Darapada and Upapada - Sanjay Rath

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9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath


Sanjay Rath ॐ वृषभं चर्षणीनां विश्वरूपमदाभ्यम्। बृहस्पतिं वरेण्यम्॥

Vedic Astrology & Spirituality om vṛṣabhaṁ carṣaṇī nā ṁ viśvarū pamadā bhyam|
bṛhaspatiṁ vareṇyam||


    VEDIC
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Darapada and Upapada

 JUNE 8, 2012  34 COMMENTS

Vishnu_Laksh Rebirth or
mi_wAvatars_H mokṣa
S7579 Bṛhat Parā śara
Kā rakā dhyā yaḥ
सर्ववार्ताधिकारी च बन्धकृ न्मोक्षक्रत्
sarvavā rttā dhikā rī ca
sarva– whole, entire, all
every; vā rtta– having
means of subsistence,
practising any business or profession, karma; adhikā ra-m.
authority, government, rule, administration, jurisdiction; ca-
and; bandha-m. binding, tying, fetter, arrest, imprisonment;
kṛntana-n. cutting, cutting off, dividing; mokṛa-m.
emancipation, liberation, release; kṛt-making, doing,
performing, accomplishing, author; tathā -so also, in like
Translation: [The ā tmakā raka] has complete jurisdiction
and authority over the entire field of karma and is
responsible for binding or imprisonment of the soul in the
cycle of rebirth or can grant emancipation or release
wherefrom by cutting off the yoke of bondage.
Release or emancipation is examined from the twelfth
house. Whereas the twelfth house from lagna shows the
release from the body or the last stage of life, the twelfth
house from kā rakā ṁśa, also called jī vanamuktā ṁśa shows
release from the cycle of rebirth or mokṣa. The term
jī vanamuktā ṁśa is mentioned in the Chandrakalā nā ḍi and
the state of a jī vanamukta is described in the Srimad

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Bhagavatam while discussing the avadhuta brā hmaṇa.

Suffice is to say here that it is a state which can be achieved
in this body through complete and total detachment
(Pisces/12th house) etc.
Just as mokṣa is examined from the 12th house from the
kā rakā ṁśa, bandha or bondage in the cycle of rebirth is
examined from the seventh house from kā rakā ṁśa.
Whereas the seventh house from lagna in the birth chart is
the lagna of conception indicating the bondage of this birth
due to desires (7th house is the seat/Kendra of the Kā ma
trikoṇa), the seventh house in the punya (death) chart
shows the place of rebirth. For example, if Mars is in the 7th
house the native is reborn in an island. Such dictums are
mentioned in the classics that have only possible use in
death charts and confirm the thought about the 7th house
and rebirth. Similarly the seventh house from kā rakā ṁśa
shows the strongest desire causing rebirth and planets in
this house can also give marriage and fulfil all the desires
for which one is born.

Battle between 7th & 12th

The seventh house and twelfth house are paraspara
ṣaḍā ṣṭaka (mutually 6/8 or inimically disposed). Thus,
normally rebirth indicated by the 12th house and rebirth
indicating by the 7th house mutually opposing directions of
the soul and both of these cannot happen. Guru means a
teacher and one that guides thinking or processes logic in a
certain direction based on ‘individual preferences and
senses’. Venus is the asura guru (teacher of the dark path or
apara vidyā ) because he rules the seventh house of the
natural zodiac and guides the thoughts towards fulfilment
of desires and rebirth. It is through the semen ruled by
Venus that rebirth occurs. Jupiter is the sura-guru (teacher
of the bright path or para vidyā ) because he rules the 12th
house of the natural zodiac and guides the thoughts
towards emancipation and spirituality.
However, in some cases when the lords of the 7th and 12th
houses are natural friends then they come in the category
of mitra ṣaḍā ṣṭaka where the native is promised both
fulfilment of the desires and wishes pertaining to the
incarnation as well as emancipation by following the
spiritual path of the iṣṭa devatā . For such people, marriage
can cause spiritual growth and fulfilment. A thorough
examination of not only the 7th and 12th houses but also the
dā rā -pada (A7) and upapada (A12 or UL) is necessary to take
any view on marriage and material comforts and
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renunciation of the same.

The significators of these are Venus (marriage) and Ketu
(renunciation and mokṣa). The Paurā ṇic episodes related to
Tulasi (Venus) Gaṇeśa (Ketu) shows how Tulasi gets cursed
by Gaṇeśa to lose her purity and spouse by Viṣṇu as she
disturbed Gaṇeśa when He was meditating on Viṣṇu. In turn
Tulasi curses Gaṇeśa to have two spouses at the same time.
This works in a strange way in charts where Ketu in 7th
house or A7 and Venus in 12th house or UL can give two
spouses at the same time confirming the curse of Tulasi. In
the opposite, Venus in 7th house or A7 and Ketu/Rā hu in
12th house or UL can cause loss of spouse or two marriages
after losing a spouse or even renunciation of spouse as the
curse of Gaṇeśa. On the other hand, Venus in the 12th house
from lagna or ā ruḍha lagna (AL can show someone losing
his spouse while Ketu so placed can cause delay in marriage
or complete denial of marital bliss. Venus in the 6th house
from AL can show absence of marriage or separation from
spouse while Ketu so placed shows a spiritual person who
maybe cheated in relationships.

Chart 1: Two spouse

In Chart 1, Ketu is in the 7th house and Venus is in Upapada

in Leo showing the curse of Tulasi on the native. The native
had a love affair in college and continued to date even after
he was engaged to and married another lady (second
spouse). He has two sons from his first love from college
and a daughter from his second spouse. The spouse know
of each others existence and are doing everything to get
each other out of the triad relationship. The native is
immersed in this mess of a relationship all the time and the
spiritual path is quite disturbed or blocked as the mind does
not have the time to dwell on this subject.

Chart 2: Swami Prabhupada-

renunciation of marriage

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9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath

The converse is applicable in the chart of Sri Prabhupada

where Venus is in A7 in Virgo and Rā hu (node) is in Upapada
in Aquarius. This shows the curse of Gaṇeśa (which for very
spiritual people can be a blessing in disguise). Using
Caturasiṭi sama daśa (10th lord in 10th house), we note that
Prabhupada renounced his spouse when she preferred to
have tea instead of him at the age of 54 years (1950) in Sun
daśā Venus antardaśā . Four years later in Moon daśā Mars
antardaśā he took to the vanaprastha life and finally in 1959
in Moon daśā Venus antardaśā , he renounced and took
sannyā sa. The crucial role played by debilitated Venus (with
nī cabhaṇga rā jayoga but in 6th house from AL, placed in A7
and with nodal axis along the UL) is noteworthy confirming
the curse of Gaṇeśa for losing spouse and going towards

Chart 3: Female ditches

In Chart 3, Ketu is in the 7th house and Venus is not only the
lord of Upapada but also aspects the Upapada in Libra. The
lady had a long standing boyfriend who was not financially
stable and then she fell in love with an immigrant Indian
who was much older than her. She was always suspected of
continuing the relationship with the old boyfriend, which is
evident due to the presence of the curse of Tulasi (see Chart
1). Her husband was a top executive in a company and got
her a consulting contract in the company so that they could
live together. When the question of child came up, she took
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a transfer to another continent and later divorced him.

Venus in the second house shows poor sexual relationship
with spouse[ref]NOTE ON VENUS: Venus can be placed in
houses 11, 12, 1, 2, or 3 houses from the Sun (dharma).
When behind the Sun it shows sexual immaturity and
indulgence whereas when ahead of the Sun it shows sexual
maturity and abstinence in general. Of these, the placement
in the second/eighth house from the Sun and /or lagna can
indicate complete denial of sexuality. In the charts of
Rā makrishna Paramhaṁsa and Vevekananda we find Venus
in the second from both Lagna and Sun showing denial or
abstinence throughout life whereas in the chart of Sri
Prabhupada it in the second from the Sun alone showing
denial or abstinence in old age after he renounced marriage
and took Sannyā sa.[/ref]. Marriage with the ‘sugar
daddy’occurred in Jupiter daśā Venus antardaśā and
separation occurred in Sun antardaśā when she got decent
alimony and could continue with her first (original) love.

Chart 4: Bhanu Pratap Shukla

In Chart 4, Venus is in A7 and UL as well in Leo and Rā hu Availability: Bookings fo

instead of Ketu is in the 7th house. Compare this to Chart 1 2024
where Venus is also in UL in Leo but A7 has two planets Sun Contact Himani Pushkar
and Mercury in Libra. Again, Chart 4 has debilitated Rā hu in scheduling Vedic Reading
th Call or Text +91-98185-77
seventh house and Chart 1 has exalted Ketu in 7 house.
The native of Chart 4 is a confirmed bachelor, has practiced or ✉ email her
celibacy throughout life and has dedicated his life to social
service and the nation.
NOTE: Merely looking at UL and 7th house cannot decide
Book a short 30 min read
whether a person is to marry. The dā rā pada (A7) plays a
for just a couple of quest
significant role in sexual desires and their fulfilment or
renunciation. Venus in A7 in the Charts 2 and 4 of
 Short Consult
Prabhupada and Bhanuji was responsible for curtailing their 30min $252

sexuality and they would strive to renounce the same

completely. Book a standard reading
60 min.

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9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath

An important exercise is to examine the placement of A7  Standard

and UL from the Ā ruḍha Lagna (AL). The ā ruḍha lagna is the Reading
60min $405
most important sign and those in Kendra to AL shall flourish
while those in duṣthā na shall perish. Saṅnyā sa is promised
only if Venus is in a duṣthā na from AL. In the case of Chart 2
Prabhupada had Venus in the 6th house from AL and took ABOUT ME
perfect saṅnyā sa and he wanted to take saṅnyā sa. On the
other hand Bhanuji has Venus in AL with UL and A7 and
never took saṅnyā sa.

Chart 5: Swami Vivekananda


BAVA 2023 …
Sanjay Rath belongs to
traditional family of
astrologers from Bir
Balabhadrapur Sasan vi
of Puri, Orissa, which tr

their lineage back to S

In Chart 5 Venus is in the second house showing a lacy of Achyuta Das (Sri
sexuality either for self or spouse. The ā ruḍha lagna is with Achyutananda). Read M
upapada and dā rā pada in Leo indicating that Swami    
Join us at Ayodhya "Sri
Vivekananda in his early days wanted to marry and settle
Rama Jataka"
Conference 11-15 Dec,
However, Venus is in the 6 house from ā ruḍha lagna and 2023 View larger map

renunciation was his destiny when his guru Ramakrishna

forbade him to marry and instead directed him to lead
Indian spiritual renaissance which started with the freeing
of the soul from bondage and led to Indian Independence. EVENTS & TEACHINGS TO
Note that Venus is in the 2 nd
house from both lagna and FOLLOW
Sun. He was a celibate throughout life. Sri Sri Ravishankar

Harmony between 7th and 12th

houses Is Astrology A F

If there is harmony between the 7th and 12th houses and

their ā ruḍha, especially from kā rakā ṁśa then the native
shall benefit and spiritual advancement occurs due to the Sri Jagannath Center
support of a spiritual spouse.

Chart 6: Rā makrishna Paramhansa SJC Conference


Devaguru Bṛhaspati Cent

committed to the highes
standards of vedic astrol

d ith 6/17
9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath
and we can say with
confidence that we have

NAMASTE finest, most rigorous cou

and most erudite scholar
POPULAR RECENT teach the same.

RANDOM  15B Ganga Ram Hospi

Road, New Delhi 110060

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 Jaimini Scholar (DBC)

 sarbanirath@gmail.co
Atmakaraka &  +91 9810449850
In Chart 6 the 7th lord Sun is placed in lagna and it is also
the chara dā rā kā raka. It is trines to its dispositor and lagna
Kā rakā ṁśa is composed of
lord Saturn which is also the 12th lord. The harmonious trine
two words - (1) 'kā raka' KĀ ŚI KṢETRA GUID
between the 7th lord and lagna (also 12th lord) shows that
referring to the ā tmakā raka
spouse shall contribute substantially to the spirituality of Śrī
specifically and other
Ramakrishna. Since Saturn is naturally inimical to the Sun,
Charakā raka (temporal
Ramakrishna was initially disinclined to accept Śrī Sarada significators) as...
Ma although they were legally wedded in childhood (she

was six years at the time of marriage). However on seeing
We have an excellent pan
her spiritual honesty, he agreed to her staying with him in
the temple on the condition of complete abstinence from Divā kar ‘Deva’ Mishra, wh
any physical contact. It is interesting to note that Venus is in from the priests of
the 2 house from both lagna and the Sun indicating that Rahu and Eighth House
Vindhyā vā sini Siddha Pī ṭ
Thakur (Śrī Rā makrishna) shall have complete celibacy guide you through the
This article was published at
throughout life even though married and staying with The Jyotish Star There canhundreds of temples of K
spouse. Śrī Sarada Ma was an epitome of perfect be nothing more fearful [Varanasi] and neighbou
motherhood and she not only supported him completely in regions. He can organise
than the 8th house which
all spiritual practices but also agreed to him worshipping is... pū jā , keep you safe and t
care. He is supported by
her as the manifestation of Tripurā Sundari (the form of Kali

English-speaking well-
for the sustenance and starting of a Parampara-lineage).
travelled spouse ‘Supriya
The Upapada is in Aries and its lord Mars is exalted in the Mishra’. Please contact th
12th house of spirituality and is debilitated in Cancer directly for any services,
navā ṁśa. This would cause separation from spouse unless remedial pū jā and tours.
Dreams: Lord Kṛṣṇa
the relationship is strongly spiritual. Venus the significator is handled the 60+ membe
in the second and is also debilitated in navā ṁśa in 12 house Jyotiṣa Group 2022.
Extracts from
Dev Mishra: +91 87269-0
showing absence of physical contact. To add to this the Brahmavaivarta Purā ṇa
Supriya Mishra: +91 9354
ā tmakā raka Rā hu is in dā rā pada A7 in Taurus showing Auspicious dreams Nanda
spirituality dominating over sexuality thereby confirming a asked : 1. Tell me, O
spiritual bond and not physical bond. Lord, which sort of dreams
gives happiness...
In a way, Sarada Devi was Thakur’s first disciple. He taught
her everything he learnt from his various Gurus. Impressed
by her great religious potential, he began to treat her as the
Universal Mother Herself. He said, ‘I look upon you as my
own mother and the Mother who is in the temple’. Notice
the upapada is in the 4th house of mother confirming the
truth behind Thakur’s words.

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9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath

Chart 7: Spiritual spouse

In Chart 7 Ketu is in the 12th house indicating troubles in

marriage but this is fully blocked by the argalā of Jupiter in
the second house. Upapada is in Libra with the 7th lord
Jupiter promising a very good marriage and spiritual growth
due to marriage. This spiritual growth should satisfy Ketu
and the marriage would be blessed. The dā rā pada A7 is in
Taurus and in Kendra to the ā ruḍha lagna confirming
normal physical desire. However the upapada in the 12th
house from ā ruḍha lagna shows that the native may tend to
ignore his spouse. If Jupiter is the strongest influence on
lagna or the second house (in that order) and is
unassociated then the native shall become very spiritual
and shall search for the final truth-‘om tat sat’. Since Jupiter
is 7th lord and is in upapada this search shall begin after
marriage and since the spirituality is coming through
marriage Ketu shall not be averse to it.

The question of rebirth or mokṣa cannot be settled with the
birth chart and the death chart called puṇya chakra has to
be examined. We have explained how to examine this
elsewhere in the paper titled ‘Saptaloka and Tala’ at the SJC
West Coast USA conference.



Author: Sanjay Rath


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9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath

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34 thoughts on “Darapada and Upapada”

Akash says:
September 22, 2021 at 8:54 pm


I feel elevated whenver I read your text or watch

videos. I like to how to judge a spouse physical
characteristics from upapada or d9 chart?


March 10, 2021 at 6:42 am

Namaste Sanjay Ji
If UL in Cancer Sign and Jupiter(R) in 7th house, no
malefics in 2nd house.
Moon (Sagitarius), Saturn & Ketu (Libra) and Rahu &
Venus (Aries). Mars (Gemini)
Sun & Mercury (Taurus)
Who can be the opposing parties for marriage and how
is the longevity of marriage?
Are there possibility of separation or divorce?
Male Chart.


