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Eco. Env. & Cons. 29 (2) : 2023; pp.

Copyright@ EM International
ISSN 0971–765X
DOI No.:

Effect of Plant growth regulators on growth and yield

of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
Shyam Prakash1, Ankit Singh2, Shashi Bala3 and Shivaraj Kumar Verma4

Department of Horticulture, U.P. College, Varanasi, U.P., India

(Received 18 October, 2022; Accepted 26 December, 2023)

The present investigation entitled “Effect of plant growth regulators on growth and yield of a cabbage
(Brassica oleracea var. Capitata L.)” is an experiment was conducted during 2020-21 at research form of Udai
Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi (U.P.). The nine treatment comprising of T1 - Control , T2 – NAA
(50ppm), T3 - NAA (75ppm), T4 – NAA (100 ppm), T5 - NAA (120 ppm), T6 -GA3 (50 ppm), T7- GA3 (75ppm),
T8 - GA3 (100 ppm) and T9 - GA3 (150 ppm), were evaluated in randomised block design with three
replications. The experimental finding revealed that the treatment T9 showed better response to plant growth
and yield attributes. However, maximum yield 400.74 q/ha was obtained with the application of T9 (GA3
150 ppm) fallowed by T5 - (NAA 120 ppm). On the basis of economic analysis with the application of GA3
150 ppm in T9 gave maximum cost benefit ratio is 1: 2.57 During 2020-21, respectively and was found most
beneficial and feasible for the cultivation of cabbage.

Key words : Brassica oleracea, Plant growth, regulators, cabbage

Introduction Plant growth regulators are defined as an or-

ganic chemical other than nutrients which in small
Cabbage is uses as salad boiled vegetable, coocked amount promote, inhibit or other-wise modify the
currie, pickle as well as dehydrated vegetable. Cab- plant physiological processes. It increases the yield
bage head contains minerals and also rich in vitamin and improves the quality by alerting the behavior of
like A, B and C. It is assumed that, half a cup of plant and number of physiological processes in
cooked cabbage has about a third the vitamin C we plant systems. GA3 has been reported beneficial in
need for the day. It also gives you doses of fibre, fo- cabbage because it is involved in the regulation of
liate, potassium, magnesium, vitamin K and more. growth through both cell division and enlargement
In india west bengal is the leading producer of cab- NAA is also being used in many vegetable crops at
bage 2288.50(000MT) but the productivity is highest various stages of development for increasing growth
in Uttar Pradesh, i.e. 33.44 tonnes/ha. With an 9.06 and yield by way of cell elongation, cell enlarge-
(000 ha) and Production 302.97 (000 MT) Second ment, cell division and differentiation. The plant
largest producer is Orissa with 1058.78 (000 MT) growth regulators used are NAA and GA3. Use of
and area 37.74 (000 ha) then Madhya Pradesh in the growth regulators is very crucial increasing the veg-
rank of third in case of Production with 686.91 etative growth and simultaneously the yield of Cole
(000MT) and area 29.89 (000 ha). (Source: National crops. Therefore the present study was carried out
horticulture board, NHB 2017-18). looking to the above finding of different work on
(1Research Scholar, 2,3&4Assistant Professor)
818 Eco. Env. & Cons. 29 (2) : 2023

Materials and Methods 2). The results of the present experiment indicates
that foliar application of NAA and GA3 significantly
The present experiments was conducted at Research
Farm, department of Horticulture U.P autonomous increased the growth and yield parameters of Cab-
bage. At 30 DAT highest plant height was recorded
college Varanasi in well developed crop field having
application of GA3 150 ppm (14.41 cm) whereas
proper draianage during rabi season..The experi-
minimum plant height (12.31 cm) was recorded in
mental was laid out in RBD with 9 treatments repli-
the treatment (T1) control and at 60 DAT application
cates three times. The experimental material of dif-
of GA3 150 ppm significantly maximum plant height
ferent growth regulators namely NAA and GA3 in
Pusamukta variety of cabbage. The two plant of 20.00cm and minimum plant height was recorded
in control T 1 (16.82 cm). Among different plant
growth regulators viz. NAA 50, 75, 100, 120 ppm
growth regulators, GA3 recorded maximum plant
and GA3 50, 75, 100, 150 ppm were tried and com-
height followed by NAA was observed. Similar re-
pared with control. The spraying was done at 30 and
sults were reported by Yadav,et al. (2000), and Dev
60 days after transplating (DAT), all the standard
et al. (2020). Significantly maximum number of
packages and practices were followed. The plant
transplanted in row to row 60cm and plant to plant leaves per plant 30 DAT was recorded with treat-
ment GA3 150 ppm (11.23) whereas minimum num-
45cm apart by hand in 2.40m x 1.80m plots farm-
ber of leaves per plant was recorded in (T1) control
yard manure 10 t/ha should be incorporated in the
(8.79) at 60 DAT maximum number of leaves per
soil at the time of initial ploughing and full dose in-
plant was recorded GA3150 ppm (13.33) whereas
organic fertilizers of NPK. The observation were re-
minimum number of leaves per plant was recorded
corded on growth and yield parameter of cabbage.
The growth character viz. Height of plants (cm), No. in (T1) control (10.35). The increase in number of
leaves per plant due to the activity of gibberellic acid
of leaves per plant and leaf area (cm2). Reproductive
at the apical meristem resulting in more nucleopro-
characters viz. No. of days to 50% head maturity and
tein synthesis was responsible for increasing the leaf
No. of days to maturity of head. The yield character
initiation and expansion. the same result were noted
viz. Diameter of head (cm), weight of head (g), yield
by Meena, et al. (2018) and Dev, et al. (2020). Maxi-
of head (kg/plot) and yield (q/ha). Economics of
crop cultivation were recorded after harvesting. Sta- mum leaf area (cm2) At 30 DAT was recorded appli-
cation of GA3 150 ppm (1821.17 cm2) whereas mini-
tistical analysis of the data was done by using analy-
mum leaf area (1537.59 cm2) was recorded in treat-
sis of variance (ANOVA).
ment (T1) control and at 60 DAT application of GA3
Results and Discussion 150 ppm significantly maximum leaf area 2044.23
cm2 and minimum leaf area was recorded in control
Results, presented in Table 1 and 2 revealed that all
T 1 (1689.02 cm2). Among different plant growth
most all the studied traits were affected by the treat-
regulators, GA3 recorded maximum leaf area fol-
ments and there was completely significant differ-
lowed by NAA was observed. The earlier 50% ma-
ence between control and foliar application (Table-
Table 1. Plant height (cm), No. of leaves per plant, Leaf area (cm2), 50% head maturity and 100% head maturity.
Treatment Plant height (cm) No. of leaves/plant Leaf area (cm2) 50% head 100% head
30 DAT 60 DAT 30 DAT 60 DAT 30 DAT 60 DAT maturity maturity
Days Days
Control 12.31 16.82 8.79 10.35 1,537.59 1689.02 68.29 76.11
NAA (50ppm) 12.76 18.11 9.52 11.16 1,654.13 1885.75 67.16 75.06
NAA (75ppm) 13.70 19.28 10.47 11.60 1,715.54 1939.16 66.05 74.26
NAA(100ppm) 13.87 19.41 10.88 12.19 1,728.20 1987.25 63.98 73.36
NAA(120ppm) 14.25 19.94 11.15 13.21 1,812.64 2027.39 62.07 72.06
GA3 (50ppm) 13.02 18.31 10.29 11.28 1,605.64 1820.85 67.28 75.18
GA3 (75ppm) 12.39 18.47 10.85 12.19 1,684.82 1921.20 66.07 74.20
GA3 (100ppm) 13.16 19.42 11.17 12.60 1,706.42 1996.86 63.91 73.25
GA3 (150ppm) 14.41 20.00 11.23 13.33 1,821.17 2044.23 61.65 71.23
SEm± 0.21 0.27 0.20 0.19 17.52 15.31 0.48 0.24
CD (P=0.05) 0.64 0.82 0.60 0.56 52.51 45.90 1.43 0.71

Table 2. Head diameter (cm), Fresh weight of head (g), Yield per plot (kg) and Yield (q/ha).
Treatment Head diameter (cm) Fresh weight of Yield per Yield
30 DAT 60 DAT head (gm) plot (kg) (q/ha)
Control 10.08 15.11 1,116.13 26.25 283.87
NAA (50ppm) 10.52 15.99 1,137.25 26.77 360.08
NAA (75ppm) 11.34 17.03 1,223.97 27.46 356.62
NAA(100ppm) 11.73 17.93 1,284.18 27.61 365.59
NAA(120ppm) 12.05 19.46 1,305.84 28.81 390.18
GA3 (50ppm) 10.75 16.99 1,118.91 27.86 335.76
GA3 (75ppm) 11.41 17.89 1,190.78 27.92 369.73
GA3 (100ppm) 11.80 18.79 1,248.21 28.53 372.07
GA3 (150ppm) 12.36 19.56 1,310.67 29.62 400.74
SEm± 0.13 0.14 25.35 0.16 5.47
CD (P=0.05) 0.38 0.43 76.01 0.47 16.39

turity was found in the treatment T9 (150 ppm GA3) the basis of said results it can be concluded that
was recorded data 61.65 days. Whereas the delayed treatment T9 150 ppmGA3 foliar spray can enhance
head maturity was recorded by the treatment T1 the yield and yield attributes of cabbage.
(control) were recorded for 68.29 days. The results in
the present study are supported Dhengle, et al. Conclusion
(2002) and Dev, et al. (2020) in cabbage. The earlier
100% maturity of head was found in the treatment Based on experiment it is concluded that with the
T 9 (150 ppm GA 3) was recorded in 71.23 days. application of 150ppm GA3 in treatment T9 gave the
Whereas the delayed head maturity was recorded maximum plant growth, highest yield (400.74 qha-1)
by the treatment T1 (control) was recorded data and second best application of 120 ppm NAA in
76.11 days. The results in present study are sup- Treatment T5 (390.18 qha-1) for economic and farmers
ported Dhengle, et al. (2002) and Dev, et al. (2020) in point of view treatment T9 is more effective.
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