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Standard Floating License

Installation and User’s Guide

Silvaco, Inc
4701 Patrick Henry Drive, Bldg. 2 January 8, 2014
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: (408) 567-1000
Web: www.silvaco.com

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

Silvaco, Inc. shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or
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Luminous 3D, Magnetic, Magnetic 3D, MaskViews, MC Etch & Depo, MC Device, MC
Implant, Mercury, MixedMode, MixedMode XL, MultiCore, Noise, OLED, Optolith,
Organic Display, Organic Solar, OTFT, Quantum, Quantum 3D, Quest, RealTime DRC, REM
2D, REM 3D, SEdit, SMovie, S-Pisces, SSuprem 3, SSuprem 4, SDDL, SFLM, SIPC, SiC,
Silvaco, Silvaco Management Console, SMAN, Silvaco Relational Database, Silos,
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Module, Utmost IV Model Check Module, Utmost IV Optimization Module, Utmost IV
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Copyright © 1984 - 2014, Silvaco, Inc.

2 Standard Floating License Manager

How to Read this Manual

Style Conventions

Font Style/Convention Description Example

• This represents a list of items or • Bullet A

terms. • Bullet B
• Bullet C
1. This represents a set of directions To open a door:
2. to perform an action. 1. Unlock the door by inserting
3. the key into keyhole.
2. Turn key counter-clockwise.
3. Pull out the key from the
4. Grab the doorknob and turn
clockwise and pull.
 This represents a sequence of FileOpen
menu options and GUI buttons to
perform an action.
Courier This represents the commands, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
parameters, and variables syntax.
Times Roman Bold This represents the menu options File
and buttons in the GUI.
New Century Schoolbook This represents the variables of x+y=1
Italics equations.
This represents the additional
Note: important information. Note: Make sure you save often when
working on a manual.

3 Standard Floating License Manager

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.1 What is SFLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.1.1 Installation Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 What's New in SFLM 8.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.1 What’s New in SFLM8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.2 What was New in SFLM7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.3 What was New in SFLM6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Installing Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.1 Installing a Windows Full Package (*.exe). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.2 Installing a Unix (Solaris or Linux) Full Package (*.tar.gz). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.3 Installing a Windows update (*.ssu). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.4 Installing a Unix (Solaris or Linux) update (*.ssu). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4 License Server Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4.1 License Server Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4.2 License Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.4.3 Setting up License Server(s) for Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.5 Running the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5.1 Specifying the License Server(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5.2 Specifying a Path to the Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Chapter 2 
Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
2.1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Online Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Offline Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chapter 3 
License Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
3.1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 Automatic Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 Install Locally Saved License File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter 4 
Specifying the License Server(s) Using SFLM Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
4.1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.1.1 Starting SFLM Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Starting the Server List Configuration Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.3 Choosing Configuration Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.4 Adding a Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.4.1 Adding a Normal Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.4.2 Adding a Redundant Server Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4 Standard Floating License Manager

Table of Contents

Chapter 5 
Customer Environment Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
5.1 Setting The Path To The Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2 Choosing A Single License Server for a Specific User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.2.1 Local Settings for Individual Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.2.2 How to Set the SFLM_SERVERS Environment Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.3 Choosing Multiple License Servers for a Specific User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.4 Choosing a Redundant Server Cluster for a Specific User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.5 Testing User Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Chapter 6 
Administration Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
6.1 Administration Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.1.1 Install New License(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.1.2 Change Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.1.3 Re-Register License Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.1.4 Setup Redundant Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.1.5 Customize Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.1.6 Synchronize Server Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6.1.7 Send Test Log Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Chapter 7 
Reports Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
7.1 Types of Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
7.1.1 Active Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.1.2 Valid Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
7.1.3 Token Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7.1.4 License Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
7.1.5 Installed License Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Chapter 8 
Support Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
8.1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Chapter 9 
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Firewalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
9.1 Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
9.2 Firewalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Chapter 10 
SFLM Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
10.1 Older Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
10.2 License Server ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
10.3 Upgrading an SFLM4 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5 Standard Floating License Manager

Table of Contents

Appendix A 
Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
A.1 How do I bring up the web front end to SFLM? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
A.2 I have installed a new version but still seem to be running the old one? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
A.3 What version of SFLM do I have? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
A.4 What is registration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
A.5 What is activation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
A.6 What should I choose - online or offline registration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
A.7 I have forgotten my password, what should I do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
A.8 When I run an application I cannot get a license, what should I do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
A.9 How do I find out who has checked out a particular product license? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
A.10 What are redundant servers? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
A.11 How do I set up redundant servers?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
A.12 What can cause me to need to re-register? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
A.13 How can I reset the SFLM? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
A.14 How can I get a status similar to flexLM's "lmstat -a"?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
A.15 How do I get a quick status from the license server from the command line? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Appendix B 
Command Line Options for SFLM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
B.1 Command Line Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Appendix C 
Hourly Charge Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
C.1 SFLM Hourly Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Appendix D 
License Usage Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 1
What is SFLM Introduction

1.1 What is SFLM

This chapter introduces the license management software Standard Floating License Manager
(SFLM). For those unfamiliar with SFLM, see Section 1.2.1 “What’s New in SFLM8”. The
following chapters provide a step-by-step guide through the first time installation to show the
typical screens that you will face.

1.1.1 Installation Steps

Step Overview Details

Install Software Section 1.3 “Installing Software”

Register SFLM License Server Section 1.4.1 “License Server Registration” Chapter 2 “Registration”

Install License File Section 1.4.2 “License Installation” Chapter 3 “License Installation”

Set Default License Server for Run sflm_access Chapter 4 “Specifying the License
this Installation Directory Server(s) Using SFLM Access”

Set up User Environment Add /<installdir>/bin to user path (in Chapter 5 “Customer Environment
Unix only). Settings”

Test Environment Section 5.5 “Testing User Environment”

Note: Check Chapter 9 “Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Firewalls” for Firewall and VPN connection

8 Standard Floating License Manager

What's New in SFLM 8.2 Introduction

1.2 What's New in SFLM 8.2

Added support for new hourly (timed) tokens. These token are good for a number of hours of
product uses. For example, SMARTSPICE normally needs 6 tokens to run. You can now buy
something like 12 token hours. This would give you 2 hours running SMARTSPICE. This can
give you flexibily for paying small amounts for small project without the need to paid for a
full license. Unlike the daily token, you do not need to specify which days you will use the
license. You can use 10 minutes one day, no time the next day, and maybe the remaining 1
hour 50 minute the third.

1.2.1 What’s New in SFLM8

• Real-time license remix. SFLM8 is the first version that supports token licenses. Token
licenses are the basis of real-time remix. License files with token licenses (format 8
license files) cannot be used with older SFLM server versions.
• Enhancement to activating postdated licenses for daily token purchases.
• You can use multiple USB HASP keys on a single server. This allows you to transfer
some licenses to laptops or home computers and later combine them onto a central server.
This is only supported on Linux 64 and Windows platforms. A single USB HASP key is
still supported on Linux 32 bit platforms.
• License usage logging into “tab separated values” files. Summaries may be kept by
product or user. Complete logs of license check-outs and check-ins may also be kept.

1.2.2 What was New in SFLM7

Improved performance and bug fixes.

1.2.3 What was New in SFLM6

• Incorporated a web based front end and can use either FireFox 3 and above or Internet
Explorer 6.
• License files are linked to the host. In the case of Windows or RedHat Linux systems, the
license file may also be linked to the HASP security key instead. USB HASP keys are
supported on Linux. USB and Parallel HASP keys are supported on Windows.
• License files are now linked to information derived from the server machine hardware.
This information is sent to the SFLM database through the process of registration and a
license file is then generated.
• Supports Multiple Server Redundancy.
• Multiple license servers may now exist on one network and an application may cycle
through them to obtain a license.

9 Standard Floating License Manager

Installing Software Introduction

1.3 Installing Software

This section gives an overview of the installation process, which consists of three parts:
extracting the software from a downloaded package, installing the SFLM license server as a
service, and starting the server. You should install software into a single installation directory,
which is called <installdir>. You may have downloaded the software or received it on a
CDROM. You can install multiple versions of the software in the same directory.

1.3.1 Installing a Windows Full Package (*.exe).

This is an Install Shield self extracting archive. Run this program as an administrative user
and follow directions. If you are installing on to a license server, select Licensing.
Otherwise, only select the packages you wish to install.

1.3.2 Installing a Unix (Solaris or Linux) Full Package (*.tar.gz).

These files come in a tar gzip format. First, log in as root. Then, make a directory
<installdir> such as /opt/sedatools. If you already have installed software, you should
use the same directory as before and cd to that directory. Extract the files using tar and unzip.
Finally, install as a service and start the server. For example:
su root
mkdir /opt/sedatools
cd /opt/sedatools
gunzip < '/tmp/x.tar.gz' | tar -xf -
/opt/sedatools/bin/sflm -install

1.3.3 Installing a Windows update (*.ssu).

Make sure the user you are logged in as has permissions to write to the existing software
installation area.
1. Backup your existing installation area. Simply create a zip, rar, or similar archive of the
installation folder and contents.
2. Run the SMAN (Management Console) tool from your installed tool folder.
3. Select ToolsAdd and Manage Updates.
4. Click Browse and locate the .ssu file.
5. Click Install.
6. As an administrator on the license server, select the Start menu and select Run... .
7. In the run window, type in the command to replace the existing server as a service.
Depending on the install directory, it will look like "C:\sedatools\exe\sflm
-deinstall -install -start".

