Process Flow Diagrams and Documentation
Process Flow Diagrams and Documentation
Process Flow Diagrams and Documentation
IPE typically consists of three elements: (1) source data, (2) report logic, and
(3) parameters.
– Source Data: The information from which the IPE is created. This may include data
maintained in the IT system (e.g., within an application system or database) or
external to the system (e.g., data maintained in an Excel spreadsheet or manually
maintained), which may or may not be subject to general IT controls. For example, for
a report of all sales greater than Rs. 1,000,000, the source data is the database of all
sales transactions.
– Report Logic: The computer code, algorithms, or formulas for transforming,
extracting or loading the relevant source data and creating the report. Report logic
may include standardised report programs, user-operated tools (e.g., query tools and
report writers) or Excel spreadsheets, which may or may not be subject to the general
IT controls.
– Report Parameters: Report parameters allow the user to look at only the information
that is of interest to them. Common uses of report parameters including defining the
report structure, specifying or filtering data used in a report or connecting related
reports (data or output) together.
Auditor considerations of IPE
4 5 6
If there are
Has management
Are controls over deficiencies in
completeness and controls over
identified relevant
accuracy of IPE completeness and
controls around the
designed accuracy of IPE, are
completeness and
appropriately? effective
accuracy of each data
Operating effectively? compensating
controls tested?
Testing Controls over IPE – Key Points
Ensure that management has documented in writing its control policies and
procedures for all relevant business processes.
Thank you