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Internal verification of Higher Nationals assignment briefs – BTEC (RQF)


Programme Title: Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management

Assessor Name: Ms. Rosita Daniel

Internal Verifier Name: Ms. Eranga De Silva

Unit Title: Unit 27: Front of Office Operations Management

Assignment title: Customer Experience Journey & Technology

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this assignment brief: LO 2/LO 3/LO 4

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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID K.A.K. Sandeepa

Unit Title Unit 27: Front of Office Operations Management
Assignment Number 02 Assessor Ms. Rosita Daniel
17/02/2024 Date Received 1st
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Unit 27: Front of Office Operations Management
Assignment Brief
Student Name/ID Number K.A.K. Sandeepa / E193610

Unit Number and Title Unit 27: Front of Office Operations Management
Academic Year 2023/2024

Unit Tutor Mr. Rasika Gunawardana

Assignment Title Customer Experience Journey & Technology

Issue Date
Submission Date 17/02/2024

Submission Format

Submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a

concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to
make use of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be
supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. You should
also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended
length is 2000-3000 words.

Note that word counts are indicative only and you would not be penalised for exceeding
the word count.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO2 Discuss the importance of managing the reservation process to ensure maximization of
LO 3 Analyse the guest experience journey within Front Office operations
LO 4 Assess how Front Office operations manage the quality-of-service delivery

Transferable skills and competencies developed

Analytical Skill
Critical Thinking Skill
Presentation Skill
Vocational scenario

You are employed as a front office executive in an organization within the hospitality
industry [organization of your choice – your own place of work if appropriate]. As part of
your role, you must write a formal report strategically analyzing the Front office operations
in the organization to be presented in the review meeting of the month. Your report must
contain a brief introduction of the organization and its hospitality activities.

Using your chosen organization as an example:

• Discuss the importance of Managing reservations (Forecasting Room Availability

and Room Revenue) for the front office executives and provide insights on the
application of the particular organization’s reservation process with an analysis of
the impact of digital technology and software to enhance its customer experience
with the reservation process. P4

• Apply a set of selected Revenue management techniques used within the

organization (taking at least 3 examples from the organization you have chosen) and
evaluate how reservation managers can use them to maximize the profits of the
organization. Provide valid and justified recommendations to improve the role of
the front office operations in maximizing profit within the organization. P5

• Analyze the guest experience journey within front office operations and critically
analyze how they can maximize the business performance and its benefits together
by involving the role of digital technology and innovation to the guest experience
journey. (The stages of the guest experience journey, managing sales and financial
details) p7 p8

• Review and evaluate how the role of Front office operation manage the quality-
ofservice delivery to ensure the guest experience and its implications on the service
quality. (SERVQUAL, Nordic Model, KPIs). You also need to make justified
recommendations to improve the relationship management process for front office
operations at each stage during the guest experience journey. Also include valid and
justified recommendations for closing the gaps in quality service provision within
the organisation.P9

Assignment activity and guidance

Assignment Activity- Prepare a report with a comprehensive analysis aligning to the given
scenario. It should consist of;

Report Format Guidance

• Title page - The details of the Module, student name and ID number.
• Contents page – All topics with page numbers.
• Introduction - The background, the context, and the aim of the presentation.
• Key Sections - As many as necessary in line with the tasks/Questions required of you.
• Summary and Conclusion - Overall findings of the investigation: the overall picture
that has emerged and the implications.
• References - Identification of literature and other sources used and referred to in the
Ensure that all references are quoted at the end of any quotations, definitions, and
web sourced
materials. Submission of a report without references will not be allowed.

General Guidelines

1. Cover page or title page should be attached to your assignment. Use page 1 of this
assignment brief as your cover page and make sure all details are accurately filled.

2. The entire assignment brief should be attached as the first section of your assignment.

3. The assignment should be prepared using a word processing software.

4. The assignment should be word processing in an A4 sized paper.
5. Allow 1” margin on top, bottom and right sides of the paper and 1.25” on the left side
(for binding).

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point and should be in the style of Time New Roman.

2. Set line spacing to 1.5. Justify all paragraphs.

3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert your name, unit, assignment no, and
page number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets get detached from the
5. Use the spell check and grammar check function of the word processing application to
review the use of language on your assignment.

Recommended Resources


BARDI, J. (2011) Hotel Front Office Management. 5th ed. New Jersey. Chichester:

John Wiley and Sons.

CASADO, M. (2014) Front Office Management in Hospitality Lodging Operations.

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

FORD, R., STURMAN, M. and HEATON, C. (2012) Managing Quality Service in

Hospitality. How Organizations Achieve Excellence in the Guest Experience. New York:
Delmar Cengage.

RADDE, B. (2017) Digital Guest Experience: Tools to help hotels to manage and

optimize the digital guest experience. Hamburg: Tradition.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO2 Discuss the importance of managing the reservation process to
ensure maximization of profit

M3 Evaluate yield management D1 Make valid and justified

P4 Discuss the reservation
and the techniques reservation recommendations to improve
process for a range of different the role of the front office
managers can use to maximise
accommodation organizations operations in maximizing profit
profits for an organisation
within a specific
accommodation organisation
P5 Assess the importance of
forecasting room availability and
room revenue for Front
Office Managers

P6 Apply a range of yield

management techniques to a
variety of scenarios

D2 Provide justified
LO3 Analyse the guest experience journey within Front Office recommendations for improving
the relationship management
process for front office
M4 Critically analyse the role operations at each stage of the
P7 Analyse front office
digital technology and innovation guest experience journey for a
operations during each of the
play in enhancing guest specific organisation
four stages of the guest
satisfaction at each stage of the
experience journey and how
guest experience journey for a
they can optimise business
specific organisation
performance and sales

P8 Appraise the benefits of

digital technology and
innovation at enhancing the
guest experience within a
specific organisation

D3 Make valid and justified

LO4 Assess how Front Office operations manage the quality-
recommendations for closing
ofservice delivery the gaps in quality service
P9 Review how front office M5 Evaluate how the quality of
operations can enhance the
the guest experience can be
quality of service and how this
affected by the role of front office
can be measured, applying a
operations and the implications
service quality model
this may have upon measuring
service quality

Front of Office Operations

Customer Experience Journey & Technology

Assignment 02

K.A.K. Sandeepa – E193610


I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Mr. Rasika Gunawardana for his exceptional guidance
and expertise as our "Front Office Operations Management" lecturer. His dedication to
sharing knowledge and fostering our understanding of the intricacies of front office
operations has been invaluable. Mr. Gunawardana's passion for the subject and commitment
to our growth as professionals have truly enriched our learning experience. I am grateful for
his unwavering support, encouragement, and mentorship throughout the course. Thank you,
Mr. Rasika Gunawardana, for being an inspiring educator and guiding light in our academic

Executive Summary

This report delves into the intricacies of front office operations within the hospitality industry,
using our organization as a case study. It begins with an overview of our organization and its
hospitality activities.

The importance of managing reservations is discussed, focusing on forecasting room

availability and room revenue. Insights are provided into our organization's reservation
process, with an analysis of the impact of digital technology and software on enhancing the
customer experience.

Revenue management techniques employed within our organization are evaluated,

highlighting their role in maximizing profits. Recommendations are provided to improve the
role of front office operations in profit maximization.

The guest experience journey within front office operations is analyzed, emphasizing the role
of digital technology and innovation in maximizing business performance and enhancing
guest satisfaction.

Quality-of-service delivery is examined, utilizing models such as SERVQUAL and the

Nordic Model. Recommendations are made to improve relationship management processes
and close gaps in service provision within our organization.

Overall, this report offers valuable insights into the strategic management of front office
operations, providing actionable recommendations to enhance profitability, guest satisfaction,
and service quality within our organization.


1. HERITANCE NEGOMBO ........................................................................................... 16

2. Reservation Process for Different Accommodation Organizations .................................. 17
2.1. Heritance Negombo Reservation Process ................................................................ 17
2.2. Tropical Garden Villa Kalpitiya Reservation Process ............................................... 18
2.3. Importance of Managing Reservations for Front Office Executives .......................... 19
2.4. Impact of Digital Technology ................................................................................. 20
3. Importance of Forecasting Room Availability and Revenue............................................ 21
3.1. Optimize Resources: .............................................................................................. 21
3.2. Implement Dynamic Pricing: .................................................................................. 21
3.3. Make Informed Decisions:...................................................................................... 21
3.4. Enhance Guest Experience: .................................................................................... 22
3.5. Improve Budgeting and Planning: ........................................................................... 22
4. Revenue Management Techniques................................................................................. 22
4.1. Demand Forecasting ............................................................................................... 22
4.2. Rate Setting ........................................................................................................... 23
4.3. Inventory Management........................................................................................... 23
4.4. Revenue Management System (RMS) ..................................................................... 23
5. Recommendations for Each Organization ...................................................................... 24
5.1. Heritance Negombo ............................................................................................... 24
5.2. Tropical Garden Villa ............................................................................................. 25
5.3. Lavonca Boutique Hotel ......................................................................................... 25
6. Yield management ........................................................................................................ 26
6.1. Range of Yield Management Techniques ................................................................. 26
6.2. Evaluation of Yield Management and Maximizing Profits ....................................... 27
6.3. Yield management offers significant benefits: ......................................................... 27
6.4. Challenges of Yield management ............................................................................ 28
6.5. Reservation managers can maximize profits using various techniques ...................... 28
7. Guest Experience Journey ............................................................................................. 30
7.1. Front Office Operations and Optimizing Guest Experience & Sales ......................... 31
7.1.1. Pre-Arrival ...................................................................................................... 31
7.1.2. Arrival ............................................................................................................ 31
7.1.3. Stay................................................................................................................. 31
7.1.4. Departure ........................................................................................................ 32
7.1.5. How Optimize Business Performance and Sales ............................................... 33
7.2. Digital Technology & Innovation Benefits for Guest Experience at Heritage
Negombo ...................................................................................................................... 34
7.2.1. Use of Technology for the Guest Experience. ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.2.2. Benefits of Digital Journey for Guests at Heritance Negombo .. Error! Bookmark
not defined.
8. Front Office Operations and Guest Experience with SERVQUAL Model ....................... 36
8.1. What is SERVQUAL model? .................................................................................. 36
8.2. Review and Evaluation ........................................................................................... 37
8.2.1. Pre-Arrival ...................................................................................................... 37
8.2.2. Arrival ............................................................................................................ 37
8.2.3. Stay................................................................................................................. 38

8.2.4. Departure ........................................................................................................ 38
8.3. Impact on Guest Experience & Service Quality ....................................................... 39
8.4. Positive Impact ...................................................................................................... 39
8.5. Negative Impact ..................................................................................................... 39
8.6. Implications for SERVQUAL Measurement: ........................................................... 40
8.7. Challenges & Considerations: ................................................................................. 40
8.8. Recommendations for Relationship Management Within guest experience journey. .. 41
8.8.1. Pre-Arrival: ..................................................................................................... 41
8.8.2. Arrival ............................................................................................................ 41
8.8.3. Stay................................................................................................................. 42
8.8.4. Departure ........................................................................................................ 42

Heritance Negombo is a sprawling low-rise resort hotel located in Negombo, Sri Lanka,
with a newer wing built in 1981. This renowned hotel offers a range of hospitality activities
and amenities to ensure a memorable stay for guests. (Heritance Negombo, 2023)

Beachfront Location: Situated on a private beach, guests can enjoy picturesque views and
access to the sandy shores for relaxation and water activities. (Heritance Negombo, 2023)

Accommodations: The hotel provides luxurious accommodations with a blend of modern

amenities and traditional Sri Lankan elements, offering a comfortable retreat for guests.
(Kate, 2022)

Dining Options: Guests can indulge in a variety of culinary experiences with multiple dining
options that showcase both local and international cuisine, ensuring a delightful gastronomic
journey. (Heritance Negombo, 2023)

Recreational Activities: From boating and sailing to bicycling and jogging trails, Heritance
Negombo offers a range of recreational activities for guests to enjoy during their stay,
catering to various interests and preferences. (Kate, 2022)

Spa and Wellness: The hotel features a health spa offering massage and wellness treatments,
providing guests with opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation. (Kate, 2022)

Event Spaces: With its spacious and versatile event spaces, Heritance Negombo is also
suitable for hosting weddings, conferences, and other special events, providing personalized
services to make every occasion memorable. (Heritance Negombo, 2023

2. Reservation Process for Different Accommodation
Hotel - Heritance Negombo Villa - Tropical Garden Villa

2.1. Heritance Negombo Reservation Process.

Heritance Negombo, a renowned hotel in Negombo, Sri Lanka, has a modern reservation
process that ensures a seamless booking experience for its guests. Let's find out how
Heritance Negombo manages its reservations. (Heritance Negombo,2023)

Booking Inquiry:
Guests can check room availability and rates on the official website or through third-party
platforms like

After choosing their preferred dates and room type, guests can contact Heritance Negombo
directly through the provided contact details to make a reservation.

Once availability is confirmed, guests provide personal details and may be required to make a
deposit or provide credit card information to secure the reservation.

Confirmation Email:
After payment is processed, guests receive a confirmation email with reservation details .

Pre-Arrival Communication:
Before arrival, guests may receive additional information such as check-in procedures and
special arrangements.

Upon arrival, guests can check in at the hotel's reception desk by presenting identification and
a credit card for incidents.

‘Once checked in, guests can relax and enjoy their stay at Heritance Negombo.’
(Front Office Management - Reservation, 2023)
2.2. Tropical Garden Villa Kalpitiya Reservation Process.
Introducing the reservation process for Tropical Garden Villa Kalpitiya. Our seamless
system ensures a hassle-free booking experience for guests seeking an unforgettable stay
amidst the lush tropical surroundings of Kalpitiya.

Booking Inquiry:
Guests can visit the Tropical Garden Villas website to check availability, rates, and amenities
for their desired stay.

After reviewing options, guests can contact the villa directly via phone or email to inquire
about reservations and discuss any specific requirements.

Reservation Confirmation:
Once availability is confirmed, guests may be required to provide personal details and
payment information to secure the booking. The villa's staff will assist with the reservation

Depending on the villa's policy, guests may need to pay a deposit or full payment upfront to
finalize the reservation.

After payment is processed, guests receive a confirmation email with booking details,
including check-in/out times and any additional information.

On the day of arrival, guests can check in at the villa's reception desk. Staff will greet them
warmly and assist with any further inquiries or requests during their stay.

2.3. Importance of Managing Reservations for Front Office Executives
For front office executives, efficiently managing reservations is crucial for the success of
their operation. It goes beyond simply accepting bookings; it's about ensuring smooth
operations, maximizing revenue, and fostering positive guest experiences. Here's why it's so

1. Improved Guest Experience:

Accuracy and efficiency:

Accurate reservations, clear communication, and timely responses to inquiries contribute to a
smooth and hassle-free experience for guests right from the start.

Meeting guest needs:

Understanding guest preferences and tailoring reservations accordingly (e.g., room type,
accessibility features) demonstrates attentiveness and enhances satisfaction.

Minimizing inconveniences:
Effective management prevents overbooking, lost reservations, and room discrepancies,
avoiding frustration and negative reviews.

2. Increased Revenue:

Optimizing occupancy:
Efficient management ensures rooms are not left vacant unnecessarily, maximizing potential
revenue during peak seasons and minimizing losses during slow periods.

Upselling and cross-selling:

Understanding guest preferences and tailoring offers for additional services or upgrades
creates revenue opportunities without being pushy.

Dynamic pricing:
Utilizing flexible pricing strategies based on demand and real-time availability can attract
more guests and optimize revenue per room.

3. Operational Efficiency:

Streamlined processes:
Using technology and clear procedures optimizes reservation handling, saving time and
reducing manual errors.

Resource allocation:
Accurate forecasts based on reservations facilitate efficient manpower allocation for
housekeeping, maintenance, and guest services.

Data-driven decisions:
Reservation data provides valuable insights into guest preferences, trends, and seasonality,
informing marketing strategies and operational adjustments.

(Barten, 2023)

2.4. Impact of Digital Technology

Streamlined Booking Process:

Digital platforms and reservation software simplify the booking process, allowing customers
to make reservations quickly and conveniently online or through mobile apps.

Personalized Recommendations:
AI-powered systems analyze customer data and preferences to offer personalized
recommendations and tailored promotions, improving customer satisfaction and driving

Real-Time Availability:
Digital reservation systems provide real-time updates on room availability and pricing,
enabling customers to make informed decisions and reducing the likelihood of overbooking
or disappointment.

Mobile Check-In and Keyless Entry:

Mobile check-in and keyless entry solutions streamline the arrival process, allowing guests to
bypass the front desk and proceed directly to their rooms, enhancing convenience and

Feedback and Communication:

Digital tools facilitate communication between guests and hotel staff, enabling instant
feedback collection and resolution of issues, fostering stronger guest relationships and

(Solutions, 2023)

 Overall Benefits of Digital Technology for Customers

 Increased Convenience.
 Enhanced Personalization.
 Improved Efficiency and Transparency.
 Wider Accessibility and Inclusivity.
 Increased Trust and Security.

3. Importance of Forecasting Room Availability and Revenue.

For hotels like Heritance Negombo, Tropical Garden Villa, and Lavonca Boutique,
accurately forecasting room availability and revenue is critical for maximizing profits and
ensuring smooth operations. It provides them with the information needed to:

3.1. Optimize Resources:

• Allocate staff for housekeeping, check-in, and guest services based on anticipated
demand, avoiding overstaffing during slow periods, and ensuring smooth operations
during peak times.

• Manage resources like pool towels, toiletries, and breakfast supplies efficiently based on
expected occupancy.

3.2. Implement Dynamic Pricing:

• Set room rates based on real-time demand, competitor pricing, and seasonality to
maximize revenue during peak periods and attract bookings during slower times.

• Offer targeted discounts and promotions to specific segments or booking channels to

optimize occupancy and revenue.

3.3. Make Informed Decisions:

• Guide decisions on promotional offers, inventory control, and channel management to
generate optimal revenue across all booking channels.

• Allocate resources for marketing and sales efforts based on expected demand and
potential return on investment.

3.4. Enhance Guest Experience:
• Prevent overbooking and understaffing, ensuring smooth check-ins, clean rooms, and
attentive service, leading to positive guest experiences and potentially repeat business.

• Offer room upgrades or early check-in based on room availability and guest preferences,
boosting guest satisfaction and revenue.

3.5. Improve Budgeting and Planning:

• Accurate forecasts contribute to efficient budgeting and financial planning, allowing
management to allocate resources effectively and achieve financial goals.

• Identify profitable segments and target them with focused marketing and sales efforts.
(Joanne, 2023)

4. Revenue Management Techniques.

4.1. Demand Forecasting.

Historical Data:
Analyze past occupancy rates, booking patterns, and seasonality to predict future demand for
different room types, lengths of stay, and booking channels.

Market Trends:
Consider local events, holidays, competitor pricing, and economic trends to refine forecasts
and identify potential changes in demand.

Machine Learning:
Utilize AI-powered tools for more sophisticated and accurate demand predictions, especially
for new hotels or those with limited historical data.

4.2. Rate Setting.

Competitive Analysis:
Monitor competitor pricing and adjust your rates dynamically based on demand, market
positioning, and competitor offerings.

Length of Stay Discounts:

Offer discounts for longer stays to attract guests during slower periods and increase RevPAR
(revenue per available room).

Package Deals:
Bundle room rates with meals, activities, or spa treatments to create value-added packages,
attract bookings, and potentially increase revenue per guest.

4.3. Inventory Management.

Overbooking Strategies:
Implement controlled overbooking to account for potential cancellations and no-shows but
avoid exceeding actual capacity and creating guest inconvenience.

Minimum Length of Stay:

During peak seasons, impose minimum stay requirements to maximize occupancy and
discourage short bookings that leave rooms vacant for longer periods.

Yield Management:
Allocate inventory strategically across different channels (direct bookings, OTAs) to optimize
revenue based on demand, channel commission rates, and guest acquisition costs.

4.4. Revenue Management System (RMS).

Invest in an RMS to automate tasks, consolidate data, and generate dynamic pricing
recommendations based on real-time market conditions and your specific hotel data. Utilize
the RMS to monitor performance metrics, track competitor pricing, and analyze booking
trends to identify and capitalize on opportunities.

(Denizci Guillet & Mohammed, 2015).

5. Recommendations for Each Organization

5.1. Heritance Negombo

 Leverage its brand recognition to attract corporate travelers and offer competitive rates
during weekdays.
Example: Partner with local businesses to offer exclusive corporate travel packages
including airport transfers, meeting spaces, and discounted rates. This leverages brand
recognition and creates a competitive weekday offering.

 Implement dynamic pricing for weekend stays and holidays to capture peak season
Example: Implement an automated revenue management system to adjust weekend
and holiday rates based on real-time demand and competitor pricing. This ensures
capturing peak season demand without manual intervention.

 Offer packages incorporating local cultural experiences to attract international guests.

Example: Create pre-curated packages for international guests featuring local
festivals, cooking classes, or visits to historical sites. This offers convenience and
eliminates planning for guests while showcasing cultural experiences.

5.2. Tropical Garden Villa

 Highlight its unique location and nature-focused activities to attract eco-conscious

Example: Nestled amidst rainforests teeming with biodiversity, offering guided
birdwatching hikes, sunrise yoga on a private mountaintop deck, and organic cooking
classes with local ingredients.

 Partner with local tour operators to offer bundled packages, increasing guest appeal and
Example: Collaborate with a sustainable adventure company to bundle hikes,
kayaking excursions, and visits to wildlife sanctuaries, offering discounts and
seamless booking for guests.

 Implement minimum stay requirements during peak season to maximize occupancy of its
limited number of rooms.
Example: During peak season (e.g., December-January), require a minimum 5-night
stay to ensure optimal occupancy of the intimate 8-room villa, while offering special
discounts for longer stays.

5.3. Lavonca Boutique Hotel

 Emphasize its personalized service and boutique experience to attract high-paying guests.
Example: Boutique Hotel assigns a personal concierge to each guest upon check-in,
ensuring their needs are attentively met throughout their stay. This includes tailored
recommendations for dining, sightseeing, and entertainment based on individual
preferences and interests.

 Offer exclusive benefits and early check-in/late check-out options to corporate guests.
Example: provides complimentary access to its executive lounge for corporate
guests, where they can enjoy refreshments, conduct informal meetings, and access
high-speed Wi-Fi. Additionally, corporate guests are offered priority booking for
conference rooms and business services.

 Utilize its central location to target business travelers and weekend leisure guests.
Example: Lavonca could partner with local businesses to offer discounted rates or
complimentary services to guests, such as nearby restaurants, spas, or tourist

General Recommendations

• Collaborate: Foster communication and data sharing between Front Office,

Marketing, and Sales to develop a holistic revenue management strategy.

• Train Staff: Equip staff with knowledge of revenue management principles and
dynamic pricing to ensure they implement strategies effectively.

• Technology: Explore technologies like online check-in, self-service kiosks, and

mobile apps to streamline operations and personalize the guest experience.

• Local Market: Regularly analyze local event calendars, competitor pricing, and
economic trends to refine forecasting and pricing strategies.

• Data-Driven Decisions: Use data from the RMS and other sources to identify trends.

6. Yield management.
Yield management is about selling the right room to the right guest at the right
time for the right price. By adjusting room rates based on demand, seasonality, and other
external factors, hotels can optimize their pricing to maximize revenue. (Elphick, 2023)

6.1. Range of Yield Management Techniques.

Dynamic Pricing:
Implement dynamic pricing for hotel room rates, adjusting prices based on factors such as
demand, seasonality, and booking trends.

Seasonal Pricing:
Offer discounted rates during off-peak seasons to attract guests and maximize occupancy,
while adjusting prices upward during peak seasons to capitalize on increased demand.

Upselling and Cross-selling:

Utilize upselling and cross-selling strategies by offering guests additional services or
upgrades during the booking process, such as room upgrades, breakfast packages, or spa
treatments, to increase revenue per guest.

Advanced Purchase Pricing:

Implement advanced purchase pricing, offering discounts to guests who book their stay well
in advance, incentivizing early bookings and ensuring better forecast accuracy.

Constant Monitoring and Adjustments:
Continuously monitor market conditions, competitor pricing, and booking trends to make
real-time adjustments to room rates and inventory allocation, ensuring optimal revenue

(Popat, 2022)

6.2. Evaluation of Yield Management and Maximizing Profits

Yield management is a powerful tool for reservation managers to maximize profits by
strategically adjusting room rates based on various factors.

Seasonality, events, holidays, competitor pricing, and overall booking trends.

Guest segments:
Business travelers, families, leisure tourists, each with different price sensitivities.

Channel mix:
Direct bookings, online travel agencies (OTAs), corporate contracts, each with different
commission structures.

Room type & amenities:

Standard rooms, suites, views, spa packages, impacting perceived value.

Inventory availability:
Discounts offered closer to the booking date to fill remaining rooms.

6.3. Yield management offers significant benefits:

Increased Revenue:
Maximizes income from each room, especially during peak periods.

Improved Occupancy:
Optimizes inventory by attracting different guest segments with targeted pricing.

Competitive Advantage:
Dynamically adjusts prices to stay ahead of competitors.

Data-driven Decisions:
Uses objective data to inform pricing strategies.

6.4. Challenges of Yield management

Requires constant monitoring and analysis of various factors.

Technology and resources:

May require specialized software and skilled personnel.

Balancing optimal pricing with remaining competitive in the market.

Risk of overbooking or under booking:

Requires accurate demand forecasting.

(Michalis, 2023)

6.5. Reservation managers can maximize profits using various techniques.

Dynamic Pricing:
• Adjust prices based on demand, competitor pricing, and booking lead time.

Minimum Stay Requirements:

• Ensure higher occupancy during peak periods.

Package Deals:
• Bundle accommodation with activities, meals, or upgrades to incentivize bookings.

Length-of-Stay Discounts:
• Encourage longer stays for increased revenue and guest loyalty.

Early Booking Discounts:

• Secure demand and revenue ahead of time.

Last-Minute Deals:
• Fill unsold rooms closer to arrival dates.

Channel Management:
• Optimize pricing and availability across different booking channels.

Upselling & Cross-selling:

• Encourage guests to upgrade rooms or add additional services at check-in.

Targeted Offers:
• Cater to specific guest segments with personalized promotions.

(Pajorska, 2024)

 Overall, yield management is a valuable tool for reservation managers,

but its effectiveness depends.

• Understanding market dynamics and guest behavior.

• Carefully balancing revenue with customer satisfaction.

• Implementing the right technology and data analysis.

• Having a skilled and responsive team to manage dynamic pricing.

By incorporating these considerations and effectively using the various techniques,

reservation managers can leverage yield management to maximize profits and ensure the
long-term success of their organization.

7. Guest Experience Journey

The guest experience journey refers to the series of interactions and touchpoints a guest
encounters from the moment they start planning their trip until they depart from the hotel. It
encompasses every stage of the guest's stay, including pre-arrival, arrival, stay, and departure.
Essentially, it outlines the overall experience and satisfaction level of guests throughout their
interaction with a hotel or hospitality establishment.
(Marković and Gjurašić, 2020)

This stage begins when guests start planning their trip and extends until they arrive at the
property. It involves researching, booking accommodations, and preparing for the stay.

Guests arrive at the hotel, where they are greeted by staff and checked in. This stage sets the
tone for the entire stay and includes the initial impression of the property and room.

This is the core part of the guest experience, where guests occupy the room, use amenities,
and interact with hotel staff. It encompasses everything from room service to housekeeping
and leisure activities.

Guests check out of the hotel, settle any outstanding charges, and leave the property. This
stage is an opportunity for the hotel to gather feedback and ensure guests depart with a
positive impression.

(Marković and Gjurašić, 2020)

7.1. Front Office Operations and Optimizing Guest Experience & Sales.

How front office operations can be optimized at each stage of the guest experience journey.

7.1.1. Pre-Arrival.

Seamless Booking:
Offer flexible booking options, clear pricing, and efficient online booking systems. This
improves convenience and encourages direct bookings (higher revenue & control).

Personalized Communication:
Send pre-arrival emails with personalized recommendations, local information, and upsell
opportunities for room upgrades or activities. This increases guest anticipation and potential

Data-Driven Targeting:
Leverage booking data to segment guests and target email campaigns with personalized offers
based on demographics and travel preferences. This leads to higher conversion rates and
optimized sales.

7.1.2. Arrival

Mobile Check-In & Out:

Implement mobile apps for faster, contactless check-in/out, reducing queues and wait times.
This enhances guest satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Self-Service Kiosks:
Offer self-service kiosks for express check-in/out, luggage storage, or information access.
This caters to tech-savvy guests and alleviates pressure on staff.

Upselling & Cross-Selling:

Train staff to identify guest needs and offer relevant upsells for room upgrades, spa
treatments, or dining packages. This increases revenue and creates a more memorable

7.1.3. Stay

Digital Guest Directory:

Provide an interactive digital guest directory with hotel information, maps, local attractions,
and activity recommendations. This empowers guests and enhances convenience.

24/7 Support:
Utilize AI-powered chatbots or online support systems to offer 24/7 assistance, answer
questions, and resolve minor issues promptly. This improves guest satisfaction and reduces
staff workload.

Personalized In-Room Amenities:

Leverage guest data to personalize in-room amenities, welcome gifts, or room settings based
on preferences. This creates a sense of exclusivity and improves satisfaction.

7.1.4. Departure

Express Check-Out:
Enable mobile or contactless payment options for a seamless and expeditious check-out
process. This enhances guest satisfaction and avoids last-minute queues.

Guest Feedback:
Gather feedback through digital surveys or online reviews to identify areas for improvement
and personalize future experiences. This leads to guest loyalty and continuous improvement.

Loyalty Programs:
Offer loyalty programs with incentives for repeat stays, referral programs, or exclusive
benefits. This increases guest retention and revenue from returning customers.

7.1.5. How Optimize Business Performance and Sales

To fully benefit from the above discussed strategies in business performance and sales, the
hotels must seamlessly apply the front office operations at different guest experience stages.
During the pre-arrival period, the hotels should aim at generating more revenues using
tailored seamless bookings, personalized communications to guests and targeted messaging.
The use of booking flexibility and personalized guest services and offers will motivate guests
to book directly, creating a sense of anticipation, and thereby increasing the conversion rates.

Upon check-in, hotels can achieve high guest satisfaction and operational efficiency by
offering the possibility of mobile check-in/out and self-service kiosks. This ensures the quick
switch between guests, reducing the time spent waiting and contributing to the modern
consumers’ need to do everything digitally and with minimal support. In addition, staff may
receive extensive training on an effective way of managing expectations and upselling/cross-
selling linking to identifying and turn the guest’s needs to room upgrades, amenities, and

To make the process of leaving as less disappointing as possible, hotels can offer express
checkout options and provide guests with several feedback forms. With express checkout
and the possibility of paying without interaction with live representatives, one can
guarantee guests that leaving will be every bit as convenient as entering their room.
Inquiry about guests’ experiences and opinions would show that hotel managers are
interested in maintaining a positive image and are willing to do everything to further
improve. Finally, to ensure that the guest will return for another stay and will encourage
their friends and colleagues to follow suit, the hotel can offer a loyalty program designed
for repeat visits.

(Barten, 2024)

7.2. Digital Technology & Innovation Benefits for Guest Experience at
Heritance Negombo.
Heritage Negombo, known for its focus on personalized service and cultural immersion, can
leverage digital technology and innovation to significantly enhance the guest experience.

7.2.1. Use of Technology for the Guest Experience.

• websites and booking systems.

- Provide user-friendly websites with clear information about the Heritage Negombo,
its amenities, and local attractions.

• Personalized communication.
- Utilize email marketing and targeted social media campaigns to connect with
potential guests. Offer pre-arrival concierge services via chatbots or messaging apps
to answer questions and address any concerns.

• Mobile check-in and keyless entry.

- Implement mobile apps for check-in and digital room keys for a faster and more
convenient arrival process.

• Smart room amenities.

- consider smart thermostats, lighting controls, and even voice-activated assistants to
enhance in-room comfort and personalization.

• Guest feedback systems.

- Utilize in-stay surveys or feedback platforms to gather real-time guest feedback and
address any issues promptly.

• Loyalty programs.
- Implement loyalty programs with digital reward systems to encourage repeat stays
and positive online reviews.

• Personalized recommendations.
- Leverage guest data to provide personalized recommendations for future stays or
experiences in Negombo.

• Social media engagement.

- Encourage guests to share their experiences on social media and engage with them
online to build a strong online community.

7.2.2. Benefits of Digital Journey for Guests at Heritance Negombo.

The seamless integration of digital technology and innovation at Heritance Negombo greatly
improves the guest experience, allowing for an unforgettable and smooth stay. The availability
of user-friendly websites and booking systems that offer detailed information about the hotel
and its facilities, as well as the possibility to learn more about the local attractions and make
informed decisions. Furthermore, the use of personalized communication channels, such as
email marketing and website or social media advertising, establishes a direct link to the guests
and allows them to feel welcome before their arrival. In addition, pre-arrival concierge services
allow guests to message or use a chatbot that answers their questions and concerns.

Additionally, mobile check-in procedures and keyless entry facilities facilitate the arrival of
guests who can skip traditional reception waiting times and enter their rooms soon with their
smartphones. Advanced in-room facilities, including thermostats, lighting settings, and one-
touch voice-activated assistants, provide guests with modern comfort and create a home-away-
from-home atmosphere. Finally, a proper real-time guest feedback system allows Heritance
Negombo to quickly respond to any potential issues of its customers and focus on all aspects
of proper management and guest satisfaction.

Beyond the guest experience, loyalty programs with digital reward systems incentivize repeat
stays and positive online reviews, nurturing guest loyalty and advocacy. The use of guest data
for personalized recommendations allows for tailored, satisfying experiences for each visitor,
with the additional benefit of creating a feeling of connection with the hotel. Driven by active
social media engagement, guests are encouraged to share their experiences online, creating a
vibrant community and amplifying the hotel’s brand presence. In summary, Heritance
Negombo’s strategic use of digital technology and innovation significantly improves its guest
services offering while cementing its status as the Negombo area’s premier hospitality

(Solutions, D.2023)

8. Front Office Operations and Guest Experience with

8.1. What is SERVQUAL model?

The SERVQUAL model, developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry in 1988, is a
popular tool for measuring and understanding service quality. It focuses on the gap between a
customer's expectations and their perceptions of the service they receive. By identifying these
gaps, businesses can improve their service and enhance customer satisfaction.

Five Service Quality Dimensions:

 Reliability: Consistently delivering promised service.

 Assurance: Creating trust and confidence in the service provider.

 Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers promptly and courteously.

 Empathy: Caring about individual customer needs.

 Tangibles: Appearance of physical facilities, staff, and communication materials.

(Daniel & Berinyuy, 2010)

8.2. Review and Evaluation

The Front Office plays a crucial role in managing service quality and ensuring a positive
guest experience throughout the journey. Here's how they impact each stage based on the
SERVQUAL dimensions:

8.2.1. Pre-Arrival

Reliability: Clear booking procedures, accurate information, and timely responses to

inquiries influence perceived reliability.
Assurance: Friendly and professional communication, secure booking platforms, and clear
cancellation policies build guest confidence.
Responsiveness: Prompt replies to emails, efficient call handling, and proactive assistance
create a sense of responsiveness.
Empathy: Personalized communication, addressing specific needs, and offering flexible
options demonstrate empathy.
Tangibles: User-friendly website, informative booking system, and clear communication
materials contribute to positive tangibles.

8.2.2. Arrival

Reliability: Smooth check-in process, minimal wait times, and accurate room assignments
ensure guest satisfaction.
Assurance: Welcoming staff, professional appearance, and clean facilities build guest
Responsiveness: Efficient luggage handling, prompt attention to requests, and solutions to
problems demonstrate responsiveness.
Empathy: Personalized greetings, understanding specific needs, and offering assistance with
local information showcase empathy.
Tangibles: Clean and well-maintained lobby, comfortable seating, and readily available
amenities impact perceived tangibles.

