SANHA Montagehelfer EN

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Technical product and

installation information

Installation Information

Technology · Products · Installation

1 General technology 5
1.1 Storage and transport 5
1.2 External corrosion protection 5
1.3 Pipe insulation 6
1.4 Seals, sealing agents and sealing aids 6
1.5 Leak testing 6
1.6 Flushing drinking water installations 6
1.7 Disinfecting drinking water installations 6
1.8 Electrical trace heating 7
1.9 Electrical protection measures 7
1.10 Internal corrosion in open systems 7
1.11 Internal corrosion in closed systems 7
1.12 External corrosion 8

2 Products 9
2.1 Applications 9
2.2 NiroSan® system fittings and NiroSan® stainless steel system pipes 9
2.3 NiroTherm® system fittings and NiroTherm® stainless steel pipes 12
2.4 SANHA®-Press | PURAPRESS® system fittings and copper pipes 13
2.5 SANHA®-Therm system fittings and carbon steel pipes 16
2.6 3fit®-Press and 3fit®-Push: system fittings for multi-layered composite pipes 17
2.7 PURAFIT®: Silicon bronze threaded fittings 21
2.8 Threaded malleable cast iron fittings +S+ 22
2.9 Pressure loss tables for metal and composite pipes 22
2.10 Pressure loss coefficients (zeta values) for system fittings 22
2.11 Linear thermal expansion of pipes 23
2.12 Tool spacing 25
2.13 Pipe support spacing 26
2.14 Allowable bending radius 27
2.15 Space requirements 28

Contents Page
3 Pipe joints 29
3.1 Recommended press tools 29
3.1.1 General requirements 29
3.1.2 SANHA press tools 30
3.2 Metallic pipe joints 30
3.2.1 Dimension d = 12 to 35 mm (press joints using press jaws) 31
3.2.2 Dimension d = 42 to 88.9 mm
(press joints using press collars and adaptor jaws) 33
3.2.3 Dimension d = 108 mm
(press joints using press collars and adaptor jaws) 35
3.3 Pipe joints using the 3fit®-Press system fittings 37
3.3.1 Dimensions up to 32 mm 37
3.3.2 Dimensions of 40 mm, 50 mm and 63 mm 38
3.4 Pipe joints using the 3fit®-Push push-fit fittings 40

4 Examples of testing protocols 42

1. General technology
The following instructions and information are provided purely as recommendations. The relevant standards,
legal requirements and recognised engineering best practice must be observed by the installer at all times.

1.1 Storage and transport

Damage, soiling and, for stainless steel materials in particular, contact with iron and unalloyed steel must be
prevented during storage and transport to protect against corrosion. For example, we recommend covering
the cargo bed with plastic sheeting during transit in HGVs, if iron or unalloyed steel pipes or other compon-
ents have been previously transported.

1.2 External corrosion protection

Due to the corrosion resistance of the SANHA system components (pipes and fittings) external corrosion
protection is usually unnecessary, (please note the special instructions for insulating carbon steel). Depend-
ing on the surrounding atmosphere and/or the temperature of the medium, external, diffusion resistant
insulation may be necessary to prevent external corrosion attack. Special attention must be paid if the
atmosphere contains aggressive substances and condensation formation is possible on the pipe surface.
Special processing instructions for preventing corrosion when using our SANHA®-Therm carbon steel
installation system.
Our SANHA®-Therm system pipes and fittings are produced from unalloyed E 195 (RSt 34-2) steel with
material number 1.0034 to EN 10305-3, with a galvanised coat applied to the outer pipe surface compliant
with DIN 50961 and a minimum thickness of 8 μm.
The following processes, which act on the system over an extended period, demand additional
protection by the installer:
a moisture in the surrounding atmosphere and/or construction materials
a corrosive substances in the surrounding atmosphere and/or construction materials
In such cases an additional, watertight and non-porous corrosion protection coating compliant with AGI
standard Q 151 must be applied.
In practice, closed-cell insulating materials or aluminium foil wrapped mineral fibre insulation has proved

Our recommendation:
If the installation is intended to go beneath a screed or in a humid atmosphere, then
Carbon Steel systems can only be used if suitable measures are taken to prevent the action
of moisture on the surface.
If prolonged action of moisture cannot be prevented with certainty, we recommend using
our NiroTherm® stainless steel installation system. This system consists of particularly
economical NiroTherm® stainless steel system pipes and system press fittings with material
number 1.4301 / 304.

1.3 Pipe insulation
Pipe insulation, in particular the insulation thickness, depends on the respective application. The insulation
thickness must be selected by the installer according to the application and relevant standards. The installa-
tion instructions of the insulation manufacturer must be followed.

1.4 Seals, sealing agents and sealing aids

Sealing agents and seals, such as flat gaskets, must not release chloride ions into the water or lead to local
concentrations of chloride ions. This requirement can be met by using the Centellen flat gaskets used in
SANHA components. We recommend using permanently elastic sealants for threaded connections. When
using hemp, a chloride-free sealing aid should be used. The use of thread sealing tape such as Teflon/PTFE
is not recommended.

1.5 Leak testing

A leak test compliant with EN 806 should be performed after completion and before commissioning an
installation system. Because of the stringent hygiene regulations for drinking water installations and to pre-
vent corrosion, we recommend leak testing using air. Test logs must be produced for leak tests. Relevant test
logs for SANHA installation systems can be requested through the SANHA technical hotline at
01628 819245 or be downloaded from our homepage at

1.6 Flushing drinking water installations

All drinking water pipes, regardless of the material used, must always be flushed using filtered drinking
water. For hygiene reasons, the drinking water installation must commence its intended operations 72 hours
after flushing, at the latest, in order to
a ensure drinking water quality (hygiene)
a clean the internal pipe surfaces
a avoid any malfunctions in the valves, fittings and water devices
These requirements are met by two flushing methods:
a air-water mixture flushing
a water flushing

1.7 Disinfecting drinking water installations

Additional disinfection of the pipe system is not required by EN 806 or national standards and regulations. If
in exceptional cases pipe disinfection is necessary or required for specific reasons, then clarification should
be sought from our technical department as to their suitability. Appropriate flushing logs can be down-
loaded from our web site at

1.8 Electrical trace heating
Electrical trace heating can be used in SANHA installation systems if the inner pipe wall temperature does
not permanently exceed 60 °C. Temperatures short-term in excess of 70 °C are allowed for the purpose of
thermal disinfection. To avoid unacceptable pressure build-up when using electrical trace heating, isolated
pipe regions with no safety devices installed should not be heated. EN 806 and EN 1711 must be observed at
all times.

1.9 Electrical protection measures

All electro-conductive system components must be earthed. Metallic SANHA installation systems (NiroSan®,
SANHA®-Press, SANHA®-Therm) form a continuous, conductive pipe joint and must be integrated into the
earth circuit. The installer of the electrical system is responsible for the implementation of such electrical
protective measures.

1.10 Internal corrosion in open systems

An open system is defined as one which allows air to mix with the circulating water.
Stainless Steel
When in contact with oxygen or oxygenated water, a general inert protective Chromium Oxide layer is
formed on the surface of the stainless steel. This prevents any subsequent contamination of the water and
makes the use of stainless steel safe for all drinking water installations. For this reason the NiroSan® system
is ideal for any remedial works required for drinking water installations irrespective of the existing compli-
ant material.
Due to the sensitisation of stainless steel through uncontrolled heating, hot bending of Stainless Steel pipes
is not permissible. Care must also be taken if strong oxidisation/cleaning agents are used as these may
affect the passive protective layer described above. Attention must be paid to manufacturer’s guidelines and
national standards when using such agents.
Carbon Steel
Due to the oxidisation of mild steel in moist air, the use of Carbon Steel is not recommended for any open
systems, unless the internal humidity is controlled.

1.11 Internal corrosion in closed systems

In closed systems which are operated with oxygen free water, such as heating and solar systems, no corro-
sion can take place on metal pipework. For this reason, all material types and combinations are permissible,
subject to specific material properties, i.e. temperature resistance. However, it is important that no oxygen
penetrates the system.
In hot water systems, where the pH may be higher than normal, acidic corrosion of Zinc may occur leading
to the production of Hydrogen and Zinc particles circulating in the water. This will not in itself damage the
steel, but may affect the heating system due to the formation of hydrogen pockets, (gas cushion formation).
For this reason internally galvanised materials are not recommended in heating installations.

