Module15. Environmental Awareness
Module15. Environmental Awareness
Module15. Environmental Awareness
Environmental Awareness
This module will help you gain knowledge and understanding about
environmental education, information and awareness. The environment means
everything for us. Despite of our many scientific and technological advances that we
have now a days, it provides us all our basic needs for living that makes us so much
dependent on the environment like the fresh air, clean water, food, shelter, energy,
and everything else. And with this, we can’t deny that we are part of, and not apart
from the rest of the nature. This complex web of relationships that connect us with
one another and with the world we live in. Moreover, in this module you will learn and
understand on how we can make the society more environmentally sustainable
through economic development dedicated to improving the quality of life for
everyone without degrading the earth’s life support systems.
After completing the module, you should be able to answer, what is the
current environmental situation of your community and what are your means and
ways in helping solve these environmental problems.
o Identify the different environmental problems and ways how to reduce it;
o Cite the existing environmental laws and policies, and
o Propose a plan on how to attain environmental sustainability.
The environment is one of the hottest issues across the whole world
and our environmentalist keep on promoting policies and ways to protect our
environment. If the issues on the climate change will continue, there are lot of
living organisms here on earth will suffer. It may lead to water shortage for all
the people across the world, reduce agricultural yields which may further lead
to malnutrition related diseases and may lead to extinction of a large part of
animal species. All these future problems that the environment may face will
be prevented when we are all environmentally educated and aware.
Reusing these products can produced less solid waste. The third R also
means recycle, this is very common to all of us. Remember when you were in
your elementary and high school days you were asked to make Christmas
decors made up of plastics or any indigenous materials? That is recycling,
reprocessing used materials to make a new product. Recycling our solid
waste products have a great impact not only on the people’s health but also to
our environment.
Practicing this 3Rs in waste management will save the lives of all living
organisms here on earth. Through this we can prevent air, land and water
pollution and most especially the deterioration of the natural environment
which includes global loss of biodiversity, depletion of natural resources,
natural disasters and many others.
Fig. 15.1 A family from Sitio Linyama, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines arrive to the
place where they dump all the bananas they have collected from the mountains. They sell
these and use the money to buy rice to feed their stomachs for the day. Photo credits:
Unsplash( retrieve from:
Fig. 15.2. A typical family of four living in Japan, with their possessions .
Photo credits by: Maria Popova Retrieved from:
In 2019, the EU Overshoot Day falls on May 10, based on the latest
data produced by Global Footprint Network. The date of the EU (Europian
Union; is a group of 28 countries that operates as a cohesive economic and
political block).The EU’s impact on the planet’s resources is inequitable: the
EU uses almost 20% of the Earth’s bio-capacity although it comprises only
7% of the world population. In other words, 2.8 planets would be needed if
everyone consumed at the rate of the average EU resident. This is well above
the world average which is approximately 1.7 planets. Whether at the regional
or global level, human demand on nature is way beyond what is sustainable
for our planet. (Retrive from:
If we are living beyond the earth’s biological capacity, why do you think
will happen when the human population and per capita resource consumption
are still growing exponentially? Submit your response at __________.
Rubric for Short Answer Question
5 points 4 points 3 points
The response indicates that the The response indicates that the The response indicates
student has a complete student has a partial understanding of that the student does not
understanding of the concept. the concept. The student has demonstrate an
The student has provided a provided a response that includes understanding of concept.
response that answers the information that is essentially correct, The student has provided
question accurately and but the information is too general or a response that is
completely. Necessary support too simplistic. Some of the support inaccurate and
and/or examples are included. and/or examples may be incomplete incomplete.
or omitted.
Reliance on Solar Energy. The sun (solar capital) warms the planet and
supports photosynthesis used by plants to provide food for themselves and for
us and most other animals.
On the other hand, figure 4 lists some of the shifts involved in bringing
about this new cultural change by learning how to live more sustainable.
Choose three of these shifts that do you think the most important and explain
a. Environmental pollution
This is the introduction of any harmful substances or any form
of energy into the environment which is called pollutants. Pollutants
can be natural or caused by human activities. They can damage the
quality of air, land and water.
b. Acid rain
c. Population growth
will farther results to habitat loss for wild life animals and overuse of
our natural resources and even species extinction.
d. Deforestation
e. Loss of Biodiversity
f. Climate Change
the community, no matter what their age is, about the importance of making
small steps on their daily routines within their respective house and their
community as well.
This law aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets
the National Quality guideline values for criteria pollutants,
throughout the country, while minimizing the possible associated
impacts to the economy.
Activity 3A. Did you ever made ways to solve environmental problems? If YES,
enumerate ways that you have done, If NO, cite future ways on how you can help in
environmental protection and preservation
Activity 3B. Read more about the presented environmental laws. Are you abiding
these laws in your own houses? In what ways? How about your community? What
are the policies or activities imposed by your LGUs in order to follow these laws?
Environmental Sustainability
Propose a plan on how to attain environmental sustainability despite of all the
instances or real life events of the tragedy of commons. Include some supporting
evidences that could possibly be implemented and be done for more sustainable
environment for the future generation. Please refer to the resources below:
Read the following excerpts of some of real-life examples of the Tragedy of the
Commons By Alecia M. Spooner (retrieve
real-life-examples-of-the-tragedy-of-the-commons/) and answer the questions.