Derek Prince - The Marriage Covenant-Whitaker House (1978)
Derek Prince - The Marriage Covenant-Whitaker House (1978)
Derek Prince - The Marriage Covenant-Whitaker House (1978)
ISBN: 0-88368-333-4
Printed in the United States o f America
Copyright © 1978 by Derek Prince
Whitaker House
3 0 Hunt Valley Circle
New Kensington, PA 15068
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r e t r i e v a l s y s t e m , w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n in writing f r o m t h e
Ruth Prince
Chapter 1
Marriage Is a
12 The Marriage Covenant
Personal Background
Marriage Is a “Mystery”
28 The Marriage Covenant
He said to him, “I am the LORD who
brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to
give you this land to possess i t . ”
8 And he said, “ 0 Lord GOD, how may I
know that I shall possess it?”
9 So He said to him, “Bring Me a three
year old heifer, and a three year old female
goat, and a three year old ram, and a tur-
tledove, and a young pigeon. ”
10 Then he brought all these to Him and
cut them i n two, and laid each half oppo-
site the other; but he did not c u t the birds.
The Nature of Covenant 37
Tell her how good her food tastes. Tell her how
much you enjoy seeing the home so clean. Tell
her how pretty she looks. Tell her how much
you love her. Take time to do it. It is a good
investment. You will get back many times over
everything you put i n .
For my part, as I have already indicated, I
can look back over thirty years of happy and
successful marriage with Lydia. I f I have one
major regret, it i s that I did not tell her often
enough how much I loved her. I did love her,
and she knew it. But I did not tell her as often
as I should have. If I could live that part of my
life again, I would tell her ten times as often.
Let us return again for a moment to the
wife’s part. How can a wife achieve this kind of
success with her husband? I would say that she
has two main responsibilities, closely re-
lated to each other. The rst i s to uphold her
husband; the second i s to encourage him.
In 1 Corinthians 11:3, Paul tells us that
“the man [husband] is the head of the woman
[wife].” In the natural body, nal responsibil-
ity for decision and direction rests with the
head. Yet the head cannot hold itself up. It de-
pends upon the rest of the body to do this.
Without the support of the rest of the body,
primarily the neck, the head alone cannot ful-
ll its function.
Union between Man and Woman 55
And I will betroth you to Me in faithful—
Then you will know the Lord.”
(Hosea 2:19-20)
Covenant Relationships:
Vertical and Horizontal
Commitment to God
You have put a desire in my heart to
know You in a real and personal way.
Even if I do not fully understand eve-
rything, I believe what the Bible says
about Jesus Christ: that He took my
sins upon Himself, died in my place,
and rose again from the dead. In His
Name, I ask You now to forgive all my
sins and to receive me as Your child.
Sincerely, and with my whole heart, I
commit myself to You—all I am and
all I have. Take me as I am, and make
me what You want me to be. In faith, I
106 The Marriage Covenant
Father God,
I come to You in the Name of Jesus,
my Savior and Lord. I thank You that
You redeemed me through the blood of
Jesus and that I belong to You. I thank
You for my marriage. I thank You for
my mate. At this moment, I want to
commit myself to You, to my marriage,
and to my mate. I am ready, Lord, to
lay down my life and live it out
through my mate, seeking my mate’s
good before my own, rejoicing in my
mate’s blessing and my mate’s success,
counting it as mine, living now in the
life of my mate. Father God, accept this
commitment in the Name of Jesus. Set
the seal of your Holy Spirit upon it.
Bless o u r marriage and o u r home i n a
new way from this day forward.
In Jesus’Name, Amen
I am lonely and unfulfilled, and I ac-
knowledge it. I long to “dwell in your
house, ”——to be part of a spiritual
“ amily” of committed believers. If
there are any barriers in me, I ask you
to remove them. Guide me to a group
where this longing of mine can be ful-
filled, and help me to make the needed
commitment to them.
In the Name of Jesus, Amen
About the Author
D erek Prince was born in India, of British
parents. He was educated as a scholar of
Greek and Latin at two of Britain’s most fa-
mous educational institutions—Eton College
and Cambridge University. From 1940 to 1949,
he held a Fellowship (equivalent to resident
professorship) in Ancient and Modern Philoso-
phy at King’s College Cambridge. He also
studied Hebrew and Aramaic, both at Cam-
bridge University and at the Hebrew Univer-
sity in Jerusalem. In addition, he speaks a
number of other modern languages.
In the early years of World War I I , while
serving as a hospital attendant with the Brit-
ish Army, Derek Prince experienced a life-
changing encounter with Jesus Christ, con-
cerning which he writes: