FM Core 1 Day v24.0
FM Core 1 Day v24.0
FM Core 1 Day v24.0
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• Overview of Financial Modeling
• Building a Three Statement Model
• The Finished Product
• Parting Thoughts
• Appendices: Modeling Step-by-Step Guide
What is a Financial Model?
• Simplified representation of financial performance
̶ Both past and future
• Blend of skills
̶ Excel
̶ Industry and company knowledge
̶ Accounting
̶ Financial analysis (e.g., ratios)
̶ Model management
• Flexible
̶ Modular
̶ Scenarios and sensitivities
• User-friendly
̶ Well-presented
̶ Easy to audit
̶ Easy to manage
What is the
purpose of the
• Think modular!
• Income statement: sign convention (positive or positive / negative)
• Level of aggregation (income statement and balance sheet layout)
• Length of forecast
• Model with iterations switched off in Excel Options
Historicals Projections
2 3
Historical Ratios
Modeling Steps
1. Income Statement
̶ Do not forecast depreciation or amortization
̶ Do not forecast interest income or interest expense
2. Balance Sheet
̶ Do not forecast cash
̶ Flatline forecast debt
3. Cash Flow Statement
4. Balance the Balance Sheet
5. Debt Schedule
6. Interest
7. Ratios
1 4
Historicals • Build projections by linking to the assumptions
• Select your desired income statement
• Work top down
structure (line items)
Sales = Salest-1 * (1 + growth assumption)
• Input historicals (from published income statement) Cost of sales = (1 – gross margin assumption) * current sales
• Normalize profit figures, as necessary
(e.g., EBITDA, EBIT, Net income, EPS, etc.) • Do not complete depreciation, amortization, and interest
income / expense line items yet
2 3
Historical Ratios
• Calculate ratios to gauge the company’s Forecast Assumptions
historical performance • Derive income statement assumptions from company
Examples: guidance, research reports, or historical performance
Sales growth % = Current / previous – 1
• Assumptions should be explained/backed up
Gross margin = Gross profit / sales
Effective tax rate = Tax expense / pre-tax income
1 4
Historicals Projections
• Link operating working capital assets and liabilities from
• Key Operating Working Capital Formulas:
balance sheet into working capital schedule
Operating current assets – Receivables = Receivable days / 365 * Sales
Operating current liabilities = Inventory = Inventory days / 365 * COGS
Operating working capital Payables = Payable days / 365 * COGS
• Calculate the cash flow impact of operating working capital • Link working capital balances into the balance sheet and
(Assets have an inverse relationship with cash and liabilities working capital cash flow impact into the cash flow
have a direct relationship with cash) statement
2 3
Historical Ratios
• Calculate Days ratios:
Forecast Assumptions
Receivable days = Accounts receivable / sales * 365
• Derive OWC assumptions from company guidance,
Inventory days = Inventory / COGS * 365
Payable days = Accounts payable / COGS * 365 research reports or historical performance
• Assumptions should be explained/backed up
• Other operating items can be calculated as % of sales or
COGS, depending on the nature of the item
1 4
Historicals Projections
• Input historical capital expenditures
• Forecast capital expenditures and depreciation using the
(usually found in the published cash flow statement)
assumptions derived in the previous step
• Input historical depreciation • Link the resulting numbers back to the financial statements:
(usually found in the published cash flow statement) ending PP&E to the balance sheet; depreciation to the
• Link PP&E balance from the balance sheet income statement; depreciation and CapEx to the cash flow
Do not try and reconcile historical PP&E opening and closing balances
2 3
Forecast Assumptions
Historical Ratios • Derive CapEx and depreciation assumptions from company
• Calculate historical ratios: guidance, research reports or historical performance
CapEx / sales • Capital expenditure is often forecast as % of sales.
