Plant Information Management System
Plant Information Management System
Plant Information Management System
PTS 16.40.01
October 2017
PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) has been developed based on the accumulated knowledge,
experience and best practices of the PETRONAS group supplementing National and International
standards where appropriate. The key objective of PTS is to ensure standard technical practice across
the PETRONAS group.
Compliance to PTS is compulsory for PETRONAS-operated facilities and Joint Ventures (JVs) where
PETRONAS has more than fifty percent (50%) shareholding and/or operational control, and includes
all phases of work activities.
Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers who use PTS are solely responsible in ensuring the quality of
work, goods and services meet the required design and engineering standards. In the case where
specific requirements are not covered in the PTS, it is the responsibility of the
Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers to propose other proven or internationally established
standards or practices of the same level of quality and integrity as reflected in the PTS.
In issuing and making the PTS available, PETRONAS is not making any warranty on the accuracy or
completeness of the information contained in PTS. The Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers shall
ensure accuracy and completeness of the PTS used for the intended design and engineering
requirement and shall inform the Owner for any conflicting requirement with other international
codes and technical standards before start of any work.
PETRONAS is the sole copyright holder of PTS. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, recording or
otherwise) or be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever, without the prior written
consent of PETRONAS.
The PTS shall be used exclusively for the authorised purpose. The users shall arrange for PTS to be
kept in safe custody and shall ensure its secrecy is maintained and provide satisfactory information to
PETRONAS that this requirement is met.
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Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 5
1.1 SCOPE .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 GLOSSARY OF TERM ........................................................................................................ 5
1.3 SUMMARY OF CHANGES ................................................................................................. 7
2.0 DATA DEFINITION .................................................................................................. 8
2.1 DATA TYPE ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 DATA NAMING CONVENTION ......................................................................................... 9
2.3 DATA TIME STAMPING .................................................................................................... 9
2.4 DATA SOURCE ................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 DATA ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................................... 10
2.6 DATA SAMPLING RATES ................................................................................................ 10
2.7 DATA DEAD BANDS ....................................................................................................... 11
2.8 DATA STORAGE LENGTH ............................................................................................... 11
2.9 DATA HIERARCHY MODEL ............................................................................................. 12
2.10 DATA TRUST .............................................................................................................. 12
2.11 DATA SERVER TIME SYNCHRONISATION................................................................... 12
2.12 DATA MODIFICATION ................................................................................................ 13
3.0 PROCESS AND EQUIPMENT ANALYTICS ................................................................ 14
3.1 ANALYTICS SCOPE ......................................................................................................... 14
3.2 ANALYTICS DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................... 14
3.3 ANALYTICS DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................... 15
3.4 ANALYTICS GOVERNANCE ............................................................................................. 15
4.0 CLIENT APPLICATIONS ......................................................................................... 16
4.1 INTERFACE AND ACCESSIBILITY..................................................................................... 16
5.0 PIMS ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING ..................................................................... 17
5.1 DATA FLOW ARCHITECTURE ......................................................................................... 17
5.2 PIMS DATA SERVER REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 18
5.3 CYBERSECURITY REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................. 18
5.4 CALCULATION SERVER REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 19
5.5 OFFSHORE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 19
5.6 PIMS AVAILABILITY AND DESIGN IMPACT..................................................................... 20
6.0 PIMS SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND GOVERNANCE ............................................... 21
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This PTS provides the minimum technical requirements for Plant Information Management
System (PIMS).
The PIMS provides the ability to collect Process data on a regular basis from the plant control
systems. It provides a means to monitor plant processes, to allow for proactive identification
of degradation in processes and to reactively identify root causes of incidences. In addition,
it also provides features for higher level computations and visualization for management
reporting. The PIMS is a key system in ensuring operational excellence in plant processes. For
PIMS to provide these features, it is important to design a system that provides accurate data
in a timely manner.
This PTS is intended for use by PETRONAS Operating Units when preparing to embark on the
implementation and/or for the modification of PIMS, either in the operating plants/facilities
or in Capital Projects. This PTS also incorporates PETRONAS lesson learnt and best practices.
This PTS specify requirements for Plant Information Management System (or PIMS) for
Refer to PTS 00.01.03 for PTS Requirements, General Definition Of Terms, Abbreviations &
Reading Guide.
No Term Definition
2 Data Source The source or origin of a data flow. Data flows from
the “data source” to the “data sink”.
No Term Definition
systems shall comply with DCS interface
requirements, PIMS interface requirements, IT
infrastructure guidelines (as stipulated by GROUP
ICT) and Control Cybersecurity protocols (as
stipulated by PTS 14.11.05).
7 PIMS Collector Server The PIMS Collector Server is located at Level 3.5 DMZ.
It will collect data from Level 3 via the PIMS Data
Interface. This Collector Server will retransmit the
data to Level 4. It will host several PIMS software in
order to provide the requisite functionality to collect,
store and allow for retrieval of data.
9 PIMS Data Server The PIMS Data Server is located at Level 4. It will host
several PIMS software in order to provide the
requisite functionality to collect, store and allow for
retrieval of data.
11 Tag Count The tag count for a facility represents the total data
count that shall be extracted from the Plant Control
System at the specified sampling frequency. This is
an important number to define the dimension of the
PI System, including licensing and anticipated
processor and network loading
Table 1.1: Specific Definition of Terms
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No Abbreviation Description
5 HA High Availability
2.1.1 PIMS shall collect all process and system generated data in the DCS, PLC and SCADA to provide
complete process situational awareness.
2.1.2 Data format shall be applied (eg: Float, Digital Table, String, Binary) to avoid data mismatch
i. Analogue type (process variables and system generated variables) and digital type
(equipment and system generated status)
ii. Process values from the Distributed Control System (DCS) such as all process
measurements (no exceptions) such as pressure, temperature, level, flow, quality,
speed, position, flame detection, vibration, axial movement, etc.
iii. DCS generated values that impact the process such as:
a. Controller Outputs
b. Controller Set points
c. Controller Modes
d. PID tuning variables
e. Digital Input and output
f. Real Input / Analogue Input and Output
g. Calculation Block inputs and output
iv. Derived data from data calculations and data formula within PIMS System
v. Other functional block input and output parameters that may impact the process
a. APC operating parameters
(MV/CV/DV/targets/constraints/tuning/biases, etc)
b. All start-stop commands from the DCS
c. All Safety System generated values (all trip indications)
d. Streaming data from third party systems that are communicating to the
e. Batch data (such as laboratory results)
f. Any other streaming/non-streaming data that is considered critical
2.1.4 The above minimum collection parameters and analytics related parameters/output shall be
utilised for sizing the minimum tag count. A minimum 30 % spare tags shall be available to
facilitate the addition of new DCS tags and for future computations.
2.2.1 As a default, the naming convention for the tags in the PIMS shall be similar to the naming
convention in the source system.
2.2.2 For offshore facilities, naming convention for tags shall include prefix identifiers for each
2.3.1 Data shall be collected which are time-stamped at source. The DCS Clock will be time
synchronised with an external master time reference, defined as GPS Clock System (GCS). The
DCS shall include NTP servers and shall ensure all other subsystems are maintained to the
same time.
2.3.2 In the event master clock/DCS is not synchronised to GPS, a PIMS Server timestamp
synchronised to NTP server shall be used.
2.3.3 Manual data entry for dedicated tags shall be provided and time-stamped at the PIMS Data
2.4.1 The PIMS shall collect data from the following sources:
i. The primary source of data for PIMS shall be from the Distributed Control System
(DCS). These data are sent automatically to the PIMS Collector Server via
dedicated gateways / interface.
ii. PIMS should include data from other systems in order to allow for time-related
analysis of events. Examples of such systems include:
a. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
b. PETRONAS Maintenance Management System (PMMS)
c. 3rd Party subsystem (e.g. TCP, UPS, IMCS)
d. Emissions Data from Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS)
and Predictive Emissions Monitoring System (PEMS)
e. Automated Corrosion Monitoring System (ACMS)
f. Analyser Management and Data Acquisition system (AMADAS)
g. Oil Accounting System (OAS)
h. Blending Management System
i. Operations Scheduling System
j. Planning Systems
k. Financial Systems
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2.5.1 A data architecture shall be developed indicating all the systems that are providing data to the
PIMS and utilising data from PIMS.
