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International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology

(IJEDICT), 2018, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 223-238

Assessing the attitudes of secondary school teachers towards the

integration of ICT in the teaching process in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Prospery Mwila
St Augustine University of Tanzania


Information and communication Technology (ICT) can possibly change the teaching and learning
process. ICT can enhance the educators' plan work, enhancing students learning process and
thus improve the academic performance of students. This study assessed the Attitudes of
Secondary School Teachers towards the Integration of Information and Communication
Technology in the Teaching process in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. A Cross-sectional Survey
design was employed. The sample consisted of Hundred (100) teachers from ten (10) secondary
schools. Interview schedule, questionnaires and observation schedule were used as research
instruments. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found out
that both male and female teachers had positive attitudes towards integration of ICT in their
teaching process. Furthermore, it was reported that there is a relationship between a teacher’s
age group and attitudes towards integration of ICT in teaching process and learning process. On
the basis of these findings, the study concluded that ICT integration into the teaching process
largely depended on the attitude of teachers and student concerning ICT integration; positive ICT
attitudes are expected to foster ICT integration in the teaching and learning process. The study
recommended that curriculum developers should integrating ICT into a curriculum with an
account of economic, cultural, political, social, educational and catalytic rationales.

Keywords: teachers’ attitudes, information and communication technology, ICT integration


An innovative teaching process is important for attaining the desired knowledge, skills, values and
attitudes. The World Education Forum (WEF) held in Dakar Senegal of 2000 call upon all
countries to introduce innovations in the teaching and learning process so as to improve all
aspects of the quality of education provided in their respective societies. In this respect the
integration of ICT into the teaching process is said to be an innovation aimed at facilitating the
effective and efficient teaching and learning process in secondary schools.

ICT integration into classroom teaching and learning helps to achieve the goals of educational
programs for several reasons. Miima, (2013) has explained that the advantages of ICT appear to
be appropriate for adapting to the issue of basic education and innovative proficiency, particularly
in the poorest populace segments which is the situation in most African nations. He contends that
ICT integration into the teaching and learning process makes the educative process more
proficient and additionally fascinating to students in this way enhancing the quality of education.

Shamimul and Fouji, (2010) has also reported that ICT offers an improved potential for
systematization of knowledge about teaching and for innovation in teaching process through
being able to convey knowledge anytime and anywhere; “the importance of ICT into classroom
instruction support, facilitate and make easier teaching-learning process” (Youssef and
Dahmani,2008). Accordingly, Youssef and Dahmani, (2008) ICT integration stimulate a new
atmosphere where teaching and learning process is conducted in an interactive and collaborative

Teachers’ perception and attitudes have been pointed out in literature as an important component
in the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. Teachers are expected to adopt and use ICTs
appropriately in their teaching hence implement the changes expected in pedagogy. This is to
say successful implementation of ICT depends mostly upon teachers’ attitudes, perception and
competence in the integration of ICT into the teaching process.

Research reveals different attitudes of teachers toward ICT integration. Studies by Korte &
Husing (2007) and Oldfield (2010) as cited in Oboegbulem and Ugwu,( 2012), Blanknskat et al
(2006) and Becta (2008) have revealed that despite the benefits of ICTs in teaching and learning,
there is still a small group of teachers who do not see any significant advantage to the teaching
process while using ICTs. Kearsley, (2004), however reported that a good number of teachers in
high school have positive attitudes towards the use of ICT in their educative activities. Lauman
(2000) in Kearsley, (2004) also reported that most teachers believe that ICT helps them to
develop cognitive skills in their daily teaching process, to be professionals in organizing subject
content and in enabling a creative learning atmosphere.

Edefiogho, (2005). has further indicated that there is a significant difference in ICT application
based on teachers’ gender and experience; young and newly employed female teachers reported
higher technology use in teaching and learning process. Similarly Hassan and Abdullah (2011)
reported that there is a difference between male and female teachers in using ICT in language
teaching; female teachers reported higher use of ICT in their instruction than male teachers. The
findings correlate with those of Kulik, (2003) and Berhane (2012) who also reported that
secondary school teachers have different attitudes towards the use of ICT in the teaching
process; different perceptions were reported according to teachers’ age and gender.

The government of Tanzania recognizes that the use of and integration of ICT in secondary
school education is an important element. In its ICT policy of 2005, MOEVT asserts that ICT
instructional use is vital to the growth of students’ thinking capacity. As such, secondary schools
in the country have been advised to seek the benefit from ICT. To be able to do so, secondary
school ICT policy has been developed and both teachers and students have been encouraged to
integrate ICT so as to meet the required competencies of the ever-changing global environment.

Considering these rationales and based on the strong emphasis by MOEVT that teachers
integrate ICT into the teaching and learning process, it is important to study the attitudes of
Secondary School Teachers towards the Integration of Information and Communication
Technology in the Teaching process. Inquiry into the extent of integration, attitudes of teachers
towards integration of ICT into teaching process is very important in as far as predicting the
integration process is necessary. Therefore, it demonstrates the need for further study to
investigate the Attitudes of Secondary School Teachers towards the Integration of Information
and Communication Technology in the Teaching process in Kilimanjaro region.


The study adopted Theory of Rate Adoption by Rogers (1995) because it describes how an
innovation is adopted and/or integrated into a formal organization. Thus this theory is related to
this study on attitudes of teachers towards ICT integration into the teaching and learning process.
The theory of Rate Adoption holds that the integration and/or adoption of an innovation grow
slowly and gradually in the beginning and then have a period of rapid growth that will narrow and
become stable and eventually decline (Rogers, 2003). This theory also considers time and
attitudes about the innovation. Innovations are understood to be interconnected across space and
time. Furthermore the adoption of an innovation is regarded as a mental activity that develops
Attitudes of secondary school teachers towards the integration of ICT 225

over time. An attitude about the innovation afterward impacts the choice of whether to adopt or
reject the innovation.

This theory helped the study in understanding that ICT integration into the teaching process
depends on the attitudes of those involved that is both students and teachers. Furthermore the
study was enriched by this theory’s assertion that attitudes towards the innovation influence the
decision of whether to adopt or reject the innovation.


Different scholars for example Oboegbulem and Ugwu, (2012), Yusuf and Afolabi, (2010), and
Edefiogho, (2005) have argued that ICT innovations in the teaching process make teachers to be
more aware of global events, foster teacher’ creativity and work performance, and help them to
be more creative and focused in creating learning environment in which an effective and efficient
teaching and learning process is conducive.

Despite the benefits of ICT integration into the teaching and learning process empirical studies
done outside of Tanzania and Kilimanjaro region in particular reveal different attitudes of teachers
toward ICT integration into teaching and learning process based on gender and age. Korte and
Husing (2007 reports contrasting perceptions of teachers based on age about ICT use in teaching
process. Similarly Baek and Kim, (2008) indicate a significance difference between male and
female teachers in using ICT in their teaching process.

Few studies have been conducted in Tanzania on the attitudes of Secondary School Teachers
about the Integration of Information and Communication Technology in the Teaching process in
secondary schools. Thus, additional research is needed to investigate the attitudes of Secondary
School Teachers about the Integration of Information and Communication Technology in the
Teaching process. Therefore, this study investigated the Attitudes of Secondary School Teachers
towards the Integration of Information and Communication Technology in the Teaching process in
Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania.


This study was guided by the following research objectives:

1. To assess the extent to which ICT has been integrated into the teaching process in
secondary schools in Kilimanjaro Region
2. To describe the attitudes of teachers towards integration of ICT into the teaching process
in secondary schools in Kilimanjaro Region
3. To list the factors influencing the integration of ICT into the teaching process in
secondary schools in Kilimanjaro Region


The following research hypotheses stated alternatively were tested:

1. There is a relationship between a teacher’s gender and attitudes towards integration of
ICT in teaching and learning process
2. There is a relationship between a teacher’s age group and attitudes towards integration
of ICT in teaching and learning process


This study informs educational stakeholders such as parents, government, curriculum

developers, and school administrators on teachers’ attitudes towards ICT usage in teaching
process, the extent of ICT integration into the teaching process and factors influencing the rate of
ICT integration into the teaching process in secondary schools. If, as Eccles (1987) has argued,
‘task value’ beliefs are central to explaining the nature of students and teachers’ attitudes
teaching and learning particular subjects, then this study helps in identifying those tasks which
are viewed positively, such factors as teachers’ attitudes towards ICT and the former’s effects on
the extent of integration in the teaching process.This study therefore documents findings on the
attitudes of secondary school teachers towards the integration of ICT in the teaching and
learning process , and hence a reference for future studies.


