EAB European Adhesive Bonder IFAM

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EWF-European Adhesive

Bonder – EAB
Saw blade with bonded
on cutting segments for
cutting granite.
Training Center for Adhesive Bonding Technology

The Adhesive Bonder training course gives participants an understanding of the tech-
nical aspects and importance of their particular work procedures. Therefore, it enables
them to carry out bonding work independently and professionally. The course provides
a fundamental knowledge of adhesive bonding, so allowing the special aspects of Certification and
adhesive bonding processes to be understood and taken into account in the production. accreditation

Course content The Department of Adhesive

Bonding Technology and Sur-
Fundamentals faces is accredited according
The course starts by introducing fundamental processing and on the curing conditions for with DIN EN ISO 9001.
aspects of adhesive bonding technology. different adhesive systems. These aspects are
A comparison is made between adhesive bon- reinforced by practical assignments. The training courses in
ding technology and other joining techniques. ad­he­sive bonding technology
The integrity of bonds and the factors that Surface treatment are further accredited in
influence the quality of a bond are explained E Customized surface treatment is vital if accordance with DIN 2304,
using the concept of bonding forces. Partici- abond is to function correctly and have good DIN 6701 and TL A-0023.
pants acquire a fundamental understanding of long-term stability. The course introduces
the properties of adhesives. surface treatment techniques that are normally The Training Center for
carried out by workers as a direct part of the Adhesive Bonding Technology
Adhesives adhesive bonding process. Practical experi- has an international reputation
In this section of the course the participants are ments give participants experience applying for its training courses in
familiarized with the most important types of these techniques to a variety of substrates. adhesive bonding technology
adhesives used in industry and learn about the Particular emphasis is put on the use of primers and is accredited via
properties of those adhesives and their main and adhesion promoters. DVS-PersZert® in accordance
areas of application. Emphasis is put on correct with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024.
Training Center for Adhesive Bonding Technology | EWF-European Adhesive Bonder – EAB

Course participants manufacturing bonded joints.

Test methods Work safety and environmental Fraunhofer Institute

In the practical part of the course adhesive protection for Manufacturing Tech-
bonds are created and then tested using Participants learn how to recognize poten- nology and Advanced
commonly used procedures. Evaluation of tial dangers when working with adhesives Materials IFAM
the bond strengths and fracture patterns and auxiliary materials used in bonding Adhesive Bonding
allows adhesive bond defects and their processes. The importance of using pro- Technology and Surfaces
effects to be recognized, so complementing tective equipment and wearing protective
the theoretical part of the course. clothing is highlighted.
Wiener Straße 12
Manufacturing technology 28359 Bremen | Germany
The participants will be introduced in the
fundamental aspects of manual and Institute director
automatic production methods and learn Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Mayer
to identify and avoid sources of faults
and defects. Workforce Qualification
and Technology Transfer
Training Center for Adhesive
Bonding Technology
Dr. Tanja Eggerichs
Phone + 49 421 2246-7408

© Fraunhofer IFAM

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