The Iraya Mangyan Language
The Iraya Mangyan Language
The Iraya Mangyan Language
The Iraya language is spoken in Northwest Mindoro by over ten thousand people. It has a number of known dialects, such as: Abra-De-Ilog, Alag-Bako, Pagbahan, Palauan-Calavite, Pambuhan, and Santa Cruz. The term iraya means man or adult in the Iraya language, and is used by the Irayas as the common autonym. Genetically, it is a Western Austronesian language of the Northern-Mindoro group of languages, a small group consisting of Iraya, Tadyawan and Alangan. Phonology Phonological Inventory ptk bdg sh m n ng lrwy ieua Voiceless stops are unaspirated and unreleased of with delayed release in final position. T and D are dentals, and K and G are slightly backed. S followed by N sometimes becomes [ts]. R occurs as a flap, retroflex, or rolled. Retroflexion is usually word-initial. R following n sometimes becomes [dr] Of the vowels, I E U are high and A is low. E is described by Tweddel as a high, back unrounded vowel. Syllable types include: CV: large lizard; CVC: may resemble, like; CCV: kwi.tis Sp. fireworks; CCVC: pwis.tu Sp. place, put. In consonant clusters, only w and r can occur as the second consonant. Stress is phonemic on the penultimate of ultimate syllable, e.g. lwig long life vs lawg foreigner. Stress shift occurs with suffixation, e.g. ubn tie, string > ubann carry by headband. Although most stems are disyllabic, monosyllabic stems occur (CV, CVC), as do polysyllabic ones (CV.CV.CV; CV.CV.CVC; CV.CVC.CVC; CVC.CV.CV; CVC.CV.CVC; CV.CV.CVC.CVC; CV.CVC.CV.CVC; CVC.CV.CV.CVC). Various internal sandhi processes occur in Iraya, such as vowel agreement with suffixation. The suffix en is represented by its allomorph un after the vowel /u/: lingu-wun to forget; tudyu-wun dont be suspicious. In both these cases w is epenthetic. Lexical Classes Pronouns
Nominative I you (sg.) he/she/it we all (incl) we all (excl.) we two (incl.) you (pl.) you two aku kawu iya tamu yamen
kura sidawa
General: aru which; ruma other, another; tawa he who, who Specific: tiya this; naba that (near addressee); nata that (distal); sika that, the last; sai ka one (thing). Locatives: tuwa here; saba there (near addressee); sata there (distal); baya near, nearly, almost; betek exactly. Temporals: aray a little while ago; bali time recently past; naruwaan past time, previously; nguna now; baywi still; andi while; duma in the future. Interrogatives
how much; much how much, e.g. how big what why, what where
Bidu mada dayu ag guraan? How far (how much distance) is it to town? Umaning aku kuyay kawu? How much older am I than you? Kayu da ay tembag? What are you going to answer? Ma nakay kawu agtartaruy? Why are you trembling? Saru ginaru? Where were (they) taken from? Numbers
tanan both; pad plural number panga plural number; balen no more, not anymore; buhida few, some; buu all, whole; dapu more, still yet, last past; iben-te small, fine, few; uman some, next time; sibay enough, sufficient; tay-ma each, every; te small, little, some.
Other Particles: Clause connectors: da then, but, and, by and by; matang then, so; maraw so, while, then, because; patluy then, directly, continue. Phrase connectives: aw yes or no; or; ay included in the group, by name Subordinators: angan as far as, until; directly; baygira before; ibat from, beginning; isag soon, so that; kalbas after, finishing; kaya when, so when, therefore, what happened; nu if, when; nga just, then only, because; paka more than,, if, after. Numeral ligature: ka, e.g. ag sai ka bukar one fruit; ag mausun ka bukar many fruits Articles: ag, da, ka Directional/Relationals: kapet in, on, to; sa in, at, on, to, from, by; taga from, belonging to; pan to, for. Copulative: ba, e.g. Aku ba sa kunin awakan. I am at his back (behind him). Existential: maki have, there is/are Negatives: ayaw dont; wala no, not, not yet, without. Non ordering particles: Augmentative: din, adin, yadin also, too, in addition Comparative: may similar, like; makay similar, like, seemingly; mayam somewhat, same asl midyu Sp. somewhat. Completive: ani already, done, finished, sure. Customary: layen always Inceptive: tay, atay, batay become, going to, will be, begin; mada have done, to be done Intensive: ada certainly, really, responsibility; bakay very; gayed at once, real, strict, very, especially; ma so, somewhat (mild intensive); mana, amana so then, surely; naw very; ngani, angani, anga surely, true, indeed, yes, in that way. Repetitive: akay repeat, again Modal Particles: Aptative: mistir able, suitable Desiderative: disin desirable, should; dayu, padayu do not want/like; kay desire, request, respect Dubitative: gira might, maybe, if; karam lest, perhaps, maybe; kaynu even, although, may it be; la perhaps (with negative); sigudu Sp. via Tag. perhaps. Interrogative: dia perhaps, maybe; is oh, what, why Limitative: man even, ever, any; ngani but, only, merely; nanyani only Negative: lain no, not; na no, not, do not; nawed, ned no, not; tang no, not, never Quotative: ika, kunu it is said Exclamatives: angen yes, affirmative; hee yes; nawed no; adey how terrible; ka there it is!; as oh; kasuwal surprise; ati disgusting; kaspuk conveys reproof; gey said to ward off spirits; i extreme surprise; yay extreme fear; wa used to scare wild animals; yi expresses fear. Greetings: anta greeting to a man, call for help, all right; andaw call for help to several people; ayna call or greeting to woman, dear; paay greeting to someone you are afraid of; sawa Mrs, when others speak of someones wife; suan term of endearment for young woman; ta greeting to strange man; tuan greeting to a man friend; ya greeting to a strange woman. Affix Template
Infixes Stem 1 1
Suffixes 2
an-an (n) -an (v) -ang-aray ba-en iika-inka- (v) ka- (n) kuma- (n)
Affix tal-nin/-in kupalkapalmankamamamantagatagapatagamagpapanpagpanpinanantagtali-, talaka- -an pag- -an pag- -anan Sample sentences:
Meaning two related people specific, particular two two together one of a pair general plural person, state agentive one who makes one who acts as one who acts as one in charge of instrumental thing used as thing acted upon superlative season sound of state, whole place where plural of pag- -an
Example talyayaw amay-nin ku-bayi palamut kapalebay man-laki kataway ma-rket (from reket) mamamarkaya (parkaya) tagaramus tagapamiya tagamagpataway panerey pagpandu pinangapuy an-yayakbang tagsubuk talainga kapudihan pagtakinan pagarunanan
Gloss husband and wife father two females pair partner, companion boys enemy one who attempts fisherman, maker of traps midwife healer one in charge of contest eyes (from serey see) pointer something to be cooked best in climbing spring (subuk = grow) mooing of cow praise place of hanging stopping places
Aku ba magtabuy sa naay arian nu kayu man aku maki nga. I give to my younger brother whatever I have. Kura namagtabuy ag lapis sa naay. A pencil was given to me by all of them together. Naay tay atabuy ag begas sa kunin. I can give the rice to him. Maki iraya pandayen mamanggi bugnuy. There are people good at stripping bognoy. Naay natabuy ani. I already gave it. Nayawak balaang. The bridge was destroyed by the flood. Sa tamu maras ba makaangas. In our opinion (he) is happy. Tuwa sa tamu puru ba wala dapu iraya maliyag marsitaway. Here in our place there are no more men who want to fight. Aku agpanlimu aray madlem. I did frightening things last night. Kumu kay arkan tiya. Please smell this. Sadhan ag dalan ba isag wala iraya tumultul. Close the road so that no one may pass through. All data from this sketch hail from the manuscript of Tweddell (1958). References:
Tweddel, Colin Ellidge. 1958. The Iraya (Mangyan) language of Mindoro, Philippines: Phonology and Morphology. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Washington.