BST Course Notes
BST Course Notes
BST Course Notes
Topic 1: Operations
1.2 Influences
1.2.1 Globalisation
- Businesses can access global markets and tap into unmet customer demand
- Significantly affects the operations function which is then structured around a series of
global production facilities
- Product design, choice of location for manufacturing facilities, quality
management, logistics, inventory management must all be altered
- Global consumers seek standardised G/S
- Opens the possibility of off-shoring, outsourcing and economies of scale
1.2.2 Technology
- The introduction of technology revolutionised operations processes
- For a high initial cost, businesses can reduce long-term costs while increasing
standardisation and quality standards
- CAD (Computer-Aided Design), CAM (Computer-aided manufacturing), CIM (Computer-
Integrated manufacturing) are all examples of technology used in operations processes
- Globalisation has been made possible as a result of technological advances
1.3.1 Inputs
- Transformed Resources: Information, Customers, Materials (incl. Intermediate goods)
- Raw materials are essential substances in their natural (unprocessed) state
whereas intermediate goods have already been processed once and will be used
as inputs into another transformation process
- Information can be external (research from external sources) or internal (KPI
information, quality reports, financial reports, inventory turnover rates, customer
feedback, etc.)
- Transforming Resources: Human Resources (Labour), Energy, Time, Facilities (Plant +
Machinery) Sequencing and Scheduling - Gantt Charts and Critical Path Analysis (CPA)
- Gantt charts and CPA are both scheduling tools
- Gantt charts can be used for simple routine tasks or for more complex, larger projects;
they can be used to schedule the work activities of an individual or a team
- Adv. of gantt charts: managers forced to plan steps and specify timeframe for each
task, make it easy to monitor actual progress against planned activities
- Critical Path is the shortest length of time it takes to complete all tasks necessary
(longest path)
- CPA Adv: enables managers to identify what needs to be done, how much time it will
take, if certain tasks can be performed simultaneously, the order of tasks, etc.
1.3.3 Outputs
- Alongwith G/S, customer service and warranties are also outputs
- Businesses capable of providing superior customer service / satisfaction can charge
10% more for the same G/S, grow 2x as fast as competitors, increase market share &
- Bad customer service: 1 angry customer will tell 11 others, who will tell 5 others (bad
- The number of warranty claims will indicate problems in processing
- Quality, supply chain management, output and cost (value / product utility) must be
- New service designs are generally initiated by clients and are customised
- Explicit (obvious, what you’re paying for) and Implicit (customer service) service are
both important
1.4.4 Outsourcing
- The use of external providers to perform business activities so as to access their
expertise, allow the business to focus on core operations, or reduce costs
- Types: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Finance and Accounting Outsourcing
(FAO), Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO)
- Adv: Simplification, increased process capability, etc. (reduced load on core business),
efficiency/cost savings (can take advantage of cheap overseas rates), access to
skills/resources/knowledge lacking in the business
- Disadv.: communication barriers (if overseas), loss of control standards / information
security, reputation can be hurt if outsourcer has unethical practices, cost (can be
expensive in short-term), organisational change (resistant parties)
1.4.5 Technology
- Leading Edge (most advanced/innovative at a point in time): can be used to get ahead
of competitors, design new products, etc. but also come with risks, untried/untested
- Established technology is widely used and accepted, benefits/downfalls are well-known
Operations Glossary
Term Definition
Business The organised effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit, the
(BS) products (i.e. goods and services) that satisfy individuals’ needs and
Operations The business processes that involve transformation or, more generally,
(Ops) ‘production’
Strategic Long-term broad aims affecting all key business areas, the strategic role
of each key business function (KBF) involves the managers of each
function contributing to the strategic direction / plan of the business
Profit Centres Those aspects of a business that directly derive revenue and profits
Cost Leadership Aiming to have the lowest costs or be the most price-competitive in the
Quality How well designed, well made and functional goods are, and the degree
of competence with which services are organised and delivered
Cost-Based Derived from determining the breakeven point and applying strategies to
Competition create cost advantages over competitors
Corporate Social Open and accountable actions based on respect for people,
Responsibility community/society and the broader environment. It involves businesses
(CSR) doing more than just complying with the laws and regulations.
Capital-Labour Machinery and technology displace people by doing the work they do
Lead Time The time it takes for an order to be filled from the moment it is made
Scheduling The length of time activities take within the operations process
Bottleneck A part of the transformation process that slows down the overall
processing speed / creates an impediment, leading to a backlog of
incompletely processed products
Customer How well a business meets and exceeds the expectations of customers in
Service all aspects of its operations
Warranty A promise made by a BS that they will correct any defects in the G/S
they provide
Inventory / The amount of raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods that a
Stock business has on hand at any particular point in time
Topic 2: Marketing
2.2.3 Ethical Ethical Criticisms of Marketing
- Materialism: Companies create needs by trying to convince consumers that they need a
- Use of stereotyping: Negative stereotypes can be perpetuated if they are used in
- Use of sex to sell products: Unrealistic body goals are used to attract consumers
- Product Placement: Blurs the line between entertainment and commerciality
- Invasion of Privacy: Collecting data on consumers’ online activity and using this to send
targeted ads or even selling this data to other companies Sugging
- A sales technique disguised as market research: asking people to complete a survey
and then suggesting a product
- Not illegal but it is unethical because invasion of privacy and deception
- Has negative implications for overall market research because ⅓ of customers now
refuse to take part in any surveys because they are suspicious that it is sugging
strategy Revising the Marketing Strategy
- Develop a new product OR make changes to the 4Ps of the mktg mix OR Delete a
- Reasons to delete a product: creates an unfavourable image for the BS, outdated, not
2.4 Marketing Strategies
2.4.3 Price Pricing Methods
- BSs should consider its marketing objectives, the amount of competition, government
regulations, location of the product on its life cycle and the level of economic activity
when deciding on a method
- Cost-Based: The selling price is a mark-up of the cost (Cost + CostxMark-up% = Price)
- Simple and straightforward BUT
- Determining the mark-up% is difficult. If too high, BS will lose sales. If too low, BS
misses profit
- ‘Cost’ is the production/acquisition cost, doesn’t take into account mktg
- Market-Based: Based on levels of supply/demand → constantly fluctuating, difficult to
keep up with
- Competition-Based: Lower than comp to undercut them, equal if following a price
leader, above if the product should be perceived as superior BUT any can backfire
2.4.4 Promotion
- Elements of the mix: advertising, personal selling, relationship mktg, sales promotions,
publicity + PR
- Advertising is paid and non-personal: print, TV, radio, outdoor, telemarketing,
window display, direct mail, internet advertising (type depends on budget,
product, target market, etc.)
- Personal selling: Selling through an agent, personalised per customer
- Relationship Marketing: encouraging LT relationships, e.g. loyalty rewards
- Promotions: limited edition offers, deals, samples, free gifts, refunds, comps, POP
- Publicity + PR: free marketing e.g. donations, speeches, etc.
- Communication processes: opinion leaders, word of mouth
- Opinion leaders = influencers, almost 40% of Twitter users said they had made a
purchase based on an influencer’s endorsement (e.g. celebrity endorsement,
brand partnerships, etc.)
- Word of Mouth: People influencing each other during conversations, places a
newfound emphasis on customer service as one bad experience will spread more
than a good one
2.4.5 Place/Distribution
- Distribution Channels: Producer to agent to wholesaler to retailer to consumer (or part
- Most services are just producer to consumer
- Bulky/perishable products generally just have a retailer as an intermediary
- Most common method for consumer goods is producer-wholesaler-retailer-
- A BS that doesn’t have sales representatives will also have an agent, who never
owns the G/S
- ALSO: E-commerce (internet) and M-Commerce (mobile) are rapidly increasing in
- Channel choice: Intensive (everywhere), Selective (in some places), Exclusive (very
- E.g. milk is intensive, furniture is selective, Louis Vuitton is exclusive
2.4.7 E-Marketing
- A direct result of globalisation and technology
- Increases convenience, is cost-effective, better reach for audiences
- Web pages, podcasts, electronic messages (email and SMS), blogs, location-based, SM
- SM raises ethical (privacy, accuracy) and legal (age restrictions) issues but is
expanding rapidly
- Blogs allow BSs to establish a reputation for expertise (by providing detailed info on
products and services), new ideas can be put out to gain feedback, informal to build
trust with customers Standardisation
- Assumes the way the product is used and the needs it satisfies are consistent globally
- ‘One marketing plan fits all’ → cost savings through economies of scale and evaluations
/ modifications are much simpler
- E.g. electrical equipment, music, soft drinks, movies, fast foods, etc. Customisation
- Assumes the way the product is used and the needs it satisfies are different between
- Marketing plan must be customised according the economic, political and sociocultural
characteristics of the target country
Marketing Glossary
Term Definition
Marketing The business philosophy that all sections of the business are involved in
Concept satisfying customers’ needs and wants while achieving business goals
Customer The decisions and actions of customers when they search for, evaluate,
Choice Buying select and purchase goods and services
Implied The unspoken and unwritten terms of a contract
Consumer Provide consumers with rights to certain remedies from retailers &
Guarantees manufacturers where Gs purchased fail to comply with the consumer
guarantee provisions in ACL
Acceptable Products that are safe, lasting, with no faults, look acceptable and are
Quality functional
SWOT Analysis Involves the identification and analysis of the internal S+W of the
business as well as the opportunities in + threats from the external
Product Life The stages a product passes through: introduction, growth, maturity and
Cycle decline
Market Share The business’s share of the total industry sales for a particular product
Target Market A group of present and potential customers to which a business intends
to sell to
Brand A name, term, design, symbol or any combination of these that identifies
a specific product / BS and distinguishes it from competitors
Promotion Methods used by a BS to inform, persuade, remind a target mkt about its
Public Relations Those activities aimed at creating and maintaining favourable relations
(PR) between a BS and its customers
People Quality of the interaction btwn customer and those within the BS who will
deliver S
Processes The flow of activities that a business will follow in its delivery of a service
Topic 3: Finance
*Note: Unincorporated businesses (i.e. sole traders / partnerships) would be best suited to
normal ST/LT loans through banks since debentures, unsecured notes, commercial bills, etc.
not suitable Long Term External Sources of Finance (Equity) - Ordinary Shares and
Private Equity
- New Issue: Security that has been issued and sold for the first time on a public market
e.g. ASX
- Most common form is an IPO (initial public offering) or float = when a private
company lists on a stock exchange for the first time to raise capital by selling
shares to the public
- A prospectus must be issued and lodged with ASIC
- Rights Issue: Invitation to existing shareholders to purchase more shares in the same
company at a discount, number of shares offered is proportional to number of shares
- Prospectus required
- Placements: Creating new shares in return for capital and issuing them to selected
investors at a discounted rate, generally the targeted investors purchase >$500k worth
of shares
- Can disadvantage existing shareholders by diluting their ownership / share in
- Share Purchase Plans: Existing shareholders are offered more shares in the same
company at a discounted rate, maximum of $30k per shareholder
- Different from rights issue in that the offered shares are not in proportion to held
shares, so every shareholder is entitled to purchase the same quantity of new
- Private Equity: Private companies approach investors for capital in exchange for
- Unincorporated Businesses: Sole traders should change legal structure to a partnership,
partnerships should introduce new partners or change legal structure to a
public/private company
Term Definition
Short Term (ST) Less than 12 months, also ‘Current’ (so Current Liabilities are to be paid
in 12mo.)
Superannuation A scheme set up by the federal govt which requires all employers to
make a financial contribution to a fund that will provide benefits to an
employee when they retire
Primary Market Deals with the issue of debt instruments by the borrower of funds
Global Economic The projected changes to the level of economic growth around the world
Budget Financial doc used to estimate future revenue and expenses over a
period of time
Record Systems The mechanisms used by a BS to ensure that data is recorded and the
information provided is accurate, reliable, efficient and accessible
Liquidity The extent to which a BS can meet its financial commitments in the ST
(<12 months)
Solvency The extent to which a BS can meet its financial commitments in the LT
(>12 months)
4.1.3 Outsourcing
- Reasons: Reduce costs, focus on core, improve quality, increase speed to market,
foster innovation
- HR functions such as recruitment, induction, training, mediation, etc. are commonly
- Contractors are used to reduce costs or access greater expertise to improve
competitiveness, mainly for processing functions (repetitive and easily measured) that
are non-core
- Can be domestic or global ← see 1.4.4 for advantages and disadvantages
4.2.1 Stakeholders
- Employers exercise control over employees; responsible for wage/salary payment, have
the power to dismiss employees, must comply with legal regulations
- Business seeking to manage the trade off between not overpaying workers and
attracting / retaining quality staff (i.e. efficient, effective, innovative, productive)
- Employees work under employers (where, when and how they decide); seek to
maximise benefit from pay, conditions, respect, promotion / development / training
opportunities, culture, etc.
