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The Spokesman
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Barkat Rice Mills

(Pvt) Limited

PM announces to reduce petrol

Joint sitting should focus on law & order: Shazia Marri price by Rs 10.20 per liter
Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety MsShaziaMarri on Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, following the reduction in
electricity prices for industries, has announced a significant
Monday stressed the need to focus on law and order in the country by the cut in petrol and diesel prices by Rs 10.20 per liter and Rs 2.33
joint sitting of the parliament as durable peace could help address all other per liter respectively. Earlier on June 1, the government had
problems, including the economic crisis. announced to cut the petrol price by Rs 4.74 per liter while that
of High Speed Diesel (HSD) by Rs 3.86 per liter, a PM Office press
(Report on Page 8) release said on Friday.

Simultaneously published from Islamabad, Lahore and Multan

Zilhaj 8, Saturday, June 15, 2024 @daily_spokesman Daily Spokesman Vol: 18, Issue: 65 Price Rs. 25.00 Pages 8

Called on PM for consultation

ISLAMABAD: A delegation of an International Consultancy Firm called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Friday. with renowned firms
to realize investment
agreements with
friendly countries
 Spokesman Report He told the delegation that
there existed a huge potential
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minis- for investment in minerals and
ter Shehbaz Sharif on Friday energy sectors.
instructed the relevant author- Appreciating the key role of
ities to hold consultation with the private sector in nation-
the globally reputed consultan- al economic development,
cy firms to realize the invest- the prime minister assured
ment agreements with the of all-out facilitation by the
friendly countries. government for economic
The prime minister, in a revival.
meeting with a delegation of Federal ministers Ahsan
an international consultancy Iqbal, Ahad Khan Cheema,
firm headed by former State Dr Musaddik Malik, Muham-
Bank Governor Raza Baqir, also mad Aurangzeb, Awais Ahmed
directed for consultation with Leghari, ministers of state Ali
the reputed firms to reduce the Pervaiz Malik and Shaza Fati-
volume of government infra- ma Khawaja and relevant
structure and enhance effective- senior officials attended the
ness of the governance system. meeting.

Photo: Online

Govt extended
maximum relief
Sindh Budget 2024-25: Govt to poor people:
Ali Pervaiz
proposes hike in sales tax
 Bureau Report free of cost across the province. 2 billion for Housing & Town
The chief minister said that Planning, and Rs. 1.5 billion for
KARACHI: The Sindh govern- the allocation of Rs 25 billion DEPD.
ment proposed a two percent over five years will be directed Increase in salaries
increase in the standard rate of towards distributing solar home CM Murad Ali Shah proposed
Sindh Sales Tax (SST) as Chief systems, and promoting clean a 25 percent increase in salaries
Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah energy access. of employees in BPS-7 to BPS-16
who also holds finance portfo- “We will provide free solar and a 22 percent rise in salaries
lio presented Rs 3.056 trillion systems as per the of the Paki- of officers in BPS-17 to BPS-22.
provincial budget for the fiscal stan People’s Party,” he added. The chief minister also
year 2024-25. Mazdoor Card announced to increase pension
Presenting the budget, the The chief minister said that a of Sindh government’s retired
chief minister said that a 2 Rs. 5 billion has been earmarked employees 15 percent.
percent increase was proposed customers’ payments through was previously 17percent), it is for welfare program to provide He also proposed a 15 percent
in the SST, however, the exemp- digital means like debit/credit proposed to allow them the input support for labourers through the increase in pensions and the
tions and reduced rates of SST, card, mobile wallet, QR Scan- tax credit of up to 18percent Mazdoor Card. He said that to minimum wage from Rs35,550  City Desk minister, in his budget speech,
would remain effective. ning, etc. For promoting the instead of 17percent as at pres- ensure social upward mobility, to Rs37,000. had stressed the need for
“To promote digitalisation in Telecom services which pay high ent,” the chief minister said. the budget allocated Rs. 11 billion CM Murad Ali Shah said that ISLAMABAD: Minister of reforms in the home-grown
the economy, it was proposed to rate of 19.5percent SST but utilize The Sindh government to agriculture, Rs. 12 billion for the total outlay of the budget State for Finance and Reve- economic programme.
reduce SST rate to 8percent for input items paying Federal Sales announced to provide solar social protection, Rs. 3.2 billion for the province is estimated at nue Ali Pervaiz Malik said Highlighting the key
the restaurant services involving Tax of up to 18percent (which panels to 2.6 million households for Universities & Board, Rs. Rs3.056 trillion. on Friday that the Feder- features of the federal budget,
al Government had extend- the minister said the jump
ed maximum relief to poor in the stock market was the
people in the budget 2024– result of prudent econom-
FBR offices
Maximum steps being taken for welfare to remain
25 despite limited resources.
“Taxes have not changed,
rather a noose has been tight-
ened around non-filers to
ic policies introduced by the
incumbent government.
To a query, he dispelled the
impression that the Interna-
open on June
of media community: Tarar 22-23 for tax
bring them into the tax net,”
he told a private news chan-
tional Monetary Fund had
compelled the government
to increase taxes on the sala-
 City Desk papers Society (APNS)
to give due rights of the
yum Aurangzeb had taken
the initiative of health
collection Ali Malik said the finance ried class.