1.12 External corrosion
Underground pipework
All underground pipes and connectors must be protected against mechanical action, by laying in a protect-
ive conduit. Metal pipes in addition require protection against external corrosion.
For stainless steel and Copper, anti-corrosive tape and heat-shrinkable sleeves in accordance with DIN
30672, Class A/B, (Corrosive/non corrosive ground), can be used. Pre-protected copper pipes can be used-
provided they comply with the relevant standard, but the fittings will require separate protection, such as
anti-corrosive tape or protective sleeve. Unalloyed steel requires external protection to DIN 30672 Class C.
Pipes laid in insulation, beneath floors are to be regarded as being underground for protective purposes.
Exterior pipework
Generally exterior pipework needs to be protected against mechanical action and the admission of halogens,
(Fl, Cl, Br, I).
Stainless Steel does not require any corrosion protection provided the surroundings do not contain chloride
content derivatives such as frost protection additives, in which case a suitable coating should be applied.
Copper generally does not require any additional corrosion protection unless gas conduits are involved, in
which case the pipe is to be treated as if it were underground.
Carbon Steel if used externally is to be regarded as if it were underground i.e. protected from both mechan-
ical and chemical attacks.
Exposed Internal pipework
Stainless steel does not require any protective measures unless exposed to chloride based additives or when
used in a swimming pool environment, in which case a protective coating should be applied.
Copper does not require any corrosion protection provided the environment does not contain any am-
monium content derivatives, often linked to animal sheds, or meat processing plants, which must be avoided
by the use of suitable coatings.
If Carbon Steel is exposed to prolonged moisture or corrosive substances in the atmosphere, in an internal
environment, then additional corrosion protection is required.
If you are uncertain about the corrosive nature of the specified environment, please request a detailed en-
vironmental analysis from the client and contact the SANHA technical team for advice.
In general, there is no reason why pipework should not be painted. It should be checked that the paint used
is fit for purpose and this is usually sought from the paint manufacturer. It is important when applying
protective coatings retrospectively, to ensure that a completely uniform application is made to prevent a
concentrated corrosive action in exposed areas, particularly in locations such as bracketry and wall penetra-

2. Products
2.1 Applications
Applications at a glance
Application Open Closed
Thermal Steam Firepoint Sprinkler Natural gas Liquid gas Fuel oil Industrial Compressed TTechnical
Pipe Drinking water Rainwater Treated water Heating water cooling water cooling water
solar systems condensate supply lines systems installations installations installations applications air systems gases
Material number systems systems

NiroSan® (only wet sys-
1.4404 NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® (only wet sys- NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan®
NiroSan® NiroSan® tems)
NiroSan® NiroSan®
PURAPRESS® PURAPRESS® PURAPRESS® PURAPRESS® Industry PURAPRESS® NiroSan® Gas Gas Industry Industry Industry
AISI 316 L Industry Industry
(only dry systems) (only dry systems)

NiroSan®-F NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan®

1.4521 NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® PURAPRESS® Gas Gas NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan®
PURAPRESS® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan®
PURAPRESS® PURAPRESS® PURAPRESS® Industry PURAPRESS® (only wet SANHA-Press SANHA-Press Industry Industry Industry Industry
d  45 mm systems)
AISI 443/444 Gas* Gas*

NiroSan®-ECO NiroSan®
1.4404 NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® Gas NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan®
NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan®
PURAPRESS® PURAPRESS® PURAPRESS® PURAPRESS® Industry PURAPRESS® Industry SANHA-Press Gas Industry Industry Industry Industry
AISI 316 L Gas*

NiroTherm® NiroSan®
NiroSan® Please contact
NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan®
1.4301 NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® Industry NiroSan® NiroSan® Gas Gas NiroSan® Industry Industry Industry NiroSan®
NiroTherm® NiroTherm® our Technical
SANHA-Press* NiroTherm® NiroTherm® NiroTherm® NiroTherm® NiroTherm® SANHA-Press SANHA-Press Industry NiroTherm® NiroTherm® NiroTherm® NiroTherm®
SANHA®-Therm SANHA®-Therm Support
AISI 304 Industry Gas* Gas* Industry Industry Industry

NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan® SANHA®-Therm NiroSan®

Please contact
SANHA®-Therm NiroSan® NiroSan®
NiroSan® SANHA®-Therm
SANHA®-Therm NiroSan®
NiroSan® SANHA®-Therm our Technical
Gas Gas Industry
NiroSan® up to Gas
Carbon steel 1.0034 SANHA-Press* SANHA-Press* Industry SANHA-Press* SANHA-Press SANHA-Press SANHA-Press Industry compressed SANHA-Press
Gas* Gas* Gas* air class 5 Gas*

SANHA®-Therm DZ SANHA®-Therm SANHA®-Therm

NiroSan® NiroSan® NiroSan®
Carbon steel 1.0034 NiroSan® NiroSan® SANHA®-Therm NiroSan® Gas Industry NiroSan® SANHA®-Therm Gas
NiroSan® NiroSan® SANHA®-Therm nur (only wet NiroSan®
Galvanized SANHA-Press* SANHA-Press* Tmax = 45 °C SANHA-Press* SANHA-Press SANHA-Press Industry Industry SANHA-Press
Nassanlagen systems)
inside + outside Gas* Gas* Gas*

Copper pipe SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press PURAPRESS® SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press
DIN EN 1057/ SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press SANHA®-Press

MultiFit®-Flex 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press NiroSan® 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press
up to
PE-RT; AI; PE-RT 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push Industry 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push
air class 5

MultiFit®-PEX 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press NiroSan® 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press
3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press 3fit®-Press
PE-Xc 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push Industry 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push 3fit®-Push

recommended on demand only not suitable Please pay particular attention to our technical documentation and installation instructions!
Technical customer support service: If you should have technical questions or questions concerning the areas of application,
please do not hesitate to contact us at or 01628 819245

The most recent overview of applications and combination options is available for download
18 19


2.2 NiroSan® system press fittings and NiroSan® stainless steel system pipes

NiroSan® system press fittings

The press fittings bodies are produced from molybdenum-stabilised stainless steel pipe, material number 1.4404 /
316L, or precision stainless steel casting, material number 1.4408 / 316. The threaded parts are joined to the main
body by plasma shielding gas welding and consist of stainless steel, material no. 1.4571. This material generally
corresponds to 1.4404 / 316L quality, but contains an additional 0.8 % by weight max. of titanium as an alloy
constituent to improve machinability. This guarantees the high NiroSan® product quality standard for these com-
ponents. NiroSan® system fittings have a thread compliant with EN 10226 and ISO 7/1 (metal to metal sealing
joint) with R/Rp pairing. The R stands for a conical (tapered) male thread and Rp for a parallel female thread.
NiroSan®, NiroSan®-ECO and NiroSan®-F stainless steel system pipes
Three different stainless steel pipe systems and four press system fittings for different applications are offered in
this product family. The pipe systems are produced from material no. 1.4404 / 316L (NiroSan® and NiroSan®-ECO)
or the nickel-free material 1.4521 (NiroSan®-F) and provided in 3 m and 6 m long tubes. The longitudinal welds
on the pipes are produced by plasma shielding gas welding, meaning that an absolutely perfect seal, high mech-
anical strength and the necessary corrosion protection are guaranteed in the weld region. The pipes have a spe-
cified maximum strength in order to provide optimal conditions for reliable compression. All stainless steel pipes
correspond to material 1.4404 / 316L with a molybdenum content of ≥ 2.3 % and a reduced carbon content.

Brief overview of NiroSan® press-fit stainless steel systems, material no. 1.4404 / 316L
Application Dimension/rated pressure/ Seal Tool
NiroSan® * (9000 series)
– drinking water d = 15 – 22 mm EPDM, colour: black d = 15 – 54 mm
– treated water PN 40 Max. continuous temp.: Free choice of press
d = 28 – 35 mm -30 °C to 120 °C machines and jaws
– central heating
PN 25 (up to 150 °C short-term) or collars
– cooling water d = 42 – 108 mm KTW, ACS, ATA and WRAS d = 64 – 108 mm
– service water and stormwater PN 16 requirements met ECO 3/ECO 301/ACO
– fire-fighting systems** 202XL
(see section 3.1)
NiroSan® Gas (17000 series)
– flammable gases compliant with d = 15 – 108 mm HNBR d = 15 – 54 mm
BSI PN 5/GT 5 colour: yellow Free choice of press
Underground installation not Max. continuous temp.: machines and jaws
permitted -20 °C to 70 °C or collars d = 76.1 –
Compliant with 108 mm, ECO 3/
DVGW G 5614 ECO 301/ACO 202XL
(see section 3.1)
NiroSan® Industry* (18000 series)
– compressed air d = 15 – 22 mm FKM, colour: red d = 15 – 54 mm
– solar thermal PN 40 Max. continuous temp.: Free choice of press
d = 28 – 35 mm -20 °C to 200 °C machines and jaws
– cooling water
PN 25 (depending on medium) or collars
– compressed air d = 42 – 108 mm Solar thermal up to 200 °C d = 76.1 – 108 mm
– bulk solids PN 16 (short-term 280 °C) ECO 3/ECO 301
– industry applications Resistant against oils /ACO 202XL
– fire-fighting systems** and water, glycol mixtures, (see section 3.1)
– steam condensate steam condensate 150 °C max.
NiroSan® SF* (19000 series)
– Applications free from substances d = 15 – 22 mm FKM, colour: red d = 15 – 54 mm
that that prevent paint adhesion PN 40 Max. continuous temp.: Free choice of press
(automotive industry, d = 28 – 35 mm -20 °C to 200 °C machines and jaws
paint industry, painting PN 25 (depending on medium) or collars d = 76.1 –
shops, aircraft industry, etc.) d = 42 – 108 mm Resistant against oils 108 mm, ECO 3/
compliant with BSI PN 16 and water, glycol mixtures ECO 301/ACO 202XL
(see section 3.1)
Formed components: material no. 1.4404 / 316L compliant with EN 10088, precision stainless steel castings:
material no. 1.4408 / 316 compliant with EN 10283 Pipes compliant with EN 10088: NiroSan® (bright and solution annealed, internal
weld smoothing, upper strength limited) and NiroSan®-ECO, material no. 1.4404 / 316L, NiroSan®-F, material no. 1.4521,
NiroTherm®***: material no. 1.4301 / 304 Pipe dimensions compliant with EN 10312 and DVGW GW 541.
Free from harmful constituents compliant with EN 10312, and compliant with the special requirements of DVGW standard GW 541.

* Max. operating pressure for technical gases (e.g. compressed air, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide): 16 bar.
For other gases, please contact our Technical Suppport for prior approval.
** See separate installation instructions
*** Not suitable for drinking water

You can choose from the following pipes, depending on the required flow rates or the determined nominal

NiroSan® | NiroSan®-F stainless steel system pipes

Nominal Outside diameter Wall thickness Weight of empty Weight of empty Water volume
diameter mm mm NiroSan® system pipe NiroSan®-F system pipe l/m
DN kg/m kg/m
12 15 1 0.351 0.339 0.133
15 18 1 0.426 0.411 0.201
20 22 1.2 0.626 0.604 0.302
25 28 1.2 0.806 0.778 0.515
32 35 1.5 1.260 1.216 0.804
40 42 1.5 1.523 1.470 1.195
50 54 1.5 1.974 1.905 2.043
– 64 2 3.109 3.109 2.827
65 76.1 2 3.715 3.585 4.083
80 88.9 2 4.357 4.204 5.661
100 108 2 5.315 5.128 8.495

NiroSan®-ECO stainless steel system pipes

Nominal Outside diameter Wall thickness Weight of empty Water volume
diameter mm mm NiroSan®-ECO system pipe kg/m l/m
12 15 0.6 0.217 0.150
15 18 0.7 0.304 0.216
20 22 0.7 0.374 0.333
25 28 0.8 0.546 0.547
32 35 1.0 0.852 0.855
40 42 1.1 1.128 1.244
50 54 1.2 1.588 2.091
65 76.1 1.5 2.805 4.197
80 88.9 1.5 3.287 5.795
100 108 1.5 4.005 8.659

2.3 NiroTherm® system fittings and NiroTherm® stainless steel system pipes

The press fitting bodies are produced from stainless steel pipe, material no. 1.4301 / 304. NiroTherm® system
fittings have a thread compliant with EN 10226 and ISO 7/1 (metal to metal sealing joint) with R/Rp pairing.
The R stands for a conical (tapered) male thread and Rp for a parallel female thread.
NiroTherm® system fittings are especially suitable for installation beneath screed or in other areas where
moisture may cause external corrosion in other materials. In contrast to carbon steel, expensive insulation
can be dispensed with, unless to protect against mechanical action.
NiroTherm® Industry system fittings are also suitable for use in compressed air, coolant, fuel oil and diesel
fuel lines.

Brief overview of NiroTherm® press-fit stainless steel systems, material no. 1.4301 / 304
Application Dimension/rated pressure/ Seal Tool
NiroTherm® * (91000 series)
– treated water d = 15 – 108 mm EPDM, colour: black d = 15 – 54 mm
– central heating (e.g. in screed) PN 16**** Max. continuous temp.: Free choice of press
– central heating -30 °C to 120 °C machines and jaws
(up to 150 °C short-term) or collars
– cooling water
d = 64 – 108 mm
– steam condensate ECO 3/ECO 301
– service water and stormwater /ACO 202 XL
– fire-fighting systems** (see section 3.1)
NiroTherm® Industry*
(98000 series)
– compressed air d = 15 – 108 mm FKM, colour: red d = 15 – 54 mm
– solar thermal PN 16**** Max. continuous temp.: Free choice of press
– cooling water -20 °C to 200 °C machines and jaws
(depending on medium) or collars
– compressed air
Solar thermal up to 200 °C d = 76.1 – 108 mm
– bulk solids (short-term 280 °C) ECO 3/ECO 301
– industry applications Resistant against oils /ACO 202 XL
– fire-fighting systems** and water, glycol mixtures (see section 3.1)
Formed components: Material no.: 1.4301 / 304 compliant with EN 10088
Pipes: NiroTherm®***: Material no.: 1.4301 / 304 compliant with EN 10088
Pipe dimensions compliant with EN 10312 and DVGW GW 541, bright and solution annealed, upper strength limited

* Max. operating pressure for technical gases (e.g. compressed air, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide): 16 bar
** See separate installation instructions
*** Not suitable for drinking water
**** Higher pressures on request

Please note that NiroTherm® may not be used in drinking water installations.

NiroTherm® stainless steel system pipes
Nominal dia- Outside diameter Wall thickness Weight of empty Water volume
meter mm mm NiroTherm® system pipe l/m
DN kg/m
12 15 0.6 0.214 0.150
15 18 0.7 0.301 0.216
20 22 0.7 0.370 0.333
25 28 0.8 0.540 0.547
32 35 1.0 0.844 0.855
40 42 1.1 1.117 1.244
50 54 1.2 1.573 2.091
65 76.1 1.5 2.777 4.197
80 88.9 1.5 3.254 5.795
100 108 1.5 3.965 8.659

Please note that NiroTherm® system pipes may not be used in drinking water

2.4 SANHA®-Press system fittings and copper pipes

SANHA®-Press/PURAPRESS® system fittings

All SANHA®-Press system fittings (SANHA®-Press, SANHA®-Press Gas, SANHA®-Press Solar, SANHA®-Press
Chrome, SANHA®-Press White) are produced from copper and copper alloys. The copper press fittings
are produced – in particular in terms of design, material and surface properties – from Cu-DHP, material
no. CW024A, to EN 12449, based on EN 1254-1. The fittings are free of carbon films and drawing agent
residues, and fall substantially below the required maximum values. In addition, the properties of the inner
surface do not promote microbiological growth. The red bronze (11000 and 13000 series) or lead-free silicon
bronze (PURAPRESS 8000 series) press fittings are used for adapters and, in addition to the press-fit joint,
possesses at least one threaded end compliant with EN 10226 and ISO 7/1, type R/Rp). They consist of CuS-
n5Zn5Pb2-C (CC499K) compliant with EN 1982 or CuZn21Si3P (CW724R-DW). The fittings are free of faults
such as shrinkage cavities, pores, cracks, casting and forming residues.
PURAPRESS® press fittings consist of a particularly low-corrosion copper alloy (lead-free silicon bronze,
CuSi). They are used as adapter fittings for copper and stainless steel pipes and, in addition to the press-fit
joint, possesses at least one threaded end corresponding to EN 10226 and ISO 7/1, type R/Rp) or an ad-
ditional press-fit joint. The press fittings can be combined with copper pipe (conforming to EN 1057 and
DVGW GW 392) and the following SANHA stainless steel pipe types:
a NiroSan®-F (1.4521 nickel-free/444)
a NiroSan® ECO (1.4404/316L)
a NiroSan® (1.4404/316L)
a NiroTherm® **(1.4301/304)

The fittings are free of faults such as shrinkage cavities, pores, cracks, casting and forming residues, and
display no cast porosity as a result of the high material density.
Because they are dezincification resistant and free from stress crack corrosion, PURAPRESS® series fittings
represent an optimal solution in terms of corrosion resistance (equivalent to red bronze) and present a
premium hygiene solution due to the pure, lead-free alloy.
Typical applications for the PURAPRESS® system are drinking water, central heating, cooling and compressed

Brief overview of SANHA®-Press copper and red brass fittings

Application Dimension/rated pressure/ Seal Tool
SANHA®-Press * (6000 series)
– drinking water d = 12 – 108 mm EPDM, colour: black d = 15 – 54 mm
– treated water PN 16 Max. continuous temp.: Free choice of press
Fittings without additional -30 °C to 120 °C machines and jaws
– central heating
external colour identification (up to 150 °C short-term) or collars d = 64 – 108
– cooling water
KTW, ACS, ATA and WRAS mm, ECO 3/ECO 301/
– service water and stormwater requirements met ACO 202 X
(sees ection 3.1)
SANHA®-Press Gas *
(10000/11000 series)
– flammable gases compliant with d = 15 – 54 mm HNBR d = 15 – 54 mm
DVGW G 260 PN 5/GT-PN 1 Colour: yellow Free choice of press
Underground installation Max. continuous temp.: machines and jaws
not permitted -20 °C to 70 °C or collars
Requirements compliant with (see section 3.1)
DVGW G 5614 met
SANHA®-Press Solar *
(12000/13000 series)
– solar thermal d = 12 – 108 mm FKM, colour: red d = 15 – 54 mm
– compressed air PN 16 Max. continuous temp.: Free choice of press
-20 °C to 200 °C machines and jaws
– cooling water
(depending on medium) or collars
– industry applications
Solar thermal up to 200 °C d = 64 - 108
- steam condensate (short-term 280 °C) ECO 3/ECO 301/
Resistant against oils ACO 202 X
and water, glycol mixtures (see section 3.1)
Formed components: Material no.: CW024A (Cu-DHP) compliant with EN 1254
Continuous and sand cast parts: Material no.: CC499K (CuSn5Zn5Pb2-C) compliant with EN 1282,
Copper pipe: Material no.: CW024A (Cu-DHP) compliant with EN 1057
Pipes: Pipe dimensions compliant with EN 1057 and DVGW-GW 392

* Max. operating pressure for technical gases (e.g. compressed air, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide): 16 bar

Brief overview of PURAPRESS® lead-free, silicon bronze fittings
Application Dimension/rated pressure/ Seal Tool
PURAPRESS® (8000 series)
– drinking water d = 12 – 108 mm EPDM, colour: black d = 15 – 54 mm
– central heating PN 16 Max. continuous temp.: Free choice of press
Fittings without additional -30 °C to 120 °C machines and jaws
– cooling
external colour identification (up to 150 °C short-term) or collars
– compressed air* CuSi identification
KTW, ACS, ATA and WRAS d = 64 – 108 mm
requirements met ECO 3/ECO 301/
ACO 202 XL
(see section 3.1)
Fittings: silicon bronze CuZn21Si3P (CW724R-DW)
Pipes: Copper pipes compliant with EN 1057 and DVGW GW 392, stainless steel system pipes compliant with EN 10088 (NiroSan®
and NiroSan®-ECO,
material no. 1.4404 / 316L, bright and solution annealed, upper strength limited NiroSan®-F,
material no. 1.4521, NiroTherm, material no. 1.4301 / 304**)
Internal pipe surface: pipe dimensions compliant with EN 10312 and DVGW GW 541, free from harmful constituents compliant with
EN 10312, and the special requirements of DVGW standard GW 541.
* Residual oil content up to Class 5 max.
** Not suitable for drinking water

Copper installation pipes

All copper pipes corresponding to EN 1057 and DVGW standard GW 392 can be joined assuming the min-
imum wall thicknesses (see adjacent table) are adhered to:

Copper pipes compliant with EN 1057 in combination

Outside diameter/wall 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.5
thickness [mm]
12 X X X X
14 X X
15 X X X
16 X
18 X X
22 X X X X X
28 X X X X
35 X X X
42 X X X
54 X X X
64 X
66.7 X X
76.1 X X
88.9 X
* pressed only with “Copper only”
108 X* X sling article no 16934

National standards and guidelines relevant to the application must be observed.

If other dimensions are needed, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call 01628 819245.

2.5 SANHA®-Therm system fittings and carbon steel pipes

SANHA®-Therm system fittings and SANHA®-Therm DZ system pipes

SANHA®-Therm press fittings
The press fitting bodies are produced from unalloyed, externally galvanised steel with material no. 1.0034
(E 195). Individual articles are produced from Cu-DHP based on EN 1254-1, material no. CW024A, with
external surface finish compliant with EN 12449 or of a copper alloy compliant with EN 1982, with external
surface finish. They are sealed using EPDM sealing rings (SANHA®-Therm 24000 series) or FKM sealing rings
(SANHA®-Therm Industry 28000 series).
SANHA®-Therm system fittings have a thread compliant with EN 10226 and ISO 7/1 (metal to metal sealing
joint) with R/Rp pairing, where R stands for a conical (tapered) male thread and Rp for a parallel female thread.

Brief overview of SANHA®-Therm unalloyed steel press-fit systems

(not suitable for drinking water)
Application Dimension/rated Seal Tool
SANHA®-Therm (24000 series)
– central heating* d = 12 – 108 mm EPDM, colour: black d = 12 – 54 mm
– cooling water PN 16 Max. continuous temp.: -30 °C to 120 °C Free choice of press
– dry compressed air ** (up to 150 °C short-term) machines and jaws
or collars
– industry
d = 76,1 – 108 mm
– sprinklers *** ECO 3/ECO 301/
– solar **** ACO 202XL
– vacuum up to 200 mbar (see section 3.1)
SANHA®-Therm Industry*
(28000 series)
– central heating* d = 12 – 108 mm FKM, colour: red d = 12 – 54 mm
– cooling water PN 16 Max. continuous temp.: -20 °C to 200 °C Free choice of press
– dry compressed air (depending on medium) machines and jaws
Solar thermal up to 200 °C (short-term 280 °C) or collars
– industry
Resistant against oils d = 76.1 – 108 mm
– sprinklers and water, glycol mixtures ECO 3/ECO 301/
– solar **** ACO 202XL
(see section 3.1)
Formed components: Material no.: 1.0034 (E 195) compliant with EN 10305, externally galvanised compliant with DIN 50961,
Continuous and sand cast parts: Material no.: CW024A (Cu-DHP) compliant with EN 1254 Surface treated externally and internally
Pipes: Material no.: CC499K (CuSn5Zn5Pb2-C) compliant with EN 1254, compliant treated externally and internally
Material no.: 1.0034 (E 195) compliant with EN 10305, pipe dimensions compliant with EN 10305, externally galvanised compliant
with DIN 50961, thickness between 8 - 15 μm (SANHA®-Therm system pipe)
SANHA®-Therm and SANHA®-Therm Industry system fittings can be directly connected to NiroTherm® system for central
heating and compressed air applications if the system is sealed, dry and appropriately oil-free**.

* SANHA®-Therm DZ pipes up to 45 °C only

** Residual oil content with EPDM sealing ring up to Class 5 max.;
no residual oil content restriction with FKM sealing ring and SANHA®-Therm DZ system pipe
*** See separate installation instructions
**** Only in conjunction with special FKM sealing ring in a closed system

SANHA®-Therm system pipes are produced from unalloyed steel, material no. 1.0034 (E 195) compliant with
EN 10305, externally galvanised and provided in 3 m and 6 m long tubes. The pipes have a specified max-
imum strength in order to provide optimal conditions for reliable compression.

Please note the instructions discussed in Section 1.2

on corrosion protection in SANHA®-Therm products!

You can choose from the following pipes, depending on the required flow rates or the nominal diameters
determined in the pipe network analysis:

SANHA®-Therm system pipe

Nominal Outside diameter Wall thickness Weight of empty Water volume
diameter DN mm mm SANHA®-Therm system pipe l/m
10 12 1.2 0.320 0.072
12 15 1.2 0.408 0.125
15 18 1.2 0.497 0.191
20 22 1.5 0.758 0.284
25 28 1.5 0.980 0.491
32 35 1.5 1.239 0.804
40 42 1.5 1.498 1.195
50 54 1.5 1.942 2.043
65 76.1 2 3.655 4.083
80 88.9 2 4.286 5.661
100 108 2 5.228 8.495

2.6 3fit®-Press and 3fit®-Push: System fittings for multi-layered composite pipes

3fit®-Press Pb-free and PPSU system fittings (16 – 63 mm)

The press fitting bodies are produced from lead-free silicon bronze CuSi from the material CuZn21Si3P
(CW724R-DW). Internal sealing against the pipe is by means of two EPDM sealing rings. This tried and
tested jointing type for flexible pipe systems provides an excellent supplement to metal press joints. The
3fit®-Press Pb-free (25000 series) and PPSU (35000 series) system fittings are marked with SANHA 3fit®-
Press on the press sleeve. They are tested and approved by DVGW and other international certifying agen-
cies. The system fittings can be used with all MultiFit®-Flex, MultiFit®-PEX and MultiFit®-PE-RT system
pipes for an exhaustive range of applications.
The press fittings can be pressed with press jaws with TH, B, F, H, U original profiles.
3fit®-Press Pb-free fittings (25000 series) are the optimal solution in terms of corrosion resistance, be-
cause they are dezincification resistant and free from stress crack corrosion (equivalent to red bronze). They
display no cast porosity thanks to the high material density. The pure, lead-free alloy makes these fittings a
premium hygiene solution. 3fit®-Press PPSU fittings (35000 series) are especially economical and optimal for
project business.

Brief overview of 3fit®-Press system
Application Dimension/rated Seal Tool
3fit®-Press PbFree*
– drinking water** d = 16 – 63 mm EPDM, colour: black d = 16 – 63 mm
– central heating PN 16 (at 25 °C) Max. continuous temp.: free choice of press tools
– cooling water PN 10 (at 70 °C) -30 °C to 70 °C (short-term with TH, B, H, F, U original profile
up to 95 °C) (see section 3.1)
– compressed air ***
KTW requirements met
3fit®-Press PPSU*
– drinking water** d = 16 – 32 mm EPDM, colour: black d = 16 – 63 mm
– central heating PN 16 (at 25 °C) Max. continuous temp.: free choice of press tools
– cooling water PN 10 (at 70 °C) -30 °C to 70 °C (short-term with TH, B, H, F, U original profile
up to 95 °C) (see section 3.1)
– compressed air ***
KTW requirements met
Fittings: Material no.: Material no.: CW 724R-DW (CuZn21Si3P)
Pipes: MultiFit®-Flex plastic composite pipe compliant with DIN 16833 – 34 consisting of:
inliner material: PE-RT; stabilisation pipe: aluminium layer; outer skin material: PE-RT or -HD
MultiFit®-PEX plastic composite pipe consisting of PE-Xc inner and outer pipe walls, oxygen barrier layer in between (EVOH); PN 6 (at
70 °C), MultiFit®-PE-RT plastic pipe with oxygen barrier layer (EVOH): PN 6
* Max. operating pressure for technical gases (e.g. compressed air, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide): 10 bar
** Only in conjunction with MultiFit®-Flex system pipe
*** Residual oil content up to Class 5 max.

3fit®-Push system fittings (16 – 20 mm)

The push fitting bodies are produced in sizes 16 mm and 20 mm. The main fitting body consists of a copper
alloy, the casing of PPSU. Internal sealing is by means of two EPDM sealing rings.

Brief overview of 3fit®-Push system

Application Dimension/rated Seal Tool
– drinking water** d = 16 - 20 mm EPDM, colour: black No press tools
– central heating PN 16 (at 25 °C) Max. continuous temp.: necessary (push-connection)
– cooling water PN 10 (at 70°C) -30 °C to 70 °C (short-term up to
95 °C) KTW requirements met
Fittings: CC499K (CuSn5Zn5Pb2-C) compliant with EN 1282 and CW724R-DW
Pipes: MultiFit®-Flex plastic composite pipe compliant with DIN 16833 – 34 consisting of PE-RT, aluminium layer and PE-HD
MultiFit®-PEX plastic composite pipe consisting of PE-Xc inner and outer pipe walls,
oxygen barrier layer in between (EVOH); PN 6 (at 70 °C)

* Max. operating pressure for technical gases (e.g. compressed air, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide): 10 bar
** Only in conjunction with MultiFit®-Flex system pipe
*** Residual oil content up to Class 5 max.

MultiFit®-Flex system pipes
MultiFit®-Flex system pipes are produced as 5-layer composite pipes with PE-RT plastic inner pipe, laser
butt welded aluminium pipe forming an oxygen barrier and PE-HD or PE-RT outside pipe.
Thanks to their corrosion safety, MultiFit®-Flex system pipes can be used in all central heating and drinking
water installation applications.
You can choose from the following pipes, depending on the required flow rate or the determined nominal

Hygienic PE-RT
plastic internal pipe

aluminium layer

Robust PE-RT
plastic sleeve

Adhesive bonding

MultiFit®-Flex system pipes

Nominal Outside Wall thick- Weight of empty Water
diameter diameter mm ness MultiFit®-Flex volume
DN mm system pipe kg/m l/m
10 12 1.2 0.320 0.072
12 15 1.2 0.408 0.125
15 18 1.2 0.497 0.191
20 22 1.5 0.758 0.284
25 28 1.5 0.980 0.491
32 35 1.5 1.239 0.804
40 42 1.5 1.498 1.195
50 54 1.5 1.942 2.043
65 76.1 2 3.655 4.083
80 88.9 2 4.286 5.661
100 108 2 5.228 8.495

MultiFit®-PEX system pipes
SANHA also offers the 5-layer plastic composite pipe MultiFit®-PEX, in particular for heating and cooling
applications. It consists of radiation cured PE-Xc and a special plastic oxygen barrier (EVOH).

PE-Xc pipe wall

Plastic layer for force-fit


PE-Xc protective layer

Oxygen barrier layer

MultiFit®-PE-RT system pipes

Nominal Outside Wall thick- Weight of empty Water
diameter diameter mm ness MultiFit®-Flex volume
DN mm system pipe kg/m l/m
10 16 2.0 0.091 0.113

2.7 PURAFIT®: Silicon bronze threaded fittings

PURAFIT® threaded fittings (3000 series) are produced from lead-free silicon bronze, material no.
CW724R-DW (CuZn21Si3P). The copper alloy used here is suitable for long term use in drinking water
installations, because it exceeds the stringent requirements placed on the lead limit value in drinking
water: Because if it doesn’t contain any lead, it can’t release any into the system.

The threaded fittings have a thread compliant with EN 10226 and ISO 7/1 (metal to metal sealing
joint) with an R/Rp pairing. The R stands for a conical (tapered) male thread and Rp for a parallel
female thread.

An additional sealing agent is employed to compensate for different surface finishes and production
tolerances (e.g. hemp as a sealing agent substrate in combination with a sealing agent approved for
drinking water and gas installations).

The sealing agent substrate is applied sparingly during installation, so that the tips of the threads
remain visible.

SANHA® threaded fittings operating conditions

PURAFIT® lead-free silicon bronze fittings
Dimensions Operating pressure
Water and aqueous solutions
1/4"…3/4" 25 bar up to 120 °C
16 bar up to 225 °C
1"…3" 16 bar up to 120 °C
6 bar up to 225 °C
Flammable gases (DVGW-G 260)
1/4"...3" 5 bar
Technical gases (non-toxic, non-flammable)
1/4"...3" 16 bar/depending on application
Thread type: Pipe thread: R/Rp thread compliant with EN 10226,
Fixing thread (union nut): G thread (cylindrical) compliant with ISO 228

2.8 Threaded malleable cast iron fittings +S+

Black and galvanised malleable cast iron fittings compliant with EN 10242, symbol A. SANHA threaded
fittings are produced from EN-GJMB-350-10 malleable cast iron compliant with EN 1562, corresponding
to design symbol A, EN 10242. These fittings are provided with connecting threads according to EN 10226
and ISO 7/1.

Thanks to their high vibration and impact strength, these high quality and extremely robust malleable cast
iron fittings can be employed even under the most demanding conditions.

Operating conditions for SANHA® +S+

malleable cast iron threaded fittings
Dimensions Operating pressure
Water and aqueous solutions
3/8"…4" 25 bar from -20 °C to 120 °C
Interpolated values from
120 °C to 300 °C
20 bar up to 300 °C
Technical gases (non-toxic, non-flammable)
3/8"…4" 16 bar/depending on application
Flammable gases (DVGW-G 260)
3/8"…4" 1 bar
Thread type: Pipe thread: R/Rp thread compliant with EN 10226,
Fixing thread (union nut): G thread (cylindrical) compliant with ISO 228

2.9 Pressure loss tables for metal and composite pipes

The appropriate tables for pipe frictional resistance and flow velocities, depending on the flow rate
and medium temperature, can be downloaded from our web site,

2.10 Pressure loss coefficients (zeta values) for system fittings

The appropriate tables with the Zeta values for the fittings of the series NiroSan®, SANHA®-Press,
SANHA®-Therm, PURAPRESS®, 3fit®-Press and 3fit®-Push can be downloaded from our website,

2.11 Linear thermal expansion of pipes

Pipes expand to different degrees, depending on the material and temperature difference. If the pipes are
prevented from expanding their length, the mechanical tensions within the pipe material can exceed the
fracture strength, which can result in damage, generally in the form of fatigue failure. To avoid this, the pipe
must have sufficient space for expansion.

Thermal expansion of different pipe materials

Pipe material Coefficient of l [mm]
thermal expansion for l0 = 10 m
a [10-6 K-1] T = 50 K
(20 °C to 100 °C)
Stainless steel 16.5 8.3
Copper 16.6 8.3
Galvanised steel pipe 12.0 6.0
Composite pipe 23.0 11.0
MultiFit®-Flex 23.0 11.0
MultiFit®-PEX 200.0 100.0

The flexibility of the pipeline can often be used to compensate for linear expansion. To achieve this,
whenever the pipeline changes direction, it is necessary to provide flexible pipe limbs, by arranging the pipe
fastenings accordingly.

The fundamental principle is there must always be sufficient opportunity for

expansion between two anchors.

If the normal pipe routeing does not allow sufficient compensation of thermal expansion, this must be
achieved by installing special components, e.g. metal axial compensators. If enough space is available, a
compensation loop may also be used.
Further information can be found in our technical information “Thermal Expansion”, which can be down-
loaded at

In the case of a concealed or buried installation, unimpeded thermal expansion must be ensured by encap-
sulating the pipes with elastic , chloride-free material, of sufficient thickness. Ceiling ducts, in particular,
must be padded thoroughly, unless a fixed point is installed there deliberately.

Thermal expansion of metal pipes (mm)

Temperature difference (K)
Pipe length
Copper Stainless steel Galvanised steel
30 50 70 30 50 70 30 50 70
1 0.50 0.83 1.16 0.50 0.83 1.16 0.36 0.60 0.84
5 2.48 4.13 5.72 2.48 4.13 5.72 1.80 3.00 4.20
10 4.95 8.25 11.55 4.95 8.25 11.55 3.60 6.00 8.40

Axial compensator installation sketches

2.12 Tool spacing

Installation space SA12-SA35

DN A C A1 B1 C1 A2 C2 D2
12 19 46 24 32 76 24 76 140
14 19 47 24 32 76 24 76 140
15 19 48 24 32 76 24 76 140
16 19 49 24 32 76 24 76 140
18 19 50 24 32 76 24 76 140
22 23 60 29 37 81 29 81 155
28 23 63 29 37 85 29 85 159
35 23 74 31 50 82 31 82 182

Installation space 42 - 54
42 75 115 75 75 115 265
54 85 120 85 85 120 290

2.13 Pipe support spacing

Pipes should be fixed to a load bearings substrate using proprietary pipe brackets, and should not be con-
nected to other pipes. Clamps with rubber inserts should be used to meet noise abatement requirements.

Maximum spacing for supporting plastic pipes

Outside diameter L1 mm
of pipe
mm Cold water Hot water

16 600 250
> 16 to ≤ 20 700 300
> 20 up to ≤ 25 800 350
> 25 up to ≤ 32 900 400
> 32 up to ≤ 40 1,100 500
> 40 up to ≤ 50 1,250 600
> 50 up to ≤ 63 1,400 750
> 63 up to ≤ 75 1,500 900
> 75 up to ≤ 90 1,650 1,100
90 up to ≤ 110 1,850 1,300

Maximum spacing for supporting metal pipes

Pipes should be fixed directly to the building using proprietary pipe brackets, as described above, and should
not be attached to other pipes. Brackets should only be clamped to the pipe and not to a fitting. A minimum
distance between changes in direction must also be observed as this may act as an unintentional fixed
point. Similarly, other apparatus or devices may also act as a fixed point, and need to be taken into consid-

Maximum spacing for supporting metal pipes
d Support spacing Support spacing
[mm] for the horizontal for the vertical
pipe string* pipe string*
Copper pipe compliant with Stainless steel pipe compliant
L1 L2
EN 1057/ with EN 10312/
[m] [m]
12 – 1.00 1.50
15 15 1.20 1.80
18 18 1.20 1.80
22 22 1.80 2.40
28 28 1.80 2.40
35 35 2.40 3.00
42 42 2.40 3.00
54 54 2.70 3.60
64 64 3.00 3.60
66.7 – 3.00 3.60
76.1 76.1 3.00 3.60
88.9 88.9 3.00 3.60
108 108 3.00 3.60
* The spacing between the supports for copper pipe may vary depending on the locally adopted dimensions as a result of the different
wall thicknesses and hardnesses.

2.14 Allowable bending radius

Stainless Steel*, Copper and Carbon Steel can be cold-bent, within limits, using suitable bending tools. For SANHA
Stainless steel and Carbon Steel, a bending radius, measured in the bends neutral axis, of at least r=3.5*d can
be achieved, whilst for Copper, r=3*d. Care should be taken to ensure that following bending, a sufficient piece of
cylindrical pipe is available for making further connections. Tighter radii may be achieved but the manufacturer
of the bending tool is responsible for the end result. SANHA therm system pipes can be cold-bent up to a dimen-
sion of 28 mm.

MultiFit®-Flex, MultiFit®-PEX and MultiFit®-PE-RT plastic composite pipes can be bent by hand, using bending
springs and machines. Depending on the bending method used, the minimum bending radius of r = 2 x d with
bending aid and r = 5 x d without bending aid must be adhered to. The pipe on either side of the pressing may not
be bent until at least 1 x d (outside diameter) away from the nearest fitting.
Hot bending of stainless steel
Overview of bending radiuses for MultiFit®-Flex and carbon steel pipes is not
Dimension W/o bending aid With bending aid
permissible. Copper pipes must
16 mm 5xd 80 mm 2xd 32 mm
not be bent hot bent in drinking
water installations up to and
20 mm 5xd 100 mm 2xd 40 mm
including 28 mm.
26 mm 10 x d 260 mm 5xd 130 mm
32 mm - - 5xd 160 mm
40 mm - - 5xd 200 mm
50 mm - - 5xd 250 mm
63 mm - - 5xd 315 mm * only NiroSan® and NiroSan® F

2.15 Space requirements

The pipe spacing in relation to walls, corners and slots, necessary for a secure installation is laid out in the
drawings and tables below.

Minimum spacing between two pressing points Minimum distance to wall

(see table below) (see table below)

Minimum distances
Outside pipe diameter Nominal Minimum distance in mm
in mm diameter
DN Amin Bmin
12 10 10 60
15 12 10 60
18 15 10 60
22 20 10 60
28 25 10 60
35 32 10 60
42 40 20 60
54 50 20 60
64 50 30 60
66.7 50 30 60
76.1 65 30 60
88.9 80 30 60
108 100 30 60

3. Pipe joints
3.1 Recommended press tools
3.1.1 General requirements

SANHA is the only manufacturer of press systems who guarantees the tightness of the press connection for
standard applications, regardless of the manufacturer of the pressing tools, if the machines and press jaws
fulfil the following requirements:

a The press tools must be serviced and maintained in line with the respective
manufacturer's guidelines.

a Compact press machines (up to and including 28 mm) must use a minimum
press force of 18 kN.

a Conventional and electronic press machines (up to and including 108 mm) must
use a minimum press force of 30 kN.

a For metallic pipe joints up to and including 54 mm diameter, the press jaws
and collars for M-MM type press joints must have the original SA, M or V profiles.

a For metallic pipe joints greater than 54 mm diameter, the press jaws
and collars for M-MM type press joints must have the original SA or M profiles.

a For 3fit®-Press Pb-free and PPSU system joints the press jaws up to
and including 32 mm must have the original TH, B, F, H or U profile. From 40 mm up only the
TH profile may be used.

a The SANHA installation instructions for the respective system must be adhered to.

a When using press tools and press machines it is important that the manufacturer's
instructions are adhered to, in particular those relating to the combination of tools and
machines from different manufacturers.

a The use of press tools in press machines from different manufacturers is

only permitted with the express permission of the respective manufacturer.

a Tool compatibility does not apply to special applications, such as fire prevention systems facilities
and industrial applications. The appropriate high-pressure press machines and press collars may
be used here. Should you require any assistance in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact us
at or call 01628 819245.

3.1.2 SANHA press tools for metal and plastic joints

Every SANHA press machine is provided with a round servicing badge.

The markings on this badge indicate when the machine must be sent for its
next service to either Novopress or a Novopress authorised workshop. If regularly
serviced (annually), the guarantee is increased to three years.
Press machines from other system providers and machine manufacturers must
be inspected or serviced according to their instructions at least annually.
The press jaws are subject to high alternating forces. In extreme cases this can lead to material fatigue, but
at the very least to substantial wear, in particular on the bolt. To prevent dangerous accidents, SANHA press
jaws must be regularly serviced. The press jaws are generally provided with an inspection badge, displaying
the date of the next service. If regularly serviced annually the guarantee on SANHA press jaws and press
collars increases to up to five years.
Conventional and electronically controlled press machines are different. Conventional press machines adopt
an identical press cycle with the same force applied each time. Electronically controlled press machines have
a microprocessor within the tool which monitors and controls the force applied and optimises the cycle,
depending on material type and dimension of fitting. This significantly prolongs the life of the tool and jaws,
and also ensures a more precise press..

3.2 Metallic pipe joints

The procedure for producing a press joint is identical for all metal SANHA® press systems. A permanent seal,
profile and force-tight connection is described below using the NiroSan® press system as an example. The
pipe ends must be clean, free from any scratches, grooves or other damage, for a length equivalent to at
least the insertion depth, to produce a perfect press joint.

Caution, please note:

• Post-pressing adjustment of pressed components is not allowed.
• Only the press tools listed in the separate installation instructions may
be used to produce fixed, water-based fire-fighting systems. Systems available
The associated maximum allowable operating pressures can be taken from the
VdS certificate.
• Post-pressing insertion depth marking on the pipe is not permitted.
• Only press tools that are regularly serviced in accordance with the respective
press tool manufacturers instructions, are mechanically well maintained and in
an excellent physical condition should be used.

3.2.1 Dimension d = 12 to 35 mm (making the press joint using press jaws)
1 C
 ut pipes to length at a right angle using either a
pipe roll cutter suited to the respective material or
a fine-toothed metal saw.

When cutting stainless steel pipes the cut-
ting speed must be low enough that the
stainless steel is not sensitised as a result
of heating. In addition, the saw blade or
cutting wheel may not have been previously
used on unalloyed ferrous materials.

2 C
 arefully deburr the pipe ends, internally and extern-
ally, using a suitable deburring tool (e.g. pipe deburring
tool). Carefully remove any saw filings and deburring
residues. The pipe end should be clean, have no sharp
edges, with a resulting small smooth chamfer applied
as a result of the deburring process. Clean pipe ends
with suitable abrasive wool pad.

3 M
 ark the insertion depth with a felt-tip marker and
template on the pipe or male plain end of the press
fitting, e.g bend. The marking must be clear and water-

4 C
 heck that the factory inserted sealing ring in the
fitting is
- correctly seated in the sealing ring groove
- free of dirt particles
- has no visible damage

5 T hen push the end of the pipe or the male plain end
of the press fitting, in the fitting sleeve, until the stop
point is reached, while turning it slightly and apply-
ing slight pressure. The outer edge of the fitting must
correspond to the marking provided on the section of
the pipe or the male plain end of the press fitting.

6 S elect the press jaw according to the fitting size

and ensure a clean, low-friction profile surface of
the press jaw. Insert the press jaw in the appropriate
pressing machine by opening the locking bolt and
then closing it completely.

7 P lace the pressing tool on the press connection to be

produced, by opening the press jaw and placing it on
the SANHA® press fitting, at right angles to the pipe,
in such a way that the bead of the fitting engages in
the groove of the press jaw. Then check whether the
outer edge of the fitting corresponds with the mark-

8a P
 ress the start button of the pressing machine to
start the pressing process. While starting the pressing
process, press and hold the start button for approx.
3 seconds. The pressing process will run automatically
and cannot be stopped prematurely. This ensures a
permanent seal, smooth profile and force-tight

8b O
 nce the press process is complete the press tool can
be removed from the press joint by opening the press
jaw. In case of a hazard, the press process can be in-
terrupted by pressing the emergency-stop button*.

* After resetting the emergency-stop

situation the fitting must be repressed
or a new one used.

3.2.2 Dimension d = 42 mm to 88.9 mm
(Making the press connection with press collars and intermediate adapters)

Press collars are used for the dimensions d = 42 mm to d = 88.9 mm. Installation is as described for steps 1
to 5 inclusive in Section 3.2.1 'Dimension d = 12 mm to 35 mm (making the press joint using press jaws)'.
Then, for dimensions d = 42 mm to d = 88.9 mm, continue with steps 9 to 13.

9 S elect the press collar according to the fitting size

and ensure a clean, smooth surface of the press sling.
For this purpose the marking lines on the sliding seg-
ments and the press sling collets must form one line.
If this is not the case, loosen the sliding segments.
Then place this press sling around the SANHA® press
fitting in such a way that the bead of the fitting
engages in the groove of the press sling. The press
slings d = 64 mm to d = 88,9 mm are provided with
a centering plate which always points in the direc-
tion of the pipe section to be pressed or the male
plain end of the fitting. The press sling must be tight
against the fitting.

10 S
 elect the intermediate adapter according to the size.
When using electronically controlled pressing ma-
chines, insert the intermediate jaw ZB 303 (SANHA®
catalogue no. 6931.4 for d = 42 mm to d = 54 mm) in
the pressing machine by opening the locking bolt and
then closing it completely.

11 T urn the press collar into the appropriate position for

applying the pressing tool. Open the pressing tool by
pushing down the lever of the intermediate adapter
and apply it on the press collar in such a way that
the claws of the intermediate adapter grip around
the bolts of the press collar. Then check whether the
outer edge of the fitting corresponds with the marking.

12a P
 ress and hold the start button of the press tool for
approximately three seconds to start the pressing
process. The press process will run automatically and
should not be interrupted. This ensures a permanent
seal, smooth profile and force-tight connection.
After completing the pressing process, the pressing
tool can be removed from the press collar by opening
the intermediate adapter.

12b A
 fter completing the pressing process, the pressing
tool can be removed from the press collar by open-
ing the intermediate adapter. In case of danger, the
pressing process can be stopped by pressing the
emergency stop button*.

* After resetting the emergency-stop

situation the fitting must be repressed
or a new one used.

13 R
 emove the press collar from the press joint by
pulling apart the two moveable press collar segments.

3.2.3 Dimension d = 108 mm
(Making the press connection using press collars and intermediate adapters)

For size d = 108 mm, a press collar and two different intermediate jaws are used.
For 108 mm Copper of nominal thickness 1.5 mm, a ”Copper Only“ sling, SANHA part no 16934,
MUST be used.

14 E
 nsure clean, low-friction profile surfaces of the press
collar, d = 108 mm. For this purpose the marking lines
on the sliding segments and the press collar collets
must form one line. If this is not the case, loosen the
sliding segments. Then place this press collar around
the SANHA® press fitting in such a way that the bead
of the fitting engages in the groove of the press col-
lar and the centering plate must always point in the
direction of the pipe section or male plain end to be
pressed. Close the press collar. For this purpose, push
the closing bracket into the plug-in bolt and align
the locking lever in a line with the closing bracket so
that the lock engages. The press collar must be tight
against the fitting.

15 S
 elect the intermediate adapter to suit the dimen-
sion. For electronic press machines, place the inter-
mediate adapter ZB321 (or ZB203 for non-electron-
ically controlled press tools) in the press machine by
opening and then closing the retaining bolt, once the
adapter has been inserted into the tool.

16 T urn the press collar into the appropriate position for applying
the pressing tool. Open the pressing tool by pushing down the
lever of the intermediate adapter and apply it on the press col-
lar in such a way that the claws of the intermediate adapter
grip around the bolts of the press collar. Then check whether
the outer edge of the fitting corresponds with the marking.

