RFBT - Review Contracts GP Ex
RFBT - Review Contracts GP Ex
RFBT - Review Contracts GP Ex
6. Statement 1: When the offerer has allowed the offeree a certain
period to accept, the offer may be withdrawn at any time before
acceptance by communicating such withdrawal, except when the
option is founded upon a consideration as something paid or promised.
Statement 2: Misrepresentation made in good faith is not fraudulent
but may constitute error.
12. Which of the following statements is wrong in relation to the rules on
interpretation of contracts?
13. The stipulation in a contract to the effect that the debtor should remain
as a servant in the house and in the service of her creditor so long as
she had not paid her debt is void because it is:
14. X, after the death of his father, sold his inheritance though its amount
has not yet been determined to B, for a consideration of P50,000.
17. S and B orally agreed that S would sell and B would buy S’s radio for
P400, two years from the date of the agreement. At the end of the two-
year period, S refused to deliver the radio although B was willing to
20. Example No. 1: D obliged himself to give C P10,000. However, the day
before the obligation falls due, D’s apartment was completely gutted by
accidental fire. There is no question that the money was also razed by
fire. The obligation of D is totally extinguished because of fortuitous
Example No. 2: D obliged himself to pay C P10,000 with 6% interest,
On the due date, D tendered P10,000 with a promise to pay the P600
interest the day after. If C refused to accept, he can be compelled to
do so because the obligation is divisible.
22. Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the acceptance
upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract.
Which of the following constitutes a definite offer?
23. On July 15, 2022, X entered into a contract with Y. On February 10,
2023, X discovered that fraud was committed at the time he entered
into the contract, a fraud that vitiated his consent. The action for
annulment shall be brought
24. D owes C P 10,000. But the debt soon prescribed. Later X, against the
consent of D, pays C P10,000.
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