March 10, 2021 at 7:32 am

If UL changes in Bhava Chalit to Leo Sign, do we

consider the UL as the one in Bhava Chalit or Rasi
Chart in Jagannath Hora Software.

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9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath


Sanjay Rath says:

March 16, 2021 at 12:46 pm

Upapada is a rashi concept and does not

change signs. Arudha are fixed in the rashi.


Sanjay Rath says:

March 16, 2021 at 12:48 pm

Elder siblings and such elders. Also extended

family or friends. Father is surely getting
influenced by these family


Ram says:
March 6, 2021 at 4:48 pm

i have venus in 8 th house in libra as upapada lagna for
pisces ascendant and ketu in 9 th house and lord of 9 th
house(mars) is in 7 th house with mercury and sun in
virgo ( mercury and mars not combust).MY QUESTION



Sanjay Rath says:

March 16, 2021 at 12:59 pm

Venus in UL is very good for marriage but 8H is

showing some debts of past life. Ketu promises to
protect the marriage and if you want to save it,
then strengthen Ketu. Else Mars will destroy the
Second marriage will bring wealth and fortune.
Read about the 8 types of marriages …everything
is not prajapatya vivaha. there is also arsa vivaha


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9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath

GNE says:
August 27, 2020 at 3:46 am

Sir, what if Venus is 7th from AL + A7 + UL (all those are

in the same sign) ?

Furthemore that venus is with mercury the lord of

AL/A7/UL, in pisces, and both are retrograde.

I have had no relationship and am celibate still, age 35

– but I do wish to have relations and be married some


Sanjay Rath says:

September 17, 2020 at 1:49 pm

Good – Durga Ma has ensured that you are

celibate and shall have good gati. Go to shara
math and take diksha


Niishant says:
August 17, 2020 at 5:40 pm

Respected Sir,

Makar Lagna-Mars in 1st house, Rahu-2nd, A7-3rd, Sun-

Jup-4th, Mercury-5th, Venus(DK)-6th, Ketu(UL)-8th,
Moon (AL/AK)-11th, Saturn-12th.
I am 32y unmarried. May I request you to kindly see if
there is a Marriage-possibility, denial or abstinence? If
latter two, any remedy?

Thanks in advance.


Sanjay Rath says:

September 17, 2020 at 2:01 pm

Guru shanti prayoga is required for marriage. Do

simple OM Gurave namaH 108×3 mala first.
Keep fasting on every Krsna Chaturdasi >> Masik
Shivratri vrata. Mantra
ॐ नमः शिवाय सोमनाथाय
om namaḥ śivā ya somanā thā ya
10 mala everyday with rudraksha mala

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Roshan Yadav says:

March 28, 2020 at 5:10 pm

Pranaam sir, I am gemi asc. And my 7thL jup is in 8 th

House .AL and A7 is in 9 th house( no planet but aspect
by Mars from 3 rd H ) .UL is in 10 th house with saturn
and ketu .rahu is AK . Sun with combust merc and
venus in 11 th.
In both lagn and navamsa saturn is aspecting moon in
7 th from 10 th .
Can i become an ascetic or a brahmachari ? If not how
will be my married life ?


Subhrajit Sourav says:

March 16, 2020 at 4:25 pm

Sir what if sun and mercury in 3rd of cancer( arudha

lagna) . Venus and moon in mercury in 2nd . How u look
at it according to ur article about not so pleasant sexual


Srini says:
October 5, 2019 at 6:16 pm

Scorpio Lagna with Exalted Venus (AL/AK) in 5th House,
Jupiter (DK) in 7th House; Sun in 4th House with
Mercury and Ketu is in 6th House. Also, Exalted Mars
(A7) in 3rd House of Copulation and Retro Saturn in 9th
House of Dharma. Leo is my UL with Moon in it.
May I request your on my Marriage Possibility, since I
am still, 442 years old Male, unmarried.


Sanjay Rath says:

March 15, 2020 at 10:34 am

Very good spouse, one child – possibly son.

Getting married maybe difficult unless it is love


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Krishna says:
April 1, 2020 at 7:22 pm

I bow to your feet Sanjay Rath Ji. Can you

please light up in case of Sagg.Asc, Ven&Mar
in Aqua (UL) with Libra Saturn. Sun,Moon and
Mer (DK) in Capri. Jup in Anuradha 12H. Jup
MD gng on. Aged 38yr. Will it be
love/arranged marriage? Can we term the
marriage as arranged even though different
castes and with parents consent? Thanks a


Rahul says:
March 15, 2020 at 7:58 pm

What if exalted Venus is 12th from Sun and 8th

from Lagna. I am 35 single. Is it marriage denial.


Sanjay Rath says:

April 13, 2020 at 5:13 am

Exalted Venus is in Pisces …moksha rashi.

Who or what you seek, you cannot find that
goddess on earth. So settle for someone here
and now


Sandeep says:
August 20, 2019 at 12:14 pm

Sir according to me you are very good astrologer in the

world. I have seen many of your videos and have read
many of your posts.

Sir I am scorpio ascendant with Rahu in lagna.

I have ketu in 7th house in taurus and 7th lord Venus is
in 11th house with Sun.
Sir many people are telling it’s not good placement. Is it
true Sir? How will be spouse?
Please reply me Sir. I will be very thankful to you


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Vaishnavi Venkatesh says:

August 16, 2019 at 12:38 am


What if AL, UL, A7 are of same sign (Leo) with Venus in

it? Saturn-venus mutually aspecting. AL, UL, A7 lord Sun
is placed 12th House from them.


Sanjay Rath says:

August 25, 2019 at 3:54 pm

Very good. Sun is very favourable for UL


Vir babde says:

June 16, 2019 at 7:32 pm

I also have same placement like swami prabhupada

venus in A7 and rahu in 1 house in upapada also jupiter
is my atmakraka which is vargottam in pisces


Sanjay Rath says:

June 21, 2019 at 4:26 pm

Jupiter is not his atmakaraka. Prabhupada has

Rahu as AK in UL …


karthik says:
May 14, 2019 at 1:57 pm

Pandit Ji,

In Rashi chart, in Aries lagna Venus in 9th house of

saggitarius and sun in 8th house of scopio, which
means venus second from sun and 9th from lagna.
7th house has jupiter and moon, Is it marriage denial
or abstinence?


Sanjay Rath says:

May 16, 2019 at 8:29 am
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9/27/23, 7:59 AM Darapada and Upapada – Sanjay Rath

No denial at all. See parivartana of Jup and Ven …

don’t know who to give heart to


Rahul says:
May 8, 2019 at 8:53 pm

Sir what if sun and Venus both are in 2nd house from


Sanjay Rath says:

May 25, 2019 at 7:26 am

The person is like a sadhu or second love/marriage

will be good


Astha says:
October 7, 2019 at 2:15 pm

What if Venus is with sun Mars mercury and

rahu in 10th house of Scorpio (also. Al and
A7). With UL in 2nd house Pisces and it’s lord
Jupiter in libra.


Sanjay Rath says:

March 15, 2020 at 10:33 am

Use Chaturasiti Sama dasha for results


praveen kumar says:

April 17, 2019 at 10:15 pm

Well nice article sir , but i differ . you saying venus in

2nd house is lack of sex or disinterest , but some say
opposite to that , venus is in 2nd means person go to
prostitues and wastes his money on ill girls . plz clarify
this …

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also i have another doubt , if 7th lord is in 1st ( scorp

asc) then what is the arudha of 7th . its 4th or 10th ,
parashara says 4th from original bhava . so it means
4th from 7th ( 10) or 4th from 1st i.e 4th house .
jaganatha soft says 4th house . pls tell ..

praveen ..

Sanjay Rath says:

May 25, 2019 at 7:33 am

Affliction of Venus is required for those negative



A. Borgohain says:
August 24, 2020 at 6:03 pm

Praveenji:: software is right.

You have to count 10th from Sc
And so it will be in Le0.


Rahul Krishnan says:

March 26, 2019 at 10:00 am

Does exalted venus in 2nd house from sun and lagna
leades to denial or abstinence .


Sanjay Rath says:

April 5, 2019 at 10:41 am

Abstinence …not denial


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