10 Standard Floating License Manager

Installing Software Introduction

1.3.4 Installing a Unix (Solaris or Linux) update (*.ssu).

Make sure the user you are logged in as has permissions to write to the existing software
installation area.
1. Backup your existing installation area. Simply tar up the entire directory containing the
2. Run the SMAN (Management Console) tool from your installed tool folder or run it
directly like "/opt/sedatools/bin/sman".
3. Select ToolsAdd and Manage Updates.
4. Click Browse and locate the .ssu file.
5. Click Install.
6. As root on the license server, install the server as a service and start it. For example:
"/opt/sedatools/bin/sflm -install".

11 Standard Floating License Manager

License Server Configuration Introduction

1.4 License Server Configuration

1.4.1 License Server Registration
The first stage is called Registration (also called Activation). It is a means by which a
unique description of the machine acting as a license server is generated and saved in the
online SFLM database. Chapter 2 “Registration” describes this stage in detail.
Figure 1-1 shows a flowchart of the registration process. After entering a password, the
registration process begins and the software gathers information about the customer’s
computer (e.g., computer name and hostid). This information together with the user’s name
and contact information will be transmitted by way of either http (if online registration is
chosen) or by E-mail (if offline registration is chosen) to the license database. Basically,
Registration is a process that delivers a unique machine ID number to the SFLM database so
that a license can be keyed to it.

Note: The online registration requires that the browser is able to access the internet. These are representations of
web pages but not their exact content.

Figure 1-1 SFLM Registration Flowchart

12 Standard Floating License Manager

License Server Configuration Introduction

1.4.2 License Installation

When all the registration information is received, a license file will be generated and keyed to
your specific machine. You will then be informed by Simucad that the license is ready and
can be obtained either automatically or by E-mail. Figure 1-2 shows a flowchart of the
licensing process.
The automatic route is the most convenient as SFLM server will contact the online SFLM
license database, and request a license to be transmitted through http. This license file will be
saved locally on your machine and no further contact will be required.

Note: The automatic update requires that the browser is able to access the internet. These are representations of
web pages but not their exact content.

The alternative offline route is to send the license file by E-mail, floppy disk or some other
means. You would then use a file browser to find this file and load it with your web browser.

Figure 1-2 SFLM License File(s) Flowchart

The SFLM license server should now be able to issue licenses to applications.

1.4.3 Setting up License Server(s) for Users

Run sflm_access to specify license server(s). See Chapter 4 “Specifying the License
Server(s) Using SFLM Access” for more details.

13 Standard Floating License Manager

Running the Software Introduction

1.5 Running the Software

To run applications, you must do two things:
• Specify to the license server(s).
• Specify the application you wish to run.

1.5.1 Specifying the License Server(s)

There are two ways to specify license server(s). First, you can specify a list of license servers
using sflm_access. That sets the default list of servers used by the applications installed in
the same location as the sflm_access program. This is normally done by the person
installing the software as other users may have write permission problems to the
configuration file (see Section 4.2 “Starting the Server List Configuration Wizard” for more
details). Alternatively, you can set the environmental variable SFLM_SERVERS (see Section
5.2.2 “How to Set the SFLM_SERVERS Environment Variable”).

1.5.2 Specifying a Path to the Applications

On Windows, you normally do not specify a path. You simply open up the shortcut screen and
double click the application.
On UNIX systems (such as Solaris and Linux), each user should add /<installdir>/bin to
their path. See Chapter 5 “Customer Environment Settings” for more details.

14 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 2
Overview Registration

2.1 Overview
This chapter describes how to install the SFLM software and how the process of machine
registration works using a web browser. This step must be performed by all new users of
SFLM server. Figure 2-1 shows how the process of SFLM registration.

Figure 2-1 SFLM Registration Flow

16 Standard Floating License Manager

Overview Registration

The first step is to obtain the SFLM software from the software vendor, unpack it onto your
machine and install it. Instructions for unpacking the software will be supplied with the
software delivery. After unpacking the software, install SFLM on the machine designated as
the license server. SFLM server software is included in all baseline release packages. Then,
start SFLM server on the license server.
The SFLM installation is performed from a command line on Solaris and Linux RedHat
operating systems. As the root user, execute the following command:
/<installdir>/bin/sflm -install
where <installdir> is the installation directory where the software was unpackaged.
If you are using a parallel HASP 4 key on a Linux platform, execute:
/<installdir>/bin/sflm -install -hasp
The -hasp option is not required for USB HASP.
On Windows platforms, InstallShield will take care of this first step but you need to have
administration rights.

Note: Running the sflm command requires root access. Once you run the sflm -install command, the
server will automatically start when the machine boots up. The rest of the registration may be from a regular
user account.

On all platforms, you will be asked to provide a new password. Some of the web pages for
SFLM affect how the license server functions. Therefore, you must use give the original
password before accessing these functions. All other pages that are standard reports will be
accessible to users without this password.

Note: The SFLM password is only for protecting certain SFLM pages. It is not an existing system password.

After installation, bring up a web browser (either FireFox 3 and above or Internet Explorer)
and type in:
in the address bar. Here, <server-name> is the hostname or machine name of the computer
where sflm -install or InstallShield was run. If you do not know the name of your current
machine, you can use the special name instead of <server-name>. For

Figure 2-2 Browser showing the special name

17 Standard Floating License Manager

Overview Registration

Note: The web browser does not need to be run on the license server machine. After the sflm -install, you
may use any machine to run the browser. The <server-name>, however, MUST be the machine where
sflm -install was performed.

When the web browser pops up, it should display a page similar to the one shown in
Figure 2-3. This is the beginning of a wizard that will guide you through the process of
At anytime, you can click on Help in the browser to provide more information about the
current page.

Note: Existing Simucad users can unpack the new SFLM software on top of their existing SFLM4 installation.

Figure 2-3 Set Password Page

The first step is to enter the SFLM administrator password that was typed in during the initial
software installation. After entering the password, the wizard proceeds to the next screen
(shown in Figure 2-4) where you decide if they are registering either Online or Offline. If the
machine has access to the internet, we recommend that you choose Online registration. You
should only choose Offline registration if the machine has no access to the internet.

Note: For online registration, it is the machine running the web browser that needs access to the internet, and not
the license server where SFLM was installed.

Note: No direct access to the internet is needed. The machine running the browser can reside behind a firewall as
long as the proxy configuration is set properly.

18 Standard Floating License Manager

Overview Registration

Figure 2-4 Register License Server Page

19 Standard Floating License Manager

Online Registration Registration

2.2 Online Registration

When you choose Online registration, the next web page in the installation will appear
(Figure 2-5). You must to fill out all 4 fields on this page. Then, select the appropriate vendor
name from the software vendor list at the bottom of the web page.
At this point, the SFLM server will also have gathered together the set of machine credentials
that will uniquely describe the server machine. If you click the Next button, all this
information will be transmitted to the central SFLM database automatically by way of http.
This information shall be used to generate the customer’s license file and to send it to the
appropriate E-mail address. All information is strictly confidential and secure.

Note: Online registration is available only if the browser can access pages on the internet.

Figure 2-5 Register Online Page

If you complete this page correctly, the Activate Server Page will appear (Figure 2-6). By
clicking Next on this page, you will complete the process of registration, and should show the
Registration Complete Page (Figure 2-7). The server Code Name is the equivalent hostid of
the server machine that will appear in your license file.

20 Standard Floating License Manager

Online Registration Registration

Figure 2-6 Activate Server Page

Registration is not yet complete. You must click the Next button to send the activation code to
the server.

Figure 2-7 Registration Complete Page

21 Standard Floating License Manager

Online Registration Registration

Registration is now complete and a page similar to Figure 2-8 will appear when you click on
OK. You will now wait until the software vendor informs you that a license file(s) is ready to
be retrieved.

Figure 2-8 Main SFLM Home Page

22 Standard Floating License Manager

Offline Registration Registration

2.3 Offline Registration

When you choose an Offline registration, we must assume that you cannot access the web
from the server machine or from any other machine on the network. If you click on Offline
registration, the Offline Registration Page will appear (Figure 2-9).

Figure 2-9 Offline Registration Page

You must take the Machine Credentials, MachineID and MachineKey information and send it
to your software vendor. You can send them by by E-mail (if by E-mail, send it to the vendor
account manager), floppy disk, and so forth.
For example, the key parts of the page shown in Figure 2-9 that must be sent are the

23 Standard Floating License Manager

Offline Registration Registration

Machine Credentials are:


At this point, if you click on Next, the Code Name and Activation Code Page (Figure 2-10)
will appear but cannot be completed. The Code Name and Activation Code will be issued on
receipt of the registration data above. When you receive this information, return to the Offline
Registration Page and enter the Code Name and Activation Code.
You can return to this page any time by opening the main SFLM home page
(http://<server-name>:3162), clicking on Admin, Re-register License Server,
Register Offline, and finally Next.
When you enter the Code Name and Activation Code, you will see the Registration
Complete Page (Figure 2-7) that lets you know the activation was successful. Click OK on
this screen to complete the SFLM activation. The SFLM system is now ready to accept
license files.
In response to your E-mail, you will receive a message like the following.

CodeName 0SSMID00009009
ActivationCode 1234 ABCD 5678 EFGH
MachineID mrtall-8327948c-f832f653

24 Standard Floating License Manager

Offline Registration Registration

Figure 2-10 Code Name and Activation Code Page

Figure 2-11 Registration Complete Page

25 Standard Floating License Manager

Offline Registration Registration

Registration is now complete and a page similar to Figure 2-12 will appear when you click on

Figure 2-12 Main SFLM Home Page

26 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 3
License Installation
Overview License Installation

3.1 Overview
After completing registration successfully, the software vendor will inform you that a license
file is ready. Figure 3-1 shows the process of installing the SFLM License.

Figure 3-1 SFLM License Installation Flow

You can obtain the license file from our Automatic update feature or receive the license as
an E-mail attachment. In either case, you should then return to their web browser and open:

28 Standard Floating License Manager

Overview License Installation

Click on the Install New License(s) option (shown in Figure 5-8) to display Figure 3-2. In
this screen, you can choose the Automatic Update or an Install Saved File options.

Figure 3-2 Install New License Page

29 Standard Floating License Manager

Automatic Update License Installation

3.2 Automatic Update

This option will download your license file directly from the web. When you click on this
button the Automatic Update Page (Figure 3-3) will appear. If you accept this, then the
Automatic Update Accepted Page (Figure 3-4) will appear. Once this is complete, the server
will be able to distribute licenses. By returning to the Home page (shown in Figure 2-8) and
clicking on Show Valid License(s), a list of all available licenses will be displayed.

Note: The Automatic upload is available only if the browser can access pages on the internet.

Figure 3-3 Automatic Update Page

30 Standard Floating License Manager

Automatic Update License Installation

Figure 3-4 Automatic Update Accepted Page

31 Standard Floating License Manager

Install Locally Saved License File License Installation

3.3 Install Locally Saved License File

This option is designed if you had to register your machine offline. Typically, you would be
sent a license by E-mail or floppy disk, which should be saved to your hard disk. Clicking on
this option will open the Install Locally Saved License File Page (Figure 3-5) where you will
be asked to browse to the saved file and load it.

Figure 3-5 Install Locally Saved License File Page

32 Standard Floating License Manager

Install Locally Saved License File License Installation

Once you find the license file, click Next to load it. If the license file is valid, the following
confirmation page will appear (Figure 3-6). Otherwise, an error message will appear.

Figure 3-6 License Update Accepted Page

Once this is complete, the server will be able to distribute licenses. By returning to the Home
page (shown in Figure 5-8) and clicking on Show Valid License(s), a list of all available
licenses will be displayed.

33 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 4
Specifying the License Server(s)
Using SFLM Access
Overview Specifying the License Server(s) Using SFLM Access

4.1 Overview
There are two ways to specify which license server(s) to use. First, you can specify a list of
license servers using sflm_access, which sets the default list of servers used by the
applications installed in the same location as the sflm_access program. This is normally
done by the person installing the software as other users may have write permission problems
to the configuration file.
Alternatively, you can set the environmental variable SFLM_SERVERS, which is described in
Section 5.2.2 “How to Set the SFLM_SERVERS Environment Variable”.

4.1.1 Starting SFLM Access

On Windows, open the Shortcuts window and double-click on the SFLM Access icon.
On UNIX systems, like Solaris and Linux, run the command:

Figure 4-1 Current List of Servers

This shows the current list of license servers to use.

35 Standard Floating License Manager

Starting the Server List Configuration Wizard Specifying the License Server(s) Using SFLM Access

4.2 Starting the Server List Configuration Wizard

Click on the Configure button. If this button is not highlighted and the current list is not right,
you may need to change to the administrative user (root on UNIX) or to a user that has write
permission to /<installdir>/bin/sflm_access.cf. Do not edit this file manually,
always use sflm_access.
When you press Configure, the following window appears.

Figure 4-2 Configure License Server List

Press Next to go to the next step.

36 Standard Floating License Manager

Choosing Configuration Action Specifying the License Server(s) Using SFLM Access

4.3 Choosing Configuration Action

This screen allows four different actions. Each action must be finished or cancelled before
proceeding to a different action.
1. Add a new server (to the list of servers to check for licenses). See 4.4.1 “Adding a
Normal Server” on page 39 for more details.
2. Define the order of the existing servers. This changes the order in which the servers try
to obtain a license. The first server grants the license. At that time, all servers will then be
searched in order for a license.
3. Modify an existing server. This allows you to change the name, or other information, of
an existing server. It also allows you to change the order of a redundant server cluster.
4. Remove an existing server (from the list of license servers used to obtain a license).

Figure 4-3 Adding a New Server

37 Standard Floating License Manager

Adding a Server Specifying the License Server(s) Using SFLM Access

4.4 Adding a Server

Choose a server type:
• Normal (see 4.4.1 “Adding a Normal Server” on page 39)
• Redundant (see 4.4.2 “Adding a Redundant Server Set” on page 40)

Figure 4-4 Server Types

38 Standard Floating License Manager

Adding a Server Specifying the License Server(s) Using SFLM Access

4.4.1 Adding a Normal Server

This is the normal case of a standard server. Simply specify the name of the server (such as
mrtall), press Next, rearrange the server order (if needed) and click Finished. See Figures
4-5 and 4-6.

Figure 4-5 Adding a Normal Server

Figure 4-6 Server List

39 Standard Floating License Manager

Adding a Server Specifying the License Server(s) Using SFLM Access

4.4.2 Adding a Redundant Server Set

Add the three servers to the list which you registered as redundant servers (see Figures 4-7
and 4-8). See “Setting Up Redundant Servers” on page 3 for more details.

Figure 4-7 Adding a Redundant Server

Figure 4-8 Server List

40 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 5
Customer Environment Settings
Setting The Path To The Software Customer Environment Settings

5.1 Setting The Path To The Software

On Windows, this is not an issue as the shortcut to start the SFLM server contains the path.
On Unix and Linux machines, you must set an environment variable in the terminal. The two
most common Unix terminal shells are the C-shell and the Bourne-Again (Bash) shell. In
these cases, you need the following changes.
C-Shell and test users should add the following to their .cshrc file:
set path = ( $path:q /<installdir>/bin )
Bash, sh (Bourne shell) and ksh users should add the following to their .profile file:
export PATH

Note: /<installdir> is the path to the top directory of the vendor's installed software.

42 Standard Floating License Manager

Choosing A Single License Server for a Specific User Customer Environment Settings

5.2 Choosing A Single License Server for a Specific User

There are two ways that an application will know the name of the license server. One way is
by using a global setting in the installation (see Chapter 4 “Specifying the License Server(s)
Using SFLM Access”). Another way is from a local users environment settings.

5.2.1 Local Settings for Individual Users

Individual users may choose a particular license server by creating the environment variable
SFLM_SERVERS in their user environment and giving it the name of their chosen server. This
setting will override the global setting that was created.

5.2.2 How to Set the SFLM_SERVERS Environment Variable

C-shell Unix and Linux users should add the following to their .cshrc file:
setenv SFLM_SERVERS "sflmserver"
Bash shell Unix and Linux users should add the following to their .profile file:
Windows users should right click on My Computer and select
PropertiesAdvancedEnvironment Variables. A screen will appear that will allow the
setting of environment variables.

Note: The name sflmserver is the machine name of the new license server.

Note: SFLM_SERVERS has replaced the environmental variable SFLM_SERVER. If both variables are set,
SFLM_SERVERS will be used for new applications (SFLM 5 and above). SFLM_SERVER will be used for
old applications (SFLM4 and below).

43 Standard Floating License Manager

Choosing Multiple License Servers for a Specific User Customer Environment Settings

5.3 Choosing Multiple License Servers for a Specific User

If the network contains multiple license servers, you can change the SFLM_SERVERS
environment variable to access all of them. For instance on Unix C-shell:
setenv SFLM_SERVERS "MachineA MachineB MachineC"
The application in this case will first attempt to get a license from machineA. If it fails, it will
try machineB and finally try machineC.

