Advanced Mechanics of Materials

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Technical Report · November 2011

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3981.2482


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Prabhakar Purushothaman
Dopag India Pvt Ltd


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MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP


Module Code MMD 501
Module Name
Course M.Sc. [Engg] in Machinery design
Department Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.

Name of the Student P.Prabhakar

Reg. No BAB0911001
Batch Full-Time 2011.
Module Leader Prof. Suman.M.L.J

Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programmes(PEMP) i

#470-P Peenya Industrial Area, 4th Phase, Peenya, Bengaluru-560 058
Tel; 080 4906 5555, website:
Declaration Sheet
Student Name P.PRABHAKAR
Reg. No BAB0911001
Course MACHINERY DESIGN Batch Full-Time 2011.
Batch FT11
Module Code MMD501
Module Date 05 11 2011 to 17 11 2011
Module Leader Mr.SUMAN.M.L.J
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The assignment submitted herewith is a result of my own investigations and that I have conformed to the
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Signature of the Module Leader and date Signature of Head of the Department and date

Advanced Mechanics of Materials

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP


In the real world all the structures are subjected to various stresses and strain, The
module mechanics of materials gives an idea about traditional method of analyzing the stress
and strain were it is the base of for various recent developed software like ANSIS. The factors
to be considered like concepts of plasticity, strain energy, various 2D approximations, the
concepts of theories of failures and thermal stresses are briefly under gone in this module.
The Part-A assignment is about the debate on 2D approximation. As in the real world all
structures are built up in 3D structures, to determine the various stresses and strains on these
structures the easy and possible way is by converting from 3D into 2D geometry. where 2D
approximation plays a vital role, Based on the various conditions the object is brought under
any one of the following conditions like plane stress condition, plane strain condition or axis
symmetric condition and then the results are calculated. The debate is about whether the result
we get by 2D approximation is reliable or only by analyzing the 3D geometry gives the reliable
result, the result we get from the 2D approximation is a compromise.
The Part-B assignment is based on the pressure vessel where for the given material AISI
1040 cold drawn steel. The ultimate strength and yield strength has to be found initially then
the thickness is to be determined. Based on the result it should be categorized under thick or
thin cylinder. The hoop stress and circumferential stress is to be found out and by considering
minimum values among stress allowable yield and ultimate strength. Then Mohr’s circle has to
be drawn, were by using AUTO CAD2010 software it is constructed and finally stress
transformation has to be determined. The Part- B assignment also includes the usage of
MATLAB software. It is required to generate code for obtaining the thickness, stress and its
The Part-C assignment is to construct the yield locus as per the theories of failures-
Maximum principal stress criteria by considering the given two principal stresses by
substituting these stresses in formula yield surface and yield locus can be determined and also
criteria for failure is determined. By using AUTO CAD2010 software yield locus is
constructed and comparing it with the yield strength of material to cross check whether the
object is subjected to safe working load or not.

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Declaration Sheet ......................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures
List of Symbols .......................................................................................................................... vii
PART-A......................................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.0 Introduction: ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 The results of 2D approximation is reliable due to following reasons: ............................... 1
1.2 Advantages of 2D approximation........................................................................................ 1
1.3.3 Material property considerations. ..................................................................................... 2
1.3.4 Nature of failure. .............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Case study: .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Conclusion: .......................................................................................................................... 3
PART-B ......................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Finding out the values of allowable yield strength (Sy):..................................................... 5
2.5 Finding out the values for yield criteria limit: ..................................................................... 6
2.6 Determination of thick or thin cylinder: .............................................................................. 6
2.7 Finding out the values for principal stresses: ...................................................................... 7
2.8 Constructing the Mohr’s circle using σ1 &σ2 ..................................................................... 7
2.9 Steps involved in constructing the Mohr’s circle using σ1 &σ2 ......................................... 8
2.10 Introduction to MATLAB (Matrix laboratory): ................................................................ 9
2.11 MATLAB codes to find thickness & transformation: ....................................................... 9
PART-C ....................................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................ 10
3.0 Introduction: ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Theories of failure ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Yield locus:........................................................................................................................ 10
3.3 Solution: ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Creating yield locus by – Maximum principal stress criteria. ........................................... 11
3.5 Steps involved in yield locus creation. .............................................................................. 11
3.6 Comments on the yield locus obtained: ............................................................................ 13
4.0 Comments on learning outcome: ........................................................................................... 13
5.0 References ............................................................................................................................. 14

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List of Tables

Table No. Title of the table Pg.No.

Table1.1 Comparison of stresses in 2D and 3D 3

List of Figures

Figure No. Title of the figure Pg.No.

Figure 1.1 Investigated 2D and 3D RVE type models…………………. 3
Figure 2.1 Pressure vessel of Part-B……………………………………. 4
Figure 2.2 Showing pressure vessel…………………………………….. 4
Figure 2.3 Showing Yield surface and Yield locus……………………... 7
Figure 2.4 construction of Mohr’s circle 8
Figure 2.5 MATLAB coding 9
Figure 3.1 Showing Yield surface and Yield locus 12

Advanced Mechanics of Materials

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

List of Symbols

Symbol Description Units

σ stress Mpa

De External diameter mm
Do Internal diameter mm
Ɵ Angle Degrees
Ys Yield strength Mpa
Us Ultimate strength Mpa
Su Allowable ultimate strength Mpa
Sy Allowable yield strength Mpa
N Factor of safety -----
P Pressure Mpa
t Thickness mm

σ1 & σ2 Principal stresses Mpa

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MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP


1.0 Introduction:
In Part – A the debate topic given is “2-D approximations made in the prediction of
structural behavior is a compromise” to debate on 2D approximation understanding the concepts of
when thickness is very less when compared to length and width in which we consider stresses along
thickness is zero (σz = 0). Similarly in Plane strain condition is suitable only when breadth and
height dimension is lesser than length in which the both sides of the length should be constrained
we considered (εz=0). And in Axis symmetric condition is suitable only when the object is
symmetrical about its axis.

1.1 The results of 2D approximation is reliable due to following reasons:

Calculating the stress and strains in 3D structural components are time consumable and it is
complicated to calculate unless the geometry has standard shapes. But when we consider any
structures of machinery will not be of standard geometry and will be of complex when it tried to
derive solution in 3D it will consume time indirectly consumes the cost. Even for 3d structures also
there is some assumption made we will not be considering the exact material property and exact
loading conditions for easy calculation of result similar to 2D approximation.

1.2 Advantages of 2D approximation.

For analyzing and designing of structure we required mathematical model by considering
the various factors like actual loading conditions, material properties and nature of failure.
The mathematical model will be of fewer complexes when we consider 2D approximation.
Helps to obtain the results in short lead time due to considering it as simple geometry.
2D approximation provides the value which is of very less deviation from 3D analysis.
The cost of the analysis is reduced due to reduced analysis time.
This type of analysis is suitable for all types of geometry all 3D structural geometry can be
considered under any one of the 2D approximation.
1.1 Debate on various consideration of 2D approximation.
1.3.1 Actual loading on component/structure.
While analyzing the structure using the 2D approximation we will not consider the entire
structure and analyze the loading, only a small elemental area is taken into consideration and for
which all the loads acting on the structure is transformed and the results are obtained on Structural

Advanced mechanics of materials

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

loads with high accuracy is required to design and limit the loads while the structure is subjected.
Generally two or more loads combined together and acting is to be considered. These loads may be
subjected during the function or ideal condition. In 2D approximation we are considering a plane
which has 2 axes the entire loads in the cross section is transferred to the elemental area. While
considering plane stress condition we consider the plane which has length and width which is
greater than thickness. In case of plane strain condition we consider only cross section and loading
condition is analyzed since the length is constrained the effect of loading is negligible. In case of
axis symmetric condition we consider loading in cross section separately and longitudinal
separately. Since the loading conditions are framed with the logic which can be understandable we
can able to judge 2D approximation gives reliable solution.
1.3.2 Uniaxial, biaxial and tri-axial state of stress.
The uniaxial state of stress can be defined as a state of stress at which two out of the three
principal stresses are equal to zero. In case of biaxial states of stress were one of the three principal
stresses is equal to zero. And in tri axial state of stress the structure is subjected to principal stresses
acting at three perpendicular directions. When the various state of stresses are considered in 2D
approximation the reliable results are obtained by as in plane stress condition we obtain only uni
axial and bi axial state of stress, we consider only the stresses in the thickness as zero, Which
means the dimension along the thickness is less the stress along the thickness is not going to give
only negligible values in stresses. In plane strain condition since it is constrained in only in length
we assume that strain along length is equal to zero but it is possible to obtain the results of tri axial
state of stress. In case of axis symmetrical we can able to determine the tri axial state of stress by
spilling the geometry into cross section (Hoop stress) and length (longitudinal stress) with this we
can know that 2D approximation gives results of reliable state of stress.

1.3.3 Material property considerations.

When we consider material property generally it is classified into ductile material and brittle
materials. And categorizing the material under isotropic materials, anisotropic materials and
orthotropic materials generally all the calculations either by considering the 2D approximation or
considering the 3D geometry we assume it as isotropic materials which means the material is
having the uniform material property throughout the structure but in real practical uniform material
property is not possible since these assumptions are made in the both the calculations of by
considering the 2D approximation and by considering the 3D structure the results obtained by the
2D will not be differed by material property consideration.

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1.3.4 Nature of failure.

When we compare the results we get by considering as 2D approximation and results by the
considering as 3D structures. The result we get is almost equal with that results when we convert
into principal stresses and generate the yield locus based on the different theories of failures the
yield surface will be almost remains same for both the cases. Which indirectly shows that the elastic
region, remains as unchanged for both the conditions. The failure criteria for the both the cases will
be similar due to the mathematical model gives variation of result is very less and consideration for
determining the failure criteria is same for the both the cases so for the nature of failure also we can
depend on the results of 2D approximation.

1.4 Case study:

The case study is about “The comparative analysis of 2D and 3D microstructure models
stresses of porous polymer materials” Porous structure materials like polymers (plastics, elastomer)
metals(aluminum, copper) are generally used due to its properties like cheap, light weight and
strength etc. In order to obtain the desired property the microscopic structure can be varied and
possible to obtain representative volume element (RVE).

Fig 1.1[1]Investigated 2D and 3D RVE type models Table1.2[1]Comparison of stresses in 2D& 3D

From the above case they have analysed the stresssby taking 2D model and also taking 3D
model the results of both the cases are similar and the variations are within the allowable limit.

1.5 Conclusion:
In the debate the various factors related to 2D approximation is discussed by which we can
understand 2-D approximations made in the prediction of structural behavior is not a compromise it
provides us the reliable results with that results many of the traditional structures/components are
buildup which is universally accepted. Since in recent days there is advancement of technologies
and development of software makes simplicity of calculating the 3D structure we prefer it, but
because of that we cannot say the values we get by 2d approximation is a compromise.

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP


Problem: A tank is to be made by rolling flat sheet of AISI 1040 cold-drawn steel into the spiral
shape as shown, where the spiral makes an angle of ‘θ’ with the horizontal axis of the
tank. Tank is subjected to a maximum internal load of ‘P’ MPa, whose diameter is to be ‘D’
(a) Determine the proper wall thickness, ‘t’ according to the theories of failures, provided
N=4 based on Sy or N=6 based on Su
(b) Determine the stress condition on an element aligned with the weld and depict the same
using Mohr circle.
(c) Write a MAT LAB code for obtaining the thickness, stress and its transformations.

Fig 2.1 pressure vessel of Part-B

2.0 Introduction of Pressure vessel:
Pressure vessels are closed containers used to hold various gasses or liquids at high
pressures, Based on the application the shape, size, allowable pressure and material varies. The
applications of pressure vessels are to store compressed air, domestic purpose hot water storage
tank and in petro chemicals etc. A material with good good tensile properties and chemically stable
is chosen for manufacturing however design codes and application standards are ASME BPVC
Section II, EN 13445-2 etc.

Fig 2.2[2] Showing pressure vessel

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2.1 Solution:
Given data:
P = 1.5mpa
Ɵ= 40⁰
De = 110mm
Factor of safety for yield strength N(Sy) = 4
Factor of safety for yield strength N(Su) = 6
Material = AISI 1040
2.2 Steps to approach the solution:
 Finding out the values of allowable yield stress and allowable ultimate stresses.
 Comparing the two values considering the minimum value as yield criteria limit.
 By applying the value to Hoop stress determining the thickness of pressure vessel.
 With the obtained thickness deciding whether it is thick or thin cylinder.
 Finding out the values for principal stresses.
 With the values of principal stresses constructing the Mohr’s circle.
 Determining the stress transformation angle.
The yield strength and ultimate strength for AISI 1040 material are:
The yield strength of AISI 1040 material (Ys) = 353.4mpa
The ultimate strength of AISI 1040 material (Us) = 518.76mpa
2.3 Finding out the values of allowable ultimate strength (Su):
Finding the allowable ultimate strength (Su)


Su = 86.46mpa

2.4 Finding out the values of allowable yield strength (Sy):

Finding the allowable yield strength (Sy)

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2.5 Finding out the values for yield criteria limit:

By comparing (Su) & (Sy) considering the minimum value as Ɵ determining hoop stress as

ro t)

86.46t = 1.5(55-t)
86.46t = 82.5-1.5t
86.46t+1.5t = 82.5


t = 0.93mm

2.6 Determination of thick or thin cylinder:

Determining thick or thin cylinder by applying following criteria
i) Criteria for thin cylinder

0 is thin c lin er

ii) Criteria for thick cylinder

0 is thic c lin er

= =
Since 118.27>20 is considered as thin cylinder
Now we know that
σr =

σr =

σr =

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2.7 Finding out the values for principal stresses:

By comparing the values of σ and σr.
We get: σ1 = 86.46 & σ2 = 42.23mpa
According to the theories of failure- maximum principal stress theory
The conditions for failure is σ1=>σy& σ2=>σy
But σ1 = 86.46 & σ2 = 42.23mpa which is less than σy =88.35mpa as shown below fig() the
pressure vessel is subjected to pressure which is within the yield locus we conclude that the
pressure vessel is subjected to safe pressure.

Fig 2.3 Showing Yield surface and Yield locus

2.8 Constructing the Mohr’s circle using σ1 &σ2

We know that σ1 = 86.46 & σ2 = 42.23mpa
The maximum shear stress ( ) can be calculated by the formula
σ σ

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= 26.11mpa
To calculate the center distance from ordinate
σ σ


σ = 64.84mpa

2.9 Steps involved in constructing the Mohr’s circle using σ1 &σ2

An element rotated through an angle = (90-40)=50⁰, =50⁰ so that its sides are parallel
and perpendicular to the weld. Mohr’s circle can be used to obtain the normal and shear stresses
acting on the side faces of the element. Mohr’s construction shows that point A represents the stress
σ2 on the abscissa (x axis) were ( =0⁰) and point B represents the stress σ1 on the ordinates (y axis)
were ( =90⁰). A counter clockwise angle 2 = 100⁰ on the circle locates point D which corresponds
to the stress on the x1 face ( =40⁰). The fig() shows construction of Mohr’s circle.

Fig 2.4 construction of Mohr’s circle

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The stress transformation angle can be determined by

σ σ σ σ
σ = cos

σ = cos 00

σx’ = 60.30mpa
σ σ σ σ
σ = cos

σ = cos 00
σy’ = 69.37mpa
σ σ
= sin

x’y’ = -26.11sin100
x’y’ =-25.71mpa

2.10 Introduction to MATLAB (Matrix laboratory):

MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is the work bench created for mathematical calculation.
MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation
of algorithms.

2.11 MATLAB codes to find thickness & transformation:

Fig 2.5 MATLAB coding

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Problem: The state of stress at a point on the aircraft wing was found to be
0 0 0
The = 0 0 0
0 0 0
Let us assume that this (uni-axial) stress state is almost enough to cause the material to
plastically deform, or yield. The yield stress was chosen as σy= 54mpa, υ = 0.3, E= 210
(a) Check for the yielding of the above state of stress using the failure criteria.
(b) Draw the failure locus for the failure criteria and comment on the same.

3.0 Introduction:
The state of stress at a point is defined as all the stress vectors with all planes that pass
through that point. In this matrix since all the shear components remains zero it is to be
considered that principal stress are given, Since the value of σz is mentioned as 0 it is to be
under stood that 2D graph has to be plotted.

3.1 Theories of failure

Theories of failure are used to predict the conditions at which the material will fail when
subjected to various loads. Based on the material property and behavior it is classified into
brittle fracture and ductile fracture. Theories of failures are expressed by various criteria using
yield locus and yield surface.

3.2 Yield locus:

The yield stress σy is the stress at which the material is in plastic state within this limit the
material is subjected to elastic state. To determine the safe working loads for any material a
criteria or limit is generated is known as yield locus. The surface inside the yield locus is called
yield surface which is elastic region the yield locus and outer surface of yield locus is plastic
Yield surface = Elastic region
Yield locus = Plastic region
Outside of yield locus = Failure


Advanced mechanics of materials

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

3.3 Solution:
Given data:
Principal stress (σ1) =50mpa
Principal stress (σ2) =20mpa
Yield stress (σy) = 54mpa
Young’s modulus ( E) =210Gpa
Poisson’s ratio (υ) = 0.3

3.4 Creating yield locus by – Maximum principal stress criteria.

This theory was developed by Rankine. According to this theory the maximum principal
stress determines the failure; it is mostly suitable for brittle materials. Failure will be takes
place when the maximum principal stress reaches the yield strength.
Yield occurs when the largest principal stress exceeds the uniaxial tensile yield strength.
The conditions are:
σ1=σy = Plasticity – Failure region.

σ1<σy= Elasticity – Material subjected to safe loads.

σ1>σy =Plasticity – Failure region.

3.5 Steps involved in yield locus creation.

 By comparing the two stresses considering maximum stress as σ1and minimum

stress as σ2.

 Plotting σ1 and –σ1 in x axis and σ2 and –σ2 in Y axis.

 Dividing the graph as follows:

X axis 1 unit = 1mpa.
Y axis 1 unit = 1mpa.
 Considering the yield stress σy = 54mpa plotting it in graph on σ1, -σ1, σ2 and

–σ2 in X and Y axis.

 By considering the σy points on X axis and Y axis by drawing the vertical lines
on the points which forms a square is called yield locus the inner area of this
yield locus is called yield surface.

 The graph is divided into four quadrants which follows:

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

• First quadrant (σ1,σ2) = Material subjected to purely tension.

• Second quadrant (-σ1,σ2) = Material subjected to one load in

compression and one load in tension.
• Third quadrant (-σ1,-σ2) = Material subjected to purely
• Fourth quadrant (σ1,-σ2) = Material subjected to one load in
compression and one load in tension.

Fig 3.1 Showing Yield surface and Yield locus

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3.6 Comments on the yield locus obtained:

After finding the yield locus by σy = 54mpaWhile plotting the principal stresses σ1=
50mpa and σ2 = 20mpa the load lies within the yield locus and in first quadrant which means
both the principal stresses are subjected to tension and since it lies within the yield locus the
material is subjected to elastic region so it can be considered as safe loads.

4.0 Comments on learning outcome:

The module Advanced mechanics of materials is has given the brief idea about
analyzing the stress and strain in a geometry by discreticing it to a small elemental area and
considering various stresses acting on it, The result obtained from the elemental area is then
converted to whole geometry. The traditional method of finding the results is carried out for
analyzing the stress strain in this module and to have knowledge about principal stress,
principal strains and stress invariants. While analyzing the various factors to be considered such
as stress strain relationship based on material property like young’s modulus , Poisson’s ratio
and shear modulus concepts of isotropic, orthotropic and anisotropic materials and various 2D
approximations is to be made as per the geometry, Understanding the concepts of strain energy,
Plasticity and determining theories of failures by various principals when the material is
subjected to various loading conditions and creation of yield locus. In the Class assignment
session was helpful to solve various problems related to the all topics were it was useful to get
an idea of how to approach the problems. In GKVK visit was helpful to analyze the various
stresses and various 2D approximation on earth auger.

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

5.0 References

1)[1] D Zeleniakiene “The comparative analysis of 2D and 3D micro structural models” Retrieved on 04 12 2011.
2) [2]Unknown, “Plane Stress and Plane Strain” Retrieved on 04 12 2011.
3) Unknown, “Mohr’s circle for plane stress” Retrieved on 28 11 2011.
4) Unknown, “Introduction to MATLAB”
Retrieved on 10 12 2011.
5) James M.Gere and Stephen P.Timoshenko (2002) “Meccanics of materials” second edition PWS
Publishers USA.
6)L.S.Srinath “Advanced mechanics of materials”Third edition Tata McGraw hills, New Delhi


Advanced mechanics of materials

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