ISLAMABAD: Federal media workers and jour- insurance scheme, and he  Commerce Desk
Minister for Information, nalists. He had spoken was carrying forward it.
Broadcasting, Nation-
al Heritage and Culture
Attaullah Tarar said on
to the owners of media
organizations in that
regard, and it was his
“Some 5,000 jour-
nalists will be provided
will be provided medical
al Board of Revenue (FBR)
on Friday said that all its
Poet Ahmed Farhad
Friday that the govern-
ment was taking all possi-
desire cheques pertaining
to outstanding dues should
cover in the first phase
and 10,000 more in the
offices would remain open
on June 22-23 (Saturday
released following AJK
ble steps for welfare of the
media community.
be distributed among the
journalists directly instead
second phase,” he added.
Rs 1 billion, the minis-
and Sunday) for tax collec-
tion. High Court’s bail order
Addressing a ceremo- of through the Implemen- ter said, had been allocat- According to FBR
ny regarding launch of the tation Tribunal for News- ed for the project in the notification, all its Large  Abdul Majeed Tahir that law could not be stretched
health insurance scheme paper Employees (ITNE) budget. Taxpayers’ Offices (LTOs), in favour either of the defence
for the journalists, the platform. He said he had request- Medium Taxpayers’ MUZAFFARABAD: Kashmi- or the prosecution for purpose
minister said the govern- He said after assum- ed the Principal Informa- Office (MTO), Corpo- ri poet Ahmed Farhad Shah of bail and it is settled princi-
ment had been playing its ing charge as informa- tion Officer to add those rate Tax Offices (CTOs) was released on Friday after ple of law that bail could not be
due role for the welfare tion minister, he ensured who died of unnatural and Regional Tax Offic- the Azad Jammu and Kash- withheld as punishment and
of journalists commu- clearance of the outstand- causes, in the insurance es (RTOs) would remain mir High Court granted him in case where the court would
nity and he had person- ing dues of media organi- package so that finan- open to facilitate the collec- bail and ordered his release feel that it was a case of further
ally requested the prime zations on priority. cial assistance should be tion of duties and taxes, if he was not wanted in any inquiry,” it said and set aside
minister to take more He said former infor- provided to their families ensuring a smooth and effi- other case. the ATC’s June 4 order.
initiatives in that regard. The minister request- ed the All Pakistan News- mation minister Marri- as well. cient process for taxpayers. He was arrested on charg- Farhad was initially
es related to a case filed in remanded to Rara Jail until
Dheerkot, Azad Kashmir. June 24 by the Anti-Terror-
The court ordered Farhad’s ism Court in Muzaffarabad

PTI backtracks on talks offer with ruling coalition release on bail after he
submitted a surety bond of
Rs200,000. AJK Chief Justice
Sadakat Hussain Raja issued
on June 10. He was present-
ed before the court after his
remand period ended, and
the police submitted an incom-
 Monitoring Desk Friday, PTI spokesperson Raoof Hasan resolve its issues through parliamentary incumbent government was a “mandate the order for his release. plete charge sheet.
clarified that Khan had told them that discussions. usurper” and that its members are mere The written order said that The court subsequent-
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e- there was no situation like that. But the PTI took a “U-turn” on its state- “mummies and dummies” whose actions it remained to be determined ly ordered his transfer to
Insaf (PTI) has withdrawn its earlier offer Earlier this week, PTI Chairman ment. are controlled by external forces. He reiter- whether Shah had committed Raara Jail until June 24, with
to hold talks with the government coali- Gohar Ali Khan stated that party found- Hasan stated that Khan has demanded ated the former prime minister’s directive any of the charges or allega- instructions to reappear before
tion, which includes the Pakistan Muslim er Imran Khan had given the green light that the three coalition parties first provide that the party has “no intention to nego- tions against him. “These alle- the court on that date.
League-Nawaz, Pakistan Peoples Party, for the party to engage in dialogue with the a “letter of authorisation from their spon- tiate with these three political parties at gations are all contingent upon Previously, on June 4,
and Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pa- government. This came after the Supreme sors and patrons” to demonstrate their any stage.” the presentation of crime,” the the Anti-Terrorism Court in
kistan. Court had observed that the PTI should actual authority to negotiate with the PTI. Opposition Leader in the National order said. Muzaffarabad had rejected
At a press conference in Islamabad on initiate talks with the government to The PTI maintains its stance that the Continued on Page 8 “It is essential to emphasise Farhad’s bail application.

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