2.5.2 For data sources, the primary and root data sources shall be identified. For example, the
primary source may be the DCS system, while the root data source may be a third party
compressor control system.
2.5.3 If the data sink is utilised for any management analytics and reporting, visuals, dashboards,
etc., this shall be clearly identified in the specifications. Data trust mechanisms shall be
applied to these set of data.
2.6.1 Data shall be collected at pre-defined rates. Table 2.1 provides the data collection rates for
the sizing of the system.
1 Flow 2 seconds
2 Pressure 2 seconds
3 Temperature 30 seconds
4 Level 30 seconds
5 Speed 1 second
6 Vibration 1 second
7 Axial 1 second
8 Position 2 seconds
2.6.2 Aggregation scanning and tag grouping shall be applied to control scanning loading.
2.6.3 For Tag Types not listed above, a default collection rate of 2 seconds shall apply.
2.7.1 Data dead bands shall be configured with maximum values as provided in Table 2.2.
1 Flow 0.1
2 Pressure 0.01
3 Temperature 0.1
4 Level 0.1
2.8.1 PIMS online data shall be stored for a minimum of 75 months. Server storage shall be made
available for data beyond this period. All historical data shall be stored in compliance with
disaster management requirements (with a minimum of two sets of archives with one
maintained off-facility).
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2.8.2 Data transfer facility for archiving from the primary data servers shall be supplied.
2.9.1 A data hierarchy model shall be implemented utilising the Asset database model from PIMS
provider. The hierarchical model shall provide contextual information to PIMS data. This is
achieved by providing functional decomposition of the plant assets down to individual
elements such as equipment items, streams, compounds, instruments and parameters.
2.9.2 The asset hierarchy for the plant assets shall be created according to an agreed hierarchical
asset data model. This model may be modified from models available in the P-EDMS system
or the Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS).
2.9.3 If not pre-defined by the project, data hierarchical models shall be defined by ISA-95 (Models),
ISA-88 (for Batch control) and ISA-106 (For Continuous operations).
2.10.1 For data that shall be utilised for analytics either within the PIMS Calculation Server or PIMS
Asset Database Model, data trust algorithms shall be applied. This shall include (as a
i. Out-of-limits detection
iii. DCS based data quality status e.g. I/O Bad status
2.10.2 In the event of data trust failure, the failure shall be indicated by a tag-trust flag, tag
background colour (if available) and logged as an event in the PIMS server itself. The tag-trust
flag may be defined as an attribute within Asset Database Model analytics.
2.11.1 The PIMS Servers will be time synchronised with Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers via
PETRONAS Domain Controller. PIMS Servers shall be connected to the PETRONAS Domain.
2.11.2 The PIMS systems that shall be time synchronised shall include:
2.12.1 Data on all data servers shall NOT be modified under any circumstances. If there is a need to
modify data for the purpose of correction (for instance for flow compensation), a new tag
shall be defined for the corrected value. Raw data modification shall require the approval of
the Group Technical Authority, APC.
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3.1.1 Process and equipment analytics shall be developed in the PIMS system. Analytics scope shall
as a minimum include:
i. Pump performance
ix. Availability calculations (equipment level and upwards to process unit level)
x. Reliability calculations
3.2.1 Process and equipment analytics shall be enabled by leveraging on the PIMS Asset Database
model system and where necessary the PIMS Calculation Module, both of which shall be
installed on the Calculation Server.
3.2.2 Some analytics are required to be carried out at pre-defined intervals. In this circumstance,
analytics scheduling shall be utilised.
3.2.3 The analytics shall leverage on the use of PIMS Asset Database model and PIMS Calculation
Module. This in turn shall be based on the development of analytics templates for each type
of equipment.
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3.3.1 All analytics computations shall be documented. As a minimum, the following information
shall be available for all computations:
3.3.2 Analytics computation documentation shall be maintained both at the server and on a
separate archive and subjected to available disaster recovery procedures for data. All analytics
documentation shall be treated as records.