This study was limited to the views of secondary school teachers of Kilimanjaro region in studying
their attitudes towards the Integration of Information and Communication Technology in the
Teaching process. Furthermore, the study was confined to ICT variables such as: use of
computers, overhead projector for PowerPoint presentation, and use of internet to process data
for the teaching process.


Information and communication technology (ICT): Computer and telecommunication application:

radio and television, computers, internet, PowerPoint presentation, word processing etc.
It is the electrical means of sharing information.
ICT integration: The process of using ICT related facilities e.g. internet, PowerPoint presentation,
word processing, computer in the teaching process.
Attitudes: Teachers thinking or feeling about ICT integration in the teaching process as measured
on and/or by the attitude scale.


i. Research Design
The study used both qualitative and quantitative research paradigms. As argued by Cohen et al
(2011), by mixing both quantitative and qualitative research and data, the researcher gains in
breadth and depth of understanding and corroboration, while offsetting the weaknesses inherent
to using each approach by itself. A cross-sectional survey was employed. A cross sectional
survey design helped the researcher to quantitatively describe and report the attitudes of
teachers towards the integration of ICT into the teaching process in secondary schools of a large
group understudy.

ii. Population
The target population of this research included all secondary schools in Kilimanjaro Region, and
all teachers in secondary schools in Kilimanjaro Region.
The sample consisted of one hundred (100) respondents from ten (10) secondary schools with
each school providing ten (10) teachers. Secondary schools were sampled using stratified
random sampling technique. Hundred (100) secondary school teachers were selected from the
sampled secondary schools using convenience sampling technique.
Attitudes of secondary school teachers towards the integration of ICT 227

iii. Research instrument

This study used three types of research instruments: structured observation schedule, interview
schedule, and questionnaires. Structured observation schedule was used to gather “live” data on
how the teachers integrated ICT into the teaching process. Classroom observation was
conducted in five (5) classrooms and 25 minutes was used in each classroom. Questionnaires
which composed of both open ended, closed ended, and questions on a Likert scale were
administered to get numerical data on the extent of ICT integration in the teaching process.
Interview scheduled was used to get narrative clarification of teachers’ views concerning the
study questions.

iv. Determining validity and reliability evidence of the instruments results

Validity evidence of research instruments was determined by a panel of expert comprising of
three (3) teachers and 2 specialists in educational research. The specialists were asked to study
and understand the construct and content domain that an item or a section of the questionnaire
was supposed to measure. A reliability test was carried out to determine the internal consistency
of the items in the questionnaires by using Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test. Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient was 0.799.

v. Data collection procedures

A letter of introduction was obtained from the Regional Educational Officer who gave permission
to visit the sampled secondary schools. A copy of permission granted was presented to sampled
secondary schools. Questionnaires were delivered personally to the teachers in the staff room of
which thirty minutes were given to respondents to complete the questionnaires and thereafter
collected after the stipulated time. A 7 minutes interview schedule was conducted to 35 teachers.
Classroom observation was conducted for forty minutes so as to get familiar with actual
integration of ICT in the teaching process. Data was then summarized and for analysis.

vi. Data analysis

Data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations.
Hypotheses were tested using t-test for independent samples and ANOVA at 0.05 confidence


1. Extent to which teachers have integrated ICT into the teaching process in
secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region.

In order to describe the extent to which ICT has been integrated into the teaching process in
secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region, respondents were asked to rate the extent to which the
listed ICT related activities are carried out in the teaching and learning activities on a four-point
scale ranging from “very often (4), often (3) sometimes (2) and not at all (1)”. Table 1 shows the
extent to which ICT related skills are carried in the teaching process by teachers.

As shown in Table 1 majority of teacher respondents were more in use of word processor ( very
often33% , use of internet (very often=27%, often =47%), showing film chips( very often 26%,
often=40%). On the other hand, the least used ICT related facilities was students use of
computers (not at all=46%, sometimes=40%) and demonstration by using DVDs or CD-ROMS=
sometimes=47%, not at all = 29%). Bingimlas, (2009) also found out that Word processor, use of
search engine, are often used by both teachers and students in the teaching and learning
process and hence create a good environment for ICT integration in teaching and learning

Table 1: The extent to which ICT related activities are carried out by teachers in the teaching
% f % f % f %
Word processor F
(e.g. Microsoft
word) 33 33.0 31 31.0 25 25.0 11 11.0
Presenting starter
11 11.0 9 9.0 52 52.0 28 28.0
Visual display 18 18.0 27 27.0 37 37.0 18 18.0
Use of Microsoft
8 8.0 21 21.0 49 49.0 22 22.0
Use of Search
engines (e.g. 27 27.0 47 47.0 20 20.0 6 6.0
.DVDs or CD- 8 8.0 16 16.0 47 47.0 29 29.0
Student’s use of
14 14.0 14 14.0 40 40.0 46 46.0
Showing film chips 26 26.0 40 40.0 34 34.0 - -

Simonson, (2004) study’s also reported that most teachers often use the internet to check for
learning materials. Similarly Lau and Sim (2008) results shows that the ICTs most commonly
used by teachers were word-processing, PowerPoint and the World Wide Web. It was further
indicated that video conferencing, synchronous communications, databases or text reconstruction
software were seldom used. The study reported that lack of technical support was perceived by
teachers as the key barrier to the further uptake of ICT in schools; the teachers who had been
using ICT extensively in their daily routines still indicated high training and support needs.

One possible interpretation to the results above is that word processor and use of search engine
are the most easy to learn ICT applications and are considered to be important ICT integration
variables. This implies that teachers should acquire the basic knowledge of how to use word-
processing, and use of search engine for them to integrate ICT into the teaching and learning

The classroom observation indicated that a good number of teachers in secondary schools in
Kilimanjaro region are not competent enough to integrate ICT into classrooms.

This implies that teachers require ICT training both at pre-service and in-service levels. Teachers
can be trained on how to use ICT and ICT is important as a means of training process. The
integration or the use of ICT in teaching and learning process is dependent on teachers and
students’ readiness in order to be successful. Teachers’ and students’ readiness to integrate ICT
is the most important factor that has a direct impact on ICT integration. Thus policy makers and
curriculum developers should consider addressing issues of computer readiness among teachers
and students in secondary schools so as to aid the integration process.
Attitudes of secondary school teachers towards the integration of ICT 229

2 Attitudes of teachers towards integration of ICT into the teaching process in

secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region.

The study wanted to investigate the perceptions of teachers about integration of ICT into the
teaching and learning process in secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region. Teachers were asked
to respond to statements using a five point of 12 items Likert scale of “strongly agree (SA)-5,
agree (A)-4, undecided (U)-3, disagree (D) - 2, strongly disagree (SD) -1, and no response
(NoRS). For negative statements the order was reversed. The results from a Likert scale were
summarized in terms of the total positives and negative statement answered. Teachers who
scored high on the items in the attitude scale were assumed to have a positive attitude towards
the integration of ICT into teaching and learning process and those teachers who scored low on
the items in the attitude scale were assumed to have a negative attitude towards the integration
of ICT into teaching and learning process. The maximum score was 60 marks; the scores were
categorized as: 12- 28 = negative attitude towards integration of ICT into teaching process, 28-44
= moderate attitude towards integration of ICT into teaching process, and 44-60 = positive
attitude towards integration of ICT into teaching process. Table 2 shows the distribution of the
total number of positives and negative attitudes answered according to teachers’ gender.

Table 2: Distribution of positive and negative attitudes answered according to teachers’ gender

Gender Positives attitudes Negatives attitudes

f % f %

Male 43 43 8 8

Female 39 39 10 8
Total 82 82 18 18

As observed in Table 2, out of 100 teachers who responded to the attitude scale, 82 scored
above 44 and 18 below 28. Since the total number of positive statements of male teachers and
female teachers is 82%, this means that teachers have positive attitudes towards integration of
ICT into teaching process. Additionally, classroom observation indicated that 7(70%) out of 10
teachers observed during their teaching and learning process conducted their teaching process
using ICT components such as PowerPoint and visual displays. On the other hand 3(30%) of the
teachers were observed to be indifferent in applying the ICT in their teaching process. These
findings complement the results on the Likert scale were 82% of teachers indicated to applying
ICT components in the teaching process. The results agree with Keengwe & Onchwari (2008)
who concluded that high school teachers have positive attitudes towards integration of technology
in the teaching process.

This implies that teachers’ attitude towards integration of ICT in schools is very positive; they see
ICT as an important part of their teaching process. And hence it will be easy to integrate ICT into
the teaching and learning process in secondary schools. Shahan (1976) argues that one
important concept of school reform is the human element, which embraces emotions, feelings,
needs, beliefs and pedagogical assumptions. Similarly, Fullan’s (2000) theory of school change
also emphasizes that the alteration of mindsets, such as pedagogical assumptions, values and
beliefs, is a key factor to any educational change effort. Watt (1980), as cited in Teo (2008)
states that beliefs and attitudes play a fundamental role in the way that teachers and students

deal with ICT integration in the teaching and learning process. In other words, dealing effectively
with ICT relates not only to knowledge of the capabilities, limitations, applications, and
implications of ICT, but also to individual attitudes regarding ICT tool; the more positive teachers’
attitudes on ICT integration, the faster and more effective the process of ICT integration into the
teaching and learning process.

Table 3 and 4 shows the mean attitudes towards integration of ICT in teaching process score by
age and gender.

Table 3: the mean attitudes towards integration of ICT in teaching process score by age

Age Mean n SD
27-32 57.84 53 1.21
32-37 55.22 37 2.10
38 and above 52.34 10 3.26

Additionally results in Table 3 shows that the mean attitudes score of teachers of age 27-32 is
57.84 of SD 1.21, while for those above 38 years is 52.34 of SD 3.26. These results are in
consistent with the findings of Lee (1997), Teo (2008), and Yaghi (2001) who in their respective
studies reported that younger teachers who come straight from college or university have positive
attitudes towards ICT use in the teaching and learning process than older teachers .This means
that younger teachers have more positive attitudes towards the use of ICT related components in
the teaching process than older teachers. The possible interpretation is that many teachers of
'advanced age' were note exposed to ICT related facilities during their time in universities/ college
and as a result may lack a “techno how” computer skills and hence may develop negative
attitudes towards ICT use in their teaching process.

Table 4: the mean attitudes towards integration of ICT in teaching process score by gender

Descriptive statistics
Gender n Mean SD
Male 50 54.20 3.6
Female 50 53.71 3.8

Data in Table 4 indicates that, mean attitudes score of males is 54.20 of SD 3.6, while mean
attitudes scores of females is 53.71 of SD 3.8. This means that both male and female secondary
school teachers have positive attitudes towards ICT integration into the teaching process though
their attitudes vary slightly. The results agree with the findings of Miima, (2013), Berhane (2012)
and Zakaria (2001) who respectively reported that both male and female teachers have positive
attitudes toward IT, their IT use in teaching, and the availability of IT. This implies that teacher’s
gender is not an influencing factor in as much as ICT integration into the teaching process is
Attitudes of secondary school teachers towards the integration of ICT 231

3. Factors influencing the integration of ICT into the teaching process

Concerning factors promoting the integration of ICT into the teaching process, factors such as
support from school administration, Technical support, Access to ICT infrastructure and
resources, teaching experience, Computer self-efficacy, ICT competence, teachers’ and students
attitudes towards ICT integration, and personal characteristic were listed by respondents. Becta
(2004) also reported that if there is a lack of technical support available in a school, then it is
likely that technical maintenance will not be carried out regularly, resulting in a higher risk of
technical breakdowns and hence negatively affecting ICT integration. Similarly, Yusuf and
Afolabi, (2010) reported that in providing schools with hardware and internet connections, it is
also crucial to provide the schools with technical support with regard to repair and maintenance
for the continued use of ICT in schools.