Note: 1. It is important that spaces exist only between machine names. No spaces are allowed within one machine
name. 

2. Each machine has a full SFLM installation, which is stand alone. This is not a redundant server setup. 

3. All the servers need to undergo the Registration process.

44 Standard Floating License Manager

Choosing a Redundant Server Cluster for a Specific User Customer Environment Settings

5.4 Choosing a Redundant Server Cluster for a Specific User

If the license server is set up for redundant servers, first set up the single server setup (see
Section 5.2 “Choosing A Single License Server for a Specific User”). Then, make one more
The SFLM_SERVERS environment variable should be changed to the three machines set up for
redundancy each separated by the | sign. For example, for Unix C-shell:
setenv SFLM_SERVERS "MachineA|MachineB|MachineC"

Note: All the redundant servers need to undergo the Registration process and the license file is specifically
generated by the vendor to allow redundant servers.

Note: No spaces should be next to the | character in the SFLM_SERVERS variable.

45 Standard Floating License Manager

Testing User Environment Customer Environment Settings

5.5 Testing User Environment

To test the user environment, run:
sflm_monitord -env
It should return something like:
or with a more complex setup:
If it returns:
sflm_monitord not found
/<installdir>/bin/sflm_monitord -env
or add it to you use path using the description in Section 5.1 “Setting The Path To The

46 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 6
Administration Page
Administration Features Administration Page

6.1 Administration Features

To access the Administration page, click the Admin link on the SFLM home page
(Figure 6-1).

Figure 6-1 Main SFLM Home Page

Before you can access these pages, you need to enter password. This is entered as described at
the beginning of Chapter 2 “Registration”. There are seven Admin features that will be
described in the following sections.

6.1.1 Install New License(s)

You can access this feature if a new license file is ready to be installed. As an example, if you
purchase additional licenses of a product, the vendor will create a new license file. You can
then use this feature to install the new license file. See Chapter 3 “License Installation”for
more details.

48 Standard Floating License Manager

Administration Features Administration Page

6.1.2 Change Password

When SFLM was first installed on the license server machine, as described at the start of
Chapter 2 “Registration”, you were prompted to enter a password. This page allows you to
change this password. First, enter the original or current password. Then, enter your new
chosen password and re-enter this password to confirm it.
If you forget your password for the SFLM server, reset it outside the web front end. You will
need to be the root or administrator user, on the machine where SFLM was originally
installed, within a Unix shell.
/<installdir>/bin/sflm -stop
/<installdir>/bin/sflm -set-password
/<installdir>/bin/sflm -start
You will need to set a password during the -set-password step. In a DOS window, use the

DOS Commands Example

<install_drive>: C:

cd <installdir>\bin cd \simucad\bin

sflm -stop sflm -stop

sflm -set-password sflm -set-password

sflm -start sflm -start

6.1.3 Re-Register License Server

If the hardware within the license server machine changes, then the machine credentials that
identify that machine as the license server may also change. This may affect the operation of
the license server. If this occurs, access this option to re-register the machine credentials and
reactivate the license server.

Note: You may need a new license file generated by the vendor if the re-registration process assigns a different
Code Name to your server. Your Code Name is shown in the machine IDs list at the bottom of the SFLM
web page http://<server-name>:3162. For example, in Figure 6-1 it is 0SSMID10001820. This will depend
on the extent of the changes on your machine.

49 Standard Floating License Manager

Administration Features Administration Page

6.1.4 Setup Redundant Servers

This feature is available to prevent engineering downtime if for any reason the SFLM server,
or its machine, crashes. If this occurs, applications will hang, all current jobs will be paused,
and no licenses can be issued until the server is restarted or the machine is repaired. Although
all jobs shall continue once the license server is restarted, this can be a significant
management issue. The SFLM redundant server system is one method to ensure that this
problem does not result in any engineering downtime.
The system requires that 3 machines be designated and installed as redundant license servers.
The same license file is installed on each machine. Each machine is then set up to identify the
primary, secondary or tertiary server. When an application requests a license, it will attempt to
contact the primary license server in normal system operation.
If it cannot contact the primary server (the machine may have failed), it will then attempt to
contact the secondary server. You will experience a short pause until the secondary server
takes over.
The redundant system requires that at least 2 machines are alive and communicating at any
given time. The SFLM servers communicate to each other on license usage. When the
primary machine returns to the system, it will then take over the license control.

Note: This system is only available to software vendor applications that are SFLM6 (or above) compliant.
SFLM4 applications should point to the primary server and will only run as long as that server is up and

Setting Up Redundant Servers

This feature is on a “per request” basis, so you will first need to contact your software vendor
account manager and request this licensing option.
There are 4 steps to set up redundancy. Each step must be performed separately on all three
redundant server machines. When connecting to a server using a web browser, you can run
the web browser on any machine that is networked to the server.
1. Run sflm -install as described before on all three machines.
2. Bring up a web browser on each machine, type in the URL http://<server-
name>:3162/ (where machine is the hostname of the machine), and then go through the
registration procedure that will be initiated (as described in Chapter 2 “Registration”).
Then, wait to be contacted by your vendor.
3. Your vendor will inform you when your license file is ready to be downloaded. When you
receive this message, open your web browser at http://<server-name>:3162/ and
click on Install new License(s) (as described in Chapter 3 “License Installation”).
Download the license file from your vendor and install it with the web browser.
4. When steps 1-3 are complete, open your web browser at http://<server-
name>:3162/, click on Admin and then Setup Redundant Servers. The Set Up
Redundant Servers Page will appear (Figure 6-2). To add a server, type in the SFLM
server name of each machine chosen to be a redundant server and click Add. The SFLM
server name will appear at the bottom of the web browser.

50 Standard Floating License Manager

Administration Features Administration Page

The order that servers are shown in the Server list will decide which is primary,
which is secondary and so on. You can change the order any time by selecting a
server from the list and using the control buttons on the right hand side (Move to
Top, Move Up, Move Down, Move to Bottom, and Delete). If communication is
broken with a server, a line will be drawn through the name of that server in the
Redundant Groups line.

Note: All 4 steps must be performed on all 3 of the redundant servers. The servers will then be able to
communicate with each other. This will be displayed at the bottom of the web browser SFLM page on the
Redundant Groups line. The environment for each user then needs to be changed to specify the redundant
server names.

Figure 6-2 Set Up Redundant Servers Page

51 Standard Floating License Manager

Administration Features Administration Page

6.1.5 Customize Logging

You can keep statistics about license usage is a special directory. This keeps summaries or
complete logs of license usage in tab separated text files (*.txt) file. These files can be
loaded into as speadsheat program (like EXCEL) to make charts and graphs. See “License
Usage Logging” to activate this option.
All actions that SFLM server performs, such as a license check out or check in, error
condition, and warning states can be logged to the sysem log or a file for later reference or
To access this feature, click on Admin and click on Customize Logging. The Custom
Logging Page will then appear (Figure 6-3). This page controls two log locations: one in the
system log (e.g., /etc/syslog.conf on Solaris machines) and the other in a user-defined
The default system log level is Notice. No file logging is done by default. A description of
available logging levels is given at the end of this section.

Figure 6-3 Customize Logging Page

52 Standard Floating License Manager

Administration Features Administration Page

License Usage Logging

License Usage Logging Directory
The directory where license usage summarries and logs are kept. You can change the list of
possible locations by setting the environmental variable SFLM_USAGE_DIRECTORIES before
starting the server. Under this directory, there are Summary.txt files and Log.txt files.
These files are stored for each day that logging is turned on in subdirectories. For example,
July 1, 2007's directory would be "2007/07/01". Summaries are also kept in Monthly,
Yearly and Weekly directories: "2007/01","2007" and "WeeklySummaries/
SummaryW104695" respectively. The format of these files is documented on the web pages
under Help:Help TopicsAdvanced TopicsLicense Usage Statistics. These files can be
loaded into your web browser using
URL: http://<server-name>:3162/usage/2007/07/01/Summary.txt.
For more information about license usage, see Appendix D “License Usage Statistics”.
License Usage Logging Mode
This controls how much information is kept in the usage log directory.

Table 6-1 License Usage Logging Mode Options

Option Description

Off No logging.
ProductSummary Generates a summary of each product (license ID) usage.
UserSummary Generates a summary of each product (license ID) used by each user as
well as the combined product usage for all users.
ProductLog All license check-outs and check-ins are logged. The
ProductSummary is also generated.
AllLogging All license check-outs and check-ins are logged. The UserSummary is
also generated, which includes the ProductSummary.

Note: Logging check-outs and check-ins may require significant amounts of disk space.

System Error/Message Logging

This controls the log messages passed to the system logger. On UNIX, this is passed as
local5 and is controlled by /etc/syslog.conf. On Windows, they go into the Application
Log that can be viewed using the Event Viewer.
System Log Level
This pull down menu controls the individual logging level for the system logging. See “Log
Levels”. The default level is Notice.