3.3.3 All records shall be retained in accordance to local country laws and statutes.
3.4.1 For standard equipment (pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, columns, etc), the analytics
templates shall be endorsed by the relevant Project Technical Authority (PTA)/Business
Technical Authority (BTA) and approved by the relevant Group Technical Authority (GTA) and
authorised for implementation by Group Technical Authority, APC.
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4.1.1 The following software shall be provided as a minimum for the users of the PIMS system:
4.1.2 Users may be able to access PIMS data via PIMS Client Application or through a thin client/web
interface, or via a spreadsheet application
4.1.3 Graphics shall be delivered with the package. As a minimum, PIMS graphics shall be
segregated into three levels
4.1.4 All DCS graphics shall be made available with PIMS Client.
4.1.6 Navigation across the graphic pages shall be identical to the DCS.
4.1.7 The number and content of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 graphics shall be determined by the Owner
during detailed engineering.
4.1.8 PIMS health and monitoring graphics (as specified in Section 6.4) shall be included as Tier 2
4.1.9 The number of user license shall be determined by the owner during the detailed engineering
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5.1.1 PIMS architecture requirements shall comply with PTS 14.11.05 “Cybersecurity Management
for Process Control System” for hardware and software elements located below Network
Level 4.
Location Terminologies
5.1.3 PIMS Data Interface shall be installed on dedicated and redundant DCS communication
hardware at Level 3.
5.1.4 Failure of any interface hardware shall result in automatic fall over to the other interface.
5.1.5 Failure of communication between Level 3 and Level 3.5 (DMZ) shall result in the activation of
the buffer storage at the PIMS Data Interface (at Level 3). Buffer storage capacity shall be set
at a minimum of 14 days.
5.1.6 The PIMS Collector Server shall communicate with the DCS and Enterprise Network via a
dedicated firewall.
5.1.7 The Level 3 DCS-PIMS configuration is based on whether the DCS acts as the sole Data Source
or if there are multiple data sources (other than the DCS). For DCS as a single Data Source,
data shall be sent directly from the DCS to the PIMS Collector Server. If DCS is not the only
Data Source, the connection shall be through PIMS Data Interface.
5.1.8 PIMS Data Server shall be located at Level 4. It shall provide client access for PIMS data.
5.1.9 PIMS Collector Server shall be located at Level 3.5. It shall store all data arriving from Level 3.
The PIMS Collector Server will then transmit the data (using separate ports) to the PIMS Data
Server at Level 4.
5.1.10 PIMS Data Interface shall be located at Level 3. It shall connect and acquired data from data
source server. The PIMS Data Interface application can be installed directly to the data source
server. PIMS Data Interface application shall have the data buffering capability.
5.1.11 The PIMS Data Server at Level 4 shall comply with Group ICT Supplier information security
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5.2.1 The power for PIMS Servers shall be configured to vital (uninterruptible) power supply. This
shall include the monitor for each server.
5.2.3 Within each PIMS server, the Operating System shall be installed on separate hard drives
configured in RAID1.
5.2.4 For PIMS data, the hard drives shall be configured in RAID5.
5.2.5 Operating System, Configuration and Data shall be configured on separate drives.
5.2.7 PIMS application backup shall be configured to run on daily basis. The backup files shall be
configured on separate data storage device external to PIMS application, configuration and
online archives.
i. PIMS requirements shall comply with PTS 14.11.05 for hardware and software
elements located below Network Level 4.
i. Network security risks arising from opening ports and data directional flows shall
be mitigated/controlled by only allowing unidirectional communication between
PIMS Data Interface and PIMS Server.
ii. The PIMS Data Interface, PIMS Collector Server and PIMS Data Server shall be
protected by incoming and outgoing Firewalls. Communication from Level 4 to
Level 3 (or vice-versa) shall be forbidden.
iii. Antivirus solution shall be install for all PIMS servers from Level 3 to Level 4.
