Global Snail Market Overview
Global Snail Market Overview
Global Snail Market Overview
oBackground P.4
oAppendix P. 47
This market insight report provides an overview of the estimated global market for snails. It is the second iteration, following the first
report that was published in 2018.
The report estimates market size, share of consumption, dynamics of supply and pricing. In addition, it provides a snapshot of those
countries that are most integral to the global market and the current level of innovation that exists. This document is suitable for
introduction to these potential markets for any client company and potential new entrants.
Data on global snail production and consumption is incomplete, therefore figures are indicative and may not always tally.
The report was compiled through desk research and similar to the 2018 version, IndexBox Analysis and Global Trade Atlas (GTA) data
serves as the primary sources of data. A selection of tables and figures are presented with the latest reference year for most, being 2021
and are as close to actuals as possible whereas the 2018 report figures were estimates. Figures are obtained from both the available
statistics and estimates according to industry publications.
It is important to note that there will always be differences in reporting of imports and exports. We typically emphasis the use of
imports wherever possible due to the ‘country of origin’ rule, however there can often be discrepancies with the Eurostat members. For
Example: If goods were going from Ireland to Belgium via another EU member state, then Belgium would be reporting trade based upon
the last EU member country it went through and Ireland would report exports to destination of Belgium.
Product Coverage
This market insight report first seeks to understand the Snail global market as a commodity with production data sourced from FAO
statistics according to the code FCL 1176 “Snails, not sea, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine”.
The concordance between this code and code HS 030760 - Molluscs; snails, other than sea snails, whether in shell or not, live, fresh,
chilled, frozen, dried, salted, in brine, or smoked, cooked or not before or during the smoking process, is officially establised by
Building upon this understanding, the report explores the import and export dynamics of those downstream products which are
produced from the raw snails covered under HS 030760. These products cover prepared snails and are classifed under code HS
160558- Mollusc preparations; snails, other than sea snails, prepared or preserved
Examples of these prepared products are presented later in the report to demonstrate the level of value add and innovation that
exists in the global marketplace.
Irish Snail Industry
The natural snail observed in Ireland is called the Helix Aspersa Muller also known as the Petit Gris. This species is one of the three most
popular species on the global market, along with the Helix pomatia and Helix lucorum.
In addition to the Helix Aspersa Muller (Petit Gris) species which weighs approximately 8-15g, a larger size exists in the large grey snail (Helix
Aspersa Maxima) which can weigh in at 17-25g. ‘
There are approximately 30 snail farmers in Ireland and our temperate and damp climate are particularly well suited to snail farming.
Whilst land requirment is minimal, snail farming is labour intensive requiring a lot of time and manpower particulalry for ongoing monitoring
of temperature, humiduty levels and nutrition of the snails and harvesting which is completed by hand. The time required to produce 10,000
tonnes is estimated to be 2,000 hours but that is for the farming alone, not the processing or commercialisation.
The production cycle can take approximatley 9 months from January to September.
There are many variables to success, the most important being soil type since snails prefer a damp soil (35% moisture is ideal). As soil serves
as a natural source of nutrients and minerals for the snail, ideally it should have high organic matter levels and supplemented with lime to
ensure good shell formation.
Mortality rates average at 20% but can vary particulalry if there are issues with predators (mice, rats or birds).
Process of Snail Farming - topline overview
Constant of 17 degrees
Stage 1 celsius and 18 hours of light
Breeding room
Mating & laying
eggs (up to 150 per
Stage 4 Stage 2
Finishing Growth Incubation
Snails move to field Eggs harvested by
1.2 million can hand and housed
populate 1 acre in plastic boxes at
and produce 10 20 degrees celsius
tonnes of snail 15 days eggs hatch
When refering to the Import charts of international markets later on in the report, it is important to remember that there will always be differences in reporting of imports and
exports. Some of the volume seen here for Irish exports, may not be classified as such by those countries reporting upon their own imports. This is due to goods travelling through
other countries before they arrive at their destination and the importer reporting the last country that they travelled through.
Source: GTA Database
•Temperate and damp climate •Weather conditions in cold summers and harsh winters can deliver low yields
•Low land requirement •High input costs
•Produce available throughout winter (unlike wild snails which are harvested in •Labour intensive
April) •Helix Aspersa Muller is no. 2 or 3 choice in key market of France
•Strong Irish image in key European markets for quality and farming •Lack of domestic processing capability
•Quality of Irish farmed snails •High transportation costs
•Diversification to other farming practices •Classification vs. other international competitors (transportation limitations)
•Strong global market that is undersupplied •Industrialisation of farming in other markets
•Re-opening of foodservice and HoReCa industry •Supply of cheap wild snails and large scale farmed snails
•Presence of Helix Aspersa Muller in value-add products in French retail •Low pricing from Eastern European and African countries
•“Me-Too” or disruptive value-add products for international retail •Supply to key EU markets is almost monopolised
•Development of domestic snail consumption
•EU regulation to block a lot of wild picked snails
•Organic certification
•Increase of other uses for snails (leveraging no waste)
Global Market
Overview 2020
(Unprepared Snails HS 030760)
Global Market Size (HS 030760)
Consumption Volume
Consumption of snails (except sea snails) has fluctuated over the Market Volume, in consumption terms, 2015-2020
past 5 years. (thousand tonnes, % y-o-y)
99 200%
In 2019, global consumption reached a market high of 81k tonnes 89 81
80 80
following a two-year rising trend from 2017. 79 76 75 73 150%
Global Market Size (HS 030760)
Consumption value
The market value prices here are captured at importer/ exporter Market Value, in consumption terms, 2015-2020
prices as opposed to the final consumer price. These figures 200 (million USD, % y-o-y) 200.0%
provide an indcation of approximate value size in what is a 180
challenging industry to quantify. 158 155 155
160 150 151 150.0%
In the last 6 years, market value peaked at $158 million, however 140
this is still someway off the global market peak level of $193
120 100.0%
million in 2008.
Despite the -9.5% decrease in consumption volume between 2019
80 50.0%
and 2020, the market has done well to hold it’s value, having only
experienced a very minimal decrease (-0.1%) in value versus the 60 6.7% 4.8%
0.3% -1.8% -0.1%
previous year. -7.7%
40 0.0%
0 -50.0%
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Top 10 Consuming Countries 2020 (HS 030760)
Consumption volume
France is the largest consumer of snails globally, accounting for Consumption, by Country, 2020
approximately 31% of total consumption volume. However, from (Consumption volume, tonnes) 2015-2020
the period of 2015-2020 consumption volume contracted by
-3.8%. France 22,390 -3.8%
Within this top 10, it is reported that consumption in Indonesia has Romania 1,133 2.7%
experienced the biggest decline, with a contraction of -7.9%.
Thailand 894 0.1%
Top 10 Consuming Countries 2020 (HS 030760)
Consumption value
When we look at the top 10 list for consumption value, we not Consumption, by Country, 2020
only see a change to the rankings but also to countries included. (Value, million USD) 2015-2020
The notable changes are the inclusion of Singapore, South Africa France 21.41 -2.77%
and Phillipines following the removal of Indonesia, Bosnia and Spain 17.30 5.46%
Herzegovina and Thailand.
Italy 9.01 5.45%
Italy and Romania may be two profitable markets whereby import South Africa 4.30 2.08%
prices are high. Import prices in Italy however are declining,
Philippines 4.22 2.33%
whereas those in Romania are growing.
Rank #17 Ireland 3.17 17.93%
Production, by Country, 2020
Top 10 Producing Countries 2020 (HS 030760) (% of global production)
3%2%2% Hungary
The top 10 producing countries represent 75% of global production. 6% 25%
Czech Republic
Morrocco alone is responsible for 25% of the world’s supply, having expanded at Poland
an average annual rate of +1.6% over the period 2015 – 2020). Snail production 8%
stood at 18.4K tonnes in 2020, two and half times that of the next largest 9%
9% France
producer, Hungary (7Ktonnes). Thailand
Spain occupys third position at 6.5K tonnes with an 8.9% share of global Ireland 0.76% (Rank #23)
production, however of the top 3 countries, production has remained the most
2015 –2020
consistent. Production, by Country, 2020 % CAGR
Morocco 18,436 1.6%
France has seen the greatest growth in the period 2015-2020, having increased Hungary 6,953 -4.1%
production by 4.1% CAGR. Yet when we refer to the country’s volume need to Spain 6,537 0.7%
meet consumption demand, they are producing less than 10% of their Turkey 5,912 -1.3%
Czech Republic 5,046
consumption needs. 2.1%
Poland 4,500 -12.6%
Indonesia 2,263 -4.4%
Poland records the greatest contraction in production during 2015 – 2020 with a Portugal 1,868 0.7%
CAGR of -12.6%, three times more than the next closest contractions in Hungary France 1,562 4.1%
and Indonesia. Thailand 1,318 3.1%
Ireland 557 Rank #23 0.8%
Imports & Exports
(HS 030760 + HS 160558)
Top 10 Importing Countries 2021 (HS 030760)
Import value and price per Kg USD
In 2021, total global imports were estimated to be valued at Imports, by Country, 2021
$68.3million. (million USD, price per Kg USD)
In 2021, the top importers of Snails were France and Spain,
accounting for 25.4% and 19.3% of global import value
respectively. 13.2
Top 10 Exporting Countries 2021 (HS 030760)
Export value & price per kg USD
Over the last 10 years exports peaked at 30.14k tonnes in 2018 but Exports, by Country, 2021
subsequently fell over 2019 & 2020. However, 2021 saw a notable (million USD, price per Kg USD)
increase (+13.75% YoY) to 29.72k tonnes indicating that there may
be a new peak in 2022 if this growth continues. 12.00
11.36 16.00
The value of exports in 2021 amounted to $65.6million.
11.06 12.00
7.56 7.20
Romania holds the next greatest share at 9.54% having recorded 4.17 3.92 3.90
7.00 6.00
3.90 3.43
the greatest increase (+60.7%) in price paid per kg vs. 2020.
2.78 2.69
0.99 2.00
Morocco Romania Indonesia Turkey Hungary France Czech Lithuania Canada Serbia
Price $ per Kg
Top 10 Importing Countries 2021 (HS 160558)
Import value & price per kg USD
The top 10 importers of prepared snails account for 91% of global Imports, by Country, 2021
import value ($69.8 million). According to GTA data, France is the (million USD, price per Kg USD)
number one importer of prepared snails. In 2021 imports were
valued at $36.23 million which was almost five times more than
the next greatest importer by value, Romania.
Top 10 Exporting Countries 2021 (HS 160558)
Export value & price per kg USD
The top 10 exporters account for 94.3% of global export value Exports by Country, 2021
($78.5million). According to GTA data, Romania is the greatest (million USD, price per Kg USD)
exporter of prepared snails with a value of $21.1million in 2021
having recorded a 22% increase in export value from 2020. 21.1
France is the next greatest exporter valuing exports in 2021 at $15.8 15.8
million up 10% vs. 2020.
Export prices also vary quite significantly by country for prepared 9.8
8.70 9.44 9.14 10.08
product but the average price per kg for the top 10 exporters stood 9.44 8.97 8.21
at $10 in 2020. France recorded the highest price per Kg at $18.88
4.4 4.0
whereas Indonesia receives the lowest at $5.59 in this top 10. 3.4 3.0
2.1 2.0
Price $ per Kg
Prepared vs. Unprepared Imports 2021 (HS 030760 vs. HS 160558)
Import value, million USD
The chart to the right maps import values for both Prepared and Imports, by Country, 2021
Unprepared snails according to trade data available from GTA. (million USD)
Prepared vs. Unprepared Exports 2021 (HS 030760 vs. HS 160558)
Export value, million USD
The greatest export value for snails is attributed to Prepared snails Exports, by Country, 2020
exported by Romania and France. (million USD)
Country Snapshot:
FRANCE Overview
It is estimated that over 22,000 tonnes of snails are consumed in France each French Imports of Snails, 2021
(Volume Tonnes)
year, equating to 339g per person per year. Snails are mostly eaten in Alsace and
Franche-Comté and to a lesser extent in Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes.