- A strategic HR manager will use these influences to secure ↑ productivity, ↓
turnover, etc.
- Employer associations provide advice on awards / unfair dismissals / discrimination
issues, negotiate agreements (e.g. serve counter-logs to processed LoCs), educate on
employment laws
- Trade Unions (currently 14% of the workforce, down from 51% in 1976, largest industry
is E&T at 37%) represent employees in an effort to improve wages / working conditions
of their members.
- Government Laws at Federal and State levels impose legal compliance obligations
- Federal: Fair Work Act (Fair Work Commission), Age / Disability / Sex / Racial
Discrimination Act (Human Rights Commission)
- NSW: Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, WHS Act 2011, Workers Compensation Act
- Society: Work is important to people’s lives, people working is important to society
- Employers are obligated to provide work, a safe work environment and pay income
- Employees are obligated to obey lawful orders, use care and skill, act honestly and not
breach confidentiality (rights work vice versa) ← these arise from common law
- 11 National Employment Standards (NES): ← contained in the Fair Work Act 2009
(statute law)
1. Maximum weekly hours (38)
2. Right to request flexible working arrangements
3. Parental leave and related entitlements - upto 12 months unpaid leave, right to
ask for 12 more
4. Annual Leave - 4 weeks paid leave per year
5. Personal/carer’s leave (10 days paid, 2 days unpaid), Compassionate leave (2
days), Family/Domestic Violence Leave (5 days unpaid)
6. Community Service Leave - e.g. up to 10 days paid leave for jury service
7. Long Service Leave - paid leave depending on the employee’s service
8. Public Holidays - paid day off (unpaid for casuals)
9. Notice of Termination + Redundancy Pay - upto 5 weeks notice of termination,
upto 16 weeks redundancy pay (based on employee’s service length)
10.Provision of a Fair Work Information Statement
11.Provision of a Casual Employment Information Statement
- Minimum Wage: An employee’s base rate of pay for the number of ordinary hours they
have worked, generally determined by a modern award or national minimum wage →
reviewed + set annually by the Fair Work Commission each financial year
- Award: A determination that explains the legally enforceable minimum Ts+Cs that
apply to a business or industry, there are currently 122 e.g. Air Pilots Award (2020),
Real Estate Industry Award (2020)
- Enterprise Agreement (aka collective agreement): Offer broader Ts+Cs than a modern
award, must be approved by the Fair Work Commission and satisfactorily pass the
BOOT (‘better off overall test’)
- Common Law Employment Contracts: when an employer and an individual employee
negotiate a contract covering pay/conditions, generally for higher income employees in
the private sector
- Ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all - Cooperate with
employees employers in
- Ensure that plant and substances are used, handled, ensuring health and
stored and transported safely safety of others
- Give employees the necessary info, training and - Take reasonable care
supervision to carry out their job safely for health and safety
- Ensure the business’s outputs are not a health risk to of others
- Report any deaths or serious injuries in the workplace
- Notify SafeWork NSW of any plans to carry out
dangerous work
- Employers are required to take out workers compensation insurance → supports injured
employees in their recovery and return to work
- Read up more on this before exams
4.2.3 Economic
- In a downturn/trough/recession: businesses may downsize
- In an upturn/peak/boom: employers may need to offer more benefits to retain
employees, unions have a higher bargaining power ← pay increase may result in
- Structural Change has led to rapid growth in the services sector
4.2.4 Technological
- For employees: can make life easier (e.g. WFH) BUT can also steal their jobs (e.g.