Depreciation / CapEx • Depreciation is often forecast as % of capital expenditure or
Depreciation / beginning PP&E % of beginning PP&E
• Assumptions should be explained/backed up
1 4
Historicals Projections
• Input historical intangible assets additions
• Forecast additions and amortization using the assumptions
(usually found in the published cash flow statement)
derived in the previous step
• Input historical amortization • Link the resulting numbers back to the financial statements:
(usually found in the published cash flow statement) ending intangibles to balance sheet; amortization to income
• Link intangibles balance from the balance sheet statement; additions and amortization to the cash flow
Do not try and reconcile historical intangible opening and closing balances
2 3
Forecast Assumptions
Historical Ratios • Derive additions and amortization assumptions from
company guidance, research reports, or historical
• Calculate historical ratios: performance
Intangibles additions / sales
• Some companies disclose forecast amortization expense
Amortization / beginning intangibles guidance in their published filings
• Assumptions should be explained/backed up
Historicals Projections
• Link the other long-term assets and liabilities from the • Forecast the other long-term assets and liabilities using the
balance sheet into the other long-term items schedule assumptions derived in the previous step
• Calculate the cash flow impact of the other long-term assets • Link the resulting numbers back to the financial statements:
and other long-term liabilities balance sheet and cash flow statement
2 3
Forecast Assumptions
• Derive your assumptions from company guidance, research
Historical Ratios reports or historical performance
• Decide what ratios are appropriate for each of the other • Some of the projections may be flatlined due to the difficultly
long-term assets and liabilities, depending on the specific and reliability of forecasting specific items
nature of each item • Using % of sales as a basis may be used as a generic
assumption (the rationale is that the asset / liability needs to
increase to support the business growth)
2 3
Forecast Assumptions
• Derive assumptions for share repurchases (e.g., number of
Historical Ratios shares repurchased or $ amounts), share issuance
• Calculate the historical Dividend payout ratio: (e.g., number of shares issued or $ amounts), and dividends
Dividend payout ratio = Dividends paid / Net income paid (e.g., using the payout ratio)
• Derive your assumptions from company guidance, research
reports, or historical performance
1 4
Historicals Projections
• Input the basic and diluted number of shares outstanding
as of the balance sheet date • Forecast the end-of-year basic and diluted
(usually found in the notes to the financial statements) number of shares outstanding
• Forecast the average basic and diluted
• Input the basic and diluted average number of number of shares outstanding;
shares outstanding link them to the income statement
(usually found in the EPS note or in the income statement)
2 3
Forecast Assumptions
Historical Ratios • Derive the number of shares issued and/or repurchased,
using the data in the shareholders’ equity schedule
• Calculate the impact of dilutive securities (e.g., stock
• Derive a dilution assumption either as an absolute amount
options, convertible debt) by calculating the difference
or using the historical calculation from the previous step
between historical diluted and basic WASO
• Check your assumptions using company guidance,
research reports or historical performance
C h payable $1,189.0
$460 0 $1,402.0
$281 0 $1,432.0
$273 0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0 2,849.5 2,935.0 3,023.0 3,113.7 3,207.1
Total stockholder's equity 1,798.0 2,465.0 3,607.0 4,540.4 5,484.8 6,433.4 7,385.9 8,341.9
Total liabilities and equity $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0 $16,449.9 $17,479.8 $18,516.4 $19,559.6 $20,609.1
Parity check (A = L+E) 0.000 0.000 0.000 987.235
Flatline Debt
1,791.614 2,632.074 3,510.361 4,428.305
Assets Cash
Inverse Relationship
Assets Cash
L&E* Cash
Direct Relationship
L&E* Cash
* L&E = Liabilities & Equity
Link Cash Balance to Balance Sheet
Link the ending cash balance from the cash flow
Historical Year Ending December 31, Projected Year Ending December 31,
statement to the balance sheet
Hist 1 Hist 2 Hist 3 Proj 1 Proj 2 Proj 3 Proj 4 Proj 5
The Balance Sheet Balances!
