. A flow of air through the boiler enclosure and asso- sidered a part of the requirements of a standard.
ciated flues and ducts that effectively removes any gaseous
combustibles and replaces them with air. Purging also can be Sulfation. The exothermic chemical reaction that takes
accomplished using an inert medium. place when calcium oxide unites with oxygen and sulfur diox-
ide to form calcium sulfate.
Purge Rate. A constant flow of not less than 25 percent of
the full-load mass airflow with the bed in a semifluidized or flu- Sulfur Capture. The molar fraction of sulfur in the fuel
idized condition. input that is “captured” by calcium oxide to form calcium sul-
Recirculation (Solids or Recycle). The reintroduction of
solid material extracted from the products of combustion into Sulfur Reacted. The fraction of the total sulfur in the fuel
a fluidized bed. fed to the fluidized bed that is converted to sulfur dioxide or
calcium sulfate.
Recycle Rate. The rate at which a mass of material is rein-
jected into the fluidized bed. This value is often expressed as Sulfur Retention. The molar ratio of the total sulfur in the
the ratio of the amount being reinjected to the total amount fuel minus the sulfur leaving the unit as sulfur dioxide to the
being elutriated from the fluidized bed. total sulfur in the fuel.
1996 Edition
Supervise. To sense a condition needing attention and into consideration in the design of the air and gas flow path
automatically initiate corrective action. from the forced draft fan discharge through the stack.
Supervised Manual System. A system in which a trained
4-2 Fuel-Burning System.
operator has primary responsibility for the proper start-up,
operation, and normal shutdown of a boiler with interlocks to 4-2.1 Functional Requirements.
ensure that the operation follows established procedures.
Supplementary Fuel. Fuel burned to supply additional heat 4-2.1.1 The fuel-burning system shall function to convert con-
to the steam generator or to support combustion. tinuously any ignitible fuel input into unreactive products of
Transport Air. The air used to convey or inject solid fuel or combustion at the same rate that the fuel and air reactants
sorbent or to recycle material. (See also Air, Primary.) enter the furnace.
Unburned Combustible. Combustible matter leaving the 4-2.1.2 The fuel-burning system shall be sized properly, ade-
boiler furnace enclosure, either as a gas or solid, without com- quate to meet the operating requirements of the unit, compat-
pleting combustion. ible with other boiler component systems, and capable of
Unit. The confined spaces of the furnace and the associ- being controlled over the full operating range of the unit.
ated boiler passes, ducts, and fans that convey the gases of
combustion to the stack. 4-2.2 System Requirements.
Unit Purge. Air at purge rate that is flowed through the unit 4-2.2.1 The fuel-burning system shall provide means for
from the forced draft (FD) fan to the stack for either (1) a proper start-up, operation, and shutdown of the combustion
period of not less than 5 minutes, or (2) five changes in vol- process. This shall include appropriate openings and configu-
ume of the boiler enclosure, whichever is greater. rations in the component assemblies to allow suitable observa-
Valve, Charging. A small valve bypassing the main safety tion, measurement, and control of the combustion process.
shutoff valve used for purging and charging the fuel headers
and piping and for testing for leaks. 4-2.2.2 The fuel-burning system consists of the boiler enclo-
Valve, Flow Control. A valve capable of regulating quantity sure and the following subsystems: air supply, coal or other
of throughput to a controlled range. solid fuel supply or both, crusher (where utilized), bed feed,
liquid or gaseous fuel lances, burners, ash removal, ash rein-
Valve, Safety Shutoff (Fuel Trip Valve). A fast-closing valve jection, and combustion products removal. Each shall be sized
that automatically and completely shuts off the fuel supply to and interconnected to satisfy the following requirements:
burners, lances, or igniters in response to a fuel trip or a mas-
ter fuel trip. (a) Boiler Enclosure.
Valve, Supervisory Shutoff. A manually operated shutoff 1. The boiler enclosure shall be sized and arranged so
valve with a means to provide a “valve closed” signal. that stable bed operations and stable combustion can be
Valve, Vent. A valve used to allow venting of air or gas from maintained.
the system to the atmosphere. 2. The boiler enclosure shall be free of dead pockets
Volatile Matter. The portion of mass, except water vapor, where prescribed purge procedures are followed.
that is driven off in a gaseous form when solid fuels are heated.
3. Observation ports shall be provided to allow inspec-
tion of the duct and warm-up burners.
Chapter 4 Equipment Requirements 4. Means shall be provided for adequate monitoring of
conditions at the bed and its ignition zone. Accessibility for
4-1 Structural Design. maintenance shall be provided.
(b) Air Supply Subsystem.
4-1.1 Boiler Enclosure.
1. The air supply equipment shall be sized and arranged
4-1.1.1* The boiler enclosure shall be capable of withstand- to ensure a continuous airflow adequate for all operating
ing a transient pressure without permanent deformation due conditions of the unit.
to yield or buckling of any support member. The minimum
2. The arrangement of air inlets, ductwork, and air pre-
design pressure (see Section 5-1) shall be:
heaters shall minimize contamination of the air supply by
(a) Whichever is greater, 1.67 times the predicted operat- such materials as flue gas, water, fuel, and bed material.
ing pressure of the component or +35 in. (+8.7 kPa) of water, Appropriate drain and access openings shall be provided.
but shall not be in excess of the maximum head capability of
(c) Bed Warm-up Burner Subsystem. (See Section 4-6 .)
the air supply fan at ambient temperature; and
(d) Solid Fuel Supply.
(b) The maximum head capability of the induced draft fan at
ambient temperature but not more negative than – 35 in.(– 8.7 kPa) 1. The solid fuel supply subsystem shall be designed to
of water. ensure a steady fuel flow for all operating requirements of the
4-1.1.2 The induced draft fan head capability increases due to
significant draft losses beyond the boiler enclosure or for 2. The solid fuel unloading, storage, transfer, and prep-
other reasons, such as excessive induced draft fan test block aration facilities shall be designed and arranged to size the
margins. Where the induced draft fan test block capability is fuel, to remove foreign material, and to minimize interrup-
more negative than – 35 in. (– 8.7 kPa) of water, consideration tion of the fuel supply to the feeders. This design shall
shall be given to an increased negative design pressure. include the installation of breakers, cleaning screens, and
magnetic separators where necessary. Means for detection of
4-1.2 Combustion Products Removal Subsystem. The tran- flow interruption and correction shall be provided to ensure
sient internal design pressure defined in 4-1.1.1 shall be taken a steady flow to the boiler.
1996 Edition
3. Solid fuel feeders shall be designed with a capacity 4-3 Burner Management System, Logic. The intent of this
range to allow for variations in size, quality, and moisture con- section is to provide guidance in the use of logic systems in
tent of the fuel as specified by the purchaser. Fuel piping to burner management.
and from feeders shall be designed for free flow within the
design range of solid fuel size, quality, and moisture content. 4-3.1 General Requirements. A logic system provides outputs
Means shall be provided for proving solid fuel flow. Means in a particular sequence in response to external inputs and
shall be provided for clearing obstructions. internal logic. The logic system for burner management shall
be specifically designed so that a single failure in that system
4. A bed feed that operates at a lower pressure than the does not prevent an appropriate shutdown.
boiler enclosure to which it is connected shall have a lock
hopper or other suitable means to prevent back flow of com- 4-3.2 Specific Requirements. As a minimum, the require-
bustion products. ments of 4-3.2.1 through 4- shall be included in the
design to ensure that a logic system for burner management
5. If transport air is required, a means shall be provided meets the intent of this standard.
to ensure a supply that is adequate for the required fuel
input. NOTE: Some items are not applicable to specific types of
(e) Crusher Subsystem (where utilized in the fuel feed sys- logic systems (e.g., relay systems).
4-3.2.1 Failure Effects. The logic system designer shall evalu-
1. Fuel crushing equipment shall produce satisfactory ate the failure modes of components where considering the
fuel sizing over a specified range of fuel analyses and charac- design application of the system. As a minimum, the following
teristics. The crushing system shall be designed to minimize failures shall be evaluated and addressed:
the possibility of fires starting in the system, and means shall
be provided to extinguish fires. For further information, see (a) Interruptions, excursions, dips, recoveries, transients,
NFPA 8503, Standard for Pulverized Fuel Systems. and partial losses of power;
2. The transport system shall be sized and arranged to (b) Memory corruption and losses;
transport the material properly throughout the crusher’s (c) Information transfer corruption and losses;
operating range.
(d) Inputs and outputs (fail-on, fail-off);
(f) Fuel Oil or Fuel Gas Lances. (See Section 4-6.) (e) Signals that are unreadable or not being read;
(g) Solids Removal Subsystems. (f) Failure to address errors;
1. The bed drain subsystem and flue gas cleaning sub- (g) Processor faults;
system shall be sized and arranged to remove the bed mate-
rial, fly ash, and spent sorbent at a rate that is at least equal to (h) Relay coil failure;
the rate at which they are generated by the fuel-burning pro- (i) Relay contact failure; and
cess during unit operation. (j) Timer failure.
2. Convenient access and drain openings shall be pro-
vided. 4-3.2.2 Design.
(a) Diagnostics shall be included in the design to monitor
3. The removal equipment handling hot ash from the
processor logic function.
boiler shall be designed to provide material cooling before
discharging material into ash handling and storage equip- (b) Logic system failure shall not preclude proper opera-
ment. Safety interlocks with a device to monitor cooling tor intervention.
medium flow and material discharge temperature shall be (c) Logic shall be protected from unauthorized changes.
provided to prevent fires or equipment damage.
(d) Logic shall not be changed while the associated equip-
(h) Combustion Products Removal Subsystem. ment is in operation.
1. The flue gas ducts, fans, and stack shall be sized and (e) System response time (throughput) shall be suffi-
arranged to remove the products of combustion at the same ciently short to prevent negative effects on the application.
rate at which they are generated by the fuel-burning process
(f) Protection from the effects of noise immunity shall be
during operation of the unit.
adequate to prevent false operation.
2. Convenient access and drain openings shall be pro- (g) Any single component failure within the logic system
vided. shall not prevent a mandatory master fuel trip. (See 6-2.5.)
3. The flue gas ducts shall be designed so that they do (h) The operator shall be provided with a dedicated man-
not contribute to furnace pulsations. ual switch(es) that shall actuate the master fuel trip relay
4. Components common to more than one boiler shall independently and directly. (See also 9-3.1.4.)
not limit the rate of removal of products of combustion gen-
4-3.2.3 Requirement for Independence. The logic system
erated during operation of any or all boilers.
performing the safety functions for burner management shall
5. Boilers that share a common component between the not be combined with any other logic system. These burner
furnace outlet and the stack shall have provisions to bypass management safety functions shall include, but shall not be
the common components for unit purge. Purge air shall not limited to, proper purge interlocks and timing, bed tempera-
discharge into or through a common component if the other ture monitoring, mandatory safety shutdowns, and burner
boiler(s) is in operation. flame monitoring. [See A-9-2.3(i).]
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
4- The burner management system shall be provided NOTE: To maintain a proper air/fuel ratio, the use of gravi-
with independent logic, independent input/output systems, metric-type or calibrated volumetric-type feeders with the use
and independent power supplies and shall be functionally and of combustion airflow measurement and monitoring of the
physically separate from other logic systems (e.g., boiler con- flue gas percent oxygen and low range combustibles is an
acceptable method of controlling the air/fuel ratio.
trol system).
4- The same hardware type used for other logic systems 4-5.2 System Requirements.
shall be permitted to be used for burner management systems.
4-5.2.1 Equipment shall be provided and operating proce-
4- Data highway communications between the burner dures established to heat the bed material prior to admitting
management system and other systems shall be permitted. fuel to the bed. For bed start-up, the temperature of the bed
However, signals that initiate mandatory master fuel trips shall material shall be raised to the minimum value established for
be hardwired. self-sustaining combustion of the fuel, and the bed shall be flu-
idized before fuel is admitted. (See Appendix B.)
4-3.2.4 Logic sequences or devices intended to cause a safety
shutdown, once initiated, shall cause a burner or master fuel 4-5.2.2 Provisions shall be made for setting minimum and
trip, as applicable, and shall require operator action prior to maximum limits on the fuel and air control subsystems to
resuming operation of the affected burner(s). No logic ensure stable bed operation and to prevent fuel and airflows
sequence or device shall be permitted that allows momentary beyond the capacity of the furnace. These minimum and max-
closing and subsequent inadvertent reopening of main or imum limits shall be defined by the boiler manufacturer and
ignition fuel valves. verified by operating tests.
4-4 Combustion Monitoring and Tripping Systems. 4-5.2.3 Where changing the rate of furnace input, the airflow
and fuel flow shall be changed simultaneously to maintain
4-4.1 Functional Requirements. The basic requirements of proper air/fuel ratio during and after the changes. This shall
the combustion monitoring and tripping system shall be as fol- not eliminate the requirements for air lead and lag during
lows: changes in the fuel firing rate. Setting the fuel flow control on
automatic without setting the airflow control set on automatic
(a) Combustion instability situations shall be brought to
shall be prohibited, and this function shall be interlocked.
the attention of the operator for remedial action.
(b) An emergency shutdown of the involved equipment NOTE: Where fluidized-bed combustion boilers burn fuels
shall be automatically initiated upon detection of serious of widely varying heat value and air demand per unit of fuel,
combustion problems likely to lead to the accumulation of the required air/fuel ratio limits should include provision for
unburned fuel or other hazardous situations. the calibration of the air/fuel ratio.
4-4.2* Bed Temperature Monitoring. 4-5.2.4 The control system shall prevent the demand for a
fuel-rich mixture while in the automatic control mode.
4-4.2.1 The bed temperature, monitored by taking a number
of measurements physically located in the bed, shall provide a 4-5.2.5 Means shall be provided to limit fuel input to the air
representative bed temperature profile under all operating available while in the automatic control mode.
conditions. If the bed is compartmented, the bed temperature
of each individual compartment shall be monitored. The bed 4-5.2.6 On balanced draft furnaces, furnace draft shall be
temperature(s) shall be available to the operator. maintained at the set point.
4-4.2.2 An indication of bed temperature outside the normal 4-5.2.7 Equipment shall be designed and procedures estab-
operating range shall be brought to the attention of the oper- lished to allow as much on-line maintenance of combustion
ator in order to permit remedial action. control equipment as practicable.
4-4.2.3 Upon detection of a bed temperature that falls below 4-5.2.8 Provisions for calibration and testing of combustion
the minimum value established for self-sustaining combustion control and associated interlock equipment shall be fur-
of the fuel(s) being fired in the bed, that fuel supply shall be nished.
automatically shut down.
4-5.2.9* Flue gas oxygen analyzers shall be provided for use as
4-5 Combustion Control System. an operating guide. Consideration also shall be given to pro-
viding a combustibles analyzer for use as an operating guide.
4-5.1 Functional Requirements.
4-5.2.10 Fuel gas flow meters shall be operated at constant
4-5.1.1 The combustion control system shall maintain furnace pressure conditions or shall be pressure compensated where
fuel and air input in accordance with demand. pressure variations introduce a significant error.
4-5.1.2 The combustion control system shall maintain the bed 4-5.2.11 Fuel oil flow meters shall be compensated where vari-
temperature within the limits required for continuous stable ations in temperature or viscosity introduce a significant error.
combustion for the full operating range of the boiler.
4-5.2.12 Consideration shall be given to providing solid fuel
4-5.1.3 Furnace inputs and their relative rates of change shall flow measurement devices on each feeder as a part of the com-
be controlled to maintain the air/fuel ratio within the limits bustion control and solid fuel feed control systems in order to
required for continuous combustion and stable bed condi- provide indexes of total fuel versus total airflow and for use as
tions for the full operating range of the boiler. an operating guide.
1996 Edition
4-5.2.13 Means shall be provided to maintain adequate trans- Table 4-6.1.9 Vent Line Sizes
port/fluidizing air for transporting the required fuel, sorbent,
and recycled ash material, as applicable. Fuel Line Diameter Vent Line Diameter
(in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
4-6 Warm-up Burners and Lances.
≤11/2 ≤38 3/
4 19
4-6.1 Fuel Supply Subsystem, Gas. 2 50.8 1 25.4
21/2 to 3 64 to 76 1 1/ 4 31.8
4-6.1.1 The fuel supply equipment shall be sized and arranged 31/2 89 11/2 38
to ensure a continuous fuel flow that is adequate for all operat-
4 to 5 102 to 127 2 50.8
ing requirements of the unit. These include coordination of the
fuel control valve, burner safety shutoff valves, and associated 51/2 to 6 140 to 152 21/2 64
piping volume to prevent fuel pressure transients that might 61/2 to 71/2 165 to 191 3 76
result in exceeding burner limits for stable flame caused by 8 203 31/2 89
placing burners in service or taking them out of service. >8 203 15% of the cross-sectional
area of the pipe
4-6.1.2 The portion of the fuel supply system located outside
the boiler room shall be arranged to prevent excessive fuel gas
4-6.1.10 The vent lines from the individual burners shall be
pressure in the fuel-burning system, even in the event of a fail-
permitted to be manifolded together. The vent lines from the
ure of the gas supply constant fuel pressure regulator(s). Usu-
individual igniters shall be permitted to be manifolded
ally this can be accomplished by providing full relieving
together. The cross-sectional area of the manifolded line shall
capacity, vented to a safe location. Where full relieving capac-
not be less than the largest vent line plus 50 percent of the sum
ity is not installed, a high gas supply pressure trip shall be pro-
of the cross-sectional areas of the additional vent lines.
vided. (See also 7-5.3.)
4-6.1.3 The fuel supply equipment shall be designed to Exception No. 1: Burner vents shall not be manifolded with igniter
inhibit contamination of the fuel. Convenient access to impor- vents or lance vents in any combination.
tant fuel system components shall be provided. Drains shall be
Exception No. 2: Header vents shall be permitted to be manifolded with
provided at low points in the piping.
other header vents only where they are operated and tripped in parallel.
4-6.1.4 The fuel supply equipment shall be capable of con- Exception No. 3: Vents of headers served from different pressure re-
tinuing the proper fuel flow during anticipated furnace pres- ducing stations shall not be manifolded.
sure pulsations. Exception No. 4: Vent systems of different boilers shall not be manifolded.
4-6.1.5 The fuel supply equipment shall be designed with care- Exception No. 5: Vents of systems operating at different pressures
ful consideration of the operating environment and ambient shall not be manifolded.
conditions, including severe external conditions such as fire or Exception No. 6: Vents of systems using different fuel sources shall
mechanical damage. Special attention shall be given to such fac- not be manifolded.
tors as routes of piping and valve locations to minimize expo-
sure to explosion hazard or high temperature sources. 4-6.1.11 Shutoff valves shall be located as close as practicable
to the igniters, burners, or lances to minimize the volume of
4-6.1.6 As much of the fuel subsystem as is practicable shall be fuel downstream of the valve.
located outside the boiler house. A manual emergency shutoff
valve shall be provided that is accessible in the event of fire in 4-6.1.12 Gas piping materials and system design shall be in
the boiler area. accordance with ANSI B31.1, Power Piping.
4-6.2 Fuel Supply Subsystem, Fuel Oil.
4-6.1.7 A positive means to prevent leakage of gas into a fur-
nace or duct shall be provided. Provisions shall be included to 4-6.2.1 The fuel supply equipment shall be sized and arranged
vent the piping upstream of the last shutoff valve in any line to to ensure a continuous fuel flow that is adequate for all operat-
a burner, igniter, or lance. ing requirements of the unit. These include coordination of the
fuel control valve, burner safety shutoff valves, and associated
4-6.1.8 Provisions shall be made in the gas piping to allow test- piping volume to prevent fuel pressure transients that might
ing for leakage and subsequent repair. Such provisions shall result in exceeding burner limits for stable flame caused by
include a permanent and ready means for making easy, accu- placing burners in service or taking them out of service.
rate, periodic tightness tests of the header safety shutoff valves
and individual safety shutoff valves. 4-6.2.2 Unloading, storage, pumping, heating, and piping
facilities shall be designed and arranged to inhibit contamina-
4-6.1.9* The discharge from atmospheric vents shall be tion of the fuel. Where necessary, cleaning devices shall be
located so that there is no possibility of the discharged gas provided to ensure a clean fuel to valves and burners. Conve-
being drawn into the air intake, ventilating system, or windows nient access to important fuel system components shall be pro-
of the boiler room or adjacent buildings and shall be vided. Adequate drains shall be provided.
extended sufficiently above the boiler and adjacent structures
4-6.2.3 Fill and recirculation lines to storage tanks shall dis-
so that gaseous discharge does not present a fire hazard.
charge below the liquid level to avoid free fall, which might gen-
Vents shall be sized according to Table 4-6.1.9 erate static electrical charges as well as increased vaporization.