- For employers: can reduce costs (e.g. robotics, online acquisition) BUT also pose risks
(e.g. leading edge tech) and increase costs (i.e. redundancy payouts, initial investment)
4.2.5 Social
- Changing Work Patterns: Dramatic growth in part-time (PT) work, need for career
flexibility, increased participation rates for women and older workers
- Adv of PT work: cheaper for employers (no sick/annual leave costs), more flexible
for employees → lets them decide their own work-life balance
- Disadv of PT: higher staff turnover results in loss of corporate memory and
increased training costs, employees don’t get full time pay, employees don’t get
sick/annual leaves
- Australian living standards are much higher than other countries (e.g. compare to US)
- Also consider an ageing workforce, increased participation rates for women and older
4.2.6 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Ethical framework such as a code of conduct or a code of ethics may be in place
- Benefits of ethical practices: ↑ staff retention, ↓ absenteeism, ↑ business performance,
↑ reputation (positive publicity), ↓ costs (recruitment and training)
- Safe and fair working conditions that improve employee welfare (incl challenging,
interesting, etc.)
- CSR triple bottom line (see 1.2.8)
4.3.1 Acquisition
- Identifying Staffing Needs: Analyse internal (e.g. goals, culture) and external (e.g.
economic conditions, technological advancements) environments → forecast
demand/supply → identify shortages → job analysis + job design
- Recruitment and Selection
4.3.2 Development
- Keeps employees motivated by facilitating career growth, retains talented staff,
upskilling benefits business productivity and reduces long-term costs
- Induction: introduces new employees to their job, co-workers, business, culture →
fosters a positive attitude, builds confidence, establishes positive working relationships
with co-workers/supervisors
- Training: Activities designed to give employees the skills/knowledge req. to do their
- Individual Development: Same as training but for FUTURE roles in the business (e.g. ↑
- Organisational Development: Developing strategies to ↑ employee
- Job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment, job sharing
- Mentoring and Coaching: Mentoring = mutually beneficial (suits experienced staff keen
to transfer knowledge); Coaching = improving skills/performance (helps individuals
manage specific work roles more effectively)
- Performance Appraisal: assessing employee performance against set criteria/standards
4.3.3 Maintenance
- Workplace communication + culture: e.g. suggestion boxes, social events, staff
surveys, team mtgs
- Anti-discrimination, anti-bullying, WHS compliance, physical + emotional wellbeing ←
legal + CSR
- Rewards (monetary and non-monetary)
- Flexible and family-friendly arrangements: e.g. WFH, job sharing, paid leaves, etc.
For development + maintenance: interest/skills → motivation → productivity/retention →
4.3.4 Separation
- Voluntary: Resignation, Retirement (a form of resignation), voluntary redundancy
(accepts a package)
- Involuntary: involuntary redundancy (retrenchment), contract expiry, dismissal
- Unfair dismissal: Harsh/unreasonable/unjust → remedy application with FWC
- Business should keep documentation to justify a dismissal e.g. poor performance
4.4.3 Recruitment
- Internal recruitment: cheaper, builds loyalty, motivational for staff (see growth), little
value added (no new skills), unsuccessful applicants may be demotivated
- External recruitment: new ideas/perspectives/skills, diversity, publicity for BS, induction
/ association with culture takes time, loss of productivity in orientation period
- General skills = soft skills (not measurable); Specific skills = qualifications (measurable)
4.4.7 Global
- Costs differ by country (e.g. legal compliance costs), increased access to skills, consider
- Polycentric (hire/appoint locals to foreign mgmt roles), Ethnocentric (send Australians
overseas to perform foreign mgmt roles), Geocentric (hire/appoint people regardless of
Term Definition
Human The management of the total relationship between an employer and an
Resource employee in order to achieve the strategic goals of the business
Mgmt (HRM)
Employer Assn An organisation that represents and assists employer groups, usually
respondents to the awards covering their members’ employees and
cover employers in the same/similar industries
Log of Claims List of demands made by workers (often through a union) against their
(LoC) employers covering specific wages and conditions
Common Law Law developed by courts and tribunals, based on the outcome of
previous cases
Recruitment The process of finding and attracting the right quantity and quality of
applicants for an employment vacancy or anticipated vacancy at the
right cost
Acquisition The process of attracting and recruiting the right staff for roles in a
Development Enhancing employee skills in line with the changing and future needs of
the BS
Maintenance The process of managing staff needs for health and safety, industrial
relations and legal responsibilities, including compensation and benefits,
of all staff
Job Design The number, kind and variety of tasks that a worker is expected to carry
out for a job