The balance sheet should balance at this stage;
Historical Year Ending December 31, Projected Year Ending December 31,
if it does not, stop and go back to fix the error(s) Hist 1 Hist 2 Hist 3 Proj 1 Proj 2 Proj 3 Proj 4 Proj 5
Total liabilities and equity $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0 $15,712.7 $15,938.2 $16,523.5 $17,183.9 $17,950.3
Parity check (A = L+E) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
1 2 3
Long-Term Debt
Cash Available for Debt Repayment
• Link historical ending long-term debt
+ Cash flow available for financing activities Cash Available
into long-term debt ending balances
- Dividends for Revolver Repayment
• Input debt issuance amount
- Share repurchases in the long-term debt schedule + Cash available for debt repayment
+ Share issuance • Find required debt repayments + Long-term debt issued
+ Beginning cash (found in the published filings) - Long-term debt required repayment
- Minimum cash required and input them in the long-term debt schedule = Cash Available for Revolver Repayment
= Cash Available for Debt Repayment • Complete the long-term debt calculation
Set Up the Revolver Calculation
5 6
Link Revolver to the Financial Statements Link Long-Term Debt to the Financial Statements
• Link the revolver ending balance to the balance sheet • Link the long-term debt ending balance to the balance sheet
• Link the revolver issuance / (repayment) • Link the long-term debt issuance and repayment
to the cash flow statement to the cash flow statement
• Check the balance sheet balances; • Check the balance sheet balances;
if it does not, troubleshoot before proceeding to the next step if it does not, troubleshoot before you proceed to the next step
Key Learning Insight
Link Interest to the Income Statement
Interest income and expense cause
• Link interest income and expense to the income statement
circularities when the calculation refers to the
• The interest calculations make the model circular; ending amount of debt and/or cash.
This is discussed in subsequent sections of this guide
Some finance professionals calculate interest
Ensure the iterative calculations tool (in Excel options) is active;
on beginning debt and cash balances to avoid
This enables Excel to calculate circular formulas circular references.
1 2
Earnings Growth & Profitability Asset Efficiency
What are the company’s growth prospects? How effectively is the company using its operating assets?
How profitable is the company?
Asset Efficiency
Growth Rates Net operating assets / sales
Growth rate = Current / previous – 1 PP&E / sales
Profit Margins OWC / sales
EBIT margin = EBIT / sales Asset Turnover
EBITDA margin = EBITDA / sales Sales / assets (Net operating assets, PP&E, OWC)
Net margin = Net income / sales
3 4 Credit Ratios
What is the yield generated on the company’s net operating How does the company finance its assets?
assets? What is the yield to the owners of the company? What is the degree of financial leverage?
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) Leverage
NOPAT / Net operating assets Debt / capitalization
Net operating assets = OWC + PP&E + other net operating assets Capitalization = Equity + debt + other capital items
(Net operating assets is also known as Invested capital) Debt / EBITDA
Return on Equity (ROE) EBITDA / interest expense
Net income / equity (EBITDA – CapEx) / interest expense
Key Learning Insight
Dealing with Circular Models Embedded errors “blow up” models because
Excel can “undo” an input but not a calculation.
Error is then “trapped” in a circle.
Error Types
– #VALUE: a cell reference to a letter rather
than a number
– #REF: a reference to a cell that no longer
exists. Usually caused by deleting a cell
– #DIV: an equation divides by a zero or a
blank cell
– #NAME: a reference to a name that does not
Windows Excel Mac Excel
File, Options, Formulas (Alt F T F, Alt+I) Cmd+, type “Calculation” in search box
then check the “Limit Iteration” box
How to Jump Start a Model Build a CIRC Switch to turn circularity “ON” or
“OFF” by replacing interest expense/income
formulas with:
1) Fix the Error • IF(CIRC =0,0,debt_interest!L38)
• IF(CIRC=0,0,debt_interest!L42)
2) Copy interest expense/income formulas on the IS
3) Paste the formulas off to the right, beyond the last column
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All rights reserved.
What is a Balanced Model?
• Balance Sheet and Cash Flow harmony
̶ Reconcile change in each Balance Sheet line item with flow of funds on the Cash Flow
Ending Ending
Balance on
Balance Sheet
Year 0
Balance on
Balance Sheet
Year 1
= Cash Flow
Year 1
Cash Flow
BS Yr 0 BS Yr 1 Difference Yr 1
* Note: Press F9 (Cmd+= in Mac Excel) to calculate the data table when using “Automatic except tables” and “Manual” settings
Windows Excel
Data, What-If Analysis, Data Table (Alt A W T)
Mac Excel
Cmd+Shift+? “Data Table”
̶ Numerous assumptions
Fiscal Year Ending December 31, Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 5 Year
Hist 1 Hist 2 Hist 3 Proj 1 Proj 2 Proj 3 Proj 4 Proj 5 CAGR
Sales $4,172.6 $4,429.2 $4,836.0 $4,981.1 $5,130.5 $5,284.4 $5,442.9 $5,606.2 3.0%
EBITDA 969.4 1,071.4 1,176.1 1,245.3 1,282.6 1,321.1 1,360.7 1,401.6 3.6%
Less: depreciation (158.9) (171.2) (178.3) (180.0) (187.0) (193.6) (200.4) (207.4)
Less: amortization (21.6) (18.4) (17.9) (17.0) (16.5) (16.0) (15.5) (15.0)
EBIT 788.8 881.7 979.9 1,048.3 1,079.1 1,111.5 1,144.9 1,179.1 3.8%
Less: taxes @ 37.6% (296.6) (331.5) (368.4) (394.1) (405.8) (417.9) (430.5) (443.4)
Tax-effected EBIT 492.2 550.2 611.5 654.1 673.4 693.6 714.4 735.8
Equity Value Per Share (e) $50.31 Equity Value Per Share (e) $51.43
Building a Three Statement Model
Step-by-Step Guide
Building a Three Statement Model
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Core Statements
2. Operating Working Capital Schedule
3. Depreciation Schedule
4. Amortization Schedule
5. Other Long-Term Items Schedule
6. Shareholders’ Equity Schedule
7. Balance the Balance Sheet
8. Debt Schedule
9. Interest
Cash Flow
calculations on the SG&A expenses (excluding amortization) 3,393.0 3,589.0 3,593.0 3,687.1 3,797.7 3,911.6 4,028.9 4,149.8
income statement EBITDA 2,539.0 2,603.0 2,668.0 2,833.9 2,918.9 3,006.4 3,096.6 3,189.5
– Be efficient by filling right Normalized diluted earnings per share $3.74 $3.76 $3.86
the historical calculations!
Ratios & assumptions Step
Sales growth rate 7.6% 4.2% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 0.0%
Gross margin 44.9% 43.6% 42.3% 42.8% 42.8% 42.8% 42.8% 42.8% 0.0%
SG&A expenses (as a % of sales) 25.7% 25.3% 24.3% 24.2% 24.2% 24.2% 24.2% 24.2% 0.0%
EBIT Margin 16.4% 15.3% 14.9% 18.6% 18.6% 18.6% 18.6% 18.6%
Other non-operating (income) / expense ($ amount) $21.0 ($19.0) $9.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Effective tax rate 29.4% 30.2% 28.5% 29.5% 30.2% 30.9% 31.6% 32.3% 0.7%
Income taxes 566.3 585.9 560.5 836.0 881.5 929.0 978.5 1,030.2
Normalized net income $1,360.7 $1,353.1 $1,408.5 $1,997.9 $2,037.4 $2,077.4 $2,118.1 $2,159.3
Diluted weighted average shares (in millions) 364.000 360.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000
Normalized diluted earnings per share $3.74 $3.76 $3.86 $5.47 $5.58 $5.69 $5.80 $5.92
Ratios & assumptions Step
Sales growth rate 7.6% 4.2% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 0.0%
Gross margin 44.9% 43.6% 42.3% 42.8% 42.8% 42.8% 42.8% 42.8% 0.0%
SG&A expenses (as a % of sales) 25.7% 25.3% 24.3% 24.2% 24.2% 24.2% 24.2% 24.2% 0.0%
EBIT Margin 16.4% 15.3% 14.9% 18.6% 18.6% 18.6% 18.6% 18.6%
Other non-operating (income) / expense ($ amount) $21.0 ($19.0) $9.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Effective tax rate 29.4% 30.2% 28.5% 29.5% 30.2% 30.9% 31.6% 32.3% 0.7%
SG&A expenses (excluding amortization) 3,393.0 3,589.0 3,593.0 3,687.1 3,797.7 3,911.6 4,028.9 4,149.8
EBITDA 2,539.0 2,603.0 2,668.0 2,833.9 2,918.9 3,006.4 3,096.6 3,189.5 3.6%
Income taxes 566.3 585.9 560.5 836.0 881.5 929.0 978.5 1,030.2
Normalized net income $1,360.7 $1,353.1 $1,408.5 $1,997.9 $2,037.4 $2,077.4 $2,118.1 $2,159.3 8.9%
Diluted weighted average shares (in millions) 364.000 360.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000
TTS Help Normalized diluted earnings per share $3.74 $3.76 $3.86 $5.47 $5.58 $5.69 $5.80 $5.92 8.9%
COGS Income
Change in Statement
Working Capital
Capital Working
Cash Flow
Accounts payable (days outstanding) 59.7 63.9 61.3 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 0.0
Accrued liabilities (as % of sales) 8.6% 9.2% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 0.0%
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total non-debt current liabilities $2,318.0 $2,703.0 $2,807.0
Accounts payable (days outstanding) 59.7 63.9 61.3 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 0.0
Accrued liabilities (as % of sales) 8.6% 9.2% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 0.0%
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8 Calculations
Total non-debt current liabilities $2,318.0 $2,703.0 $2,807.0 $2,849.5 $2,935.0 $3,023.0 $3,113.7 $3,207.1
Operating working capital / (deficit) $291.0 $396.0 $187.0 $259.8 $267.6 $275.7 $283.9 $292.5
(Increase) / decrease in operating working capital ($105.0) $209.0 ($72.8) ($7.8) ($8.0) ($8.3) ($8.5)
Accounts payable (days outstanding) 59.7 63.9 61.3 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 0.0
Accrued liabilities (as % of sales) 8.6% 9.2% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 9.3% 0.0%
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0
Investing activities
Capital expenditures
Additions to definite life intangibles
Cash flow from investing activities
Financing activities
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Issuance of long-term debt
(Repayment) of long-term debt
Cash flow from financing activities
COGS Income
Change in Statement
Working Capital
Capital Working
Depreciation Cash Flow
PP&E, PP&E Statement
– Usually extremely difficult Beginning PP&E, net Will usually need a plug to reconcile;
to reconcile the historical Capital expenditures DO NOT BACK RECONCILE do not waste too much time doing this
PP&E account (Depreciation expense)
Ending PP&E, net $3,281.0 $3,782.0 $3,856.0 References (GREEN) from balance sheet
– Historical "asset sales"
may be a plug Ratios and assumptions
– Include historical Capital expenditures $594.0 $533.0 $637.0
information that will assist Capital expenditures as % of sales 4.5% 3.8% 4.3%
Depreciation expense $367.0 $427.0 $453.0 References (GREEN) from income statement Step function
in your analysis Depreciation as % of capex 61.8% 80.1% 71.1%
Depreciation as % of PP&E, net 11.2% 11.3% 11.7% Calculations
SG&A expenses (excluding amortization) 3,393.0 3,589.0 3,593.0 3,687.1 3,797.7 3,911.6 4,028.9 4,149.8
EBITDA 2,539.0 2,603.0 2,668.0 2,833.9 2,918.9 3,006.4 3,096.6 3,189.5 3.6%
Depreciation 367.0 427.0 453.0 530.3 564.9 618.3 674.3 733.1 References
Amortization 2.0 4.0 9.0
EBIT 2,170.0 2,172.0 2,206.0 2,303.6 2,353.9 2,388.2 2,422.4 2,456.4 2.2%
Income taxes 566.3 585.9 560.5 679.5 710.9 737.9 765.5 793.4
Normalized net income $1,360.7 $1,353.1 $1,408.5 $1,624.0 $1,643.0 $1,650.2 $1,656.9 $1,663.0 3.4%
Diluted weighted average shares (in millions) 364.000 360.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000
Normalized diluted earnings per share $3.74 $3.76 $3.86 $4.45 $4.50 $4.52 $4.54 $4.56 3.4%
PP&E, net References (GREEN) 3,281.0 3,782.0 3,856.0 4,011.3 4,152.5 4,261.7 4,336.6 4,375.2
Definite life intangibles 11.0 110.0 102.0
Indefinite life intangibles 1,443.0 2,249.0 2,265.0
Goodwill 3,623.0 5,038.0 5,051.0
Other long-term assets 516.0 610.0 933.0
Total assets $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0
Investing activities
Capital expenditures (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Additions to definite life intangibles
Cash flow from investing activities
COGS Income
Change in Statement
Working Capital
Capital Working
Depreciation Cash Flow
PP&E, PP&E Statement
Additions, Amortization
Intangibles, Balance
Amortization Intangibles Sheet
Beginning definite life intangibles, net Will usually need a plug to reconcile;
– Usually extremely difficult Additions to definite life intangibles DO NOT BACK RECONCILE do not waste too much time doing this
to reconcile the historical (Amortization expense)
intangibles account Ending definite life intangibles, net $11.0 $110.0 $102.0 References (GREEN) from balance sheet
– Historical additions to
intangibles / intangible Ratios and assumptions
sales may be a plug Additions to definite life intangibles $0.0 $101.0 $0.0
Additions as % of sales 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% References (GREEN) from income statement
– Include historical
Amortization expense $2.0 $4.0 $9.0
information that will assist Amortization as % of definite life intangibles, net 18.2% 3.6% 8.8% Calculations
in your analysis
SG&A expenses (excluding amortization) 3,393.0 3,589.0 3,593.0 3,687.1 3,797.7 3,911.6 4,028.9 4,149.8
EBITDA 2,539.0 2,603.0 2,668.0 2,833.9 2,918.9 3,006.4 3,096.6 3,189.5 3.6%
Income taxes 566.3 585.9 560.5 676.9 708.2 735.2 762.6 790.5
Normalized net income $1,360.7 $1,353.1 $1,408.5 $1,617.7 $1,636.8 $1,644.0 $1,650.7 $1,656.9 3.3%
Diluted weighted average shares (in millions) 364.000 360.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000
Normalized diluted earnings per share $3.74 $3.76 $3.86 $4.43 $4.48 $4.50 $4.52 $4.54 3.3%
PP&E, net 3,281.0 3,782.0 3,856.0 4,011.3 4,152.5 4,261.7 4,336.6 4,375.2
