Innovation Fellowships-Application Process 2017 0
Innovation Fellowships-Application Process 2017 0
Innovation Fellowships-Application Process 2017 0
Full application should not exceed 5 pages, not including appendix for graphs
and/or figures if required
To submit your application and presentation, please e-mail the pdf versions to
You will receive an email confirmation from us. If you do not receive a
confirmation email within a day of submission, please contact us at the
same e-mail address or call ext.3355.
Project Title:
Report of Invention Number:
Executive Summary
Describe briefly the problem to be solved and shortcomings of existing solutions.
Summarize your approach in a few sentences. Describe what you plan to accomplish
with this fellowship and its impact.
Problem/Market Opportunity
Provide an overview of the problem you propose to solve or the opportunity that you are
addressing. What is the frequency or extent of the problem or opportunity? What is the
customer "pain" or market opportunity that you are addressing? Who is looking to solve
the particular problem or take advantage of the opportunity, and are they willing to pay to
solve it? How have you validated this pain/opportunity? What is the market doing now to
address the problem? Why has this problem not been solved already? Why does the
opportunity exist now? What barriers exist?
Proposed Solution
Describe the technology, how it addresses the problem/opportunity and how it will work.
How do you see the technology being used in a product or service? What is the current
status of the invention and its intellectual property protection? What are the competing or
alternative technologies? Why will your approach be advantageous? Explain the benefits
of the proposed approach over current or competitive approaches (even if the competitive
approaches are not technically similar). What are the technical and market
barriers/uncertainties that could impede this technology from proceeding along the path
towards market? (e.g. the market is not ready for the invention in its current state and
requests made to see a working prototype, a prototype that addresses a particular
problem, a manufacturing process that is proven after industrial scale-up, in vivo
preclinical results, etc.) Please describe the stakeholder identification and validation
achieved so far. What are the expected societal and market impacts of the proposed work
if successful? Do you envision the technology being licensed to an existing company or
companies, or a start-up company being formed?
Milestone 2:
Estimated time to Key Questions & Deliverables: Who is responsible for the
completion: completion of the milestone?
List team members who will
Estimated cost to Risks and possible hurdles: be assisting in the completion
completion: of the milestone.
Milestone 3: …
Identify all prior, current and/or pending sources of support to the background and
proposed project. Indicate any needs for additional funding for the project and for any
funding requirements in subsequent years.