05outlook1 Final1 Test AnswerKey

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FINAL TEST 1 Level 2

Answer Key


1 1 cutting-edge 6 reject
2 came out 7 pop out
3 ended up 8 let-down
4 sold out 9 turned to
5 vast majority 10 deep trouble

2 1 pay attention 5 petrified

2 take it for granted 6 play it safe
3 blamed for 7 by far
4 take action 8 beyond hope

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3 Possible answers
1 beautiful 4 reliable
2 outside 5 film
3 day 6 party

4 1 F 3 F 5 F 7 T 9 T
2 F 4 T 6 F 8 F 10 T


1 1 was 6 told
2 had 7 would
3 could have stolen 8 had done
4 if 9 belonged
5 were 10 where

2 1 to preserve 6 will detect

2 are being eaten 7 using
3 which 8 would help
4 has recently made 9 were found
5 is given 10 have banned

3 1 has been 6 getting up

2 would not 7 have to
3 have not 8 to send
4 could have 9 are being
5 where 10 can

FINAL TEST 1 Level 2 Answer Key

Page 4

4 1 should have bought those jeans

2 messages have been sent to you by Jim
3 won’t forgive you unless you apologise
4 can’t have said those things
5 admitted breaking / that she had broken my sunglasses


1 1 d

2 1 T – The city has twice as much green space as Paris.

2 T – … 15,000 animal species inhabit the city, including … the stag beetle … .
3 F – … in 20 years’ time … swimming in the canals if the water can be restored to its pre-industrial standard.

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3 Unlike the job of park rangers in southern Africa, the job of the rangers in London isn’t dangerous.

4 1 what London is known as by locals

2 a minimum of five days a year
3 that anyone can be influential in making changes to their community / that no environment is truly beyond repair

5 1 roughly 4 courageously
2 notorious 5 restored
3 filthy

Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

1 1 Everest was given to the mountain
2 in Tibet call Everest / call Everest in Tibet
3 had reached Everest’s summit
4 in the Himalayas
5 photos of queues near the summit
6 up to 1,000 people / climbers

2 1 d 2 b 3 b 4 c

1 1 c 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 b

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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