Definite life intangibles References (GREEN) 11.0 110.0 102.0 93.0 84.0 75.0 66.0 57.0
Indefinite life intangibles 1,443.0 2,249.0 2,265.0
Goodwill 3,623.0 5,038.0 5,051.0
Other long-term assets 516.0 610.0 933.0
Total assets $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0
Investing activities
Capital expenditures (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Additions to definite life intangibles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cash flow from investing activities
Financing activities
Watch your signs!
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Issuance of long-term debt
(Repayment) of long-term debt
Cash flow from financing activities
COGS Income
Change in Statement
Working Capital
Capital Working
Depreciation Cash Flow
PP&E, PP&E Statement
Change in other long-term assets and liabilities ($2,011.0) ($749.0) $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
PP&E, net 3,281.0 3,782.0 3,856.0 4,011.3 4,152.5 4,261.7 4,336.6 4,375.2
Definite life intangibles 11.0 110.0 102.0 93.0 84.0 75.0 66.0 57.0
Indefinite life intangibles 1,443.0 2,249.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0
Goodwill 3,623.0 5,038.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0
Other long-term assets 516.0 610.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0
Total assets $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
References (GREEN)
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0
Investing activities
Capital expenditures (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Additions to definite life intangibles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cash flow from investing activities
Financing activities
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Issuance of long-term debt
(Repayment) of long-term debt
Cash flow from financing activities
COGS Income
Change in Statement
Working Capital
Capital Net
Share Repo, Option
Proceeds, Dividends
Depreciation Cash Flow Shareholders’
PP&E, Statement Equity
Depreciation Balance
References (GREEN)
Assumption / Driver
from income statement
PP&E, net 3,281.0 3,782.0 3,856.0 4,011.3 4,152.5 4,261.7 4,336.6 4,375.2
Definite life intangibles 11.0 110.0 102.0 93.0 84.0 75.0 66.0 57.0
Indefinite life intangibles 1,443.0 2,249.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0
Goodwill 3,623.0 5,038.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0
Other long-term assets 516.0 610.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0
Total assets $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0
Total stockholder's equity References (GREEN) 1,798.0 2,465.0 3,607.0 4,540.4 5,484.8 6,433.4 7,385.9 8,341.9
Investing activities
Capital expenditures References (GREEN) (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Additions to definite life intangibles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cash flow from investing activities
Financing activities
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Issuance of long-term debt
(Repayment) of long-term debt
Dividends (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
Cash flow from financing activities
COGS Income
Change in Statement
Working Capital
Capital Net
Share Repo, Option
Proceeds, Dividends
Depreciation Cash Flow Shareholders’
PP&E, Statement Equity
Depreciation Balance
Beginning Ending
Additions, Amortization Cash Cash Change in
Other LT Items
Total liabilities and equity $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0 $16,449.9 $17,479.8 $18,516.4 $19,559.6 $20,609.1
Parity check (A = L+E) 0.000 0.000 0.000 987.235 1,791.614 2,632.074 3,510.361 4,428.305
Investing activities
Capital expenditures (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Additions to definite life intangibles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cash flow from investing activities (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Financing activities
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Issuance of long-term debt
(Repayment) of long-term debt
Dividends (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
Cash flow from financing activities
Investing activities
Capital expenditures (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Additions to definite life intangibles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cash flow from investing activities (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Financing activities
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Issuance of long-term debt Watch your
(Repayment) of long-term debt totals!
