Savonius Wind Turbines
Savonius Wind Turbines
Savonius Wind Turbines
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The energy crisis due to a rapid globalization and adverse effects of global warming has led to an
Available online xxxx increased need for the non-conventional sources of energy. In the recent times, significant research activ-
ities are carried out in the renewable energy field, mostly in solar and wind power generation. Wind tur-
Keywords: bines are categorised into vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) and horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT).
Savonius rotor Savonius rotor (S-type) is a type of VAWT and its function depends on the drag force. It has many advan-
Power coefficient tages of easy installation, simplicity in design, good self-starting capability, low speeds operation and
Tip speed ratio
independency of direction of wind. Although, the negative torque produced on the returning blade leads
Overlap ratio
Augmentation techniques
to its low efficiency. Researchers have conducted several investigations to improve the functioning of
Savonius rotor for satisfying large-scale energy demands. The parameters affecting the performance, such
as, overlap ratio, aspect ratio, tip speed ratio and blade shapes, are improved by undergoing various
designs. Several augmentation techniques, such as, end plates, shielding obstacle, guide box tunnel,
deflecting plate, curtain plate, quarter blades and nozzles, have been used to enhance the performance
of S-type VAWT. With the installation of these augmentation devices, the negative torque acting on
the blades was reduced and the starting ability of the rotor was improved. These devices in turn help
in increasing the power output as well as the torque coefficient of various rotor configurations. It has
been reported in the literature that the coefficient of power of the conventional Savonius rotor lies in
the span of 0.12 to 0.18. By using different methods for optimizing its design or installing the augmen-
tation devices, the coefficient of performance can be improved to a value of 0.52. In this article various
performance influencing parameters and the power augmentation techniques used for S-type VAWT have
been studied and reported studies on these techniques have been reviewed. The article concludes with
proposed directions for future research.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Con-
ference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology.
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology.
Please cite this article as: A. Dewan, A. Gautam and R. Goyal, Savonius wind turbines: A review of recent advances in design and performance enhance-
ments, Materials Today: Proceedings,
A. Dewan, A. Gautam and R. Goyal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
shaft for easy placement of generator, ease in design and low cap- 1.3. Performance of Savonius turbine
ital investment. There is still need of technology development or
identification of some augmentation techniques to increase the The power coefficient C P and torque coefficient C T are the main
efficiency of the VAWTs. The present work provides a perspective parameters which define the performance of a Savonius turbine,
review of these augmentation techniques. both defined at a specific tip speed ratio (TSR) k. Tip speed ratio
is the fraction of speed of blade tip and the wind speed through
the blades and is given as
1.1. Types of vertical axis wind turbines
V Rotor xR
k¼ ¼ ð1Þ
VAWTs are divided into two main categories, namely, Savonius
and Darrieus wind turbines. Savonius rotors can operate in regions The ratio of net power output to the power available at the rotor
of low wind speed and have a better starting ability than Darrieus is defined as the power coefficient which can be given as
rotors. Darrieus wind turbines are lift based rotors, whereas, the P turbine P turbine
drag force acting on the blade is the main reason for operation of CP ¼ ¼ ð2Þ
P av ailable 12 qAV 3
the Savonius rotor which produces low noise levels operating at
lower speeds compared to other wind turbines. where P turbine ¼ T xs ¼ 2p60NT and P av ailable ¼ 12 qAV 3 .