Therefore, if there is no technical support for teachers and students, they become frustrated
resulting in their unwillingness to use ICT in their teaching and learning. Also Personal
characteristics such as educational level, age, gender, educational experience, experience with
the computer for educational purpose and attitude towards computers can influence the adoption
of a technology, Schiller (2003). Similarly attitudes of teachers and students towards ICT
integration greatly influence their adoption and integration of computers into their teaching and
learning. According to Russell & Bradley (1997), anxiety, lack of confidence and competence and
fear often implies ICT takes a back seat to conventional learning mechanisms. Therefore, an
understanding of personal characteristics that influence teachers’ adoption and integration of ICT
into teaching is relevant.

To successfully initiate and implement educational ICT into the teaching and learning process
depends strongly on the teachers and students’ attitudes. It is believed that if teachers perceived
technology programs as neither fulfilling their needs nor their students’ needs, it is likely that they
will not integrate the technology into their teaching and learning. Among the factors that influence
successful integration of ICT into teaching are teachers’ attitudes and beliefs towards technology
(Keengwe and Onchwari, 2008). If teachers’ attitudes are positive toward the use of educational
technology then they can easily provide useful insight about the adoption and integration of ICT
into teaching and learning processes.

Furthermore Computer competence is regarded as most important in ICT integration into

teaching and learning. Berner (2003) has reported that teachers’ and students’ computer
competence is a major predictor of integrating ICT in teaching. Berhan (2012) reported that
majority of teachers who reported negative or neutral attitude towards the integration of ICT into
teaching and learning processes lacked computer competence that would allow them to integrate
ICT. According to Liaw, Huang and Chen (2007), computer self-efficacy influences the use of
ICT in teaching and learning. Similarly, (Yuen & Ma, 2008) revealed that teachers’
implementation of ICT was depended on simplicity of computer use and perceived teacher self-
efficacy. Also Becta (2004) stated that many teachers who are not well skilled in using ICT feel
anxious about using it in front of students who perhaps know more than they do. Lack of
Computer self-efficacy may influence students and teachers use of computers in teaching and

Concerning factors preventing the integration of ICT into the teaching process, respondents
identified the following factors which were categorized into two: school based (internal) and
teachers’ based factors. Under school based factors respondents listed factors: lack of
commitment for implementation of ICT integration into the teaching and learning process, lack of
ICT facilities in school, and unclear government policy on integration of ICT in secondary schools.
Under teachers’ and students’ factors the following factors were listed: computer experience,

teachers’ attitude/ perception towards the use of ICT, teachers’ knowledge and skills about ICT,
low motivation and lack of confidence in using new technologies in teaching, and limited access
to ICT facilities. Table 5 shows the frequencies and percentages of the responses from the
respondents about the factors preventing the integration of ICT into the teaching process.

Table 5: factors preventing the integration of ICT into the teaching process
f %
school based factors 63 63
teacher’s and student’s
37 37
personal issues
Total 100 100.0

Table 5 shows that 63% of respondents’ perceived school based factors as the main factor
preventing the integration of ICT into the teaching process. This could negatively affect the
integration and provision of ICT, and teachers’ perceptions about integrating ICT in their teaching
process. The observation schedule also indicated that secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region
faces challenges such as inadequacy of ICT infrastructure (hardware, software, and limited
internet access), sporadic electricity, and lack of teachers qualified in ICT. In the questionnaire,
one participant explained that problems or inhibiting factors could be avoided but some can be
reduced. Some are natural while some are school failures. “The greatest problems I have ever
met during my teaching career as a teacher is, however, was not lack of ICT access, lack of
expertise or awareness, but absence of incentive, lack of adequate time and unclear ICT
integration policy.”

The results are consistent with the findings of Vimbai et al. (2013) and Balanskat et al. (2006).
Vimbai pointed out that lack of a clear sense of direction on how to use ICT to enhance the
learning of students, inadequate resources and support as well as lack of the required
technological skills among the teachers. Balanskat showed factors that impede the successful
implementation of ICT in teaching: teachers’ poor ICT competence, low motivation and lack of
confidence in using new technologies in teaching, limited access to ICT, poor quality and
inadequate maintenance of hardware as well as unsuitable educational software which were also
defining elements in teachers’ levels of ICT use.

By implication, teachers’ and student’s ICT competence, positive perception about ICT
integration, positive motivation and confidence in using new technologies in teaching and
learning, access to ICT facilities, a clear sense of direction on how to use ICT to enhance the
learning of students are very important variables whenever ICT integration is concerned. MOEVT
should therefore take an understanding and thereof address these factors which prevent the
integration of ICT into teaching process.

In line with this, it is partly indicated that if vision on the use of ICT is successfully created, then
the next step will be to articulate the integration of ICT to teachers. A clear ICT integration policy
is important to effective ICT integration. Teachers need to be assured that technology can make
their teaching process interesting, easier, more fun, more motivating and more enjoyable.
Similarly, when teachers are encouraged to use ICT and contribute into school’s ICT plan, ICT
integration will likely occur promptly.
Attitudes of secondary school teachers towards the integration of ICT 233



Hypotheses testing were done using t-test and ANOVA. The assumptions for t-test independent
and ANOVA were taking into consideration and were based on the following decision rules:
Given a significance level of 0.05:
If the observed P. value is greater than 0.05, do not reject the Null hypothesis.
If the observed P. value is less than 0.05, reject the Null hypothesis.
The following hypotheses stated from null hypothesis were tested:

Ho 1: There is no significant difference between the mean attitudes towards integration of ICT in
teaching process scores of male and female teachers.

Ho 2: There is no significant difference between the mean attitudes towards integration of ICT in
teaching process scores of teachers of different age groups.


Ho 1: There is no significant difference between the mean attitudes towards integration of

ICT in teaching process scores of male and female teachers

Table 6 shows t-test Summary Table of the relationship between gender of teachers and attitudes
towards integration of ICT into teaching process.

Table 6: t-test Summary Table

Descriptive statistics Independent

Gender of n Mean Std. t Sig. df
teachers Deviation
Male 47 43.07 4.10
.392 92.106
Female 53 43.62 -.749

Since the P ˃ 0.05 (that is p = .392), we accept the Null hypothesis. Therefore, there is no
significant difference between the mean attitudes towards integration of ICT in teaching process
scores of male and female teachers. This means that there is no relationship between a teacher’s
gender and attitudes towards integration of ICT in teaching and learning process. This entails that
both male and female teachers perceive ICT as an important part of the teaching process.

These results are in contrast to what Hassan and Abdullah (2011) and Kulik, (2003) reported that
different genders of secondary school teachers have different attitudes towards the use of ICT in
the teaching process. However this finding agree with the results of Zakaria (2001) who reported
that both male and female teachers have positive attitudes toward IT, their IT use in teaching, and
the availability of IT. Similarly, Miima, (2013) and Berhane (2012) reported that high school
teachers across gender share similar thoughts and perception about the usefulness of ICT in their
teaching process. The results imply that the gender factor of secondary school teachers does not
have a pivotal role in the integration of ICT into the teaching process. If both male and female

teachers perceive ICT as neither fulfilling their own needs, but that of the teaching process, it is
likely that they will integrate the ICT into teaching process.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between the mean attitudes towards integration of
ICT in teaching process scores of teachers of different age groups

Table 7 shows the ANOVA summary Table of teachers’ age and attitudes towards integration of
ICT into teaching process.

Table 4: ANOVA Summary Table

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 593.472 2 286.469 17.791 .001

Within Groups 1292.457 96 12.967
Total 1885.929 98

Since the P value (P < 0.05) was less than 0.05 (that is .001), we reject the Null hypothesis.
Therefore, there is a significant difference between the mean attitudes towards integration of ICT
in teaching process’ scores of teachers of different age groups. This means that there is a
relationship between a teacher’s age group and attitudes towards integration of ICT in teaching

These results are in consistent with the findings of Lee (2003) Teo (2008) and Yaghi (2001). Lee
(1997) as cited in Becta (2004) pointed out that many teachers of 'advanced age' will not have
any computer education when in college, and as a result are in need of computer skills training to
allow them to make use of computers in their work. Teo (2008) reported the pre-service teachers'
attitudes for computer use were influenced by their age, and Yaghi (2001) found that older
teachers were less confident with using computers.

One possible interpretation for the results could be that young teachers within the age group of
(25-30, and 31-36) have grown up in the digital world and are more exposed to ICT tool when in
university/ college where most of the learning process is incorporated with ICT as compared to
aged teachers (between the age group of 37 and above) who grow up or attended university or
college when ICT was still not thought of as part of the teaching and learning process.

By implication, the teacher's age has an effect on the integration of ICT in the teaching and
learning process. This is to say that young teachers may be more familiar with ICT skills than
aged teachers; higher the age, the greater the resistance becomes. Young teachers tend to be
friendlier with ICT materials for usage in their classrooms. Thus when planning, developing, and
adopting ICT into the teaching and learning process, MOVET has to consider that teachers’
perception about ICT is related to their age among others factor; teachers’ perceptions and
beliefs influence successful integration of ICT into teaching. If teachers’ attitudes are positive
toward the use of educational technology, then they can easily provide useful insight about the
adoption and integration of ICT into teaching and learning processes. As explained by Woodrow
(1992) for successful transformation in educational practice, user needs to develop positive
attitudes toward the innovation.
Attitudes of secondary school teachers towards the integration of ICT 235


On the basis of the findings of this study, the following conclusions are made:

1. The integration of ICT into teaching process largely depended on the attitude and
perception of teachers concerning ICT integration; positive ICT attitudes are expected to
foster ICT integration in the teaching process.

2. There is a relationship between teachers’ gender, age group and attitudes towards ICT
use in the teaching process. Both male and female teachers view ICT as important
aspect in the teaching process. However, this perspective is different in as far as age
group is concern.

3. The extent of ICT integration into the teaching process is fostered by a clear school policy
on ICT integration, teachers’ technical how, and presence of ICT facilities in schools.

4. Inadequacy of ICT infrastructure such as hardware, software, limited internet access,

sporadic electricity, and lack of teachers qualified in ICT are some of the factors
preventing the integration of ICT into teaching and learning process in secondary
schools. The factors which prevent the integration of ICT are key aspects which
educational institutions should address before implementation of ICT integration into
teaching and learning process is considered.


Based on the conclusion of this study, the following recommendations are made:

1. Curriculum developers should promote’ teachers positive perception/attitudes about ICT

by integrating ICT into a curriculum with an account of economic, cultural, political, social,
educational and catalytic rationales. They should consider that Information and
communication technology (ICT) plays an indispensable role in a development of a
society and society’s adaptation to global technological expansion.

2. Ministry of Education and Vocation Training (MOEVT) should arrange for provision of ICT
appliances in all secondary schools and thereafter encourage teachers to integrate their
teaching activities with ICT; by conducting their teaching process using ICT appliances
available in their respective secondary schools.

3. Secondary school teachers should make use of ICT facilities/ appliances such as use of
desk-tops or laptops to type small class presentation using PowerPoint presentation in
explaining complex subject matter. They should also encourage students to do their
assignments using ICT components such as internet use, PowerPoint presentation.


Based on the findings of this research the following recommendations for further research are put
1. Effects of ICT attitudes on ICT acceptance among secondary school students in
2. Impact of ICT on educational achievement and its effectiveness in selected secondary
schools in Tanzania
3. The Impact of the teachers' age, gender and experience factors on ICT integration into
teaching and learning process in secondary schools in Tanzania


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Original article at: http://ijedict.dec.uwi.edu/viewarticle.php?id=2502

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