Dividends (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
Cash flow from financing activities (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
Net change in cash 714.2 804.4 840.5 878.3 917.9
Beginning cash balance
Ending cash balance
Financing activities
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Issuance of long-term debt
(Repayment) of long-term debt
Dividends (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
Cash flow from financing activities (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
Financing activities
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Issuance of long-term debt
(Repayment) of long-term debt
Dividends (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
Cash flow from financing activities (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
PP&E, net 3,281.0 3,782.0 3,856.0 4,011.3 4,152.5 4,261.7 4,336.6 4,375.2
Definite life intangibles 11.0 110.0 102.0 93.0 84.0 75.0 66.0 57.0
Indefinite life intangibles 1,443.0 2,249.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0
Goodwill 3,623.0 5,038.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0
Other long-term assets 516.0 610.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0
Total assets Right border on the last $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0 $16,449.9 $17,479.8 $18,516.4 $19,559.6 $20,609.1
historical year as a divider.
Make this the LAST thing
Accounts payable you do on the schedule! $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0 2,849.5 2,935.0 3,023.0 3,113.7 3,207.1
Total liabilities and equity $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0 $16,449.9 $17,479.8 $18,516.4 $19,559.6 $20,609.1
Parity check (A = L+E) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Balance Sheet
AFTER step 52
Working Debt
Capital Net Balances
Beginning balance
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Ending balance
Long-term debt
Beginning balance
Ending balance References (GREEN) $5,798.0 $6,837.0 $6,619.0
Beginning balance
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Ending balance
Long-term debt
Beginning balance
Issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Watch your
(Repayment) signs! (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Ending balance $5,798.0 $6,837.0 $6,619.0
Beginning balance
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Ending balance
Long-term debt
Beginning balance References $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0
Issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Repayment) (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Ending balance Calculations $5,798.0 $6,837.0 $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0 $5,130.0
Beginning balance
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Ending balance
Long-term debt
Beginning balance $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0
Issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Repayment) (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Ending balance $5,798.0 $6,837.0 $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0 $5,130.0
Beginning balance
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver
Ending balance References $234.0 $1,065.0 $739.0
Long-term debt
Beginning balance $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0
Issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Repayment) (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Ending balance $5,798.0 $6,837.0 $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0 $5,130.0
Beginning balance $739.0 $290.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver (448.2) (290.8) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ending balance $234.0 $1,065.0 $739.0 $290.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Long-term debt
Beginning balance $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0
Issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Repayment) (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Ending balance $5,798.0 $6,837.0 $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0 $5,130.0
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0 2,849.5 2,935.0 3,023.0 3,113.7 3,207.1
Total liabilities and equity $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0 $15,712.7 $16,016.8 $16,800.4 $17,540.6 $18,381.1
Parity check (A = L+E) 0.000 0.000 0.000 (737.235) (1,463.000) (1,716.000) (2,019.000) (2,228.000)
Investing activities
Capital expenditures (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Additions to definite life intangibles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cash flow from investing activities (685.6) (706.2) (727.4) (749.2) (771.7)
Financing activities
