Zoology Assignment
Zoology Assignment
Zoology Assignment
It's important to note that taxonomy and classification within the animal
kingdom can be complex, and some organisms may have characteristics that
place them in between or across phyla. Advances in scientific understanding
can also lead to changes in classification over time.
2.Characteristics features and classification of
Kingdom Protista
Some organisms may consist of just a single cell, while others may include
colonial or multicellular structures. The characteristics of Kingdom Protista is
as follows
All protists are eukaryotic cells, with a well defined nucleus and
membrane-bound organelles.
Protists varies in terms of size, shape, and life forms and can be found
in various habitats, including aquatic environments (freshwater and
marine), moist terrestrial environments, and within the bodies of other
organisms as symbionts or parasites.
Protists can be autotrophic, capable of photosynthesis to produce their
own food (algae) or can be heterotrophic, obtaining nutrients by
consuming other organisms or organic matter (protozoans).
They can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
Many protists are capable of movement, using structures like flagella,
cilia, or pseudopods.
Some protists, especially algae, have cell walls made of materials like
cellulose, silica, or calcium carbonate.
Protists can form symbiotic relationships with other organisms,
including mutualistic and parasitic interactions and can play important
ecological roles, serving as primary producers (autotrophic protists)
and consumers/decomposers (heterotrophic protists) in different
Classification of Protista
The kingdom of Protista is composed of three different kinds of
organisms: those that resemble plants, those that resemble fungi, and
those that resemble animals. The classification of Protista is as follows:
Plant-like Protists
These organism exhibit traits similar to those of plants and are also
capable of photosynthesis. Dinoflagellates, chrysophytes, and
euglenoids fall under this category.
The class Dinophyceae is comprised of around one thousand different
species of photosynthetic protists and is classified under the division
These are sometimes referred to as the gems of the plant kingdom
These are unicellular and have features with both plants and animals,
albeit they behave more like animals.
They exhibit amoeboid movement and can have multiple nuclei within
a single cell.
Slime molds have a complex life cycle that includes both amoeboid and
multicellular stages.
They are capable of reproduction via both sexual and asexual means.
They play a vital ecological role as decomposers, breaking down
organic matter in forest floors and other habitats.
Slime molds are classified into two main groups: plasmodial slime
molds (single, multinucleate mass of cytoplasm) and cellular slime
molds (aggregations of individual cells).
Slime molds are distinct from true fungi due to their cellular structure
and life cycle, despite their superficial resemblance.
Amoeboid Protozoans
They may be found in saltwater, as well as freshwater, and wet soil.
Similar to amoebas, they move with the assistance of a set of
Other members of this group include Entamoeba histolytica and E.
gingivalis, both of which, when swallowed after being exposed to
polluted water, may result in a variety of digestive and mouth
disorders or infections.
Flagellated Protozoans
They either live independently or are parasites.
The most important organisms in this group:
Trypanosoma species can spread some dangerous diseases, for
example, the tsetse fly.
Sand flies are the vectors for the Leishmania species that are
responsible for kala-azar and dum-dum fever.
Ciliated Protozoans
These organisms live in water and move with the help of cilia on their
They exhibit nuclear dimorphism, having both macro and micronuclei,
as in the case of Paramecium and other similar organisms.
The vegetative nucleus, also known as the macronucleus, plays a role
in the regulation of metabolic processes and growth.
Micronucleus, also known as the reproductive nucleus, is an important
component for reproduction.
They are obligate intracellular parasites, often causing diseases in their
hosts, including humans.
They possess a unique organelle called the apical complex, which helps
them penetrate host cells.
They live inside host cells, where they reproduce and cause damage,
often leading to disease symptoms.
Sporozoans have complex life cycles involving both sexual and asexual
stages. These cycles often require multiple hosts to complete.
Examples: Plasmodium, Monocystis, etc.