53 Standard Floating License Manager

Administration Features Administration Page

File Error/Message Logging

Instead of using the system's logging capabilities, the SFLM server can simply write
messages to a file. This is easier to set up but has dangers since nothing is monitoring the log

Table 6-2 File Error/Message Logging

Option Description

File Name This specifies the file to append the log message onto.
Log Level This pull down menu controls the individual logging level for the user
defined log file. See “Log Levels”. The default level is Off.

Verbose logging/messaging
This is Off by default. Switching to Yes will result in more details in some web pages and
some log messages.
You can reload all the current server settings from the server by clicking on Restore. To save
any changes you made, click on Save Changes.
Log Levels
These log levels control the seriousness of the messages being logged. When set to a level,
messages from that level and above are logged. For example, if the log level is Error, then
Error, Critical, Alert, and Emergency messages are also logged. These levels coincide with
the standard UNIX log message levels.
Severity Levels

Table 6-3 Logging Levels in SFLM Server

Severity Level Description

Off No logging is performed

Emergency A panic condition.
Alert A condition that should be corrected immediately. Examples of this include:
• Errors contained in the license file(s) will be reported. This could occur if the
file has been corrupted or if it has been edited (which is not allowed).
• SFLM is installed on a system not specified in the license file.
• System clock has been changed.
• License(s) close to expiration will be reported.
• License(s) that will only be active at a time in the future.
• SFLM server exits.
• Server is low on memory.

54 Standard Floating License Manager

Administration Features Administration Page

Critical Critical conditions. Examples of this include:

• Hardware failure such as a hard disk error.
• Memory corruption.
Error Errors. Examples of these include:
• Cannot get MAC address.
• Unable to register program.
• SFLM installation failure.
Warning Warning messages. Typically non-fatal. Examples of these include:
• Un-terminated string received by server.
• Obsolete license(s).
Notice Conditions that are not error conditions, but that may require special handling.
Examples of these include:
• Failed attempts to check out a license.
• Notice that verbose mode is turned on.
• Attempt(s) to connect to a port.
• The machine identification has changed perhaps due to new hardware.
• Server status is in the process of being cleared.
• Reading of a particular license file.
Information Informational messages. Examples of these include:
• License check out and in. This information contains the username, machine
name, product name and process ID.
• Other requests that can be safely ignored.
Debug Messages that contain information normally of use only when debugging a program.

6.1.6 Synchronize Server Time

A logical clock is kept by the SFLM server software, which can sometimes stray from the
local system clock. This option will synchronize the logical time with a clock at your vendor.
Only access this feature if the times are 1 hour or more apart.

6.1.7 Send Test Log Message

The SFLM server logs license requests and license release information as described in
Section 6.1.5 “Customize Logging”. You can send a test message with this particular option
to establish that the logging customizing was successful.

55 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 7
Reports Page
Types of Reports Reports Page

7.1 Types of Reports

To access the Reports page, click the Reports link on the home page (see Figure 7-1). This
gives you access to three different reports that provide detailed information the license
administrator may require.

Figure 7-1 Main SFLM Home Page

Figure 7-2 Reports Page

57 Standard Floating License Manager

Types of Reports Reports Page

7.1.1 Active Users

This option will generate information on licenses that are currently checked out from the
SFLM server by Job. A job is an application that requests a license. A table of jobs and a total
count of jobs are reported.

Figure 7-3 Active Users Page

Table 7-1 Active Users Glossary

Column Description

User and Prorgram User name of the person running the application and the program name and
version that checked out the license(s) from the SFLM server.
Job The job number (aka Process ID) of the application on a particular machine.
Each time an application is run the operating system assigns a unique ID to
that job, which is commonly known as the PID.
Host Host name or machine name on which an application is running.
License Information on which licenses the job is using. If a license request failed if
shows the licenses that failed to be granted.

58 Standard Floating License Manager

Types of Reports Reports Page

In this example, the license contains:

• 1 normal SMARTSPICE license
• 10 Universal Tokens
• 10 Universal Utility Tokens
• 95 hours 52 minutes and 46 seconds of time remaining of 100 hours purchased.
Therefore, the first SMARTSPICE user used the normal SMARTSPICE license, because
SMARTSPICE needs 6 Universal tokens to run. The second user used 6 Universal Tokens.
Since there were only 4 Universal tokens left, the third user used 4 Universal Tokens and 2
Hourly Tokens to make up the 6 Tokens needed. Therefore, the fourth user used 6 more
Hourly Tokens.

7.1.2 Valid Licenses

This option will generate a table that contains a complete list of active licenses. This list is
derived from all the license files that have been installed on the server and are valid for that

Figure 7-4 Valid Licenses Page

Table 7-2 Valid Licenses Glossary

Column Description

ID The ID of the license (aka product). Clicking on this link will provide a detailed list
of all licenses related to this license ID in all license files installed.
Name The name of the license (aka product). Clicking on this link will provide a detailed
list of all licenses related to this license ID in all license files installed.

59 Standard Floating License Manager

Types of Reports Reports Page

Table 7-2 Valid Licenses Glossary

Valid The number of valid (purchased) licenses active for this server.
Free The number of valid licenses that are currently free.
Maintenance Date This is the date license maintenance expires for this license. There may be
multiple dates if licenses expire at different times. Applications that are newer than
the maintenance date cannot use that license.

Note: Licenses that have completely expired will not show up in this list at all.

This report shows the

• 1 SMARTSPICE license purchased.
• 10 Universal Tokens purchased.
• 95:52:46 Hours:minutes:seconds left of the 100 hours purchased.
Also, shown are the
• CPL license - A license used for SFLM internal use.
• 10 Universal Utility Tokens - given for the Universal Tokens purchase. These are for
Utility programs to help make the main applications more useful.
• 345165 runs of utility programs. If no Utility Token is available, 1 second is charge
against the Hourly Token when a utility is started. No more time will be used no matter
how long the application runs. 345165 equals (95 hours times 60 times 60) plus (52
minutes times 60) plus 45 seconds.

Note: There is almost but not quite 95:52:46 left in this example. This shows how "Hourly Tokens" and "One
Second Tokens" are just different representations of the same value.

60 Standard Floating License Manager

Types of Reports Reports Page

7.1.3 Token Charges

This option will generate a table containing the number of active tokens and another table
which shows the number of tokens required to use as a specific license.

Figure 7-5 Token Charges Page

Table 7-3 Token Charges Glossary

Column Description

ID The ID of the license (aka product). Clicking on this link will provide a detailed list
of all licenses related to this license ID in all license files installed.
Name The name of the license (aka product). Clicking on this link will provide a detailed
list of all licenses related to this license ID in all license files installed.
Cost The number and type of tokens required to grant this type of license, when tokens
are used.
Active The number of valid (purchased) token licenses active for this server.
Free The number of valid licenses that are currently free for use.
Maintenance Date This is the date license maintenance expires for this license. There may be
multiple dates if licenses expire at different times. Applications that are newer than
the maintenance date cannot use that license.

Note: Licenses that have completely expired will not show up in this list at all.

61 Standard Floating License Manager

Types of Reports Reports Page

This screen again shows the Tokens purchased and the remaining time on the Hourly Tokens
in the Active column. In the Free column, it shows combined free licenses and remaining
time. The Token Charge Matrix shows that utility programs take 1 Universal Utility Token
and later that a One Second Token can be used instead of a Universal Utility Token when
needed. It also shows that SMARTSPICE takes 6 Universal Tokens and that an Hourly Token
can be used to replace a Universal Token when needed.

7.1.4 License Status

This option will generate a table which contains a complete list of specific licenses. This list
is derived from all the license files that have been installed on the server and are valid for that
server. It includes the licenses that can be granted using token licenses. The table also
includes who is using licenses and how many are free.

Figure 7-6 License Status Page

Table 7-4 License Status Glossary

Column Description

License ID The ID of the license (aka product). Clicking on this link will provide a detailed list of
all licenses related to this license ID in all license files installed.
License Name The name of the license (aka product). Clicking on this link will provide a detailed list
of all licenses related to this license ID in all license files installed.

62 Standard Floating License Manager

Types of Reports Reports Page

Table 7-4 License Status Glossary

Users A list of users who have checked out licenses for this particular product. Users are
identified by their login name, when it is known or their user ID. Clicking on a user
name will show all jobs owned by that user.
Used The number of licenses used by each user.
Free This type of license can be checked out if all free traditional licenses and all free
tokens are used. This does not include OMNI licenses. N/A indicates an unlimited
number of these licenses may be checked out.

This page shows the combined status of licenses that can be checked out, as opposed the
licenses actually purchased. For example, this shows that DECKBUILD has 10 licenses
available for its use (the 10 Universal Utility Tokens). If all those are in use, there are 342165
runs available using One Second Tokens.
For SMARTSPICE, the situation is more complicated. This shows that the user brianb has 2
SmartSpice licenses checked out and davel also has 2 licenses checked out. It also shows that
0 normal and Universal Token are free and that if 1 SMARTSPICE was running only using
Hourly Tokens there would be 15:50:28 (hours:minutes:seconds) left to be used. Further
down, it shows brainb is effectively using 12 Universal Tokens and davel is only using 6 (he
is using 1 normal license). Even further down it shows that brain is using 8 Hourly Tokens,
meaning 8 seconds of Hourly Token time is being used for each second that elapses.
In reality, an application is give approximately 5 minutes of run time and the balance is
returns when the applications finishes or is killed. The application request to extent this time
about 2 minute before it expires.
To see a clock of the hourly token status, run sflm -clock. See Appendix Appendix C,
“Hourly Charge Clock,” for more information.

63 Standard Floating License Manager

Types of Reports Reports Page

7.1.5 Installed License Files

SFLM allows multiple license files to be loaded concurrently. This report shows a table where
each row gives a report on an individual license. The columns report the license filename, the
license ID number and the current status of the license. If you log in as administrator before
going to that page, it also allows you to remove license files.

Figure 7-7 Installed License Files Page

Table 7-5 Installed License Files Glossary

Column Description

License Filename The current location of the license file on the license server machine.
License ID A unique identifier for the license that your Vendor has provided. If you
contact your Vendor regarding licensing or general support then you should know
this license ID number before you contact them.
Status Active and expired machine IDs that are found in that license file. These IDs
identify the machine(s) where the license may be installed.

64 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 8
Support Utilities
Overview Support Utilities

8.1 Overview
The support utilities are intended to be used whenever the license server has a problem and
will not issue a license to a user request. It is not a part of the general operation of the SFLM
license server. To access the support utilities, click on the Support Utilities link on the main
SFLM home page (Figure 8-1).

Figure 8-1 Main SFLM Home Page

Four utilities are available that report information and can be used to identify the problem, list
environment variable, redundant server status, server resource usage and server status &
version. The information from these four options should be supplied to your vendor if (or
when) it is requested. They are accessible through the web interface to your license server.

66 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 9
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
and Firewalls
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Firewalls

9.1 Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

VPNs are becoming increasingly popular as they allow workers to remain at home while still
connected to the office network through their own internet connection.
To enable SFLM with a VPN setup, the ports 3162 and 111 must be open for incoming
connections to the server. These ports are registered to the SFLM software and are used by it
only. Port 111 is only used for older applications (using SFLM4).
Remote users connected to the internet will be able to access office SFLM servers if these two
ports remain open.

68 Standard Floating License Manager

Firewalls Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Firewalls

9.2 Firewalls
Currently, many machines have firewalls or port blocking software especially Windows XP
XP Service Pack 2 enables a firewall that prevent local web servers from being accessed from
other machines. Because SFLM is a Web server, it cannot be accessed by other machines
once Service Pack 2 has been installed. To overcome this problem, issue the following four
netsh firewall set portopening proto=tcp port=3162 "SFLM-Standard Floating
License Manager"
netsh firewall set portopening proto=udp port=3162 "SFLM-Standard Floating
License Manager (UDP)"
netsh firewall set portopening proto=tcp port=111 "ONC/RPC portmap"
netsh firewall set portopening proto=udp port=111 "ONC/RPC portmap (UDP)"
SIPC may also have problems so include the command that opens its port.
netsh firewall set portopening proto=tcp port=2809 "SIPC-Corba Name Service"
If you wish to be more secure, you can enable certain programs to receive messages through
the firewall. Since these programs are versioned, you will have to perform these procedures
again when a version is installed. For example:
C:\Simucad\bin\rpc.sflmserverd -WV
returns something such as 6.4.2.R. Substitute the number returned for 6.4.2.R below.
netsh firewall set allowedprogram "C:\Simucad\lib\rpc.sflm-
serverd\6.4.2.R\x86-nt\rpc.sflmserverd.exe" "SFLM-Standard Floating License
netsh firewall set allowedprogram "C:\Windows\system32\portmap.exe" "ONC/RPC
Also, for example:
C:\Simucad\bin\sipc -WV
returns something such as 1.0.9.R. Substitute the number returned for 1.0.9.R below.
netsh firewall set allowedprogram C:\Simucad\lib\sipc\1.0.9.R\x86nt\sipc.exe
SIPC-Corba Name Service"

69 Standard Floating License Manager

Chapter 10
SFLM Compatibility
Older Applications SFLM Compatibility

10.1 Older Applications

A common occurrence will be the existence of networks that have a mixture of applications
from different releases. An SFLM4 application is a product that was released with an SFLM4
license server. An SFLM6 application is a product that was released with an SFLM6 license
server and so on.
If an SFLM4 license server is running on the system, it will only be able to serve SFLM 1.4-4
applications. It will NOT be able to serve licenses to SFLM6-8 applications.
If an SFLM6-8 server is running, it can give licenses to SFLM4-8 application.
Only an SFLM8 server can use token licenses. SFLM4-8 applications, however, can use these
licenses from the SFLM8 server.

10.2 License Server ID

SFLM4 used either the hostid (from Solaris operating systems) or a HASP key (dongle) to tie
(or key) the license to a particular server. SFLM now uses an online registration process to
provide a virtual hostid for all platforms or an optional HASP key for Windows and LINUX.

10.3 Upgrading an SFLM4 Installation

SFLM4 servers are no longer supported.

71 Standard Floating License Manager

Appendix A
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I bring up the web front end to SFLM?

A.1 How do I bring up the web front end to SFLM?

Before you can bring up the web front end, you must first install the SFLM application
software. On Unix, do this by running the command:
sflm -install
as root on the license server machine. Then, you can open a web browser (e.g., FireFox 3 and
above or Internet Explorer) and for the URL, type:
and replace the name <server-name> with the hostname of the machine where sflm -
install was executed. The web front end will then appear.

A.2 I have installed a new version but still seem to be running the old one?
To run a new version, you need to restart it and possibly reinstall as a service.
On UNIX (Solaris or Linux)
su root
<install_dir>/bin/sflm -install
If <install_dir> is /opt/sedatools, it would be “/opt/sedatools/bin/sflm -
On Windows
Select Start and select Run... .
In the Run window, enter C:\sedatools\exe\sflm -deinstall -install -start.
See Section 1.3 “Installing Software” and Appendix Appendix B, “Command Line Options
for SFLM,” for more information.

A.3 What version of SFLM do I have?

To find the version of SFLM on your machine, run the command:
sflm -WVs
If the version reported back for the rpc.sflmserverd is less than 6.0.0.R, you need to

A.4 What is registration?

Instead of being tied to a host ID, SFLM will give your machine a unique “virtual dongle”
identification. To ensure that this number is unique, it must be compared with the database of
all virtual dongle IDs kept by your vendor. You can do this automatically if you are online.
Otherwise, you need to send this information by E-mailing to your vendor. This is called the
Registration process.

73 Standard Floating License Manager

What is activation?

A.5 What is activation?

A registration process will start when you start the server. The process is complete when you
enter a Code Name and Activation Code. This means the server will now accept license files.
When this is done online, the Code Name and Activation Code will be set automatically. If
the registration was offline, you must enter the Code Name and Activation Code sent back by
your vendor.

A.6 What should I choose - online or offline registration?

Choose online registration if the web browser is able to access the internet. If do not have
access to the internet then register offline.

A.7 I have forgotten my password, what should I do?

You can reset your password outside the web front end. You will need to be the root on the
machine where SFLM was originally installed and then run the command:
sflm -stop
sflm -set-password
sflm -start

A.8 When I run an application I cannot get a license, what should I do?
Make sure the license server is still alive. The SFLM software is designed to automatically
start itself if, for any reason, it should be forced to close by any other program. You can check
if the SFLM is running with the web front end. Click on Reports and then on List Installed
License Files. The table that is displayed will tell you if the server is running.
If SFLM is not running, you will need to restart it from the command prompt. As root (or
administrator), run the command:
sflm -start

A.9 How do I find out who has checked out a particular product license?
Open the web front end and click on Reports and click on Show Active Users.

74 Standard Floating License Manager

What are redundant servers?

A.10 What are redundant servers?

Eventually, either a machine or a network may become unreliable, and when you try to open
an application, the application will be unable to contact the license server to get a license. The
SFLM redundant server system is one method to get around this problem. The system
requires that a minimum of 3 machines to be designated and installed as redundant license
servers. The same license file is installed on each machine. Each machine is then set up as
primary, secondary or tertiary servers. When an application requests a license, it will attempt
to contact the primary license server. If it cannot contact the primary server, it will then
attempt to contact the secondary server and so on. The redundant system requires that at least
2 machines are alive and communicating at any given time. The SFLM servers communicate
to each other on license usage and when the primary machine returns to the system, it will
then take over the license control. When installed, the system will be opaque.

A.11 How do I set up redundant servers?

See Section 6.1.4 “Setup Redundant Servers” for more information.

A.12 What can cause me to need to re-register?

The unique description of your machine is linked to many things, such as the machine name,
disk number, and mac address. Typically, changing one piece of hardware (e.g., the hard disk)
will not require re-registration. A number of hardware changes are necessary before re-
registration will be required.

A.13 How can I reset the SFLM?

Some situations may occur infrequently where the active users report shows a license
checked out for an application that you know has been terminated. To free this license, you
can either wait one hour for SFLM to automatically remove this phantom license check out,
or perform a manual reset of the server.
To manually reset SFLM, you need to login as root (on Unix/Linux) or Administrator
(Windows), open a command terminal and run:
/<installdir>/bin/sflm -stop
/<installdir>/bin/sflm -start
In a DOS window, use the following.

DOS Commands Example

<install_drive>: C:
cd <installdir>\exe cd \sedatools\exe
sflm -start sflm -start
sflm -stop sflm -stop

75 Standard Floating License Manager

How can I get a status similar to flexLM's "lmstat -a"?

A.14 How can I get a status similar to flexLM's "lmstat -a"?

Use the command:
/<install_dir>/bin/sflm -report lmstat-a
Other similar reports can be obtained using:
/<install_dir>/bin/sflm -report lmstat
/<install_dir>/bin/sflm -report lmstat-tokens
/<install_dir>/bin/sflm -report lmstat-ax
/<install_dir>/bin/sflm -report lmstat-tokens-x
/<install_dir>/bin/sflm -report lmstat-tokens-ax

A.15 How do I get a quick status from the license server from the
command line?
Use the command:
/<install_dir>/bin/sflm -report current

76 Standard Floating License Manager

Appendix B
Command Line Options for SFLM
Command Line Options

B.1 Command Line Options

You can run command line options to control the setup of the SFLM server.
On UNIX, the command would look something like:
<install_dir>/bin/sflm -start
For example, if <install_dir> is /opt/sedatools, it will look like:
/opt/sedatools/bin/sflm -start
In a DOS command window, the command is similar but slightly different:
<install_dir>\exe\sflm -start
For example, if <install_dir> is C:\sedatools, it will look like:
C:\sedatools\exe\sflm -start
For the rest this appendix, the short form of the command will used to avoid having every
command twice. You can use the short form if you are in the correct directory if you set the
PATH environment variable.

Note: Because DOS needs the server to be installed as a service before it can run, some commands do slightly
different things.

Table B-1 SFLM Command Line Options

Command Option UNIX DOS

-install Installs SFLM as a service and runs the Installs SFLM as a service but does not start
SFLM service. it.
-start Stops the SFLM service if running and Stops the SFLM service if running and starts
starts the SFLM but does not install it. the SFLM service and installs it if needed.
-stop Stops the SFLM service.
-deinstall Stops the SFLM service and removes it as a service. (This does not remove in files.)
-set-password Sets the administrative password. The service should be stopped when this is done.

The above commands should be done as Administrator (a.k.a. root).

The following report option can be done as a user. Normally, the web interface will be used to
see reports. You can obtain the flexLM command line status report using a command, such as:
sflm -report [-server <server-name>] <report-name>
For example:
sflm -report lmstat-a
This will give a report similar to "lmstat -a" on a flexLM server.
If you have multiple servers or have not set your default servers, you can add an extra option
to specify the server's name. For example:
sflm -report -server sflm-server lmstat-a

78 Standard Floating License Manager

Command Line Options

Table B-2 Currently Supported Reports

Report Name Description

lmstat Similar to the command "lmstat".

lmstat-a Similar to the command "lmstat -a".
lmstat-tokens Similar to lmstat-a but licenses received from tokens are not shown. Only
real licenses and tokens are listed.
lmstat-ax Similar to lmstat-a except each license has "<n> x" showing how many
licenses of this type a single application is using. Normally, the license is
repeatedly listed if it is used multiple times by an application. This can really
cut down the output when tokens are used because an application may use
many tokens.
lmstat-tokens-x Similar to lmstat-ax but licenses received from token are not shown
(like lmstat-tokens).
lmstat-tokens- Similar to lmstat-ax but licenses received from token are shown with a "0
ax x" instead of the normal "1 x".

These reports can also be viewed in a web browser using a URL like:
For example:
or if web browser is running on the server machine:

79 Standard Floating License Manager

Command Line Options

prompt> sflm -report lmstat-a

License server status: licutils:3162

License file(s) on oakland:3162:

oakland:3162: license server UP (MASTER) v8.0.6.B

: license server UP (MASTER) v8.0.6.B

Vendor daemon status (on licutils:3162):

none: UP v8.0.6.B

Feature usage info:

Users of Silvaco(0,1,1): (Total of 1 licenses issued; Total of 1 licenses in use)

“CPL” v8.0.6.B, vendor: none

floating license

root oakland (v_sflm_server_8.0.6.B) (oakland/3162 29978), start Fri 04/25 15:46

Users of Silvaco(5,0,1): (Total of 5 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of Silvaco(5,1,1): (Total of 5 licenses issued; Total of 2 licenses in use)

“TCAD Omni Util (Generic Util Lic)” v8.0.6.B, vendor: none

floating license

davel mrtall /dev/pts/47 (v_devedit_2.8.7.R) (licutils/3162 9548), start Fri 04/25

davel mrtall /dev/pts/47 (v_devedit_2.8.7.R) (licutils/3162 9419), start Fri 04/25

Users of Silvaco(5,1,2): (Total of 5 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

80 Standard Floating License Manager

Appendix C
Hourly Charge Clock
SFLM Hourly Charges

C.1 SFLM Hourly Charges

The following section describes the SFLM Hourly Charges clock, which is embedded in
SMAN. This clock gives you the ability to see how much time you have to run the various
Silvaco products.

Figure C-1 SFLM Hourly Charges

The clock shows various fields that depict such things as the Balance on the Server, any
Pending Charges, and estimates of how much time is left given the current charge rate.
The clock by default polls the SFLM server every 15 seconds to check if any of the numbers
have changed. This can be modified in the preferences for the clock, which are accessed
through the context menu.
The preferences also allow you to set different thresholds for each number and will change
the color of the number to denote when the threshold has been hit.
To access the clock, use sflm -clock. Another way to access the clock is to either use the
menu option in SMAN (ToolsSFLM Hourly Charges) or run SMAN from the command
line with the switch –clock (e.g., /opt/seda/bin/sman –clock).

82 Standard Floating License Manager

Appendix D
License Usage Statistics
License Usage Statistics

To track license usage and create statistical usage tables, you can turn on license usage
logging using AdminCustomize Logging (see “License Usage Logging” on page 53).
When license usage logging is turned on, a directory structure will be created in the specified
directory. In that directory, subdirectories and files are created for each day the usage is
logged. For example, if all logging was turned on for July 1, 2007, the following files would
be created.
• 2007/07/01/Summary.txt : A summary of license usage by product on July 1, 2007. A
line will exist for each product used during that day. If UserLogging is turned on, another
line will be added for each user and product combination. The line for the product
(without a user) will still exist as a summary of all users.
• 2007/07/01/Log.txt : Log of license check-out and check-in times on July 1, 2007.

Note: All licenses checked out at the end of the day are considered to be checked-in and immediately checked-out
for the next day.

• 2007/07/01/LogCache.txt : A temporary file used for currently running jobs on July 1,

• 2007/07/Summary.txt : A summary of license usage for July 2007. A line will exist for
each product used during that month. If UserLogging is turned on, another line will be
added for each user and product combination. The line for the product (without a user)
will still exist as a summary of all users.
• 2007/Summary.txt : A summary of license usage for 2007. A line will exist for each
product used during that year. If UserLogging is turned on, another line will be added for
each user and product combination. The line for the product (without a user) will still
exist as a summary of all users.
• WeeklySummaries/SummaryW104695.txt/Summary.txt : A summary of license usage
for July 1-7, 2007. A line will exist for each product used during that week. All weeks
start on Sunday and end on Saturday (UTC) and are numbered from the start of the
Common Era (CE aka AD). If UserLogging is turned on, another line will be added for
each user and product combination. The line for the product (without a user) will still
exist as a summary of all users.
All logging is done in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) also commonly referred to as
GMT. This allows usage from different time zones to be logged consistently. Therefore days
may seem to start and end at different times:

City Start of July 1 End of July 1

San Francisco June 30, 5pm PDT July 1, 5pm PDT

New York June 30, 8pm EDT July 1, 8pm EDT

GMT July 1, 12am GMT July 2, 12am GMT

London July 1, 1am BST July 2, 1am BST

Tokyo July 1, 9am JST July 2, 9am JST

84 Standard Floating License Manager

Summary.txt License Usage Statistics

The summary files contain product (and maybe user) information about the total period
logging was turned on for the related period. It also contains summaries by time of day and
day of week to better grasp how licenses are being used. The columns of the summary files
are documented in this table.

Note: Single day entries do not have day of week summaries for obvious reasons.

Summary Column Title Description

UserName The login name of the user. If this is empty or (null), this refers to a
summary of all users.
ProductId The unique ID that identifies a product or program feature.
ProductName The name given for the ProductId above.
NrHours Number of hours that logging was turned on for this summary mode.
AverageDesired The average number of licenses desired for the product (and user). This
is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average over the 8
busiest hours during the day and the 5 busiest days of the week. It
slightly underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing
basis instead of just at the end of the week.
AverageUsed The average number of licenses granted for the product (and user).
This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average over the 8
busiest hours during the day and the 5 busiest days of the week. It
slightly underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing
basis instead of just at the end of the week.
MaxDesired This is the peak number of licenses desired over the period logged.
MaxUsed This is the peak number of licenses granted over the period logged.
TotalDesired This is the number of licenses desired times the length of time they
were desired. Therefore, the unit is in “license hours”.
TotalUsed This is the number of licenses granted times the length of time they
were granted. Therefore, the unit is in “license hours”.
Hours00 Number of hours that logging was turned on for this summary mode
between 12am and 1am GMT.
AverageDesired00 The average number of licenses desired for the product (and user)
between 12am and 1am GMT. This is a weighted average that tries to
calculate the average over the 5 busiest days of the week. It slightly
underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis
instead of just at the end of the week.

85 Standard Floating License Manager

Summary.txt License Usage Statistics

AverageUsed00 The average number of licenses granted for the product (and user)
between 12am and 1am GMT. This is a weighted average that tries to
calculate the average over the 5 busiest days of the week. It slightly
underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis an
instead of at the end of the week.
MaxDesired00 This is the peak number of licenses desired over the period logged
between 12am and 1am GMT.
MaxUsed00 This is the peak number of licenses granted over the period logged
between 12am and 1am GMT.
TotalDesired00 This is the number of licenses desired times the length of time they
were desired between 12am and 1am GMT. Therefore, the unit is in
“license hours”.
TotalUsed00 This is the number of licenses granted times the length of time they
were granted between 12am and 1am GMT. Therefore, the unit is in
“license hours”.
Hours01  This is the same as Hours00 except 01 refers to between 1am and 2am
- Hours23 GMT– 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
AverageDesired01  This is the same as AverageDesired00 except 01 refers to between
- AverageDesired23 1am and 2am GMT– 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
AverageUsed01  This is the same as AverageUsed00 except 01 refers to between 1am
- AverageUsed23 and 2am GMT– 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
MaxDesired01  This is the same as MaxDesired00 except 01 refers to between 1am
- MaxDesired23 and 2am GMT– 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
MaxUsed01  This is the same as MaxUsed00 except 01 refers to between 1am and
- MaxUsed23 2am GMT– 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
TotalDesired01  This is the same as TotalDesired00 except 01 refers to between 1am
- TotalDesired23 and 2am GMT– 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
TotalUsed01  This is the same as TotalUsed00 except 01 refers to between 1am and
- TotalUsed23 2am GMT– 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
HoursSunday Number of hours that logging was turned on for this summary mode on
AverageDesiredSunday The average number of licenses desired for the product (and user) on
Sunday. This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average
over the 8 busiest hours of the day. It slightly underestimates this value
so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis instead of just at the end of
the week.

86 Standard Floating License Manager

Summary.txt License Usage Statistics

AverageUsedSunday The average number of licenses granted for the product (and user) on
Sunday. This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average
over the 8 busiest hours of the day. It slightly underestimates this value
so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis instead of just at the end of
the week.
MaxDesiredSunday This is the peak number of licenses desired over the period logged on
MaxUsedSunday This is the peak number of licenses granted over the period logged on
TotalDesiredSunday This is the number of licenses desired times the length of time they
were desired on Sunday. Therefore, the unit is in “license hours”.
TotalUsedSunday This is the number of licenses granted times the length of time they
were granted on Sunday. Therefore, the unit is in “license hours”.
HoursMonday  This is the same as HoursSunday except it refers to Monday–
- HoursSaturday Saturday.
AverageDesiredMonday  This is the same as AverageDesiredSunday except it refers to Monday
- AverageDesiredSaturday –Saturday.
AverageUsedMonday  This is the same as AverageUsedSunday except it refers to Monday–
- AverageUsedSaturday Saturday.
MaxDesiredMonday  This is the same as MaxDesiredSunday except it refers to Monday–
- MaxDesiredSaturday Saturday.
MaxUsedMonday  This is the same as MaxUsedSunday except it refers to Monday–
- MaxUsedSaturday Saturday.
TotalDesiredMonday  This is the same as TotalDesiredSunday except it refers to Monday–
- TotalDesiredSaturday Saturday.
TotalUsedMonday  This is the same as TotalUsedSunday except it refers to Monday–
- TotalUsedSaturday Saturday.

87 Standard Floating License Manager

Log.txt License Usage Statistics

Each log file contains all the check-outs and check-ins for a day while logging was turned on.
The columns of the log files are documented in this table.

Log Column Title Description

UserName The login name of the user running the process that checked-out the license.
HostName Name of the host (machine) the process was running on.
ProcessId The process ID number (a.k.a. PID).
ProductId The specific product this check-out refers to.
ProductName The specific product name this check-out refers to.
StartTime(InSeconds) When the number of granted licenses were checked-out in numder of
seconds since the start of the the Common Era (CE a.k.a. AD). An absolute
time is used here so license logs can be combined without lossing any date.
EndTime(inSeconds) When the number of granted licenses were checked-in in numder of seconds
since the start of the the Common Era (CE a.k.a. AD). If you substract the
StartTime, you know how long the license was checked out for.
NumberDesired The number of licenses of this product the process wished to check-out.
NumberGranted The number of licenses of this product the process checked-out.
Date The date in human readable form (YYYY/MM/DD). This should be the
same for every line in a file but may be useful when files are combined.

Note: Date is in GMT.

StartTime The time a license was checked out on this date in human readable form
(HH:MM:SS). If a license checkout spans from one date in another, an
EndTime for the end of day will be specified and a new entry for the next
day will be added with StartTime for the beginning of the new day.

Note: StartTime is in GMT.

EndTime The time a license was checked in on this date in human readable form
(HH:MM:SS). See StartTime for more details.

Note: StartTime is in GMT.

88 Standard Floating License Manager


Adding .............................................................................. 38 Multiple License Servers ........................................................44
Administration Privileges
Changing Passwords ........................................................ 49 R
Customize Logging ..................................................... 52–55
Redundant Server Clusters ....................................................45
Installing Licenses ............................................................ 48
Re-registering License Servers ............................................ 49 Registration
Sending Test Logs ........................................................... 55 Offline ......................................................................23–26
Setting Up Redundant Servers ...................................... 50–51 Online ......................................................................20–22
Synchronizing Server Time ................................................. 55 Reports .......................................................................57–64
Running SFLM
C Specifying License Servers .....................................14, 36, 43
Specifying Paths for Applications .............................14, 42–46
Charge Clocks .................................................................... 82
Command Line Options ................................................... 78–80
Compatibility ....................................................................... 71
Server ...............................................................................36
Custom Environment Settings
Testing User Environment .................................................. 46 Servers
List Configuration Wizard ...................................................36
Local / Network ................................................................39
F Redundant ......................................................................40
FAQs .......................................................................... 73–76 Set ...................................................................................40
Firewalls ............................................................................ 69 Setup ................................................................................50
SFLM Access
I Adding Servers ................................................................38
Installing ...................................................................... 10–11 Configuration Actions ........................................................37
Server List Configuration Wizard ..........................................36
Starting ..........................................................................35
SFLM_SERVERS ..........................................................35, 43
License Installation for SFLM
Automatic Update ............................................................. 30 T
License Servers
ID ................................................................................. 71 The ...................................................................................88
Multiple .......................................................................... 44 Tokens ........................................................................61–62
Redundant Server Clusters ................................................. 45
SFLM_SERVERS ............................................................ 43 U
SFLM_SERVERS. See SFLM_SERVERS ............................. 35
Utilities ..............................................................................66
User Settings .................................................................. 43
Active User Reports .................................................... 58–59 V
Automatic Updates ........................................................... 30 Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) ..............................................68
Installation .................................. 13, 28–??, 28–??, 28–33
Installation Reports ........................................................... 64
Registering Servers .............................................. 12, 16–26
Reports for Valid Licenses ............................................ 59–60
Re-Registering Servers ..................................................... 49
Setting up Redundant Servers ....................................... 50–51
Setting Up Servers ............................................... 13, 35–40
Status Report ............................................................ 62–63
Trobuleshooting Server ..................................................... 66
Usage Statistics ......................................................... 84–88
Locally Saved License Files ............................................. 32–33

89 Standard Floating License Manager

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