SELENIUM With JAVA All Interview Questions

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SELENIUM with JAVA, Manual all interview questions


1.What is xpath and it's types?

2.What is cross browser testing and parallel testing?

3.Challenges faced during selenium testing?

4.What is Actions class?

5.How to handle drop down in selenium?

6.How to handle multiple browser pop up?

7.How to handle multiple browser tabs in selenium?

8.How to perform upload file using selenium?

9.How to perform download file using selenium?

10.How to get all values of dropdown in selenium?

11.How to perform (control + a) through selenium?

12.How to shift between tabs of a same browser using selenium?

13.What is Robot class?

14.What is AutoIT?

15.What are the difference between get() and navigate()?

16.What are the difference between findElement() and findElements()?

17.What is difference between quit() and close()?

18.What are different locators used?

19.Difference between xpath and cssSelector?

20.Different approaches to click the submit button?

21.What is javascriptExecutor and when it is used?

22.Handling WebTable(static and dynamic) in selenium

23.What is POM? Advantage and its disadvantage?

24.What is maven? list its phases or life cycle?Command to run our project thro maven?

25.Explain ur project folder structure? Or Explain ur frame work?

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26.What is testng?

27.How to create and delete cookies?

28.What does getwindowhandles() and getwindowhandle() return? Or its differences?

29.Is it possible to use only perform() without build()? 30.What is perform() and build()?

31.How to scroll the browser window?

32. Preceding sibling and following sibling of custom xpath?

33.What is test management tool used in ur project?

34.What is the build automation tool used in ur project?

35.How u will handle the SSL certification?

Or what is DesiredCapabilities?

36.How to verify 'Bangalore' present in dropdown box or not?

37.How to verify 'Bangalore' present in 4×4 webtable? And print the column and row number of it is

38.How to fetch the data from particular row and column of excel?

39.List all maven plugins like surefire plugin etc

40.What is jenkins?And explain its use?

41.Explain the tags present in testng.xml file

42.What is TDD?

43.What is BDD? Explain cucumber framework?What is gherkins?

44.What is Listener?

45.What is DataProvider?

46.What is parameterization?

47.What is PageFactory?

48.What is apache POI API? Or how to read data from excel?

49.What is explicit and implicit waits?

50.What are the challenges faced in automation testing?

51.Write code for handling multiple browsers and switch to new windows?

52.What is webdriver?And why webdriver is used?

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53.List some selenium exceptions

54.What is StaleElementReferenceException?When this occurs?And how to overcome such exception?

55.How do you group the test cases? And why?

56.How to include or exclude test cases?

57.What is NullPointerException?When it occurs?

58.What is selenium grid?

59.Should have knowledge on all testng annotations.

60.How do you control the execution of your test cases/test classes?

61.Git and its commands

62.Maven commands to execute,debug,compile

63.What is the current version of maven used?

64.How to identify broken links?How you have done in your project?Write code or tell approach.

65.Write a code to fetch the value 'Test' from excel sheet which might be present in any cell in excel. Or
check whether value 'Test' is present in excel or not.

66.How to pass values to textbox other than using sendKeys()?

67.How to click login button other than using click(), submit() and JavascriptExecutor?

68.What is subversion?


1.What are test design techniques?Explain BVA and ECP with some example?

2.Explain STLC

3.Explain Bug Life Cycle

4.What is the difference between bug and defect?

5.What is severity and priority?

6.Explain SDLC

7.What are the differences between smoke and sanity testing?

8.What are the difference between regression and re-testing?

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9.What is sytem testing?

10.What is integration testing?

11.What are differences between test scenario and test case?

12.What are the differences between test plan and test strategy?

13.Write test cases for pen

14.Write test cases for calculator

15.Write test cases for calendar

16.What is RTM?

17.What is agile methodology?Explain it.

18.How is agile better than waterfall model?

19.What is scrum?

20.What is sprint?Explain the sprint cycle in your project?


1.What is static?

2.What is interface?

3.What is abstract class?

4.What is the difference between interface and abstract class?

5.Difference between HashMap and Hashtable?

6.Difference between List and Set?

7.Can we create object for abstract class?if not, why?

8.Whether we can declare class as static?

9.Polymorphism w.r.t variables and methods? Or overriding and overloading?

10.In what way we can sort the elements(default and custom sort) present in array and any of the
collection objects?

11.How to generate random number in java?And also generate random numbers of format 'A23BC'?

12.Is it possible to call a protected data members of one package in another package? Similarly all other
access modifiers and its data members scope from other packages?

13.What is thread?
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14.Pre-increment/decrement and post-increment/decrement

15.What is singleton class?

16.Explain List

17.Explain Set

18.Explain Map

19.Why strings are immutable?

20.What is exception?And its types?

21.What is checked and unchecked exception?

22.What is comparable and comparator?

23.All oops concepts in single program.Explain OOPS


1.Write a java program

2.Print from 1 to 10 without using any loop

3.Reverse a string without using built in methods

4.Reverse each words in a sentence(string)without changing the order of words

5.Reverse a string without using any loop or built in function

6.Remove spaces from string without using replace()

7.Print occurrences of distinct letters present in string

8.Print the indexes of specificed letter in string

9.Print the returned indexes of 2 elements from an array[2,4,3,6,8,7] where addition of 2 elements is
equal to target sum=7

10.Transpose a matrix using 2D array concept

11.Print the first repeated character from a string

Ex: abcdcba , output:c

12.Find whether the string is having unique characters or not

13.Write a program to remove duplicates from an array without using collection? (Note: new array shld
have its size equal to unique number of elements present in given array)

14.Write a program to print fibonacci series

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15.Find and print the maximum character present in string


1.Explain about your project?

2.Tell me your roles and responsibilities

3.What type of tests you have performed?

4.What is hybrid testing framework?List the frameworks used in your project?

5.How many test cases you have automated?

6.How many % of your application is automated?

7.If captcha is present in your project, how you automate it?

8.List all challenges faced in ur project.

9.How u report that there is bug in software?

10.Who all joins the scrum meeting calls?

11.Have you implemented framework from scratch?

12.When you start writing test cases/test scripts?

13.How can be a good selenium test cases written?

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