SELENIUM With JAVA All Interview Questions
SELENIUM With JAVA All Interview Questions
SELENIUM With JAVA All Interview Questions
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14.What is AutoIT?
24.What is maven? list its phases or life cycle?Command to run our project thro maven?
26.What is testng?
29.Is it possible to use only perform() without build()? 30.What is perform() and build()?
Or what is DesiredCapabilities?
37.How to verify 'Bangalore' present in 4×4 webtable? And print the column and row number of it is
38.How to fetch the data from particular row and column of excel?
42.What is TDD?
44.What is Listener?
45.What is DataProvider?
46.What is parameterization?
47.What is PageFactory?
51.Write code for handling multiple browsers and switch to new windows?
64.How to identify broken links?How you have done in your project?Write code or tell approach.
65.Write a code to fetch the value 'Test' from excel sheet which might be present in any cell in excel. Or
check whether value 'Test' is present in excel or not.
67.How to click login button other than using click(), submit() and JavascriptExecutor?
68.What is subversion?
1.What are test design techniques?Explain BVA and ECP with some example?
2.Explain STLC
6.Explain SDLC
12.What are the differences between test plan and test strategy?
16.What is RTM?
19.What is scrum?
1.What is static?
2.What is interface?
10.In what way we can sort the elements(default and custom sort) present in array and any of the
collection objects?
11.How to generate random number in java?And also generate random numbers of format 'A23BC'?
12.Is it possible to call a protected data members of one package in another package? Similarly all other
access modifiers and its data members scope from other packages?
13.What is thread?
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16.Explain List
17.Explain Set
18.Explain Map
9.Print the returned indexes of 2 elements from an array[2,4,3,6,8,7] where addition of 2 elements is
equal to target sum=7
13.Write a program to remove duplicates from an array without using collection? (Note: new array shld
have its size equal to unique number of elements present in given array)