The Labors of Hercules

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“O mighty Apollo, god of truth and healing,

The Labors of I have done something terrible,” said Hercules.

Hercules “I beg of you, punish me for the evil I have

done,” he pleaded.
“Hercules, know that this crime was not
completely your fault,” replied Apollo. “Although
you are the victim of a vengeful act, you must
Greek mythology is full of stories of great atone for what you have done. You shall be
given twelve labors. If you perform them
heroes, but one of the most famous heroes is
Hercules, the son of Zeus and the king of all gods. all, then your guilt will be wiped away.”
Hercules showed that he was different from other These tasks would have been impossible
boys from the very beginning of his life. When for any mortal to complete, but Hercules
Hercules was a baby, the goddess Hera sent two was not like most other men. His first task
snakes to kill him. Hera had no idea that Hercules
was blessed with great strength and fearlessness.
He strangled the snakes before they could
harm him.
Hera’s anger and jealousy grew as Hercules
got older. When Hercules was a young adult, Hera
cast a spell on him. Hercules temporarily went
crazy. Before he knew what happened, his wife
and two children were dead. When he realized
what he had done, Hercules was heartbroken.
He went to the god Apollo for help.

© Learning A–Z All rights reserved. Credits: left, right: Drew Rose/Wilkinson Studios, Inc.
ordinary deer. It had golden horns and it
belonged to the goddess Diana. Hercules shot
the deer and started to carry it away when
Diana appeared. She was angry, but Hercules
told her about his twelve labors and why he
needed the deer. The goddess let Hercules
take the deer so he could complete his task.
Among his other labors, Hercules wrestled a
bull, captured man-eating horses, and kidnapped
was to kill a ferocious lion. Hercules discovered Cerberus, the terrifying beast that guarded the
that his arrows did nothing to harm the lion. He entrance to the Underworld. Through superhuman
tracked the mighty beast to a cave and grabbed strength, courage, and perseverance, he
it with his strong arms. The lion frantically clawed completed all twelve labors.
at Hercules, but he refused to let it go no matter Today, we use the name Hercules to refer
how much pain he felt. Like the snakes Hera to anyone who displays superhuman strength.
had sent, Hercules strangled the lion to death. A Herculean task is an extremely difficult job that
Hercules’ second task was to kill a hydra. The requires great physical
beast had nine heads and spewed poison. Each strength and effort. KNOW?
time Hercules cut off one of the monster’s heads, For example, swimming During his life, Hercules
two more grew back in its place! With the help across the Pacific endured endless hardships
and challenges. When
of his nephew, Hercules was finally able to chop Ocean would be
Hercules died, the gods
off all nine heads and kill the hydra. a Herculean task. honored and rewarded him
by bringing him up to Mount
For his third task, Hercules had to kill a deer.
Olympus to live with them.
It sounds easy enough, but this was not an

© Learning A–Z All rights reserved. Credits: left: Drew Rose/Wilkinson Studios, Inc.

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