1996 Edition
4-6.2.4 Adequate strainers, filters, traps, sumps, and similar 4-6.2.17 A positive means shall be provided to prevent fuel oil
components shall be provided to remove harmful contami- from entering the burner header system through recirculat-
nants where practicable; materials not removed shall be ing valves, particularly from the fuel supply system of another
accommodated by special operating and maintenance proce- boiler.
dures. Contaminants in fuel include salt, sand, sludge, water,
and other abrasive or corrosive constituents. Some fuels con- NOTE: Check valves for this function have not proven
tain waxy materials that precipitate, clogging filters and other dependable in heavy oil service.
elements of the fuel system.
4-6.2.18 Provisions, including an ignition source, shall be pro-
4-6.2.5 The fuel supply equipment shall be designed with vided for clearing (scavenging) the passages of an atomizer
careful consideration of the operating environment and ambi- that lead into the furnace or duct.
ent conditions, including severe external conditions such as
fire or mechanical damage. Special attention shall be given to 4-6.3 Warm-up Burner Subsystem.
such factors as routes of piping and valve locations to mini-
mize exposure to explosion hazard or to high temperature or 4-6.3.1 General.
low temperature sources. Low temperatures can increase vis- 4- The warm-up burner subsystem shall function to
cosity, inhibit flow, or precipitate waxy materials. High tem- supply sufficient heat energy to bring the bed to the fuel igni-
peratures can cause carbonization or excessive pressures and tion temperature.
leakage due to fluid expansion in “trapped” sections of the sys-
tem. 4- The warm-up burner shall meet the requirements of
4-6.2.6 As much of the fuel supply subsystem as is practicable
shall be located outside the boiler house. A manual emer- 4- Provision shall be made for visual observation of
gency shutoff valve shall be provided that is accessible in the conditions at the burner ignition zone. Additional provisions
event of fire in the boiler area. shall be made for flame detection equipment. The burner
equipment shall be located in an appropriate environment
4-6.2.7 A means shall be provided to prevent or relieve excess with convenient access for maintenance. Special attention
pressure from expansion of entrapped oil in the fuel system. shall be given to fire hazards imposed by leakage or rupture of
This is especially important in the case of crude oil. piping near the burner. The requirements of good house-
4-6.2.8 Relief valve discharge passages, vents, and telltales shall keeping shall be practiced.
be provided with suitable piping to allow the safe discharge of 4-6.3.2 Subsystem Requirements.
oil or vapors. This piping might need to be heat traced.
4- Air Supply. A portion of the total air supply suffi-
4-6.2.9 Shutoff valves shall be located as close as practicable to
cient for light-off and flame stabilization shall be supplied to
the igniters, burners, or lances to minimize the volume of fuel
the warm-up burner(s).
downstream of the valve.
4-6.2.10 Oil piping materials and system design shall be in 4- Ignition.
accordance with NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil- (a) The ignition subsystem shall be sized and arranged to
Burning Equipment, and ANSI B31.1, Power Piping. ignite the warm-up burner fuel input within the limits of the
igniter classification. The subsystem shall be tested to verify
4-6.2.11 All instrument and control piping and other small
that the igniters furnished meet the requirements of the class
lines containing oil shall be rugged, capable of withstanding
specified for the subsystem design. Igniters are designated
the expected range of external temperatures, suitably pro-
according to use as Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 as defined in
tected against damage, and maintained at the proper temper-
Chapter 3 and verified by test. Many factors affect the classifi-
ature. The use of interface fluids or sealing diaphragms might
cation of igniters, including the characteristics of the warm-
be necessary with this instrumentation.
up fuel, the furnace and burner design, and the igniter capac-
4-6.2.12 A positive means to prevent leakage of oil into a fur- ity and location relative to the warm-up fuel burner.
nace or duct shall be provided. (b) Where Class 1 and Class 2 igniters are used, the tests
4-6.2.13 Provisions shall be made in the oil supply system to described in 4-6.5 also shall be performed with the ignition
allow testing for leakage and subsequent repair. Such provisions subsystem in service to verify that the igniters furnished meet
shall include a permanent and ready means for making easy, the requirements of the class specified in the design. The
accurate, periodic tightness tests of all safety shutoff valves. resulting extended turndown range shall be available where
Class 1 igniters are in service and flame is proven.
4-6.2.14 Fuel oil shall be delivered to the burners at the
(c) Tests shall be performed to determine transient limits in
proper temperature and pressure as recommended by the
the igniter air and fuel supplies, or the warm-up burner air and
burner manufacturer to ensure proper atomization.
fuel supplies, that do not extinguish the igniter flame or reduce
4-6.2.15 Where heating of oil is necessary, it shall be accom- the igniter’s ability to perform its intended function or adversely
plished without contamination or coking. affect other burners or igniters in operation.(See also 4-6.5.)
4-6.2.16 Adequate recirculation provisions shall be incorpo- (d) Permanently installed igniters shall be required. They
rated for controlling the viscosity of the oil to the burners for shall be individually supervised to verify that the require-
initial light-off and for subsequent operation. Recirculation ments of 4-, (b), and (c) have been met. This shall
systems shall be designed and operated to prevent excessively include supervision of the igniter flame and capacity.
hot oil from entering fuel oil pumps that could cause them to (e) The ignition equipment shall be located in an appro-
vapor-bind, and subsequently interrupt the fuel oil supply. priate environment with convenient access for maintenance.
1996 Edition
4- Flame Monitoring and Tripping, Functional Re- limits shall be specified by the burner manufacturer and veri-
quirements. The basic requirements of any flame monitoring fied by operating tests. (See 7-3.2.)
and tripping system shall be as follows: (d) The control system shall prevent the demand for a
(a) The warm-up burners shall meet the requirements of 4-4.1. fuel-rich mixture while in the automatic control mode.
(b) Each burner shall provide enough system resistance or 4-6.4 Lance Subsystem.
dampening to the fuel and airflow to override anticipated fur-
nace pulsations and maintain stable combustion. 4-6.4.1 Functional Requirements.
(c) Each burner shall be individually supervised. Upon 4- The lance subsystem shall function to provide alter-
detection of loss of burner flame, the safety shutoff valve for nate or supplemental fuel input to the bed.
the burner experiencing the loss shall automatically close.
4- The lances shall meet the requirements of 4-2.1.
(d) It is recognized that any fuel input that does not ignite
and burn on a continuous basis creates a hazard. Regardless 4-6.4.2 Subsystem Requirements.
of the number or pattern of flame loss indications used for 4- Fuel Supply System.
tripping, loss of flame indication on an operating burner or
flame envelope shall initiate an alarm to warn the operator of (a) The liquid or gaseous fuel lance subsystem shall be
potential hazard. designed so that the fuel is supplied in a continuous manner
and within the confines of stable combustion limits. Mini-
(e) Field testing shall be required to validate basic flame
mum bed temperature interlocks shall be furnished to ensure
tripping concepts. These tests shall be performed on repre-
the combustion of fuel in the bed at all times.
sentative units. The results of these tests shall be permitted to
be applied to other units of similar size and arrangement, (b) Provision shall be made for protecting the lance noz-
including burners/nozzles of substantially the same capacity zles and tips.
that use similar fuels. These tests shall not replace acceptance (c) The lance equipment shall be located in an appropri-
tests relating to proof of design, function, and components. ate environment with access for maintenance. Special atten-
(f) Oil-fired warm-up burners, firing into the bed, shall be tion shall be given to fire hazards posed by leakage or rupture
permitted to be scavenged immediately after shutdown or of piping near the lance. Good housekeeping practices shall
trip if the bed is fluidized and the bed temperature is greater be enforced.
than 1400°F (760°C) or if associated igniters are in service. 4- Multiple Lances Under Common Control.
4- Flame Detection. (a) A group of lances shall be permitted to be supplied
(a) Flame Detector Sighting. The use of flame detector sight- from a common header whose input is controlled by a single
ing shall be considered in the initial burner design. Field tests set of fuel safety shutoff and control valves.
shall be required to establish optimum sighting angles of (b) Flow to a group of lances that is controlled from a com-
burners or nozzles and also to check the effective angular mon source shall be treated as an individual lance.
range of flame detectors in relation to burners or nozzles. 4-6.5 Burner Testing. The turn-down limits of stable flame
Methods and equipment used to reduce the emission of air for each burner subsystem producing a separate flame enve-
pollutants can affect the burner flame, selection of the flame lope shall be determined by tests without the ignition system
detector, and location/sighting of the flame detector. in service. These tests shall verify that transients generated in
(b) Clean Air Supply. Clean air, where necessary, shall be the fuel and air subsystems do not adversely affect the burners
supplied in order to minimize problems with dirty detector in operation. Such transients are generated by components
lenses. such as burner shutoff valves or dampers that operate at
(c) Self-Checking of Flame Detectors. Where flame-sensing speeds faster than the speed of response of other components
detectors can fail in the flame-proven mode, self-checking in the system. These tests shall include the use of those fuels
features shall be provided. expected to be used.
(d) System Objectives. System objectives shall be developed 4-7 Power Supplies. All reasonable precautions shall be
with due consideration given to those requirements that are taken to ensure the availability of a failure-free power supply
specifically related to the combustion conditions that are typi- (electric or pneumatic) to all devices.
cal for particular furnace configurations, burner systems, and
fuel characteristics. Such objectives shall be consistent with 4-8 Operating Information. As a minimum, continuous,
the particular manufacturer’s design philosophy. simultaneous trend displays of boiler steam flow, feed-water
flow, total fuel flow, and total airflow as a percentage of the
4- Combustion Control System. maximum unit load shall be provided at the operating loca-
(a) The combustion control system shall be in accordance tion. Continuous, simultaneous trend displays also shall be
with Section 4-5. provided at the operating location for drum level, bed temper-
ature(s), final steam temperature, main steam pressure, and
(b) Equipment shall be provided and operating proce- furnace draft.
dures established to ensure a stable flame condition at each
burner and to preclude the possibility of an air/fuel ratio
condition that could result in a fuel-rich condition within the Chapter 5 Furnace Pressure Excursion Prevention
(c) Provision shall be made for setting minimum and max- 5-1 General. This chapter provides methods for minimizing
imum limits on the warm-up burner fuel and air control sub- the risks of furnace pressure excursions in excess of furnace
systems to prevent fuel flow and airflow beyond the stable structural capability. This shall be accomplished by one of the
flame limits of the burner(s). These minimum and maximum following methods:
1996 Edition
(a) The boiler enclosure, the air supply system, and the
flue gas removal system shall be designed so that the maxi- (D) (A) (B)
mum head capability of the forced draft and induced draft Feed- Three furnace
fans within these systems, with ambient air, does not exceed forward pressure
the design pressure of the boiler enclosure, associated ducts, demand Furnace transmitters
and equipment. This design pressure is defined the same as, signal pressure
and shall be in accordance with, the wind and seismic stresses control
of subsection 1-5.6 of Section 5 of AISC M016, Manual of Steel subsystem
Construction Allowable Stress Design. Transmitter
(b) A furnace pressure control system shall be provided in monitoring
and median
accordance with Section 5-2 and a furnace design as specified system
in 4-1.1.
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
engineering consultants, and operating companies. These avoid excessive positive or negative furnace pressure tran-
procedures shall be integrated with the operating procedures sients during fan coast-down.
specified in this chapter and in Chapter 6.
5-4 Interlock System.
5-3.1.2 An open flow path from the inlet of the forced draft
5-4.1 Functional Requirements. The functional require-
fans through the stack shall be ensured under all operating
ments for interlock systems specified in Chapter 9 shall be fol-
conditions. Where the system design does not allow the use of
fully open air paths, the minimum width of open area air paths
shall not be less than that required for purge airflow with fans 5-4.2 System Requirements.
in operation. Those principles to be observed shall include the
following: 5-4.2.1 It is possible to achieve conditions conducive to a fur-
nace pressure excursion that cannot be detected by any of the
(a) On installations with multiple induced draft or forced mandatory automatic-trip devices, even though such devices
draft fans, all fan flow control devices and shutoff dampers are properly adjusted and maintained; therefore, operating
shall be opened in preparation for starting the first induced personnel shall be made aware of the limitations of the auto-
draft fan. In addition, sufficient isolating dampers, windbox matic protection system.
dampers, air registers, and other control dampers shall be
opened to ensure an open flow path from the forced draft fan 5-4.2.2 The following interlocks shall be provided:
inlet through the furnace, the induced draft fans, and the (a) High Furnace Pressure.
stack. Unless an open flow path is provided by other means, 1. A master fuel trip shall be initiated when the furnace
the open path shall be ensured while starting the first pressure exceeds the normal operating pressure by a value
induced draft and forced draft fan. specified by the manufacturer. If fans are operating after the
trip, they shall be continued in service. The airflow shall not
NOTE: On installations with multiple induced draft and
be increased by deliberate manual or automatic control
forced draft fans, during any individual fan’s starting sequence,
its associated flow control devices and shutoff dampers may be action.
permitted to be closed. 2. Before the main fuel firing and following a master
fuel trip, forced draft fans shall be tripped if the furnace posi-
(b) On installations with a single induced or forced draft tive pressure exceeds the normal operating pressure by a
fan, the induced draft fan’s associated control devices and value specified by the manufacturer. The value of the positive
shutoff dampers shall be permitted to be closed as required pressure at which this trip is activated shall be greater than
during the fan’s start-up. Once the induced draft fan is oper- that specified in 5-4.2.2(a)1.
ating and has stabilized, the forced draft fan’s associated flow (b) High Furnace Draft (Balanced-Draft Units).
control devices and shutoff dampers shall be brought to the
1. A master fuel trip (not necessarily automatic) shall be
position that ensures acceptable starting current for that fan’s
initiated when the furnace negative pressure exceeds the nor-
start-up and then brought to the position for purge airflow
mal operating pressure by a value specified by the manufac-
during fan operation.
turer. If fans are operating after the trip, they shall be
(c) Within the limitations of the fan manufacturer’s rec- continued in service. The airflow shall not be increased by
ommendations, all flow control devices and shutoff dampers deliberate manual or automatic control action.
on idle fans shall remain open until the first induced draft
and first forced draft fans are in operation while maintaining NOTE: For the trips specified in 5-4.2.2(a)1, (a)2, and (b)1,
furnace pressure conditions and indication of an open flow a short time delay might be necessary to prevent tripping on
path. After the first induced draft and forced draft fans are rapid transients that do not present a hazard.
started and are delivering air through the furnace, the shut-
off damper(s) of the remaining idle fan(s) shall be permitted 2. Before the main fuel firing and following a master
to be closed. fuel trip, all induced draft fans shall be tripped if furnace neg-
ative pressure exceeds the normal operating pressure by a
(d) The practice of operating with excess induced draft
value specified by the manufacturer. The value of the nega-
fan capability in relation to either forced draft fan capability
tive pressure at which this trip is activated shall be greater
or boiler load shall be discouraged.
than that specified in 5-4.2.2(b)1.
5-3.1.3 The sequence for starting and stopping fans under all (c) Loss of Forced Draft Fans.
conditions shall be as follows: 1. An interlock to prove each forced draft fan is running
(a) An induced draft fan is started, and then a forced draft and capable of providing the required flow shall be provided.
fan is started. Subsequent induced draft and forced draft fans Loss of such proofs shall initiate appropriate loss of forced
shall be started in accordance with 5-3.1.4. draft fan interlocks. Variable speed and axial flow fans might
(b) Shutdown procedures shall be the reverse of those necessitate special provisions.
required in 5-3.1.3(a). 2. Damper(s) shall be closed on loss of an individual
forced draft fan, unless it is the last forced draft fan in service.
5-3.1.4 Where starting and stopping fans, the methods
employed and the manipulation of the associated control ele- 3. Where an interlock system is provided to start, stop,
ments shall minimize furnace pressure excursions. The fur- and trip induced draft fans and forced draft fans in pairs, the
nace pressure control subsystem shall be placed on and associated induced draft fan shall be tripped on loss of an
maintained on automatic control as soon as practicable. individual forced draft fan, and the dampers associated with
both fans shall be closed, provided they are not the last fans
5-3.1.5 Following shutdown of the last fan due to any cause, in service. If they are the last fans in service, the forced draft
the opening of fan dampers shall be delayed or controlled to fan dampers shall remain open, and the induced draft fan
1996 Edition
shall remain in operation with the control damper positioned 6-1.2 Sequence of operations is based on the typical safety
or the speed controlled to avoid excessive negative draft. interlock system shown in Figure 9-3.1 (b). These sequences
4. A master fuel trip shall be initiated on loss of all shall be followed where the unit is operated manually or
forced draft fans. All forced draft fan dampers shall be where certain functions are accomplished by interlocks or
opened after a time delay to avoid high duct pressure during automatic controls. Different arrangements shall be permit-
fan coast-down. Dampers shall remain open. Gas recircula- ted where equivalent protection is provided and the intent of
tion fan system dampers shall be closed. the operating sequences specified in this chapter is met.
(d) Loss of Induced Draft Fans. 6-1.3 The starting and shutdown sequences for fluidized-bed
1. An interlock to prove each induced draft fan is run- boilers are designed to preserve the temperature of the bed
ning and capable of providing the required flow shall be pro- material and refractory while providing proper operating con-
vided. Loss of such proofs shall initiate appropriate loss of ditions. As a result, the warm-up cycle for cold start-up and hot
induced draft fan interlocks. Variable speed and axial flow restart, as well as the shutdown sequence, is different from
fans might necessitate special provisions. other coal, oil, or gas-fired boilers. For example, on a cold
start-up, after the normal purge period, airflow through the
2. Damper(s) shall be closed on loss of an individual bed (depending on the process design) shall be permitted to
induced draft fan, provided it is not the last induced draft fan be reduced below the purge value to provide for the proper
in service. warm-up rate. However, under no circumstances shall the
3. Where an interlock system is provided to start, stop, total airflow through the unit be less than the unit purge rate.
and trip induced draft fans and forced draft fans in pairs, the Another difference occurs during a hot restart. If the bed
associated forced draft fan shall be tripped on loss of an indi- material is above a predetermined minimum ignition temper-
vidual induced draft fan. The dampers associated with both ature, fuel shall be permitted to be admitted to the boiler, or
fans shall be closed, provided they are not the last fans in ser- warm-up burners shall be permitted to be started to preserve
vice. bed temperature without the normal purge. A third difference
4. A master fuel trip shall be initiated on loss of all is that tripping the fans or diverting airflow from previously
induced draft fans. All forced draft fans shall be tripped. All active bed sections shall be permitted shortly after a master
induced draft fan dampers shall be opened after a time delay fuel trip without the normal post purge. Again, the objective is
to avoid high draft during fan coast-down. Dampers shall to maintain bed temperature and protect the refractory
remain open and fans shall be started in accordance with 5- against sudden temperature change by reducing the cooling
3.1.2 through 5-3.1.4. Gas recirculation fan system dampers effect from high volumes of air. Provided that the average bed
shall be closed. temperature remains above the ignition point, sufficient igni-
tion energy remains in the bed material and refractory to
(e) Multiple and Variable Speed Fans. After the start of the ensure total burnout of combustible volatile matter after the
first induced draft and forced draft fans, any subsequent master fuel trip.
fan(s), whether of the forced draft or induced draft type,
shall be capable of delivering airflow before opening its NOTE: The bed temperature measurement is not valid
damper(s). unless the bed is fluidized.
5-5 Alarm System. 6-1.4 Fluidized-bed boilers that have multiple beds (some-
5-5.1 Functional Requirements. The functional require- times called zones, sections, or compartments) might necessi-
ments for alarm systems specified in Chapter 10 shall be fol- tate a restrictive pattern of bed start-up and shutdown and
lowed. prohibit random bed operation. In such cases, bed sequenc-
ing shall be specified by the manufacturer’s operating instruc-
5-5.2 System Requirements. In addition to the alarms tions and verified by actual experience with the unit.
required in 5-5.1, the following separately annunciated alarms
shall be provided: 6-1.4.1 The first bed section shall have reached a predeter-
mined ignition temperature before fuel is introduced.
(a) Initiation of directional blocking or runback action;
(b) Redundant transmitter deviations within the furnace 6-1.4.2 Beds adjacent to an active bed shall have reached a
pressure control system; predetermined ignition temperature before fuel is intro-
(c) Axial flow fan (if used) nearing stall line;
6-1.5 Purge and light-off shall be performed under the follow-
(d) Fan override action.
ing basic operating conditions, which significantly improve
the margin of operating safety, particularly during start-up:
Chapter 6 Sequence of Operations (a) The number of equipment manipulations necessary
shall be minimized, thereby minimizing exposure to operat-
6-1 General. ing errors or equipment malfunction.