World (P) 3,797
Approximately two-thirds of snails in France are consumed during the Christmas
Romania (P) 2,152
period, lending themselves as a seasonal product. Outside of this they are typically
World (U) 1,878
served as a starter (six to nine snails per plate) or an appertif accompaniment.
Turkey (P) 505
As the greatest importers of Unprepared snails, France imported approximately Turkey (U) 436
22,295 tonnes of Unprepared in 2021, the majority coming from Eastern Europe. Lithuania (U) 386
In addition, they imported 7,595 tonnes of Prepared snails in 2021. Romania (U) 370
Romania are the largest supplier of Prepared snails to France at an average of Czech Republic (P) 183
$8.82 per kg. Turkey are the next largest and also the largest for Unprepared Lithuania (P) 141 (P) Prepared HS 160558
(U) Unprepared HS 030760
Canned Snail Volumes, 2014-2018
(Gross tonnes)
FRANCE Snail Types
Snails in France are not all Burgundy snails (Helix pomatia), the classic snail (Helix lucorum)
and the small grey snail (Helix aspersa) also feature, similar to those produced in Ireland.
FRANCE Retail Product Overview
There are broadly 3 types of snail products found in French grocery retail (and wholesale).
1. Stuffed snails – often in a tray or bag format across chilled and frozen
2. Snail flesh – in a canned format in a brine flavoured with herbs.
3. Snail shells – to be stuffed at home using canned snail meat
The majority of products feature Burgundy snails (Helix pomatia), there are a number of products featuring the Grey snail (Helix aspersa),
particulary in the prepared tray products whereby there may be a mix of the three main snail types. Labelling of snail origin can vary with some
products recording generic origins such as the E.U, others recording the specifics and some with no mention at all (only production origin).
however by 2018 this figure is 614, of which 38% (233) are located in Andalucia. World (P) 108
Snail farms still only contribute approx 3% of the country’s consumption volume. Morocco (P) 106
Lithuania (U) 59
Spain imports almost 97% of their total volume from Morocco with almost all of Poland (U) 37
it as Unprepared snails. Price per kg has increased since 2018 and was estimated Greece (U) 24
to be $1.12 per kg for Unprepared in 2021. Ukraine (U) 20
France (U) 11
With such a reliance on Morocco, the market is very limited for imports from Algeria (U) 4
other origins. Netherlands (U) 2
Portugal (U) 1
France (P) 1
(P) Prepared HS 160558
(U) Unprepared HS 030760
SPAIN Retail Product Overview
The Helix aspersa snail is highly popular in Spain as part of Mediterranean gastronomy and is known in Catalan and Spanish as the Caragol Bover
snail. They belong to a category of ‘wild’ ingredients that feature prominently in traditional Catalan recipes and feature more so in the Horeca
industry. They are easy to find in taverns, bars and traditional restaurants, either on their own or as an ingredient in a tapa, starter/ first course.
Products in retail are limited and much less developed than the category in France. Products tend to follow traditional recipe formulations offered
in sauces or salsa. Bags, tubs, cans and jars are all present, however there is a distinct lack of tray formats as per the French market. Since our
2018 report, it appears that there have been discontinuations of SKUs within the main retailers and the category has contracted somewhat.
Country Snapshot:
ITALY Overview
Italy is a smaller market in terms of it’s consumption volume which was Italian Imports of Snails, 2021
(Volume Tonnes)
estimated to be 1,700 tonnes in 2020. However, import values appear to be
high due to the more varied and innovative uses of edible snails.
World (U) 1,057
Tunisia (U) 439
In 2019, there were estimated to be 870 farms in Italy on 500 hectares of land
Algeria (U) 371
and about 8,900 people employed directly or indirectly. Spain (U) 128
World (P) 62
Since 2018, Tunisia has surpassed Algeria in being the main destination for Serbia (U) 39
snail imports of unprepared, albeit only slightly ahead of Algeria still. However, Turkey (U) 37
the snails within these imports, likely originated from other origins or have Bosnia & Herzegovina (U) 29
gone through some level of processing (refer to appendix 5 – exports to Italy). Turkey (P) 23
Bosnia & Herzegovina (P) 22
Unprepared snails represent the majority of imports at approximately 1,057 France (P) 16
tonnes and the average import price in 2021 was $6.59 per kg. Prepared France (U) 5
imports represent just 5.5% of total imports at a volume of 62 tonnes. Denmark (U) 4
Romania (U) 2
Since imports of Unprepared are spread across a number of markets and due Portugal (U) 1
to the varied use of snails, there may be further potential for Irish snails in the Netherlands (U) 1 (P) Prepared HS 160558
(U) Unprepared HS 030760
ITALY Product Overview Caviar
Among the various species of snails, the Helix aspersa is the most common species of
farmed edible snail in Italy. Other types include the Burgundy (Helix poimtia) and
Rigatella (Helix vermiculata). Over a 10 year period from 2010 to 2019, the consumption
of snails is said to have increased by around 320%.
The use of snails is much more varied in Italy than in France and Spain, lending itself to
high end gastronomy and also the cosmetic industry.
In high end gastronomy, snail eggs are used to make caviar products. La Lumaca
Madonita is Italy’s largest snail farm, located in Sicily and they produced jarred, fresh
snail eggs which are eaten raw like caviar. Their Caviale di lumaca product retails for
about $1,900 per kg due to the intensive process it takes to farm them and they supply
to Russia, Switzerland and the UAE. The process can take 150 days and one snail may lay
between 50-100 eggs, which need to be harvested one by one using tweezers.
Other companies harvest snail slime to use within cosmetic products. Lumaca de Oro
produce snails for edible use but also produce a range of cosmetics (masks, oils,
shampoos) leveraging the regenerative propoerties of snail slime. In both instances they
use the Helix aspersa.
Country Snapshot:
Snails in Portugal are known as Caracois and consumption is very traditional, Imports of Snails, Portugal, 2021
(Volume Tonnes)
particularly in Lisbon and the South. They tend to be a seasonal product,
typically consumed during the summer period. A popular accompaniment to a
beer, they are served in cafés and cooked in garlic and oregano.
World (U) 1,885
There is little demand for imports of Prepared snails and the market for
Unprepared is monopolised by Spain. Almost all imports of Unprepared are Spain (U) 1,882
sourced from Morrocco at a reported price of $1.28 per kg.
According to GTA data, Ireland is the next largest importer with imports at Ireland (U) 2
approximately 2 tonnes. This volume however, may only reflect the amount
that is transported direct to Portugal, since Ireland reported exports of 55 Indonesia (U) 1
tonnes to Belgium in the same year. The balance of 53 tonnes was likely
transported via other member states, namely Spain.
World (P) 4
The U.S imports both types from a number of different countries, therefore there Portugal (U) 14
may be an opportunity to supply what looks to be an open market. In addition China (P) 11 (P) Prepared HS 160558
(U) Unprepared HS 030760
there may be a foodservice opportunity for Irish snails to explore further.
such. Whilst Belgium reported 3 tonnes of imports from the U.K in 2021 these Spain (P) 1
(P) Prepared HS 160558
likely originated from another origin, since the U.K reported no direct exports to (U) Unprepared HS 030760
In 2021, Vietnam reported imports of 126 tonnes of Unprepared snails from World (U) 172
Ireland, representing 73% of total Unprepared imports. This was was reported
to have increased 12 fold from 10.27 tonnes in 2020 but fell from $4.65 per kg Ireland (U) 126
in 2020 to $4 per kg in 2021. However, there is some discrepancy between World (P) 37.80
what is reported by Ireland in terms of exports to Vietnam (74.7 tonnes).
