USP Videmo 360 EN
USP Videmo 360 EN
USP Videmo 360 EN
1. Software architecture
ID Name Description
1.1.0 Data Possibility to process offline data, connect cameras and analyse live
processing streams
1.4.0 Operating Solution usable on Windows and Ubuntu Linux operating systems
2.1.0 Interfaces Possibility to connect external systems and to call configuration, import
and search functions via http-REST integration API
2.1.1. Interface data Possibility to automatically import data (video and images), e.g. triggered by
import external systems
2.1.2 Interface Possibility to register and parametrise of cameras via the integration API
2.1.3 Interface Possibility to automatically query recognised faces (including scores and
events and thumbnails) in offline imported or live analysed data. Possibility to forward
alerts alerts to external systems (when persons enrolled to a blacklist are spotted
on registered cameras)
2.1.4 Interface Possibility to automatically create, manage, enhance and delete identities
identity via the integration API
2.1.5 Interface Possibility to automatically carry out search queries (with certain filter
search queries criteria, identities, age and gender) by external systems via the integration
API. Return of results as sorted lists (including scores and thumbnails) for
external viewing and further processing
2.2.0 Integration Integration with video management system from manufacturer Dallmeier
2.3.0 Integration Integration with video management system from manufacturer Geutebrück
3. Connection of cameras
ID Name Description
3.1.0 Camera types Connection to different camera types (USB cameras, IP cameras with mjpeg
over http, rtsp, machine vision cameras for analysis free from compression)
4. Import
ID Name Description
4.1.0 Video formats Import of all established video formats that are supported by FFMPEG and
4.2.0 Batch import Possibility of to import up to 1Mio video files in a batch import
4.3.0 Media Unlimited import without copying data. Videmo accesses the folders directly
Locations on the server
5.1.0 Search modes - Search existing video material or camera channel events for certain
Identity identities based off a photo or video.
5.1.1 Search modes Search for persons based on facial attributes (such as gender, age, beard,
–facial type/color of hair, etc.) in offline data and in sightings delivered from live
attributes analysis
5.1.2 Search mode – Search for persons as a whole and person attributes such as clothing and
person gender
5.1.3 Search mode - Search for vehicles (cars, trucks, bicycle etc.) and luggage (suitcase,
objects handbags etc.)
5.1.4 Search mode - Search for License plates either by entering the license plate or by
ALPR displaying all license plates in the data
5.3.0 Cross-media Offline search for faces in single images as well as in video data by using
search identity models created and managed cross-medial
5.4.0 Detection Display of all detected faces (filtered for various criteria), as thumbnails in
graphical user interface
5.5.0 Iterative Iterative search with gradually refined face models and additional filters
search mode (age, gender, time, media) for more precise results
5.7.0 Live sightings Fast sighting of faces detected in live video streams
5.8.0 Tracking and Tracking of faces in video and video-based matching with face recognition
matching (instead of matching single templates per sighting)
6.1.0 Methods Possibility to train identities by uploading face images as well as by simple
enrollment drag-and-drop of sighted target persons directly from analysed image and
video material
6.2.0 Media Management of imported video data, imported image collections (image
management databases) as well as remote connected cameras via the user interface
6.2.1 Media Media Locations mirror the folder and data structure on the server and are
management synchronized on command
6.3.0 Enhancement Possibility to enhance interactively identity models with new image material
identity by simple drag-and-drop
6.5.0 Case Possibility to separate cases via workspaces, tiered role management
6.6.0 Identity Identities can be grouped and tagged for easy organization
6.6.1 Identity Mass Enrollment allows for Batch-Enrollment of Identities with automated
management naming pattern
7.3.0 Cooperation Long-time research and development cooperation with police authorities
7.4.0 Cooperation Participation in German and EU research projects in the field of face
recognition for security applications