(b) The hazard of dead pockets in the gas passes and the
6-1.1 The purpose of sequencing requirements is to ensure accumulation of combustibles shall be minimized by continu-
that operating events occur in the proper order. This allows ously diluting the contents of the furnace with large quanti-
properly prepared fuel to be admitted to the fluidized-bed ties of air.
combustion zone only when sufficient bed mass and tempera-
ture exist, and when there is proper airflow to ignite the fuel 6-1.5.1 The basic start-up procedure shall incorporate the fol-
as it enters the furnace and to burn it continuously and as lowing requirements:
completely as possible within the confines of the combustion (a) All dampers and burner air registers shall be placed in
area. a predetermined open position.
1996 Edition
(b) A unit purge with the air registers and dampers in the (h) The feeders and associated equipment are in good
position specified in 6-1.5.1(a) shall be completed. The bed condition and properly adjusted for service.
shall be purged while in the fluidized or semifluidized condi- (i) Energy is supplied to the control system and to the
tion. safety interlocks.
(c) Components (e.g., precipitators, fired reheaters) con- (j) The oxygen analyzer and carbon monoxide or com-
taining sources of ignition energy shall be purged for not less bustibles analyzer, if provided, are operating satisfactorily; the
than 5 minutes or five volume changes of that component carbon monoxide or combustibles indication is at zero and
prior to being placed into operation, whichever is greater. oxygen indication is at maximum.
This purge can be done concurrently with the unit purge.
(k) A complete functional check of the safety interlocks
(d) The bed warm-up cycle shall start after the purge is has been made, at minimum, after overhaul or other signifi-
complete. Airflow through the bed shall be permitted to be cant maintenance.
reduced below the purge requirements depending on the
process constraints. Multizone fluidized beds might necessi- (l) A complete periodic operational test of each igniter
tate slumping those beds that are not being heated for start- has been made; frequency of testing is dependent on the
up. Fluidized beds shall be permitted to be warmed up with design and operating history of each individual unit and igni-
the bed in a slumped or fluidized mode. tion system; as a minimum, a test shall be performed during
every start-up following overhaul or other significant mainte-
(e) Fluidized-bed boilers shall be warmed following the nance; a test shall be integrated into the starting sequence
procedures and the warm-up rates specified by the manufac- and shall follow the purge of and precede the admission of
turer. any warm-up burner fuel.
(f) Fuel input that necessitates ignition by the bed mate- (m)The furnace contains the proper bed inventory and
rial shall not be fed into the bed until the average bed tem- the bed is charged if necessary.
perature has reached 1400°F (760°C).
Exception: A lower fuel input temperature limit shall be permitted, NOTE: If no bed inventory material is available at start-up,
provided the temperature has been verified through test or actual expe- consideration should be given to the use of an inert material
rience as being capable of safely igniting the fuel (see Appendix B). such as sand to reduce the hazard of calcium oxide to mainte-
nance personnel if it becomes necessary to reenter the unit
However, in no case shall the temperature be lower than 900°F
shortly after start-up. [See A-2-9.7(b).]
(480°C) for coal or 1100°F (590°C) for oil and natural gas.
6-1.5.2 Each boiler shall be tested during initial start-up to 6-2.1.2 Starting Sequence. The starting sequence shall be
determine whether any modifications to the procedures spec- performed in the following order:
ified in 6-1.5.1 are necessary in order to obtain satisfactory Exception: The starting sequence order shall be permitted to be varied
ignition or to satisfy other design limitations during light-off where specified by the boiler manufacturer.
and warm-up. However, unnecessary modifications in the (a) The unit shall be prepared for operation. Adequate
basic procedures shall be avoided, thereby satisfying the cooling water flow to critical components shall be ensured.
requirements of 6-1.5, particularly the requirement of 6- Verification that the plant air, instrument air, and service
1.5(a). steam systems are operational shall be made.
6-2 Operational Requirements. (b) Verification of the existence of an open flow path from
the inlet(s) of the forced draft fans through the furnace space
6-2.1 Cold Start.
and into the stack shall be made.
6-2.1.1 Preparation for starting shall include a thorough (c) The flue gas cleanup system, ash transportation system,
inspection and shall verify the following: and gas recirculation fans shall be started as specified by the
(a) The furnace and gas passages are in good repair and equipment manufacturers. Where provided, regenerative-
free of foreign material. type air heaters shall be started as specified by the manufac-
(b) All personnel are evacuated from the unit and associ- turer. The air heater soot blower shall be operated as speci-
ated equipment; all access and inspection doors are closed; fied by the air heater manufacturer.
and all equipment and instrumentation are in proper operat- (d) An induced draft fan shall be started, then a forced
ing condition. draft fan(s) shall be started in accordance with the manufac-
(c) All airflow and flue gas flow control dampers have turer’s instructions. Some systems might necessitate starting
been operated through their full range to check the operat- additional equipment prior to starting the fans. (The manu-
ing mechanism. facturer’s fan-start procedure shall be followed.) Additional
induced draft or forced draft fans shall be started in accor-
(d) All normally adjustable individual burner dampers or dance with Chapter 5.
registers have been operated through their full range to
check the operating mechanism. (e) Dampers and air registers shall be opened to the purge
position. For duct burners with an inlet damper or blower (if
(e) All safety shutoff valves are operational and closed and provided), the inlet damper shall be opened to the purge
ignition sparks are de-energized. position and the blower shall be running to allow boiler air-
(f) The feeder equipment is effectively isolated to prevent flow purge through the duct burner.
the leakage of fuel or sorbent into the furnace and to prevent (f) The bed and boiler enclosure shall be purged with not
hot air or flue gas from the fluidized bed from leaking back less than five volumetric changes but, in any event, for a con-
into the feed system. tinuous period of not less than 5 minutes. A freeboard purge
(g) The proper drum water level is established; circulating without air specifically passing through the bed material shall
flow is established in forced circulation boilers. not be considered sufficient. The purge shall include the air
1996 Edition
and flue gas ducts, air heater(s), warm-up burners(s), wind- 9. The active bed area shall be expanded by activating
box(es), and bed(s). idle bed sections according to steam load demands by follow-
(g) Gas recirculation systems present special problems ing the manufacturer’s recommended sequence.
with respect to ensuring a complete unit purge. The boiler (j) The circulating fluidized-bed starting procedure is as
manufacturer’s specifications on gas recirculation fan opera- follows:
tion during purge and light-off shall be followed. 1. The circulating fluidized-bed process initiates its
(h) Proper bed height shall be established at this time, if warm-up cycle with the purge complete permissive. In gen-
necessary, by adding sorbent or inert solids or by draining eral, the light-off and warm-up specifications of the manufac-
excess bed material. Forced draft and induced draft fans shall turer shall be followed.
remain in operation; solid fuel feeders shall remain off, and 2. After placing the first bed warm-up burner in service,
all fuel valves shall be proved to be closed. the bed material and refractory shall be heated at the manu-
facturer’s specified rate.
NOTE: At this point, the bubbling fluidized-bed and circulat- 3. Warm-up burners shall be added, if necessary, to
ing fluidized-bed processes have different start-up procedures. maintain the required bed heat-up rate. Any fans and blowers
[See also 6-2.1.2(j).] that might have been shut down for the warm-up cycle shall
be placed back in service when the bed temperature reaches
(i) The bubbling fluidized-bed starting procedure is as fol- the required temperature. Preparation to admit the main fuel
lows: shall be made.
1. The bubbling fluidized-bed process might necessitate 4. Fuel input that necessitates ignition by the bed mate-
two types of devices for warming the bed. One type is a duct rial shall not be fed into the bed until the average bed tem-
burner that heats the combustion air, and the other type perature has reached 1400°F (760°C). Warm-up burners shall
heats the bed or portions of the bed. The bed warm-up rate remain in service until the stable ignition of this fuel has been
shall not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications. established.
2. Combustion airflow through the bed can be reduced Exception: A lower fuel input temperature limit shall be permitted,
to the level necessary for warming up the bed sections. How- provided the temperature has been verified through test or actual expe-
ever, in no event shall total air through the unit be reduced rience as being capable of safely igniting the fuel (see Appendix B).
below purge rate. However, in no case shall the temperature be lower than 900°F
(480°C) for coal or 1100°F (590°C) for oil and natural gas.
3. Dampers shall be permitted to be closed on bed sec-
5. Verification that the fuel is igniting shall be made by
tions that are not to be fired. watching for a steady increase in bed temperature and a
4. Burners shall be started in accordance with Chapters decrease in oxygen. Warm-up burners shall be removed and
7 and 8, as applicable. fuel flow shall be increased to maintain bed temperature at
the recommended level. Airflow shall be increased as neces-
NOTE: If the first burner fails to light within the established sary to maintain the desired oxygen level. In the case of solid
trial for ignition period after admission of fuel, the unit should fuel, if fuel has been fed for more than 90 seconds or a period
be repurged before a second trial. established by the manufacturer without an increase in bed
temperature, solid fuel feeding shall be discontinued until
5. The bed shall continue to be heated at a rate speci- the reason for ignition failure is determined.
fied by the manufacturer. Proper bed level shall be main- (k) The normal on-line metering combustion control
tained by adding sorbent or inert solids as needed. (unless designed specifically for start-up procedures) shall
6. Fuel input that necessitates ignition by the bed mate- not be placed in automatic service until:
rial shall not be fed into the bed until the average bed tem- 1. A predetermined minimum main fuel input has been
perature for the section being started has reached 1400°F exceeded.
(760°C). Warm-up burners shall remain in service until the 2. Stable bed temperature conditions have been estab-
stable ignition of this fuel has been established. lished.
Exception: A lower fuel input temperature limit shall be permitted, 3. All manual control loops are operating without a sig-
provided the temperature has been verified through test or actual expe- nificant error signal between their set point and process feed-
rience as being capable of safely igniting the fuel (see Appendix B). back.
However, in no case shall the temperature be lower than 900°F 4. Airflow control is on automatic.
(480°C) for coal or 1100°F (590°C) for oil and natural gas.
6-2.2 Normal Operation.
7. The duct temperature shall be maintained within the
manufacturer’s specified limits. 6-2.2.1 The firing rate shall be regulated by increasing or
decreasing the fuel and air supply simultaneously to all fuel
8. Verification that the fuel is igniting shall be made by
ports or bed sections, maintaining normal air/fuel ratio con-
watching for a steady increase in bed temperature and a
tinuously at all firing rates. This shall not eliminate the
decreasing oxygen level. Fuel flow shall be increased to main-
requirements for air lead and lag during changes in the fuel
tain bed temperature as necessary. Airflow shall be increased
firing rate.
as necessary to maintain the desired oxygen level. In the case
of solid fuel, if the main fuel has been fed for more than 90 6-2.2.2 For those applications where gas or oil is fired, the fir-
seconds or a period established by the manufacturer without ing rate shall be regulated by flow control or pressure control
an increase in bed temperature, solid fuel feeding shall be valves or by similar devices and shall not be regulated by mod-
discontinued until the reason for ignition failure is deter- ulating the shutoff valves. Shutoff valves shall be fully open or
mined. completely closed.
1996 Edition
6-2.2.3 Fuel feed rates and transport airflow shall be main- duction of main fuel, provided the bed temperature is above
tained between the maximum and minimum limits specified the main fuel temperature specified in 6-1.5.1(f).
by the boiler manufacturer or, preferably, as determined by
trial. These trials shall test for minimum load under stable bed NOTE: The bed temperature measurement is only valid
temperature, fluidization, and proper combustion conditions where the bed is fluidized.
as follows:
(a) With all feeders in service and combustion controls on 6-2.4.2 If the bed temperature has dropped below the main
automatic; and fuel temperature permissive during the shutdown, a unit
purge shall be required as outlined in 6-1.5.1.
(b) With different combinations of feeders in service and
combustion controls on automatic. CAUTION: Under certain unusual operating, start-up, or
(c) Where changes occur to the manufacturer’s maximum shutdown conditions, it is possible to accumulate combusti-
and minimum limits because of various feeder combinations bles in the windbox and ductwork.
and different fuel conditions, additional testing shall be 6-2.5* Emergency Shutdown — Master Fuel Trip.
required to establish the new limits.
6-2.5.1 With the initiation of a master fuel trip (MFT), all fuel
6-2.2.4 If lower minimum loads are required than can be shall be stopped from entering the boiler. Oil and gas safety
obtained with all feeders at minimum speed, the feeder(s) shutoff valves shall be tripped and igniter sparks de-energized.
(and associated bed sections if applicable) shall be removed The fuel, sorbent, and bed feed system and the bed drain sys-
from service. The remaining feeder(s) shall be operated at a tem shall be tripped. Electrostatic precipitators, fired reheat-
fuel rate above the minimum required for stable operation. ers, or other ignition sources shall be tripped. Master fuel trips
The minimum fuel rate shall be determined by tests with vari- shall operate in a manner to stop all fuel flow into the furnace
ous combinations of fuel distribution and excess air. These within a period that does not allow a dangerous accumulation
tests shall reflect the most restrictive conditions. of fuel in the furnace. The owner shall have the option of
6-2.2.5* The stable operating philosophy of a fluidized bed allowing a master fuel trip to initiate a time delay forced draft
shall be to maintain a bed temperature greater than 1400°F fan and induced draft fan trip [see 6-2.3.2(b)]. Where the
(760°C) and to initiate a main fuel trip below this temperature design allows, char recirculation shall be stopped.
if the required warm-up burner(s) is not in service.
Table 6-2.5.1(a) Mandatory Automatic Master Fuel Trips
Exception: A lower trip temperature for fuels other than natural gas (See Chapter 9 for more details.)
shall be permitted [but not lower than 1200°F (650°C) for coal and
fuel oil], provided the temperature has been verified through test or ac- A master fuel trip shall result from any of the following conditions:
tual experience to maintain stable combustion of the fuel. (a) Loss of any induced draft or forced draft fan required to sus-
tain safe combustion (see Chapter 5);
6-2.2.6 Total airflow shall not be reduced below 25 percent of (b) Furnace pressure exceeds the normal operating pressure by a
full-load airflow. Airflow shall not be reduced below that value recommended by the manufacturer (see Chapter 5);
(c) Insufficient drum level (a short time delay as established by
required to maintain stable fluidization conditions within the manufacturer shall be permitted);
active beds or bed compartments. (d) Loss of boiler circulation pumps or flow, if applicable;
(e) Total airflow drops below the purge rate by 5 percent of the
6-2.3 Normal Shutdown. full-load airflow;
(f) Bed temperature falls below the value specified in 6-2.2.5
6-2.3.1 When taking the unit out of service, the boiler load when the main fuel is being admitted to bed and no warm-up burner
shall be brought down to a minimum. is established;
(g) Sustained loss of energy supply to interlock systems.
6-2.3.2 After the boiler load is reduced, there are two options
for normal shutdown as follows:
Table 6-2.5.1(b) Mandatory Master Fuel Trips with Alarms —
(a) If the unit is scheduled to be out of operation for a sig- Not Necessarily Automatically Initiated
nificant period of time, the main fuel shall be tripped and the
forced draft and induced draft fans shall be allowed to A master fuel trip shall result from any of the following conditions:
remain in operation. Following a 5-min post-purge, fans shall (a) Sustained loss of energy supply for combustion control;
(b) Cooling water flow for fluidized-bed system components less
be allowed to operate until the unit is sufficiently cooled for than minimum;
maintenance. (c) Plant air or instrument air pressure low (process require-
(b) If the unit is scheduled to be restarted soon, the fans ment only);
shall be permitted to be tripped after the minimum period (d) Bed temperature high — trip to prevent unit damage result-
ing from excessive temperature;
needed to remove volatiles and burn the fuel remaining in (e) Furnace pressure falls below the normal operating pressure
the bed from the furnace after the main fuel has been by a value recommended by the manufacturer.
tripped. This typically is indicated by a drop in bed tempera-
ture and an increase in oxygen reading. The fans shall not be
tripped until there is positive indication of fuel burnout. Fan 6-2.5.2 The sorbent, bed material feed, and bed material
tripping effectively reduces start-up time by conserving the drain system shall be permitted to be restarted as necessary.
temperature of the bed and the refractory. 6-2.5.3 The owner shall have the option under conditions
6-2.4 Normal Hot Restart. where there is low-low drum water level and furnace outlet
temperature is above 900°F (482°C) to stop the flow of fluidiz-
6-2.4.1 When restarting a unit after it has been tripped or ing air immediately. This might necessitate tripping a forced
after the furnace has been bottled up, the purge cycle outlined draft fan. The induced draft fan, however, shall not be
in 6-1.5.1(a) through (f) shall not be required prior to intro- tripped.
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Telegram: Edufire_ir
6-2.5.4 If the option for tripping fans on a master fuel trip is 7-2 Gas Firing — Special Problems. Common hazards are
not exercised, the fans that are operating after the master fuel involved in the combustion of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels.
trip shall be continued in service. The airflow shall not be Each of these fuels has special hazards related to its physical
increased immediately by deliberate manual or automatic characteristics. The following shall be considered in the
control action. design of the firing systems:
6-2.6 Emergency Shutdown — Main Fuel Trip. With the ini- (a) Gas is colorless; therefore, a leak usually cannot be
tiation of a main fuel trip due to any of the emergency condi- visually detected. Also, reliance cannot be placed on detec-
tions listed in Table 6-2.6(a) or 6-2.6(b), all main fuel shall be tion of a gas leak by means of its odor.
stopped from entering the boiler. (b) Potentially hazardous conditions are most likely to
occur within buildings, particularly where the gas piping is
Table 6-2.6(a) Mandatory Automatic Main Fuel Trips routed through confined areas. In the latter instance, ade-
(see Chapter 9 for more details.) quate ventilation shall be provided. Outdoor boilers tend to
minimize confined area problems.
A main fuel trip shall result from any of the following conditions:
(a) Master fuel trip; (c) The nature of gas fuel creates the possibility of severe
(b) Inadequate bed temperature [see 6-2.1.2(i)4, 6-2.1.2(j)4, and departures from proper air/fuel ratios that can progress to a
6-2.2.5]; hazardous condition without any visible evidence at the burn-
(c) Inadequate airflow to fluidize the bed. ers, furnace, or stack. Therefore, combustion control systems
that respond to reduced boiler steam pressure or steam flow
Table 6-2.6(b) Mandatory Main Fuel Trips — Not Necessarily with an impulse for more fuel, unless protected or inter-
Automatically Initiated locked to prevent a fuel-rich mixture, shall be considered
potentially hazardous. This also shall apply to manual firing
A main fuel trip shall result from inadequate solids inventory.
without the above-mentioned interlocks or alarms. See Sec-
tions 7-3, 7-4, and 7-5 for requirements to avoid such hazards.
6-3 Emergency Conditions Not Requiring Shutdown or Trip. (d) Natural gas can be either “wet” or “dry.” A wet gas usu-
6-3.1 Many unit installations include multiple induced draft ally implies the presence of distillate, which might be charac-
fans or forced draft fans, or both. In the event of a loss of a fan teristic of a particular source. In the case of such a wet gas,
or fans, the control system shall be capable of reducing the the carryover of distillate into the burners can result in a
fuel flow to match the available airflow; otherwise, tripping of momentary flameout and possible reignition. Reignition can
the unit is mandatory. result in a furnace explosion. Therefore, special precautions
shall be taken with wet gas supply systems.
6-3.2 If an air deficiency develops while firing the main fuel, (e) Widely different characteristics of gas from either sin-
the fuel shall be reduced until the proper air/fuel ratio has gle or multiple sources can result in a significant change in
been restored. Btu input rate to the burners without an equivalent change in
6-3.3 Momentary interruptions in the main fuel supply or airflow.
changes in fuel quality shall not require a unit trip, provided (f) Discharges from relief valves or from any other form of
the bed temperature remains above the limits for safe opera- atmospheric vents can become hazardous unless special pre-
tion (see 6-2.2.5). Use of warm-up burners shall be permitted cautions are taken.
to maintain bed material temperature. Use of lances also shall (g) Maintenance and repair of gas piping can be hazard-
be permitted, provided the bed temperature is above the min- ous unless proper methods are used for purging and recharg-
imum safe value for that fuel. Where fuel feed to a malfunc- ing the line before and after making the repairs.
tioning feeder subsystem can be restored before the bed
temperature falls below the main fuel temperature trip limit, 7-3 Warm-up Burner Subsystem Requirements.
the subsystem shall be permitted to be returned to service. 7-3.1 The warm-up burner subsystem shall be designed so that
6-4 General Operating Requirements — All Conditions. the burner inputs are supplied to the furnace continuously
and within their stable flame limits. Variations in the burning
6-4.1 Prior to allowing personnel to enter a unit, positive characteristics of the fuel, and in the normal variations in fuel
action shall be taken to prevent fuel from entering the fur- handling equipment and fuel-burning equipment, introduce
nace. an uncertainty to the lower operating limits of the warm-up
fuel subsystem in any given furnace design. Under these cir-
6-4.2 Burners shall not be lighted one from another or from cumstances, Class 1 or Class 2 igniters, as demonstrated by test,
the hot refractory. The igniter for the burner shall always be shall be permitted to be used to maintain stable flame. (See 4-
used. 6.5 and 7-3.2.)
