June 2023
Crime is more global and digitalized than
ever. Advanced technology requires advanced
police techniques - and partnerships across
Jürgen Stock
INTERPOL Secretary General
Enhance information
management in
Increase the quality and
accordance with the
quantity of threat-driven and
Universal Declaration
criminal intelligence analysis
of Human Rights and
to support the operational and
other relevant and
investigative needs of member
binding international
instruments to ensure
a high level of trust in
INTERPOL’s information
Why do we need INSIGHT?
In today’s digital society, the volume of data available to organizations across the world is overwhelming,
making it increasingly difficult to store, process, analyse, interpret, and act upon.
With the right solution, organizations can gain control over their data, extract maximum analytical value
from it, and realize the full potential it can bring to their respective missions.
INTERPOL and its global law enforcement community are no exception. We operate in a fast-paced,
challenging, and ever-changing environment. Today’s crimes are increasingly transnational and connected.
More than ever, there is a need for multilateral police cooperation to address the security challenges facing
the world.
INTERPOL’s role is to promote and enable member countries to work together to make the world a safer
place. Data is at the heart of our business. As part of our mandate, we input, search and analyse large
volumes of data from multiple sources and in multiple formats.
In a data-driven world, law enforcement agencies need to search data more efficiently to identify and
analyse emerging crime trends. Only if they have the full global picture, will they be able to tackle these
threats effectively. Modern technology is at the core of this objective. Additionally, we need technology
that empowers our analysts, automates complex workflows, and facilitates the sharing of intelligence
across boundaries, knowing that only together can the global law enforcement community work smarter,
faster and more efficiently.
INSIGHT, INTERPOL’s analytical platform, aims to facilitate the effective exploitation of existing and new
information in order to provide member countries with timely and actionable intelligence that empowers
them to further their domestic investigations, flagging subjects of interest, and fostering greater police
cooperation globally.
is the LEVERAGE new technologies such as the
ethical use of artificial intelligence, including natural
objective language processing (NLP) and machine learning
ANALYSE (ML), and integrated translation capabilities.
DELIVER an intuitive interface with
modern reporting and visualization tools.
Faster results and more
meaningful insights.
our collective
ability to prevent
Detect hidden connections,
and fight
crime patterns and trends. international
New user-friendly features to facilitate the
creation of a new generation of analytical
products including tailored graphs,
dashboards and maps.
The INSIGHT Project has a phased approach, starting with INSIGHT Phase 1, which
established the minimum viable product (MVP) in 2022. INSIGHT Phase 2 was launched
in 2023 with the aim to enhance the MVP, on-board new users, and expand data sources,
features and functionalities. The future scope will grow both technically and functionally
and explore how member countries can benefit from a tailored access to the platform.
Phase 1 Phase 2
Minimum viable platform Enhanced platform
Enhanced Geospatial analysis,
All priority Text analytics, Operational Additional dashboarding, optical character Advanced
internal data translation, network and strategic data sources recognition, enhanced ethical analysis
sources analysis analysis and types use of AI (NLP, ML), large
datasets processing
Search search
2020 2022 2022 2024
2025 2026
The INSIGHT project is led by INTERPOL’s Operational Support
and Analysis Directorate with technical implementation by the
Information Systems and Technology Directorate.
This publication was made possible through support provided by the United
States Department of State, under the terms of Award No. SLMAQM17CA2058.
The opinions expressed herein are those of the Organization and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of State.