Module15. Environmental Awareness

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MODULE 15 191

Environmental Awareness


Here’s a simple guide for you in going about the module:
1. Read and follow the instructions carefully.
2. Read each lesson and do all the activities provided for you.
3. Perform all the activities diligently to help and guide you in understanding the topic.
4. Take the Learning Activities after each lesson to determine how well you understood
the topic.
5. Answer the Assessment Task at the end of the module to measure how much you have
gained from the lessons. You may answer it via the online link provided or write your
answers on a sheet of paper that you can physically submit, or you may take a picture
of your answers and send it via messaging platforms with which you agreed with your
instructor during the class orientation.


This module will help you gain knowledge and understanding about
environmental education, information and awareness. The environment means
everything for us. Despite of our many scientific and technological advances that we
have now a days, it provides us all our basic needs for living that makes us so much
dependent on the environment like the fresh air, clean water, food, shelter, energy,
and everything else. And with this, we can’t deny that we are part of, and not apart
from the rest of the nature. This complex web of relationships that connect us with
one another and with the world we live in. Moreover, in this module you will learn and
understand on how we can make the society more environmentally sustainable
through economic development dedicated to improving the quality of life for
everyone without degrading the earth’s life support systems.
After completing the module, you should be able to answer, what is the
current environmental situation of your community and what are your means and
ways in helping solve these environmental problems.


At the end of this module, the learner should be able to:

o Discuss the principle of environmental awareness;
o Explain the concept of ecological footprints;
o Evaluate the scientific principles of sustainability;

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Isabela State University

o Identify the different environmental problems and ways how to reduce it;
o Cite the existing environmental laws and policies, and
o Propose a plan on how to attain environmental sustainability.


The environment is one of the hottest issues across the whole world
and our environmentalist keep on promoting policies and ways to protect our
environment. If the issues on the climate change will continue, there are lot of
living organisms here on earth will suffer. It may lead to water shortage for all
the people across the world, reduce agricultural yields which may further lead
to malnutrition related diseases and may lead to extinction of a large part of
animal species. All these future problems that the environment may face will
be prevented when we are all environmentally educated and aware.

LESSON 1. Introduction on the Principles of Environmental Awareness

Environmental awareness is the process of being aware of our natural

environment and making choices that an individual can do that benefit the
earth rather than to harm it. This determines a lot aspects such as the
complex inter-relationship of human and his total human impact on the
environment; achievement of knowledge and skills related in solving
environmental problems and sensitivity towards the environmental problems
and the willingness of human to get involved in the national and international
policies to solve these problems.
Why is this so important? This is because most of the environmental
issues are the outcomes of an individuals’ way of living such as improper
waste management that leads to pollution, population explosion that can lead
to industrialization and urbanization.
Through the advancement of our science and technology it has a great
effect on the culture and society, its effect on the environment can be either
positive or negative. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and the
the rapid growth of population in the whole world, the impact on the
environment has also grown.
However, there are lot of ways to practice environmental awareness for
a sustainable living and the most common is practicing the 3Rs which is
reduce, reuse and recycle. The most critical part for the waste management is
the first R which means reduce. We should practice using our natural
resources wisely in order for us to reduce the generation of waste. The
second R stands for re-use which can be defined as using again a waste
product for the same purpose most especially to our solid wastes such as
bottles, plastic bags, old clothes and other things that it can be used again.

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Isabela State University

Reusing these products can produced less solid waste. The third R also
means recycle, this is very common to all of us. Remember when you were in
your elementary and high school days you were asked to make Christmas
decors made up of plastics or any indigenous materials? That is recycling,
reprocessing used materials to make a new product. Recycling our solid
waste products have a great impact not only on the people’s health but also to
our environment.
Practicing this 3Rs in waste management will save the lives of all living
organisms here on earth. Through this we can prevent air, land and water
pollution and most especially the deterioration of the natural environment
which includes global loss of biodiversity, depletion of natural resources,
natural disasters and many others.

The Ecological Footprints

Many people in developing or poor countries struggle to survive and

most of them are from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Their individual use of
resources and the resulting environmental impact is low and is devoted mostly
to meeting their basic needs (see Figure 1). In contrast, many individuals in
more wealthy/ rich nations consume large amounts of resources way beyond
their basic needs because of their so many possessions in life and may be
because of the influence of this modern world (see Figure 2).

Fig. 15.1 A family from Sitio Linyama, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines arrive to the
place where they dump all the bananas they have collected from the mountains. They sell
these and use the money to buy rice to feed their stomachs for the day. Photo credits:
Unsplash( retrieve from:

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Isabela State University

Fig. 15.2. A typical family of four living in Japan, with their possessions .
Photo credits by: Maria Popova Retrieved from:

From the very beginning human society is dependent on nature in

order to live and survive. With every breath we take we depend on the quality
of the air, the purity of the water and the richness of the biodiversity around
us. Nature and its resources are an integral part of our social and economic
systems, and many research increasingly shows nature’s vital importance to
our health, well-being, food and security. The welfare of human society is
highly dependent on these resources. And in order for us to quantify the size
of our dependence in nature we tend to compute/accounts our ecological
footprints. The Ecological Footprint tells us how much nature we use; the bio-
capacity indicates how much nature we have both are measured in terms of
biologically productive areas and expressed in global hectares (gha), i.e.,
world average biologically productive hectares.

In addition, bio-capacity is the ability of ecosystems to renew

themselves; biologically productive areas of Earth provide this service. While
the Ecological Footprint measures the amount of biologically productive land
and sea area required to produce all the resources that a population
consumes and to absorb its waste, taking every year’s technological
advances into account. Competing demands for nature include food, fibre,
timber, accommodation of roads and d buildings, and sequestration of carbon
dioxide from fossil fuel burning.

In this modern world, many people deals with over consumption of

resources to deal with their personal possessions and not only to attain their
basic needs in life. This results waste and pollution that follows a larger
environmental impact. We can think of it as an ecological footprint; the
amount of biologically productive land and water needed to supply the people
in a particular country or area with resources and to absorb and recycle the
wastes and pollution produced by such resource use. The per capita
ecological footprint is the average ecological footprint of an individual in a
given country or area.

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Isabela State University

If a country’s, or the world’s, total ecological footprint is larger than its

biological capacity to replenish its renewable resources and absorb the
resulting waste products and pollution, it is said to have an ecological deficit.
This is unsustainable we are depleting natural ecosystems at a faster rate
than what can be renewed.

In 2019, the EU Overshoot Day falls on May 10, based on the latest
data produced by Global Footprint Network. The date of the EU (Europian
Union; is a group of 28 countries that operates as a cohesive economic and
political block).The EU’s impact on the planet’s resources is inequitable: the
EU uses almost 20% of the Earth’s bio-capacity although it comprises only
7% of the world population. In other words, 2.8 planets would be needed if
everyone consumed at the rate of the average EU resident. This is well above
the world average which is approximately 1.7 planets. Whether at the regional
or global level, human demand on nature is way beyond what is sustainable
for our planet. (Retrive from:

Please click/ visit the link below:

Try to compute your own
ecological footprints using
the given link.

LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Let’s Delve Deeper!

(Lesson Check – Up)

If we are living beyond the earth’s biological capacity, why do you think
will happen when the human population and per capita resource consumption
are still growing exponentially? Submit your response at __________.
Rubric for Short Answer Question
5 points 4 points 3 points
The response indicates that the The response indicates that the The response indicates
student has a complete student has a partial understanding of that the student does not
understanding of the concept. the concept. The student has demonstrate an
The student has provided a provided a response that includes understanding of concept.
response that answers the information that is essentially correct, The student has provided
question accurately and but the information is too general or a response that is
completely. Necessary support too simplistic. Some of the support inaccurate and
and/or examples are included. and/or examples may be incomplete incomplete.
or omitted.

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Isabela State University

LESSON 2. Scientific Principles of Sustainability

How can we attain environmental sustainability? According to

environmental researchers/ scientists, we should study how life on the earth
has survived and adapted to major changes in environmental conditions for
billions of years. We could make the transition to more sustainable societies
by applying these lessons from nature to our lifestyles and economies (see
figure below).

Fig.15.3 Four scientific principles of sustainability.These four interconnected principles of

sustainability are derived from learning how nature has sustained a variety of life forms on the
earth for about 3.56 billion years with these four important components. (Retrieve from :

Reliance on Solar Energy. The sun (solar capital) warms the planet and
supports photosynthesis used by plants to provide food for themselves and for
us and most other animals.

Biodiversity/ Biological diversity. The astounding variety of different

organisms, the genes they contain, the ecosystems in which they exist, and
the natural services they provide have yielded countless ways for life to adapt
to changing environmental conditions throughout the earth’s history.

Population Control. Competition for limited resources among different

species places a limit on how much their populations can grow.

Nutrient Cycling. Natural processes recycle chemicals that plants and

animals need to stay alive and reproduce. There is little or no waste in natural

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Isabela State University

Using the four scientific principles of sustainability to guide our

lifestyles and economies could somehow help us bring about an
environmental or sustainability revolution during your lifetime and to improve it
more for the future generation.

On the other hand, figure 4 lists some of the shifts involved in bringing
about this new cultural change by learning how to live more sustainable.
Choose three of these shifts that do you think the most important and explain

Fig.15.4 Solutions: some shifts involved in bringing about the environmental

or sustainability revolution.
How much is enough in order for us to take some actions in attaining
environmental sustainability? Or there is no such thing as enough as long as
we live and still survive for this time maybe because of what culture/ believes
that we have. For most of the scientific evidence indicates that we have
perhaps 50 years and no more than 100 years to make such crucial cultural
changes. If this is correct, during this century we could come to a critical fork
in the road, at which point we will choose a path toward sustainability or
continue on our current unsustainable course. Everything you do, or do not
do, will play a role in our collective choice of which path we will take. One of
the goals of that we want to attain is a realistic environmental vision of the
future that, instead of immobilizing you with fear, gloom, and doom, will
energize you by inspiring realistic hope that everything is possible in attaining
environmentally sustainable society as our one ultimate goal.

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Isabela State University

LEARNING ACTIVITY 2 . Agree or Disagree?

To reflect on about environmental sustainability, explain why you

Agree or Disagree with the following propositions given below:
1. Stabilizing or stopping the growth of population is not desirable because, without
more consumers, economic growth would stop.
2. In our digital age, the world will never run out of resources because we can use
technology to find substitutes and to help us reduce resource waste
Submit your response trough word or pdf format at __________________.

Rubric for Short Answer Question

5 points 4 points 3 points
The response indicates that the The response indicates that the The response indicates
student has a complete student has a partial understanding of that the student does not
understanding of the concept. the concept. The student has demonstrate an
The student has provided a provided a response that includes understanding of concept.
response that answers the information that is essentially correct, The student has provided
question accurately and but the information is too general or a response that is
completely. Necessary support too simplistic. Some of the support inaccurate and
and/or examples are included. and/or examples may be incomplete incomplete.
or omitted.

LESSON 3. Environmental Problems

An environment comprises both living and non-living components.

Human actions and industrial revolution or globalization are the major
lawbreaker of the continued change in our global environment nowadays.
Various processes and human activities are said to contribute to the global
environmental problems which includes the following:

a. Environmental pollution
This is the introduction of any harmful substances or any form
of energy into the environment which is called pollutants. Pollutants
can be natural or caused by human activities. They can damage the
quality of air, land and water.

Three major types of pollution:

1. Air pollution
2. Land pollution
3. Water pollution

Effects of Air Pollution on Human health

The World Health Organization considers air pollution as
the major threat to human health. Scientific studies also shows

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Isabela State University

that air pollution linked to variety of human health problems such

as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases; decrease lung
function; increased susceptibility to respiratory infections and
there are also effects on the nervous system; it may also cause
cancer and premature death.

Table 1. Sources and health effects of criteria pollutants

Pollutant Sources Health Effects
Ground-level Ozone (O3) Secondary pollutant Decreases lung function
typically formed by and causes respiratory
chemical reaction of volatile symptoms, such as
organic compounds and coughing and shortness of
NOx in the presence of breath.
Particulate matter Emitted through chemical Short-term exposures can
reactions; fuel combustion; aggravate heart and lung
industrial processes; diseases leading to
agricultural activities and respiratory symptoms,
unpaved roads increased medication use,
hospital admissions, ED
visits, and premature
mortality; long-term
exposures can lead to the
development of heart or
lung disease
and premature mortality.
Lead Smelter and other metal Damages the developing
industries; combustion of nervous system, resulting
leaded gasoline in piston in IQ loss and impacts on
engine aircraft; waste learning, memory and
incinerators; and battery behaviour in children. In
manufacturing. adults, cardiovascular and
renal effects related to
Oxides of Nitrogen Fuel combustion and wood Aggravate lung diseases to
burning. respiratory symptoms.
Carbon monoxide Fuel combustion, industrial Reduces the amount of
processes, fires, waste oxygen reaching the body’s
combustion, and residential organs and tissues,
wood burning. aggravates heart disease
resulting to chest pain and
other symptoms leading to

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Isabela State University

hospital admissions and

ED visits.
Sulphur dioxide Fuel combustion, electric Aggravates asthma and
utilities and industrial increased respiratory
processes and natural symptoms. Contributes to
sources such as volcanoes. particle formation with
associated health effects.
Source: and Introduction to Environmental Science: 2 nd Edition

b. Acid rain

Pure rainfall is usually slightly acidic because the water

reacts with the atmospheric carbon dioxide. When the water reacts
with a higher than the normal amounts of nitric and sulphuric acid in
the atmosphere, its pH level will become lower than the normal
which is referred to as acid raid. This can be formed from both
natural sources, such as volcanoes and decaying vegetation and
man-made sources, emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen

Fig.15.5 Formation of acid rain from both natural and anthropogenic

pollutants. Source: US EPA

Acid rain is one of the serious environmental problems that we

have. It can damage our aquatic ecosystem, such as lakes, ponds
and streams, and terrestrial ecosystem, such as our forest, and
most especially it also affects our plants and animals.

c. Population growth

Our population increases by 1.13% per year, thus, it results

in a number of issues. Due to over population, our fresh water
ecosystem or any other type of ecosystem are usually destroyed
and converted into something that they can build their houses. This

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Isabela State University

will farther results to habitat loss for wild life animals and overuse of
our natural resources and even species extinction.

d. Deforestation

This is the permanent removal or cutting of trees in the

forest. Our forest consist of thousands of plant species and it
provides shelter to our wildlife animals. These trees also absorb
carbon dioxide, mitigating greenhouse gas emission produced
by human activities. When these trees are cut or permanently
remove it will not only affect the animals living in the forest, it
also affects humans and the community as a whole such as
flood, soil erosion, extinction of plant and animal species.

e. Loss of Biodiversity

Because of human activities and expansion of land uses

it leads to loss of biodiversity. Scientific studies show that loss of
biodiversity has an impact in climate change and pollution on

f. Climate Change

This is primarily cause by burning of fossils fuels which

emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, most specially the
carbon dioxide. Human activities such as deforestation
agricultural activities also contribute to the increase production
of greenhouse gases that causes climate change.

How to Solve Environmental Problems?

We are currently facing a number of environmental issues. Our climate,

our lives and the future of the human civilization are all at risk if we do don’t
do something with all these issues. If we make simple steps and adjustments
in our daily routine we can still restore, help and maintain our environment.
We can still save and prepare the future of our next generation.
There are lot of things we can do within our home. We can practice the
3Rs in waste management. We can replace using disposable items with the
reusable ones. Conserving water and electricity could be a big help already.
Moreover, it is very important for us to participate or volunteer
ourselves in tree planting and clean up dry activities. Educating the people in

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Isabela State University

the community, no matter what their age is, about the importance of making
small steps on their daily routines within their respective house and their
community as well.

Major Environmental Laws

1. Republic Act 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of


This law ensures the proper segregation, collection, storage,

treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and
adaptation of best eco-waste products.

2. Republic Act 9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004)

This law aims to protect the country’s water bodies from

pollution from industries and commercial establishments, agriculture
and community activities. It also provides comprehensive and
integrated strategy to prevent and minimize pollution through a multi-
sectoral and participatory approach involving all stakeholders.

2. Republic Act 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999)

This law aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets
the National Quality guideline values for criteria pollutants,
throughout the country, while minimizing the possible associated
impacts to the economy.

3. Republic Act 6969 (Toxic Substances, Hazardous and

Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990)

This law aims to regulate or prohibit the importation,

manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, use and disposal of
chemical substances and mixtures the present unreasonable risk
to human health. It likewise prohibits the entry, even in transit, of
hazardous and nuclear wastes and their disposal into the
Philippine territorial limits for whatever purpose; and to provide
advancement and facilitate research and studies on toxic

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Isabela State University

4. Presidential Decree 1586 (Environmental impact Statements

(EIS) Statement of 1978

This is a planning and management tool that helps the

government, decision makers, the proponents and the affected
community addresses the negative consequences or risks on the

LEARNING ACTIVITY 3. Environmental Laws!

(Lesson Check-Up)

Activity 3A. Did you ever made ways to solve environmental problems? If YES,
enumerate ways that you have done, If NO, cite future ways on how you can help in
environmental protection and preservation

Activity 3B. Read more about the presented environmental laws. Are you abiding
these laws in your own houses? In what ways? How about your community? What
are the policies or activities imposed by your LGUs in order to follow these laws?

Submit your response trough word or pdf format at __________________.

Rubric for Short Answer Question

5 points 4 points 3 points
The response indicates that the The response indicates that the The response indicates
student has a complete student has a partial understanding of that the student does not
understanding of the concept. the concept. The student has demonstrate an
The student has provided a provided a response that includes understanding of concept.
response that answers the information that is essentially correct, The student has provided
question accurately and but the information is too general or a response that is
completely. Necessary support too simplistic. Some of the support inaccurate and
and/or examples are included. and/or examples may be incomplete incomplete.
or omitted.

“Do you think that the COVID-19 pandemic is a way by

which mother earth is regenerating itself? Why or why not?”. Write
your reflection in a clean sheet of paper.

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Isabela State University

Environmental Sustainability
Propose a plan on how to attain environmental sustainability despite of all the
instances or real life events of the tragedy of commons. Include some supporting
evidences that could possibly be implemented and be done for more sustainable
environment for the future generation. Please refer to the resources below:

“Tragedy of the Commons”

Many resources (ex. clean air, biodiversity, freshwater) are available to
many people, and when resources are shared and limited (though potentially
renewable), they are often exploited. This is because the benefit to one
person of using more of the resource outweighs the cost to that individual of
the resource's overuse. Each person looks out only for his own interests, and
succumbs to the logic that, "If I don't use the resource, then someone else
will. I might as well get the benefit." Learning to overcome our natural
tendency to overuse common resources is one of the most significant
challenges we face in working to improve the environment.

To explore more watch: Tragedy of the Commons by Nicholas Amendolare of

TedEd (

Read the following excerpts of some of real-life examples of the Tragedy of the
Commons By Alecia M. Spooner (retrieve
real-life-examples-of-the-tragedy-of-the-commons/) and answer the questions.

Environmental awareness is the process of being aware of our

natural environment and for an individual to make choices that can benefit
the environment rather than to cause harm on it. The need to know and
study environmental awareness is very important because most of the
environmental issues are the outcomes of an individuals’ way of living such
as improper waste management that leads to pollution, population
explosion that can lead to industrialization and urbanization. The earth’s
continuous changing of temperature, decreasing number of species to flora
and fauna, pollution and many other environmental issues has been a
world-wide problem. Governed with many environmental laws and with the
people making a simple steps and adjustments in their daily routine,
restoring, helping and maintaining the environment is not yet too late and
can still be saved for the next generation. We can still restore, help and
maintain our environment. We can still save and prepare the future of our
next generation.

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University


 Miller G.T. and Scott E. Spoolman. 2009. Essentials of Ecology. Fifth

Edition. Brook/ Cole. Cengage Learning. Chapter I. Pages 14-15,20-
21,2324. Retrieve from:
 Novakovic, B. and Nasiri, A. (2016). Introduction to Electrical Energy
Systems. Science Direct. Retrieved from
Nunez, C. (2020). Renewable Energy Explained. National Geographic.
Retrieved from:
 Zehnder, Caralyn; Manoylov, Kalina; Mutiti, Samuel; Mutiti, Christine;
VandeVoort, Allison; and Bennett, Donna, "Introduction to
Environmental Science: 2nd Edition" (2018). Biological Sciences Open
Textbooks. 4.
 Environmental Compliance Assistance Center, Department of Environmental
Natural Resources – Environmental Management Bureau. Retrieved from

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Isabela State University

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