Inbound 1941154959460065700
Inbound 1941154959460065700
Inbound 1941154959460065700
Advance Access publication 2016 July 28
Accepted 2016 July 25. Received 2016 July 6; in original form 2016 May 29
C 2016 The Authors
planet; in reality, TJ is only an approximate, since the orbit of the 2016 February 10.
Parent Stream
Parent H MOID TJ τ parent τ stream τ enc Node λ λ−λ β σ rad vg FCMOR
(au) (yr) (yr) (yr) (km s−1 ) (km−2 hr−1 )
(3360) Syrinx 15.9 0.108 2.965 5400 4650 500 212◦ ± 2◦ 357◦ +23◦ ±1◦ 24.9 ± 0.3 0.001
(16960) 1998 QS52 14.3 0.015 3.000 >10 000 10 000 100 83◦ ± 1◦ 344◦ −13◦ ±1◦ 30.8 ± 0.1 2.651
(137427) 1999 TF211 15.2 0.020 2.968 5300 550 200 348◦ ± 1◦ 345◦ +81◦ ±1◦ 24.2 ± 0.2 0.002
(139359) 2001 ME1 16.6 0.012 2.674 4900 700 200 92◦ ± 2◦ 191◦ +4◦ ±1◦ 29.9 ± 0.3 0.021
(192642) 1999 RD32 16.3 0.050 2.872 2500 800 100 155◦ ± 3◦ 2◦ −9◦ ±1◦ 22.8 ± 0.6 0.001
(vg − vg,0 )2
h(vg , σv ) = , (9)
(i) The statistical model supports 2009 WN25 as the likely parent 2012 BU61 , are sub-kilometre bodies. Since sub-kilometre comets
for the November i Draconids. are effectively eliminated by rotational disruption (Rubincam 2000;
(ii) The case of 2012 BU61 and the Daytime ξ Sagittariids is Taylor et al. 2007; Jewitt et al. 2010), we think that these four bodies
complicated. The orbits derived from this work and Brown et al. are likely larger fragments from previous break-ups. In fact, 2004
(2010) is notably different from the one initially proposed in the TG10 is generally recognized as being part of the Taurid complex
Harvard Radio Meteor Project (Sekanina 1976, listed as ξ Sagittari- (Porubčan et al. 2006), while the November i Draconid streams
ids, though the IAU catalogue has identified it as the same shower) (which 2009 WN25 is linked to) has been considered to be associated
which has DSH = 0.28, though this work and Brown et al. (2010) with the Quadrantid stream (Brown et al. 2010).
use virtually the same data. The Daytime ξ Sagittariids has not In addition to the positive detections, we have not reproduced
been reported by a third observing system. However, we note that a number of previously proposed associations. Our initial shortlist
the Daytime Scutids, another unestablished shower reported by the included most of the objects in earlier proposed associations except
Harvard survey, resembles the orbit of the Daytime ξ Sagittariids objects with short orbital arc (i.e. low orbit quality). The calculation
observed by CMOR (see Sekanina 1973, the orbit of Daytime Scu- of X is repeated for every proposed association. As shown in
tids is appended in Table 2), with DSH = 0.15. We suspect that two Table 3, only 8 out of 32 previously proposed associations have
different showers have been accidentally assigned the same name. X 1:
The association with 2012 BU61 would be statistically significant,
either using the CMOR orbit or the Harvard orbit for the Daytime
Scutids. (i) Corvids – (374038) 2004 HW. Linkage first proposed by Jen-
(iii) The linkage between 2002 AU5 and Daytime ξ Sagittariids niskens (2006). The Corvid meteor shower is one of the slowest
or Daytime Scutids is not statistically significant. known meteor showers, with v g = 9 km s−1 . It was only observed
in 1937 (Hoffmeister 1948) until being recently recovered by Jen-
We note that among the four parent-shower associations found niskens et al. (2016) and has not been detected by many radar
by our survey, three parents, namely 2004 TG10 , 2009 WN25 and and photographic surveys. The Corvids are undetected by CMOR,
Established showers:
Corvids (14827) Hypnos 18.3 O87, J16, JPL 49 1.4 18
– (374038) 2004 HW 17.0 Je06, J16, JPL 60 0.1 1.4
Daytime April Piscids 2003 MT9 18.6 B09, B10, JPL 37 0.9 11
– (401857) 2000 PG3 a 16.1 B09, B10, JPL 43 34 432
– 2002 JC9 a 18.5 B09, B10, JPL 26 10 121
κ Cygnids (153311) 2001 MG1 17.2 Jo06, J16, JPL 63 0.8 10
– (361861) 2008 ED69 17.0 J08, J16, JPL 36 1.7 21
which is unsurprising as back-scatter radars are insensitive to very linkage. Our survey wavelet analysis at the reported radiant of the
slow meteors. 66 Draconids did not detect any enhancement.
(ii) ψ Cassiopeiids – (5496) 1973 NA. Linkage first proposed by (iv) δ Mensids – (248590) 2006 CS. Linkage first proposed by
Porubcan, Stohl & Vana (1992). The object is not included in Table 1 Jenniskens (2006). The unconfirmed shower is only accessible by
due to low expected flux being below the CMOR detection limit. observers in the Southern hemisphere.
Our test simulation shows that only a small fraction (<0.1 per cent) (v) ι Cygnids – 2001 SS287 . Linkage first proposed by Andreić
of sub-millimeter-sized meteoroids (∼0.1 mm) released in the past et al. (2013) who remains the only observer of this unconfirmed
1000 yr would be arriving at the Earth’s orbit. The fact that the shower at the time of writing. No enhancement is seen in the CMOR
meteor shower is detectable by video techniques (which only de- wavelet analysis at the reported radiant.
tect larger, millimeter-sized meteoroids) is incompatible with the (vi) κ Cepheids – 2009 SG18 . Shower discovered by Šegon et al.
modelling result. (2015) who also propose the linkage. The predicted radiant is con-
(iii) 66 Draconids – 2001 XQ. The unconfirmed shower has sistent with the reported radiant of κ Cepheids. The meteoroid
only been reported by Šegon et al. (2014b) who also propose the speed is favourable for radar detection (v g = 34 km s−1 ) and a
(139359) 2001 ME1 200 2006 June 24 1924–1967 93◦ 191◦ +4◦ 30.0 0.01
(247360) 2001 XU 100 2014 December 14 1903–1993 263◦ 190◦ +17◦ 29.1 0.02
(297274) 1996 SK 200 2007 April 17 1870–1903 27◦ 2◦ −3◦ 21.5 0.01
(435159) 2007 LQ19 200 2002 July 13 1801–1978 111◦ 139◦ +50◦ 14.1 0.01
– – 2006 July 13 1801–2003 111◦ 139◦ +50◦ 14.1 0.03
– – 2007 July 13 1805–2003 111◦ 139◦ +50◦ 14.1 0.04
2001 HA4 200 2005 September 21 1807–1974 179◦ 184◦ −20◦ 24.5 2.71
2005 WY55 1200 2002 May 31† 994–1765 70◦ 8◦ −12◦ 19.3 0.16
relatively strong flux is predicted (F = 0.22 km−2 h−1 ), however, no statistical significance, as X H<18 ∼ 0.01. From the wavelet pro-
enhancement is seen in the wavelet analysis at either the predicted file, we estimate that the observed flux is close to the detection
or the reported radiant. threshold or ∼10−2 km−2 h−1 , as the signal is not very significantly
(vii) Northern γ Virginids – 2002 FC. Linkage proposed by Jen- higher than the background fluctuation. The event, if indeed as-
niskens (2006). This unestablished shower has only been reported sociated with (139359) 2001 ME1 , should have originated from a
by Terentjeva (1989) who analysed photographic fireball observa- relatively recent (<100 yr) ejection event. Since the observed flux
tions from 1963 to 1984. No enhancement is seen in wavelet analysis is about the same order as the model prediction, it can be estimated
of the CMOR data at the reported radiant. that the dust production associated with the ejection is compa-
(viii) ζ 1 Cancrids – 2012 TO139 . Shower detection as well as rable to the average dust production of known near-Earth JFCs.
potential linkage are both identified by Šegon et al. (2014b). No Curiously, the annual shower associated with (139359) 2001 ME1 ,
enhancement is seen in the CMOR wavelet analysis at the pre- though with a moderate expected flux, is not detected. This may
dicted radiant. Also, the model predicts a stronger descending nodal suggest that the ejection was a transient event rather than a pro-
shower which is also not seen in CMOR data. longed one, possibly similar to the activity of 107P/(4015) Wilson–
Harrington upon its discovery in 1949 (cf. Fernández et al. 1997).
It should be emphasized that the statistical test only addresses the
Another interesting aspect of our survey is the negative detection
likelihood of finding a better parent body match for a given stream
of several strong predicted events (with FCMOR 1 km−2 hr−1 ).
orbit; it does not take into account the false positives in shower
These can be used to place a tight constraint on the past dust pro-
identification, a complicated issue heavily investigated for half a
duction of the parent. It can be concluded that the dust production
century (e.g. Southworth & Hawkins 1963; Drummond 1981; Gal-
of 2001 HA4 , 2012 TO139 and 2015 TB145 are either at least 2 mag
ligan 2001; Brown et al. 2008; Moorhead 2016, and many others).
lower than the median near-Earth JFC model or have a much steeper
There exists a danger of assigning a small body as the ‘parent’ of
dust size distribution than we assume.
some random fluctuation in the meteoroid background. This is es-
pecially true for unestablished showers, as most of them have been
observed by only one observer.
5.3 Discussion
5.2 Outbursts from young trails With the results discussed above, we now revisit the population
statistics of the dormant comets. We first consider the number of
Among the predictions given in Table 4, only one prediction is as- streams detectable by CMOR, NCMOR , to be expressed as
sociated with a distinct detection: the event from (139359) 2001
ME1 in 2006 (Fig. 4, 5 and Table 5). The association is of high NCMOR = Ndc · ηNEACO · ηshr · ηCMOR , (10)
(139359) 2001 ME1 0.355 12 0.865 98 5.◦ 796 86.◦ 506 300.◦ 254 191◦ +4◦ 30.0
±1◦ ±1◦ ±0.1
2006 outburst 0.32 0.87 4.◦ 7 93.◦ 0 298.◦ 8 193. 0 +3.◦ 5
◦ 30.5 0.01–0.02 0.1–0.3
±0.02 ±0.03 ±1.◦ 4 ±0.◦ 5 ±2.◦ 2◦ ±0.◦ 5 ±0.◦ 5 ±0.5
A P P E N D I X B : R A D I A N T S , AC T I V I T Y
Figure B1. For each object, there are three panels: radiants (upper panel; in
J2000 geocentric sun-centred ecliptic coordinates), activity profiles (middle
panel; arbitrary number versus solar longitudes), and dust size distribu-
tion (lower panel; arbitrary number versus dust size in metres in logarithm
scale) of the predicted virtual meteor showers of the listed bodies. Coloured
dots/filled bars represent CMOR-detectable meteoroids, while the rest rep-
resent all meteoroids in the size ranges of [10−4 , 10−1 ] m following a single
power law of s = 3.6.
Figure B9. Same as Fig. B1. Figure B11. Same as Fig. B1.
Figure B13. Same as Fig. B1. This paper has been typeset from a TEX/LATEX file prepared by the author.