The ratio of torque developed to the torque available because of
the wind is defined as the torque coefficient which can be given as
1.2. Working principle
T turbine T turbine F r
CT ¼ ¼ ¼ ð3Þ
Savonius rotors are composed of two half-cylinders fixed on the T av ailable 12 qAV 2 R 12 qAV 2 R
opposite sides of a vertical shaft [Fig. 1(a)]. The wind blowing into
the turbine comes in contact with two oppositely facing surfaces, C P and C T can be related using the following equations
one concave and the other convex [Fig. 1(b)]. P turbine T xs T Rxs
The primary driving mechanism responsible for the rotation of Cp ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ C T TSR ð4Þ
P av ailable 1 qAV 3 1 qAV 2 R V
2 2
Savonius type rotors arises from the drag force difference between
the concave and convex sides of the rotor blades [Fig. 1(b)]. Thus A Savonius wind turbine has the limitations that it produces a
the main driving component of the S-type rotors is based on drag lower efficiency compared to other turbines. During the recent
force [1]. The working principle based on the drag force gives rise decades a significant research has taken place with attempts to
to limit that the revolving speed of rotor cannot exceed the speed incorporate suitable design modifications to increase the efficiency
of the wind. This is the primary reason that their tip speed ratio of the Savonius rotor. Various experimental and numerical studies
cannot gain a magnitude more than 1. were conducted to notice the improvement in the efficiency of the
Fig. 1. (a) A typical two-bladed Savonius rotor [1], (b) forces acting on two-bladed Savonius rotor [1] and (c) schematic of conventional Savonius rotor with geometry
specifications [2].
A. Dewan, A. Gautam and R. Goyal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
rotor due to the changes in the geometries. The important param- that optimized number of blades were independent of the number
eters affecting the rotor performance, such as, aspect ratio (AR), of stages. However, a two-stage Savonius rotor with twisted blades
overlap ratio (OR), number of blades, staging and modification in produced a better power coefficient of 0.31 compared to the case of
blade shapes were optimized in different studies and these are semi-circular one. Ali [11] also studied the number of blades of
summarized in the following sections. Savonius rotor and concluded that under the same test conditions
a two-bladed Savonius rotor was more productive than the three
2. Parameters affecting the performance of Savonius type wind blades.
2.4. Blade shape
The crucial parameters such as aspect ratio, overlap ratio, num-
ber of blades (staging) and shape of the blades are modified to Alom et al. [12] used numerical and experimental techniques to
improve in the efficiency of the turbine in the various studies. investigate the influence of varying the blade profiles on the per-
formance coefficients of Savonius wind turbines. Fig. 2 shows dif-
2.1. Aspect ratio ferent types of blade profiles of semi-circular, elliptical, Benesh
and modified Bach.
The aspect ratio can be defined as the ratio of the height of the 2-D unsteady computations were conducted using Shear-Stress
rotor H to the diameter D as AR = H/D, which is shown in Fig. 1(c). It Transport (SST) turbulence model in the ANSYS Fluent. C p;max
strongly affects the aerodynamic performance of the Savonius obtained using numerical method were 0.272, 0.294, 0.304, 0.34
wind turbine. Mahmoud et al. [3] reviewed various configurations and using experimental method (wind tunnel test) were 0.158,
at different aspect ratios (a) as 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 5.0. It was 0.159, 0.162, 0.19, for semi-circular, Benesh, modified Bach and
observed that on increasing the aspect ratio the power coefficient elliptical profiles, respectively. Lee et al. [13] examined the perfor-
also increased, keeping other parameters as constants. The obser- mance of helical-shaped Savonius wind turbines by varying helical
vations of Kamoji [4] depict that a rotor with an aspect ratio of angles of blades from 0° to 135°. The power coefficient C p attained
0.7 produced a maximum power coefficient as 0.21. A good perfor- its maximum value close to 0.13 at a blade twist angle of 45° [Fig. 3
mance [5] is recorded by keeping AR within the range 1.5 – 2.0; (a)]. There was a decrease in C p;max by 25.5% at twist angle of 90°
however, for most of the existing rotors the aspect ratio was kept and 135°. On varying the azimuthal twist angle, the torque coeffi-
at lower values (close to 1.0) due to the structural reasons. cient gained its peak of 0.34 at a blade twist angle of 45° and TSR of
2.2. Overlap ratio (OR) and phase shift Laws et al. [14] investigated three designs (one standard and
two modified) to compare the power and torque generated with
The overlap ratio can be defined as the ratio of distance of over- respect to the conventional turbine. Models A and B with thicker
lap of the two blades (e) to the chord length of the blades (d) mid-sections [Fig. 3(b)] had slightly flattened shape with more
(OR = e/d), as indicated in Fig. 1(c). The amount of the wind passing sharpened blade edge than conventional ones. The overset mesh
through the blades gap increases with an increase in the overlap of framework was used and the governing flow equations which were
the blades. Hence this leads to wind flowing through the concave coupled with the rotational equations of the turbine were solved
side of the returning blade which produces a strong thrust. Tania numerically. OpenFOAM solver was used for the numerical compu-
et al. [6] studied the optimum overlap ratio of semi-cylindrical tations in which Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equa-
blades of Savonius wind turbine by considering four S-type rotors tions were coupled with the SST model. Model-A showed a
having overlap ratio equal to 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30. The suitable higher Cp than other blade shapes owing to its reduced surface area
overlap ratio was found to be 0.15 for wind speeds smaller than at the blade tip and less pressure difference on both sides of the
4.0 m/s, whereas it was 0.30 for wind speed exceeding 4.0 m/s. blade. Model-A and Model-B predicted a relative improvement in
The variation in performance on account of overlap ratio was pri- Cp by 28.12% and 10.53%, respectively, compared to the conven-
marily due to the turbulent character of wind at high speeds. Alom tional blades.
et al. [7] studied numerically the optimum OR of the elliptical blade
rotor considering the sectional cut angle of 47.5° for the elliptical 3. Augmentation devices for Savonius wind turbine
profile. Various elliptical profiles with overlap ratios ranging from
0.0 to 0.30 were studied by performing 2-D unsteady simulations To divert the wind flow towards the advancing blade of the
around the rotor. The unsteady simulations showed a maximum rotor augmentation techniques are important. This acts like a
C p of 0.34 for OR = 0.15. Hassanzadeh et al. [8] studied the effect
of outward overlap of blades on the performance of two blade
Savonius rotor by varying OR within the range ± 0.3. The worst case
of overlap occurred for e/d = 0.3. The static torque of a two-stage
rotor was influenced by phase shift [9] and with an increase in the
phase shift angle the curve of static torque coefficient C ts became
smoother. This helped in eliminating the negative torque acting
on the blade and also enhanced the self-starting characteristics
of the Savonius wind turbine.
A. Dewan, A. Gautam and R. Goyal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 3. (a) Top and side views of wind rotor shapes with twist angle u = 0° and u = 45° [13] and (b) model A and model B [14].
3.1. Endplates
3.3. Shielding obstacles plates. It was noticed that the Savonius rotor with curved shaped
deflectors [Fig. 5(b)] showed the best performance. The third
To reduce the drag force acting on the returning blades obsta- design showed a C p;max of 0.52 for an operating range of k 2.2.
cles are generally placed to shield it from the wind. Hence the neg- The rear deflector [25] used in a Savonius turbine was able to accli-
ative torque is decreased and this results in improving the net matize itself with respect to the changing direction of the wind.
power output of the Savonius rotor. The optimum angle of the The power coefficient was least affected at low length deflector
obstacle placed in the upstream was studied by Putri et al. [20]. kept farther from the centre of rotation. Hence, the optimal posi-
The aerodynamic capability of the turbine was observed by chang- tion of the rear deflector was found to be at S1 =D ¼ 0:82, S1 being
ing the orientations of the upstream obstacle at speeds of wind the distance of the deflector from the centre of rotation of the rotor.
0.48 m/s and 7.45 m/s corresponding to Reynolds numbers of Nimvari et al. [26] proposed a porous deflector to overcome the
30000 and 90000, respectively. The torque acting on the turbine problem of complex wake zone creation behind a conventional
was firmly affected by the obstacle opening angle and the corre- solid deflector and enhance the functioning of the Savonius rotor.
sponding maximum value was observed at h = 40° independent A computational investigation was conducted by utilizing the
of Re. The power generated attained its peak value at a slightly unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using SST
greater angle h = 45°, concluding that the power output and model. It was observed that the porous deflector with deflector
dynamic torque acting on the shaft may attain peak values at dif- porosity = 0.9, deflector angle = 90°, porous deflector height ratio
ferent points. The optimum position of the shielding obstacle can (h/D) = 0.257 and a distance ratio (L/D) = 0.99 produced the maxi-
also be achieved by applying suitable optimization techniques like mum value of the average C P of 0.274. The presence of the porous
Evolutionary Algorithms [21]. At the obstacle position of deflector enhanced the performance since it resulted in a more reg-
b = 100.83° for a two blade Savonius rotor, the C p;max obtained ular flow of wind due to elimination of wake zone formed behind a
was 0.2503 corresponding to a tip speed ratio of 0.8 (a relative solid deflector.
increment of 27.3% in the output power coefficient). This optimum
position of the obstacle plate was used to study the blade shape for
3.5. Curtain plates
increasing the power generation of the Savonius rotor [22]. The
mathematical optimization (Evolutionary Algorithms) was
The aerodynamic functioning of a Savonius wind rotor is
deployed to arrive at the blade shape which was optimal. This opti-
improved by using cutain plates. Tartuferi et al. [27] examined
mization technique considered the output power coefficient as the
the application of a new curtain system in Savonius rotor [Fig. 6
target function by defining three intermediate points of the blade
(a)], with the ability of self-orienting itself with the direction of
using six degrees of freedom (Xp1, Yp1, Xp2, Yp2, Xp3, Yp3). Based
the wind flow. It comprised different aerodynamic appendages
on the study, the optimized blade shape with an obstacle resulted
coupled together in a manner such that the wind flow did not pro-
in an overall increment in the output power coefficient by almost
duce any resultant aerodynamic torque on system. Apart from
38.9% relative to a standard Savonius turbine at k = 0.7.
maximizing the extraction of energy from the incoming wind,
the curtain system also resulted in decrement of the drag acting
on the returning blade. This led to a decrease in the magnitude
3.4. Deflecting plates
of the negative torque acting on the returning blade of the rotor.
The maximum power coefficient obtained both experimentally
The deflector plate prevents the flow of wind to the returning
and numerically was 0.301 and 0.274 for k of 0.751 and 0.718,
blade and hence the wind resistance gets reduced. This helps in
respectively. Hence by using the new curtain system the increase
enhancing the performance of a Savonius rotor. Roy et al. [23] used
in net positive torque enhanced the power output by approxi-
an oriented jet deflector [Fig. 5(a)] to carry out experiments in a
mately 20% than that of the case without aerodynamic appendages.
wind tunnel at a low speed of wind that is 6.2 m/s. Using an ori-
ented jet, the maximum Cp of 0.41 was observed at a = 40° and
b = 10° and k = 0.87. For the case of a conventional Savonius wind 3.6. Vent augmenters
turbine without implementing any deflector, the C p;max was 0.23 at
TSR = 0.71. El-Askary et al. [24] studied new rotor designs in which Alom and Saha [28] examined the function enhancement of a
a wind jet was generated on the concave side of the advancing Savonius rotor by using vent augmenters. Three different designs
blade only. The simulations were performed by using SST turbu- were investigated by varying the position of vents on the blade
lence model. Three suggested designs with an overlap ratio of profiles, i.e., design I with vents on blade centre line, design II with
0.15, were prepared by varying the positions of three deflecting vents at 30° above and 30° below the blade centre line [Fig. 6(b)]
Fig. 5. (a) Oriented jet deflector [23] and (b) geometry of the deflector plates design with smooth turning [24].
A. Dewan, A. Gautam and R. Goyal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 7. (a) Multiple miniature blades [30] and (b) multiple quarter blades [31]. 3.8. Recommendations on augmentation devices
Table 1
Performance coefficients of various augmentation techniques reported in the literature.
A. Dewan, A. Gautam and R. Goyal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
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