South Korea (P) 37.38
Imports from India halved compared to 2020 (down from 42 tonnes), paving India (U) 21
the way for a new supplier to the market, the United States (20 tonnes in
2021). United States (U) 20
Vietnam (U) 5
Imports of Prepared snails dramatically fell from 83.6 tonnes in 2020 to just
37.8 tonnes in 2021. The overwhelming majority of which sourced from South Indonesia (U) 1
Korea (at $2.54 per kg) and the small remainder sourced from France (at $6.31 France (P) 0.41
per kg). In addition, the U.S reported Prepared snail exports of 3.8 tonnes
Japan (U) 0.08
(appendix 5) to Vietnam in 2021, which is not reflected in the Vietnam’s import (P) Prepared HS 160558
(U) Unprepared HS 030760
•14 products have been launched under private label (almost 50%), with the remainder under private brands.
•The majority of products target the sharing occasion (i.e. Hors d'oeuvres/Canapes) and are still very traditional.
•There are 3 core themes to these product launches (Canapes/ Sharing Trays/ Flavoured sauce or brine)
€3.75 / $4.17
190 g
A number of alternative export markets continue to develop and appear to be more open and competitive than the key EU
markets (FR, ES, IT).
Whilst these alternative markets are smaller in demand, they may be better suited if one or two contracts could be secured for total farm output,
given our domestic output and high transportation costs. Markets such as the US, Vietnam and Belgium to a certain extent could offer potential.
The U.K are similar to our domestic industry in that they export more than they import. Given the impact of Brexit and trade
3 challenges, an import substitution opportunity may exist in those markets whereby both Ireland and U.K are supplying.
France and Spain were the key export markets for the U.K in 2019, however they also exported to Portugal, Italy and Belgium. Domestic supply is also
exported to these key EU markets and may crossover at certain points within the supply chain but Ireland could offer favourable trade agreements.
The processed, prepared and value- add snails market offers considerable value however, the Irish industry is restricted by a
lack of processing capability.
4 Retail products remain traditional and are more limited in markets outside of France (whereby good presence of Helix Aspersa Muller in
value-add products). This could present two opportunities; 1) It may be easier to break in with “me-too products” 2) There is an opportunity to
innovate and disrupt. Either way, investment will be required in the development of processing facilities or to potentially partner with an international
processor. Whilst there are still new products launched, it must be noted that in some markets (i.e. Spain & UAE) there is evidence of category
contraction for these types of products in retail.
The snail farming process in Ireland is essentially a completely organic process however, there is no certification system in
place for Irish snail farms.
5 The development of an Organic certification scheme for heliculture would offer a point of differentiation in the international marketplace particularly
in France whereby the majority of snails consumed are wild picked snails and also due to the well developed organic food and drink market. An
Organic certification could help to underpin a more premium price positioning and seek to command a higher price per kg.
The domestic market should continue to be developed both for consumption but also as an industry so that farming
Appendix 1 Appendix 2
Spain (P) 82
Croatia (U) 45
Turkey (U) 39.15
Serbia (U) 38.346
Bosnia & Herzegovina (U) 30.51
Spain (U) 25
Turkey (P) 22.932
Romania (U) 22
Lithuania (U) 21
Bosnia & Herzegovina (P) 20.61
Slovenia (U) 18
France (P) 16
Czech Republic (U) 10
France (U) 7
Greece (U) 4
Belgium (U) 4
Lithuania (P) 4
Netherlands (U) 1
Thailand (U) 0.305
Switzerland (U) 0.28
Singapore (P) 0.192
Indonesia (U) 0.137
Indonesia (P) 0.016 (P) Prepared HS 160558
(U) Unprepared HS 030760
Appendix 4 Appendix 5