Mental Health & Mental Illness
Mental Health & Mental Illness
Mental Health & Mental Illness
Quality of life •Mostly or highly satisfied with life overall or in domain of life
Self/acceptance •Holds positive attitudes toward self, acknowledges, like most parts of self, personality
Personal growth •Seeks challenge, has insight into own potential, feels a sense of continued development
Environmental mastery •Exercises ability to select, manage, and mold personal environs to suit needs
Autonomy •Is guided by own, socially accepted, internal standards and values
Positive relations with others •Has, or can form, warm, trusting personal relationships
Social acceptance •Holds positive attitudes toward, acknowledges, and is accepting of human differences
Social actualization •Believes people, groups, and society have potential and can evolve or grow positively
Social contribution •Sees own daily activities as useful to and valued by society and others
Social coherence •Interested in society and social life and finds them meaningful and somewhat intelligible
Social integration •A sense of belonging to, and comfort and support from, a community
High levels on at least one measures of hedonic
well/being and high levels on at least six
measures of positive functioning (Psychological
and Social Well/being) be diagnosed as
Low level on at least one measure of hedonic
well being and low levels on at least six
measures of positive functioning are diagnosed
as Languishing
Moderately mentally healthy do not fit the
criteria for either flourishing or linguishing
The single factor model hypothesizes that the
measures of mental health and mental illness reflect a
single latent factor
The two factor model hypothesizes that mental
health and mental illness are two factor but correlated
to each other
Absence of mental illness dose not imply the presence
of mental health
Absence of mental health dose not imply the
presence of mental illness
Neither the pathogenic nor salutogenic approaches
alone accurately describe the mental health of a
Mentally Completely
Unhealthy Moderately Mentally Healthy
Mentally Health
(Languishing) (Flourishing)
Low Moderate High
Flourishing Flourishing Flourishing
Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms