SITHCCC042 Student Logbook
SITHCCC042 Student Logbook
SITHCCC042 Student Logbook
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About this Student Logbook Student name:
This Student Logbook is where you will record evidence of the knowledge and Sujal kutal_______________________________________________________
skills you have developed during your training for this unit. It also serves as a
Name of RTO:
handy reference guide on what you need to do during your assessment and
how you should go about doing it. _______________________________________________________________
Trainer/assessor name:
Student details section
Fill in the table below: _______________________________________________________________
If this workbook is found, please contact me to return it using the details
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when you are writing your reflection. You might also find the following What do I need to demonstrate?
questions useful:
During your assessment for this unit, you will be required to demonstrate a
What skills and techniques did I use? range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your
What policies and procedures did I follow? course. These include:
How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? During your assessment for this unit, you will be required to demonstrate a
range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your
How did I ensure that my dishes met quality standards? course. These include:
What did I learn during the service and how might I apply it in future? confirming special dietary requirements and select ingredients by:
What might I do different next time? o confirming the customer’s dietary food allergy or food intolerance
Supervisor declaration o recognising the potential health consequences of failing to meet
dietary requirements of customers
Your workplace supervisor’s feedback forms an important part of the
assessment process and it is essential you have your supervisor complete o select the special recipes or modify the recipe with suitable
their section of each of your journals and fill in the supervisor declaration after substitutes or exclude ingredients
the summary section. Keep in mind that, if you are completing your
o identifying ingredients that may cause health consequences in
assessment in your RTO’s training kitchen, your trainer will be your workplace
supervisor and should endorse your journal. Without their endorsement, your
Logbook will be incomplete and it is likely to be returned to you for o identifying ingredients that may cause health consequences on
resubmission. packaging
o check the ingredients packaging for food additives and preservatives
Logbook summary o look for ingredients that cause common allergic reactions
There are a number of requirements you must fulfil within your assessment
o identify ingredients that not meet special dietary requirements
process, so a Logbook Summary has been provided. Make sure you keep this
section up to date – it will help you keep track of any outstanding o excluding ingredients from dishes at the request of customers
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o select special ingredients that meets the customers’ requirements o maintaining a clean and hygienic work area, disposing of or storing
surplus and re-useable by-products according to organisational
o consult with others if required
procedures (including cost efficiency), working sustainably and
o ensure that you maintain the nutritional value efficiently.
preparing foods to satisfy nutritional and special dietary requirements by: modify standard recipes to prepare six different dishes that cater to
customers with special dietary requirements, including:
o following recipes for those with special dietary needs
o three different food allergies
o communicating dietary requirements to other members of your team
(including in writing) o three different food intolerances
o selecting appropriate ingredients to ensure optimum nutritional exclude or substitute ingredients to meet dietary requirements specified
quality of dishes above, while maintaining the nutritional value and integrity of the dish.
o minimising waste to maximise profitability Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!
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Logbook summary
There are a number of practical tasks that you must complete during this assessment process.
Use this list to keep track of your progress. Please note that you may complete a number of
these tasks during one session, therefore you will only need to complete a single journal for
these cases.
This unit of competency requires that you modify standard recipes to prepare six different dishes that
cater to customers with special dietary requirements.
Your assessor and/or supervisor will observe you as you complete the practical tasks in the table
Evidence of this has been provided in the journals.
Modify and prepare dishes for Date Journal completed Journal number
and endorsed by
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Look for six situations where you have prepared a dish for a customer who has a food allergy or intolerance. (Keep in mind that you should report on three food
allergies and three intolerances.) Complete a Journal for each example. Don’t forget to ask your supervisor to endorse each report.
When you have completed all six reports, ask your supervisor/s to complete the Supervisor Declaration which you will find later in this Logbook.
Use this table to indicate the skills that you demonstrated during this practical task. It may not be possible to demonstrate every item in the table on every
occasion. However, every item must be demonstrated at least once.
Student name: Date: January-10 Did an RTO assessor observe this activity? Yes No Journal
number: 1
Recipe modified for: _________
This individual has an egg allergy or sensitivity. Egg proteins have the potential to elicit an unfavourable immune response. This allergy is characterised by an
extreme reaction to a protein found in eggs.
What are the ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met?
The consequences that an individual may experience if their nutritional needs are not satisfied include:
Allergic skin reactions.
Runny nose.
Who did you communicate with about the customer’s dietary need and why? What information did you seek?
In your answer, include details about how you clarified the customer’s requirements. You should also discuss how you worked with other members of your team to
ensure that the customer’s needs were met.
How did you clarify their exact requirements? How did you negotiate an appropriate response with other members of your team?
We will speak with the head chef who is on duty and inquire about our clients' online choices in order to fulfil their demands. while we ask questions to get clarity,
we get to know our customers' special needs and the important things to keep in mind while preparing meals for those with certain allergies.
Describe the steps that you took to respond to the customer’s dietary need. How did you access a recipe which met the customer’s specific needs?
It is necessary to have a list of components that are readily accessible at work on hand.
Additionally, we need to be able to locate a suitable replacement for any item that the customer could be allergic to or sensitive to, based on the components we
presently have. We get the precise ingredients for the meal online while considering the customer's dietary preferences and gourmet preferences. The unusual
ingredients include yoghurt, avocado, mashed bananas, and gelatine gum. We modify the recipe in response to consumer requests to include more egg
Ingredient lists
Complete the following tables to compare the ingredients in the standard recipe with those in the recipe you modified.
Include in your answer a description of how the ingredients that you substituted optimised the nutritional quality of the dish.
Because the consumer had a sensitivity to eggs, egg products had to be replaced with tofu. We adhere to the recipe's instructions to maximize the amount of
nutrients in the meal.
Describe the cooking processes and methods that you used to ensure that the nutritional quality of the dish was maintained. Why did you choose the process that
you did? Why did you choose the equipment that you did?
Baking and grilling are two cooking techniques that are used to preserve the nutritional value of food. Since baking is the greatest method for making the meals
soft, we did that.
Keep eggs and egg products in their original container or somewhere secure.
It is advised to clean any apparent dirt off of surfaces used in food preparation or cooking.
Why Reasons Why Broken or cracked eggs should never be called for in recipes.
Describe the operational adjustments that you made in response to meeting your customer’s dietary requirements. What were the implications for mise en place?
How did you ensure that you still met commercial time constraints and deadlines despite adjusting/modifying recipes and ingredients? How did you adjust the
recipe to produce the desired quantities?
In response to a customer's dietary requirement, we performed an operational adjustment by finding out which individual components needed to be altered in the
recipe to lower the possibility of a food allergy. This recipe works well with a lot of egg substitutes. Instead of the egg products called for in the recipe, we utilise
eggs. Using the mise en place, which has all the supplies and tools required to prepare a meal, may help workers save time.
Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that
I met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)
We examine a range of food sensitivities, including allergy to eggs. Egg proteins have the potential to elicit an unfavorable immune response. This allergy is
characterized by an extreme reaction to a protein found in eggs. We look at several precautions against foodborne disease and dishes that use non-egg
Supervisor Endorsement
Supervisor name: Position: Signed:
Use this table to indicate the skills that you demonstrated during this practical task. It may not be possible to demonstrate every item in the table on every
occasion. However, every item must be demonstrated at least once.
Student name: Date: January-12 Did an RTO assessor observe this activity? Yes No Journal
Recipe modified for: _2_______
The inability to digest dairy products is caused by an allergy in this person. This article discusses the damaging effects of cow's milk protein on the immune
system. Among the symptoms are vomiting, rashes, gastrointestinal problems, and wheezing.
What are the ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met?
The ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met include:
Tightness in throat.
Trouble swallowing.
Who did you communicate with about the customer’s dietary need and why? What information did you seek?
Since the head chef is in charge of the customer's diet, we let them know about any special dietary requirements. Maintaining the integrity and quality of the recipe
is our top priority.
To meet their requests, we shall check up on our guests' online preferences and have a conversation with the head chef who is on duty. We learn about our
clients' unique requirements and the crucial factors to consider while creating meals for those with specific allergies when we enquire about clarification from them.
In your answer, include details about how you clarified the customer’s requirements. You should also discuss how you worked with other members of your team to
ensure that the customer’s needs were met.
How did you clarify their exact requirements? How did you negotiate an appropriate response with other members of your team?
Through internet research and conversation, the special items required to prepare the dish were located and obtained. Certain plant-based foods are available to
us, such as rice and soy milk alternatives. We replaced the milk product with plant-based milk products to meet the customer's dietary needs.
Describe the steps that you took to respond to the customer’s dietary need. How did you access a recipe which met the customer’s specific needs?
The following steps were done in order to meet the client's dietary needs:
Did internet research on the intolerance or allergy.
If we learn about a customer's dietary requirements, we may work with them to provide a customized meal.
Based on the components we presently have on hand, we should also be able to determine an appropriate substitute for any component that the consumer could
be allergic to or sensitive to.
What process did you use to identify and access the specialised ingredients that you required to prepare the dish? List the specialised ingredients that you
accessed and how they satisfied the dietary needs of your customer. Consider ingredient labels, food additives and preservatives, common allergens and
nutritional values of ingredients.
In order to meet the client's dietary needs, we substituted plant-based milk for the dairy elements in the dish. We decided on soy milk for the recipe's supper in
order to make it as wholesome as feasible.
Ingredient lists
Complete the following tables to compare the ingredients in the standard recipe with those in the recipe you modified.
Include in your answer a description of how the ingredients that you substituted optimised the nutritional quality of the dish.
One cooking method that keeps food's nutritional worth intact is baking. This process retains the nutrients in the food while cooking it to the finest quality, which is
why we have opted to utilize it.
Describe the cooking processes and methods that you used to ensure that the nutritional quality of the dish was maintained. Why did you choose the process that
you did? Why did you choose the equipment that you did?
To accommodate the customer's dietary requirements, several plant-based milk substitutes were used in place of the milk product as part of operational
When preparing raw meat, poultry, fish, or vegetables, don't use the same cutting board or knife repeatedly.
Wash your hands completely every time you come into contact with food or surfaces.
By storing food at the proper temperature, food poisoning may be prevented.
Describe the operational adjustments that you made in response to meeting your customer’s dietary requirements. What were the implications for mise en place?
How did you ensure that you still met commercial time constraints and deadlines despite adjusting/modifying recipes and ingredients? How did you adjust the
recipe to produce the desired quantities?
The mis en place allows for simple recipe modifications, time savings, organisation, and clutter-free kitchen maintenance. To achieve the intended results while
preserving the component's quality and freshness, the recipe is changed.
Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that
I met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)
For the supper, we cooked it in the oven. We considered the customer's dietary requirements and recommended dairy product substitutes since they were
sensitive to certain meals. A lot of dietary restrictions are taken care of throughout the dinner. We acted to stop food contamination going forward.
Supervisor Endorsement
Student name: Date: January 13 Did an RTO assessor observe this activity? Yes No Journal
Recipe modified for: 3______
Lactose intolerance is the term used to describe dietary sensitivity to lactose. It speaks of the capacity to break down lactose, a sugar present in milk and milk-
based foods.
What are the ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met?
The ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met includes:
Reduce the quality of life.
Who did you communicate with about the customer’s dietary need and why? What information did you seek?
We inform the head chef of any particular dietary needs since they are responsible for the customer's diet. Our main goal is to keep the recipe's quality and purity
In your answer, include details about how you clarified the customer’s requirements. You should also discuss how you worked with other members of your team to
ensure that the customer’s needs were met.
How did you clarify their exact requirements? How did you negotiate an appropriate response with other members of your team?
We will speak with the head chef who is on duty and inquire about our clients' online choices in order to fulfil their demands. We need to ask a lot of questions of
consumers who have food allergies in order to better understand their preferences and dietary requirements and to suit their individual needs. To arrange the
feast, the chiefs had to be in the office.
Describe the steps that you took to respond to the customer’s dietary need. How did you access a recipe which met the customer’s specific needs?
The following steps were done in order to meet the client's dietary needs:
Looked up the intolerance or allergy online.
Clearly stating to the customer what has to be done.
What process did you use to identify and access the specialised ingredients that you required to prepare the dish? List the specialised ingredients that you
accessed and how they satisfied the dietary needs of your customer. Consider ingredient labels, food additives and preservatives, common allergens and
nutritional values of ingredients.
We should be able to meet the client's dietary needs with easily accessible ingredients. We consult with the customer and do internet research to get the precise
components required to prepare the dish. Specialty components include dairy-free substitutes and other recipe modifications. They followed the client's dietary
guidelines without sacrificing the meal's flavor or texture.