17 P
 ress and hold the start button of the press tool for approximately
three seconds to start the pressing process. The press process will
run automatically and should not be interrupted. Once this pro-
cess is complete the tool can be removed from the collar by open-
ing the intermediate adapter. Steps 9-13 are then performed
using intermediate adapter ZB322, to completely close the
collar. In the event of a tool malfunction, the press process can be
interrupted by pressing the emergency stop button*.

* After resetting the emergency-stop

situation the fitting must be repressed
or a new one used.

18 T he press joint is now complete and the press collar can be re-
moved from it by removing the locking lug and simultaneously
moving the closing lever. To do this, lightly push out the locking
pin from the opposite side.

The press collar can only be removed from

the press joint if both intermediate jaws
(ZB 321 and ZB 322) were used.

3.3 Pipe joints using the 3fit®-Press system fittings
3.3.1 Dimensions up to 32 mm
1 C
 ut the MultiFit®-Flex, MultiFit®-PEX and Multi-
Fit®-PE-RT plastic composite pipe to length perpendic-
ular to the central axis using pipe scissors or a suitable
pipe cutter.

2 S elect the deburring and calibration tool suited to the

pipe dimension, push it completely into the pipe and
carefully rotate clockwise. By doing this, the end of
the pipe is calibrated and chamfered simultaneously.
Remove any filings from the end of the pipe after
completing this step of the procedure.

3 C
 heck that the end of the pipe is clean and properly
deburred (visible by a circumferential 15° chamfer).

The chamfer must cover the entire circum-
ference as this prevents the O-rings being
pushed out of the groove.

4 P ush the correct fitting onto the pipe as far as the

stop. Check the correct pipe position through the
inspection hole in the press sleeve – if visible, the
pipe has reached the correct stop position. Check the
correct pipe position through the orifice in the press
sleeve – the pipe must have reached the fitting
stop! Fit the press jaw with the broad groove to the
plastic ring on the fitting.

5 S witch on the press machine – the press process
is only successfully completed when complete jaw
closure is achieved.
Check the correct pipe position through the inspec-
tion hole in the press sleeve – if visible, the pipe has
reached the correct stop position.

6 C
 hecking the press joint
The minimum pipe insertion depth can be seen
through the inspection hole on the sleeve. Two
parallel circular press marks, with a raised ridge in
the middle, can be seen around the whole of the
press sleeve.

3.3.2 Dimensions of 40 mm, 50 mm and 63 mm

Only press collars with TH, F and U profiles may be used for dimensions 40 mm to 63 mm and H profiles for
dimension 40 mmm. They are initially installed as described in Section 3.3.1 'Dimensions up to 32 mm', steps
1 - 3. Then, for dimensions 40 mm, 50 mm and 63 mm, continue with steps 7 to 11.
7 S elect suitable press collar. Ensure that the marking
lines on the sliding segments and the press collar
collets form one line. If this is not the case, loosen
the sliding segments.

8 S elect intermediate adapter to suit the dimen-

sion. On electronic press machines for dimensions
from 40 mm to 63 mm and for conventional press
machines, insert intermediate jaw ZB 203 (SANHA
catalogue no. 6930) in the press machine and close
the retaining bolt.

9 O
 pen the intermediate adapter by pressing the jaw lever
down and apply to the press collar such that the inter-
mediate adapter claws engage around the press collar
bolts. Press the start button for a minimum of three
seconds to initiate the pressing process. This will run
automatically and should not be interrupted. This ensures
a permanent seal, a smooth profile and a force-tight
connection. After completing the pressing process, the
pressing tool can be removed from the press collar by
opening the intermediate adapter. In case of danger, the
pressing process can be halted by pressing the emer-
gency stop button*.

* After resetting the emergency-stop

situation the fitting must be repressed
or a new one used.

10 R
 eleasing the press collar by opening the locking
lug. To do this, push out the locking pin from the
opposite side.

11 C
 hecking the press joint
The minimum pipe insertion depth can be seen
through the inspection hole on the sleeve. Two
parallel circular press marks, with a raised ridge in
the middle, can be seen around the whole of the
press sleeve.

3.4 Pipe joints using the 3fit®-Push push-fit fittings
1 C
 ut the MultiFit®-Flex, MultiFit®-PEX and Multi-
Fit®-PE-RT plastic composite pipe to length perpendic-
ular to the central axis using pipe scissors or a suitable
pipe cutter.

2 B
 y doing this, the end of the pipe is calibrated and
chamfered simultaneously.
Remove any filings from the end of the pipe after com-
pleting this step of the procedure.

3 C
 heck that the end of the pipe is clean and properly
deburred (visible by a circumferential 15° chamfer).
The pipe should be round, and a minimum inside diameter
(12 mm for DN 10, 16 mm for DN 15).

The chamfer must cover the entire circum-
ference as this prevents the O-rings being
pushed out of the groove.

4 P ush the correct fitting onto the pipe axially as far as

the stop.

Push the fitting on axially to ensure the
first sealing ring is not pushed out of the

5 C
 heck that the pipe is visible in the push fitting's
inspection window.

The pipe must be inserted as far as the
stop. This can be easily inspected in the in-
tegrated inspection window.

6 I n the pressure test or when pressure is applied the

pipe is generally pushed back out of the inspection
window slightly. This is design-related; the safe con-
nection between pipe and fitting is guaranteed
by the innovative lock function.

4. Examples of testing protocols
Further testing protocols can be downloaded from our website at”

Commissioning log

Construction project:

Client represented by:

Contractor/responsible party
Expert represented by:

a Sanitary facilities a Gas system a Air conditioning a Heating system a

Acceptance negotiations on

The following supplies and services were accepted:

The following defects were established:

The following final completion works are not significant and will be carried out immediately,
at the latest by , by the contractor:

The following defects are not significant and will be removed immediately,
at the latest by , by the contractor:

The supplies and services of (contractor) are hereby accepted.

Place Date

Signature of client / representative Signature of contractor / representative

Pressure test log
for the drinking water system

Construction project:

Client represented by:

Contractor/responsible party
Expert represented by:

Pressure testing with compressed air or inert gas

Test start (date/time) Test end (date/time)

System pressure bar

Ambient temperature °C Temperature of test medium °C

Test medium: a oil-free compressed air a nitrogen a carbon dioxide (CO2) a

The drinking water system was inspected as a an overall system or a in sections

All pipelines are closed with metal stoppers, caps or blanks or blind flanges.
Devices, pressure tanks or drinking water heaters must be disconnected from the pipes.
A visual inspection of all pipe connections for correct execution was carried out.

Leak test – preliminary test

Test pressure 150 mbar
Test time up to 100 litres pipeline volume at least 120 min.
The test time should be increased by 20 minutes for every additional 100 litres

Pipe volume litres Test time minutes

The temperature and steady-state condition is waited for; then the test time starts

a During the test time no fall in pressure was observed

Strength test with increased pressure – main test

Test pressure for drinking water pipeline with max. 3.0 bar at d ≤ 54 mm
Test pressure for drinking water pipeline with max. 1.0 bar at d > 54 mm
Test time at least 10 minutes

a During the test time no fall in pressure was observed

a The pipeline system is leak-proof

Place Date

Signature of client / representative Signature of contractor / representative

Technical product and
installation information

With safety on your side

SANHA offers genuine advantages

As a family enterprise for over 50 years we have been observing a simple principle: every pipe and every
fitting must give the customer added value in terms of safety and practical use at a fair price. This is our
mission and, at the same time, the best recommendation from our satisfied customers.
As a specialist for pipeline systems we offer a unique breadth and depth of products for all of the usual
connection techniques and applications from a one stop shop. Tried and tested installation techniques are
as much a part of our program as practice-oriented innovations.

And that’s why: SANHA. Always a perfect fit.

Your advantages:
1 Full tool compatibility
Throughout the industry, SANHA system fittings are the only ones that can be pressed with all the
usual original press profiles - with a full guarantee. You gain security by ruling out errors, thus saving
time and money.
2 L arge product range
SANHA offers a wide material, product and dimension range, multiple connection methods, with
significant expertise and experience – all from a one stop shop. SANHA, the pipeline specialist.
3 Guaranteed safety
SANHA has all the important approvals, certifications and warranties, backed up by WRAS and BSI,
ensuring you are always on the safe side.
4 Nationwide technical service
SANHA is pleased to offer a wide range of services from installation training, technical seminars,
design advice, specifications and on site support as and when required.

Subject to technical modifications and printing errors


SANHA UK Ltd. · 9 Eghams Court · Boston Drive · Bourne End · Buckinghamshire · SL8 5YS
Tel: 01628 819245 · Fax: 01628 525953 · email:

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