8.2.3. Stay

Reliability: Consistent housekeeping services, functioning amenities, and accurate billing

contribute to perceived reliability.
Assurance: Knowledgeable staff, prompt response to maintenance issues, and security
measures build guest confidence.
Responsiveness: Attentive staff, timely response to guest requests, and efficient problem
resolution demonstrate responsiveness.
Empathy: Staff remembering guest preferences, offering personalized recommendations, and
addressing concerns with empathy.
Tangibles: Clean and comfortable rooms, well-maintained facilities, and access to desired
amenities positively impact tangibles.

8.2.4. Departure

Reliability: Efficient check-out process, accurate billing, and timely return of deposits
influence perceived reliability.
Assurance: Pleasant farewell, clear next steps, and information about future stays build guest
Responsiveness: Addressing feedback promptly, resolving post-stay issues efficiently, and
demonstrating responsiveness.
Empathy: Expressing gratitude, thanking guests for their stay, and personalizing the
departure experience showcase empathy.
Tangibles: Efficient baggage assistance, comfortable waiting areas, and convenient
transportation options contribute to positive tangibles.

8.3. Impact on Guest Experience & Service Quality

8.4. Positive Impact

Seamless & Efficient Operations:

Smooth check-in/out, minimal wait times, and accurate billing create a positive first
impression and contribute to reliability and tangibles.
Personalized Interactions:
Staff understanding guest needs, offering relevant recommendations, and addressing concerns
with empathy enhance empathy and responsiveness.
Proactive Service:
Anticipating needs, exceeding expectations, and offering upgrades positively impact tangibles
and responsiveness.
Effective Problem Resolution:
Prompt solutions to guest issues build trust and confidence, influencing assurance and

8.5. Negative Impact

Delays & Inefficiencies:

Long wait times, unclear procedures, and billing errors lead to frustration and negatively
impact reliability and responsiveness.
Impersonal Interactions:
Staff lacking basic greetings, ignoring preferences, and poor communication affect empathy
and assurance.
Unresolved Issues:
Unresponsiveness to concerns, delayed solutions, and unresolved problems damage
responsiveness and assurance.
Limited-Service Options:
Lack of information, inflexible policies, and unavailable amenities detract from the

8.6. Implications for SERVQUAL Measurement

Gap Identification:
SERVQUAL helps pinpoint discrepancies between guest expectations and perceptions across
all five dimensions, highlighting areas where front office operations directly influence service
Targeted Improvement:
By analyzing guest feedback and service delivery processes, SERVQUAL enables targeted
efforts to address specific strengths and weaknesses within the front office.
Data-Driven Approach:
SERVQUAL data on specific dimensions like responsiveness or empathy guides training
initiatives, resource allocation, and performance evaluations for the front office team.
Comparing SERVQUAL scores with industry benchmarks identifies areas where the front
office needs improvement and provides potential improvement areas.

8.7. Challenges & Considerations:

Evolving Expectations:
Keeping pace with constantly evolving guest expectations requires front office adaptation to
maintain service quality standards.
SERVQUAL relies on subjective guest perceptions, influenced by individual experiences and
external factors.
Multiple Interactions:
Service quality is affected by various front office interactions, requiring comprehensive data
collection and analysis.
Staff Training:
Empowering and training staff to deliver personalized and empathetic service is crucial for
effective implementation.

 By understanding the critical role front office operations play in shaping guest
experience and utilizing SERVQUAL effectively, hotels can:
• Identify areas for improvement and prioritize efforts.

• Develop targeted training programs for staff.

• Monitor and track progress over time.

• Ultimately, enhance guest satisfaction and service quality, leading to increased loyalty
and business success.

8.8. Recommendations for Relationship Management Within guest

experience journey.

8.8.1. Pre-Arrival:
Personalize communication:
Leverage guest data for personalized emails, pre-arrival information, and tailored
recommendations based on preferences.
Utilize technology:
Offer online platforms for reservations, requests, and communication, while ensuring
accessibility for all guests.
Proactive engagement:
Inform guests about potential delays, special offers, or local events before arrival.

8.8.2. Arrival
Warm & welcoming:
Train staff to offer personalized greetings, efficient check-in, and relevant local
Embrace technology:
Implement mobile check-in/out, digital room keys, and self-service options while maintaining
human interaction.
Anticipate needs:
Based on guest data, prepare rooms with preferred amenities, address potential concerns
proactively, and offer local cultural experiences.

8.8.3. Stay
Regular check-ins:
Visit guests to address concerns, offer assistance, and personalize their stay.
Surprise & delight:
Offer small gestures like welcome gifts, birthday surprises, or room upgrades to exceed
Proactive service:
Remember guest preferences, offer relevant recommendations, and anticipate needs for a
seamless experience.

8.8.4. Departure
Express gratitude:
Thank guests for their stay, highlight positive feedback, and encourage return visits.
Seek feedback:
Conduct post-stay surveys or personal contact to understand guest experience and identify
areas for improvement.
Loyalty programs:
Reward repeats guests with exclusive benefits, personalized offers, and early access to

 Additional Considerations.

Empathy training: Ensure staff possess empathy skills to connect with guests on a personal
level and address their needs genuinely.
Empowerment: Empower staff to make decisions, resolve issues promptly, and go the extra
mile for guests.
Technology integration: Ensure technology empowers guest service, not replaces it, and
offer alternative options for guests who prefer traditional interaction.
Continuous improvement: Regularly monitor guest feedback, adapt strategies based on
trends, and strive for ongoing service quality enhancement.

Heritance Negombo (2023).

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