Ingredient lists
Complete the following tables to compare the ingredients in the standard recipe with those in the recipe you modified.
Include in your answer a description of how the ingredients that you substituted optimised the nutritional quality of the dish.
Instead of other dairy product, use avocado and tofu. These choices improve the nutritional content of the dish. The avocado and tofu in this recipe are excellent
providers of protein and calcium.
Describe the cooking processes and methods that you used to ensure that the nutritional quality of the dish was maintained. Why did you choose the process that
you did? Why did you choose the equipment that you did?
We made sure to cook it using pan-frying techniques to preserve all of its delicious and nourishing qualities. This is the method we used to cook the food without
sacrificing its quality. Cooking methods make use of pans and ovens.
When preparing raw meat, poultry, fish, or vegetables, don't use the same cutting board or knife repeatedly.
Wash your hands completely every time you come into contact with food or surfaces.
Regularly clean and disinfect all surfaces and equipment after handling meats and other food products.
Describe the operational adjustments that you made in response to meeting your customer’s dietary requirements. What were the implications for mise en place?
How did you ensure that you still met commercial time constraints and deadlines despite adjusting/modifying recipes and ingredients? How did you adjust the
recipe to produce the desired quantities?
The recipe was modified to make a dairy-free variant upon request from a customer. Using the mise en place strategy makes sure you always have everything you
need on hand. They guarantee that preparation techniques are profitable and efficient. There's vegan cheese, soy milk, yoghurt, and veggies on the table.
Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that
I met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)
In order to cook, we investigate several frying ways and use a variety of abilities and strategies. We determine any food sensitivities so that the client's nutritional
demands may be satisfied. We are particularly interested in future study on food alternatives that might improve the flavour and texture of dishes.
Supervisor Endorsement
Student name: Date: January 14 Did an RTO assessor observe this activity? Yes No Journal
Recipe modified for: __4_______
A person's dietary intolerance to gluten is referred to as gluten sensitivity. Gluten sensitivity is characterized by an unpleasant reaction to the protein family that
includes wheat, barley, and rye.
What are the ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met?
If an individual's nutritional needs are not satisfied, the following consequences may occur:
Skin rashes.
Who did you communicate with about the customer’s dietary need and why? What information did you seek?
In your answer, include details about how you clarified the customer’s requirements. You should also discuss how you worked with other members of your team to
ensure that the customer’s needs were met.
We shall inform the kitchen staff of the customer's dietary requirements as they are in charge of preparing the meal in accordance with the recipe. They provide
the information required to prevent ingredient mismatches and cross-contamination.
How did you clarify their exact requirements? How did you negotiate an appropriate response with other members of your team?
We can better understand our clients' demands and uncover important details that must be taken into account while making their meal in accordance with their
dietary restrictions by asking focused inquiries.
Describe the steps that you took to respond to the customer’s dietary need. How did you access a recipe which met the customer’s specific needs?
Foods that are part of a speciality diet must be marked with icons.
A list of parts that are easily available at work must be kept on hand.
Discuss the food allergy and its importance with the head of the department.
If we learn about a customer's dietary constraints, we may work with them to develop a customized meal.
In addition, depending on the components we currently have, we must be able to find an appropriate substitute for any item the consumer could be allergic to or
sensitive to.
What process did you use to identify and access the specialised ingredients that you required to prepare the dish? List the specialised ingredients that you
accessed and how they satisfied the dietary needs of your customer. Consider ingredient labels, food additives and preservatives, common allergens and
nutritional values of ingredients.
We may modify the recipe to meet their specific needs by having a conversation with them and finding out about their preferences and wishes. Eggs, low-fat dairy
products, gluten-free flour, and a wide assortment of fresh vegetables are some of the specialist items available. The customer's dietary limitations were taken into
account while maintaining the food's quality and nutritional worth.
Ingredient lists
Fill in the following tables to see how the items in the modified recipe and those in the conventional recipe compare.
Ingredient list – Standard recipe
Calculate the amount of each ingredient that you require. This ingredient list has been provided for you or you may like to use your organisation’s standard
Include in your answer a description of how the ingredients that you substituted optimised the nutritional quality of the dish.
We used gluten-free flour in lieu of regular flour in the dish since certain guests are unable to consume the meal due to dietary restrictions.
Describe the cooking processes and methods that you used to ensure that the nutritional quality of the dish was maintained. Why did you choose the process that
you did? Why did you choose the equipment that you did?
All during the cooperative We had to replace the regular flour in the recipe with gluten-free flour due to dietary restrictions for a few of our visitors. Throughout
procedure, we preserved the food's nutritious value by using the poaching and frying methods. In order to keep our cooking techniques as nutritious as possible,
we employed a skillet and an oven.
To keep food from rotting, dishes and food must be kept at the right temperature.
The modifications we implemented to our procedures to fulfil a client's request for a gluten-free diet. Eggs, gluten-free foods, low-fat dairy products, fruits, and
vegetables are needed for this dish. Using the mise en place strategy makes sure you always have everything you need on hand. They guarantee that preparation
techniques are profitable and efficient.
Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that
I met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)
To prepare this meal, we employ poaching and frying techniques. The client informs us that they have a gluten sensitivity. We modified the original recipe after
looking into gluten-free alternatives and techniques for keeping perishables separate in the kitchen.
Supervisor Endorsement
Student name: Date: January 15 Did an RTO assessor observe this activity? Yes No Journal
Recipe modified for: ____5_____
What are the ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met?
If a person's nutritional needs are not satisfied, the following consequences may arise:
Skin problems.
Respiratory problems.
Nervous problems.
Who did you communicate with about the customer’s dietary need and why? What information did you seek?
Since the chefs make the food that the consumers eat, we talk about the needs with the top chef. The emphasis on avoiding food intolerances in the recipe
prompts our quest for information.
In your answer, include details about how you clarified the customer’s requirements. You should also discuss how you worked with other members of your team to
ensure that the customer’s needs were met.
How did you clarify their exact requirements? How did you negotiate an appropriate response with other members of your team?
We can better understand our clients' demands and uncover important details that must be taken into account while making their meal in accordance with their
dietary restrictions by asking focused inquiries.
Describe the steps that you took to respond to the customer’s dietary need. How did you access a recipe which met the customer’s specific needs?
In order to meet the client's nutritional needs, we carried out the following procedures:
Informing the client that they have food sensitivity.
Retaining a balanced weight.
Be careful not to alter any of the original ingredients in the recipe.
Inform the chef of any food allergies you may have.
As a consequence of our conversation with the head chef, the menu was adjusted to suit the guests' preferences.
If someone is unable to consume a certain item due to a food allergy or intolerance, there should be a suitable substitute. should maintain the health benefits of
the recipe.
What process did you use to identify and access the specialised ingredients that you required to prepare the dish? List the specialised ingredients that you
accessed and how they satisfied the dietary needs of your customer. Consider ingredient labels, food additives and preservatives, common allergens and
nutritional values of ingredients.
To find and get the exact ingredients needed to make the cuisine, you must first talk to the consumer and find out how sensitive they are. Speciality cuisine uses
natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and natural colours. To satisfy the client's dietary requirements, foods high in proteins and other nutrients were
Ingredient lists
Complete the following tables to compare the ingredients in the standard recipe with those in the recipe you modified.
Include in your answer a description of how the ingredients that you substituted optimised the nutritional quality of the dish.
Using the vanilla extract specified in the recipe is not advised. Because almond extract offers more inherent health benefits than vanilla, we went with it.
Describe the cooking processes and methods that you used to ensure that the nutritional quality of the dish was maintained. Why did you choose the process that
you did? Why did you choose the equipment that you did?
We maintain the nutritional value of the food by using techniques such as baking. We decided to continue in this manner since it best maintains the nutritional
content of the food and the dish.
Wash your hands with soap and hot water whenever you can.
It is essential to use personal protective equipment (PPE) in order to prevent the spread of germs.
Requests that all food preparation trash be removed from designated places and that the workstation be kept immaculate.
Describe the operational adjustments that you made in response to meeting your customer’s dietary requirements. What were the implications for mise en place?
How did you ensure that you still met commercial time constraints and deadlines despite adjusting/modifying recipes and ingredients? How did you adjust the
recipe to produce the desired quantities?
In response to the customer's dietary choices, we executed an operational change to make the meal with only natural ingredients and refrain from adding food
additives that may be hazardous to their health. Using the mise en place strategy makes sure you always have everything you need on hand. They guarantee that
the preparatory techniques are profitable and efficient.
Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that
I met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)
We learn from the examination about various cooking techniques, food additive sensitivity, and the need of having high-quality, dependable, and safe cookware
and equipment. As we gain greater understanding of the consequences of food additive sensitivity, we will be able to better accommodate our customers' dietary
requirements by providing them with alternate recipes.
Supervisor Endorsement
Student name: Date: January-11 Did an RTO assessor observe this activity? Yes No Journal
Recipe modified for: __2_______
The individual has a peanut allergy or sensitivity. One food allergy that might have moderate to severe symptoms is peanut allergy. There might be runny
nose, increased acne on the skin, or even vomiting as signs and symptoms.
What are the ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met?
The ramifications for the person if their dietary need is not met are:
Skin reactions.
Digestive problems.
Runny nose.
Who did you communicate with about the customer’s dietary need and why? What information did you seek?
We inform the head chef about the customer's particular dietary needs since they are in charge of the customer's diet. Our first concern is preserving the recipe's
integrity and standards.
How did you clarify their exact requirements? How did you negotiate an appropriate response with other members of your team?
In your answer, include details about how you clarified the customer’s requirements. You should also discuss how you worked with other members of your team to
ensure that the customer’s needs were met.
We will speak with the head chef on duty and look up our patrons' online preferences in order to cater to their demands. We use clarifying inquiries to address the
additional needs of our customers and highlight important considerations when preparing food for those with particular sensitivity issues. To prepare the meal, the
chiefs had to be present at the office.
Describe the steps that you took to respond to the customer’s dietary need. How did you access a recipe which met the customer’s specific needs?
• In accordance with the client's particular dietary requirements, we performed the following actions:
• We looked online to see whether a food allergy was required.
• Update the menu and make changes to the recipe.
• Set aside a space and collect the culinary tools you'll need.
• Allergy sufferers must to be provided with an ingredient list.
• Include the chief's dietary requirements with the request.
We access a recipe which met the customer’s specific needs by communicating with the customer about their food allergy and should be able to provide
appropriate substitute to the ingredients that has food allergy or intolerance regarding the available ingredients.
What process did you use to identify and access the specialised ingredients that you required to prepare the dish? List the specialised ingredients that you
accessed and how they satisfied the dietary needs of your customer. Consider ingredient labels, food additives and preservatives, common allergens and
nutritional values of ingredients.
We may customize the recipe to meet their unique requirements by speaking with them and finding out about their preferences and needs. Among the unique
components are bean, chickpea, sunflower seed, and biscuit butter. The recipe's taste characteristic of the meal was preserved while the components complied
with the customer's dietary requirements.
Ingredient lists
Complete the following tables to compare the ingredients in the standard recipe with those in the recipe you modified.
Include in your answer a description of how the ingredients that you substituted optimised the nutritional quality of the dish.
Beans and other types of nuts should be removed. Because almonds are abundant in calcium, iron, and protein, the replacements improve the nutritional value of
the meal.
Describe the cooking processes and methods that you used to ensure that the nutritional quality of the dish was maintained. Why did you choose the process that
you did? Why did you choose the equipment that you did?
Cooking techniques like grilling and toasting preserve the dish's nutritional value. This technique preserves the quality of the heat source's direct beams.
Describe the operational adjustments that you made in response to meeting your customer’s dietary requirements. What were the implications for mise en place?
How did you ensure that you still met commercial time constraints and deadlines despite adjusting/modifying recipes and ingredients? How did you adjust the
recipe to produce the desired quantities?
In order to satisfy the customer's dietary requirements, we made minor operational changes to the recipe by utilizing various types of peanuts while maintaining
the taste and attractiveness of the meal. Mise en place maintains consistency in both the quantity and quality of the product by making sure that all parts and tools
are available.
Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that
I met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)
We look at various dietary sensitivities and preparation techniques linked to peanuts. We make use of many substitutes to preserve the dish's nutritious
ingredients. Many techniques for preventing infection are taught to us. Various consequences associated with food allergies are revealed.
Supervisor Endorsement
Supervisor name:
During the services described in the student’s journals that I have endorsed, the student:
worked to a professional level in line with the kitchen’s usual roles and
Yes No
The student has permission to submit the information contained within the reflective
journals completed below and any supporting documentation (as required) for the ☐ Yes ☐ No
purposes of assessment.
Supervisor signature:
Contact number: