BFM Course Syllabus

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10/06/2024, 19:45 E-Governance

भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जम्मू

जगती, पी.ओ. नगरोटा, एन एच - 44, जम्मू -181221, जम्मू और कश्मीर
Indian Institute of Technology Jammu
Jagti, P. O. Nagrota, NH-44, Jammu -181 221, J & K, India


1. Department proposing the course Mechanical Engineering

2. Course Title Bio-Fluid Mechanics
3. L-T-P structure L - 3.00 T - 0.00 P - 0.00
4. Credits 3.00 Is this a Credit Earning Course Grade Point Earning Course
Open category B.Tech CHE~B.Tech ME~M.Tech
Thermal and Energy systems
5. Primary Course Category Primary Course Programs
Eng~PhD~MSc &
MS(R)~MS(R)~M.Tech SE
Departmental Elective B.Tech ME~M.Tech Thermal and
6. Secondary Course Category Secondary Course Programs Energy systems Eng~PhD~MSc &
7. Scheme 2022 Level 6
8. Course Number
9. Pre-requisite(s) No
10. Frequency of Offering Once in every year
List of faculty who can teach the
11. Pothukuchi Harish (IITJMU11087)
12. Course Instructor Pothukuchi Harish (IITJMU11087)
Will the course require any
13. No
visiting faculty/external expert?
14. Course objectives (about 100 words):

The objectives of this course are as follows:

- To introduce the fluid mechanics of biological fluids inside the human body.
- To study the blood flow characteristics.
- To understand the flow through heart and lungs.
- To understand the modeling aspects of bio-fluids.
15. Course outcomes (about 100 words):

Biofluid mechanics is very important to understand the flow characteristics of biological fluids viz., blood, CSF etc. in a human
body. The course focuses on the fluid mechanics aspects in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and motivates the
students to perform studies towards the biofluid mechanics. This perhaps helps in developing methods to foresee the occurrence
of severe diseases such as COPD, stroke in the patients.

Upon completion of the course, the students will be familiar with the anatomy and physiology of cardiovascular and respiratory
systems, and blood flow in the systemic circulation. The biological nomenclature of the circulatory systems will be clear. The
properties of blood and its flow characteristics, aneurysms, gas transport etc., can be distinguished between normal and diseased
conditions. Methodology behind the modeling of bio-fluid mechanics will be understood for carrying out further research.
Course contents :
Review of fluid mechanics concepts in the context of bio fluids, Cardiovascular system, Blood flow, Respiratory system 1/2
10/06/2024, 19:45 E-Governance

17. Detailed Contents

Module No. Of
No. Hours
Introduction: Review of fluid mechanics concepts in the context of bio fluids, Shear stress in Aorta, viscosity of blood,
1 10.00
dimensionless numbers, Blood – a multiphase fluid, Flow in Arteries – FSI problem
Cardiovascular System: Anatomy and physiology, blood flow through the heart, pressure-volume relationship in a Cardiac
2 12.00
cycle, pulsatility index, heart valves
Blood Flow: Physiology of arterial and venous systems, blood rheology, wave propagation, Tube law, bifurcations, tapered
3 10.00
and curved channels, pulsatile flow in arteries, oscillatory shear index, aneurysm
Respiratory System: Physiology, volumes, ventilation and perfusion, breathing mechanics, oxygen and carbon-di-oxide
4 10.00
transport within the blood and the role of hemoglobin

Total Lecture hours (14 times ‘L’) 42

18. Brief description of tutorial activities:

Module No. Of
No. Hours

Total Tutorial hours (14 times ‘T’) 0

19. Brief description of Practical / Practice activities :

Module No. Of
No. Hours

Total Practical / Practice hours (14 times ‘P’) 0

20. Suggested texts and reference materials

Text Book Refernce Books
Rubenstein, D. A., Yin, W. and Frame, M. D. Bio Fluid Mechanics: An introduction to Fluid Waite, L. and Fine, J. Applied Bio Fluid Mechanics,
Mechanics, Macrocirculation and Microcirculation, Third Edition, Academic Press Series, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Education India Pvt.
Elsevier. Ltd.

21. Resources required for the course (itemized student access requirements, if any)
Resources Required If Others, Please Specify Remarks
Classroom infrastructure Notepad with stylus, projector, podium, mike, furniture etc. 2/2

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