Antivirus configurations shall comply with GROUP ICT and PTS 14.11.05
iv. Updates of the antivirus solutions shall not interfere with functionality of the PIMS
software. Prior to the installation of any software update, compatibility checks
shall be conducted.
v. Antivirus solution for hardware located below Level 4 shall comply with PTS
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vi. All related software shall be updated continuously with latest patches and
installed on timely basis.
vii. Risks arising from remote access (from Level 4) shall be mitigated/controlled by
controlling remote dial-up. Remote dial-up (which may be used for
troubleshooting purpose) must be connected via a proper PETRONAS identified
services (example Citrix) via Enterprise Network, Level 4.
i. Risk for PIMS server to be compromised via physical access (with the introduction
of malwares from external connectable devices) shall be mitigated by locating
PIMS Server in IT/Server Room accessible by relevant support person, with
username and password protection (at server and application level) and with
available logbook/audit trail.
ii. The IT/Server Room shall be physically secured and locked with key/magnetic
door lock at all times with trail log.
iii. Systems located below Level 4 shall comply with “Asset Management” section, as
defined in PTS 14.11.05 Cybersecurity Management for Process Control System.
ii. For PIMS integration with data source or servers that are in PETRONAS domain, a
dedicated PIMS user identification with strong password shall be created for the
access. Trusted connection shall be created between PIMS server and non-
PETRONAS Domain servers.
5.4.2 The calculation server shall be provided with a user friendly (GUI based) calculation engine
allowing for easy configuration of new performance calculations.
5.4.3 The calculation server shall be configured to extract data from PIMS Collector Servers and to
be able to push computed data back to the data servers
5.4.4 The calculation engine shall provide schedule and event based calculation features.
5.5.1 For offshore systems, redundant PIMS Data Collectors shall be configured on the offshore
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5.5.2 Failure of communication from the offshore facility to the onshore facility shall automatically
initiate a buffering capability and storage of the data until communication is restored
5.5.3 The storage in the event of communication failure between offshore and onshore facility shall
be sufficient for 14 days of uncompressed data.
5.5.4 Restoration of communication shall automatically initiate data transfer from the offshore
facility to the onshore facility seamlessly without human intervention
5.6.1 PIMS shall be designed with redundant PIMS Data Interface. The design availability of PIMS
shall be a minimum of 98% based on simplex configuration.
5.6.2 In order to achieve higher availability, a redundant configuration shall be applied. This
redundancy shall apply to PIMS Data Interface, PIMS Calculation Server, PIMS Collector Server
and PIMS Data Server.
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6.1.1 PIMS System health and monitoring graphics shall be made available in a user friendly
graphical interface. This shall as a minimum include:
iii. Performance Monitoring of PIMS and Application Interface traffic and loading
6.1.2 The PIMS shall have an automatic log file which shall record all events in the system. This log
file shall be user friendly (e.g. sortable, searchable, etc.)
6.1.3 All equipment located at Level 3 and Level 3.5 shall be under the custodianship of the
Instrumentation and Control (I&C)
6.1.4 For Operating Unit (Downstream and LNG), the maintenance of the PIMS system components
sitting below Layer 4 (at Layer 3.5 and Layer 3) will be managed by a RACI and between the
Instrumentation and Control group and the Process Control Group.
6.1.5 For Offshore facilities, the maintenance of the PI system components sitting below Layer 4 (at
Layer 3.5 and Layer 3) will be managed by a RACI and between the Instrumentation and
Control group and Group Technical Data (GTD).
6.2.1 The Technical Authority for any deviations to Layer 3 and Layer 3.5 will be the Group-Technical
Authority (GTA) for Instrumentation and Control.
6.2.2 All technical directions and deviations pertaining to the PIMS system shall be handled by the
Group-Technical Authority (GTA) for APC.
6.2.3 Deviations which impact components of PIMS residing at Layer 3 and Layer 3.5, this will be
reviewed by GTA APC (or an individual approved by the GTA-APC) and approved by GTA I&C
(or an individual approved by GTA-I&C).
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Batch Control ISA-88
Models ISA-95
Continuous Operations ISA-106
Information Security Management System ISO 27001
Secure Industrial Automation and Control Systems ISA/IEC-62443