6-4.3 When feeder or fuel transport line maintenance is being 7-3.2 The limits of stable flame for each burner subsystem
performed with the boiler in service, positive means to isolate producing a separate flame envelope shall be determined by
the feeder or fuel transport line from the boiler shall be used. tests without the ignition subsystem in service. These tests shall
verify that transients generated in the fluidized bed and the
fuel and air subsystems do not adversely affect the burners in
Chapter 7 Sequence of Operations for Gas-Fired operation. Such transients are generated by components such
Warm-up Burners as burner shutoff valves or dampers that operate at speeds
faster than the speed of response of other components in the
7-1 General. This chapter contains additional mandatory system. These tests shall include the expected range of avail-
requirements for burning fuel gas in warm-up burners. able fuels.
1996 Edition
7-3.3 Provision shall be made for visual observation of condi- ing the requirements of Section 6-1, particularly the
tions at the burner ignition zone. Additional provisions shall requirement of 6-1.5(a).
be made for flame detection equipment.
7-5.2 Functional Requirements.
7-3.4 Where Class 1 and Class 2 igniters are used, the tests 7-5.2.1 Cold Start.
required in 4-, 4-, and 7-3.2 also shall be
performed with the igniter subsystem in service to verify that 7- Preparation for starting shall include a thorough
the igniters furnished meet the requirements of the class spec- inspection and shall verify the following:
ified in the design. The resulting extended turn-down range (a) All safety shutoff valves are closed; all sparks are de-
shall be available where Class 1 igniters are in service and energized.
flame is proven. (b) Chapter 8 shall be referenced for oil ignition systems
7-3.5 The burner equipment shall be located in an appropri- requirements.
ate environment with convenient access for maintenance. Spe- (c) Fuel system vents are open and venting to atmosphere
cial attention shall be given to fire hazards imposed by leakage outside the boiler room; lines are drained and cleared of con-
or rupture of piping near the burner. The requirements of densate and similar materials.
good housekeeping shall be practiced. (d) The proper drum water level is established in drum-
7-3.6 All burner safety shutoff valves shall be located as close type boilers, and circulating flow is established in forced cir-
as practicable to the burner to minimize the volume of fuel left culation boilers or minimum water flow is established in
in the burner lines downstream of the valves. once-through boilers.
(e) Burner elements and igniters are positioned in accor-
7-4 Flame Monitoring and Tripping System. dance with the manufacturer’s specification.
7-4.1 Each burner shall be supervised individually. Upon (f) Energy is supplied to the control systems and to the
detection of loss of burner flame, the safety shutoff valve for safety interlocks.
the burner experiencing the loss shall automatically close. (g) Meters or gauges are indicating fuel header pressure
to the unit.
7-4.2 Upon detection of loss of all warm-up burner flame or
partial loss of flame to the extent that hazardous conditions 7- Starting Sequence. The starting sequence shall be
could develop, a trip of the warm-up burner system shall be performed in the following order:
automatically initiated. (a) *An operational leak test of the fuel header piping sys-
7-5 Sequence of Operations. tem shall be performed in accordance with established proce-
dures while maintaining purge rate airflow. Successful
7-5.1 General. completion of the leak test shall be part of a completed unit
7-5.1.1* The sequence of operations is based on the typical
fuel supply system shown in Figures A-7-5.1.1(a) through (i). (b) All fuel valve(s) shall be closed and the safety shutoff
Different arrangements shall be permitted where equivalent valve(s) shall be opened. The permissive conditions in the
protection is provided and the intent of the operating furnace purge system specified in 9-3.2 shall be satisfied
sequences specified in this chapter is met. before this can be accomplished.
(c) Verification that the burner fuel control valve(s) is set
7-5.1.2 Burners shall be placed in service in a sequence speci- for light-off shall be made. Depending on the system design,
fied by operating instructions and verified by actual experi- this shall be accomplished by closing the burner control valve
ence. Burners shall be placed in service as necessary, with fuel and opening a bypass valve to a light-off setting or setting the
flows and individual register or damper settings that ensure burner control valve to a light-off position. The burner head-
proper light-off. ers shall be vented to fill with gas and to provide a flow (if
7-5.1.3 The fuel pressure at the burner header for all burners necessary), so that the fuel control valve(s) regulates and
served by a single control valve shall be permitted to be used maintains the correct fuel pressure or flow for burner light-
as a guide in maintaining the necessary fuel flow for each off.
burner and shall be maintained automatically within pre- (d) The igniter header safety shutoff valve shall be opened,
scribed limits as additional burners are placed in service. The and verification that the igniter fuel control valve is holding
total number of burners placed in service shall be the number the recommended fuel pressure for proper igniter capacity
necessary to accomplish the following within the rate of rise shall be made. The igniter headers shall be vented to fill with
limits specified by the boiler manufacturer: gas and to provide a flow (if necessary), so that the igniter
fuel control valve(s) regulates and maintains the correct fuel
(a) Raise boiler pressure or temperature; and
pressure for igniter light-off.
(b) Raise bed temperature. (e) The air register or damper on the burner selected for
7-5.1.4 Each burner shall be tested during initial start-up to light-off shall be adjusted to the position recommended by
determine whether any modifications to the procedures spec- the manufacturer.
ified in 7-5.2 are needed in order to obtain satisfactory ignition (f) The spark or other source of ignition for the igniter(s)
or to satisfy other design limitations during light-off and warm- on the burner(s) to be lit shall be initiated. The individual
up. For example, some boilers are purged with the registers in igniter safety shutoff valve(s) shall be opened, and all igniter
the normal operating position. In this case, it might be neces- system atmospheric vent valves shall be closed. If flame on the
sary to momentarily close the registers of the burner being first igniter(s) is not established within 10 seconds, the indi-
lighted to establish ignition. However, unnecessary modifica- vidual igniter safety shutoff valve(s) shall be closed and the
tions in the basic procedures shall be avoided, thereby satisfy- cause of failure to ignite shall be determined and corrected.
1996 Edition
With airflow maintained at purge rate, repurge shall not be 3. Stable flame has been established.
required, but at least 1 minute shall elapse before attempting
a retrial of any igniter. Repeated retrials of igniters without NOTE: Paragraph 7- does not apply to burner fuel
investigating and correcting the cause of the malfunction systems as shown in Figure A-7-5.1.1(e). Each individual flow
shall be prohibited. control burner should have an individual combustion control
system that maintains the correct air/fuel ratio, a stable flame,
(g) Where Class 3 special electric igniters are used, the and a fire rate in accordance with the demand for the full oper-
procedures described in 7-5-2.1.2(a) through (c), (e), and ating range of the burner.
(h) through (k) shall be used, recognizing the requirements
for individual burner flame supervision. Exception: Where on-line burner combustion control is designed spe-
cifically for start-up procedures.
(h) After making certain that the igniter(s) is established
and is providing appropriate ignition energy for the warm-up (n) It shall be permitted to place a multiple number of
burner(s), the individual burner safety shutoff valve(s) shall igniters in service simultaneously from a single igniter safety
be opened, and the individual burner atmospheric vent valves shutoff valve, provided that the igniters are supervised, so that
shall be closed. A master fuel trip shall be initiated when the failure of one of the group to light causes the fuel to all ignit-
bed temperature falls below the main fuel ignition tempera- ers of the group to be shut off.
ture as specified in 6-1.5.1(f) and when satisfactory ignition (o) It shall be permitted to place in service, simulta-
has not been obtained within 5 seconds following the actual neously, a multiple number of burners served by their corre-
entry of fuel into the burner. Purging shall be repeated, and sponding multiple igniters from a single burner safety shutoff
the condition that caused the failure to ignite shall be cor- valve, provided that the burners are supervised, so that failure
rected before another light-off attempt is made. For the fol- of one of the group to light causes the fuel to all burners of
lowing burner and all subsequent burners placed in the group to be shut off.
operation, failure to ignite or loss of ignition for any reason
on any burner(s) shall cause the fuel flow to that burner(s) to 7-5.2.2 Normal Operation.
stop. All conditions for proper light-off shall exist before
restarting a burner. 7- The firing rate shall be regulated by increasing or
decreasing the fuel and air supply to all operating burners,
(i) After stable flame is established, the air register(s) or maintaining normal air/fuel ratio continuously at all firing
damper(s) shall be returned to normal operation, making rates. This shall not eliminate the requirements for air lead
certain that ignition is not lost in the process. and lag during changes in the fuel firing rate.
(j) Class 3 igniters shall be shut off at the end of the time Exception No. 1: This requirement shall not apply to systems provid-
trial for proving the main flame. Verification that the stable ed with metering of air and fuel to each burner and designed specifi-
flame continues on the main burners after the igniters are cally for individual burner modulating control.
shut off shall be made. Systems that allow the igniters to Exception No. 2: In the case of a duct burner, the firing rate shall be
remain in service on either an intermittent or continuous regulated by increasing or decreasing the fuel flow. An interlock shall
basis shall have been tested to meet all the requirements of be provided to prevent airflow to the duct burner from falling below the
Class 1 igniters or Class 2 igniters with the proper associated minimum required for combustion as recommended by the manufac-
interlocks. turer.
(k) After the burner flame is established, the burner
7- The firing rate shall not be regulated by varying the
header atmospheric vent valve shall be closed if open. The
fuel to individual burners by means of the individual burner
main fuel bypass control valve shall automatically control
safety shutoff valve(s). The individual burner safety shutoff
burner header gas pressure.
valve(s) shall be fully open or completely closed. Intermediate
(l) The procedures of 7- through (j) for placing settings shall not be used.
additional burners in service shall be followed, as necessary,
to increase bed temperature, raise steam pressure, or carry 7- Air registers shall be set at firing positions deter-
additional load. Automatic control of burner fuel flow and mined by tests.
burner airflow during the lighting and start-up sequence is Exception: This shall not apply to systems provided with metering of
recommended. The fuel flow to each burner (as measured by air and fuel to each burner and designed specifically for individual
burner fuel header pressure, individual burner flows, or burner modulating control.
other equivalent means) shall be maintained at a controlled
value that is compatible with the established airflow through 7- The burner fuel and airflow shall be maintained
the corresponding burner. within a range between the maximum and minimum limits
specified by the boiler manufacturer or, preferably, as deter-
CAUTION: Total furnace airflow shall not be reduced mined by trial. These trials shall test for minimum load and for
below purge rate airflow and shall be at least that which is stable flame as follows:
necessary for complete combustion in the furnace. (a) With all burners in service and combustion control on
(m)The normal on-line burner combustion control shall automatic; and
not be placed in service until: (b) With different combinations of burners in service and
combustion control on automatic.
1. A predetermined minimum warm-up burner fuel
input has been attained. Where changes occur to the minimum and maximum limits
because of various burner combinations and fuel conditions,
2. The burner fuel and airflow are adjusted as necessary. retesting shall be required.
1996 Edition
7- On loss of an individual burner flame, that individ- upstream of the final constant fuel pressure regulator(s) as
ual burner’s safety shutoff valve shall be automatically closed practicable. This warns the operator of unusual pressure con-
and its vent opened immediately. The burner register shall be ditions that might result in damage to equipment or indicates
closed where it interferes with the air/fuel ratio supplied to a complete loss of gas supply.
any other individual burner flame. (b) Fuel Gas Burner Header Pressure (High and Low). Each
7-5.2.3 Normal Shutdown. burner header served by a single flow control valve shall mon-
itor gas pressure as close to the burners as practicable in
7- The reverse procedure of that used during start-up order to warn the operator, in advance of trip conditions, of
shall be followed during shutdown. Burners shall be shutdown abnormal fuel pressures. Furnace pressure fluctuations at the
sequentially, as load is reduced by closing the individual burner throat shall be considered in determining the loca-
burner safety shutoff valves, leaving the registers on these tion of and the setting for low burner header pressure trip
burners in firing position. functions.
7- Venting Procedure. (c) Fuel Gas Meter Pressure (High and Low). The pressure at
(a) The last burner or group of burners shall be taken out the fuel gas meter shall be monitored at the upstream tap if
of service by tripping the main safety shutoff valves. the fuel gas flow meter is part of the combustion control sys-
tem and is not pressure compensated. This shall warn the
(b) The individual burner safety shutoff valves shall be operator that a significant error exists in the flow signal to the
closed. control system.
(c) All atmospheric vent valves shall be opened to mini- (d) Ignition Fuel Header Pressure (High and Low). Each igni-
mize the possibility of gas leaking into the boiler-furnace tion fuel header served by a single control valve shall monitor
enclosure. gas pressure as close to the igniters as practicable in order to
7-5.3 Mandatory Automatic Fuel Trip for Gas-Fired Warm-up warn the operator of high or low pressure in advance of con-
Burners. A fuel trip shall result from any of the following con- ditions that lead to a trip.
ditions: (e) Burner Valves Not Closed. The closed position of individ-
(a) Fuel pressure at the burner below the minimum estab- ual burner safety shutoff valves shall be monitored, and fail-
lished by the burner manufacturer or by trial; ure of any valve to close following a trip shall be alarmed.
(b) Loss of air supply fan or inadequate airflow to the (f) Loss of Combustion Air to Burners. For individually con-
burner; trolled burners, the combustion air to each burner shall be
(c) Loss of all flame; monitored and alarmed if the burner register is closed, the
air supply fan is tripped, or the airflow is low.
(d) Last individual burner safety shutoff valve closed;
(e) High fuel gas pressure at the burner; (g) Burner Discharge Temperature (High). The discharge tem-
perature from a burner, such as a duct burner, that is
(f) Master fuel trip; or designed to maintain a desired discharge temperature shall
(g) High burner discharge temperature (for duct burner be monitored and shall alarm when the temperature exceeds
only). the maximum operating temperature to warn the operator in
7-5.4 Emergency Conditions Not Requiring Shutdown or advance of the temperature that leads to a trip.
Trip. If an air deficiency develops while flame is maintained 7-8 Boiler Front Control (Supervised Manual).
at the burners, the fuel shall be reduced until the proper air/
fuel ratio has been restored. Where fuel flow cannot be 7-8.1 General.
reduced, airflow shall be increased slowly until the proper air/ 7-8.1.1* System Requirements. This section provides mini-
fuel ratio has been restored. mum requirements for the design, installation, and operation
7-5.5 General Operating Requirements — All Conditions. of individually controlled warm-up burners operated from the
burner location and specifies functional requirements for
7-5.5.1 The igniter for the burner always shall be used. Burn- proper operation. No specific degree of automation beyond
ers shall not be lighted one from another, from hot refractory, the minimum specified safeguards is defined or shall be
or from bed material. required, as this is subject to many factors, such as the physical
7-5.5.2 Where operating at low capacity with multiple burners size of units, use of central control rooms, degree of reliability
controlled by one master flow control valve, the burner fuel required, and availability of experienced operating personnel.
pressure shall be maintained above minimum by reducing the This section defines and specifies the requirements of the
number of burners in service as necessary. operating system that shall be used under the following condi-
7-5.5.3 Before maintenance is performed on the gas header,
(a) A trained operator shall be in constant attendance.
the header shall be purged.
(b) The start-up or normal shutdown of any burner shall
7-6 Interlock System. See Chapter 9. be performed by an operator at the burner locations.
7-7 Alarm System. (c) The operator shall have direct visual access to view the
burner flame.
7-7.1 Functional Requirements. See Chapter 10.
(d) Suitable equipment shall be provided to control
7-7.2* Required Alarms. In addition to the alarms in the burner inputs and their relative rates of change to maintain
interlock system specified in Chapter 9, the separately annun- an air/fuel mixture within the limits necessary for continuous
ciated alarms in 7-7.2(a) through (g) shall be provided. combustion and stable flame throughout the controllable
(a) Fuel Gas Supply Pressure (High and Low). The gas pres- operating range of the burner. [See Figures A-7-5.1.1(a) through
sure supplied to the plant shall be monitored at a point as far (i) for minimum recommended equipment.]
1996 Edition
7-8.1.2 System Description. This operating system is defined (c) Loss of all flame;
as a “supervised manual system.” A supervised manual system
is one in which a trained operator has primary responsibility (d) Loss of control energy where fuel flow to burners is
for the proper start-up, operation, and normal shutdown of a affected by such loss;
burner with interlocks to ensure that the operation follows
proper established procedures. This system includes certain (e) Master fuel trip;
interlocks for preventing improper operator action, certain (f) Loss of or inadequate burner combustion air supply;
safety trips and flame supervisions, and an indication of the
status of the start-up sequence. The operator(s) of this type of
system shall be provided with and shall operate the system in (g) High burner discharge temperature (for duct burner
accordance with a written set of operating instructions for only).
each burner.
7-8.1.5 Loss of Individual Burner or Igniter Flame.
7-8.1.3 Fundamental Principles. The written instructions
shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: 7- Loss of flame at an individual igniter shall cause the
(a) The unit shall be purged in accordance with 6-2.1.2(f). igniter individual safety shutoff valve to close and the associ-
ated sparks to de-energize.
(b) The burner, air damper, or register shall be adjusted to
the light-off position. The total airflow through the unit shall 7- Loss of flame at an individual burner shall cause the
not be reduced below purge rate. burner individual safety shutoff valve to close.
(c) If flame on the igniter is not established within 10 sec-
7- The conditions of 7- and 7- shall be
onds, the individual igniter safety shutoff valve shall be closed
and the cause of failure to ignite shall be determined and cor- indicated. (See A-7-7.2 for recommended alarms in addition to those
rected. With airflow maintained at purge rate, repurge shall that are required.)
not be required, but at least 1 minute shall elapse before
attempting a retrial. 7-8.2 Operating Cycle. The following operating sequences
are based on a typical system. Certain provisions and
Exception: For direct electric (Class 3 Special) igniters, 7-8.1.3(c) sequences shall not apply where other systems are used, and
shall not apply. the sequence order might vary, depending on the system
installed. However, the principles outlined in these sequences
(d) The operator shall observe the igniter operation con- shall be followed, and all applicable interlocks, trips, alarms,
tinuously while opening the individual burner supervisory or their equivalents shall be provided.
shutoff valve. If the burner flame is not proven within 10 sec-
onds after the individual burner shutoff valve leaves the
7-8.2.1 Prefiring Cycle. The following steps shall be
closed position, a burner fuel trip shall occur. If no other fuel
taken by the operator when starting a supervised manual
is being fired, a master fuel trip shall occur.
burner, and the required interlocks shall be satisfied at
(e) After each stable burner flame is established, the each step.
igniter shall be shut off unless classified as Class 1 or Class 2.
The stability of the burner flame shall be verified. Operator Actions Interlock Functions
(a) Confirm individual (a) Proved closed
(f) The burner(s) shall be lighted only from its associated
burner safety shutoff
igniter(s). valves closed.
(g) The operator shall observe flame stability while mak- (b) Confirm individual (b) Proved closed
ing any register or burner damper adjustments. burner supervisory shut-
off valves closed.
(h) After each successive burner light-off, the operator (c) Confirm burner (c) Proved closed
shall verify the flame stability of all operating burners. header safety shutoff
valve closed.
(i) If the second or succeeding burner flame is not (d) Confirm burner (d) Proved
established, the operator shall close the individual burner header fuel control
supervisory shutoff valve immediately, open the burner reg- valve in light-off posi-
ister or damper to the firing position, and determine and tion.
correct the cause for failure to ignite. At least 1 minute (e) Open all burner regis- (e) None
shall elapse before attempting to light this burner or any ters to purge position.
other igniter. (f) Complete unit purge (f) Prove purge airflow
in accordance with rate [see 7-8.1.3(a) and (b)].
7-8.1.4 Interlocks, Warm-up Burner Fuel Trip. A burner fuel 6-2.1.2(f).
trip shall result from any of the following conditions (see also (g) Immediately proceed (g) None
Section 9-3 ): with light-off cycle
after completion of
(a) High fuel supply pressure; purge.
(h) Repurge required if (h) Prove purge airflow
(b) Fuel pressure at the burner below the minimum estab- airflow rate drops rate.
lished by the burner manufacturer or by trial; below purge rate.
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
7-8.2.2 Light-Off Cycle — First Burner. All required inter- Operator Actions Interlock Functions
locks shall be satisfied. (See 7-8.1.4 and 7-8.1.5.)
(d) Open burner shutoff (d) Igniter flame proven
valves if igniter flame
Operator Actions Interlock Functions is proven.
(a) Maintain purge airflow (a) Prove that airflow (e) If main burner flame is (e) None
rate. has not dropped not established within
below purge rate. main flame trial for
(b) Adjust register of (b) Prove purge airflow ignition period, trip
burner to be lighted to rate. the safety shutoff
light-off position, if valves for that burner
necessary. and its igniter. Deter-
mine and correct cause
(c) Confirm manual main (c) None of failure. Wait at least
atmospheric vent valve 1 minute before
is open. attempting to relight
(d) Energize igniter for (d) Prove flame within this burner or any
first burner. For direct 10 seconds. If flame other burner.
electric ignition, omit is not proved, safety
7-8.2.2(e). shutoff valves for this
igniter shall close 7-8.2.4 Normal Shutdown Cycle.
and spark shall be
Operator Actions Interlock Functions
(e) If ignition flame is not (e) None
established, determine (a) Reduce burner load to (a) None
cause and make neces- minimum. Do not reduce
sary corrections. airflow through burner
Burner register shall below its minimum oper-
be opened to purge ating rate.
position for at least 1 (b) Close individual supervi- (b) As each burner supervisory
minute before repeat- sory shutoff valve at shutoff valve is closed, loss
ing light-off cycle. burner and associated of flame shall cause its
(f) Open burner shutoff (f) Igniter flame proven igniter valve if in opera- associated shutoff valve to
valve if igniter flame is tion. Leave burner air- close. After last burner
proven. flow at firing rate. supervisory shutoff valve is
closed, loss of all burner
(g) If main burner flame is (g) None
flame shall cause header
not established within
or supply safety shutoff
main flame trial for igni-
valve to close.
tion period (Class 2
and Class 3 igniters), a (c) Purge burner for at (c) None
master fuel trip shall least 1 minute. Adjust
be initiated. burner airflow per
7-8.2.3 Light-Off Cycle — Subsequent Burners. (d) Repeat 7-8.2.4(a) (d) None
through (c) for subse-
Operator Actions Interlock Functions quent burners.
(a) Adjust register of (a) Prove that airflow
burner to be lighted to has not dropped
light-off position, if below purge rate. 7-8.2.5 Emergency Shutdown.
necessary. (a) An emergency shutdown shall initiate a burner fuel
(b) Energize igniter. For (b) Prove flame within trip.
direct electric igniters, 10 seconds. If flame
omit 7-8.2.3(c). is not proven, safety (b) For the conditions that shall initiate an emergency
shutoff valves for this shutdown, see 7-8.1.4.
igniter shall close
and spark shall be 7-8.2.6 Operator Actions Following an Emergency Shutdown.
de-energized. (a) All individual burner supervisory shutoff valves shall be
(c) If ignition flame is not (c) None closed. Burner register positions shall remain unchanged.
established, determine
cause and make neces- (b) The burners shall be purged in accordance with the
sary corrections. following procedure:
Burner register shall
1. Fans that are operating after the burner fuel trip shall
be opened to purge
position for at least 1
be continued in service.
minute before repea 2. Airflow shall not be increased immediately by deliber-
ting light-off cycle. ate manual or automatic control action.
3. If the airflow is above purge rate, it shall be permitted
to be decreased gradually to this value and a post-firing
burner purge shall be performed.
1996 Edition
4. If the airflow is below purge rate at the time of the (f) There is an ever-present hazard when inserting an oil
trip, it shall be continued at the existing rate for 5 minutes gun in a burner assembly without a tip, new gaskets, or
and then increased gradually to purge rate and held at this sprayer plate. This results in an unsafe operating condition.
value for a post-firing unit purge.
(g) Proper pumping and atomization of fuel oils are
(c) Where the burner fuel trip is caused by loss of draft dependent upon control of viscosity. Changes in viscosity in
fans, or draft fans also have tripped, all dampers in the air relation to temperature vary for different oils and blends of
and flue gas passages of the unit shall be slowly opened to the oils. Close attention shall be given to the design and opera-
fully open position in order to create as much natural draft as tion of viscosity control systems for each fuel where its source
possible to ventilate the unit. Opening fan dampers shall be or properties are variable.
timed or controlled to avoid excessive positive or negative fur-
nace pressure transients during fan coast-down. This condi- (h) Clear distillate fuels have low conductivities and gener-
tion shall be maintained for not less than 15 minutes. At the ate static electrical charges in the fuel stream that can be dan-
end of this period, the flow control dampers shall be closed gerous unless flowing velocities are limited. (See NFPA 77,
and the fan(s) shall be started immediately. Airflow shall be Recommended Practice on Static Electricity, and API RP 2003, Rec-
increased gradually to at least purge rate. ommended Practice for Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of
Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents.)
(d) The cause of emergency shutdown shall be deter-
mined and corrected. (i) The incompressibility of fuel oil can create very rapid
(e) The first burner light-off cycle (see 7-8.2.2) shall be per- transients in oil flow through operating burners under the
formed if restart of unit is required. following conditions:
(f) If it is desired to remove the boiler from service for a 1. The rapid operation of the oil supply valve;
period of time, fans shall be shut down on completion of unit
2. The rapid operation of individual burner shutoff
purge and manual shutoff valves shall be closed.
3. The rapid operation of the regulating valve in the
Chapter 8 Sequence of Operations for Oil-Fired return oil line from the burner header (on systems using this
Warm-up Burners type of control).
(j) The operation of air heater sootblowers shall be in
8-1 General. This chapter contains additional mandatory accordance with the recommendations of the air heater man-
requirements for burning fuel oil in warm-up burners. ufacturer. Initial firing of oil fuel in a cold boiler can create a
special hazard by causing fires in air heaters.
8-2 Oil Firing — Special Problems. Common hazards are
involved in the combustion of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels.
8-3 Warm-up Burner Subsystem Requirements.
Each of these fuels has special hazards related to its physical
characteristics. The following items shall be considered in the
8-3.1 The warm-up burner subsystem shall be designed so that
design of the firing systems:
the burner inputs are supplied to the furnace continuously
(a) Fuel oils have high volumetric heats of combustion; and within their stable flame limits. Variations in burning
therefore, even small leaks can create potential fire hazards. characteristics of the fuel, and in the normal variations in fuel
handling equipment and fuel-burning equipment, introduce
(b) Where firing oils that need preheating, the viscosity of
an uncertainty to the lower operating limits of the warm-up
oil flowing to the burners shall be held within limits to main-
burner fuel subsystem in any given furnace design. Under
tain proper atomization.
these circumstances, Class 1 or Class 2 igniters, as demon-
(c) Water or sludge in fuel oil storage tanks or improperly strated by test, shall be permitted to be used to maintain stable
located suction takeoffs from the storage tank can result in flame. (See 4-6.5 and 8-3.2.)
hazardous interruptions or pulsations of the fuel supply to
the burners. A flameout can result because of plugged strain- 8-3.2 The limits of stable flame for each burner subsystem
ers or burner tips. producing a separate flame envelope shall be determined by
tests without the ignition subsystem in service. These tests shall
(d) Widely different characteristics of fuel oil from either a
verify that transients generated in the fluidized bed and the
single source or multiple sources can result in a significant
fuel and air subsystems do not affect the burners adversely
change in Btu input rate to the burner(s) without an equiva-
during operation. Such transients are generated by means
lent change in airflow or without an appropriate change in
such as burner shutoff valves or dampers that operate at
fuel oil temperature to restore the flowing viscosity to the
speeds faster than the speed of response of other components
proper value. Different shipments of fuel oil with dissimilar
in the system. These tests shall include the expected range of
characteristics can cause a precipitation of sludge that can
available fuels.
lead to hazards as described in 8-2(c).
(e) On installations designed to fire both heated and 8-3.3 Where Class 1 and Class 2 igniters are used, the tests
unheated fuel oils, consideration shall be given to the design described in 4-, 4-, and 8-3.2 also shall be
of the burner control system to ensure proper interlocks are performed with the ignition subsystem in service to verify that
activated for the selected fuel oil. Similar consideration shall the igniters furnished meet the requirements of the class spec-
be given to the fuel oil piping supply to the burner as well as ified in the design. The resulting extended turndown range
the oil recirculating piping to the fuel storage tanks, depend- shall be available where Class 1 igniters are in service and
ing on the arrangement of the equipment provided. flame is proven.
1996 Edition
8-3.4 Provisions shall be made for visual observation of condi- total number of burners placed in service shall be the number
tions at the burner ignition zone. Additional provisions shall necessary to accomplish the following within the rate of rise
be made for flame detection equipment. limits specified by the boiler manufacturer:
8-3.5 Provisions shall be made for cleaning of the burner noz- (a) Raise boiler pressure and temperature; and
zle and tip. (b) Raise bed temperature.
8-3.6 The burner equipment shall be located in an appropri- 8-5.1.4 Each burner shall be tested during initial start-up to
ate environment with convenient access for maintenance. Spe- determine whether any modifications to the procedures spec-
cial attention shall be given to the fire hazards imposed by ified in 8-5.2 are needed in order to obtain satisfactory ignition
leakage or rupture of piping near the burner. Particular atten- or to satisfy other design limitations during light-off and warm-
tion shall be given to the integrity of flexible hoses or swivel up. For example, some boilers are purged with the registers in
joints. The requirements of good housekeeping shall be prac- the normal operating position. In this case, it might be neces-
ticed. sary to momentarily close the registers of the burner being
lighted to establish ignition. However, unnecessary modifica-
8-3.7 All burner safety shutoff valves shall be located as close
tions in the basic procedures shall be avoided, thereby satisfy-
to the burner as practicable to minimize the volume of oil left
ing the requirements of Section 6-1, particularly the
downstream of the burner valves in the burner lines or that
requirement of 6-1.5(a).
flows by gravity into the furnace on an emergency trip or
burner shutdown. 8-5.2 Functional Requirements.
8-3.8 Atomizing Subsystem. 8-5.2.1 Cold Start.
8-3.8.1 Where the fuel is to be atomized with the assistance of 8- Preparation for starting shall include a thorough
another medium, the atomizing medium shall be free of con- inspection and shall verify the following:
taminants that could cause an interruption of service. For (a) Energy is supplied to the control system and to the
steam atomizing, adequate insulation and traps shall be safety interlocks.
included to ensure dry atomizing steam to the burners.
(b) All safety shutoff valves are closed; all sparks are de-
8-3.8.2 The atomizing medium shall be provided and main- energized.
tained at the pressure necessary for proper operation. (c) Chapter 7 shall be referenced for gas ignition system
8-3.8.3 Provisions shall be made to ensure that fuel cannot requirements.
enter the atomizing medium line during or after operation. (d) Circulating valves are open to provide and maintain
Check valves for this function have not proven dependable in hot oil in the burner headers.
heavy oil service. (e) The proper drum water level is established in drum-
8-3.8.4 The atomizing subsystem shall be designed for conve- type boilers, and circulating flow is established in forced cir-
nient cleaning and maintenance. culation boilers or minimum water flow is established in
once-through boilers.
8-4 Flame Monitoring and Tripping System.
(f) Burner guns have been checked for proper tips and
8-4.1 Each burner shall be supervised individually. Upon sprayer plates.
detection of loss of burner flame, the safety shutoff valve for (g) Burner elements and igniters are positioned in accor-
the burner experiencing the loss shall automatically close. dance with the manufacturer’s specification.
8-4.2 Upon detection of loss of all warm-up burner flame or (h) Meters or gauges are indicating fuel header pressure
partial loss of flame to the extent that hazardous conditions to the unit.
could develop, a trip of the warm-up burner system shall be
automatically initiated. 8- Starting Sequence. The starting sequence shall be
performed in the following order:
8-5 Sequence of Operations. (a) Verification that oil temperature or viscosity is ade-
8-5.1 General. quate for good atomization shall be made. The circulating
valve and throttle recirculating valve shall be closed, if neces-
8-5.1.1* The sequence of operations is based on the typical sary, to allow establishment of proper burner header pressure
fuel supply system shown in Figures A-8-5.1.1(a) through (p). in accordance with 8-
Different arrangements shall be permitted where equivalent
(b) All fuel valve(s) shall be closed and the safety shutoff
protection is provided and the intent of the operating
valve(s) shall be opened. The permissive conditions in the
sequences specified in this chapter is met.
furnace purge system specified in 9-3.2 shall be satisfied
8-5.1.2 Burners shall be placed in service in a sequence speci- before this can be accomplished.
fied by operating instructions and verified by actual experi- (c) Verification that the burner fuel control valve(s) is set
ence. Burners shall be placed in service as necessary, with fuel for light-off shall be made. Depending on the system design,
flows and individual register or damper settings that ensure this shall be accomplished by closing the burner control valve
proper light-off. and opening a bypass valve to a light-off setting or setting the
8-5.1.3 The fuel pressure at the burner header for all burners burner control valve to a light-off position.
served by a single control valve shall be permitted to be used (d) The igniter header safety shutoff valve(s) shall be
as a guide in maintaining the necessary fuel flow for each opened, and verification that the igniter fuel control valve is
burner and shall be maintained automatically within pre- holding the recommended fuel pressure for proper igniter
scribed limits as additional burners are placed in service. The capacity shall be made.
1996 Edition
(e) The air register or damper on the burner selected for ature, the recirculating valve shall be closed, unless the sys-
light-off shall be adjusted to the position recommended by tem is designed for continuous recirculation.
the manufacturer. (m)The normal on-line burner combustion control
(f) The spark or other source of ignition for the igniter(s) (unless designed specifically for start-up procedures) shall
on the burner(s) to be lit shall be initiated. The individual not be placed in service until:
igniter safety shutoff valve(s), and all igniter system atmo- 1. A predetermined minimum warm-up burner fuel
spheric vent valves (gas igniters only) shall be closed. If flame input has been attained.
on the first igniter(s) is not established within 10 seconds, the 2. The burner fuel and airflow are adjusted as necessary.
individual igniter safety shutoff valve(s) shall be closed and
3. Stable flame has been established.
the cause of failure to ignite shall be determined and cor-
rected. With airflow maintained at purge rate, repurge shall NOTE: Paragraph 8- does not apply to the burner
not be required, but at least 1 minute shall elapse before fuel systems as shown in Figures A-8-5.1.1(f) through (i). Each
attempting a retrial of any igniter. Repeated retrials of ignit- control system should maintain the correct air/fuel ratio, a sta-
ers without investigating and correcting the cause of the mal- ble flame, and a firing rate in accordance with the demand for
function shall be prohibited. the full operating range of the burner.
(g) Where Class 3 special electric igniters are used, the (n) It shall be permitted to place a multiple number of
procedures described in 8- through (c), (e), and igniters in service simultaneously from a single igniter safety
(h) through (k) shall be used, recognizing the requirements shutoff valve, provided the igniters are supervised so that fail-
for individual burner flame supervision. ure of one of the group to light causes the fuel to all igniters
(h) After making certain that the igniter(s) is established of the group to be shut off.
and is providing appropriate ignition energy for the warm-up (o) It shall be permitted to place in service, simulta-
burner(s), the individual burner safety shutoff valve(s) shall neously, a multiple number of burners served by their corre-
be opened. A master fuel trip shall be initiated when the bed sponding multiple igniters from a single burner safety shutoff
temperature falls below the main fuel ignition temperature as valve, provided the burners are supervised so that failure of
specified in 6-1.5.1(f) and when satisfactory ignition has not one of the group to light causes the fuel to all burners of the
been obtained within 5 seconds following the actual entry of group to be shut off.
fuel into the burner. Purging shall be repeated, and the con-
dition that caused the failure to ignite shall be corrected 8-5.2.2 Normal Operation.
before another light-off attempt is made. For the following 8- The firing rate shall be regulated by increasing or
burner and all subsequent burners placed in operation, fail- decreasing the fuel and air supply simultaneously to all oper-
ure to ignite or loss of ignition for any reason on any ating burners, maintaining normal air/fuel ratio continuously
burner(s) shall cause the fuel flow to that burner(s) to stop. at all firing rates. This shall not eliminate the requirements for
All conditions for proper light-off shall exist before restarting air lead and lag during changes in the fuel firing rate.
a burner. Exception No. 1: This requirement shall not apply to systems provid-
(i) After stable flame is established, the air register(s) or ed with metering of air and fuel to each burner and designed specifi-
damper(s) shall be returned to normal operation, making cally for individual burner modulating control.
certain that ignition is not lost in the process. Exception No. 2: In the case of a duct burner, the firing rate shall be
regulated by increasing or decreasing the fuel flow. An interlock shall
(j) Class 3 igniters shall be shut off at the end of the time
be provided to prevent airflow to the duct burner from falling below the
trial for proving the main flame. Verification that the stable
minimum required for combustion as recommended by the manufac-
flame continues on the main burners after the igniters are
shut off shall be made. Systems that allow the igniters to
remain in service on either an intermittent or continuous 8- The firing rate shall not be regulated by varying the
basis shall have been tested to meet all the requirements of fuel to individual burners by means of the individual burner
Class 1 igniters or Class 2 igniters with the proper associated safety shutoff valve(s). The individual burner safety shutoff
interlocks. valve(s) shall be fully open or completely closed. Intermediate
settings shall not be used.
(k) The procedures of 8- through (j) for placing
additional burners in service, as necessary, to increase bed 8- Air registers shall be set at firing positions deter-
temperature, steam pressure, or carry additional load. Auto- mined by tests.
matic control of burner fuel flow and burner airflow during Exception: This shall not apply to systems provided with metering of
the lighting and start-up sequence is recommended. The fuel air and fuel to each burner and designed specifically for individual
flow to each burner (as measured by burner fuel header pres- burner modulating control.
sure, individual burner flows, or other equivalent means)
shall be maintained at a controlled value that is compatible 8- The burner fuel and airflow shall be maintained
with the established airflow through the corresponding within a range between the maximum and minimum limits
burner. specified by the boiler manufacturer or, preferably, as deter-
mined by trial. These trials shall test for minimum load and for
CAUTION: Total furnace airflow shall not be reduced stable flame as follows:
below purge rate airflow and shall be at least that which is (a) With all burners in service and combustion control on
necessary for complete combustion in the furnace. automatic; and
(l) After a suitable number of burners have been placed (b) With different combinations of burners in service and
in service to allow control of the header fuel flow and temper- combustion control on automatic.
1996 Edition
Where changes occur to the minimum and maximum limits 8-5.5 General Operating Requirements — All Conditions.
because of various burner combinations and fuel conditions,
retesting shall be required. 8-5.5.1 The igniter for the burner always shall be used. Burn-
ers shall not be lighted one from another, from hot refractory,
8- On loss of an individual burner flame, that individ- or from bed material.
ual burner’s safety shutoff valve shall be automatically closed.
The burner register shall be closed where it interferes with the 8-5.5.2 Where operating at low capacity with multiple burners
air/fuel ratio supplied to any other individual burner flame. controlled by one master flow control valve, the burner fuel
pressure shall be maintained above minimum by reducing the
8-5.2.3 Normal Shutdown. number of burners in service as necessary.
8- The reverse procedure of that used during start-up 8-5.5.3 Igniters shall be in service with ignition established
shall be followed during shutdown. Burners shall be shut where clearing oil passages into the furnace.
down sequentially as load is reduced.
An oil burner shall be shut down in the following sequence: 8-5.5.4 A leak test shall be performed before the oil header is
(a) The igniter shall be placed into service on the particu- placed in service by establishing a nominal pressure on the oil
lar burner to be shut down. header while the main and individual burner safety shutoff
valves and the recirculating valves are closed. It shall be per-
(b) With the igniter in service, the burner safety shutoff mitted to be concluded that the individual burner safety valves
valve shall be closed, and the steam (or air) clearing valves do not leak, provided this oil pressure remains within speci-
shall be opened. fied limits. Leaks can develop in the oil valves due to tempera-
(c) The clearing steam (or air) shall be left in service for a ture changes.
sufficient length of time to remove all oil that could carbon-
ize and plug the burner tip. 8-6 Interlock System. See Chapter 9 .
(d) The igniter shall be removed from service, and the oil 8-7 Alarm System.
gun shall be removed or retracted.
Exception: Where cooling is provided. 8-7.1 Functional Requirements. See Chapter 10.
8- Where fuel recirculation in the burner header is to 8-7.2* Required Alarms. In addition to the trip alarms in the
be established: interlock system specified in Chapter 9, the separately annun-
(a) Confirmation that individual burner safety shutoff ciated alarms in 8-7.2(a) through (i) shall be provided.
valves are closed and that flame is out on each burner shall be (a) Main Oil Supply Pressure (Low). The oil supply pressure
made. shall be monitored at a point as far upstream as practicable.
(b) Confirmation that the main safety shutoff valve is This warns the operator of unusual pressure conditions that
closed shall be made. might result in damage to equipment or indicates a complete
loss of oil supply.
(c) The circulating valve and recirculating valve shall be
opened. (b) Fuel Oil Burner Header Pressure (Low). Each burner
header served by a single flow control valve shall monitor oil
8-5.3 Mandatory Automatic Fuel Trip for Oil-Fired Warm-up pressure as close to the burners as practicable in order to
Burners. A fuel trip shall result from any of the following con- warn the operator of low pressure in advance of conditions
ditions: that lead to a trip.
(a) Fuel pressure and temperature (heated oil only) out- (c) Main Oil Viscosity (High). Each burner header served by
side operating limits necessary to accomplish proper atomiza- a single flow control valve shall monitor oil temperature to
tion as established by trial or by the burner manufacturer; warn that the fuel oil temperature is dropping and that poor
(b) Atomizing medium (if provided) outside operating atomization of the oil might occur. If the viscosity of the fuel
limits established by trial or by the burner manufacturer; supply is variable, a viscosity meter shall be permitted to pro-
(c) Loss of air supply fan or inadequate airflow to the vide the alarm. Interlocking to trip on high viscosity also shall
burner; be considered in such cases.
(d) Loss of all flame; (d) Atomizing Steam or Air Pressure (Low). For steam burners
(e) Last individual burner safety shutoff valve closed; and air-assisted burners, an alarm shall be provided on each
burner atomizing media header served by a single control
(f) Master fuel trip; valve to warn that the steam or air pressure and oil pressure
(g) High burner discharge temperature (for duct burner are outside of operating range and that poor oil atomization
only). might result.
8-5.4 Emergency Conditions Not Requiring Shutdown or (e) Igniter Atomizing Steam or Air Pressure (Low). For steam
Trip. igniters and air-assisted igniters, an alarm shall be provided to
warn that steam or air pressure is outside of operating range
8-5.4.1 If an air deficiency develops while flame is maintained and that poor oil atomization might result.
at the burners, the fuel shall be reduced until the proper air/
fuel ratio has been restored. Where fuel flow cannot be (f) Ignition Fuel Header Pressure (High and Low). Each
reduced, the airflow shall be increased slowly until the proper igniter fuel header served by a single control valve shall mon-
air/fuel ratio has been restored. itor pressure as close to the igniters as practicable in order to
warn the operator of high or low pressure in advance of con-
8-5.4.2 Burners with poor atomization shall be shut down. ditions that lead to a trip.
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
(g) Burner Valves Not Closed. The closed position of individ- and the cause of failure to ignite shall be determined and cor-
ual burner safety shutoff valves shall be monitored, and fail- rected. With airflow maintained at purge rate, repurge shall
ure of any valve to close following a trip shall be alarmed. not be required, but at least 1 minute shall elapse before
(h) Loss of Combustion Air to Burners. For individually con- attempting a retrial.
trolled burners, the combustion air to each burner shall be Exception: For direct electric (Class 3 Special) igniters, 8-8.1.3(c)
monitored and alarmed if the burner register is closed, the shall not apply.
air supply fan is tripped, or the airflow is low. (d) The operator shall observe the igniter operation con-
(i) Burner Discharge Temperature (High). The discharge tem- tinuously while opening the individual burner supervisory
perature from a burner, such as a duct burner, that is shutoff valve. If the burner flame is not proven within 10 sec-
designed to maintain a desired discharge temperature shall onds after the individual burner shutoff valve leaves the
be monitored and alarmed when the temperature exceeds closed position, a burner fuel trip shall occur. If no other fuel
the maximum operating temperature to warn the operator in is being fired, a master fuel trip shall occur.
advance of the temperature that leads to a trip. (e) After each stable burner flame is established, the
8-8 Boiler Front Control (Supervised Manual). igniter shall be shut off unless classified as Class 1 or Class 2.
The stability of the burner flame shall be verified.
8-8.1 General. (f) The burner(s) shall be lighted only from its associated
8-8.1.1 System Requirements. This section provides mini- igniter(s).
mum requirements for the design, installation, and operation (g) The operator shall observe flame stability while mak-
of individually controlled warm-up burners operated from the ing any register or burner damper adjustments.
burner location and specifies functional requirements for (h) After each successive burner light-off, the operator
proper operation. No specific degree of automation beyond shall verify the flame stability of all operating burners.
the minimum specified safeguards is defined or shall be
required, as this is subject to many factors, such as the physical (i) If the second or succeeding burner flame is not estab-
size of units, use of central control rooms, degree of reliability lished, the operator shall close the individual burner supervi-
required, and availability of experienced operating personnel. sory shutoff valve immediately, open the burner register or
damper to the firing position, and determine and correct the
This section defines and specifies the requirements of the
cause for failure to ignite. At least 1 minute shall elapse
operating system that shall be used under the following condi-
before attempting to light this burner or any other igniter.
(a) A trained operator shall be in constant attendance. 8-8.1.4 Interlocks, Warm-up Burner Fuel Trip. A fuel trip
with first-out annunciation shall result from any of the follow-
(b) The start-up or normal shutdown of any burner shall ing conditions (see also Section 9-3):
be performed by an operator at the burner locations per 7-
8.1.1. (a) Fuel pressure at the burner below the minimum estab-
lished by the burner manufacturer or by trial;
(c) The operator shall have direct visual access to view the
burner flame. (b) Loss of atomizing medium to boiler;
(d) Suitable equipment shall be provided to control (c) Loss of burner flame;
burner inputs and their relative rates of change to maintain (d) Loss of control energy, where fuel flow to burners is
an air/fuel mixture within the limits necessary for continuous affected by such loss;
combustion and stable flame throughout the controllable
(e) Master fuel trip;
operating range of the unit. [See Figures A-8-5.1.1(a) through (p)
for minimum recommended equipment.] (f) Loss of or inadequate burner combustion air supply;
8-8.1.2 System Description. This operating system is defined
(g) High burner discharge temperature (for duct burner
as a “supervised manual system.” A supervised manual system
is one in which a trained operator has primary responsibility
for the proper start-up, operation, and normal shutdown of a 8-8.1.5 Loss of Individual Burner or Igniter Flame.
boiler with interlocks to ensure that the operation follows
proper established procedures. This system includes certain 8- Loss of flame at an individual igniter shall cause the
interlocks for preventing improper operator action, certain igniter individual safety shutoff valve to close and the associ-
safety trips and flame supervisions, and an indication of the ated sparks to de-energize.
status of the start-up sequence. The operator(s) of this type of
system shall be provided with and shall operate the system in 8- Loss of flame at an individual burner shall cause the
accordance with a written set of operating instructions for burner individual safety shutoff valve to close.
each burner. 8- The conditions of 8- and 8- shall be
8-8.1.3 Fundamental Principles. The written instructions
shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: 8-8.2 Operating Cycle. The following operating sequences
(a) The unit shall be purged in accordance with 6-2.1.2(f). are based on a typical system that includes steam-atomized
main oil burners. Certain provisions and sequences shall not
(b) The burner, air damper, or register shall be adjusted to apply where other atomizing media or systems are used. The
the light-off position. The total airflow through the unit shall sequence also might vary depending on the system installed.
not be reduced below purge rate. However, the principles outlined in these sequences shall be
(c) If flame on the igniter is not established within 10 sec- followed, and all applicable interlocks, trips, alarms, or their
onds, the individual igniter safety shutoff valve shall be closed equivalents shall be provided.
1996 Edition
8-8.2.1 Prefiring Cycle. The following steps shall be taken by Operator Actions Interlock Functions
the operator when starting a supervised manual burner, and
(c) Energize igniter for (c) For fuel-fired ignit-
the required interlocks shall be satisfied at each step.
first burner. For direct ers, prove flame
Operator Actions Interlock Functions electric ignition, omit within 10 seconds. If
8-8.2.2(d). lame is not proved,
(a) Inspect furnace for (a) None
safety shutoff valves
unburned oil accumula-
for this igniter shall
tions, if feasible.
close and spark shall
(b) Confirm burner guns have (b) None be de-energized.
proper tips and
(d) If ignition flame is not (d) None
sprayer plates.
established, determine
(c) Confirm individual (c) Proved closed cause and make neces-
burner safety shutoff sary corrections.
valve closed. Burner register shall
(d) Confirm individual (d) Proved closed be opened to purge
burner supervisory position for at least 1
shutoff valves closed. minute before repeat-
(e) Confirm burner gun in (e) None ing light-off cycle.
proper position. (e) Open burner shutoff (e) Igniter flame proven
(f) Confirm burner (f) Proved valve if igniter flame is
header fuel control proven.
valve in light-off posi- (f) If main burner flame is (f) None
tion. not established within
(g) Confirm that atomiz- (g) None main flame trial for
ing medium header ignition period (Class 2
has been blown free of and Class 3 igniters), a
condensate and header master fuel trip shall
trap is functioning. be initiated.
(h) Open main safety shut- (h) Prove all required
off valve and recircula- interlocks satisfied. 8-8.2.3 Light-Off Cycle — Subsequent Burners. [See Figures
tion valve to circulate A-8-5.1.1(a) through A-8-5.1.1(e).]
heated oil through Operator Actions Interlock Functions
main fuel bypass con-
trol valve and burner (a) Adjust register of (a) Prove that airflow
header. burner to be lighted to has not dropped
(i) Complete unit purge (i) Prove purge airflow light-off position, if below purge rate.
in accordance with rate [see 8-8.1.3(a) necessary.
6-2.1.2(f). and (b).] (b) Energize igniter. For (b) For fuel-fired ignit-
direct electric igniters, ers, prove flame
(j) Open atomizing (j) Prove atomizing
omit 8-8.2.3(c). within 10 seconds. If
medium individual medium available.
flame is not proven,
burner shutoff valve to
safety shutoff valves
the burner gun to be
for this igniter shall
lighted. Blow free of
close and spark shall
condensate. Confirm
be de-energized.
atomizing pressure has
been established. (c) If ignition flame is not (c) None
(k) Immediately proceed (k) None established, determine
with light-off cycle cause and make neces-
after completion of sary corrections.
purge. Burner register shall
be opened to purge
(l) Repurge required if (l) Prove purge airflow position for at least 1
airflow rate drops rate. minute before repeat-
below purge rate. ing light-off cycle.
(d) Open burner shutoff (d) Igniter flame proven
valves if igniter flame
is proven.
8-8.2.2 Light-Off Cycle — First Burner. All required inter-
(e) If main burner flame is (e) None
locks shall be satisfied. (See 9-3.2.)
not established within
main flame trial for
ignition period, trip
Operator Actions Interlock Functions
the safety shutoff
(a) Maintain purge airflow (a) Prove that airflow valves for that burner
rate. has not dropped and its igniter. Deter-
below purge rate. mine and correct cause
(b) Adjust register of (b) Prove purge airflow of failure. Wait at least
burner to be lighted to rate. 1 minute before
light-off position, if attempting to relight
necessary. this burner or any
other burner.
1996 Edition
8-8.2.4 Normal Shutdown Cycle. additional automatic trips, while not mandatory, is recom-
Operator Actions Interlock Functions 9-1.3 It is possible to experience conditions conducive to a
(a) Reduce burner load to (a) None furnace explosion without detection of such conditions by any
minimum. Do not of the mandatory automatic trip devices, even though they are
reduce airflow through properly adjusted and maintained. Therefore, operating per-
burner below its mini- sonnel shall be made aware of the limitations of the automatic
mum operating rate. protection system.
(b) Close individual supervi- (b) As each burner
sory shutoff valve at supervisory shutoff 9-2 Functional Requirements.
burner. Leave burner valve is closed, loss of
airflow at firing rate. flame shall cause its 9-2.1 The operation of any interlock that causes a trip shall be
associated shutoff annunciated.
valve to close. After
last burner supervi- 9-2.2 An interlock system shall be of sound design and shall
sory shutoff valve is be properly installed, adjusted, and tested to confirm design,
closed, loss of all function and proper timing. Periodic testing and mainte-
burner flame shall nance shall be performed to keep the interlock system func-
cause header or sup- tioning properly.
ply safety shutoff
valve to close. 9-2.3 The design of an interlock system shall be predicated on
(c) Open clearing valve to (c) None the following fundamentals:
clear burner. (a) The starting procedure and operation shall be
(d) Shut off igniter. (d) Igniter safety shutoff supervised to ensure proper operating practices and
valves close; igniter sequences.
atmospheric vent
valve opens (for gas (b) The minimum amount of equipment shall be tripped
igniters). in the proper sequence where the safety of personnel or
(e) Leave burner register (e) None equipment is jeopardized.
at firing rate. (c) The cause of the trip shall be indicated and shall pre-
(f) Shut off atomizing (f) None vent restarting of any portion of the affected equipment until
medium to each proper conditions are established.
(d) The necessary trip devices shall be coordinated into an
(g) If oil guns are not (g) None integrated system.
cleared into the fur-
nace, eliminate 8- (e) Where automatic equipment is not available to accom-
8.2.4(a), (c), and (d). plish the intended function, sufficient instrumentation to
Remove oil guns and enable the operator to complete the proper operating
drain oil outside the sequence shall be provided.
(f) The design shall provide as much flexibility with
(h) Purge burner for at least (h) None
respect to alternate modes of operation as is consistent with
1 minute. Adjust burner
airflow per manufac- good operating practice.
turer’s instructions. (g) Proper preventive maintenance shall be provided.
(i) Repeat 8-8.2.4(a) (i) None (h) The design shall not require any deliberate defeating
through (c) for subse- of an interlock in order to start or operate equipment. When-
quent burners.
ever a safety interlock device is removed temporarily from ser-
vice, it shall be noted in the log and annunciated if
practicable, and a manual or other means shall be substituted
Chapter 9 Interlock System to supervise this interlock function.
(i) *The mandatory automatic master fuel trip and man-
9-1 General. datory automatic main fuel trip systems, including sensing
elements and circuits, shall be functionally independent
9-1.1 The basic requirement of an interlock system for a unit
from all other control system functions. The warm-up
is that it protect personnel from injury and also protect the
burner fuel trip system, sensing elements, and circuits shall
equipment from damage. The interlock system functions to
be functionally independent from all other control system
protect against improper unit operation by limiting actions to
a prescribed operating sequence or by initiating trip devices
when approaching an undesirable or unstable operating con- Exception: Individual burner flame failure devices also shall be per-
dition. mitted to be used for initiating master fuel trip systems.
(j) Misoperation of the interlock system due to interrup-
9-1.2 The mandatory automatic master fuel trips (MFT) tion and restoration of the interlock power supply shall be
specified in Table 6-2.5.1(a), the main fuel trips specified in prevented.
6-2.6, and the warm-up burner trips specified in 7-5.3 and 8-
5.3 represent those automatic trips for which sufficient expe- 9-2.4 The actuation values and time of action of the initiating
rience has been accumulated to demonstrate a high proba- devices shall be adjusted to the furnace and equipment on
bility of successful application for all units. The use of which they are installed. After adjustment, each path and the
1996 Edition
complete system shall be tested to demonstrate the adequacy in order to maintain the proper air/fuel ratio. This shall be
of adjustment for that furnace. permitted to be interlocked or made a part of the combustion
control system.
9-3 System Requirements. Figures 9-3.1(a), 9-3.1(b), 9-3.2, 9-
3.3, 9-3.4, and 9-3.5 show the required system of interlocks 9-3.1.3 Furnace pressure high (block 6) shall be interlocked
necessary to provide the basic furnace protection for fluidized- with the master fuel trip device to protect against abnormal
bed boilers designed and operated in accordance with this furnace conditions, such as those resulting from a tube rup-
standard. The logic flow paths shown in these figures reflect ture or damper failure.
the sequence of operations described in Chapters 6, 7, and 8
for either a cold start or a hot restart. 9-3.1.4 A manual trip switch (block 12) shall be provided for
use by the operator in an emergency. The manual trip switch
9-3.1 The master fuel trip logic that initiates the tripping of all shall actuate the master fuel trip relay directly.
fuel supplies through a master fuel trip device is shown in Fig-
ure 9-3.1(b). This figure illustrates a representative sample of 9-3.1.5 Bed temperature low (block 10), as defined in 6-
the types of conditions that shall be required to initiate the 1.5.1(f), and warm-up burner flame not proven (block 11) are
tripping of both the main and burner fuel supplies as outlined the equivalent of a loss of all flame in a burner-fired boiler and
in Chapter 6. This standard requires use of the type of master are interlocked with the master fuel trip device in order to pre-
fuel trip device that remains tripped until reset by either the vent the further admission of fuel into the furnace under “no-
successful completion of the purge cycle or the main fuel tem- flame” conditions.
perature permit from the fuel release logic (see Figure 9-3.2).
Each source of operation of the master fuel trip devices shall 9-3.1.6 All Fuel Inputs Zero (Block 9). A mandatory master
actuate a “cause of trip” indication that informs the operator fuel trip shall occur once any fuel has been admitted to the
of the initiating cause of trip impulse. unit, all fuel sources are subsequently isolated, and bed tem-
perature is less than the main fuel operating permit. This trip
9-3.1.1 Blocks 1 through 4 of Figure 9-3.1(b) represent pro- shall be permitted to be reset and bypassed once the bed tem-
tection against loss of large quantities of combustion air. The perature exceeds the temperature permit level for admitting
loss of all induced draft fans or all forced draft fans shall oper- fuel.
ate the master fuel trip device.
9-3.1.7 Other trips, as required by 6-2.5, and additional auto-
9-3.1.2 The loss of an individual induced draft fan or forced matic master fuel trips required for a particular boiler design
draft fan shall cause an immediate runback in unit fuel input shall actuate the master fuel trip relay.
Purge complete
Purge logic
(Figure 9-3.2)
Permit reset master fuel trip relay
A Warm-up burner
N logic
D (Figure 9-3.3)
Lance logic
(Figure 9-3.4)
Solid fuel logic
(Figure 9-3.5)
1996 Edition
12 Operator trip
9-3.1.8 In all cases following a master fuel trip, operator initi- lined in Figure 9-3.2. This series of interlocks shall ensure
ation of fuel input to the unit shall be required. that the unit purge has been completed with all sources of
fuel admission proven isolated, all required air sources
9-3.1.9 The master fuel trip device shall be of the type that
proven in service, all air paths in purge position, and no
remains tripped until the boiler purge system permits it to
boiler trip conditions in existence prior to or during the
reset. When actuated, the master fuel trip device shall trip all
purge cycle.
sources of solid fuel input directly, close all safety shutoff
valves, de-energize all igniter sparks, and de-energize all other
9-3.2.1 Interruption of the furnace purge by either the master
ignition sources within the unit and flue gas path.
fuel trip interlock logic, or through the loss of any required
9-3.2 Unit Purge. A proper purge of the unit shall be purge interlocks, shall cause the purge sequence to reset, and
ensured by successfully completing a series of successive a complete and successful repurge of the unit shall be
purge permissive interlocks, which are functionally out- required prior to admitting fuel.
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
Unit airflow
greater than
purge rate
No boiler trip
[see Figure 9-3.1(b)]
A Main fuel,
warm-up burner,
N and lance
D purge complete
N reset master
Bed fluidized and bed D
temperature above fuel trip
the ignition limit relay
9-3.2.2 Cold Start. During initial start-up, or if the bed tem- 9-3.3.1 Loss of an individual warm-up burner flame shall ini-
perature is less than either the main fuel or the auxiliary fuel tiate the tripping of the individual burner safety shutoff
permits (see 6-2.1), a complete purge of the unit as outlined in valve(s) and its individual igniter safety shutoff valve(s) and
Figure 9-3.2 shall be required. shall de-energize associated sparks.
9-3.2.3 Hot Restart. If operating conditions at the time of 9-3.3.2 Improper warm-up burner fuel pressure shall be inter-
reset are such that the bed temperature permits for the main locked to initiate the tripping of the individual warm-up
fuel are available (see 6-2.4), a purge reset and bypass shall be burner safety shutoff valve(s) and de-energize the associated
permitted. sparks. Where gas is used for fuel, both high and low pressure
shall be interlocked. Where oil is used, low pressure shall be
NOTE: It is recommended that manual initiation be interlocked. Burner fuel pressure shall be monitored to
required before the purge reset of the master fuel trip device is ensure each warm-up burner is being operated within its
capacity and stability limits as designated by the burner manu-
facturer and demonstrated by test.
9-3.2.4 Upon the successful completion of the purge, or fol-
lowing the completion of the purge bypass and reset, the mas-
ter fuel trip device shall be reset. NOTE: Monitoring of header pressure to multiple warm-up
burners with individual flow control capability does NOT sat-
isfy this requirement. With low pressure gas burners, furnace
9-3.3 Warm-up Burners. The warm-up burners shall not be
pressure fluctuations might be more influential on burner gas
placed in service until the master fuel trip relay has been reset.
flow than burner pressure drop.
(See Figure 9-3.3.)
CAUTION: Some fuel supply systems for warm-up burners are 9-3.3.3 For gas-fired warm-up burners, improper gas supply
configured with sensors and interlock logic for monitoring and (metering) pressure shall initiate tripping of the burner
tripping burners on a per burner basis. Others are configured
header and individual warm-up burner safety shutoff valves
with sensors and interlocks for monitoring and tripping warm-
up burners as a group. Care must be taken to ensure interlocks and igniter header and individual igniter safety shutoff valves
are designed for use with the fuel supply piping arrangement and shall de-energize associated sparks. [See Figure A-7-
used. 5.1.1(a).]
1996 Edition
Warm-up burner
fuel supply pressure
unsatistactory Close individual
R warm-up burner
safety shutoff valve(s)
Loss of warm-up
burner atomizing
combustion air
for warm-up burner
Loss of combustion
air supply fan or
inadequate airflow
to warm-up burners
NOTE: A specific fuel system might not require all the trips shown.
Figure 9-3.3 Warm-up burner safety subsystem.
1996 Edition
Bed temperature
low (see 9-3.4.1) A
Close lance
safety shutoff
Lance fuel valve(s)
supply pressure
(see 9-3.4.3)
Loss of atomizing
(if required)
(see 9-3.4.4)
Warm-up burners
not proven
(see 9-3.4)
9-3.3.4 Where oil is used as an igniter fuel with air or steam for 9-3.4.2 For gas-fired lances, improper gas supply (metering)
atomization, loss of atomizing media shall trip the igniter pressure shall initiate tripping of the lance header and individ-
header and individual igniter safety shutoff valves and shall de- ual lance safety shutoff valves. [See Figure A-7-5.1.1(a).]
energize the associated sparks. The associated warm-up burn-
ers also shall be tripped if in service and no other proof of 9-3.4.3 Improper lance fuel pressure shall be interlocked to
flame exists. ensure each lance is being operated within its capacity as des-
ignated by the lance manufacturer and shall initiate a trip of
9-3.3.5 Where oil is used as a warm-up burner fuel with air or the individual lance safety shutoff valves.
steam for atomization, loss of atomizing media shall trip the Lance fuel pressure shall be monitored to ensure each lance
burner header and individual warm-up burner safety shutoff is being operated within its capacity as designated by the lance
valves and igniter header and individual igniter safety shutoff manufacturer.
valves and shall de-energize associated sparks.
NOTE: The monitoring of header pressure to multiple
9-3.3.6 A master fuel trip shall trip all warm-up burner header lances with individual flow control capability does NOT satisfy
and all individual warm-up burner safety shutoff valves and all this requirement.
igniter header and all individual igniter safety shutoff valves
and shall de-energize all associated sparks. 9-3.4.4 Where oil is used as a lance fuel with air or steam for
The master fuel trip relay shall trip all warm-up burner atomization, loss of atomizing media shall trip the header and
header and all individual warm-up burner safety shutoff valves safety shutoff valve(s).
directly and all igniter header and all individual igniter safety 9-3.4.5 Loss of adequate airflow to fluidize the bed shall result
shutoff valves and shall de-energize all associated sparks. in a trip of the lance header and individual lance safety shutoff
9-3.3.7 If individually flow-controlled burners are used and the valves.
fuel flow or airflow falls below the manufacturer’s recommended 9-3.4.6 A master fuel trip shall trip all lance header and indi-
minimum flow, the burner shall be tripped immediately. vidual lance safety shutoff valves.
9-3.4 Lances. Lances shall not be placed in service until the 9-3.4.7 The master fuel trip relay shall trip all lance header
master fuel trip relay has been reset and the bed temperature and individual lance safety shutoff valves directly.
has reached the ignition temperature for the fuel being fired in
the lance. [See 6-1.5.1(f), 6-2.1.2(i)6, 6-2.1.2(j)4, and Figure 9-3.4.] 9-3.5 Solid Fuel. The solid fuel feed system shall not be
placed in service until the master fuel trip relay has been reset
9-3.4.1 Loss of the appropriate bed temperature permit shall and the bed temperature has reached the ignition tempera-
cause the individual lance safety shutoff valves to close. (See 6- ture of the solid fuel being fired. [See 6-1.5.1(f), 6-2.1.2(i)6, 6-
2.2.5.) 2.1.2(j)4, and Figure 9-3.5.]
1996 Edition
Warm-up burners
not proven
(see 9-3.5)
9-3.5.1 Loss of the appropriate bed temperature permit shall 10-1.4 The design shall eliminate all nuisance alarms to the
cause all solid fuel feed systems to trip. (See 6-2.2.5.) extent possible.
9-3.5.2 Solid fuel feed system operation shall be interlocked 10-1.5 Consideration shall be given to the use of an additional
to trip upstream solid fuel feed train components following a annunciator dedicated to high priority critical alarms.
solid fuel system component malfunction.
10-2 System Requirements.
9-3.5.3 A master fuel trip shall trip the solid fuel feed system.
10-2.1 Required Alarms. In addition to the safety features of
9-3.5.4 The master fuel trip relay shall trip the solid fuel feed the interlock system (see 9-2.1 ), and the required alarms of 5-
system directly. 5.2, 7-7.2, and 8-7.2, the following alarms shall be provided:
9-3.5.5 Loss of adequate airflow to fluidize the bed shall result (a) Lance Atomizing Steam or Air Pressure (Low). For steam or
in a solid fuel trip. air-assisted lances, an alarm shall be provided to warn that
steam or air pressure and fuel pressure are outside of operat-
ing range and that poor oil atomization might result.
Chapter 10 Alarm System (b) Lance Fuel Header Pressure (High and Low). The lance
fuel header pressure shall be monitored as close to the lances
10-1 Functional Requirements. as practicable in order to warn the operator of abnormal pres-
sure in advance of conditions that lead to a trip.
10-1.1 The functional requirement of the alarm system is to
bring a specific abnormal condition to the attention of the (c) Solid Fuel Feeder Tripped. An alarm shall indicate when a
operator. Alarms shall be used to indicate equipment mal- feeder has tripped (not normal shutdown).
function, hazardous conditions, and misoperation. For the (d) Solid Fuel Transport Air Fan Tripped. An alarm shall indi-
purpose of this standard, the primary function of alarms is to cate when a transport air fan has tripped (not normal shut-
indicate abnormal conditions that might lead to impending or down).
immediate hazards. (e) Solid Fuel Plugged. An alarm shall indicate when the
10-1.2 Alarm systems shall be designed so that, for all feeder is running and the fuel flow detecting device down-
required alarms, the operator receives an audible as well as stream of the feeder indicates no fuel flow.
visual indication of the condition. The visual indication shall (f) Furnace Pressure High or Low. An alarm shall warn the
identify the source or cause of the alarm. Means shall be per- operator of furnace pressure outside the region of normal
mitted to silence the audible alarm after actuation, but the operation and an approach to a trip condition.
visual indication shall continue until the condition has been (g) Loss of Operating Forced Draft Fan. This condition shall
returned to normal. be sensed and alarmed only when the fan is not operating at
10-1.3 The design shall make it difficult to manually defeat the times expected.
the alarm, and, where equipment malfunction makes this nec- (h) Loss of Operating Induced Draft Fan. This condition shall
essary, it shall be performed by authorized personnel, and the be sensed and alarmed only when the fan is not operating at
alarm shall be tagged as inoperative. the times expected.
1996 Edition
(i) Boiler Airflow (Low). This condition shall be sensed and 11-1.2.2 ANSI Publication. American National Standards
alarmed when total airflow nears the minimum purge rate. Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
(j) Loss of Interlock Power. This condition shall be sensed ANSI B31.1, Power Piping, 1995.
and alarmed and shall include all sources of power necessary
to complete interlock functions. For example, if both a 125- 11-1.2.3 ASTM Publication. American Society for Testing
volt dc electric circuit and a compressed air circuit are and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19105.
needed for an interlock scheme, then loss of either circuit ASTM D 396, Standard Specification for Fuel Oils, 1992.
shall be annunciated separately.
(k) Loss of Control Power. This condition shall be sensed and
alarmed to include all sources of power for the combustion Appendix A Explanatory Material
control or the fluidized-bed boiler safety interlocks.
(l) Bed Temperature Out of Limits. The bed temperature This Appendix is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA docu-
shall be monitored and alarmed when it drifts out of the nor- ment but is included for informational purposes only.
mal operating range and approaches a trip condition (not on A-1-1.4 In existing units, it is not always practicable to apply
shutdown). the provisions of this standard strictly. Physical limitations
(m)Ash Cooler Discharge Material Temperature High. An alarm might necessitate disproportionate effort or expense with lit-
shall indicate when the material temperature about to be dis- tle increase in protection. In such cases, the authority having
charged from the ash cooler reaches a predetermined high jurisdiction must be satisfied that reasonable protection is
limit. ensured.
(n) Lance Valve Not Closed. The closed position of individual In existing units, it is intended that any condition that rep-
lance safety shutoff valves shall be monitored, and failure of resents a serious boiler combustion system hazard should be
any valve to close following a trip shall be alarmed. mitigated by application of appropriate safeguards. It is not
the intent to require modification for conditions that do not
(o) Low Oxygen. An alarm shall warn the operator of a pos-
represent a significant threat, even though such conditions
sible hazardous condition in the flue gas.
are not literally in conformance with the requirements of this
10-2.2 Recommended Alarms. In addition to the required standard.
alarms, the following alarms shall be permitted to indicate A-2-2 Furnace Pressure Excursion Protection. No standard
abnormal conditions and, where applicable, to alarm in can guarantee the elimination of furnace implosions. Chapter
advance of a safety shutdown. 5 provides a balance between the complications of reinforce-
(a) Flame Detector Trouble. All burner or igniter flame detec- ment of equipment, limitations and reliability of operating
tors are monitored to warn the operator of a flame detector procedures, control systems, and interlocks to minimize the
malfunction. occurrence of the conditions leading to furnace implosions.
(b) Combustible or Carbon Monoxide High. An alarm warns If worst case conditions are assumed (e.g., cold air, high
the operator of a possible hazardous condition when measur- head induced draft fan, forced draft fan flow shutoff, induced
able combustibles are indicated. draft control dampers open with induced draft fan operating),
the furnace cannot be protected by reasonable structural
(c) Air/Fuel Ratio (High and Low). If proper metering is
installed, an alarm indicates a potentially hazardous air/fuel
Using the provisions outlined in Chapter 5, the likelihood
of furnace damage is believed to be remote, provided the
(d) Oxygen Analyzer Trouble. An alarm warns the operator of induced draft fan has reasonable head capability. If the
a malfunctioning flue gas oxygen analyzer. induced draft fan head capability is increased significantly,
then special consideration of induced draft fan characteristics
or special duct arrangements or special instrumentation or
Chapter 11 Referenced Publications control should be investigated.
11-1 The following documents or portions thereof are refer- A-2-6.1 Maintenance and Equipment Inspection.
enced within this standard and shall be considered part of the (a) The objective of a maintenance program is to identify
requirements of this document. The edition indicated for and correct conditions that adversely affect the safety, contin-
each reference is the current edition as of the date of the ued reliable operation, and efficient performance of equip-
NFPA issuance of this document. ment. A program should be provided for the maintenance of
equipment at intervals consistent with the type of equipment,
11-1.1 NFPA Publication. National Fire Protection Associa-
service requirements, and manufacturer’s recommendations.
tion, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-
9101. 1. As a minimum, the maintenance program should
NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equip- a. In-service inspections to identify conditions need-
ment, 1992 edition. ing corrective action or further study.
11-1.2 Other Publications. b. Detailed, knowledgeable planning for effecting
repair or modifications using qualified personnel, proce-
11-1.2.1 AISC Publication. American Institute of Steel Con- dures, and equipment.
struction, 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100, Chicago, IL 60601.
c. Use of comprehensive equipment history that
AISC M016, Manual of Steel Construction Allowable Stress records conditions found, maintenance work done, changes
Design, 1989. made, and the corresponding dates for each.
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
APPENDIX A 8504–45
1996 Edition
2. Access to or from the enclosure is by manhole, new, recognition of these hazards is warranted. The boiler
hatch, port, or other relatively small opening that limits manufacturer, the plant designer, and the operator all have
ingress and egress to one person at a time. responsibility for mitigating these hazards to the extent prac-
3. Confined spaces can include, but are not lim- ticable.
ited to, ducts, heaters, windboxes, cyclones, dust collectors, (a) Hot Solids.
furnaces, bunkers, or bins.
b. Specific procedures should be developed and 1. Description of Hazard. Fluidized-bed combustion sys-
used for personnel entering a confined space to: tems contain large quantities of granular solids. A typical 100-
1. Positively prevent the inadvertent introduction of MW(e) FBC boiler can contain as much as 100 tons of free-
fuel, hot air, steam, or gas. flowing solids at 1500°F (815°C) or higher. These hot solids
2. Positively prevent the inadvertent starting or mov- can spill out of the furnace or other components because of
ing of mechanical equipment or fans. equipment failures, poor design, or misoperation. There
have been several such incidents in operating plants. In the
3. Prevent the accidental closing of access doors or event of uncontrolled hot-solid spills, personnel can be
hatches. injured or equipment damaged, or both.
4. Include tags, permits, or locks to cover confined 2. Recommendations.
space entry.
a. The designers of the boiler and related plant
5. Determine the need for ventilation or self-con- equipment should identify the potential sources of hot solids
tained breathing apparatus where the atmosphere is likely to and associated hazards and make recommendations for per-
be stagnant, depleted of oxygen, or contaminated with irritat- sonnel safety.
ing or combustible gases. Tests for an explosive or oxygen-
deficient atmosphere should be made. b. The designer should give careful consideration to
the selection of materials that come into direct contact with
6. Provide for a safety attendant. The safety atten- hot solids.
dant should remain outside of the confined space with appro-
priate rescue equipment and should be in contact (preferably c. Clean-out ports, fittings that might be used as
visual contact) with those inside. clean-out ports, and spool pieces that might be removed for
rodding out blockages should be positioned so that a sudden
7. Provide for the use of proper safety belts or har- rush of hot solids does not lead to personnel injury. Compo-
nesses, which should be properly tied off where such use is nents that are removable for maintenance when the plant is
practicable. out of service, but that should not be removed when the plant
c. An operating fluidized-bed combustion (FBC) is in service because of the risk of hot spills, should be marked
boiler, either bubbling or circulating, contains as the bed a clearly.
large quantity of hot, granular solids. In some designs, there d. Instrumentation and wiring needed for the safe
is also substantial hot refractory. Both the bed and refractory
operation of the plant should not be routed near potential
store large quantities of heat, which cause the behavior of an
sources of hot solids. If such routing is necessary, the wiring
FBC boiler to be different from that of other fuel combustion should be protected from the direct flow of the solids.
e. Fuel lines should not be located near potential
d. Because ignition energy is supplied by the hot
sources of hot solids. The fuel lines should be protected from
bed, an FBC boiler can be operated at fuel/air ratios much
the direct flow of the solids.
higher than can be sustained in a suspension burner. Conse-
quently, an inventory of unburned fuel can accumulate f. Plant personnel should be trained in the poten-
within the boiler enclosure. tial sources of hot solids, associated hazards, and the corre-
sponding safety procedures.
e. An operating FBC boiler continues to produce
steam after a fuel supply trip if the air supply continues to g. Procedures should be developed for cleaning
operate. The source of heat might not be the fuel remaining obstructions that provide safety to personnel and equipment.
in the bed after the fuel supply trip but, rather, could come Protective clothing and eye protection should be provided for
from the heat stored in the granular bed material and refrac- personnel who rod out obstructions.
tory. Experience has demonstrated that, while steam produc- h. Components that might contain hot solids should
tion drops, it can continue at above 50 percent of the full- be inspected frequently.
load rating for several minutes after a fuel supply trip. How- i. Water-cooled screws have failed when suddenly
ever, if the air supply is stopped and the bed defluidized, the flooded with hot bed material following the removal of an
heat removal from the bed becomes very low because the bed upstream blockage. The sudden transfer of large amounts of
material is a good insulator, and steam production drops to heat has resulted in overpressurizing the cooling water pas-
less than 10 percent of full-load production in a matter of sec- sages. The operators should be trained adequately and the
onds. systems designed with appropriate instrumentation, inter-
A-2-9.7 Special Hazards in Fluidized-Bed Combustion (FBC) locks, and pressure relief devices to mitigate the risks associ-
Systems. FBC boilers differ from conventional boilers in ated with this type of event.
important features. Some of these differences can lead to spe- (b) Lime.
cial hazards, several of which are included in the following dis- 1. Description of Hazard. Limestone is normally fed to flu-
cussion. These hazards include large quantities of hot, solid idized-bed boilers to reduce the emissions of sulfur dioxide.
materials, significant concentrations of reactive compounds in More limestone should be added to comply with emission
the solids, and hazardous gaseous species. limits than is theoretically needed to react with all of the
Extensive treatment of these special hazards is beyond the fuel’s sulfur. A significant amount of the limestone is not con-
scope of this standard. Since FBC technology is still relatively verted to calcium sulfate and exists as calcium oxide, com-
1996 Edition
APPENDIX A 8504–47
monly referred to as quicklime. Care should be used where poorly ventilated low points in the plant, creating the poten-
calcium oxide (CaO) is present in the solids to prevent equip- tial for personnel injury.
ment damage or injury to personnel. CaO reacts with water 2. Recommendations.
or water vapor to generate heat and reacts with moisture on
a. Adequate seals/gaskets on components that can
skin or eyes to cause chemical burns.
be opened or disassembled that are located in the dense bed
2. Recommendations. region should be provided. Weld components that do not
a. Where limestone is used as an initial bed charge, need to be opened or disassembled should be sealed.
it is quickly calcined to CaO (quicklime) before a large frac- b. Written guidelines on H2S should be provided
tion reacts to CaSO4. In some instances, where limestone has with the equipment manuals.
been used for the initial charge, personnel have experienced
chemical burns when entering the furnace because the lime- c. Operators should be trained to anticipate the
stone had turned to quicklime. Because of the likelihood presence of H2S.
that, during initial plant start-ups, a number of plant prob- d. Means for measuring the concentration of H2S in
lems necessitate that personnel enter the FBC, the boiler the boiler house and other plant facilities should be pro-
manufacturer should recommend that the initial charge of vided.
bed material be comprised of sand, coal ash, or other chemi- (d) Calcium Sulfide.
cally inert material rather than limestone.
1. Description of Hazard. The bottom ash (and under
b. Where three parts lime are wet with approxi- some modes of misoperation, fly ash) from a fluidized-bed
mately one part water, the highest temperature is reached boiler might contain some calcium sulfide, which is a reac-
due to a chemical reaction. Where the reaction of pure, reac- tion product of H2S with limestone in the absence of suffi-
tive lime occurs within a large volume (providing insulation), cient oxygen. Calcium sulfide can react with CO2 and H2O,
temperatures of about 600°F (315°C) can be reached. This
which are constituents of air, and release H2S. If this occurs,
temperature is sufficiently high to ignite paper, for example,
which, in turn, could lead to a plant fire. Also, equipment for example, in a waste storage silo, the silo’s environment
designed for ambient temperature and pressure can fail when can reach a hazardous concentration of H2S.
heated by a large lime-water reaction. Therefore, relevant 2. Recommendations. Calcium sulfide in FBC waste prod-
plant components should be designed to perform safely at ucts can lead to the release of H2S in waste storage silos and
high temperatures, and means of avoiding pressure buildup piles. Operators should be trained in the proper procedures
should be provided. Provisions should be made for detecting for entry of enclosed spaces.
high temperatures within tanks and other components.
A-4-1.1.1 The following equations provide an example of
c. Waste conditioning systems do mix FBC wastes boiler enclosure structural design as shown in Figure A-4-1.1.1:
with water. The designers of these components should be
made aware of the likelihood and effects of lime-water reac- (a) Area A: Normal operating pressure = +4.0 in. w.g. (+1.0
tions by the system integrator, normally an architect, an engi- kPa).
neer, or the plant owner. 1. +4.0 in. w.g. (+1.0 kPa) × 1.67 = 6.7 in. w.g. (+1.7 kPa).
d. Lime-water reactions can occur while the plant is 2. The higher of +35 in. w.g. (+8.7 kPa) or +6.7 in. w.g.
in service in “dead zones” due to the humidity in air or flue (+1.7 kPa) is selected.
gas. These reactions might or might not lead to particularly 3. The lower of the result of item 2 or the forced draft
high temperatures, but they often do lead to hard blockages. maximum head capability at ambient conditions is selected.
These blockages might disable safety instrumentation, ash 4. Area A of furnace is designed to +35 in. w.g. (+8.7
removal systems, or other components. Designers should kPa) at yield.
anticipate this problem and provide a means to detect the
presence of blockages, especially in instrument lines, as well (b) Area B: Normal operating pressure = +20 in. w.g. (+5.0
as a means to remove blockages safely. kPa).
e. The safety equipment necessary for dealing with 1. +20 in. w.g. (+5.0 kPa) × 1.67 = +33.4 in. w.g. (+8.3
lime should be provided, including breathing masks, protec- kPa).
tive clothing, and eye protection. First-aid facilities needed 2. The higher of +35 in. w.g. (+8.7 kPa) or +33.4 in. w.g.
for chemical burns, especially for eyes, should be provided. (+8.3 kPa) is selected.
Operators should be trained to test for the presence of quick- 3. The lower of the result of item 2 or the forced draft
lime before entering an enclosure filled with solids. One sim- maximum head capability at ambient conditions is selected.
ple test can be performed by sampling the solids. The sample 4. Area B of furnace is designed to +35 in. w.g. (+8.7
is placed in a metal (not glass) container, wearing gloves and kPa) at yield.
eye protection. An approximately equal volume of water is
added, the solution is stirred, and approximately 15 minutes (c) Area C: Normal operating pressure = +50 in. w.g. (+12.4
are allowed to pass in order to detect a temperature rise. kPa).
(c) Hydrogen Sulfide. 1. +50 in. w.g. (+12.4 kPa) × 1.67 = +83.5 in. w.g. (+20.8
1. Description of Hazard. Fluidized-bed boilers that oper-
ate substoichiometrically in the lower combustion zone can 2. The higher of +35 in. w.g. (+8.7 kPa) or +83.5 in. w.g.
produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as an intermediate product (+20.8 kPa) is selected.
before the sulfur is fully oxidized. Because of the positive 3. The lower of the result of item 2 or the forced draft
pressure in the lower combustion zone, H2S can leak out of maximum head capability at ambient conditions is selected.
the furnace and into an area where personnel are working. 4. Area C of furnace is designed to +83.5 in. w.g. (+20.8
Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air and concentrates in kPa) at yield.
1996 Edition
(d) Area D: Normal operating pressure = +70 in. w.g. (+17.4 rials are selected that are appropriate for temperature
kPa). elevation, erosion, and corrosion potentials.
1. +70 in. w.g. (+17.4 kPa) × 1.67 = +116.9 in. w.g. (+29.1 Where the bed is fluidized, the measurements above and
kPa). below the slumped bed level fall within a narrow range. Rather
than taking an average of these temperatures, a method is
2. The higher of +35 in. w.g. (+8.7 kPa) or +116.9 in. used in which an established minimum percent of each of the
w.g. (+29.1 kPa) is selected. upper and the lower bed temperature elevations exceeds the
established permissive in order to meet interlock require-
3. The lower of the result of item 2 or the forced draft ments.
maximum head capability at ambient conditions is selected.
Because of the variations in FBC designs, each supplier is
4. Area D of the furnace is designed to +110 in. w.g. responsible for meeting the requirements for a reliable bed
(+27.4 kPa) at yield. temperature measurement and logic system.
1996 Edition
APPENDIX A 8504–49
A-6-2.5 If the forced draft fan(s) trips with fuel in the bed and an A-7-7.2 Recommended Additional Alarms for Automatic Sys-
induced draft fan remains running, a forced draft fan should be tems (Fuel Gas). In addition to the required alarms, the fol-
restarted at a low output sufficient to pressurize the combustion lowing alarms are recommended to indicate abnormal condi-
air ducts or the furnace pressure should be decreased using the tions and, where applicable, to alarm in advance of an
induced draft fan, or both. If all forced draft and induced draft emergency shutdown. It is recommended that provision be
fans trip with fuel in the bed, an induced draft fan should be made in the design for possible future conversion to auto-
restarted and a lower than normal furnace pressure should be matic trips in the interlock system.
established. These actions are intended as immediate actions to
prevent back flow of gaseous combustibles into the combustion (a) Burner Register Closed. This provides control room
air ductwork. Long-term corrective actions should be taken after indication or alarm for the condition that all secondary air
an assessment of the boiler condition. burner dampers are closed on an operating burner.
A-7- If a charging valve (required to be self-closing) (b) Change in Btu Content of the Fuel Gas. In the event
on the main gas supply is furnished, this should be opened to that the gas supply is subject to Btu fluctuations in excess of
bypass the main safety shutoff valve; otherwise the main safety 50 Btu/ft3 (1861 kJ/m3), a meter in the gas supply or an oxy-
shutoff valve should be opened. The main fuel control valve gen meter on the flue gas should be provided.
should be opened as required. The burner header should be (c) Air/Fuel Ratio (High and Low). If proper metering is
vented until it is filled with gas. The burner header atmo- installed, this may be permitted to be used to indicate a
spheric vent valve should be closed. The charging or main potentially hazardous air/fuel ratio with an initial alarm indi-
safety shutoff valve should be left open to establish a nominal cating approach to a fuel-rich condition and a second alarm
pressure on the burner header. The charging or main safety indicating approach to a hazardous fuel-rich condition.
shutoff valve then should be closed. It may be permitted to be
concluded that the safety shutoff valves do not leak if the nom- (d) Flame Detector Trouble. This warns the operator of a
inal pressure remains within specified limits. flame detector malfunction.
To other boilers
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
C4 C5
Gas supply
[See Figure To igniter
Figure A-7-5.1.1(b) Typical fuel gas ignition system — multiple igniters supplied from a common header (automatic).
Gas supply
[See Figure To igniter
Figure A-7-5.1.1(c) Typical fuel gas ignition system — multiple igniters supplied from a common header (supervised manual).
C4 C5
Gas supply
[See Figure To igniter
A-7-5.1.1(a)] G G
Figure A-7-5.1.1(d) Typical fuel gas ignition system — individually controlled igniters (automatic).
1996 Edition
APPENDIX A 8504–51
Gas supply
[See Figure To igniter
Figure A-7-5.1.1(e) Typical fuel gas ignition system — individually controlled igniters (supervised manual).
S Q1 S Q
L C1 C2
Gas supply
[See Figure F To burner
A-7-5.1.1(a)] B B
Figure A-7-5.1.1(f) Typical fuel gas burner/lance system master flow control valve for multiple burners (automatic).
S Q1 S Q
V L C1
Gas supply
[See Figure F To burner
A-7-5.1.1(a)] B T
Figure A-7-5.1.1(g) Typical fuel gas burner/lance system master flow control valve for multiple burners (supervised manual).
1996 Edition
Q1 S Q S
C1 C2
Gas supply
[See Figure F To burner
A-7-5.1.1(a)] B B
Alternate gas supply to igniter
Figure A-7-5.1.1(h) Typical fuel gas burner/lance system individual fuel control valve (automatic).
Q1 S Q S
Gas supply
[See Figure F To burner
A-7-5.1.1(a)] B T
Alternate gas supply to igniter
Figure A-7-5.1.1(i) Typical fuel gas burner/lance system individual fuel control valve (supervised manual).
A-7-8.1.1 Recommended Additional Alarms for Supervised potentially hazardous air/fuel ratio with an initial alarm indi-
Manual Systems (Fuel Gas). In addition to the required cating approach to a fuel-rich condition and a second alarm
alarms, the following alarms are recommended to indicate indicating approach to a hazardous fuel-rich condition.
abnormal conditions and, where applicable, to alarm in 3. Ignition Fuel Supply Pressure (Low). This monitors the
advance of an emergency shutdown: ignition fuel supply pressure at a point as far upstream of the
(a) High fuel supply pressure; control and safety shutoff valves as practicable.
(b) Low fuel supply pressure; 4. Flame Detector Trouble. This warns the operator of a
(c) Low combustion airflow; flame detector malfunction.
(d) Failure of burner safety shutoff valve to close; 5. Main Oil Temperature (High). This is used for heated
(e) Flame detector trouble. oils only.
A-8-7.2 Recommended Additional Alarms (Fuel Oil). (b) Supervised Manual Systems. In addition to the
required alarms, the following alarms are recommended to
(a) Automatic Systems. In addition to the required indicate abnormal conditions and, where applicable, to alarm
alarms, the following alarms are recommended to indicate in advance of a safety shutdown:
abnormal conditions and, where applicable, to alarm in 1. Low fuel oil supply pressure;
advance of a safety shutdown. It is recommended that provi- 2. Low atomizing medium pressure or atomizing
sions be made in the design for possible future conversion to medium oil pressure differential;
automatic trips in the interlock system.
3. Low combustion airflow;
1. Burner Register Closed. This provides control room
4. Failure of burner safety shutoff valve to close;
indication or alarm for the condition that all secondary air
burner dampers are closed on an operating burner. 5. Low oil temperature;
2. Air/Fuel Ratio (High and Low). If proper metering is 6. High oil temperature;
installed, this may be permitted to be used to indicate a 7. Flame detector trouble.
1996 Edition
APPENDIX A 8504–53
Scavenging medium
Light oil
supply To igniter
Figure A-8-5.1.1(a) Typical light oil ignition system — multiple mechanically atomized igniters supplied by a common header (automatic).
Scavenging medium
Light oil
supply To igniter
Figure A-8-5.1.1(b) Typical light oil ignition system — multiple mechanically atomized igniters supplied by a common header (supervised manual).
1996 Edition
Scavenging medium
Light oil
supply To igniter
Figure A-8-5.1.1(c) Typical light oil ignition system — individually controlled mechanically atomized igniters (automatic).
Scavenging medium
Light oil
supply To igniter
Figure A-8-5.1.1(d) Typical light oil ignition system — individually controlled mechanically atomized igniters (supervised manual).
Scavenging medium
Light oil
supply To igniter
media supply
Figure A-8-5.1.1(e) Typical light oil system — steam/air atomized igniters supplied from a common header (automatic).
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
APPENDIX A 8504–55
Scavenging medium
Light oil
supply To igniter
media supply
NOTE: Some designs require differential pressure control between the igniter fuel oil pressure and the atomizing media. In this instance, a differential
pressure control valve and differential pressure interlock are required in lieu of the constant pressure regulating valve and static pressure interlock.
Figure A-8-5.1.1(f) Typical light oil ignition system — steam/air atomized igniters supplied from a common header (supervised manual).
Scavenging medium
Light oil
supply To igniter
media supply
Figure A-8-5.1.1(g) Typical light oil ignition system — individually controlled steam/air atomized igniters (automatic).
1996 Edition
Scavenging medium
Light oil
supply To igniter
media supply
Figure A-8-5.1.1(h) Typical light oil ignition system — individually controlled steam/air atomized igniters (supervised manual).
Scavenging medium
supply F To burner
H burners
Oil return F
Figure A-8-5.1.1(i) Typical oil burner/lance system — mechanically atomized master fuel control valve for multiple burners (automatic).
1996 Edition
APPENDIX A 8504–57
Scavenging medium
supply F To burner
H burners
Oil return F
Figure A-8-5.1.1(j) Typical oil burner/lance system — mechanically atomized master fuel control valve for multiple burners (supervised manual).
Scavenging medium
supply F To burner
H burners
Oil return F
Figure A-8-5.1.1(k) Typical oil burner/lance system — mechanically atomized individual fuel control valve for multiple burners (automatic).
Scavenging medium
supply F To burner
H burners
Oil return F
Figure A-8-5.1.1(l) Typical oil burner/lance system — mechanically atomized individual fuel control valve for multiple burners (supervised manual).
1996 Edition
Oil oil
supply F To burner
Z T5 N
media To burner
QQ U remaining
H burners
Oil return F
Figure A-8-5.1.1(m) Typical oil burner/lance system — air/steam atomized master fuel control valve for multiple burners (automatic).
supply F To burner
media To burner
QQ U remaining
Oil return F
Figure A-8-5.1.1(n) Typical oil burner/lance system — air/steam atomized master fuel control valve for multiple burners (supervised manual).
1996 Edition
APPENDIX A 8504–59
supply F To burner
Z T5 N
media To burner
QQ U remaining
H burners
Oil return F
Figure A-8-5.1.1(o) Typical oil burner/lance system — air/steam atomized individual fuel control valve (automatic).
supply F To burner
media To burner
H burners
Oil return F
Figure A-8-5.1.1(p) Typical oil burner/lance system — air/steam atomized individual fuel control valve (supervised manual).
1996 Edition
Telegram: Edufire_ir
A-9-2.3(i) The mandatory master fuel trip system and circuits 4. During initial plant start-up, the temperature permis-
should be functionally independent and physically separated sive for fuel flow is usually verified in the installation. This test
from all other control system operations. The intent of this might show that a higher permissive fluidized-bed tempera-
separation should be to ensure that any credible failure in the ture is necessary to ignite the fuel. The supplier should antici-
control system cannot prevent or prohibit any necessary man- pate this possibility by providing the means for heating the
datory automatic trip. The intent is that the master fuel trip bed to a higher temperature than that indicated by the pilot
system function should not be intermixed with other control combustion tests.
system functions, although they may be permitted to use the
same type of hardware and software. Components such as B-3 Test Setup and Measurements.
operator interfaces or annunciation may be permitted to be B-3.1 Pilot Test Setup and Measurements. The test should
shared where it is desirable to do so. Input status information use a pilot fluidized-bed combustion system that simulates the
should be dedicated to the mandatory master fuel trip and supplier’s full-scale equipment. As a minimum, the test should
interlock system to the greatest extent possible. Where signals include:
are shared between the mandatory master fuel trip and inter- (a) A fuel feed system with feed rate control and feed rate
lock systems and other control systems, the signal should be monitor.
input to the master fuel trip system and retransmitted to any
other control system(s). (b) Air controls and measurements of the fluidizing air,
fuel transport air, and secondary air as applicable.
(c) Thermocouples to monitor the temperatures of the
Appendix B Guidelines for Determining the incoming airstreams, the bed temperature and freeboard
Minimum Permitted Temperature for Feeding a temperature, and the temperature of the combustion prod-
ucts exhausting the freeboard.
Fuel into a Fluidized Bed
(d) Recording instruments that provide a record of the flu-
This Appendix is not part of the requirements of this NFPA docu- idized-bed and freeboard temperatures. The printout scale
ment but is included for informational purposes only. and speed should be adjustable to provide a clear history of
time and temperatures.
B-1 Scope. This method describes a procedure for establishing (e) Bed material that simulates the size distribution and
the minimum fluid bed temperature at which a fuel ignites and material density projected for the full-scale system.
sustains controllable combustion. The test approaches described
in Sections B-3 and B-4 are typical approaches followed by manu- (f) Solid fuel that is representative of samples of the
facturers to assist in design activities for this equipment. The test design fuels. Control should be exercised to ensure that fuel
method described in Section B-5 is an important boiler commis- moisture content and size are properly simulated. If dictated
sioning activity performed on each new unit by the manufacturer by the pilot unit restrictions for maximum fuel size, the over-
and observed by other interested parties. sized fraction of fuel can be removed from the test feed stock,
or the maximum fuel size can be reduced by means of addi-
B-2 General Consideration. tional processing.
(a) The purpose of this recommended procedure is to estab- (g) Equipment to allow heat extraction from the fluidized
lish an initial minimum temperature permissive above which bed or furnace freeboard, as appropriate, to simulate the sup-
fuel can be fed into the fluidized bed. This initial temperature plier’s equipment design.
permissive should be verified by tests in the full-scale plant. (h) A pilot test device that is rated at a minimum through-
(b) This procedure can be used by the fluidized-bed com- put capacity of 1 × 106 Btu/hr (293 kW).
bustor (FBC) supplier to determine the minimum fluidized-
B-3.2 Bench-Scale Flammability Test Setup. An alternate means
bed temperature at which fuel can be fed into the furnace.
of establishing an initial minimum ignition temperature by test is
(c) The FBC supplier can use this temperature for defining through the use of conventional ignition or flammability tests.
the fuel permissive safety system for both start-up and hot restart. The intent of these tests is not so much to establish directly a min-
(d) The FBC supplier and operator should be aware of the imum ignition temperature, but rather to allow the manufac-
following concerns and cautions: turer to extrapolate an ignition temperature based upon the
1. Pilot test information can differ from full-scale unit results of a given test and similar tests on fuels fired at other actual
operation. The supplier should be aware of such differences installations. The correlation between the ignition temperature
and include a safety margin based on actual experience. (flammability index) yielded by tests of various fuels at an actual
plant and the verified minimum ignition temperature estab-
2. Typically, there is a time delay between fuel feed com- lished for that plant and the results of the testing performed on
mand and fuel entering the furnace. This is reflected in a the unknown fuel are sufficient to yield an initial set point for the
decrease in temperature of the fluidized-bed material during unknown fuel. As a minimum, the following should be used for
the period between bed fluidization and the arrival of the fuel the test:
in the bed. Bed cooling during this delay period could cause
(a) A furnace with a controllable heat source.
the temperature to fall below the fuel feed permissive.
(b) Thermocouples to monitor the temperature of the fur-
3. The minimum bed temperature at which fuel ignites
and causes the bed material and freeboard temperature to
increase is likely to be dependent on the air velocities, the air (c) Representative samples of the fuel to be fired. The
to fuel ratio, and the heat extraction surfaces within the com- samples should be prepared in accordance with normal pro-
bustion zones. The FBC supplier should consider the effect of cedures for the test setup to be utilized.
these factors for both cold start-up and hot restart operation (d) The intent is not to require any specific test, but rather to
of the FBC. use the same test on multiple fuel samples in order to establish a
1996 Edition
APPENDIX C 8504–61
relationship between the unknown fuel and its appropriate min- (d) If the fuel fails to ignite, the test should be terminated.
imum ignition temperature based upon the relationship of The ignition temperature of the fuel is the last value that sat-
other known fuels and their proven ignition temperatures. isfies B-4.2.1(c).
B-4 Test Procedure. The proposed test procedure is a repet- B-4.2.2 Minimum Permitted Bed Temperature. The initial
itive process that incrementally reduces the bed temperature minimum fuel permissive is determined by correlating the
until the system fails the success criteria for fuel ignition and results of the tests of the unknown fuel sample with similar
sustained combustion. A fuel might have a very low tempera- tests performed for fuels used in other units of similar design
ture for ignition and sustained combustion, possibly one that and the corresponding minimum ignition temperatures estab-
is considerably lower than the operating bed temperature lished for those fuels in the respective units. It should be noted
range of interest. Where such fuel is used, the FBC equipment that this procedure, as in the procedure described in B-4.1.1,
supplier may be permitted to terminate the tests after they has a degree of uncertainty, and appropriate safety margins
demonstrate successful operation at a temperature lower than should be implemented until the testing on the actual unit
the proposed minimum ignition temperature. can be completed.
B-4.1 Test Operation. B-5 Verifying Minimum Temperature at Actual Plant. The
FBC supplier and the operator should agree to a procedure
B-4.1.1 Pilot Test Operation. similar to that described in B-4.1.1 for verifying a minimum
(a) With fans operating, the FBC test unit should be stabi- bed temperature for fuel flow start in the full-scale plant. A
lized at 100°F to 200°F (38°C to 93°C) above the minimum margin of safety should be added to any value derived through
bed temperature at which the fuel is known to sustain com- test. Where fuel sources change the minimum temperature,
bustion. Verification of instrument operation and calibration the test should be repeated.
should be made, and operating conditions should be
adjusted to the selected air velocity excess air and bed tem-
perature. Fuel flow, airflows, and temperatures should be Appendix C Referenced Publications
monitored and recorded.
(b) The fuel should be shut off, and the bed temperature C-1 The following documents or portions thereof are refer-
should be allowed to fall. The fuel feed conveying and meter- enced within this standard for informational purposes only and
ing equipment should be kept primed to minimize the fuel thus are not considered part of the requirements of this docu-
delivery delay time at fuel restart. At 50°F (10°C) below the ment. The edition indicated for each reference is the current
previously demonstrated temperature for sustaining combus- edition as of the date of the NFPA issuance of this document.
tion, the fuel flow should be resumed at the rate used in B-
C-1.1 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association,
4.1.1(a) for a maximum of 90 seconds.
1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.
(c) In a successful test, the temperature response of the bed
and freeboard are to be smooth and are to indicate a reversal of NFPA 51, Standard for the Design and Installation of Oxygen-Fuel
the fluidized-bed and freeboard temperature gradients. Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, 1992 edition.
If the success criteria are met, B-4.1.1(a) through (c) should NFPA 51B, Standard for Fire Prevention in Use of Cutting and
be repeated at successively lower temperatures. If the success Welding Processes, 1994 edition.
criteria are not met, the test should be terminated and a post- NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 1996 edition.
purge completed. NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity, 1993 edition.
NFPA 8503, Standard for Pulverized Fuel Systems, 1992 edition.
B-4.1.2 Minimum Permitted Bed Temperature. The mini-
mum permitted bed temperature for admitting fuel flow into C-1.2 Other Publications.
the fluidized bed should be not less than the minimum tem- C-1.2.1 API Publication. American Petroleum Institute, 1220
perature at which “success” was achieved in B-4.1.1(c). L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005.
B-4.2 Bench Scale Flammability Test. API RP 2003, Recommended Practice for Protection Against Ignitions
B-4.2.1 Test Procedure. Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents, 1991 edition.
(a) The test furnace should be stabilized at 100°F to 200°F C-1.2.2 ASTM Publications. American Society for Testing
(38°C to 93°C) above the expected ignition temperature of and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19105.
the fuel.
ASTM D 388, Standard Classification of Coals by Rank, 1995.
(b) A fuel sample should be admitted. ASTM D 1857, Standard Test Method for Fusibility of Coal and
(c) If the fuel ignites, the test should be repeated after Coke Ash, 1987.
reducing the temperature of the furnace.
1996 Edition
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