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver (448.2) (290.8) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Issuance of long-term debt References (GREEN) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Repayment) of long-term debt (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Dividends (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
Cash flow from financing activities (1,421.5) (1,418.1) (948.4) (1,001.3) (909.9)
Cash flow available for financing activities $1,398.5 $1,496.7 $1,535.9 $1,576.6 $1,618.8
PP&E, net 3,281.0 3,782.0 3,856.0 4,011.3 4,152.5 4,261.7 4,336.6 4,375.2
Definite life intangibles 11.0 110.0 102.0 93.0 84.0 75.0 66.0 57.0
Indefinite life intangibles 1,443.0 2,249.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0 2,265.0
Goodwill 3,623.0 5,038.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0 5,051.0
Other long-term assets 516.0 610.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0 933.0
Total assets $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0 $15,712.7 $16,016.8 $16,800.4 $17,540.6 $18,381.1
Accounts payable $1,189.0 $1,402.0 $1,432.0 $1,432.6 $1,475.6 $1,519.8 $1,565.4 $1,612.4
Accrued liabilities 1,129.0 1,301.0 1,375.0 1,416.9 1,459.4 1,503.2 1,548.3 1,594.8
Total current liabilities 2,318.0 2,703.0 2,807.0 2,849.5 2,935.0 3,023.0 3,113.7 3,207.1
Total liabilities and equity $11,943.0 $15,169.0 $15,474.0 $15,712.7 $16,016.8 $16,800.4 $17,540.6 $18,381.1
Parity check (A = L+E) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Interest Expense
COGS Income Debt &
Change in Statement Interest
Working Capital
Working Debt
Capital Net Balances
Historical Year Ending December 31, Projected Year Ending December 31,
Hist 1 Hist 2 Hist 3 Proj 1 Proj 2 Proj 3 Proj 4 Proj 5
Interest Schedule Cash flow available for financing activities $1,398.5 $1,496.7 $1,535.9 $1,576.6 $1,618.8
Dividends (684.3) (692.3) (695.4) (698.3) (700.9)
BEFORE linking Plus: beginning cash balance 273.0 250.0 328.6 916.1 1,491.4
Less: minimum cash balance (250.0) (250.0) (250.0) (250.0) (250.0)
interest to the IS Cash available for debt repayment $737.2 $804.4 $919.1 $1,544.4 $2,159.3
Long-term debt issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Long-term debt (repayment) (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Cash availableRight border on the
for revolver last $448.2 $369.4 $666.1 $1,241.4 $1,950.3
historical year as a divider.
Revolver Make this the LAST thing
Beginning balance $739.0 $290.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
you do on the schedule!
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver (448.2) (290.8) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ending balance $234.0 $1,065.0 $739.0 $290.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Long-term debt
Beginning balance $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0
Issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Repayment) (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Ending balance $5,798.0 $6,837.0 $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0 $5,130.0
SG&A expenses (excluding amortization) 3,393.0 3,589.0 3,593.0 3,687.1 3,797.7 3,911.6 4,028.9 4,149.8
EBITDA 2,539.0 2,603.0 2,668.0 2,833.9 2,918.9 3,006.4 3,096.6 3,189.5 3.6%
Income taxes 566.3 585.9 560.5 605.1 639.0 668.8 698.8 729.3
Normalized net income $1,360.7 $1,353.1 $1,408.5 $1,446.0 $1,476.8 $1,495.6 $1,512.6 $1,528.6 1.6%
Diluted weighted average shares (in millions) 364.000 360.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000 365.000
Normalized diluted earnings per share $3.74 $3.76 $3.86 $3.96 $4.05 $4.10 $4.14 $4.19 1.6%
Interest Schedule Cash flow available for financing activities $1,226.9 $1,336.8 $1,387.4 $1,438.4 $1,490.5
Dividends (611.7) (624.7) (632.6) (639.8) (646.6)
AFTER linking interest Plus: beginning cash balance 273.0 250.0 250.0 639.1 1,134.7
Less: minimum cash balance (250.0) (250.0) (250.0) (250.0) (250.0)
to the IS Cash available for debt repayment $638.2 $712.1 $754.8 $1,187.7 $1,728.6
Long-term debt issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Long-term debt (repayment) (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Cash available for revolver $349.2 $277.1 $501.8 $884.7 $1,519.6
Beginning balance $739.0 $389.8 $112.7 $0.0 $0.0
Issuance / (repayment) of revolver (349.2) (277.1) (112.7) 0.0 0.0
Ending balance $234.0 $1,065.0 $739.0 $389.8 $112.7 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Long-term debt
Beginning balance $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0
Issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Repayment) (289.0) (435.0) (253.0) (303.0) (209.0)
Ending balance $5,798.0 $6,837.0 $6,619.0 $6,330.0 $5,895.0 $5,642.0 $5,339.0 $5,130.0
Interest Expense
COGS Income Debt &
Change in Statement Interest
Working Capital
Working Debt
Capital Net Balances